• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 2,353 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship is Timeless - Seanzilla115

Time long ago, the destiny of six girls were changed. In the future, time itself lead to the end of humanity. Now in the middle in the present, the time to reach the crossroads have come as 6 girls and 1 human, plus 5 Imagin's fight to change fate it

  • ...

Stop 10

It was just another normal day for our heroes. Well, normal for them. A normal Saturday for any normal teenager would include sleeping in, doing nothing, going out with friends, and having fun. For our heroes here, the definition of normal is getting up early and searching the town all over for time traveling monsters from the future, stopping them from twisting the wishes of innocent people and protecting time as they know it. So for them, it's just another Saturday, just a slow one.

"Gah! Why is it so boring!?" M-Ryotaro complained as he was dressed in a red jacket with a white shirt underneath and a pair of black pants.

"Ugh, I know!" Rainbow Dash added, the tomboy wearing a white Tee underneath a sky blue short sleeved jacket, and a pair of black runnings shorts with a pair of cyan lines on the sides, "Not one Imagin attack this entire stinkin' week!"

"I haven't even been able to smell one...one night I smelled them in the tons, the next day nothing, nada, zilch...ah I'm so bored!" M-Ryotaro cried as he punched a wall, making cracks in it. Not even caring about the scared looks he got from pedestrians. "Rainbow...I think I'll die of all this peace, I'm a creature of violence and conflict...I can feel the frufru peacefulness beginning to poison my mind…" he said overly dramatically.

"You're not the only one. Not even Parkour feels the same right now!" Rainbow groaned as her shoulders slumped, "Ugh...what I wouldn't give f-"

"Kya!" A voice screamed from a nearby alleyway.

"I smell scumbags! It's not the same as an Imagin, but at this point I'll take anything!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he sniffed the air. He then pointed at the alleyway. "Charge!" he ordered as he ran past people.

"Hey wait up!" Rainbow shouted as she ran after the Imagin possessed teen. When she caught up with him, the two noticed a civilian cornered by a group of familiar punks.

"Ugh...great. These assholes again?" M-Ryotaro groaned.

"Wait. You ran into the diamond Dogs before?"

"Pft! That's such a stupid name...and yeah. These bastards are the guys who picked on The Kaze-onna and Ryotaro back when they first met. That cowgirl came in and beat most of them and Ryotaro was able to call me in to help finish it. I've been using them as punching bags ever since."

"Oh...I see…" Rainbow noted before smirking, "Want to make a bet?"

"Eh? Bet?"

"Yeah. whoever knocks them out faster…" Rainbow began as she pondered what the prize will be, "..aw screw it. Let's just beat them up. Been itchin' for a fight all week."

"...Heh. Fine," M-Ryotaro smirked as he walked up to them before he grabbed the leader by the collar of his shirt. "Hey punching bag number 1, did you miss me?" he asked him.

"...Oh crud! It's him again!" one of the punks paled.

"And he's not alone," Rainbow's voice smirked before the tomboy kneed the punk hard in the face, sending him flying back as a comically large stream of blood gushed from his nose.

"Spine check!" M-Ryotaro smirked as he lifted the leader up with both arms before the realization of what he meant dawned on him. But it was too late as the Imagin possessed teen slammed him onto his knee with a loud snapping sound as his eyes were left white. "Ah don't worry. Nothing's hurt... well, long term that is." he chuckled offhandedly.

"Uh...uh…" the remaining Diamond Dog gulped, not noticing Rainbow sneaking up behind him.

Rainbow then leaned back on one hand before she kicked both her legs forward while also pushing with her arm, launching her forward as the kick hit the last Diamond Dog in the spine, sending him forward to M-Ryotaro, who delivered a closeline to him, sending him spinning through the air like a wheel before landing headfirst into the concrete.

"And he goes down!" the tomboy whooped before smirking at the punks, "So...you punks want more, or do ya want a second helping? Either way, I'd be glad to deliver more of that badass butt whooping I gave you."

"Heh...I'll be sure to meet you guys next Wednesday for your weekly cup checking!" M-Ryotaro reminded as for emphasis, he lightly kicked one of them below the belt, making him groan.

"Gonna whiz red," the unlucky punk that got kicked wheezed as he held his really sore balls.

"Well, just me making the world a better place one sorry jackass at a time," M-Ryotaro smirked before he grabbed the three and chucked them into a large trash bin before he closed the lid and locked it. "By the way, today's garbage day." he smirked happily as he stretched a bit, "Welp, I think I just proved who's the better badass...me."

"Uh, excuse me?" Rainbow spoke up with a slight scoff, "I think I was the bigger badass back there. Did you see how far that one guy flew after I kneed him hard in the face? He was practically bleeding his brains out!"

"Pft! Please. I nearly snapped one like a twig. I think that my skills and Ryotaro's much more powerful body makes me the bigger badass here," M-Ryotaro countered as he flexed his arms for emphasis.

"Oh yeah. Well considering you focus more on strength, I used my speed to knock them out faster. Therefore, I am the bigger badass," Rainbow argued.

"Well it took the least effort for me. Is it really that hard to deal with these losers?" M-Ryotaro countered as he leaned in close a smug look across his face.

"I don't know. You tell me," Rainbow quipped as she gave him a cocky smirk, the two not noticing the civilian they saved running off.

"Heh, please Rainbow. We all know who the super badass hero of this town is, and that would be me," M-Ryotaro stated with a scoff as he turned away with his arms crossed.

"Please. While you are a Kamen Rider, all you do is flail that sword around like a mad man," Rainbow scoffed before smirking, "Me? I can control lightning, and fly at high speeds. Can you do that?"

"Who needs to fly when they have both a badass super speed bike, and a train that can both fly and go back in time?"

"You mean Ryotaro's train?" Rainbow countered, crossing her arms. M-Ryotaro grew a tick mark at that.

"It's the same damn thing! I'm Ryotaro's partner we share the same body so that makes it part mine, midget!"

"Oh yeah?! Then where's your pass, peach boy?!" Rainbow snapped.

"Don't call me that, Tomboy!" M-Ryotaro growled with white eyes and sharp teeth now.

"Then don't call me midget, Peachy!" Rainbow barked, her eyes blank and teeth shark like.

"Get it right I'm not a peach! I look like an Oni! Got it?! A freakin' Oni!" he roared.

"And yet you're named after the boy named after a peach!" Rainbow snapped.

"That's 'cause Ryotaro has no god damn naming sense!"

"I'm still awake you know…" Ryotaro complained mentally.

"Shut up, Ryotaro!" M-Ryotaro snapped.

"You know, this whole thing wouldn't have started if you had just admitted I'm the bigger badass!" Rainbow shouted.

"Yeah like that'll happen. If your going to be a bigger badass than me. come back when you can match the things I can do without your fancy magic whatever powers."

"Grr…." Rainbow growled before she calmed down, "...Okay fine...if that's how you want to play it...I got an idea. An Iron Warrior Competition."

"An Iron what now?"

"You heard me. An Iron Warrior Competition," Rainbow repeated as she glared at him, "Whoever wins it proves who's the bigger badass. Interested, or are you too chicken?"

"Heh...it's not even going to be a challenge." M-Ryotaro scoffed before he leaned forward with a wide grin and a cocky glare. "You're on, Rainbow. You and me let's settle who's the team badass so no one forgets it!"

"Good. Than meet me later at the park, around 3-4 o'clock. Until then...later," Rainbow smirked as she used her parkour skills to exit out of the area.

"Heh fine. 'Till then...Oi, wait! I thought we were going to get something for lunch!?" M-Ryotaro remembered.

"Get Twilight or Fluttershy or something!" Rainbow shouted.

"Do I look like I eat freakin' greens!?" He shouted right back before he turned to see the trashcan he put the Diamond dogs be loaded into a garbage truck. "Haha! They actually picked them up...sweet." he completely forgot what he was complaining about.

"Momotaros…" Ryotaro sighed.
Stop 10: Iron Warrior Competition
"Damn that Rainbow ticking me off...if she weren't my friend, I'd deck that crazy chick." M-Ryotaro complained as he had a box of pizza in his hand as he walked toward the Milk Dipper to relax. He took a slice of regular pepperoni pizza out before he began eating it. "Thinking she's more badass than me? Pft! Please…" he grumbled as he chewed the slice of pizza.

"Ano, you shouldn't have made her mad, Momotaros."

"Tch, so what?! She claimed she was the bigger badass...more like little badass to me," M-Ryotaro argued before chuckling a bit, "Heh...I made a funny."

"Ah…" Ryotaro sighed mentally shaking his head at this. Both Momotaros and Rainbow are his friends but he had to admit their similar personalities made them clash heads more than one would expect. Sometimes it was small and they just laughed it off other times it would turn into a childish argument that went back and forth until it ended in them just ignoring the other for the rest of the day. Pinkie had come up with a name for the latter arguments...a Kamina moment...or something.

"Hey! I can be funny...oi! Don't ignore me, Ryotaro!" M-Ryotaro complained as he kicked the door in so it would just open. He tossed his pizza on a table before he spun into the chair and slammed his boot covered foot onto the table opening the box again. He grabbed another slice as he sat back and relaxed.

"Ah...Sorry Momotaros. I got lost in thought again. Sometime I over think the things Pinkie says and I end up lost in following them…" Ryotaro explained as he mentally scratched the back of his head.

"Tch. What do ya except? It's the freakin' Mizu-onna," M-Ryotaro scoffed as he took another bite of his pizza, "Freakin' annoying as heck. I swear she just pops up anytime sh-"

"Hi, Momo!"

"GAH!" M-Ryotaro screamed as he jumped back from Pinkie, who poked her head out from the table, "GOD DAMN IT, MIZU-ONNA! DON'T DO THAT!"

"But if I don't surprise you, how will I make you slip up and finally call me Pinkie." she explained putting her index finger up to her chin. "I mean it's only a matter of time before you goof up."

"UGH! I can't deal with this! First that damn Niji-onna challenges me to some stupid competition, and now you?! Ugh…" M-Ryotaro groaned

"...Competi...oh! You mean that Iron Warrior Competition she challenged you too?!"

"Oi...have you been following me?" M-Ryotaro asked as he leaned in close to her face. "Tell me now, and I promise the punishment won't hurt...much."

"...Nope. Rainbow texted me and the girls about it. Said it was going to take place at the park around 3-4 o clock, PM," Pinkie answered as she held her cellphone up..

"Hm...and here I was sure you where the stalker type." he said skeptically as he leaned back. "Well at least now I know I can say whatever I want without worry of you finding out."

"Okay...oh and by the way," Pinkie began as she skipped out of the coffee shop, "You stepped in dog doo on the way out of the pizzeria."

"Huh?" M-Ryotaro raised an eyebrow at that as he looked at his shoes, causing his eyes to twitch violently, "...GOD DAMN IT, PINKIE!"

