• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 9,345 Views, 371 Comments

Azure Memories - Silvak

A unicorn wakes up in Ponyville, with no memories beyond her own name as she starts a brand new life from scratch.

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Chapter V: Dresses, Letters, and Tickets

Why did I have to insist on helping her so badly, I sho—ow! I should have asked what she had in mind first before offering my help, Sapphire thought to herself, as she felt the sharp point of a pin hitting her side. After all the experiments Twilight tried to get her to remember something, Sapphire learned the alphabet and started learning to put letters together for simple words, or sounding out each letter together to figure what a word is. Before she left the library, Twilight lent her some books on the basics of reading. Sadly, she didn't get around to attempting to read their covers once she arrived back at the Carousel Boutique. Rarity informed her that she could use her services in one of her orders, to which she gladly offered. Now, she was regretting her decision as Rarity set another pin into the dress she was currently wearing, this one also poking into her side.

"Sapphire dear, you need to hold still. If you move around to much, the pins will lose their alignment and I'll have to reset them again," Rarity chastised as she did another measurement.

"Sorry Rarity, but it's kinda hard to hold still with the pins poking me all the time," Sapphire replied with a roll of her eyes.

"I know it hurts dear, but it's the price we all pay for fashion," Rarity said, putting another pin in the dress to which Sapphire gritted her teeth in pain.

"Well, why do you need to put the dress on me? Don't you have those... pony-like things that you can use instead that's around your shop?" Sapphire asked as she released another grunt of pain.

"They're called mannequins dear, and I would if I could, but the customer possesses a lithe frame. Which you so happened to have, and I don't have any mannequins of that build. Besides, you should think about how fortunate that you possess such a rare build, not many ponies are lithe like you these days," Rarity responds, her eyes critically examining the dress for any flaws from behind her reading glasses.

"Oh joy, I'm thankful for my lithe build that lets me be the perfect pincushion," Sapphire replied with obvious sarcasm.

"Oh hush, many mares would love to have your build, and it's amazing that after that... 'binge' you had at the party, you don't appear to be putting on a single pound," Rarity said, trying to give Sapphire a compliment in hopes that it will make her mood better.

"Hard for me to believe, but you are the 'fashionista' after all, so I guess you're right," Sapphire replied with a huff.

"Well, how was your time with Twilight dear? Did you two make any progress?" Rarity asked, hoping to draw the conversation another direction.

"Nothing memory wise, but I did learn the alphabet as well as what my special talent is," Sapphire answered.

"Oh? Pray tell, what special talent does your lovely Cutie Mark denote?" Rarity asked.

Letting out a sigh, Sapphire replied, "From what we saw, it was just... water manipulation."

"Water manipulation? Curious for a unicorn to possess it, but I'm sure it suits you well," Rarity responded.

"Suits me well? It might suit the Cutie Mark, but what can I do with it? There's already pegasi that can move clouds around and cause them to rain whenever they need it. It’s faster water than me lugging it around in my magic," Sapphire complained, frowning at her apparent special talent.

"Dear, don't be so hard at yourself. I'm sure you'll find a way to apply your special talent to a practical use that no other pony can do," Rarity responded.

"...I hope you're right about that Rarity," Sapphire glumly said, to which Rarity answered with silence as she placed the finishing touches on the dress.

"All done now, thank you so much for your help Sapphire. You shaved off hours that it would take in making adjustments without the proper build on hoof for use," Rarity said as she used her magic to carefully remove the dress off of Sapphire.

"It's the least I can do since you open your home to me Rarity. Now if you don't mind, I would like to get some practice on my reading before the day ends. Apparently I have a lot to catch up," Sapphire said as she levitated a book up. Peeking at the title on the cover, Rarity held back a laugh as she saw that the book as a foal's beginning book, not wanting to hurt Sapphire's feelings.

"Sure thing darling, I'll let you know when dinner is ready," Rarity replied, as she packed the dress while Sapphire headed to the guest bedroom to study.

The rest of the day passed by being mostly uneventful, except for the mentioning that the next day there will be some rain around noon. It was the next morning and the duo had already eaten breakfast. Sapphire was hanging around at the kitchen table as she practiced more reading, while Rarity was at work until a knock on her front door was heard.

