• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 9,348 Views, 371 Comments

Azure Memories - Silvak

A unicorn wakes up in Ponyville, with no memories beyond her own name as she starts a brand new life from scratch.

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Chapter IV: Tests

The whiff of a meal being cooked caused Sapphire's nose to twitch, her eyes slowly cracking open as her nose sniffed the scent. The moment her mind processed the scent, she suddenly jumped out of bed; eyes fully open as she headed out of the room. Following the smell of a meal as she leaves the room, her mouth started to water as she headed down the stairs. Finding the kitchen by her sense of smell alone, Sapphire found Rarity cooking the meals. Surprisingly, Twilight was sitting at the dining table, her face buried in a book. "Morning Rarity and morning Twilight... I'm surprised that you're here, wasn't I supposed to meet you at your library?" Sapphire asked, her mind distracted from the food right by Twilight's presence.

Twilight looked up from her book, smiling timidly as she said, "Good morning Sapphire. I remember that I invited you to the library, but since you're the first pony with amnesia that I have ever met, I have decided to do some research into the subject. Then I got myself thinking that maybe I could try some experiments to see if we can get you to remember some of your memories, if you're willing to give them a try that is."

"Hmmm... sure, why not? Couldn't hurt could it?" Sapphire asked as she took a seat at the dining table, more focused on the subject than the food.

"Oh no, none of my experiments would harm you at all. First however, maybe you want to look at your cutie mark if you hadn't already, maybe that will help you remember something," Twilight replied, peeking past the table to get a clear look at Sapphire's cutie mark as well.

"Oh, I didn't even check that out. That thought never crossed my mind," Sapphire said as she moved her flank into a position where she could see her cutie mark. On her flank were three water droplets, appearing to fall down like they're raining down from the sky.

"Anything Sapphire?" Twilight asked with curiosity and hope.

"...Not a thing. Sorry Twilight," Sapphire answered, moving back to a comfortable position as her ears flopped down against her head, her own hopes dashed.

"It's alright Sapphire, there are other things we can still try. Though... it's curious that you have a cutie mark like that. It looks like a mark that would belong to a pegasus or an earth pony... I wonder what special talent your cutie mark denotes?" Twilight said, rubbing a hoof against her chin as she pondered over the new information. Then, Rarity walked over, carrying three dishes with her magic.

"Twilight dear, I know you enjoy your pursuit of knowledge and answers as much as I enjoy designing new dresses. But there's a time and a place for these things and right now, it's time for a lady to enjoy her breakfast," Rarity said with disapproval as she set down the plates, to which Twilight blushed with some embarrassment. The moment Sapphire's eyes spotted the fried eggs and toast, her mouth started to water once more. However, before she could do a thing, Rarity continued, "And Sapphire dear, I know you have… a desire to... dine with haste, but you really need to learn some self-control and patience. You'll belittle yourself if you eat like some common animal. Here, watch how I eat so you can dine with etiquette."

Letting out a sigh, Sapphire nodded as she simply watched Rarity begin to eat her meal with grace, while Twilight observed Sapphire's behavior. Perhaps her habit of eating food with haste and in large amounts like in the party is related to her past. By the looks of her frame along how she eats, it looks like she eats in expectation that she might be going without food for a long time... I wonder what that indicates then... Twilight thought as she looked over Sapphire's body, noting that she possessed quite a lithe frame compared to the average unicorn.

Noticing what Twilight is doing, Sapphire said, "Ummm... Twilight? Is something the matter? Cause... you've been staring at me for quite a while now," as she used her magic to lift up a fork as she tried to imitate Rarity, though she did a poor job at it.

"Oh! Sorry, I was just lost in tho..." Twilight started to say, before noticing Sapphire's levitation, which caused her jaw to drop.

Blinking in surprise, Sapphire replied "Twilight, are you okay?" while waving a hoof in front of Twilight's face as Rarity looked in concern at her.

"How... how... how are you using magic... but can't read?" Twilight squeaked out in shock, before suddenly shaking her head to clear her confusion before looking at Sapphire once more. "Sorry about that Sapphire, I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that... your case of amnesia and being uneducated is highly abnormal since you still know how to use magic, at least levitation," she explained.