"Ha! Knew I'd get you to slip up!" Pinkie cheered just outside the window before paling a bit, "Whoa-oh! Running time!" she yelped as M-Ryotaro chased after her in his blind anger.

"Get back here! I'm gonna deck you so hard, Chuck Norris will be impressed!"

A few hours later at the park, Rainbow was sitting on the grass, waiting on M-Ryotaro to show up. Nearby, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, and strangely, Spike were sitting down on some nearby benches.

"Um, remind me, Twilight. Why are we waiting here again?" Rarity asked her book smart friend.

"Well part of me says it's for the sake of being there for friends, but really I'm worried about what might happen if no one was here to keep an eye on Momotaros," Twilight explained, "Who knows the stupid things he'll do with Ryotaro's body."

"So in short, we are here to make sure Momo doesn't hurt Ryo's body." Pinkie stated with a happy smile.

"Yes P-" Twilight began before blinking, the violette slowly turning her head to see the excitable pinkette sitting between her and Fluttershy, "...When did...ugh…" she groaned, 'It's Pinkie Pie...don't question it.'

"See? She learns," Pinkie smiled before they heard the sound of a bike as M-Ryotaro drove in.

"I'm here. For a minute, I thought those cops would never give up." he said as he took off the helmet.

"Momotaros, you got involved in an armed robbery. Of course they would get involved!" Ryotaro complained.

"Y-you were chased by the cops?!" Fluttershy gasped while Twilight and Rarity facepalmed.

"Of course…" Twilight muttered to herself.

"It's not my fault. Ryotaro had to make a run to the bank for his sister and wouldn't you know it, someone decided to rob the place. I acted out of self preservation." M-Ryotaro explained plainly. "But I guess when the cops show up and you're the guy with the gun, it looks bad."

"...Ugh…" Twilight sighed.

"By the way…" M-Ryotaro began as he pointed at Spike, "What's the midori-gaki doing here?"

"I'm here to be the referee...so to speak," Spike replied.

"Eh. Well whatever floats your boat kid." he shrugged as he ruffled his hair.

"Momotaros, you should try to be nicer to Spike. He's a good kid."

"Pft...I don't have to listen to you on how I should treat people." M-Ryotaro scoffed, turning his headway and crossing his arms.

"Well to be fair, I am kind of the landlord."

"And that is why I like you," he smirked, hearing that reply from Ryotaro.

"About time ya showed up," Rainbow spoke, a smirk on her face as she got up and looked at him, "So...you ready to lose?"

"Ha! Please like I would ever lose to you," M-Ryotaro smirked.

"We'll see," Rainbow smirked back as she cleared her throat a bit, "Now then, here's the rules of the competition. We each go through a series of challenges. Whoever wins the most challenges, wins the whole dang thing," she then pointed over at Fluttershy, who was holding a board with Rainbow and M-Ryotaro's names on them, "Fluttershy will be keeping track of the score."

"Okay, so any other rules before we get to your losing?"

"Yeah...No cheating or anything."

"Pft! Like I need to cheat to beat you." M-Ryotaro scoffed in agreement.

"Good," Rainbow smirked as she motioned to what looked like an obstacle course, "Here's our first event. Whoever goes through this the fastest wins. But...here's the catch. You can't' touch or bump into anything, or else you lose a few seconds. Got it?"

"So only our feet can touch anything...got it." M-Ryotaro nodded as he tossed his jacket at Pinkie, covering her head in the red leather.

"Ahh! I can't see! Everything's gone red!" Pinkie cried, falling over from her seat.

"Ugh…" Twilight sighed a bit as she took the jacket off Pinkie's head.

"Oh...it was just a very expensive red jacket was all. My oops." she giggled as she got back up.

"Don't lost that, it wasn't easy to get, I had to extor….I mean, earn a lot of cash for that." M-Ryotaro corrected himself.

"Uh-huh…" Twilight deadpanned, not buying that one bit.

"Okay...on my mark," Spike began as he held a stopwatch.

"Get set and go!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he jumped over Rainbow.

"He just did that...right?" Twilight asked.

"Eeyup." the others all nodded.

"That doesn't count ya know!" Rainbow barked as she shook a fist at M-Ryotaro.

"I can't help it! I hate having to wait!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he ran through the obstacle course, trying his best not to touch or bump into anything.

"Damn you, Momo!" Rainbow shouted, running after him.

"I get the feeling this will be a very long day." Twilight sighed resting her head on her hand.

"Most likely, yes," Rarity sighed.

"A-ano...g-ganbare Rainbow, Momo!" Fluttershy cheered.

"Oh~ it's so hard choosing who to cheer for! On one hand it's Momo, on the other it's Rainbow. Both my friends...it's so hard!" Pinkie stated loudly as she tried to choose.

Back at the obstacle course, both Rainbow and M-Ryotaro were neck and neck as they traversed through it, making sure not to hit anything. Both where able to dodged the obstacles easily enough but it was clear Rainbow held more of a speed advantage over the Possessed male. But M-Ryotaro had the edge in mobility meaning he was able to make sharper turns and stops then Rainbow. So the two went on, passing each other by at each chance. Everytime Rainbow suddenly stopped to avoid something M-Ryotaro would pass her. But that was short lived as she caught up faster as well.

"They're reaching the finish line," Rarity noted as the two were close.

"It's so exciting!" Pinkie cheered, raising her arms in excitement.

"And…" Spike began just as Rainbow and m-Ryotaro passed the finish line, "Time!"

"Who won?" Fluttershy asked out of curiosity. She couldn't follow it very well with how fast they went.

"Hmm…" Spike muttered as he looked at the stopwatch, "Momotaros and Rainbow both got 15 seconds, but…"

"But what? The Tomboy screwed up?" M-Ryotaro asked in a cocky tone.

"Actually...you did."

"You're kiddin' me, right kid?"

"Nope. When you made that one turn, your arm slightly bumped into the pole, so you lost like 2 seconds."

"Uh…" M-Ryotaro mumbled weakly at that.

"Oh I don't get a good feeling about today…" Ryotaro sighed.

M-Ryotaro: 0

Rainbow Dash: 1
"Okay, this one is pretty simple," Twilight spoke as she read a list of events Rainbow gave her, "Whoever can kick the ball the farthest across the river wins this event."

"Heh...too easy," Rainbow smirked as she walked in front of a kickball and punted it hard, sending it across the river, the ball almost hitting the other side as it plopped into the water, "Think you can beat that, Momo?"

M-Ryotaro just kicked his ball with all the force Ryotaro's legs could muster as he sent the ball straight across the water, leaving a small trail of water before it hit a tree on the other side. The force of the impact sending the ball all the way back before M-Ryotaro grabbed it in his hand.

"Heh…" M-Ryotaro smirked as he looked at the gawking Rainbow, "You were saying, tomboy?" he asked as he spun the ball on his fingers.

"That's one for Momotaros." Spike stated.

M-Ryotaro: 1

Rainbow Dash: 1
As the day went on, both Rainbow and M-Ryotaro won each event, the two unknowingly drawing in a crowd as the event went on. Currently, the two were tied still, and we're doing a pushup competition.

"100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106…" M-Ryotaro stated as he was pushing himself up with one arm each time he swapped arms he was using resting the other on his back. "Heh. This one seems like a good choice for a break challenge." he commented as he kept swapping arms as he pushed himself back up before slowly letting himself back down and repeating the process.

"107...108...109….110…" Rainbow panted as she kept up with him, but her arms were almost about to give out.

"Heh. What's wrong, tomboy? Getting tired already?" M-Ryotaro asked as he lifted his head to look at Rainbow. "I guess all that sword flailing was good for something now, wasn't it?" he added before he swapped arms and went back down.

"You…!" Rainbow growled before an idea popped into her head. As much as she didn't want to resort to it, she didn't want to admit defeat, especially to a hothead like Momotaros.

"What? Your brain hurt from an idea coming to you?" M-Ryotaro joked as he easily kept doing pushups. "Did it go something like 'I give up to the great Momotaros'?" he scoffed as he swapped hands again.

"No..just...want you to keep an eye out." Rainbow smirked a little.

"Heh...why? Y-" M-Ryotaro began, switching to his left hand before he felt something sharp against his palm...or rather, in his palm "...That was a nail….wasn't it?"

"I tried to warn you," Rainbow didn't deny any claim M-Ryotaro was making.

"...SON OF A BITCH THAT SMARTS!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he collapsed onto his stomach and held his currently bleeding hand "Gah! Medic! Momotaros down!"

"And Rainbow Dash wins this round!" Spike shouted, causing the crowd to cheer.

"Does it look like I give a care?! There's a god damn nail in Ryotaro's hand!"

"..." Ryotaro could say nothing as he felt the pain most this being his own body after all.

"H-hold on. I'll help," Fluttershy spoke as she ran up to him, holding a medkit in case something like this would happen.

"Ah...god damn, this must be how Jesus felt...ah the pain…" M-Ryotaro hammed it up out of his own nature. "Who the hell would leave a nail out….there…?" he asked as Fluttershy began to tend to his injury, "...Wait a minute…"

"What's wrong?"

'That damn tomboy cheated! She used her magic to make the nail 'mysteriously' move under my hand!'

"Rainbow wouldn't do that? she said so herself no cheating."

'Wake up Ryotaro, she's a woman. All woman are the same things liars! they say one thing but then go and do the other. Like when a woman says you don't have to get her anything, but then she throws a fit because you did just that!'

"Momotaros, you're overreacting. It was just an accident...I hope…"

'If she's gonna play it like that, than two can play that game! Oi, Kuma!'

'ZzzzZZZ...huh...nande Momonoji?'

'I want your help for this little game I'm playing with Rainbow. Tell me, do you know how to play tug-o-war?' M-Ryotaro asked with a wide grin on his face the entire time.

With that, the next event began as Rainbow and M-Ryotaro both stood at opposite ends of the long rope for the next competition. Simple enough the stronger one pulls the the rope pulling the loser into a pit of mud.

"Okay. Are you two ready?" Twilight asked as she looked at the two competitors.

"Heh, bring it on, short one. No way you can beat me in this game." M-Ryotaro chuckled, rolling his shoulders.

"Oh we'll see about that, peach boy," Rainbow smirked back.

"I'm thinking they're ready." Spike nodded to Twilight.

With that, the two grabbed their ends of the rope. Wearing gloves so as to not get rope burn of course. The first to try and make a powermove was Rainbow as she pulled with both her hands as M-Ryotaro just dug his heel into the solid dry dirt under his shoes.

"Heh...give it up. I got this one hands down," Rainbow grinned as she pulled the rope, forcing M-Ryotaro towards the mud.

M-Ryotaro smirked at that moment. 'Now Kuma!' he ordered as he slammed his foot into the ground before his hair changed for just a second as he pulled the rope bringing Rainbow flying forward with almost no control of her body as she was dragged into the shallow mud pit. Ryotaro's hair spiked back to M-Ryotaro who pulled the rest of the rope over to his side bringing Rainbow out of the mud in the process.

