• Published 22nd Nov 2014
  • 4,470 Views, 138 Comments

Sir Alonne - Lady Maria

I am sir Alonne and I was just slain by a undead who bested me at sword fighting. I died a honorable death and now I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies and I am public enemy number 1. Now I have to survive and prove myself as a friend!

  • ...

Chapter XVII Two worlds collide

As the Chosen undead and I walked back into the castle I started to get more and more worried on what is happening to our worlds. I look over to the chosen undead who is wearing this set of armor and had these weapons and other things equiped

(Note this is my stuff in IRL on Dark Souls II)

Vendric's crown +5
Drake Blood Armor +5
Drake Blood Gantlets +5
Drake Blood leggings +5

Right hand weapon 1: Yorgh's spear +5
Right hand weapon 2: Dark Pyromancy flame +10
Left hand weapon 1: The Kings Shield +5
Left hand weapon 2: Chime of want +5
Left hand weapon 3: Staff of wisdom +5

Ring 1: Third dragon ring
Ring 2: Royal solider's ring +2
Ring 3: Ring of Dispelling + 3
Ring 4: Ring of residence + 3

(The level may not be accurate because I cant remember the starting stats off the top of my head.)
Level - 325

Vitality - 30
endurance - 15
vigor - 30
Attunement - 30
Strength - 55
Dexterity - 45
Adaption - 30
Intelligence - 60
Faith - 60

As he walks beside me silently I get more and, more tempted to ask him what the hell was going on and, why he killed Ramie not me. Then I could not take it any more I had to know what the hell was going on.

"So Chosen Undead may I ask why you saved me? Also do you know what in the name of the gods is going on?" I asked as the Chosen Undead sighed.

"These two worlds are colliding and a powerful dark being that I have recently discovered to be named Manus is combining these two worlds so he can take spread the undead curse and take both worlds over easily." The Chosen Undead said before continuing, "And the reason I saved you was that you were not corrupted by the darkness like Ramie was." The Chosen Undead finished as we turned the corner and headed for the throne room.

"I see and, how long do you think before the process of the two worlds colliding is complete?" I asked in a somewhat worried tone.

"Soon... Very soon Sir Alonne. We need to find the four old ones souls so we can use their power to defeat and get rid of Manus and his wretched darkness for good." The Chosen Undead says as he cracked his neck.

"So here is what we will do now. We shall consult the princess of this contender ask for a handful of her best soldiers and we will journey to present day ehhh... Whats the name kingdom you are from?" I asked as the Chosen Undead sighed then responded.

"The kingdom is known only as Drangleic." The Chosen Undead responds.

"Yes we shall go to Drangleic and with the handful of soldiers we will find these four beings slay them and hopefully obtain their souls before Manus carries out his plan." I said as I looked at the chosen Undead who nodded in agreement.

We both pushed the double doors to the throne room open and walked past the dozens of ponies waiting in a line. We were stopped by a snooty noble who glared at us then said. "Just who do you filthy scum bags think you are cutting in front of us? We have a dire situation and we have to go first." The fancily dressed unicorn snarled at us.

"Oh we're sorry our situation just happens to have the fate of your wold on the line bitch so move out of the way!" The Chosen Undead said as he pushed the mare out of his way sending her tumbling back a few feet.

We walked to the front of the line and cleared our throats.

"Oh hello Sir Alonne and, well who is your new friend here?" Princess Celestia asked.

"My name is Aracnoth your majesty." Aracnoth said as he bowed then stood back up.

"Princess Celestia we bring dire news. A being named Manus is bringing our world into yours and he plans to cover your kingdom with pure darkness. We can stop him but we need you to lend us a handful of your best warriors, and mages for this." I said as we both kneeled.

"What do you mean there is no magic disturbances anywhere. I have not sensed a trace of dark magic anywhere and there is no sign of a being of such power you speak of who is named Manus." Princess Celestia said as a horrible roar fills the air. The sky started to turn a sickly blood red as black mist rose from the center of the room. Ponies raced away to the walls as one huge being started to take shape. As almost all light in the room was wiped out multiple red orbs appeared as the ground shook.

I gritted my teeth as Manus walked out of the darkness and everyone stood in shock and, terror. Manus chuckled demonically as he walked forward with his huge catalyst at his side. The room started to reek of rotten flesh and decay as Manus got closer and closer. Manus stopped as he stood there staring Princess Celestia, Aracnoth, and myself in the eyes.

"Who are you state your name!" Princess Celestia commanded.

"Oh demanding are we? My name is Manus, Father of the Abyss. I am the god of humanity, creator of the dark and, master of the undead curse." Manus said as he chuckled.

"What purpose do you have here?" Princess Celestia asked narrowing her eyes.

"Not to long ago Aracnoth here killed Sir Alonne and Sir Alonne was brought here by my new ally Discord." Manus said as discord appeared but this time looked a lot more sinister. Discords eyes were all black accept for a little red dot in the middle that slightly trembled. His fur was matted with blood and was dyed a demonic black. His horns here more curved and his fangs longer and covered with blood. Discord was now 2 times larger then he was before and a cold dark aura emitted from his corrupted soul, "Because of that I discovered your wonderful world. It was ripe with life and power and, I want everything from here. So as discord here was being sealed up I used the huge magic disturbance to open a rift in reality and make our two worlds collide." Manus said as he Laughed.

"Well sorry to disappoint you Manus but I am going to have to ask you to leave... NOW!" Celestia bellowed as Manus scowled.

"Oh no can do Celly when I want something I get it and this world is mine now and, there is nothing you can do about it." Manus said as he cackled madly then vanished into the dark.

The castle and the world around us lightened up as Manus left we then looked to Celestia as she said, "You two have a deal. You are going to have my best guards, and mages at your side and we will stop this fiend!" Princess Celestia said as she looked at the guards and signaled for them to round up their best troops and retrieve the best mages in Equestria. We have a long journey ahead of us and their ain't no stopping this train till we reach our destination!

Author's Note:

Well here we go shit is about to get real! Sir Alonne, Aracnoth and about 20 other guys are going to board the train to Drangleic and this ain't no ordinary train my friends. ALL ABOARD THE MOTHA FUCKIN RAPE TRAIN!!! An the rape train ain't got no brakes so this train will wreck everything in its path.

Till next time young knights