"Twilight, you must really focus on your meal now before it gets cold. You can attend to your curiosity later at your library," Rarity scolded, with Twilight blushing once more as she finally got started on her own meal.

"...Are libraries normally trees?" Sapphire asked, as Twilight facehooved from behind her. After breakfast, the duo left the Carousel Boutique, Twilight leading Sapphire to the town library, which upon arrival Sapphire gasped in shock at the sight of it.

"No. Normally libraries are normal buildings like the structures around us, but sometimes trees are converted into buildings for aesthetic or historical purposes," Twilight explained, as she opened the front door and indicated for Sapphire to come inside. Shaking her head clear of her amazement, Sapphire walked inside as Twilight shouted, "Spike, I'm home and I brought Sapphire!"

From the second floor, a young voice that sounds like it belongs to a colt can be heard as it said, "Alright Twilight, just give me a moment!"

After looking upon shelves and shelves of books in wonder, Sapphire looked at Twilight with a questioning look. "Oh, Spike's my number one assistant, he's been preparing some things for the experiments with your amnesia," Twilight explained, with Sapphire giving her an acknowledging nod. Within moments, a purple scaled young dragon came down the stairs, carrying a couple of boxes in his arms.

"I got all the stuff you wanted for your testing done," the dragon said, before he noticed Sapphire staring at him bug-eyed. "First time seeing a dragon?" he asked, putting the box down as he puffed out his chest.

"Yeah... though I didn't even know what a dragon was till now..." Sapphire replied.

"Jeeze, Twilight wasn't kidding when she said you don’t know a thing," Spike offhandedly commented.

"Spike!" Twilight yelled, giving him a glare that caused him to wilt.

"Twilight, it's alright. I need to get used to that eventually anyway, since it's becoming a daily thing for me now," Sapphire said with a shrug, which caused Twilight to look at her with a dumbfounded expression.

"How... how can you be okay with other ponies treating you like that Sapphire?" Twilight asked as she levitated the box Spike brought in, walking over to a couch to sit on while Sapphire followed.

"Good question... I'm not really sure myself... maybe I’ve experienced something like it in the past? Whatever the case, it's better to just ignore simple mistakes than to let them wear you down," Sapphire answered as she took a seat as well.

"That's... insightful Sapphire," Twilight replied, as she pondered more about the past of this amnesiac unicorn. "If you don't mind, I would like to conduct my experiments first to see if we can trigger the return of any of your memories before I teach you the basics of reading," Twilight asked, to which Sapphire gave a simple nod to. "Okay then, first I'm going to show you a series of pictures of various objects and places, to see if they can trigger any memories," Twilight instructed as she levitated a stack of pictures before her, showing each picture one by one to Sapphire, who looked at each picture critically before shaking her head each time. After going through the pictures, Twilight proceeded to say the names of various places, events, or important figures to Sapphire, who once again simply shook her head. Twilight, refusing to call it quits, called down Spike to bring more materials to test Sapphire with.

A couple hours later, with books and boxes of various objects spread all about the library. Sapphire gave Twilight an inquisitive look as she said, "Twilight... maybe we should stop. We've been at this for a while now, and I still don't remember a thing and you're driving yourself nuts with these... experiments..."

Twilight, her hair frayed, opened her mouth to argue back, but was stopped when Sapphire placed a hoof in her mouth. She gave her a serious stare before removing her hoof to let Twilight take a deep breath to calm herself. "Sorry about that Sapphire, it's just that with all these experiments, I thought we would have triggered at least one memory of yours," Twilight explained.

"It's alright Twilight, at least you tried and that's all that counts. Thank you for putting so much effort to help me out," Sapphire said, giving Twilight a calming smile.

"Oh it's nothing Sapphire, I'm your friend and it's the least I can do to help you out," Twilight replied, to which Sapphire gave her a skeptical look.

