• Published 22nd Nov 2014
  • 4,470 Views, 138 Comments

Sir Alonne - Lady Maria

I am sir Alonne and I was just slain by a undead who bested me at sword fighting. I died a honorable death and now I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies and I am public enemy number 1. Now I have to survive and prove myself as a friend!

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Chapter III and, IV Held captive part 1 and 2

I woke up with a massive headache. My mouth is dry and my armor was gone! I shot up out of the bed I was in and looked around me. I soon regretted it as what seemed like concentrated sunlight flooded my vision.

Eventually my eyes adjusted to the blinding light and I was able to see. I was in a white room with 1 armored steel door. I got up and saw that my armor was left on the table. I went to the table and sat down then slowly put my armor on. To me my armor is like a second skin. So I put the armor back on and stood up. Suddenly the iron door clicked and slowly opens. Two guards and the same purple unicorn that zapped me with magic walked in.

She looked at me then sat down at the table. I looked at he with a glare then put my helmet on. I then sat down at the table crossing my legs. Then the purple pony cleared her throat then spoke, "So monster we have questions we would like to ask you." The purple one said as she glanced up at me.

"First of all we would like to know your name." The purple unicorn said as she looked up at me expectantly.

"I will tell you my name but you have to tell me yours first." I said as I set my helmet beside me.

"Fine my name is Twilight sparkle now what is yours?" She said looking at me slightly annoyed.

"My name is Sir Alonne the most skilled swords man to ever live." I said as I stared blankly at her waiting for the next question.

"Okay second question why did you attack us?" Twilight said as she glared at me.

"I only took to offence because I felt threatened by you and your so called comrades bursting into the house violently." I said as I cracked my neck. I then looked at her again then spoke, "So tell me where I am and where the exit is so I can kindly rid myself of your presence." I said with a deep scowl on my face as I adjusted some black strands of hair hanging down in my face.

"Oh we can't do that! You are being held captive for the crimes of assault, foal napping, and breaking into another pony's home." She said with a smirk on her face.

I narrowed my eyes then asked, "Well can I at least take a walk around the building. I am in much need of some physical movement." I say in a calm voice hoping to persuade her.

"You will be shown around the building when it is time for lunch Mr. Alonne." Twilight said as she started to ask me more questions. About 30 minutes later a bell rang and Twilight then said to me, "Come it is now lunch time." I followed her formulating a plan of escape. I saw one of the two guards carrying my sword then as soon as we got to the cafeteria. The pony named Twilight left my presence leaving my with the 2 guards and a room full of prisoners. I then was assigned to a table with 3 different thugs. I looked up at then as one of them spoke.

"Hey guys look its the newbie! Why don't we give him the usual prisoner welcome!" He said as he walked over to me and raised his hoof to hit me. As he brought his hoof down I caught it then growled at him.

"You don't want to start this peasant." I growled in a deep threatening voice. The inmate then snarled as he whistled and 6 other guys approached me. Getting really board of this I rose to my full height 8 foot 2 inches and looked at them. I then said, "Sit the hell back down or I swear to the gods I will make you regret ever being born." I said as the first two ponies charged me. I Then charged them and slammed into them breaking the jaw of one inmate and giving the other a back eye.

I looked at the one with the black eye and slammed my foot into his chest breaking most of his ribs and damaging some of his vital organs. As the two inmates I just pulverized were crying and, blubbering messes on the floor I spoke again, "If you want to continue this pathetic excuse for a fight I will do more then just break bones." I threatened as the other ponies except for the leader backed away in fear.

As the lead inmate glared at his gang members and yelled, "Hey get your fat flanks back here and fight you bastards!" As he yelled at him I approached him and picked his sorry ass up.

"You are in a world of trouble shit for brains!" I growled at him as he started trembling in fear. "I am Sir Alonne the master swords man and no living being on this planet can best me in a fight. So I suggest when I put you back down you start kissing my boots and asking for forgiveness you peon!" I yell as I dropped him to the floor as he stood there shivering. Then he did the dumbest thing ever, He attacked me. I growled as I kicked hi in the chest and made him fly up to eye level and punched him so hard that he flew into the wall and made a crater in it. I looked at him then spit on his face and sat back down at my table.

I looked at the two guards at the end of the room that were trembling in fear. I then signaled for the one with my sword to come to me. As his back straitened up and then came towards me slowly I then said, "Put my sword down on the ground now!" The pony quickly complied and set my katana down. I picked it up and adjusted the sheath to my belt. I then took the actual sword and sheathed it.

