• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 9,345 Views, 371 Comments

Azure Memories - Silvak

A unicorn wakes up in Ponyville, with no memories beyond her own name as she starts a brand new life from scratch.

  • ...

Chapter XXIV: Model

"You will find Manehatten to be a splendid place to behold," Hoity commented as Sapphire looked out the window of the train car they were currently in, watching as the scenery passed by underneath a nighttime sky.

"Well, since it would be my first city that I've been to, I won't doubt what you said," Sapphire replied as she thought about why she would be the one to attract Hoity's eye of all things. Shortly after hearing that Hoity would be leaving by nightfall, the Elements were quick to help Sapphire get ready for the trip. There wasn't much to pack since it consisted of Applejack writing a letter and filling a bag with some bits should she need some. Rarity commented that she would have made Sapphire a dress that would suit her looks if she had the time, but was happy that Sapphire had finally found a potential career. Though, she did mention that it would be nice if Sapphire could point a few ponies in her direction if she could.

Even though Sapphire was uncertain about being a fashion model, Rarity pointed out it would be something that could potentially allow her to support herself. Furthermore, Twilight mentioned that as a model, it would increase the odds of finding her family or at least somepony that knew her. It helped since she would start having more pictures of her floating about in civilized areas. Hence, Sapphire felt in the end that this could be a worthy venture. Though she also secretly hoped that nothing would go wrong in the end.

Hence, she wound up on the train heading to Manehatten. She sat in a private train car that Hoity paid for, built with a personal seating area and even a pair of private rooms for them to sleep in, which only intensified her nervousness. Turning her attention towards Hoity, she asked, "So... once we're at Manehatten, what exactly are we going to do?"

"Simple Miss Sapphire, the moment we're off the train, I'll be taking you to one of Equestria's greatest fashion photographers, Photo Finish. If she likes your figure, then you'll be one of Equestria's newest models in no time," Hoity answered, Sapphire nodding in acknowledging that she somewhat recognized the name, probably overhearing it from Rarity.

"I see... is there anything I should do before I meet Photo Finish?"

"Just keep on doing whatever you do to keep your figure and appearance. If there is something about your looks that Photo likes, she will see it instantly," Hoity explained as a mare with a snack cart came into their car. Upon seeing the cart, Sapphire quickly pulled out her bag of bits, only for Hoity to hold up a hoof in front of her. "Miss Rain, consuming these... 'snacks' would be detrimental on your figure. You cannot afford to start putting on some weight now when you're already in an ideal state of fitness."

"Umm... Mr. Toity... I don't think this would affect my weight..." Sapphire said, causing the stallion to cock an eyebrow at her.

"And what makes you think that?" Hoity replied, skepticism clear in the tone of his voice.

"Well... I've been to a couple parties before and ate way more sweets than what was on the cart and never gained a single pound from it. I even eat at least three times more than the average pony, based on Twilight's estimates on my own eating habits," Sapphire answered, which rendered Hoity speechless for a moment, allowing Sapphire the chance to order some food from the snack mare.

"Wait, there is no way anypony can... eat... that much..." Hoity finally declared after his shock wore off, only for his words to taper off as he witnessed Sapphire gorging on her meal. Even though Sapphire was following Rarity's lesson on dining etiquette to the letter, it didn't slow down her rate of consumption. Hoity lowered his glasses in shock as he witnessed Sapphire stuffing a cake into her mouth, only to see that there wasn't any distinct bulge appearing on her belly. After watching Sapphire finish up her meal, he uttered out, "Oh sweet Celestia, how is this possible?"

"Umm... because I have a fast metabolism?" Sapphire replied with a sheepish smile.

After another moment of staring, Hoity responded, "If you do become a model, please don't mention that, or how much you can eat at one sitting. It would make some mares feel like they can never achieve the kind of fitness you have. However, it is time for us to get some beauty sleep. Wouldn't want to tarnish that face of yours with some bags beneath your eyes," before making his way to one of the car's private rooms. Letting out a sigh, Sapphire made her way to the other room as she thought to herself, I really hope this wasn't a mistake.


"Yes, yes, I know you're amazed by your first time being in a city, but we have a timetable to attend to," Hoity berated as Sapphire gawked at the skyscrapers before her after disembarking from the train. However, it didn't last long when she spotted Hoity stomping in front of her as he said, "Miss Rain, we don't have time to waste. Photo Finish isn't a mare that would like to be kept waiting."

"Oh... sorry about that," Sapphire timidly replied before following Hoity as he made his way to one of the busy streets, raising a hoof to hail a cab pony. After climbing into the cab with Sapphire in tow, Hoity quickly gave directions as Sapphire took this as an opportunity to view the city once more.