"Friends? We're friends? But you barely even know me Twilight, even I don't know me..." Sapphire said in a voice thick with doubt and sorrow. Twilight responded with a sad look, before coming to her, giving her a hug with her forelegs.

"It doesn't matter Sapphire, cause I know that deep down, you're a good pony," Twilight said in a soothing tone, to which Sapphire returned the hug, remaining quiet for the time being.

"Twilight... thank you for being my friend," Sapphire finally said, as she gently broke up the hug as she gave Twilight a hopeful smile that Twilight returned with one of her own.

"I'm glad to be your friend," Twilight replied, but her eyes then drifted to Sapphire's cutie mark, before her eyes brightened as an idea came to her mind. "Wait, Sapphire, I have one last thing to try," she said as she rushed out of the room into the kitchen, leaving Sapphire confused till she returned with a glass of water that she placed on a nearby table. "Okay, Sapphire, I need you to lift this glass up into the air for me," she commanded, to which Sapphire gave her a baffled look before doing as told, lifting the glass in the air with her magic. Her horn and the glass were soon covered in an aquamarine aura. "Now, Sapphire, remember how much magic you used on the glass and then put it back on the table. Then, using the same amount of magic, this time lift the water in the glass into the air." Sapphire, bearing a puzzled expression as she was tried to figure out what Twilight is looking for. She placed the glass back on the table and then reduced the aura to just be around the water before she attempted to lift it into the air. Instead of the water simply floating into the air as she was expecting, it simply just vanished, with the sound of a splash coming from the ceiling, along with water raining down on the table. As the incident occurred, the two unicorns looked up at the ceiling to see a large portion of it dripping wet from the water that was sent flying into it.

"Wha... what just happened?" Sapphire asked, her mind lost as she tried to figure out what just happened. Twilight on the other hoof, clapped her hooves together as she jumped into the air in glee.

"My hypothesis was correct!" she squealed in joy as she came down, before she spotted Sapphire's befuddled look at her reaction, causing Twilight to blush in response. "Oh sorry about that, I had a hypothesis on the nature of your special talent based on your cutie mark, the fact that you're unicorn and that you know some magic, and I was right! Your special talent is water manipulation, where you expend much less energy to manipulate water compared to the average unicorn! That explains why your magic sent the water flying into the ceiling, cause you don't need to use as much magic to lift water than you would on a glass filled with the same amount of water!" Twilight revealed, ending Sapphire's confusion.

"That would explain my cutie mark... hmm..." Sapphire replied, as she looked at the ceiling once more in thought, before looking back at Twilight to ask, "So what does this mean?"

Instead of responding, Twilight's jaw dropped as she stared at Sapphire as her pupils shrank to pinpricks. "You... you don't remember... a single thing still?" she tentatively asked, to which Sapphire just shook her head for an answer. Twilight then grabbed her mane with her hooves, wailing in frustration, "How can you not remember?!?! Just how bad is your amnesia!!!" Sapphire leaned back into the couch as Twilight went off into a rant, pacing around the room as she muttered to herself about the sheer illogical nature of Sapphire's amnesia.

"Twilight, do you have to scream so loudly? I was reading my comics when your yell made me jump into the air!" Spike complained from upstairs, where he was reading comics to pass the time whenever he wasn't fulfilling Twilight's requests.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight replied, "Sorry Spike, I just never thought Sapphire's amnesia would be so... difficult. I never seen anything like it in my books about them." Looking at Sapphire, she took up a shameful face as she said, "Sorry for my reaction Sapphire, I just didn't expect you to not remember anything after we figured out your special talent."

Taking a more comfortable position on the couch, Sapphire responded, "It's alright Twilight, you're just frustrated, I understand. How about we do something else to keep your mind off this?"

Twilight sighed, nodding her head at Sapphire's suggestion until she suddenly remembered something. "Oh! I almost forgot! I promised to teach you how to read, are you still up for it Sapphire?" Sapphire gave Twilight a grateful nod, glad that Twilight had moved past the current problem for the time being. Twilight used her magic to bring over some new books as she began to instruct Sapphire the first lessons of learning how to read.