• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 9,345 Views, 371 Comments

Azure Memories - Silvak

A unicorn wakes up in Ponyville, with no memories beyond her own name as she starts a brand new life from scratch.

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Chapter II: A Generous Offer

"... my precious Sapphire..."

Sapphire suddenly opened her eyes, darting them all over the room in shock, her lungs drawing in air at a quick pace from the surprise she received. Slowly, her rapid intake of air started to slow down as she calmed down, realizing that whatever she heard was just a dream. She let out a small laugh at her reaction as she looked out the window, seeing that it is day time once more. The position of the sun told her that it was already approaching noon. Recalling the events from yesterday, she remembered that after the initial meeting with the doctor, the day went by being pretty uneventful. She only received two more meals before nightfall, where she returned back to slumber. Yawning, she stretched out her forelegs, before pausing when she noticed that the IV needle is missing from her arm. Instead, a simple bandage marked where it once was. After scanning the room for any other changes, she turned her head to the window; watching the skies as she spotted a few pegasi flying every so often. Some time later, the door opened as Doctor Horse and Nurse Redheart made their way into the room.

"How are you this day Miss Rain?" Doctor Horse asked, his face taking on a cheerful appearance, but when Sapphire turned her eyes to his own, she noticed there were some apprehension within them.

"My head is feeling better than yesterday doctor, no more pain whenever I move it fast enough," Sapphire replied, choosing not to bring up her suspicions due to what she saw in his eyes.

Doctor Horse nodded as he brought up his clipboard with his magic once more, clearing his throat while taking down a few notes before saying, "Well, Miss Rain, I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which would you prefer to hear first?"

Sapphire nodded with a slight frown as she answered, "I'll take the bad news first, better to get it over with now than later."

Raising an eyebrow at her reply, Doctor Horse said, "Well, it's not everyday a patient wants the bad news first..." before getting a nudge from Nurse Redheart at his comment. Clearing his throat, he continued, "Miss Rain, after contacting the officials in the town hall, there is no records of you living in Ponyville, nor were we able to find anypony that would be your kin or have any sort of relationship to you. Do not fret though, we sent out your name and description to other towns and cities in hopes that we will find any ponies that would recognize you."

Sapphire listened to the explanation, her ears lowering against her head as she now knew that she was left alone in this town. She took in a deep breathe before asking, "So... what is the good news doctor?"

At this, Doctor Horse took on a more cheerful look as he answered, "While one of our staff learned about the unfortunate news, one pony, who manage to overheard the conversation at the time, volunteered her aid until either we find a relative of yours or when you are able to fully support yourself. However, if you don't want the aid, we and the mare would surely understand and respect your decision."

Sapphire's ears perked up at the news, before tilting her head in disbelief as she asked, "There's a pony that is willing to take care of me, even though I'm a complete stranger to her?"

Upon seeing her reaction, Nurse Redheart decided to enter the conversation by saying, "Oh yes, don't worry, she's a model citizen of Ponyville and insisted on helping you out. You can trust she has the best intentions in her heart."

Listening to her reply, Sapphire turned her head towards to wall as she mulled at this turn of events in her mind. It only took a moment before she turned her head back, saying, "Well... if she is willing to be of help to me, I guess I can take up on her offer. It would be nice to not to handle my... lack of memories alone."

"Well, that's good to hear, but it is time we go ahead and take off those bandages around your head. Wouldn't want you to still look like you have an injury when it's all healed up now," Doctor Hooves said with a chuckle as the bandages got covered with the cyan aura, unwrapping from Sapphire's head to reveal her royal blue mane. The mane came down the side of her head in a disheveled mess. He scanned her head to check for any traces of the injury before nodding as he said, "Looks good as new, ready to meet the mare?"

Sapphire nodded as she started to get out of the bed when a rumbling could suddenly be heard from her stomach. This caused her to blush with mild embarrassment, to which Nurse Redheart let out a small giggle as she said, "Don't worry, you can have a late breakfast before you leave Miss Rain. I'll go get it while you go to the lobby so you can meet the mare." Nodding her thanks, Sapphire crawled out of the bed only to shakily land on her hooves. Her mane started drifting off to one side of her head, its length passing her own chest. She stretched her legs while Doctor Horse and Nurse Redheart opened the door, following them outside as Nurse Redheart headed to the cafeteria to pick up Sapphire's last meal while Doctor Horse led her to the lobby. Within moments, the lobby came into view as Sapphire spotted a white unicorn with a curled purple mane, standing near the lobby seating area as she read a fashion magazine.

