• Published 22nd Nov 2014
  • 4,470 Views, 138 Comments

Sir Alonne - Lady Maria

I am sir Alonne and I was just slain by a undead who bested me at sword fighting. I died a honorable death and now I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies and I am public enemy number 1. Now I have to survive and prove myself as a friend!

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Chapter X being captured with a vision of the past

I looked around myself as I was surrounded by guards. I Unsheathed my sword as my mussels tensed. I saw several guards move to the side as Princess Celestia walked towards me. I narrowed my eyes trying to figure out a way to escape but couldn't I was absolutely fucked! I clutched my sword in one hand and used the magic I have learned to cast several spells on myself. I then enchanted my blade and prepared to face off with this prissy bitch!

"Do not try to resist you are trapped Alonne." Princess Celestia said as she glared at me.

"Don't Jinx yourself you old hag!" I snarled as she narrowed her eyes, "I can't believe you are so blind. I saved this town from a army of undead and a knight with skill to match my own." I said as I tightened my grip on my bewitched blade.

"You may have saved this town but your sins against pony kind out weigh the good you have done. You have killed almost one hundred of my guards. Broken out of your confinement almost slaughtered my captain and, brought nothing but chaos where ever you go." Princess Celestia said in a calm but stern and serious voice.

"Guards arrest this beast." Princess Celestia ordered as she held me down with her magic. I tried to fight against her magical hold but proved to be of no use. I started to move free arm towards my sacred chime on my belt. I gripped the chime and brought it to my face I then started to prepare to cast Great Magic barrier.

A circle of golden light formed around me Celestia's magical grip had no effect on me. A group of guards that were holding me down used all their strength to keep me down. I threw the one holding down my arm off of me. I then punched the second one in the face sending him flying. I then sat up and grabbed the two guards holding my legs down and bashed their skulls together.

I then got up and gripped my katana I turned to Celestia then said, "Bitch you attacked the wrong samurai!" I then gripped my sword and swung it a wave of corrupted dark magic shot out of the sword and nailed that bitch Celestia in the chest sending her flying. I then turned to face her guards who rushed me I jumped a good 10 feet in the air before thrusting forward and slashing my sword horizontally beheading a few guards.

I snarled as 2 pegasi tried to flank me. I was quick to react and kicked him in the jaw. As I did this the other pegasus guard hit my legs stunning me for a few seconds. I then regained my composure and did a back sweep with my katana cutting him in half. I then faced 3 other earth pony guards as one of them bucked me in the balls. I fell to my knees as the second on bucked me in the chest. Then the last one bucked me in the face. I fell backwards then what felt like gallons of adrenalin coursed through my veins as I stood up once more.

I slammed the first guard's head into the ground and crushed his skull. I then took the second guard and rammed his head up the first guard's asshole.I then cut the ass off of the first guard beheading the second guard. I turned to face the third guard who had basically pissed himself. I walked over to him and picked him up. I hugged him against my chest as I snapped his neck. I then dropped him and noticed my great magic barrier was down. I was then blasted with a huge bolt of magic as my vision went black.

I opened my eyes to see a black cavern smothered in darkness. In front of me looked like some kind of ancient burial site. Then multiple red dots glowed a few feet ahead of me as Manus walked out of the shadows. I looked behind me as I saw a knight that was only know to exist in myths and legends. I saw Sir Knight Artorias the Abyss Walker. I saw that he held his sword in his right arm while his left arm hung limp.

"So Gwyn has sent one of his knights to kill me hmm?" Manus asked as he approached Artorias.

"Manus today you shall be silenced for good by Lord Gwyn's sun I shall slay you!" Artorias roared as he charged Manus

Manus quickly back stepped and dodged Artorias's attack. Manus then used his oversized deformed hand to back hand Artorias sending him flying. Artorias quickly got to his feet as Manus charged him. Manus brung his staff down to where Artorias was standing but Artorias quickly moved to Manus's side and slashed Manus's side several times. Manus roared as he sent out a shock wave of pure darkness out wards blowing Artorias back a few feet. Manus put both hands on his staff and trusted it up into the air sending balls of pure darkness up and around them. The balls of darkness then headed towards Artorias Just as they were about to hit a golden force field appeared around Artorias repelling the darkness.

Artorias then dashed forward two handing his sword and putting one hundred percent of his strength into this attack. Artorias put a absolutely huge gash in Manus's chest. Manus roared as he clutched his chest but then used his staff to rain darkness upon Artorias. Artorias was pelted hundreds of times by dodge ball sized balls of pure darkness. Artorias fell to his knees breathing heavily Manus walked forward towering above the fallen knight.

"Truly this is sad. I expected more out of you Artorias. This was pathetic I was expecting a true fight." Manus taunted. Artorias said nothing as he sat there breathing heavily.

"But you have amused me and, I think you would be a nice addition to my army of corrupted beings." Manus added as he used his magic to pour pure darkness into Artorias's veins. Artorias's wounds were then healed as Manus teleported him out of the cavern...