As I sat back down a group of guards and the same unicorn I met earlier bursted through the doors and gaped at the mess I had created. They walked over to the 3 broken inmates and asked the other guards what happened. The guards were silent but pointed at me then passed out from fear. I then finished my lunch and got up from the table. I walked out of the room knowing every living thing in the room was looking at me. As I exited I walked back to my cell and waited there in complete and utter silence...

held captive part 2

I sat in my cell for a good 10 minutes before the door opened to reveal Twilight and a tall white alicorn. I looked at them as Twilight looked really nervous but the other one looked perfectly calm. I looked up at them then stood to my full height towering over the two ponies. I then decided to speak, "Hello I assume you are royalty yes?" I asked as I did a duel bow to her.

"Yes I am Princess Celestia one of the diarchs of Equestria, and I assume you are Sir Alonne?" She asks raising a eyebrow.

"Yes your highness I am Sir Alonne the most skilled swords man to ever live." I said as I sat down and crossed my legs. I then get conferrable then speak again, "So I assume you are here about the fight I was in at the cafeteria?" I said as she sat down along with Twilight.

"Yes and some other things too Sir Alonne." She said as they looked at me.

"Oh do tell I shall tell you what information you want in return for information I want." I said as I looked at her calmly.

"It sounds like a fair deal honorable knight." She said as we sat down.

"Oh you are too kind your highness." I said hating every minute of this but if I wanted to get out I had to play nice guy.

"So I will go first. What are you exactly?" She asked as twilight pulled out a note pad and prepared to write.

"Well your highness I am refereed to as a human. A homo sapien ape like creature with high intelligence and superior abilities. I am abnormally tall a normal human is about 6 to 5 feet in height. I posses unusual amounts of strength and I am the best swords man in existence." I finish as I look up at her.

"Interesting... Okay ask me a question." Celestia said as I prepared to ask her a completely obvious one.

"Where am I?" I ask looking at her expectantly.

"You are in Canterlot prison in the capital of Equestria.

"Interesting..." I say as I prepared to answer another question...

A few hours later...

As they left my room I though about my new found knowledge and planned an escape. I looked at the door and checked it. These idiots left it unlocked! I slowly opened the door and looked to my left and right before sneaking out. It was night time and slipped out of the cell. I quietly closed the door and followed the path they took. I slowly creeped behind them I was about 20 feet away when Twilight turned around and looked where I was. Before she saw me I used a sorcery to make myself invisible. After seeing nothing she turned around and continued walking. Slowly I followed them and saw them go into a conference room.

Out of plain curiosity I sneaked up to the door and put my ear against it. This is what I heard withing the concealed room.

"So what did you find out?" A high pitched voice asked.

"Well not much only that he is from a kingdom called Drangleic and that he served the King Vendric's left hand man King Ramie." A voice that belonged to Twilight said.

"Drangleic? where the hay is that?" A western style voice said.

"We don't know we assume it might be a kingdom on a separate continent of the world but there is no recorded evidence that another continent exists!" Twilight said as she flipped through her notes.

"So you are saying he is some kind of murderous alien?" The high pitched voice asked.

"I don't know..." Twilight said.

Suddenly I heard a guard shout, "HEY YOU GET BACK HERE!" I looked at him and turned tail and hauled ass. As I ran down the hall the door to the conference room swung open and they all looked in my direction and then gave chase. I looked back then ran faster I turned a corner almost taking out a chunk of the wall then quickly climbed up a few things in the hall and clinged to the pipes on the ceiling.

I watched them run pass me and I waited for about 5 to 9 seconds. I then jumped down from the ceiling and exited the main entrance. I bursted out the door and in front of me were 20 guards that all turned around and then pointed that spears at me. I scowled at them then I unsheathed my katana. I held it at the ready and waited for the one idiot to make their move.

Then I heard a battle cry to my left and I quickly reacted and swung my blade cutting his leg clean off. I then faced the crowd then charged for trough them. I hit the first barrage of guards and used my sword to behead them. I then bolted faster and faster cutting up anyting in my wake. I then broke out of the layers of guards and my kill count was at least 7 ponies in total.

I ran down the street to a abandoned part of canterlot known as the hood.

Author's Note:

And the moral of this story kids is to not fuck with Sir Alonne!

Also do you think sir Alonne should use magic miricals, or pyromancy? Please comment below to give my your opinion!

Next chapter A game of cards and LEAVE ME ALONE ASSHOLES!

Also I will allow requests for OC's to show up in this story leave a request in the comments below!

Until we meet again my young knights!