• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 9,340 Views, 371 Comments

Azure Memories - Silvak

A unicorn wakes up in Ponyville, with no memories beyond her own name as she starts a brand new life from scratch.

  • ...

Chapter XXI: Dream

"Behold, the Princess of the Ni—"

"What the buck‽"

"Why art there darkness in this dream? Where are th—"

"Who are you? Wait... am I remembering something?"

"Will thou stop interrupting us?"

"...Yes?" Sapphire said, wondering why she was only hearing one voice if there was more than one presence in whatever she was experiencing.

"Very good. Now, let us have a moment so we can give your dream something other than darkness," the voice said before the dark void that was Sapphire's dream shifted to a more familiar setting of the Carousel Boutique. Looking around, Sapphire noticed she had a physical form in this dream like the last one before noticing the blue alicorn staring at her with a frown.

"Gah!" Sapphire shrieked as she got behind a nearby table, flipping it over before taking cover behind it.

Rolling her eyes, Luna said, "Knave, we art no—"

"Just leave me alone! I didn't do anything wrong! I thought it was clear that I have amnesia and that I'm not going to hurt Twilight!" Sapphire pleaded as she cowered behind the table.

"...Well, this art better than the usual screams of terror..." Luna muttered to herself as she approached Sapphire at a slow pace. "Do not fret fair maiden, for we art not here to harm thee nor question thy intentions upon residing in this town. Our presence in thy dream art merely part of our duty as the Princess of the Night, and we art simply here to help you."

Peeking her head out from behind the table, her eyes still full of fear, Sapphire croaked out, "You're here to help me?"

If this is how she is acting around us, no wonder sister is fearful of what her reaction would be upon meeting her again, Luna thought to herself before answering, "Indeed, for we hath received word of thy ailment and how thou seem to be recovering through thy dreams. As the Princess of the Night, our domain includes the realm of dreams, hence why we hath appeared in thy dream."

Edging out from behind the table a bit more, Sapphire replied, "Wait... you know of a way to help me to remember my memories? And how do you know that I was remembering through my dreams?"

"Possibly, for thy amnesia art mysterious in nature. However, if there art a connection between your memories and the dream world, then we shall be able to aid thee. To answer thy other question, we learned of thy predicament from our sister's student, Twilight Sparkle," Luna replied, causing Sapphire to inch out even more from behind the table. "Has thou overcome thy fear of us?"

"Yeah... sorry... I just thought I was in trouble again, and you surprised me," Sapphire said as she finally got out from behind the table, shuffling her hooves as she gave Luna a timid look.

"Very well, before we proceed towards the restoration of thy memories, does thou have any questions?" Luna asked as she gave Sapphire a firm look, causing her to flinch in response.

"Well... I do have one question..."

"Then speak of it."

"Well... why are you talking that way?" Sapphire asked, causing Luna to raise an eyebrow.

"What way? What art thou talking about?"

"Well... your use of 'thou' and 'thee'. I never heard of a pony speaking like that before and it's confusing me," Sapphire replied, causing Luna to frown in thought.

"This art the way we normally speak, but if this confuses thou, we... I will try to speak like you modern ponies do," Luna said, causing Sapphire to blink as she mouthed the word 'modern' before Luna continued. "It is best for the both of us to be able to focus on the task on hoof. However, do not speak of this to anypony, especially our sister," Luna commanded, to which Sapphire gave a quick nod to. "Now, onto the matters on hoof. Please inform us... me of what memories you have recovered and how you recovered them."

After a quick explanation, Luna was rubbing her chin as she said, "Are you certain that you remembered talking about the sky turning green?"

"Yes, Princess Luna. While I didn't remember any images, I do remember what was said as clear as day," Sapphire answered, causing Luna to frown at both that and her choice of words.

"Peculiar, though your last memory is of greatest interest. If what Twilight suspects to be correct, which I am believing to be true, then we might be able to find some clues to your memories within your subconscious," Luna declared as her horn became alight with a blue aura.

"But how do we ent—whoa!" Sapphire exclaimed as the dream's scenery changed, shifting from the Boutique to some kind of massive room. It was full of what appeared to be empty picture frames that hung all over the walls.

"This... isn't what I was expecting," Luna said as she walked up to one frame, only to stop at the sound of someone stepping on broken glass. Looking down, Luna saw that the ground was littered with hundreds of glass shards. Lifting one shard with her magic, she saw that it resembled a mirror, abet one whose surface was a shrouded fog, with Luna barely making out her reflection on it.

"Is... this really my subconscious?" Sapphire asked, while leaning her head down to look at the mirror shards.

Looking at the frames again, Luna saw that a few of the frames had some shards within them. Bringing the clouded shard with her, Luna approached one of the frames that possessed a shard before inspecting it, seeing that it was clearly unlike the others. "Sapphire, would you kindly come over here and look at this mirror fragment?"

"Um... okay?" Sapphire said as she trotted over to the frame. Looking upon it, Sapphire asked, "Is there something I should be looking for Princess?"

"Do you not remember anything from looking at the shard, nor see anything?"

Shaking her head, Sapphire answered, "Just my reflection, nothing else."

Scowling at the piece, Luna placed a hoof on it, only for nothing to happen. "Peculiar. Sapphire, place your hoof on this shard," Luna commanded as she removed her hoof.