"Uh...take notes, sweetheart. That's how you win." M-Ryotaro taunted as he swung his end of the rope around.

"And the winner of this challenge is M...er, Ryotaro!" Spike shouted.

"Why'd you hesitate right there?" Twilight whispered to her little brother.

"Because of the crowd."

"Eh? What crowd?"

"Really Sis? A crowd of people come in to watch these two and you haven't noticed till just now?" Spike asked as he motioned to the growing crowd of spectators.


"Yes, praise me! For I am the winner baby!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he raised his arms in victory, getting cheers from the crowd.

"Not...yet…" Rainbow growled as she pulled herself out of the mud, glaring at M-Ryotaro, "This isn't over yet! There's still more challenges to go!"

"Pft, bring it girly," M-Ryotaro scoffed, waving it off with his hand for emphasis.
It was now the evening, and both M-Ryotaro and Rainbow were still tied, their scores both 25. Through each event, they had used their 'specialties' to win each on unnoticed...except to each other.

"That all you got, Rainbow? I half expected you to pull out some crazy death trap straight out of a videogame…" M-Ryotaro chuckled, his body looking a little worn for wear.

"Heh...like I'd have the money for that…" Rainbow chuckled a bit, her body looking tired as well.

"Yeah...you got a point. That's just stupid money right there...I'm not sure how much longer Ryotaro's body can hold out, so let's end this already so I can win and Ryotaro can slip into a coma." M-Ryotaro huffed. He had tried to see how much longer Ryotaro thought he could last, but from what he could tell, he already conked out to sleep.

"Heh...dream...on…" Rainbow panted, "I'm...gonna...win...this."

"Yeah right. I-"

"I don't' think that's a good idea," Twilight spoke up, making the two look at her, "From the way you two are panting, you sound like you're about to collapse any moment now."

"Yeah...well you pushy…" M-Ryotaro said groggily as just as she said he was getting tired by the second. "And...god damn it Ryotaro, you need to work out more…"

"Mou…" Ryotaro wheezed, the poor guy completely exhausted.

"Well there has to be some way...we can finish this," Rainbow said as she pondered for a bit. After a few moments, she got an idea, "I got it...a race."


"Tomorrow morning, we'll have a race. First one at the finish line wins the whole thing," Rainbow smirked.

"You're on Rainbow...girl...person...hey when did you get a twin? Oh no that's just the exhaustion talking...night night…" M-Ryotaro mumbled as he fell over, a red flash coming off him as Momotaros was forced to leave behind the regular Ryotaro to deal with all the fatigue.

"C...can't...wait for..it," Rainbow grinned in a tiered manner as she fell on her butt.

"Hey, we want to join the race too!" one of the people in the crowd shouted as most of them began to shout, wanting to join tomorrow's race as well.

"O….k…" Was the only thing Ryotaro could mutter out with the last of his strength before he fell in sweet unconsciousness.

"I'm...cool...with it…" was all Rainbow could say before she fell unconscious as well.

"O-oh my!" Fluttershy gasped as she ran up to the two to check on them.

"We really need to ground Momo after all this." Twilight sighed. She knew there was little she could do to stop the stupid Imagin, and it annoyed her how they tended to put so much stress on Ryotaro as it was with their usual battles.

"Yeah. He and Dashie had another kamina moment," Pinkie added as she, Spike, and Rarity walked up to the three."

"...Okay, I gotta ask. What exactly is this 'Kamina moment' you keep saying, Pinkie?" Twilight asked, having heard the excitable pinkette utter it whenever Rainbow and Momotaros would butt heads.

"Likewise. What makes you keep saying it?" Rarity asked as well. It was one of those things she just couldn't stop wondering about when Pinkie did it.

"Well since Momo and Dashie are the 'kick butt first and ask question later' types, I figured I call their little spats Kamina moments, seeing as they tend to act like this one guy from a manga I like to read," Pinkie answered.

"Huh. That was a lot less confusing than I expected it to be honestly." Twilight admitted.

"Yeah," Pinkie nodded before tapping her chin in thought, "I wonder if Momo and Dashie have orange, pointed sunglasses and a cape? It would make their moments more authentic...so to speak."

"Don't give Momotaros any ideas. It's bad enough how he acts and dresses Ryotaro as it is." Rarity stated as she waved her hand in denial.

"Why's that bad? I think he looks pretty cool like that," Spike spoke before rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, "But if Rarity doesn't like it...then I guess I can agree with her."

"Like that's not transparent." Twilight mused quietly to tease Spike a little.

"Not to be the one to say this, but is a good thing to leave Ryo sleeping on the ground like that?" Pinkie pondered.

"Don't worry," Twilight assured as she looked over her shoulder, seeing Fluttershy tending to both Ryotaro and Rainbow Dash, "Fluttershy's treating him and Rainbow right now."

"It's good we have our own personal team medic." Pinkie nodded. "Wait...who's the leader then?" she pondered in some sort of childish wonder.

"Is that really important right now, Pinkie?" Rarity asked her excitable friend with a slight sweatdrop.

"Of course it is. We have the mage, the scout, the healer, the defender, the knight, and th-"

"Pinkie…" Twilight sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry. I got carried away again," Pinkie chuckled sheepishly. "Oh well. Let's just take Ryo home so his sister doesn't worry." she stated as she went over and picked the boy up over her shoulders. It helped since she seemed much stronger then she looked.

"H-hai," Fluttershy nodded as she helped Rainbow up, "I'll help carry Rainbow home."

"I best get home as well," Rarity spoke as she looked at the time, "I promised my parents I'd look after Sweetie Belle this upcoming week."

"Alright, I guess we'll go take Ryotaro home with Pinkie before heading home ourselves Spike." Twilight said to her brother.

"Alright. I got nothing better to do tonight anyway," Spike shrugged, "Besides, there's nothing on TV tonight."

"Spike, your pretty boring aren't you?" Pinkie joked.

"Hey! I-i'm not boring!" Spike shouted defensively.

"Relax Kiddo. Just teasing." Pinkie laughed as she rubbed his hair roughly.

"R...right," Spike sweatdropped a little.
"You really pushed Ryotaro to his limit today, Sempai," Urataros noted as he looked at the Oni Imagin, who was plopped down in his seat.

"Heh...Ryotaro's limit is our limit, Kameko." Momotaros complained as most of his energy returned when he was in his own body again.

"Hm...so you mean you are using this competition to try and push Ryotaro to become stronger, therefore making us stronger as well?" Kintaros asked.

"Uh...yeah...something like that." Momotaros mumbled, turning his head away from Kintaros.

"I thought you wanted to prove you were better than Niji-chan?" Ryutaros tilted his head, looking up from some paper with a picture of what looked like Den-O in Gun form.

"Uh well yeah...that had something to do with it. But I figured hey if it makes Ryotaro stronger and us stronger too, then well...bonus."

"I think you're just trying to pull some stuff out of thin air to defend your idiocy." Urataros sighed as he put on a pair of glasses before he began reading a news paper.

"...Shut up, Kame-yaro," Momotaros snorted.

"Just remember to try not to push Ryotaro's body to far. You know if he is left unable to fight it will just work against you specifically." Urataros countered, bringing up a good point to Momotaros.

"Uh…" Momotaros left off, struck speechless as he let that sink in, "...I-it's not like I had a choice! That damn tomboy was cheating during the competition!"

"And if I recall, you were doing the same thing," Urataros countered.

"...Tch, whatever. As soon as I win that race tomorrow, I'll prove to that midget that I'm the bigger badass."

"You can't swap with Ryuta to cheat for this one." Both Urataros and Kintaros stated, making Momotaros fall over in his seat. Ryutaros was the fastest of them, so there went Momotaros' back up plan.

"...Fine! I don't need the gaki then! I'll just run as fast as I can in Ryotaro's body!"

"When you get yelled at, we will say we told you so." the three other Taros all said in unison, at this point just enjoying the picking on Momotaros.

The next morning came as Ryotaro woke up in his bed to the sound of an alarm that was set to wake him up before the big race between Momotaros and Rainbow. Well he was part of it as well but that was more a technicality by this point.

"*Yawn*..." Ryotaro yawned as he stretched his arms, his body felt sore from the games all the other day. Every event was easy because the strength boost Momotaros gave him each time. But even still his body still had it's normal limitations, so just because he could run faster and fight harder. Didn't mean his body was built to do it for long. "Momotaros...it's morning already…" he grumbled as he grabbed some running clothes he laid out the other night before.

"Huh...whazat?" Momotaros mumbled as he began to wake up.

"It's morning already, Momotaros." Ryotaro reminded speaking out loud. To tired to use the mental connection they had, mainly because using his brain was too much work this early in the morning. "Ah...man it's early…" he yawned again.

"Its morning? Wh...oh crap that's right! The race!" Momotaros shouted as he immediately took possession of Ryotaro.

"Chotto Momotaros, we still have a few hours let me change first…" Ryotaro sleepily complained in his head.

"Now's not the time to worry I need to beat that girl so she can't rub it in my face I lost because I was late!-!" M-Ryotaro shouted out loud.

"Ryo-chan be quite it's 6:00~!" Ryotaro's sister complained from her room.

'...Was that you sister?'

"She's not much of a morning person sometimes. So please don't wake her," Ryotaro begged.

'...Okay fine. I'll try and be quite.'

"Thank you." Ryotaro mentally nodded as he slipped back into a sleep like state to let himself rest. It wouldn't be much for when his body was exhausted. But at least he could stay awake then.
"*yawn*man what a day yesterday," Rainbow yawned as she and Fluttershy walked to where the race was being held, "But that won't matter when I win the whole thing."

"Rainbow, are you sure this is such a good idea?" Fluttershy asked in worry. She was worried because she knew that both Momotaros and Rainbow where...for lack of a better term in her vocabulary stubborn. So she worried the two would do something...well, stupid. "I mean you and Momotaros...well mainly you, exhausted yourself, Momotaros made Ryotaro tired." she muttered correcting herself.

"True, but it's not my fault Momotaros decided to cheat," Rainbow countered as she stretched her arms a bit.

"Well true...but still you have to remember your not really competing with Momotaros. You're competing with Ryotaro." she reminded.

"Yeah yeah, I know," Rainbow waved her off, "But since Momotaros doesn't have his own body outside of Denliner, he has to use Ryotaro's body to race. Therefore, I'll be racing him today, and prove I'm more awesome than he is."

"Well not to pick sides, but is it really so simple? I mean, every time one of the Taros take over, Ryotaro's body becomes stronger and faster. So doesn't that mean that Momotaros could win too as he makes Ryotaro strong enough?" she asked, making the tomboy stop in her tracks at that.

'Crud...she's right...' Rainbow thought, but since she didn't want to admit it outloud, "So? I'll just work twice as hard."

"I really wish you could both just say sorry so we could all spend the day doing something less stressful." Fluttershy sighed.