"Miss Rarity, thank you for your patience, Miss Sapphire is now here to meet you," Doctor Horse announced, getting the white unicorn's attention.

"It is no problem at all doctor, for a lady always ha-" Rarity began, as she turn her head to the duo, but catching sight of Sapphire's appearance, she let out a gasp of shock. "Oh sweet Celestia! What happened to your mane and coat!" she exclaims, her eyes picking out every speck of dirt on Sapphire.

Flustered by Rarity's reaction to her appearance, Sapphire tilted her head as her eyes darted to Doctor Horse, who simply averted his eyes as he rubbed a hoof behind his head. Looking to Rarity once more, she tentatively replied, "What's.. what's wrong with them?"

"What's wrong with them? My apologies my dear, but they're absolutely filthy! This will not do, we will get you over to a spa so this travesty can be cleansed as soon as we leave the hospital," Rarity answered, slowly regaining her composure.

Sapphire simply blinked at the explanation, before shaking her head and asked, "Spa? Wait, I need to know something. Why are you willing to help me, a complete stranger?"

"Why, it's my duty as a respected citizen of Ponyville to help those in need! And with your story of your tragic loss of your memories along with no family or friends in town to assist you, I can't simply let down a fellow unicorn in her hour of need," Rarity explained in a dignified manner.

Staring at Rarity for a moment, Sapphire blinks once more before replying, "Okay... it's nice of you to help me out Miss Rarity, I appreciate your assistance." Just then, Nurse Redheart came in with Sapphire's breakfast, a plate of hay, a glass of orange juice and a few carrots on a tray balanced on her back. Her eyes widening at the food, the moment Redheart placed the tray on the closest table, Sapphire grabbed her meal with her magic. She brought them to her muzzle in a hurry as she gorged on the meal, to the dismay of Rarity as a horrified expression appeared on her face while she backed away from the scene before her.

As Rarity was about to open her mouth to complain, Doctor Horse cut in by saying, "Now Miss Rarity, please forgive Miss Rain's behavior, for she was suffering from malnutrition when she was admitted, and she is... uneducated after all."

Closing her mouth at the explanation, Rarity nodded to Doctor Horse, but still grimaced at sight of Sapphire's eating, turning her head away until the sounds ended with Sapphire gulping down her drink. Turning to look at her again, Rarity cringed as she saw Sapphire licking her lips clean of any traces of food. "I see you're done with your meal dear. So, if you would kindly follow me to the spa so we can get you all cleaned up," Rarity said, trying to keep a polite smile despite the sight she just witnessed.

Sapphire turned to Doctor Horse and Nurse Redheart, the former saying, "Go ahead Miss Rain, I assure you that Miss Rarity will see that you will have a good time during your stay at Ponyville."

"Thank you both for taking care of me, I hope we met again," Sapphire replied with a wave goodbye that the other two return. Rarity took this as her cue to take the lead, heading out of the lobby doors with Sapphire right behind her. The moment Sapphire walked out the doors, her eyes widened at the sight of the town, as she let out a gasp of wonder while she took her first view of the tranquil town before her.

Rarity turned her head back, gaining an amused smile at Sapphire's reaction to her first sight of Ponyville. After letting a moment pass, she called out, "I know you're enjoying the view dear, but we must get you to the spa soon, we can't have other ponies see you at your current... 'condition'." Sapphire then focused her eyes back on Rarity, giving her a small blush as she nodded her acknowledgement before the two continued on the way. Sapphire continued to take in the sights of the town until she heard an excited gasp from behind her, causing her to turn her head around, only to receive the sight of two large blue eyes right before her eyes.

"Gah!" Sapphire exclaimed, falling to the ground in surprise as her vision was soon obscured by a pink presence.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie, and you must be new to town! I know that because I know everypony in Ponyville, and I’ve never seen you before and my Pinkie Sense has been going off all the time starting a few days ago! We are so gonna be the best of friends! But where were you? When my Pinkie Sense went off, I was like 'new pony!' and started searching the town for you, but I never found you. I then thought that the new pony already left, and that made me sad, but my Pinkie Sense was still going off and that told me that the new pony is still in town! So I kept looking for you here and there and here and there, in the trees and under the bar-" the pink pony rapidly exclaimed in utter excitement until Rarity, who turned around after Sapphire's startled cry, placed a hoof over the pony's mouth. Throughout the pony's exposition, Sapphire just stared at the pink earth pony, slowing taking on a look of horror at the sight before her.