Eyeing the fragment before shooting a glance at Luna, Sapphire tentatively moved her hoof towards the shard. At the moment her hoof touched the object, Sapphire heard something, 'My precious Sapphire,' this caused her to pull her hoof back in surprise. "Did you hear that?" she asked as she backed away from shard.

"No, I do not. I assume that what you heard was a memory?" Luna questioned as she stared at the shard while holding the clouded one next to it.

"Yes... but it was something I had already remembered."

"I see, then this place is a representation of your memories within your subconscious. These shards are fragments of your memories," Luna said as she focused on the clouded piece before her. "Have you touched any of the clouded shards?"

"Well, a few... but nothing happened with them," Sapphire said while rubbing one of her forelegs with the other.

"I see, for I believe the clouded ones are the memories you have yet to remember. Perhaps..." Luna said before she concentrated on the shard, her aura on her horn and the shard glowing brighter than before.

"Princess? What are you doing?" Sapphire asked as she tilted her head before Luna's magic dimmed as she turned her attention towards Sapphire.

"We... I was scanning the shard for any traces of magic. Sadly, we find no traces of magic, so either no magic was used upon you, or the spell that caused this was cast long ago. Long enough for the traces to have faded with time," Luna answered. "This means that we can't find an immediate solution if this was some spell cast upon you. However, it is strange to not only have your memories be clouded, but for them to be shattered so that you can only remember bits and pieces at a time," Luna continued before returning her focus on the shard, her magic glowing brighter once more.

"I see... but what are you doing now, Princess?" Sapphire replied, only for Luna to grunt in response. "Um... I'm not trying to say that I don't trust you in doing what you can to help me regain my memories... but couldn't you tell me what you're going to try on one of them before actu—"

"Silence naive, for we art concentrating here," Luna shot back as her face scrunched up as her horn's aura glowed brighter than before, causing Sapphire to fold her eyes against her head as she closed her mouth. After a few minutes had passed, Luna let out a sigh of frustration as her magic dimmed while saying, "We... I apologize for our harsh interruption, but I was focusing on trying to bend or break this shard he—"

"You were going to shatter one of my memories‽" Sapphire shrieked, only for her to cover her mouth with her fore hooves as Luna glowered at her.

"It is simply one portion of your memory, and it wouldn't destroy it. It would only make it hard for this particular one to be recovered. However, the amount of power we used is beyond that of powerful unicorn, hence your amnesia wasn't caused by somepony unless they possessed the power to match an alicorn. However, I highly doubt that any such being would simply chose to do this upon you of all ponies, thus it seems to be that your amnesia was caused by more natural causes," Luna explained. "Sadly, we aren't familiar with the recovery of one's memories, even through the dream world, but I have an idea that may work," Luna said as she looked upon the fragment before floating it over to Sapphire and dropping to the ground. "Pour thy... your magic into the shard. Perhaps your subconscious or the memory will react to your magic, hopefully in a positive fashion."

"Okay... princess," Sapphire said, doubt and worry clear in her voice as she followed Luna's instructions. Her horn soon lit up with her magic as she poured it into the shard.

After a short moment with nothing happening to the shard, Luna commanded, "Pour more magic into it. Keeping pouring until something happens," causing Sapphire to do as she was told, her own magical aura growing brighter and brighter, until finally the shard released a bright flash.

'Mommy! Daddy! I got my Cutie Mark!' yelled a voice in Sapphire's head, a familiar one that sounded like a younger version of her own. As her vision returned to normal, she saw that Luna was peering into her eyes, her head mere inches away from her own. Naturally, Sapphire let out a yelp of surprise as she hopped away from Luna.

"Calm thyself. Did anything happen to you when that shard flashed?" Luna asked as she lifted the shard, showing that is was now clear like the ones in the frame.

"Um... yeah... I think I remember a bit. It was about me telling my parents that I got my Cutie Mark, but nothing else. Only words," Sapphire answered as Luna hummed before the shard was suddenly yanked from her magical grasp, only for it to settle onto an empty frame.

"Wonderful, we have found a method to aid you in recovering your memories!" Luna declared as she clapped her forehooves in delight. "Are you ready to recover another memory?"

Shaking her head, Sapphire answered, "No... I don't think so, I think it wore me out," as she rubbed her horn.

Frowning, Luna replied, "Very well then, we will end this session for the night. However, I intend to help you recover the rest of your memories, so we... I will visit you nightly in order to bring you back here, even if we only regain one memory fragment each night."

Tilting her head once more, Sapphire asked, "But... don't you have more important things than to help me every night? I mean, I think there are thousands... of shards, so that will take a while," as her ears drooped at the thought of how long it would take to regain her memory.

Shaking her head, Luna stood up tall as she declared, "Nay, for this is a minor thing for us. We will come to the aid of all our subjects when they need us. It is our duty as the Princess of the Night and we will not shirk from it!" as she shifted back to her old style of speaking.

Ears perking up, Sapphire gave Luna a small smile before bowing down to her as she said, "Then thank you Princess Luna. It is good to finally have some way to recover my memories," before she thought to herself, besides letting the Crusaders, and maybe Rainbow Dash, beat my head in with a hammer.

"We art glad of thy thankfulness, but alas, we must be off. We have other duties of the night to attend to!" Luna exclaimed as she took to the air, opening a portal that she quickly exited through.

After watching Luna leave, Sapphire looked around, seeing the large number of shards on the ground before she realized something. "Hey! How do I get out of here‽"