• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 9,348 Views, 371 Comments

Azure Memories - Silvak

A unicorn wakes up in Ponyville, with no memories beyond her own name as she starts a brand new life from scratch.

  • ...

Chapter IX: Tea and Apples

The sky over Ponyville was peacefully quiet, so quiet that nothing could disturb a cyan pegasus that was lying on top of a cloud, who chosen to simply nap the uneventful morning away. As she laid there, she smiled as she had a dream where she was finally accepted into the Wonderbolts, flying through the sky at top speeds with her idols. To any pegasus that passed by her, they knew better than to wake up Rainbow Dash unless it was important.


Rainbow suddenly burst out of the cloud, her head snapping at any direction as she asked, "What the hay was that?" Seeing nothing in the air, she looked below, seeing other ponies looking about in confusion as well. Some ponies however, have their heads turned in the general direction of the noise that rang out earlier. Following the gaze of those ponies, Rainbow's eyes soon caught the sight of Fluttershy's cottage, at which her eyes widened as fear gripped her heart. "Oh no! Not Fluttershy!" she hollered out before flying at top speed to the cottage. She crashed through the front door, but due to her high speed, she ended up running into a wall, smashing against it like a pancake. Peeling her head off the wall, she started to open her mouth but suddenly stopped when she caught sight of what was going on inside.

Before her, Rainbow saw Rarity, who was restraining a furious Sapphire by hooking her forelegs around Sapphire's own forelegs as she held her back from a bunny that was a few feet away. The bunny was sticking his tongue out at Sapphire as she roared, "Let me go Rarity! I'm just going to give Angel the seat he wanted!"

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was in a panic, chastising Angel while she was pulling out bandages from an opened first aid kit.

"...What the hay is going on in here?" Rainbow Dash yelled out, as she peeled the rest of herself off the wall.

"Oh, good morning Rainbow, I didn't notice you come in dear. There was a minor accident while we were having—calm down Sapphire please—tea, when a carrot slipped out of Fluttershy's pet bunny's grip, which crashed—calm down Sapphire—into Sapphire's cup, causing it to... spill its contents onto her," Rarity answered as she struggled with Sapphire. Moving her head to get a better view, Rainbow caught a view of Sapphire's chest, which was covered with brown stained bandages that were dripping tea. Thankfully there weren't any stains on the portion of bandages that were directly over Sapphire's wounded side. The view was soon blocked as Fluttershy came to Sapphire, quickly undoing the stained bandages so she could tend to Sapphire's newly received burn.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry for what Angel did, but it was an accident, so you don't have to be so mad," Fluttershy said, trying to calm down Sapphire as she cleaned Sapphire's coat.

"Buck no that's an accident, he threw that carrot at my cup on purpose!" Sapphire replied, still glaring at Angel as she imagined all the things she would do to that bunny with the seat he wanted.

"Eepp!" Fluttershy squeaked out as she finished cleaning Sapphire's coat of the hot tea, moving onto wrapping her wounds up with fresh bandages.

"Excuse us Fluttershy, but it may be best if we head outside dear. Rainbow, would you kindly help me move Sapphire outside? I feel that she won't be agreeable to coming outside anytime soon," Rarity said, as she became strained from holding back Sapphire so long. Eyeing the enraged Sapphire, Rainbow nodded as she hovered closer to Sapphire before she dashed forward, grabbing Sapphire's rear legs before lifting them up. Despite Sapphire's protests, the duo carried her outside with the concerned Fluttershy following them, closing the door as the two finally placed Sapphire down as Rarity released her. Fuming still, Sapphire just paced outside as she glared at Fluttershy's house.

"Never thought I would see you so mad Sapphire, since it was barely a week ago when you were clinging to the ceiling," Rainbow said, teasing Sapphire as she gave her an annoyed look.

"You try to stay calm when a bunny causes you to have burning hot tea all over you," Sapphire snapped back, as Fluttershy mumbled sorry again for Angel's behavior.

"While it is a shame for such wonderful tea to be wasted, it won't do you any good to be so mad dear. It'll only help you get wrinkles sooner," Rarity commented, to which Sapphire just quietly muttered to herself.

On the other hoof though, Fluttershy continued to look at Sapphire in concern, as she was still distressed on how Sapphire's first visit to her home ended in disaster. "I'm so sorry for Angel's behavior, is there anything I can do to make up for it? If that's what you want..."

Sighing as she started to let go of her frustration, Sapphire replied, "It's alright Fluttershy, stuff happens... I guess. At least I got to see your lovely home," as she gave Fluttershy a comforting smile, who returned one as well.

At the sight, Rainbow simply rolled her eyes as she said, "Enough of this touchy feely stuff. Have to say though, surprised that an egghead like you Sapphire is out today instead of keeping your nose in a book like Twilight."

"Rainbow dear, that’s really rude of you. We all know that Sapphire is just wanting to be able to read like her peers," Rarity countered as Sapphire frowned at Rainbow's comment. "Sapphire is just out today to get some fresh air and exercise for her health."

"Yeah, she does need some exercise if she always eats like she did in the party," Rainbow replied, to which Sapphire's frown just deepened more in annoyance. Looking at Sapphire's expression, Rainbow just rolled her eyes before she noticed how skinny Sapphire is. "Whoa, you're thin Sapphire, it looks like you haven't ate a meal in months. No wonder you ate more than five ponies at the party."

Sapphire ran a hoof down her face as she said, "Gee, thanks for pointing out how much I eat Rainbow and that I look like I'm starving. I would have never realized."

Rarity tittered at Sapphire's reply as she turned to Fluttershy, her face taking on a nervous look from Rainbow's remarks. "Well, it was nice visiting you Fluttershy, but I think it's time Sapphire and I start moving along."