"Pinkie darling, I know you like to meet new ponies, but Miss Rain here was in the hospital, and I take it that she wouldn't like to be... overwhelmed so soon," Rarity told Pinkie, looking to Sapphire who gave a short and fast nod. "Miss Rain, this is my dear friend Pinkie Pie, and she likes to throw parties for any new pony that comes to Ponyville," she explained while removing her hoof from Pinkie's mouth.

"I'm sorry that I startled you, but I so wanted to meet you, but I didn't know you were hurt. I'm so going to throw you a 'Congratulations on Getting Better Miss Rain!' party!" Pinkie exclaimed as she rushed over to Sapphire, giving her a tight hug.

"Umm.. it's nice to meet you... Pinkie Pie, and call me Sapphire Rain please... also... what's a party?" Sapphire asked, barely able to utter the words out from Pinkie's constricting embrace, which suddenly ended at the last word she said. Dropping onto her rear, Sapphire looked up at Pinkie's face, where she got the sight of Pinkie's jaw completely dropped, her hoofs on the sides of her face as her eyes shrinking down to tiny dots. Utterly confused, Sapphire looked to Rarity, to see her dumbstruck at Pinkie Pie's reaction. For the moment, not a single sound was heard as Sapphire's eyes flick back and forth between the two; until suddenly she was grabbed on the shoulders by Pinkie, her face was brought mere inches away from Pinkie's own.

"How can you not know what a party is, everypony should know what a party is! Wait! Does that mean you never had a party?!" Pinkie screamed onto Sapphire's face, to which she gave a short scared nod in response. "That's so sad! Everypony should always have a party before, wait!!! That means I'll be throwing you your first party!!!" Pinkie exclaimed in excitement once more, dropping Sapphire onto the ground again. "Oh it's gonna be super-duperific! There's gonna be cake, cupcakes, drinks and fun games!!! I promise you that you'll have the best fun time of your non-party life or my name isn't Pinkamena Diane Pie!" she yelled, hoof pointing into towards the sky; before she rushed over to Rarity, whispering something into her ear before disappearing in a dash, leaving a dust cloud in her wake.

"...Wha... huh... who... what just happened?" Sapphire asked in bewilderment, unable to process what just happened to her.

"Oh, that's just Pinkie Pie being... Pinkie," Rarity explained as she let out sigh at the event. "Come along now, we really need to get you to the spa now, can't have you going to your first party in your current state."

Getting back onto her hooves, Sapphire followed Rarity as she led them once more towards the spa, asking, "Ummm... Miss Rarity, should I be afraid of this.... 'party'?"

"Now dear, there's nothing to be afraid of, Pinkie Pie always give everypony a party that they will surely enjoy. And please, just call me Rarity. Miss Rarity just makes me sound old when we appear to be so close in age," Rarity answered. Sapphire just gave a quiet nod as she looked back at where Pinkie once was, unsure of what to expect the next time they meet.

"Now Sapphire, wasn't that an enjoyable experience?" Rarity asked, as the duo left the spa.

"It was... certainly an experience Rarity... but I didn't find that... 'massage' to be... enjoyable," Sapphire answered, her coat now completely clean of any embellishments while her mane had been well groomed to where it appeared to be flowing down the side of her head, instead of appearing as someone just tacked on some filthy rug to the side of her head. At her mention of the massage, Sapphire cringed at the memory of the treatment she received from the masseuse. Her back felt like someone was beating on it, and it was a wonder to her how she didn't end up being sent back to the hospital.

"Now dear, you're just overreacting. Give it a night and you'll be feeling like a new pony," Rarity replied, leading Sapphire to a new location.

"I'll... just take you word for it. So where are you leading me now Rarity?" Sapphire asked, curious about their next destination.

"Well, I originally planned to take you to my humble abode where you would be staying for a few days, but I have a better place in mind that you surely will enjoy," Rarity answered, as they began to approach a building that appeared to be made out of gingerbread.

The moment Sapphire noticed the building they are heading to, she gave it a double take, before looking around to find that the nearby buildings looking to be completely normal, nothing like the one that stood before her. "What... what is this place?" she asked, rubbing an eye with her hoof to see if she was seeing things clearly.