"Who is it?" Rarity asked as she opened the front door, revealing a gray coated, yellow maned pegasus with off centered eyes, who handed Rarity a letter before taking her leave. Looking at the letter, Rarity's eyes widened as she said, "Sapphire, a letter for you has arrived."

Jerking her head from the book, Sapphire asked, "Really? Mind opening it and reading it for me?" Rarity then walked into the kitchen, giving Sapphire a nod as she opened the letter and began to read aloud.

"'Dear Sapphire, we're sorry... to inform you that there are no... records of you in any of the city or town... nor have we been able to find anypony that bares any kind of relations to you. We however have made you new records declaring you a citizen of Ponyville, though the records are incomplete due to lack of personal information, but we will be patient and await the return of your memories. You have our condolences and we hope that you have a nice day and a bright future...'" Rarity said as she finished the letter, looking nervously at Sapphire as she put her elbows on the table, resting her head on her forehooves as she released a sigh of disappointment.

"Just my luck, of course there's no pony out there that knows who I am," Sapphire said in defeat.

"Now dear, I know this is bad news, but look at things in a different light. You're in a town with friendly ponies, and I'm glad to house you until you're ready to make it out there alone, no matter how long it takes," Rarity said in a soothing tone.

Looking at Rarity, her sorrow filled expression lightened up a bit as Sapphire replied, "You have a point, and thank you Rarity. I hope that I'm not too much of a burden. For the meantime, I think I'll return to my reading, hopefully that'll distract me from the bad news."

"Dear, your pleasant company is not a burden to me at all, so don't worry your pretty little head about it. Though, I must sadly take my leave now, I have some errands to run, so if you'll excuse me," Rarity said as she left to give Sapphire some time to recover from the disappointing news. Hours past after Sapphire returned to her reading, till she heard the sound of rain coming down against the window, causing her to wonder what is taking Rarity so long when they both knew it was going to rain. However, she heard the front door opening, to the sound of Rarity talking to someone, who turned out to be Twilight Sparkle after Sapphire heard her voice. Glad that Rarity was fine after all, she resumed her studies, until she heard Twilight's voice rise up in volume, causing Sapphire to stop her studies as she went to the main shop floor just to see the front door closing.

"What's wrong with Twilight?" Sapphire asked, looking at Rarity in concern as Rarity returned her look with an embarrassed one of her own.

"Oh, it's nothing dear, just a matter with some gala tickets that she received from the prin-" Rarity started to say till she stopped as she realized what she revealed to Sapphire. "Wait, it was about a dress, nothing more Sapphire, nothing to be curious about," Rarity said, trying to change the subject.

Tilting her head in confusion, Sapphire asked, "What's a gala ticket?" to which Rarity simply opened her mouth to say something, but instead closed it before placing a hoof on the side of her head.

"Oh silly me, of course you wouldn't kno—I mean... a gala ticket is a ticket, which allows a pony to attend an event or to go on some form of ride. This ticket will allow you to go to the Grand Galloping Gala, a royal ball where every pony of importance will be there," Rarity explained as she shook her head at her own foolishness.

"Ah... I see..." Sapphire replied, not knowing what a ball is but deciding to save that question for another day. "I hope Twilight figures out that issue soon, I don't want her to be too bothered about it."

"Twilight will be fine dear, no need to worry about her. However, I now need to excuse myself, I have more matters to attend to," Rarity said as she took her leave once more, leaving Sapphire to give a confused shrug before returning to the kitchen to study once more. Moments later, her ears perk at the window as she picked up some noises she never heard before, only to see a crowd of ponies madly running by.

"...Okay..." Sapphire simply said, completely befuddled by what she just saw.

At the brink of dusk, at a restaurant sit six ponies and a young dragon sat around a table, with Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Spike and Pinkie sitting with a pinked mane yellow coated pegasus and a stetson wearing yellow maned orange coated earth pony as they enjoyed a nice breakfast, having an amusing discussion on how the day went.

"You really tried to have matching dresses Rarity, that's just so not awesome," Rainbow said with a laugh, before looking at her to ask, "Oh, how's Sapphire doing?"

Upon hearing that question, Rarity lost her joyful mood as a solemn one took it place as she explained, "She's doing fine, but we just got a letter pertaining to the possibility that she has somepony that knows about her."