"Sorry, Flutters. B...woah," Rainbow blinked as she and Fluttershy arrived at the starting line for the race, seeing a lot of people there, "...I didn't' think this many people would show up."

"Well you did attract a rather big crowd the other day." Fluttershy reminded as she instinctively shrunk back from the crowd. "I mean the two of you did do a lot of amazing things while cheating back and forth the way you did."

"...Eh, I guess that's true," Rainbow admitted as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Hey Dashie! Flutters! Over here~!" Pinkie called out, causing the two to turn and see the pinkette, Rarity, and Spike sitting at some benches.

"Hey guys." Rainbow waved as they walked over to them. "So any idea where Momotaros and Ryotaro are?" she asked, wanting to find her opponent for this little race.

"Got a message saying he's on his way," Pinkie replied.

"Ahh…" Rainbow nodded before blinking, the tomboy noticing someone missing, "Hey...where's Twilight?"

"She's getting ready," Spike replied, looking up from his comic.

"Eh? Ready for wh-" Rainbow began before she heard a revving sound, "...About time he showed up."

At that the Machine Den-Bird drove past people with M-Ryotaro riding on it. He was dressed in a pair of black running shorts with red stripes down the sides and a sleeveless shirt. He was also driving without a helmet, which one might want to note. He pulled to a stop next to the girls.

"Ah, we made it. I knew I shouldn't have asked for direction from that girl. She sent me halfway across town to a post office!" M-Ryotaro complained to himself.

"Eh? Wh-what girl?" Fluttershy couldn't help but ask.

"Blonde, kind of clumsy, weird eyes...I didn't catch her name." M-Ryotaro explained.


"Woah woah! What's with the name calling?!"

"Ano...Momotaros, that's the girl's name. She goes to my school." Ryotaro chimed in having woke up a while ago.

'Seriously?...Wait. Who the hell names their kid Derpy?!'

"It's not nice to pick on someone because of their name you should understand that." Ryotaro countered making M-Ryotaro develop a large tick mark on the temple of his head.

'...I'm gonna let that slide,' M-Ryotaro growled as he glared at Rainbow, "Ready to lose, midget?"

"I don't know. Are you, peach boy?" Rainbow countered as she glared back at him, near invisible lighting bolts crackling between their eyes as they glared at each other.

"Wow...it's almost too fun watching them squawk at each other like an old married couple." Spike chuckled.

"Yup..though I think Flutters might have some competition if Rainbow falls for Ryo," Pinkie added with a slight giggle.

"Really, Pinkie?" Rarity sweatdropped at that as Fluttershy was blushing like crazy again.

"...G-good luck you two," was all Fluttershy said as she went to go join the others.

"Thanks." Rainbow nodded, not taking her glare away from M-Ryotaro.

"Heh, I don't need luck my skill is more then enough, but why don't you take it, could offer me a challenge." he mocked as the sparks seemed to grow more visible now.

"No thanks. I got enough skills to walk circles around you," Rainbow growled as she and M-Ryotaro walked towards the starting line, the two still glaring at each other.

The two stood in the front the other racers keeping some distance out of respect for their little challenge, but mainly because the fact the sparks of electricity from their glares seemed to grow even larger. All the while an aura of anger and desire to win came off them that just told the others not to get in their way.

"Well, you two seem to be pumped for this."

"Damn straight Twil-" Rainbow began before she and M-Ryotaro blinked, "Huh?...Twilight?"

"Yes?" Twilight's voice ask, making the two turn to see the violetette, who was wearing a dark purple tracksuit with magenta lines on the sides.

"Why are you here, Mahou-Onna?" M-Ryotaro asked in confusion as the tension between him and Rainbow totally faded away.

"Simple. I'm joining the race," Twilight replied simply.

"...You...joining the race…" Rainbow repeated before she and M-Ryotaro entered a laughing fit.

"Ahahahaha! Ah! Oh my god! The ribs and the lungs...hahahaha! Ah man!" M-Ryotaro laughed holding his sides.

"I! I can't breath!" Rainbow laughed like crazy.

"What? It's true," Twilight added, making the two stop.

"Eh? You're really joining the race...but you're...you." M-Ryotaro stated as he motioned at her.

"Yeah. No offense Twilight, but you're more of a….how do I put this delicately?...an Egghead," Rainbow stated.

"I'm not gentle. You're just a nerd." M-Ryotaro chuckled.

"Chotto, Momotaros. Don't be so rude." Ryotaro complained at the mocking.

"...While that...ahem, maybe true, I think this would be a good chance to get some training done," Twilight stated, "Besides, I read a few books on running techniques, and the proper way to breath and such so I don't end up getting exhausted early."

"Heh...so you read a few books. So what? It's not like if you read a book on how to be a ninja, that it will make you a ninja. You just have to be good at something." M-Ryotaro scoffed.

"I really doubt you're one to be making this point."

"Shut up Ryotaro!"

"..Eh. In any case, try and keep up," Rainbow smirked as she began to stretch a bit, "I'm gonna leave you, Momo, and everyone else in the dust."

"Pft! That's a laugh, tomboy. You beat me? Ah...I'll enjoy the look on your face when you see me running past you to the finish line." M-Ryotato scoffed as he raised his nose in arrogance. "Get use to looking at Ryotaro's behind, cause it's what you'll be seeing this whole race!"

"Oh we'll see about that!" Rainbow growled as she got into position, "Okay, whoever's the referee, start the race already!"

"Chotto minna. It's still ten minutes till the race actually begins…" Ryotaro complained.

"Shut it, Ryotaro!" M-Ryotaro snapped as he got ready as well.

"Um...there's still like ten minutes before the race begins, guys," Twilight stated to the two.

"Oi. Can you hear Ryotaro now too?" M-Ryotaro complained.

"No...I was just stating that," Twilight sweatdropped, "Plus, the referee hasn't arrived, so we can't officially begin without him or her."

"Dang it. The smart ones alway's bugging me. Well I'm not just standing here for ten minutes…" M-Ryotaro complained.

"Me either," Rainbow added.

"Now you both just sound like little kids." Ryotaro sighed making another tick mark form on M-Ryotaro's forehead.

"Why are you picking on me so much today!?" he complained as he scratched his spiked hair.

"I take it Ryotaro is commenting on your brand of stupidity?" Twilight asked.

"That's right...wait. Did I just admit I'm stupid?"

"Yes. Yes you did," Rainbow snickered.

"Really, I wish you didn't just run around using Ryotaro's body as you wished." Twilight sighed, shaking her head. "But I guess with all the abuse you get, it seems about fair." she smirked.

"Eh?! How's that fair?!"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because you're a hothead that goes in head first in every battle?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing?"


"I think that just proves how annoying he is." Rainbow snickered to herself.


"Just...please stop you two. The referee could be here any moment now," Twilight said with a slight annoyed sigh.

"Tell...me what to do…" M-Ryotaro grumbled crossing his arms as he looks away. He then began muttering to himself as he began complaining with Ryotaro. "Ah fine. Oi, Mahou-onna, Ryotaro says he wishes you good luck." he told Twilight.

"Good. Tell him I said thank you," Twilight smiled as she began to did a few stretches.

"He can hear, he just can't talk," M-Ryotaro explained as he did the same and did a few simple stretches to loosen up the muscles he was going to use, "We get tired of always being told, 'Tell Ryotaro this or that', when he can hear you just fine."

"To be fair Momotaros, they can't hear me like you all can."

"Why do you always take their side, Ryotaro!?"

"Because they're my friends."


"Heh. Ryotaro's giving Momo the business." Rainbow chuckled as she saw the argument. She wasn't sure what Ryotaro was saying, but she figure it was good since it annoyed Momotaros.

"Quite. Here comes the referee now," Twilight hushed the two as they saw a woman in a female referee uniform walking up to them.

"Heh...Action time already?" M-Ryotaro questioned.

"Guess we're kickin' things off early," Rainbow smirked, "Hope ya got a plate ready Momo, because you're gonna eat my dust."

"Heh. As if, Tomboy. You just enjoy getting second place and watching me cross the finish line," M-Ryotaro scoffed as he leaned in close to her face, a smug grin on his face.

"Oh we'll see about that," Rainbow smirked as the two got into racing position.

"Okay, listen up everyone. Here are the rules," the referee spoke as she cleared her throat, "The first to cross the finish line will be declared the winner. However, if you try and cheat and such, you will be disqualified."

"Guess that means your chance of victory flew out the window, huh Rainbow?" M-Ryotaro mocked.

"Oh I don't know. Why don't you ask your Imagin buddies?" Rainbow countered.

"Heh. I don't need those jackasses to win." M-Ryotaro scoffed, turning his head away.

"And I don't need my powers to win," Rainbow scoffed as she did the same.

"Oh my...u-um...G-good luck, Rainbow! M...er, Ryotaro! Twilight" Fluttershy shouted from the sidelines.

"Yay! Go Rainbow! Go M-Ryotaro! Go Twilight!" Pinkie cheered loudly, the excitable pinkette instantly in a cheerleader outfit.

"Where on earth did you get that?" Rarity asked as she looked at the excitable pinkette in confusion

"Shh, secrets." Pinkie shushed as she just went back to cheering for the three after that.

"Is it normal for my head to hurt a little?" Spike asked rubbing his head. It was common for a small headache to form when someone spent too much time with Pinkie, but it was still fun none the less at times.

"I don't think so…" Rarity replied while thinking, 'Then again, Pinkie is acting..well, her usual crazy self right now.'

"Oh! Race time!" Pinkie stated as she sat down and waited in anticipation for the racers to take off.

"On your mark…" the referee began.

"Time to be awesome," Rainbow said to herself in a cocky tone.

"Get set…"

"Ikuze, ikuze, ikuze!"

"Will you two just calm down alr-" Twilight began.


Wth that, the racers took off with rainbow and M-Ryotaro in the lead, both of whom running faster than the others by a near inhuman margin. Rainbow ran with more skill in a manner that used less of her energy but kept her going strong while M-Ryotaro poured more and more of his strength into his legs so each step pushed him across the ground. With this in mind, both were still in the lead by a good stretch.

"Heh. This is barely a competition. At this point, it's just you and me," M-Ryotaro chuckled as the two kept running.

"Yeah...and now it's just me!" Rainbow shouted as she ran further away from him, turning the corner.

"Oh no you don't'!" M-Ryotaro growled as he chased after her. But as soon as he turned the corner, he ended up tripping on a crack, causing him to stumble a bit before he ended up falling head first into a trash can. "Okay...no more mister nice Momotaros." he growled as he shot up before he began running again. He began pouring more strength into his legs as he closed the gap that had formed between him and Rainbow.

"Heh. Caught up have you?!" Rainbow smirked as she saw him over her shoulder.

"Yes I have! And I'm gonna show you what happens wh-" M-Ryotaro began before he ended up stepping on a nail, "...SON OF A MOTHER F*yay*KING BITCH!" he shouted as he hopped up and down, holding the nail embedded foot.

