• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 9,345 Views, 371 Comments

Azure Memories - Silvak

A unicorn wakes up in Ponyville, with no memories beyond her own name as she starts a brand new life from scratch.

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Chapter VIII: Bunnies

As the days passed by while Sapphire was hospitalized, her closest friends visited her. Twilight brought over books to help Sapphire pass the time. Rarity discussed latest fashion trends and a few upcoming orders that she could use Sapphire's help, to which she simply rolled her eyes with a slightly amused smile as a response before promising to help. Pinkie Pie dropped off a 'Get better again soon!' cake that Sapphire devoured in front of Pinkie. Rainbow Dash began passing by her window to comment that she was brave for going into the forest but it wasn't 'cool' that she's now stuck in the hospital, with Sapphire thinking that Rainbow didn't pay too much attention when she heard about what happened to her. Finally, after four days of rest, she was informed that her wounds has recovered enough for her to be released as long as she kept the bandages on for a couple more days, due to the wounds still being sensitive.

After leaving the hospital, Sapphire was making a beeline to the library, carrying the stack of books that Twilight lent her. She was enjoying being able to stretch her legs after being cooped up in the hospital for so long. Suddenly however, a pony screamed out, "Stampede!"

Blinking to herself, Sapphire's asked "What's a stampede?" only to see ponies running around in absolute horror. Eyes widening in fear from seeing everyone in panic, she looked around for the 'stampede'. Instead, she only saw a rather large group of bunnies running down the street, with ponies running in fear and even one pony fainting. "...Seriously? That's a stampede? How can anypony be scared of bunnies?" Shaking her head at the sight, Sapphire simply went on her way, ignoring the mayhem around her as she continued her way to the library. Upon her arrival, knocks on the front door happened while waiting until Spike opened it, blinking at Sapphire's appearance.

"Hi there Sapphire, good to see you're..." Spike started, until he heard a commotion, causing him to look past Sapphire to catch sight of the panicking ponies. "What is going on out there?"

"There's stampede... I guess," Sapphire said dryly.

"Stampede!?!" Spike shrieked, grabbing Sapphire and pulling her inside before shutting the door, barricading it with everything he can get his claws on.

"Spike... really? Why is everypony so scared of bunnies?" Sapphire asked with an exasperated look.

At the last word of Sapphire's question Spike stopped, turning to look at Sapphire to ask, "Bunnies?"




"...Are you sure?"

"No, we're being attacked by squirrels."

Blinking for a moment before blushing at his embarrassment as he started cleaning up his mess. "A stampede of bunnies, who would have thought," Spike said, chuckling at the thought as he pushed his own panic attack out of his mind.

"Please tell me this isn't normal for Ponyville Spike," Sapphire replied as she opened the door after Spike cleared the barricade, picking up the books she dropped as she brought them inside.

"Well... I'm not the best one to ask Sapphire, Twilight and I have only been here a couple weeks." Spike said as he grabbed the stack of books, heading off to put them in their proper places.

Sighing, Sapphire shook her head at the sheer ridiculousness outside as she asked, "Well, is Twilight here today? I wanted to pick up some more books before heading to Rarity's place."

"No, she's out, and knowing her, she's probably gonna do something with what's going on out there. Though I can get you some books that you might be able to read if you want." Giving Spike a nod, Sapphire walked over to a window to watch the ponies continue their senseless panic. Moments later, Spike returned carrying a large stack of books that Sapphire quickly grabbed with her magic.

"Thanks for the books Spike, I'll be heading out now. Hopefully the bunnies don't get me." Letting out a laugh, Spike waved to her goodbye as she went out the front door. Holding her stack up so high so that some pony wouldn't blindly run into it, she made her way over to the Carousel Boutique. Before long, the panic finally calmed down, allowing Sapphire to make the rest of the way back safely as she came inside, yelling "Rarity, I'm finally out of the hospital." Waiting for a moment, she was greeted with silence, to which she gave a shrug. She figured that Rarity is busy again with outdoor tasks, or possibly helping Twilight deal with the mayhem that occurred outside. Setting down the stack on the table, she opened a book to continue her reading practice as she simply waited for Rarity to to come home. Hours past till sunset, then the front door opened, with Rarity coming into the kitchen to cook herself dinner. She didn’t notice Sapphire, who simply watched her for a moment before saying, "Good evening Rarity."

"Good evening to you too dear," Rarity replied, caught up in her cooking preparations. Moments later, with Sapphire smiling as she waited until Rarity suddenly stopped, turning around quickly, her expression full of shock and surprise. "Oh Sapphire, I didn't notice you there, I apologize for the poor greeting I gave you."

Waving a hoof off at the apology, Sapphire replied, "It's alright Rarity, I'm not that noteworthy of a pony after all, compared to all of those bunnies and panicking earlier today."

"Oh, you saw that disaster dear?"

"Saw it, I was in the middle of the panic, though I wasn't running around like everypony else. Just what was the problem with everypony and bunnies?" Sapphire asked, raising an eyebrow as she hoped that Rarity would have the answer.

"Oh, it was just an overreaction Sapphire, nothing to fret about."

"Rarity, I don't think having mass hysteria due to bunnies running about counts as just an overreaction," Sapphire deadpanned as she gave Rarity a stare as she waited for a proper answer.

