• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 9,345 Views, 371 Comments

Azure Memories - Silvak

A unicorn wakes up in Ponyville, with no memories beyond her own name as she starts a brand new life from scratch.

  • ...

Chapter XVII: Ice

"Focus Sapphire, manipulating water is your talent. However, it doesn't mean you can just control large amounts of it. You should be able to change it to your whims, turning it into ice or steam whenever you desire to."

"But it's hard..."

"I know it's hard, but it can be done. Ponies who didn't have a talent were able to do it, so you can do it too. Instead of focusing on the water as a whole, focus on every individual molecule. Have your magic manipulate them at the smallest level, arranging them as you see fit."

"Okay... but can you demonstrate for me mist—"

Cracking her eyes a bit, Sapphire was blinded by the sunlight streaming through her window, causing her to close them. "You got to be bucking kidding me," Sapphire mumbled to herself as she crawled out of bed. I almost had a name, and the sun wakes me up from my dream. Typical, Sapphire thought to herself as she made her bed before looking out the window. Even though the pests that were called parasprites had wreck the town, it only took a couple weeks for Ponyville to recover. Sapphire chipped in as best she could in the repairs, though due to being unskilled and still uneducated, she was normally given the job of bringing over construction materials whenever it was needed. At first Sapphire didn't mind, until she came across a particularly annoying pink filly that insulted her by saying that she was nothing more than a pack mule. Sapphire was surprised how much she wanted to strangle the filly after the insult, especially since she hadn't had any feelings that hostile towards anypony since waking up in Ponyville.

Shortly after the fixing of the town, Sapphire caught wind of Apple Bloom forming a club with Rarity's younger sister and a pegasi filly, one devoted to finding Cutie Marks, though it also included the events prior to that. Though by the sounds of the things Apple Bloom went through to find her own Cutie Mark, Sapphire was a bit cautious about the trouble the three fillies could cause together. Hopefully they won't rope her into helping them find their Cutie Marks, for she had a gut feeling that those three would be nothing but trouble.

After having breakfast with Rarity, Sapphire excused herself to go pay Twilight a visit, figuring that maybe she would have some insight to her latest memory, as well as drop off a few books. Arriving at the library, Sapphire knocked the door before stepping back to wait, as it opened to reveal Spike who said, "Morning Sapphire, here for a new batch of books?"

"Sort of... I'm really here to ask Twilight a couple of questions. Is she free right now?" Sapphire replied.

"Yeah, she's not working on one of her projects, I'll go get her," Spike said as he stepped aside to let Sapphire through before heading upstairs.

Placing the books on a nearby table, Sapphire just sat down as she waited for a bit before Twilight came down, saying, "Hello Sapphire, is there something you need?"

"Hi Twilight, I was just wondering a couple things about my own magic. Mostly due to another partial memory I remembered this morning," Sapphire answered.

Tilting her head, Twilight asked, "Oh? Did you happen to remember any names or images yet?"

Sighing, Sapphire replied, "I was actually close, but I woke up before I even got a piece of a name. Sometimes, I wonder if life is just taunting me right now," before shaking her head to clear her mood. "However, this memory involved some magic lessons I was learning from some stallion, so I was wondering if that could be some kind of clue in itself?"

"It could be a lead, but was there anything from your dreams that could tell me how he was teaching you? With the theory that you may be from the wilds, there is a possibility that he may be just another wild pony that we have no records of," Twilight responded, tapping her chin in thought. "What was the pony trying to teach you?"

"By the little amount I could remember, it sounded like he was trying to refine my control over water," Sapphire answered, which caused Twilight's pupils to widen at the revelation.

"That reminds me, we didn't try to see the limits of your magic since the last time we tried," Twilight declared, while Sapphire shivered at how that experience ended. "If you had training in your special talent before, maybe pushing the limits of your magical capabilities would lead to you remember some more memories. If nothing else, we can see just what you can actually do with your magic beyond controlling large amounts of water."

"Alright... though if we get wet again, please don't teleport us back to the library like last time..."

Waving her hoof off in a nonchalant manner, Twilight replied, "We don't have to worry about that, we're doing it small scale, so we'll be in the kitchen. So let's get started and see what you can do!" Giving Twilight a nod, Sapphire followed her to said kitchen, as she watched Twilight fill up a bowl of water. "Best we use a bowl instead of a glass, in case something goes wrong."

"I hope not..." Sapphire muttered to herself before Twilight placed the filled bowl on the counter before turning her head towards Sapphire, giving her a creepy smile that almost made her flinch. Sometimes Twilight is too enthusiastic about magic...

"Now, normally I would instruct you in the ways of turning water into it’s gaseous or solid form, but I think it would be best to see if you can do it on your own," Twilight said as she sat down on the floor while Sapphire just gave her a surprised look. Seeing Sapphire's expression, Twilight continued, "I just want to see if you can do this with just your special talent alone."