Course while this was happening, most of the other competitors ran past him while Twilight stopped to check on him.

"Momo...is everything okay?" she asked ,seeing him as he pulled the nail out, luckily the soles of nis sneakers kept it from doing more than just scratching the skin.

"Yeah...this street has some dangerous litter, you know that?!" he complained as he stomped his foot to numb the pain down, "...Wait a minute...a nail out in the middle of the street?...THIS IS THE TOMBOY'S DOING!"

"Are you sure about that?" Twilight asked with a slight sweatdrop, "It could be, and no offense to him, Ryotaro's bad luck kicking in again."

"It is possible. So you don't need to jump to any conclusions." Ryotaro said.

"Tsk...alright fine, two against one. I'll leave it alone...sheesh. Find someone else to scold now and again, will ya?" M-Ryotaro grumbled as he turned and began running as he passed by most of the racers who past him. Twilight just shook her head as she began to continue the race as well.

Way up ahead, Rainbow had a confident smirk on her face as she ran down the streets, passing down a few stores now and then.

"Heh...this is too easy. And I don't even have to use my powers for this," the rainbow haired tomboy said to herself.


"Huh?" Rainbow blinked as she looked over her shoulder to see M-Ryotaro running towards her, his arms and legs blurs.

"RAINBOW!" he shouted out as he ran faster. "I'm back!" he laughed maniacally.

"Oh man!" Rainbow yelped as she ran faster and faster.

"Don't you try to run away from me, Tomboy! I got some choice words for you and they are not child friendly!" he shouted as he caught up to her. "Did you miss me!?" he laughed as he was right next to her.

"Don't know! Did you miss eating my dust!?" Rainbow shouted as she ran faster and faster, leaving a trail of dust behind her.

"I will hurt you!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he put more power into his legs pushing him forward faster.

"Hah! I like to see you t-" Rainbow began with a laugh before she ended up tripping, causing her to stumble and skid on the ground, "Gah!"

"Hahaha! Eat my dust, flatty!" M-Ryotaro laughed as he ran past her in a blur.

"Oh he so did not just go there!" Rainbow growled as Twilight manage to catch up and run up to her.

"Now you fell down?" she asked, a look of mild amusement on her face. She didn't like seeing her friends hurt, but with how big the heads of Momotaros and Rainbow were at the moment, a little humility wouldn't hurt.

"Only cause Momo tripped me!" Rainbow snapped.

"...I highly doubt h-"

"Yes he did! Look!" Rainbow shouted as she lifted her feet up, showing that the laces were undone, "My shoes have been untied! No doubt he did it just as he caught up with me!"

"Rainbow, listen to yourself. You expect me to believe somehow Momotaros, the Momotaros who got stumped by a push not pull door, somehow did that to your shoes?" Twilight asked putting her hands on her hips.

"No..but he probably got Urataros to do it, sneaky Oni," Rainbow growled as she retied her shoes, "Okay..time to kick oni ass now!"

"Rainbow w-" Twilight began before the tomboy shot up and ran off in a rainbow colored blur, "And she ignores me...great." she sighed as she just went back to join the race at her pace.

M-Ryotaro was taking it a little easier now that he had such a big lead. He ran at a good pace but he also leaned his head back with a blissful smile as he did.

"Ah quite, sweet bliss, especially when I'm in the middle of winning." he sighed as he looked ahead. "I'll be sure to treat myself to a big bunch of pudding after this for me victory."

"Ano...you really should've helped Rainbow Dash back there, Momotaros," Ryotaro spoke up, concern in his voice.

"Pft. It's not like she would have done the same. This is a competition to win. We can be nice when this is all over." he explained.

"Your ever so honorable."

'In case your brain couldn't tell that was sarcasm Sempai.' Urataros chuckled.

"Oh gee, thank you for th-SHUT THE F*yay*K UP, YOU PERVERTED TURTLE!" M-Ryotaro shouted, "AND WHO KEEPS CENSORING MY CURSES!?"

'You just did a Pinkie.' Urataros stated.

"Ah... this will be a long day indeed." Ryotaro sighed.

"Shut up. I'm in the lead anyway, so I'm a-" M-Ryotaro began before suddenly, Rainbow landed in front of him and ran ahead, "Son of a bitch!"

"Later, Momo!" Rainbow grinned as she ran further ahead.

"You cheating bitch!" M-Ryotaro growled as he ran after her, "You used parkour, didnt' you?!"

"The ref didn't say anything about parkour, did she?!" Rainbow smirked as she looked over her shoulder, the tomboy running on top of a rail.

"Why you little…!" M-Ryotaro growled shaking his fist. "Fine! You play your way, I'll play the Momo way!" he growled before he began running faster before he jumped over a car and landed on a roof before he began running and jumping across roofs.

"You do realize you're doing the same thing Rainbow is, sempai," Urataros pointed out.

"Shut up! I'm just fighting fire with fire! Only my fire burns hotter!" he shouted as he kept running and jumping.

"But what'll happen if you run out of roofs?" Ryutaros asked.

"Tch. Please...like I'd r-" M-Ryotaro began before he felt nothing underneath him, making him slowly look down to see a cactus garden below him, "...I hate you so much right now, gaki." he said, only for the laws of gravity and physics to take effect and bring him down into the garden of spiny desert plants.
"AAAAAAHHHHH!" M-Ryotaro's scream shouted throughout the city.
"...Do you hear that?" Rarity asked as she and the others heard M-Ryotaro's scream of pain.

"I feel that," Pinkie winced.
"...What the devil is that noise?" Luna raised a brow in confusion as she heard the scream from the island she was on.

"The sound of idiocy," The Black Imagin said as he was reading a book in a shaded corner.
"Ahh, thank you, Naomi," Celeste smiled as Naomi placed a cup of tea in front of her, "Perfect as al-" she paused when she heard M-Ryotaro's faint scream, "What on earth is that?"

"Trust me when I say it's better not to know," Urataros said as he and the other Taros all looked worse for wear do to their connection to Ryotaro.
"Heh...enjoying your acupuncture, Momo?" Rainbow Dash smirked as she ran past the garden.

"You damn tomboy...I will make you pay for this humility!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he jumped out of the garden, shaking all the spines that had imbedded in his skin. He then looked towards Rainbow. "Matte!-!-!" he shouted as he ran after her, "I'm going to smack the colors right out of that hair of yours!"

"Ha! Like you could beat me!" Rainbow shouted.

"THAT'S IT! KICKING YOUR ASS!" he roared as a red aura burst off him as he ran faster after her. When he caught up to her, he tackled her into an empty courtyard.

"Oh so it's going to be like that huh?"! Rainbow growled as she got up from underneath him, "Fine! Just henshin and let's fight!"

"I don't need no suit to beat you!" M-Ryotaro shouted. 'Besides, I left it on Ryotaro's night stand.'

"Fine! Like I need my wings and gear to beat you!" Rainbow shouted back as she and M-Ryotaro charged at eachother.

The two glared at each other before they both attacked at the same time. M-Ryotaro threw a punch while Rainbow swung a kick at his head. Both attacks hit the other in the cheek with a great show of force sending some dust flying up from it.

"That...all you...got?!" the two growled, despite the fist/foot embedded in their faces.

"We're going to be here for a while, aren't we?" Ryotaro sighed.

"Yeah." the Other Taros brothers all sighed in unison.
Back with the other girls, Fluttershy looked out in worry as she looked at the finish line.

"Hmm...there not here yet…" Pinkie sighed in a tone mixed between bored and worried.

"I know...you'd think they'd be finish by now," Rarity stated, worry evident in her tone.

"Knowing Momotaros, he probably got in a fight in Rainbow," Spike said.

"...Remind me to introduce him to the coffee grinder if that's the case," Rarity frowned

"Ano, isn't that a bit much, Rarity?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not for Momotaros it isn't." she countered nonchalantly.

"Momo gets in trouble too much sometimes." Pinkie nodded her head.

"...Th-that is true, but...a coffee grinder? Isn't that a bit much for him?"

"Are you sure you're worried for Momotaros at the moment?" Pinkie asked before smirking a bit, "Or are you worried for Ryo?"

"Eh? No...well I am worried for Ryotaro, but I just meant it seems a bit extreme to do so to Momotaros." Fluttershy defended, a blush forming on her face.

"...True, but it's either that, or no pudding for a week or month," Pinkie stated back.

"And if we did that he'd just complain and become even more unbearable." Rarity added.

"...Good point."
"Momotaros suplex!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he slammed Rainbow into the ground with a makeshift suplex.

However, Rainbow was able to slip out of it and delivered a dropkick to his back, sending him tumblings forward a bit.

"I...is that….all….you….got?" Rainbow Dash panted, her hair a mess and her cloths covered in dirt with a few tears in them..

"I...don't know...how about...you?" M-Ryotaro panted as his shirt was torn up with his spiky hair all messed up...more so than normal that is. "I think we got some fight still left in us...but we can stop if you give up. I wouldn't want to hurt a friend of Ryotaro's…"

"Heh...and I...wouldn't want to hurt...Ryotaro," Rainbow panted, "Besides, this race is probably killer on...his…."


"...OH CRAP, THE RACE!" the two exclaimed in realization, having forgotten about the race during their fight.

"CRAP!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he just began running back down the road with Rainbow next to him. "How the hell did we forget this whole thing?!"

"How the hell should I know?!" Rainbow shouted, "But I'm not giving up! I'm still gonna win this thing!"

"Like hell you are! I'm going to win this!" M-Ryotaro countered as the two glared at each other before they began picking up speed.

Both of them kept running and running until their limbs became blurs as they strained their bodies to move faster down the track. Within a few minutes, the two saw the finish line not too far away.

"The finish line!" the two shouted.

"I'm gonna win!" Rainbow shouted as she ran a bit further!"

"No! Me!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he did the same.

The two made one last mad sprint for the finish line before both skidded to a halt across it their legs picking up a large cloud of dust as they did.

"I WON!" the tomboy and Imagin possessed teen shouted before looking at each other, "WHAT?! No I won! No! I w-STOP DOING THAT!"

The two then glared at each other before grasping hands, trying to push the other away.

"Actually, you two tied," Twilight spoke up, making the two turn to see the violette walking towards them.

"We did?" Rainbow blinked.

"Yes….for last place."

"What you talkin' about, Magical Girl?" M-Ryotaro demanded, grabbing Twilight's shoulders.

"Start talkin', woman!" Rainbow shouted.

"Look," Twilight said as she pointed over her shoulder, causing the two to look and gawk, seeing all the other racers standing around, "You two were so busy with your argument, you didn't realize how far behind you were."

"What the hell kind of cop out ending is this!?" M-Ryotaro shouted as he involuntarily shook Twilight as he did, "...Wait...you didn't get first place, did you?!"


"Oh thank g-" Rainbow began.

"I got fifth."

"SERIOUSLY?!" the two gawked.

