• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 9,345 Views, 371 Comments

Azure Memories - Silvak

A unicorn wakes up in Ponyville, with no memories beyond her own name as she starts a brand new life from scratch.

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Chapter XVI: Pests

"Focus Sapphire, feel your magic flowing into your horn. Don't rush it at first, just build it up a bit at a time."

"Yes daddy."

"Ah, you got your horn alight with your magic, good. Now, imagine your magic wrapping around the rock before you."

"But it's hard..."

"Well, you are six dear, so it isn't goi—"

Opening her eyes, Sapphire looks at the nearby window to see the rays of sunlight coming through. Sighing, she simply rubbed her forehead as she muttered to herself, "Why is it when I remember something, it's only words and no images..." Looking down at her covers for a moment, she shook her head clear of her mood, knowing that today is an important day. Hopping off her bed, Sapphire stretched hers legs while fixing her bed with her magic before looking out the window to see ponies roaming about earlier than normal. Tomorrow is the day that Princess Celestia is going to pay a visit to Ponyville, and while everypony wanted to get the town ready for her, Sapphire on the other hoof was dreading the thought of crossing paths with her again. Shivering at the last memory of their encounter, Sapphire had her own plans for the day, namely finding the best spot to stay out of the princess's way.

Visiting the bathroom to clean herself up, Sapphire glanced at her horn, remembered the poison joke incident from four days ago, shivering at the memory. She then headed downstairs, where she beheld the sight of the kitchen's table already laden with food, with Rarity sitting beside it. "Always up on the crack of dawn, aren't you dear," Rarity said with a smile.

Shrugging, Sapphire replied, "Can't help it, the sun's rays always wakes me up," before she took a seat at the table with Rarity.

"At least you have the entire day for you to do as you please," Rarity commented. "So, Sapphire, are you planning to attend the welcoming for Princess Celestia tomorrow?"

"I rather not, for reasons I think you should know by now," Sapphire replied while avoiding any eye contact with Rarity.

Getting off her seat, Rarity approached Sapphire, laying a hoof on her shoulder, which drew Sapphire's eyes to her own. "Sapphire, dear, it was just one bad experience. I know you were hurt emotionally and indirectly physically, but Princess Celestia meant no harm. You understand that she was just doing what she thought was best," Rarity said, causing Sapphire to sigh.

"I know... just... I rather not meet her again anytime soon. Maybe later on, but for now I just get a bit upset at the thought of her. I don't want to risk any kind of outburst in front of her. I just need some more time," Sapphire responded.

Nodding in response, Rarity said, "I understand dear, but I do hope you put that dreadful experience behind you soon. However, I hope you don't take it as an excuse to back out of your part in preparing Ponyville for the visit?"

Rolling her eyes, Sapphire answered, "I'm not going to abandon my fair share, I'm not that petty," before finishing her meal. "On that note, I have to go, I'm participating in setting up the park. Good luck with your own plans, Rarity."

It was evening as Sapphire head back to the Boutique, her mind dwelling on what Rarity would be serving for dinner today. The day went smoothly for her, except for the moment where she spotted Pinkie galloping about with some instrument with her. Opening the front door, Sapphire spotted a some kind of round flying creature moving about the room, causing Sapphire to blink in surprise before asking, "Rarity, are you home?"

"Yes, I'm just busy making a new dress!" Rarity answered from her workroom, to which Sapphire decided to head to while eyeing the new creature.

"Um.... Rarity, there's some kind of small creature flying around in your home," Sapphire said, before spotting another one flying about. "Make it creatures."

"Ah yes, aren't they adorable! Twilight visited today, and brought over these wonderful creatures, I just had to have one!" Rarity replied as she held out a hoof for one of the creatures to land on, allowing her to pet it.

"Well, seems like you decided to have more than just one, and don't you already have a cat for a pet?" Sapphire asked, while shooing away one of the flying insect-things.

"But I just couldn't help myself, though I did only got one from Twilight. I don't know where the others came from, maybe they came looking for their friend."

"Well... I'm going to make a sandwich for dinner then since you're busy," Sapphire responded before making her way to the kitchen. Pulling the ingredients out of the fridge, she placed them on the counter before spotting a couple more of the creatures landing nearby, eyeing the food. Seeing this, Sapphire gave the bugs a glare, causing them to go wide-eyed before backing off. Growling a bit at the bugs, Sapphire resumed the making of her sandwich, however she kept an eye on any of the creatures that entered the kitchen, even when she was eating her meal. Finishing up, she headed upstairs, but not before noticing that there were at least ten of the creatures flying about in the Boutique. I have a bad feeling about this... Sapphire thought to herself as she clean herself up before heading to bed.

Flicking her ears, Sapphire moans as a buzzing noise stirred her from her slumber. Cracking her eyes open, she beheld the sight of several of the creatures from yesterday buzzing about in her room. Blinking in shock, Sapphire lets out a sigh as she got out of bed, cleaning her room up before heading downstairs to see Rarity cooking breakfast, with more than a score of the creatures flying about now.