"Well, the bunnies would eat up the gardens—" Sapphire kept up her stare "—and they can leave their dirty paw prints all over—" Sapphires stare continued to persist "—and... okay, I admit it dear, it was a bit over the top," Rarity finally admitted.

"Good to see that I'm not the only pony that thinks like that," Sapphire replied, as she turned back to her book.

"I know you've just got out of the hospital dear, but you really need to get some fresh air once in awhile. How about you come with me tomorrow Sapphire, the exercise will do you some good. Can't let you get overweight from how much you eat at every sitting."

Looking down at herself, Sapphire saw that she still appeared as scrawny as ever. "I don't think I'm gonna ever have a weight problem Rarity. I still look thinner than the average pony."

"Still, I insist that you come with me tomorrow, some fresh air and exercise will still do you some good dear."

"Alright Rarity, I guess I'll go with you tomorrow. Who knows, maybe I'll see everypony going crazy again," Sapphire said with a chuckle as Rarity rolled her eyes at the comment.

The next day, both Sapphire and Rarity were walking towards the outskirts of Ponyville, with Sapphire giving a good long stare at the Everfree Forest when it came into view. "Why does the Everfree have to be so close to town?"

"Dear, there's nothing to worry about the horrid monsters within whom rarely come out of the forest. As long as you stay out of that dreadful place, you'll be safe."

"I hope you're right Rarity, I don't want to make the hospital a weekly place for me to visit. Though, I wonder why we're getting so close to it."

"Why dear, we're going to visit one of my dear friends today," Rarity replied as they soon reach a cottage, to which Sapphire raised an eyebrow at the grass growing on the roof.

Things just keep getting stranger and stranger, Sapphire thought to herself before she asked, "Your friend lives near the Everfree Forest?"

"Why yes dear, though she does it because she tends to the animals that live near Ponyville," Rarity answered. Knocking on the front door, Rarity announced, "Fluttershy dear, it's me, Rarity, and I brought along a companion for you to meet."

Sapphire watched as the door opened slightly, where she spotted a blue eye looking through the small crack. Tilting her head at the sight, the door suddenly opened as a yellow blur rush out to Sapphire's side, causing her to release a yelp of surprise as she turned her head to look at a yellow coated pink maned pegasus.

"Oh dear, what happened to you! Are you still in pain?" the pegasus asked, as she examined the bandages Sapphire had on her neck and side still.

"Err... I'm okay.. for the most part that is... I got them when... I was in the Everfree Forest a few days back," Sapphire replied, blinking in confusion.

"Oh my, why were you in such a dangerous place like that!?" the pegasus said in her soft voice.

"Fluttershy dear, maybe it'll be best that we leave that matter alone for the time being. For now, I would like you to meet my friend Sapphire Rain. Sapphire dear, this is my good friend Fluttershy," Rarity said, directing the conversation before it could get too awkward for Sapphire.

"Oh, sorry, nice to meet you Sapphire," Fluttershy said in a meek tone as she backed away to give Sapphire some room.

"Nice to meet you too Fluttershy, though if I recall correctly... I think I saw you at my welcome party over a week ago, but I didn't get a chance to talk to you," Sapphire replied as she rubbed a hoof against her chin in thought.

As Fluttershy blushed at that memory as Rarity said, "Well, Fluttershy is a bit nervous about.. meeting new ponies dear."

As Sapphire gave Rarity an acknowledging nod, Fluttershy replied, "Do you two want to come inside my home? I'm already brewing some tea and it would be nice if you two would care to join me, if it's no trouble that is..."

"Why Fluttershy dear, it would be lovely for the both of us to have a cup of tea with you, right Sapphire?" Rarity answered with Sapphire nodding again. Smiling, Fluttershy led the two inside, heading to the kitchen as Rarity took a seat in the living room with Sapphire following her lead.

As she waited for Fluttershy to return with the tea, she felt something poking at her flank. Looking to her side, she saw a bunny glaring at her. 'What's with all the bunnies lately?' Sapphire thought to herself as she tilted her head at the bunny, who was simply pointing at her before pointing at the seat she's taking and then to itself. "Are you trying to tell me something?" she asked, to which the bunny gave her a nod before continuing it’s actions.

"Tea's ready- oh, there you are Angel, I was wondering where you went off to," Fluttershy said as she entered the room, a tray with a kettle of tea and tea cups on her back. Angel turned to Fluttershy, pointing at Sapphire while tapping his foot in frustration.

"I'm guessing this bunny is your pet Fluttershy... but is something the matter with him? He was trying to tell me something but I couldn't understand him," Sapphire asked.

"Oh, you're on his favorite seat... Angel, Sapphire's hurt, so wouldn't it be nice of you to let her stay where she is?" Angel simply shook his head, pointing at Sapphire while Fluttershy placed the tray down on a table, pouring a cup of tea for each of the ponies.

"Umm... Angel, why can't you just take another seat? There's plenty of other seats here for you to use," Sapphire said, as she and Rarity took hold of their cups of tea with their magic. Just as Sapphire brought her cup of tea to her muzzle for a sip like she was taught by Rarity, Angel pulled out a small carrot. He tossed it at the cup with perfect precision, causing Sapphire to lose her hold on the cup as it fell towards her as all of the ponies' eyes widened at what was about to occur.