"Well to be fair, she did start off very slowly. So she had more energy for the end. It's a smart plan, I bet if you two did the same, you might have won." Ryotaro commented in his own mind.

Rainbow and M-Ryotaro couldn't' help but blabber nonsense before the exhaustion finally caught up with them, causing them to plop on the ground, their eyes replaced with swirls.

"Ah…" Twilight sighed, seeing them. "Really? You see, this is what your ego's caused." she told them.

"Ugh…" Rainbow and M-Ryotaro droaned in their unconscious state.

"Oh joy...a lecture. Yeah...that will help my head...ugh...now Ryotaro can't move…" he complained, Ryotaro's body feeling all locked up.

"...Ugh…" Twilight sighed as she pulled out her cell phone, "Really glad Airi gave me her number just in case something like this would happen."
"Honestly, Rainbow. What were you thinking?" Fluttershy frowned as she treated Rainbow Dash's wounds.

"I can answer that." Pinkie said from her seat. "Not much except for winning." she stated proudly.

"Hey give me a break, Pinkie," Rainbow grumbled, an embarrassed blush on her face, "Bad enough I lost to Twilight, but now I feel worst for getting Ryotaro in that state."

"As you should. I told you earlier, you're not facing Momotaros, but Ryotaro." Fluttershy reminded.

"I know I know...I tend to forget that when me and Momotaros butt heads," Rainbow sighed.

"Yup. And you two had a pretty big Kamina moment this time around," Pinkie nodded.

"Pinkie. References later, scolding now." Twilight reminded.

"Right right…" Pinkie waved her off a little.

"Well just be lucky Ryotaro was just very exhausted and nothing to bad happened to him." Rarity stated. "And luckily whatever wounds he did get, Fluttershy was able to heal."

"Yeah...but he's pretty much on bed rest for the rest of the day," Rainbow sighed once more, guilt evident in her voice, "Ugh...I wish there was something I can do to make it up to him."

"Well, why not take over Ryo's work at the Milk Dipper while he's sleeping? I'm sure it make him happy to know someone was helping his big sister and keeping an eye on the creepy guys around this place." Pinkie said offhandedly making everyone look at her with blank stares. "What?" she asked raising a hand to her face. "Is there something on my face?"
It was the next day, and Ryotaro had just woken up. Yesterday was killer on his body, especially his legs. Two straight days of Momotaros using his body for that Iron Warrior competition. His body felt sore all over more than normal. Whenever he was possessed, he felt tired after he got control back, even if it was just for a few minutes. But the combined factors made it feel like his body just plain locked itself up refusing to move for its own good. But Ryotaro just shrugged it off enjoying the long sleep he could enjoy because of it. And today, he was going to help his sister out to make up for not helping her out yesterday.

Ryotaro got up out of bed as he stretched his arms. So far so good in terms of soreness and aches. He got off his bed and stood up, his legs felt a little wobbly, mainly because they still felt asleep right now. He was lucky there was a day off from school due to yesterday's race...speaking of said race, the coverage by media seemed to be huge as it was apparently all over the news. It even seemed like the city wanted to hold one again next year. It was a nice thing, but for Ryotaro...he knew one thing. No matter how much the Taro's might want to, he will never join that race again...ever.

"Morning, Ryotaro," Kintaros spoke up, making Ryotaro blink. It was strange Kintaros was the first one up in the morning. Ironic actually. But he shook it off.

"Morning Kin…" Ryotaro yawned quietly. "Anything happen while I was asleep?"

[b]"Nothing much...except Momonoji has been quiet all morning,"Kintaros replied.

"Eh?" he blinked finding that part odd. "Is he asleep or something still?"

"No. He seems to have gone out to meet with the girls in his sand form."

Ryotaro blinked once more after hearing that. this was rather...odd behavior for Momotaros.

"...Ano, I'm going to go check on nee-chan." Ryotaro said, deciding to shake it off. He figured nothing bad could come of it since Momotaros was with the girls. With that he decided to get dressed for the day and make his way downstairs to the Milk Dipper. Ryotaro yawned as he made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey hey! Easy, buddy! you'll get your coffee, so be patient!" Rainbow's voice shouted from...downstairs?

"Eh? Rainbow-san?" Ryotaro asked as he rubbed one of his eyes before opening the door to the cafe part of the building finding the day already starting as some of the regulars sat at their normal seats near the booth. Airi was of course mixing some orders of coffee from her place behind the booth. But what surprised him was Rainbow being the one passing it out. As per usual orders of Airi she wore a black apron over her clothes just incase of any accidental spilling.

"It is Rainbow…" Ryotaro said quietly as he rubbed his eyes once more.

"Okay, that's orders 23 and 18 down," Rainbow said as she rubbed a bit of sweat off her face, "That just leaves a f- Oi, Seigi! I told you to sit down!" she shouted to the man as he sat himself back down in a bid of fear from her voice.

"Uh, morning Rainbow." Ryotaro was able to greet once he finally saw he wasn't dreaming or hallucinating.

"Huh?" Rainbow blinked a bit as she turned to face him, "Oh...hey Ryo."

"Hi. What are you doing here so early?" he asked out of curiosity.

"Oh this? Well…" Rainbow began as she chuckled sheepishly, "After what happened with yesterday's race and stuff, I...felt bad for putting your body through all that. So I decided to help out around here and stuff. Sorta like a part time job and all."

"Oh...well thanks Rainbow." he smiled as he understood her reasoning well enough. "It's a real big help. But you don't have to worry so much over me." he added.

"True, but Fluttershy, Twilight, and the others pretty much chewed me out and such," Rainbow shrugged, "But eh..it's pretty cool working here. Your sis is really nice a-damn it Seigi! I told you to sit down! I'll get your order when it's ready!" she shouted, making the reporter stop in his bid to grab a seat at the booth next to Airi. He then rushed back to his seat, trying to put on an innocent facade.

"Haha...well looks like you've gotten use to how it works around here really fast." Ryotaro smiled. "Again, thanks Rainbow. Nee-san likes it when people come to help out. So it means a lot to her." he explained as he looked over to Airi who looked a bit more happy than usual as she hummed while making the next order.

"No prob," Rainbow smiled a bit as she rubbed the back of her head, "Heh...maybe I can get Twilight and the others to get part-time jobs here as well."

"I'm sure Nee-san would be more than glad to help you out with that." Ryotaro chuckled a little. He knew how much Airi loved having the girls around. It made the place more lively as she put it. "She might even think of a way to trick them into agreeing to it." he added as he began laughing a little at this point.

"Eheh...yea," Rainbow chuckled in agreement.

"Say Rainbow, have you seen Momotaros at all today?" Ryotaro asked as he remembered Momotaros was out.

"...Actually no. I haven't seen him all day," Rainbow replied before she looked down a bit, "Honestly...I was hoping to talk to him about what happened with the whole 'Iron Warrior' thing."

"Hm...well there can't be many places Momotaros would go…" Ryotaro muttered to himself as he took a seat.

"True...especially since he's a pile of sand when he's not using your body," Rainbow nodded as she sat down as well.

"Strange. Kintaros said Momotaros left to go talk with you and the others earlier." Ryotaro added.

"He did?" Rainbow blinked at that.

"That's what Kintaros said." Ryotaro elaborated.

"...Hmm, he'd probably save Twilight and Pinkie for last since...well, he gets pretty easily annoyed by them from what I've seen," Rainbow guessed, "Which means he'd probably go see Rarity or Fluttershy first."

"That makes sense...I wonder when he'll be back?"

"Don't know," Rainbow shrugged, "...I'll probably give the girls a call in case they did see him or not," she then leaned back in her seat a bit to look at Aira, "Hey, Airi. i'm gonna take a small break real quick. i'll be back to finish giving out orders and such."

"Okay Rainbow-chan," she smiled as she poured some coffee. "I'm sure things will be fine for just a little while."

"Okay," Rainbow nodded as she got up. But just before she and Ryotaro could leave out the front door, the tomboy gave Seigi a stern look, "Don't try anything funny. I'm watching you and monk boy like a hawk. Got it?"

"Hai…" Seigi and Isse both cried in a high pitched tone.

"I'll be back in a bit Nee-san." Ryotaro waved as he and Rainbow left, "So who're you going to call first?

"I'll try Fluttershy. Knowing her, she's probably up this early visiting the local vet," Rainbow explained as she pulled out her cellphone.

"Okay." Ryotaro nodded as the two began walking.

"Yeah," Rainbow nodded as she dialed Fluttershy's number into her phone, "Let's hope she answers." she said as the phone began to ring for a little before the sound of answering was heard.

-H-hello?- Fluttershy's voice answered.

"Hey, Flutters. It's me," Rainbow replied, "Listen, have you seen Momotaros?"

-Oh. Well actually I ran into him this morning.- she explained on her end, -Um...I wasn't sure what to do with him since I couldn't just let a pile of sand follow me into the Vets, so I scooped him into this glass jar-

-This is really embarrassing, Kaze-onna!- Momotaros' voice from the line, but very muffled.

-Sorry…- Fluttershy cried in response.

"...Ugh," Rainbow sighed a bit, "Look, meet me and Ryotaro here at the Milk Dipper. There's something I like to talk to him about...oh, and if ya can, bring Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie with ya."

-Oh...okay. Just let me finish up here, okay?- the shy pinkette replied over the line, -I'll make sure Momotaros doesn't...well you know, be Momotaros- she said being polite.

-I know what you mean by that Kaze-onna.- Momotaros grumbled.

"Good..see you in a few," Rainbow nodded, "And now if you'll excuse me, I gotta get back to work...not to mention keep monky boy and the perv away from Airi."

-Eh? You mean you took up Airi's job offer?- Fluttershy asked.

"Eeyup. In fact, maybe you and the others would like to join part-time," Rainbow offered, "It's a good pay, nice place to hang out, the works."

-Oh that's a good point. And we can all hang out together more too- Fluttershy agreed.

-How did this turn into a job interview?!- Momotaros asked before he screamed -AH! Kaze-onna, there's a hell hound trying to get me, and I don't' like the way he's sniffing me!-

-Oh my! G-gomen, Rainbow! I need to go! Bye!- Fluttershy said as she hung up.

"Heh. Momo's afraid of dogs!" Rainbow grinned happily as she turned off her phone, "but enough about that, time to get back t-" her eye twitched a bit, "...excuse me," she walked back into the restaurant, "I thought I told you and monk boy to stay put, Seigi!"

"Hehe....she's sure grown use to the place." Ryotaro smiled as he followed her back inside.
After Rainbow chewed out Seigi and Isse, she and Ryotaro waited for Fluttershy and the others to get back with Momotaros. It wasn't a long wait really as Fluttershy walked through the doors with a small pack over her shoulder as she walked through the door.

"Morning ,Fluttershy." Rainbow greeted as she finished giving out a few more orders.

"Morning, Rainbow…" Fluttershy greeted before she blushed a bit, "A-ano...good morning, Ryotaro."