However, that didn't last long as Hoity proceeded to interrupt Sapphire's sight seeing when he said, "Now Miss Rain, remember that once we arrive, I need you to be on your very best behavior. Photo Finish isn't an easy mare to please," causing Sapphire to gulp as her nervousness started to return. Before she could get a word out, the cab came to a stop, prompting Hoity to declare, "And here we are!" as he got out of the cab to stand in front of a highly lavished studio, which only served to intimidate Sapphire even more.

Getting off the cab, Sapphire said, "I'm starting to have sec—"

"No time to waste, madam. Your future awaits!" Hoity declared as he went into the building, causing Sapphire to let out sigh before following him inside. After a short greeting with the receptionist at the main lobby, they moved onto another room. Here, Sapphire was bewildered by the sight of all the lights and equipment inside before spotting a white maned, teal coated pony wearing purple shades and a black dress that was taking pictures of what Sapphire assumed to be another model.

Biting her lip, Sapphire was about to call out to Hoity to voice her concerns, only for Hoity to approach Photo as he said, "Photo, my dear. It is so good to see you again."

Turning her head towards Hoity, Photo replied, "Hoity Toity? Vat are you doing here? Can you not see that I, Photo Finish, am busy with this shoot?"

"Ah, but you see, this is why I am here, for I brought to you what I believe could be a prospective model," Hoity answered, raising a hoof to point at Sapphire, drawing Photo's attention to her. Taking a step back, Sapphire was about to say something when Photo suddenly closed in on her, causing her to let out a panicked cry at the surprising speed of the mare.

"Hmm... ze mare is of an unusual build," Photo said as she circled Sapphire, eyeing her like some kind of predator. "Her figure, it is of a lithe physique, but one that hints at a more natural form, instead of those that strive for it. Hmm... yeees! I can see the magics!"

"The... magics?"

"Get her in a dress!" Photo ordered. Instantly, two mares appeared, stuffing Sapphire into a violet dress before pushing her onto the stage.

"I... what?" Sapphire said, confusion evident on her face.

"Look this way," Photo commanded as she pointed a hoof off to the side, causing Sapphire to look in that direction before she noticed a flash as her photo was taken. "Yes, I can work with this! Make up!"

"I... huh?" Sapphire croaked out as she became completely lost in what is going on. One of the aids quickly applied blush onto her face, causing her to rear it back, only to fail as the mare applied some more.

"Too much blush," Photo commented, causing a mare to start wiping some off till Photo said, "Not enuf." After some blush was reapplied, Photo declared, "Perfiect!"

Sputtering a bit, Sapphire finally collected herself as she exclaimed, "Wait, wait a minute! I have no idea what is going on now!"

Frowning, Photo replied, "We are making the magics!"

Hoity, who was observing everything, asked, "Don't you want to be a model, Miss Rain?"

"I... I don't know. This is just so confusing, and I never done this before, an—"

"You do not need to worry. The aids, they will help prepare you and we can teach you what to do. It is very simple, all you have to do is keep your figure and pose when we tell you to pose," Photo explained.

"You see Miss Rain, it is a simple matter for you. All you need to learn is how to pose the way Photo wants it and they will take care of the rest of the work," Hoity added. "Just a few photo shoots, the occasional fashion show, and you will live the life of luxury and fame!"

"Yees. Just work the magics as told, and I, Photo Finish, will make you a star!"

With uncertainty still apparent on her face, one of the aids added in, "You will be paid thousands of bits."

"I'm no—did you said 'thousands of bits'?" Sapphire asked as her mind started to think on this revelation.

"Yees. If you agree to model for me, I will pay you a thousand bits for this shoot alone. You are new to the world of fashion, but with your looks, you will catch the world like a storm and you will make more bits than you can ever imagine!" Photo explained.

Originally, she thought that at most she would be able to pay Rarity back for all she has done for her, and eventually save enough to finally be able to move out. However, with the fact that she could be making thousands of bits for some pictures and a fashion show here and there, she could live quite comfortable for the rest of her life. No longer would she be living off Rarity, no longer would she be going to restaurants where her friends are always the ones paying for the meals. Furthermore, if she did become as famous as Hoity and Photo said, then maybe she could finally find somepony that knew her before she lost her memory. "Okay... I guess I could learn how to do this if what you're saying is true. I mean, what harm could come from trying this?" Sapphire finally answered, while thinking of all the sweets she could finally buy from Sugarcube Corner.

"Wundarbar! Now back to the magics!" Photo exclaimed, as she and the aids started to guide Sapphire on what poses she should do while Hoity smiled at being able to bring this newest addition to the fashion world.