"Umm... Rarity... I think these things are multiplying or something..." Sapphire said before noticing a few of the creatures staring at the meal Rarity is making. This caused Sapphire to give them the stink eye, causing them to back off in fear.

"I do admit that is odd, but these creatures are just so cute, and they're even helpful," Rarity replied.

Raising an eyebrow, Sapphire asked, "Helpful? I thought they would be more in the way than that."

"Not at all dear, for yesterday when I was going to retrieve some cloth for my latest dress, a few of them deliver it to me instead. I can't imagine the sprucing these adorable creatures can do to the Boutique today!" Rarity answered as she finished up breakfast, placing them on the table while the bugs all around them eyed the food till Rarity put a third plate down, to which the bugs suddenly swarm it, knowing it was for them. Seeing their ravishing hunger before her own eyes, Sapphire decided to devour her food as fast as possible. "Dear, manners, remember?" Rarity chided.

Finishing up her meal, Sapphire replied, "Sorry, just didn't want to risk these things getting a shot at my food."

"Now dear, why must you be so suspicious about these creatures? They're harmless."

"I don't know..." Sapphire admitted, while watching the bugs scatter off, their plate completely devoid of even a scrap of food. "Just something about them rubs me in the wrong way."

"Dear, you must simply relax. You shouldn't be so tense, it would ruin your complexion," Rarity said, causing Sapphire to give her a flat stare.

"Jeeze, thank you for your concern of my appearance," Sapphire deadpanned before getting off the table as Rarity rolled her eyes at her. Grabbing all the plates after Rarity finished her own meal, Sapphire proceeded to wash them since it was her turn today.

"Dear, a lovely mare like yourself should be concern over how they look. Now, let's put this pettiness behind us."

"As you say, though I'm going to head out now, I got some studying to do," Sapphire said as she headed upstairs to grab some of her books and a saddlebag.

"I knew those things were up to no good," Sapphire muttered to herself as she watched from the hill she was on as a swarm of the bugs flew around. They suddenly came in a massive surge, eating all the food they could see, even the crops of local gardens. This of course sent the residents of Ponyville into another panic, one that Sapphire refused to be a part of. Instead, she simply laid underneath the shade of her tree with a book in front of her, watching the scene unfold before her. Why does everypony just run around and panic all the time? Wouldn't it be better to try to bag the pests?

Suddenly, a purple wave of energy pulsed out of the town, affecting any of the flying creatures it touched. Blinking, Sapphire simply tilt her head in confusion, until the creatures began to eat everything else. One even dared to try to eat one of Sapphire's books, until she grabbed it by using forming some water into a net. "Okay... now this is my problem," Sapphire muttered to herself as she swung the bug around until she let it loose, sending it flying in towards the Everfree Forest. This caused the creatures nearby to to pause for a moment, before backing away in fear as Sapphire pulled more water from the town's river.

Placing her books in her saddlebags, Sapphire grabbed onto any nearby pests before spinning them about to toss them to the Everfree. However, no matter how many she threw out of town, it seems like two more shows up to take its place. Knowing that it was fruitless to take on all the creatures, Sapphire decided to just head to the boutique. In her mind, if she had to make a last stand, best be at the place she calls home.

Arriving at the boutique, Sapphire saw Pinkie Pie running out of the place with a flute in her mouth before hearing Rarity screaming in terror. Running inside, Sapphire saw the creatures eating all of Rarity's dresses, to Rarity's horror. "Okay, that's it!" Sapphire cried, drawing the attention of all the pests as she pulled even more water, forming a tight net that she used to catch as many of the pests as she could. Seeing what is happening to their own kind, the rest flee in terror. After clearing or capturing all the of vermin, Sapphire toss her own load away before turning to Rarity, asking, "Rarity, are you okay?"

Staring at Sapphire in wonder, Rarity answered, "Why yes dear... though I'm amazed that you could do that with just water."

Shrugging, Sapphire replied, "Me either, but I had to do something. Though, I can only protect the Boutique from these things, but I take it Twilight has a plan on getting rid of these things?"

"She had some plans, but they didn't turn out well..."

"Then I suggest you go help her then, I'll do my best to protect the boutique," Sapphire said, to which Rarity just nodded her gratefulness before heading out. Standing at the front entrance, Sapphire closed the door behind her as she readied her magic. Spotting a few of the pest eating away at the walls of the building, Sapphire grabbed them with water, sending them flying as she targeted those closest to the boutique, until she heard somepony playing some music. Turning her head towards the origin of the sound, she spotted Pinkie marching down the street, a small band's worth of instruments on her. Tilting her head at the sight, Sapphire then gaped when she saw that the music had somehow taken a hold on the pest, causing them to follow right behind her as she led them out of town.

"Huh... guess Pinkie saved the town," Sapphire said to herself, before flinching at the sound of a house collapsing. "Or what's left of it... I have a feeling that I'm going to be busy for the rest of the week..."