"This is the Sugarcube Corner dear, the town bakery, where all sorts of delicious food are made," Rarity explained, a small smile appearing on her face as she played on Sapphire's current food 'desires'; noticing that she had stopped dead in her tracks as she just stared at the building, drool threatening to drip out of her mouth. Opening the door with her magic, Rarity simply said, "How about you come on in Sapphire, so we can get you a treat for you to enjoy."

Not one to pass up on food, Sapphire simply nodded as she stepped through the doorway into utter darkness. Confused, Sapphire began to ask, "Is something wrong Rarity? Why is it so da-" before she was interrupted by the lights suddenly turning on, blinding her for a moment.

"SURPRISE!!!" shouted the crowd of ponies, streamers and confetti flying into the air as Pinkie Pie bounced in front of the crowd.

"Happy First Party Sapphire! I hope you en—" Pinkie Pie started, before noticing that the spot where Sapphire was a moment ago was now mysteriously empty. The party attendees looked around, confusion on their faces as they looked for where the guest of honor has gone to till a certain rainbow maned cyan pegasus exploded into laughter. One foreleg clenched around her barrel as the other just pointed at the ceiling while she hovered above the crowd. Looking up, the rest of the ponies spotted Sapphire somehow clinging onto the ceiling with all her legs, her body completely flat against it as she shivered in terror. With a sigh, Rarity engulfed Sapphire with her magic's blue aura as she gently pried her off the ceiling to softly place her on the floor while the other ponies laughed at the sight.

"Sapphire dear, there's nothing to be terrified about, it was just a surprise party. Everypony here just came to wish you a good time, none of us meant to scare you," Rarity said in a calming tone. After some rapid breathing, Sapphire began to calm down as she took in the sight of ponies smiling at her, some still laughing at her to which she blushed in embarrassment.

"Eh, heh... sorry everypony... I just.. never had a... surprise party before... or any party for that matter," she explained, giving the crowd a sheepish smile before being pulled into another hug by Pinkie Pie.

"Uh, silly, there's nothing to be sorry about. I should be the one sorry for scaring you at your first party," Pinkie said, her mane partly deflated while she looked in concern at Sapphire, hoping she's not upset with her.

"It's fine... Pinkie, it was an honest mistake, it's nothing to be worried about," Sapphire replied, catching Pinkie's concern look as she tried to disperse her fears. At her reply, Pinkie's mane inflated back to its original shape as a smile appeared on her face once more.

"That's good to hear!!! Here I was, thinking that I ruined your first party by how scared you were when we found you on the ceiling! Hey, how were you able to stick to the ceiling like that?! I don't see an suction cups on your hooves and it would be a great way to sneak up on a pony to give them a surprise from above indoors! Can you te—" Pinkie exclaimed till once again a hoof found its way onto her mouth. This time it was a lavender coated one that belonged to a lavender unicorn with purple mane with one stripe of pink running through it.

"Pinkie, maybe you should let the guest of honor have fun at her party instead of questioning how she... was able to cling to the ceiling," the lavender unicorn suggested to Pinkie, who nodded her acknowledgement. Pulling out her hoof out of Pinkie's mouth, who gave Sapphire a sheepish smile, the unicorn turned to Sapphire as she said, "Hello there, you must be Sapphire Rain. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and it is my honor to welcome you to Ponyville. I'm the town librarian, and like you I'm new to Ponyville. I just arrived here a few days ago during the Summer Sun Celebration," as she held out a hoof for a hoofshake.

Sapphire smiled at the more calm greeting, placing her own hoof against Twilight’s, giving it a shake as she replied, "Nice to meet you Twilight, good to know that I'm not the only new pony in town... but I have to ask, what's a librarian?"

At Sapphire's question, Twilight took on a baffled look, before shaking her head clear of it. Raising an eyebrow in confusion from the question, Twilight answered, "You don't know what a librarian is? Librarians are ponies who take care of the library, lending out books to ponies that want to borrow them for the intellectual pursuits or for their own interests. They also keep books in pristine shape and return them to their proper shelves."

"Ohhh..." Sapphire replied, expressing a look that showed that Twilight lost her during the explanation. However, Sapphire then asked another question, a kind of question that similar to the one she asked a while ago. One that especially shouldn't be said in the presence of certain ponies. "What's a book?"