"You don't mean..." Twilight said, leaving it unfinished as her mood as well as the rest of her friends started to take a downturn.

Giving a nod, Rarity continued, "There's not a single pony that knows her. She doesn't even have any records anywhere. She's really has no family or nopony to turn to besides the friends she’s made here in Ponyville."

"Oh my, the poor dear," the pegasus known as Fluttershy said, holding her hooves over her mouth in shock.

"How.. how could she not have any records anywhere?" Twilight asked, confused about the matter.

"Maybe she's a super secret spy, and she hid her real records to keep her identity a secret! Or she's a pony from another dimension, or maybe she's an alien in disguise, waiting for the perfect moment to abduct everypony, or—" Pinkie rattled off before the orange pony named Applejack stuffed her hoof in Pinkie's mouth.

"I don't reckon she's any of that sugarcube, but I’m mighty sure that she needs some good old Ponyville support to get her back on her hooves," Applejack said, to which the others nodded to.

"Though, I think it's more likely that the poor dear was born in captivity, where her parents was either prisoners of some ruffians or... slaves of a Diamond Dog pack, and that poor Sapphire was tragically torn from her parents at a young age, and only recently manage to escape for her much deserved freedom," Rarity said.

"Hmmm... you might be right there Rarity, that case would explain why Sapphire is uneducated, as well as explain her eating habit. She must have needed to eat as much as she can whenever she was giving the opportunity to have food, which would be limited judging by her lithe frame. Furthermore, she might have learned magic from either her parents teaching her, or remember it after she was taken away from them and forced to figure it out herself until she learned how to levitate on her own. Though I don't think anypony would keep parents and a foal in captivity... so I think it's more likely that she was born under Diamond Dog captivity..." Twilight replied with a shudder at the last words she said. Rubbing a hoof against her chin, she continued "I don't think we should mention any of this to Sapphire yet, it may bring back traumatic memories to her if it's true. But, I do think I need to write a letter to the princess about this. No matter what the truth is, it's not normal for a pony to have no records of any kind." To this, all the other ponies gave a nod, with Twilight summoning a scroll and quill for Spike to write a letter that could be of importance to the princess.

As the sun finally disappeared from the horizon, Princess Celestia had just left the day court, as she recalled the recent letter she received from her precious student with amusement, wondering why she didn't write back sooner. As she opened the door to her private quarters, she hears a familiar pop as a letter appears before her. Another letter from Twilight? she thought to herself, curious as to why she sent it so soon after her last one as her horn lit up with her magic. A golden aura engulfed the letter, opening it as she began to read what her student had to say.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I recently received news about a friend I have made a couple days ago, a unicorn mare by the name of Sapphire Rain. I believe it is important to inform you about her, for she is a pony with a most unusual situation that should come to your attention. She has recently been found in Ponyville, after suffering a head injury that has left her with the case of amnesia, leaving her with no memories beyond her own name. Upon word being spread of her identity, regrettably it resulted in the news that there is nopony in any of the cities or towns that know of her, and even more strange, there is no records of her existence anywhere as well. With this information along with the discovery that she lacks a basic education to the point she can not even read, along with her having an unusually thin frame, but yet mysteriously knows about the basic magic of levitation. My friends and I have concluded that Sapphire was either raised or born in captivity, most likely under the enslavement by Diamond Dogs, for it is the most logical cause for her current condition. While I truly hope this isn't the case, I still believe that Sapphire has indeed suffered in some way in the past to leave her in her current state. However, if this turns out to be the case, there may be more ponies like Sapphire that could be in Diamond Dog captivity nearby judging by Sapphire's mysterious appearance here. If this is true, I know you would want to know in order to take action against these horrible crimes.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Looking at the possibly grim news, Celestia pondered these recent revelations about Twilight's newest friend. Judging that this possible explanation behind this unknown pony's past could be an actual threat to her ponies, Celestia resolved herself to take action by sending some of the royal guard to investigate the locations of nearby Diamond Dog packs, in order to get more factual information. Regardless, Celestia knew that she had to meet this mysterious pony, for it is not common, nor uncommon, for a pony to just show up, not baring any records of any kind. This was more so in the town where the Elements just so happened to reside at, for if the Diamond Dog possibility turns out to be false, there is other explanations, some being of an even darker nature, that she knew could explain the appearance of this mystery pony.