Eyeing Sapphire and remembering how furious she was earlier, Fluttershy just nodded as she meekly replied, "I understand Rarity, it was nice meeting you Sapphire."

"It was nice meeting you too Fluttershy, hopefully next time we can see each other and it will be much more pleasant. That and we can finally have some tea together." Following Rarity who had already started on a trot, Sapphire gave Fluttershy a wave. She returned it, however Rainbow decided to hover above the duo.

"So where are you two heading off to next?" Rainbow asked as Rarity sighed. She had hoped that Rainbow wouldn’t say anything to raise Sapphire's ire even more.

"We're heading to Sweet Apple Acres, I think Sapphire would enjoy the view and like meeting a certain pony we both know," Rarity answered as Sapphire's ears perked up at what she heard.

"Sweet Apple Acres? Do you mean they have apples there?"

"Well duh, you got to have apples at a place named after apples," Rainbow replied. At that, Sapphire began to imagine a place with so many apples, her eyes began glazing over as a bit a drool started to gather at the tip of her mouth to Rarity's disgust. Raising an eyebrow at Sapphire's reaction, Rainbow just shrugged as she declared, "Well, I was napping earlier till something woke me up, so.... I'm gonna go back to dreaming of the Wonderbolts, see ya." Rainbow said before dashing off to a cloud.

Rarity released a sigh of relief at Rainbow's departure, glad that she was no longer riling up Sapphire as they continued their trot. Moments later, she caught the sight of the apple trees of the farm, but when she turned to look at Sapphire, she just saw her mindlessly following as she continued to daydream. Sapphire really needs to stop being so focused on food whenever she sees or hears about it, Rarity thought to herself as she continued to lead Sapphire. She believed it to be best to leave her in her daydreaming till they arrive at their destination. Finally, they found themselves upon the sight of a familiar barn. Dreading the reaction that was soon to come, Rarity announced, "Here we are Sapphire dear, Sweet Apple Acres..." before she braced herself for what was about to come.

Blinking herself out of her stupor, Sapphire’s eyes began to focus before she looked at her surroundings, her jaw dropping at the sight of all the apple trees before her. However, instead of seeing apples as far as the eye can see, she just saw the trees, completely devoid of their fruit. "Wha... wha... this is Sweet Apple Acres? But where's all the apples?" she asked in a voice full of dismay.

"Sorry dear, but you just missed the harvest. If you were here a few days earlier, you would have been able to see all the trees still bearing fruit."

Giving Rarity a double take, Sapphire just gasped at her as the realization that she missed the chance of seeing, and hopefully eating, a massive bounty of fruit rendered her mind to blank out. After receiving Sapphire's dumbfounded staring for a while, Rarity finally waved a hoof in front of Sapphire's face. Soon, she could only sigh due to receiving no reaction before she heard a familiar voice ringing out. "Hey there Rarity, what brings ya to these parts today?"

Turning away from Sapphire, Rarity spotted an orange coated, yellow maned pony who was wearing a stetson on her head approaching her. "Why hello there Applejack, I was just taking my friend Sapphire Rain, whom I think you may recognize from the welcome party Pinkie threw last week, out for some air. She's been cooped up indoors for too long after receiving a dreadful injury and I thought the exercise would do her some good."

"I reckon that some fresh air would do any mare some good, but I don't rightly know that it's doin' some good fer her," Applejack replied as she waved a hoof in front of Sapphire's dumbstruck face.

Sighing, Rarity responded, "You must have missed Sapphire's... eating habit she displayed at the party dear. She tends to... swiftly consume all her food if nopony is there to help her restrain herself. When she heard about your farm, I imagine that she was expecting to see a rather large cache of apples, but the reality of the recent harvest has... rendered her into a shock state."

Letting out a chuckle at the news, Applejack just shook her head at the sight of the food obsessed pony. "I can imagine a pony takin' their meals seriously, but I don't rightly think that I ever seen one be stricken silent like your friend sugarcube. Do ya think that a sniff of Granny Smith's apple pie will knock some sense into her?"

Before Rarity could answer, Sapphire simply blinked as she shook her head before looking around herself as she asked, "Apple pie!? Where?!" before she started to dash about on a search for said pie.

"Whoa there Miss Rain, you won't be findin' any pie if you just rush about like that." Stopping in her tracks, Sapphire just blushed at her own foolishness as Applejack held out a hoof to her. "My name's Applejack, pleased to make your acquaintance."

Placing her own hoof to Applejack's, Sapphire started to say, "Nice meeting you Applejack, but you can just cal—" before Applejack grasped Sapphire's hoof with her other one and gave it a shaking that Sapphire had never felt before, causing her mane to bounce up and down. When Applejack finally released her hoof, Sapphire's pupils were still bouncing before she placed her hooves on her head to steady herself. "Er... as I was saying, you can just call me Sapphire."

"Well there sugarcube, if you're still hankerin' for some apple pie, just follow me to the farmhouse over there an—" Applejack said as she pointed at her home, only to be interrupted as Sapphire disappeared, leaving behind nothing but a dust cloud. Waving a hoof to clear the cloud, Applejack caught the sight of Sapphire running towards the farmhouse. "Ya weren't kiddin' about her needing somepony to restrain her. I didn't think food would send her runnin' off like that."

Shaking her head, Rarity simply replied, "While it's a shame that she's jumping at the thought of food, I did succeed in teaching her proper dining etiquette. Come Applejack dear, it's best we follow her to your humble abode before she clears it of every pie she can find." Straightening her hat, Applejack gave Rarity a nod as the duo headed to the farmhouse. Rarity could only hope that she would be able to stop Sapphire from causing another food-related fiasco.