"Oh, morning Fluttershy." Ryotaro greeted from behind the booth with Airi.

"Ah, Fluttershy-chan. Good to see you here so early." Airi greeted.

"L-likewise, Airi-san," Fluttershy bowed, "Ano, Twilight-chan and the others will arrive shortly."

"Alright, but first things first..." Rainbow paused as she held out her hand. "Give me the idiot." she added.

"Hey!" Momotaros voice came from Fluttershy's backpack.

"R-right," Fluttershy nodded as she took her backpack off and reached into it, pulling out a jar full of sand, "h-here he is."

"Thanks." Rainbow said taking it and holding it up. "Okay Momo, I need to talk to you."

"Ha! Do your worse, woman! After the coffee grinder, I can take any form of torture!"

"I mean talk about what happened with that stupid Iron Warrior competition, dumbass!" Rainbow hissed.

"Oh...well why didn't you say so?" Momotaros scoffed feeling embarrassed.

"Momotaros, be nice." Ryotaro said as he walked by, having picked up some cups from customers who finished.

"Ugh…" Rainbow sighed as she walked off, "Ryo, take over for me. Fluttershy, try and help him out and such."

"R-right." Fluttershy nodded as she tried to help Ryotaro.
"Alright…" Rainbow began, the tomboy out back as she opened the jar Momotaros was in, "Let's talk."

The Sand slithered out before it reformed to Momotaros upper half.

"Okay…" he said, crossing his sand arms over his chest.

"...Ugh, look. You and I both know we made asses of ourselves during that Iron Warrior Competition, and Ryotaro payed the price for our stupidity."

"Tsk...Yeah I know." Momotaros sighed, lowering his head. "I feel bad about as it is. So I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help. That's why I went after the Kaze-onna. I figured she might know some trick since she's the one who knows all this healing stuff."

"Good idea," Rainbow nodded, "As for me...well, I decided to take a part time job here at the Milk Dipper to make up for what happened." she explained.

"Well I guess that's a good start since you got a real body out here. 'Till Ryotaro makes a contract, I'm just sand."

"Yeah…" Rainbow nodded as she leaned against the wall, "Hey Momotaros...quick question. What do you think of me and the other girls?"

"Eh? What do you mean by that?" the Oni Imagin asked in confusion.

"Well considering you've been fighting alongside us for a while, you've had to come up with something. I mean, are we allies, or no?"

"We're Imagin. Truth be told, all we should care about is the person we are contracted to." Momotaros replied, "But, when I first took over Ryotaro and got confronted by the Mahou-Onna and then all this weird stuff...I felt like things are different." he sighed. "The thing is all I wanted to do was fight, but the more I got on these weird adventures and fights with you girls. It felt like I can't picture my life without all this. without Ryotaro...without the Mahou-onna naggin' me, all that." he finished.

"I see…" Rainbow noted, "Me...well, I'm still sorta new to the group and stuff, especially after what happened with…" she paused as she looked down, "After what happened with the Shadowbolts and stuff."

"Don't beat yourself up. You had some stupid magic whatever making you act like an ass." Momotaros said as he turned away.

"I know….just…" Rainbow paused as she looked up at the sky, "Before we met you guys, me and Fluttershy had no one else to trust really."

"Well I can't tell you much on that. I'm an Imagin. Past doesn't matter much to us personally. But I guess something brought you to Ryotaro and the others, call it what you like fate destiny but I guess some friends are just meant to meet." he said before scratching his head. "Tsk...why do I feel all soft today!?"

"Heh...I know!" Rainbow chuckled a bit, "It's a bit uncool for badasses like us to act like such softees."

"Heh...well I guess that's why we have friends like Ryotaro and the Kaze-Onna their soft enough for the both of us."

"Yeah...and to keep us from doing anything stupid."

"Y-" Momotaros began before he tensed up, "Wait...that smell...can it be?"

"What's wr-?"


"Oh, come on…" Rainbow complained as she slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand, "We were having a good heart to heart moment too."

"Tsk. He's on the move. No time to grab the others, let's go after it and you call them and tell them where we are heading!" Momotaros ordered as he began slithering across the ground quickly following his nose to chase the scent of an Imagin.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?"

"No. I…" Momotaros began before he stopped, "...Oh...right. Ryotaro." he realized as his head reformed. "Tsk damn it like I said there's no time I'm already losing the scent! You'll have to hold it off till he can get there!" he said as he made his way back down the street as fast as his sand form could go.

"Ugh...fine," Rainbow nodded as her wings and gear appeared, "Let's hurry before it gets away."
"Ano...I wonder what's keeping them?" Ryotaro pondered as he and Fluttershy took over Rainbow's duties...at least until the tomboy came back.

"Do you think they started fighting again?" Fluttershy asked, it wasn't fair to think they would fight again, but she knew them both well enough to figure it was possible.

"I'm not sure. I would've heard them arguing from in here," Ryotaro replied. He then felt his phone buzzing in his pocket before he pulled it out. "Hello?" he answered.

-Hey, Ryo. Sorry for leaving you and Fluttershy hanging. Momotaros smelled a stray Imagin and we're heading off to face it- Rainbow stated over the phone.

"Eh?! Imagin?!" Ryotaro gasped in surprise, getting Fluttershy's attention. "Where are you?"

-We're almost at a construction site. I already texted Twilight and the others, but I'm sending them over to you and Fluttershy-

"Demo, wh-"

-Don't worry. Me and Momo got this, so you guys sit back for this one- was all Rainbow said as she hung up.

"Ah…" Ryotaro mumbled as the line went dead. "Ano Fluttershy...we kind of need to go find them…" he chuckled scratching the back of his head as he put his phone away. "I don't think it will be a good idea to let those two run wild against an Imagin on their own…"

"H-hai," Fluttershy nodded, "D-demo, what about Airi-san? She still has some customers here."

"Well I'll go find them on my own. When the others get here, then you can tell them where to find us." Ryotaro explained. "That way someone is still here to help Nee-san and someone can keep an eye on them." he rationalized.

"Ahh...o-okay," Fluttershy nodded, "B-be careful, Ryotaro."

"Hai." he nodded as he turned around and took a breath. 'Urataros, can you find Momotaros?'

'Simple enough. Let me take the wheel for this part.' the blue Imagin replied before a blue flash changed Ryotaro's hair and and eyes, and a pair of glasses formed on his face. "Don't worry, Fluttershy-san. I'll be sure to bring everyone back in one piece. Ja-ne." he waved happily as he made his way out the door...at the same time Twilight and the other girls were about to walk in.

"Hey R-" Twilight began before U-Ryotaro ran past her, "Huh?"

"We can flirt later, my little bookworm. Right now I need to be the hero for the day. Bye-bye!" U-Ryotaro winked as he ran down the street.

"...That was Urataros, wasn't it?" Twilight asked as she blinked a few times.

"It would appear so," Rarity noted, "But what did he mean by 'being the hero for the day'?"

"I don't know. Maybe an Imagin finally showed up," Pinkie shrugged.

"Ah...you all made it here sooner then Ryotaro expected." Fluttershy said from the door. "Uhm...Rainbow and Momotaros found an Imagin and Ryotaro went after them," she explained the details quickly to them. "Ano...so if it's not any trouble could you maybe help?" she asked.

"Ahh...got it," Twilight nodded as she looked at Rarity and Pinkie, "Rarity, stay behind to help Fluttershy and Airi out. Pinkie, you're with me."

"Of course," Rarity nodded.

"Okie, dokie lokie!" Pinkie saluted.

With that, Twilight and Pinkie made their way after U-Ryotaro while Fluttershy and Rarity wished them luck and stayed behind.
Momotaros slithered into the construction site that was empty for the day, he slipped under a movable fence before reforming as he looked at the iron skeleton of the building around him.

"Oi, Rainbow. The scent ends here...that means this yaro is hiding somewhere in here." Momotaros said as he scratched his sand head looking around in confusion.

"Yeah…" Rainbow nodded as she landed next to him, "But where's the little sneak hiding?"

"Yeah, this jerk is super sneaky...what was he anyway?" Momotaros asked as he couldn't see well while slithering around in his sand state he relied on his smell to navigate. But Rainbow was flying so she must have seen him once.

"I don't know. He looked like a...gazelle or something."

"Oh joy. Some kind of skipping jerk…" Momotaros complained as he slowly moved across the ground trying to sniff him out. But it was then something landed on him, revealing the Imagin.

It was as tall as a full grown man with a bronze colored armor over it, its shoulder where tipped with large spiral like horns as where it's head that resembled that of a Gazelle but with eyes that seemed a might bit small for its large skull. Its arms were also tipped in spiral horns acting like melee weapons, and its legs where covered in thick armor that made it look like a bad idea to take a kick from.

The Imagin growled as it looked at Rainbow before swing its arm mounted weapons at her forcing her to duck under it's swing. This let the Imagin hit a fence with the arm mounted horn that cut through the steel links with ease.

The Imagin growled as it turned to face her again as it crossed it's arm mounted horns letting sparks fly off them.

"Oh you want to play rough huh?" Rainbow smirked as she held her fingers out, "Eat this! Light Machine gun!"

With that, multiple electro bullets fired at the Imagin as it used its legs to jump over the first barrage and land on a steel girder above Rainbow. She quickly aimed up and fired again, forcing the Imagin to jump from vantage point to vantage point lest it be sprayed by the bullets. This went on for a good minute until a few bullets finally hit its shoulder, sending it falling face first into a steel girder before falling down to the dirt foundation.

The Imagin rolled to its side before standing up and growled as it glared at Rainbow. It then swiped it's legs across the ground as it got ready to charge at her. And charge it did as it ran straight at her with impressive speed as it stabbed it's right arms horn at her which she jumped over to avoid, letting it pierce another section of steel that was behind her.

"Heh...sorry buddy," Rainbow smirked as she flew in the air, "But I do parkour for a living. Avoiding you was like a simple breeze for me."

The Gazelle Imagin growled as it held its arms up letting the horns on it's arm glow before they turned into sand and reformed into a spear with a drill like spiral for a spear head. The Imagin grabbed it's new weapon and aimed it at her before it jumped into the air and stabbed it forward, rapidly making it appear as if dozens of spears were all coming right at Rainbow.

"Too slow!" Rainbow shouted as she flew over the attack and threw her arms forward, "Spark Wave!" she shouted, firing out a large wave of electricity, but the Imagin just aimed its spear forward and let the tip absorb the energy before it banged the tip against a steel pillar next to it and let all the energy flow through that instead of it's own body, "Oh, come on! Are you serious?!"

"This thing choose to fight in this place full of metal to take away your lightning's advantage…" Momotaros groaned as he reformed.

"Wait.. Then th...oh crap baskets," Rainbow facepalmed, "We walked into a trap."

The Gazelle Imagin growled as it snorted in response and aimed the spear at her again. It then jumped with all it strength and aimed the spiral head of its spear right at Rainbow. Rainbow was able to avoid this but the spear still dug into another steel girder leaving a spiral hole in it. The Imagin growled and jumped again as it kept shooting it's weapon forward trying to skewer Rainbow who was forced on the defensive.