Giving Twilight a baffled look, Sapphire replied, "But isn't that risky? What if something goes wrong and one of us gets hurt?"

"It'll be alright, I can cast a shield spell if necessary. So how about we start with freezing the water?"

Biting her lip, Sapphire gave Twilight a slow nod before focusing on the water, her horn lighting up as she concentrated on the water. After staring at the bowl with no results, Sapphire let out a sigh as she said, "Well, I guess I can't simply magic the water into ice."

"Hmm... what method were you trying to use to freeze the water?" Twilight asked as she pulled out a notepad.

"Umm... by imagining the water turning into ice?" Sapphire answered with an awkward smile.

Shaking her head, Twilight replied, "That is more of wish fulfillment than casting magic or even manipulating the water. How much do you know about water itself?"

Blinking in surprise, Sapphire meekly responded, "Umm... not much more than the average pony?"

Sighing, Twilight said, "Well, that isn't surprising. For the purposes of this experiment, I will just tell you that pure water is made of up of water molecules, which are composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Their molecular makeup is what cau..." before she noticed the lost look in Sapphire's eyes. "You have no idea what I'm saying, right?"

Blushing a bit, Sapphire answered, "Only the molecule thing, sort of... though it was due to someone mentioning it in the last memory that I remembered."

Raising an eyebrow, Twilight quickly jotted something down before explaining, "If somepony told you about molecules, then maybe you should concentrate and controlling those first. When water forms into ice, the molecules are arranged in a formation that allows them to assume a solid form, while in liquid state, the molecules are fluid but is able to fill as much space as possible. Therefore the same amount of water molecules in solid form takes up more space than water in a liquid form."

"...Okay... I'll try to keep that in mind..." Sapphire said before lighting up her horn with magic. Squinting at the bowl of water, Sapphire concentrated on what Twilight had told her. Control the molecules, that's what she was telling me. I can't just control it as a whole, I need to have full control of every little bit of it, Sapphire thought to herself, as the water in the bowl began to shift about. Leaning her head closer to the bowl, Twilight watched as the water started to rise out of the bowl right before it all suddenly froze.

Clapping her front hooves together in excitement, Twilight said, "Amazing! You froze the water with just a limited understanding about the states of matter!" Poking the ice itself, Twilight then continued, "It is even cold as ice, not just water forced into the form of ice! I wonder what your magic did to the thermal energy it lost."

"Thermal... energy? What is that?" Sapphire asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

"Oh, I was talking about the heat the water possessed that was lost when you turned it into ice. I suppose it was just sent into the surrounding air," Twilight answered while taking some notes. "So let’s see if you can return the ice to water."

"Okay..." Sapphire said as she concentrated on the bowl again. It only took a few moments before the ice reverted to water. Sapphire made sure to hold onto the water so that none of it would spill out of the bowl. "Well... that was easier than making water into ice."

"Well, since your Cutie Mark is water droplets, it may hint that your water manipulation is at it’s best when it is in a liquid state. Now, let's see if you can turn the water into a gaseous state as well. Now, unlike ice, when water becomes a vapor, its molecules are spread out all over the surrounding airspace, where in normal conditions the water molecules are evenly dispersed throughout the region," Twilight responded, causing Sapphire to stare at her a bit. "What? What's wrong?"

"Umm... don't you think we're rushing this a bit?" Sapphire tentatively asked.

"Nonsense, it'll probably be similar to the ice trial. Besides, nothing can go wrong as long as I keep the shield spell at the ready."


While the two were working on Sapphire's magic, Spike was relaxing in his basket, reading one of his comics. He was having a pleasant time enjoying his break since the library was in tip top shape, until he heard some screaming from downstairs.

"Twilight!" Spike shrieked as he jumped out of his bed, rushing downstairs to beheld the sight of steam coming out of the kitchen. "Twilight, what happened‽"

"Spike? Don't worry, we're fine," Twilight answered as she stepped out of the kitchen, waving a hoof in front of her face to clear the steam.

"Speak for yourself," Sapphire grumbled, as she followed Twilight out to reveal that her mane looked like it was blow dried by an industrial drier. For a moment, Spike just stared at Sapphire, before collapsing onto the ground in a fit of laughter.

"Spike!" Twilight said, who was about to reprimand Spike till Sapphire stopped her by holding out a hoof in front of her.

"No matter what you say, I still look ridiculous," Sapphire explained while shaking her head till her mane came down to her normal style. "Besides, I thought when you mentioned that you would use a shield spell, that you would use it on the bowl and not yourself?"

Blushing, Twilight answered, "Yeah, sorry about that, it just happened so suddenly that I reacted on instinct. But we now know that you can also turn water into steam!" while giving Sapphire an awkward smile, to which Sapphire gave Twilight a deadpanned stare in return. "Umm... how about we call it a day and have lunch?"

"I think that’s a good idea, but one thing first Twilight."

"What is it?"

"Next time something like this happens, how about you shield me first. Moving onto steam so quickly was your idea after all."