• Published 22nd Nov 2014
  • 4,466 Views, 138 Comments

Sir Alonne - Lady Maria

I am sir Alonne and I was just slain by a undead who bested me at sword fighting. I died a honorable death and now I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies and I am public enemy number 1. Now I have to survive and prove myself as a friend!

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Chapter IX Meeting Manus

As I woke up and got out of my bed I started to remember the events of last night. The undead curse... Hollows... The darkness... Everything that has ever haunted me was coming back... I was I'll prepared for this and I needed to improve my skills...

I walked around the castle to look for a library. Soon enough I found one. I browsed through the library and started to look for books on magic. I eventually found one. It was lessons on how to do basic magic. I browsed through it and a levitation spell caught my eye. It instructed me to find a magical anchor point in my body. Then to image a aura form around it. I did so as I imagined a clear unseen aura form around my hands. As I did this I pointed to a book on the table and calmly levitated it over to me. I opened my eyes to see a levitating book in front of me. I started to practice this for about an hour levitateing things small and large and making them fly around the room.

Satisfied with my new ability I moved on to another. I came upon one that looked like a pony shot a raw beam of magic out of their horn. I liked the look of this spell and decided to give it a go. I concentrated a white and golden ball of pure magic forming in my hand. As I did so my magic started to sputter out. I tried again but this time put more power into it. I managed to maintain it for awhile. I then went to the next step and fired it. I aimed at a wall and shot my concentrated magic out of my palm. The wall was blown to tiny pieces as my magic beam crashed into the wall. I looked at my hands as they were smoking with heat.

"Oh Gwyn this just gets better and better doesn't it?" I asked myself as I smiled under my newly fixed helmet.


"What do you mean you failed Ramie?!" A misty female humanoid figure asked.

"My sweet Sir Alonne was to much of a opposite for me, he is too powerful..." Ramie responded as the shadowy woman's eyes narrowed.

"Very well we shall make some improvements. Its about time you learned dark magic." The Shadowy woman responded as she turned around and walked off into the darkness as Ramie followed.

"Elana I need you to do something for me..." The angel asked.

"Yes father what is it?" Elana asked while kneeling in front of her father.

"I want you to get your pet Sinh and, search that forest Alonne fled into. If you see anything notable then report back to me." The angel said as he looked Elana in the eyes with his red glowing eyes.

"Yes father I shall do as you wish." Elana said as she summoned her axe and mounted Sinh and flew off through a portal of darkness...

"Dear Gwyn I was having fun! All this knowledge of spells it is amazing! I don't even need a catalyst any more!" I said as I levitated in the air. After hours of practicing I mastered a lot of spells! I could levitate what ever I wanted, shoot powerful magic bolts left and right, shape shift! Oh god nothing could spoil my mood!


Or so I thought. I looked out a window to see a pale green dragon fly over head of me. There was what looked like a figure a tad bit shorter then me riding the damn thing. The woman like figure was looking directly at me then smiled demonically.

"I know you are in there! Why not come out and come with me and make this a whole lot easier on yourself Sir Alonne?" The woman shouted in her distorted voice as she stared at me. I did nothing as her wicked demonic smile faded to a frown. The dragon then flew over to the castle and landed on one of the roofs of a still somewhat stable building. The female figure then jumped off of the dragon and, did 3 or so flips in the air.

I decided to walk out of the library with my sword at the ready just in case this bitch tried anything slick. As we approached each other I tensed as I felt a dark aura radiating off of her. We then stopped as we stood a mere 7 feet away from each other.

"So honorable samurai knight Sir Alonne you must be wondering why my sister and I are coming after you yes?" The slender undead woman asked.

"Oh where are my manners I am Elana Queen of Lindelt and one of the four children of the dark." Elana said as she bowed slightly.

"Queen of Lindelt? And more importantly child of the dark?!" I shouted the last sentence as I know there was something wrong about this bitch.

"Yes Child of the dark. I am a shard of Manus, Father of the Abyss. I am also his daughter as well." Elana said as she smirked a bit.

"What do you want with me Queen Elana?" I ask with malice in my voice.

"Our father wishes to see you." Elana said as she turned around, "Please come with me." Elana says as she mounts Sinh.

I sigh as I follow here and get on the dragon. We are then enveloped by darkness and transported to a dark cavern. I look up as an angel with four arms and green skin is looking at me. I get off the dragon then walk towards him.

"So you are the almighty Manus, Father of the Abyss is that correct?" I asked the angel as it looked at me then replied.

"Yes young knight I am Manus, Father of the Abyss." Manus said as he just floated in the air.

"So it appears you look nothing like you do in the legends." I say as I look at him disappointing I didn't get to see the monster that he truly was.

"Oh you rather I look like... THIS?!" Manus said as he morphed into a being that cannot really be described.

I backed up in shock as the skinny four armed angel that he was before Morphed into this titan of legend. Manus smiled as he could see my reaction and was quite amused.

"Impressed Alonne?" Manus asked.

"Y-ye-yes" I shuddered as I took in his mighty form.

"Now lets get to the reason I brought you here." Manus said as he casted a illusion of the world of Equis, "Here is the world of Equis Alonne this planet is filled with light and there is too much good instead of evil." Manus said as he slammed his catalyst on the ground changing the image.

"I know you have a burning hate for these equines for they have trapped you, beaten on you, and all out treated you like a useless animal." Manus said as he looked at me with his countless red glowing eyes.

"I want you with your supreme knowledge to cause a war between all the nations so I can gather enough souls to regenerate fully and enter the world. In return for your efforts I will grant you anything you could possibly want. Power, money, castles, the ability not to hollow" Manus said as he slammed his catalyst and, everything vanished.

I was dumbfounded. He could make it so I couldn't go hollow... Manus's offer was overwhelming Life without hollowing... All of it I wanted I wanted it so badly, but a pit formed in my stomach formed. To earn this I would have to cause a war that would slaughter millions. What would my mother and father think of me? All those innocent ponies slaughtered by my own actions...

I closed my eyes as a vision of Equis becoming a blood soaked dark wasteland. Millions of bodies laid strewn across the ground as I saw myself. I was facing what would have been the sun but was nothing but a black ball of nothingness in the sky. As I took a closer look my skin... It wasn't decayed. It wasn't greenish brown, it was a white tan color. I looked like a regular man... I then turned back to the field of corpses. No I can't do that... I can't do that to so many innocent souls it was against everything I stood for!

I shook my head as the vision faded away I then looked at Manus as he was waiting there patiently. I asked myself once more If this was what I really wanted. I nodded as I made my decision.

"Manus your offer is tempting." I say as Manus smirked, "But I have to decline your offer. What I would have to do would result in millions dead because of my actions and I can't live with that." I said as I faced Manus as he was absolutely furious. Manus then calmed down then spoke.

"Very well but If you ever want the offer I shall still stand." Manus said as he teleported me back to Equis.

I opened my eyes to see I was in the middle of Ponyville face to face with the sun princess and 100 of her guards along with 6 colorful mares and their fancy necklaces and crown.

"FUUUUUUCCCKKKK!!!!" I screamed as I could hear Manus faintly chuckle...

Author's Note:

Aaaaannnnnddddd Cliff hanger!

Well Manus has made his first major appearance in the story! I know you Manus fans were craving that something fierce!

Chapter X coming soon!