'Damn it! We could use Ryotaro's help right about now!' Rainbow thought as she continued to dodge the Gazelle Imagin's attacks.

Rainbow was then stopped as she felt a hard cold surface of steel behind her as she was forced into a corner by the Imagin that aimed its spear at her again. But before it could stab it forward, the sound of foot steps got it's attention before a sneaker hit it in the face making it stumble back.

"Omae Boku ni tsuraretemiru?" U-Ryotaro asked as he landed in front of Rainbow. "My how unsightly, to force such a pretty girl against a wall. What a vile beast." he stated fixing his glasses.

"Oh great, it's the perverted turtle," Rainbow groaned as she facepalmed.

"My my... is that how you thank the one who just saved you?" U-Ryotaro smirked. "You know such lack of gratitude works against you. Takes away even more feminine charm then you can afford."

"Oi, Kame!" Momotaros shouted, "How about a little less flirting, huh?!..in fact, move over!" he then became a orb of light and entered Ryotaro, forcing Urataros out.

"Ore Sanjou!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he struck his signature pose. "Heh... About time. Let's get this done with. I don't want to repeat my mistakes from before." he chuckled as he grabbed the belt, strapped it on, and pressed the red button, "Hey Gazelle-yaro, get ready for a world of hurt!" he taunted as he lifted the pass up with a wide grin across his face. "Henshin!" he shouted as he swiped it over the buckle letting the red light and music play.


The Red shards of energy formed before slamming to M-Ryotaro forming Den-O's Plat Form, before the armor formed around him and floated into place before it slammed on and locked itself into place. the Peach shaped DenKamen then grinded down his helmet before locking into place forming Sword Forms eyes. The entire armor flashed red as Den-O shot his arms up.

"Ore!" he shouted pointing to himself with both thumbs, "Sanjou!" he finished. He then grabbed the parts for the DenGasher before he put it back together into it's sword configuration letting the red blade extend. "Get ready Gazelle-yaro, cause from start to finish, we are at the climax!" he stated as he pointed his blade forward.

Den-O then charged forward as he slashed his DenGasher at the Imagin who blocked with its spear. The two grinded their weapons against each other before Den-O reared his head back and slammed his head into the Gazelle Imagin's head, making it stumble back a few steps. Den-O took this chance as he jumped forward and slashed it down across the chest, ripping sparks from it's natural armor. Den-O then slashed it across the abdomen as he ran past it making it stumble forward. Den-O turned around and slashed the Imagin across back before kicking it in the rear sending it forward into a pile of construction supplies.

As the Imagin got back up, Den-O charged and slashed it across the shoulder breaking one of the horns on its shoulder. Den-O ran up a wall before he jumped back and slashed the Imagin across the chest ripping even more sparks. As the Imagin stumbled back, Den-O grabbed the horn on its head before he began running before slamming it headfirst into a steel girder, causing its horns to get stuck in it.

"Hey hold up! Don't take all the fun, Momo!" Rainbow shouted as she kicked the Gazelle Imagin to the side, causing one of its horns to come right off.

"Alright! Let's get this bastard, Rainbow!" Den-O cheered as he held his DenGasher forward before the two charged. The two jumped and aimed a punch that hit the Imagin in the face sending it back a couple steps.

Den-O attacked first as he slashed it across the chest once, then twice, before a third slash senti it stumbling back. Rainbow flipped over den-O before she landed an Ax kick to tie Gazelle Imagin's head, making it stumble back even more. She then spun around and nailed a roundhouse to its side before Den-O came around the side and slashed it across the chest making the Imagin fall back to the ground from the attacks.

Den-O spun his sword around before he held it upside down and used his free hand to punch the Imagin as it got up. He then leaned back and kicked with all his strength sending the Imagin flying out of the main building of the construction site and out to the dirt foundation outside.

"Rainbow, he's got no steel to block your Lightning. Light him up!" Den-O shouted.

"Sweet! I got a new move I've been wanting to try out!" Rainbow smirked as she crossed her arms, "Thunder Edge!" she declared as her hands were covered in cyan electricity before they formed into blades forming from the gauntlets on her arms.

"Ikuze!" Den-O shouted as the two held their bladed weapons forward before they both charged.

Den-O slashed from the right lancing the Imagin's shoulders and knocking it off balance, before it looked up to see Rainbow as she came down and slashed both her arms down and cut the Imagin down from the left shoulder to its right hip, leaving a glowing trail of electric energy in it's body. Den-O slashed the Imagin from the back making sparks fly and forcing it to spin around on it's feet from the force. Rainbow then stabbed both her blades into the Imagin's hips from behind forcing the shock of electricity to surge through it's body. Rainbow yanked her blades out of the Imagin before Den-O charged and slashed his blade upwards hitting the Imagin from the hip to it's shoulder sending it flipping through the air.

"Let's finish it," Rainbow smirked as she 'sharpened' her electric blades.

"Ore tachi no hissatsu waza." Den-O stated as he held up his blade and pulled out the pass with his free hand. He then scanned the pass over his buckle letting energy go into the Den-Gasher's handle section.


"Ikuze ,Rainbow! Let's show this punk some real sword skill!" Den-O smirked as he held his sword straight up into the air before it began to glow bright red. Rainbow then held her hands up before she let loose a large surge of electric energy that began to converge to the crimson blade of Den-O's sword.

The Energy began to cover the blade until it began to grow slightly in size as red lightning raced off the blade. It then shot up from the handle into the air as a large amount of thunder cables kept it connected to the Handle.

"Take this! Hissatsu Waza: Raiga(Thunder fang) Version!" Den-O shouted as he swung the handle down as the blade delayed for a second before it flashed down like a bolt of lightning that struck the Imagin before it could even register what had happened.

The Gazelle Imagin's body was cut right down the middle with said middle glowing a bright red before it slowly split apart and explode into a large burst of flames and electricity. The blade reattached to the DenGasher as Den-O swung it over his shoulders and leaned on one leg.

"Who's bad…?" Den-O began as he held his fist up.

"We're bad," Rainbow finished as she bumped her fist against Den-O's.

"That's right. No one is cooler than our combi." Den-O smirked as he swiped his thumb over where his nose would be under his helmet.

"Oh yea," Rainbow nodded.

"Hold up!" Twilight's voice shouted, making the two turn to see the violette and Pinkie running into the area, "We're here….to…Where's the Imagin?"

"Ah, Mahou-onna. Looks like we got too into it and finished it before you could make it…" Den-O chuckled, rubbing the back of his helmet.

"Eheh..yeah," Rainbow chuckled sheepishly.

"So...we came out here for nothing?" Pinkie blinked.

"Afraid so, Pinks," Rainbow chuckled a bit as her gear and wings disappeared. "We were kind of in a rush since this one was really smart and had us in a trap…" she explained scratching her cheek.

Den-O yanked off his belt and returned to M-Ryotaro.

"Ryotaro did say something about backup, but I tuned him out with how into the fight I got…" M-Ryotaro chuckled as well.

"Yeah...but oh man you should've seen it!" Rainbow grinned excitedly, "Momo was all over that Imagin! He didn't even let it attack once!"

"Heh. You should have seen the Tomboy in action. She was so fast she took every opening I made in the Imagin, and her new trick was super badass as well." M-Ryotaro countered with a grin.

"New trick?" Pinkie blinked.

"Eeyup," Rainbow smirked, "I took notes from Twilight's Blade of Energy move, and decided to give my own twist to it."

"Wow...we let them fight one Imagin, and they turn into the best friends in the world." Twilight noted with a chuckle.

"Eeyup. Looks like," Pinkie nodded, "..Oh! We should head back and check on Rarity and Fluttershy!"

"Eh? Well the peaceful stuff starts up again,soI'm going to go nap on DenLiner." M-Ryotaro said as Momotaros aura left Ryotaro.

"And i need to head back to work," Rainbow said as she cracked her neck a bit, "Need to make sure Seigi and that monk don't try anything funny." she grinned as she began walking down the street back to the Milk Dipper.

Ryotaro shook his head as he gained control back. "Chotto, Rainbow. Don't use violence." he called out after her.

"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt them. Just gonna use a few choice words with them," Rainbow waved him off before she stopped for a bit, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Hey Twi, Pinkie. When we get back, you guys want a part time job or something? I'm sure Airi would be glad to have some extra help around the place. Plus, we can hang out more often outside of school."

"Ooh~! Ooh~! I want to work there!" Pinkie cheered as she skipped after Rainbow and Ryotaro. "Think of all the coffee I'll get for free!"

"No coffee, Pinkie!" Twilight shouted as she chased after them, "I don't want a repeat of what happened on Denliner!" 'Though...a part time job wouldn't hurt I guess. There's still a few books I haven't' read yet at the Milk Dipper.' she smiled in her mind.

"Haha...this all seems like fun doesn't it?" Ryotaro chuckled as he walked with his friends. He was really happy to have friends he could spend every day with and who loved spending time at Milk dipper as well.

"Eeyup. ooh! Maybe I can get some coffee-"


"...Cake. Coffee cake," Pinking finished as she gave Twilight a childish frown, "You really need to learn some manners, Twilight."

"Daijobu, Pinkie. I'm sure Nee-san has some made just for you," Ryotaro chuckled, "She knows how much you love sweets, so she buys and makes extras just for you."

"Whoo hoo! Yay for Ryotaro's sister!" Pinkie whooped.

"You're lucky she's super nice. Or she might not stand for how loud you are. It is still a library after all." Twilight laughed.

"Oh I know. I'm just excited for free sweets!*Squee!*"

"That's the one thing you truly cared about, huh?" Rainbow laughed her question out.

"Eeyup! That, and hanging out with my best friends!" Pinkie beamed as she pulled the three into a tight hug.

"That does sound very nice doesn't it?" Ryotaro mused happily.

"It does…" Twilight nodded, wincing a bit from how tight Pinkie was hugging her, Rainbow, and Ryotaro.

"It's a dream come true!" Pinkie smiled as the friends all laughed as they entered Milk Dipper.
Urataros: A what a nice quiet day with me in control. Nothing could go wrong.

Pinkie: Hi, Ura!

Urataros: Gah! Pinkie!?

Pinkie: That's right! Today, it's my job to make sure you don't do anything naughty with Ryo's body!

Urataros: This day can't get any worse…

Pinkie: Is that a female Imagin I see?

Urataros: I stand cor-female you say?

Pinkie: Well that's enough talk. Let's get to action! Come on Ura!

Stop 11: Keeping a promise

Author's Note:

Once more, sorry the update was so late. It's just these chapters are pretty long and stuff. But regardless, I will try my best to get more chapters up on here. Anyways...I hope you enjoy, and leave a comment/review. Until next time fellow readers, this is Seanzilla115 signing off. Have a good day.