• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 2,353 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship is Timeless - Seanzilla115

Time long ago, the destiny of six girls were changed. In the future, time itself lead to the end of humanity. Now in the middle in the present, the time to reach the crossroads have come as 6 girls and 1 human, plus 5 Imagin's fight to change fate it

  • ...

Stop 8

Last time, things weren't looking good for our heroes. A mysterious new Imagin has possessed Ryotaro, and the girls face off against the ShadowBolts after finding out Rainbow is a Bearer of Harmony. They manage to hold the Shadowbolts back at first, but then two new Imagin appear and blindside our heroes. And with Rainbow, Fluttershy manages to catch up to her and tries to remind her of the promise they made to Soarin. Will it work? Let's find out.
Rainbow just let the words that Fluttershy said sink into her mind, her memories flooding back to her.

"I...now I remember," Rainbow mumbled as the memories set in.

"I promised to never lose the trust between us...and that's what I'll do, Rainbow," Fluttershy explained, her voice full of confidence.

"...But….how can I trust you again, Fluttershy? After everything that happened..." Rainbow asked, her tone of voice confused at what to do, what to say, just confused.

"Because we're family, Rainbow. And you must have faith in me when I tell you that Twilight, Ryotaro, and the others are true friends." Fluttershy spoke calmly and gently, "But now I understand I can't force you…" she stated as she looked at Rainbow. "It's time for you to make a decision, but you should know. Even if being with Luna is what you really want I'll always still be your friend." she stated a sad smile on her face.


"...I have to go and help the others," Fluttershy said as her gear and wings appeared once more, "Take care, Rainbow-chan," she smiled sadly again as she flew away back to the others.

Rainbow just looked at this her face sullen, she had no idea what to say to this. Her memories with Fluttershy all just came rushing back to her head she was one of the most important people in her life. But now she understood this was the most important choice for her to make at the moment, not for the sake of pleasing others, but for her own sake.
Back at the fight, the girls were having a bit more problem since Shadow Fang and Razor Claw joined the fight. Shadow Fang slashed at Pinkie, forcing her to evade each sword swing before it cornered her against a tree and raised the sword to her neck.

"Heh...Silly little human, a wolf is not something you can outrun!"

"I know..but they can easily be lured into a trap," Pinkie giggled, confusing the Wolf Imagin before she pointed down at the trail of ice underneath him.

"What?" Shadow Fang blinked as the ice began to cover him. However the next thing to happen where black flames forming from the Wolf Imagin's own body melting the ice off. "Bet you didn't know an Imagin could do that if their contractor has magic huh?"

"...You fell into another trap."

"Huh?" Shadow Fang blinked before he spotted the puddles created from the melted ice formign into large water fist, "...Oh….fu-"

"Aqua Gatling!" Pinkie shouted as the water fist began to pummel Shadow Fang sending him skidding back across the ground.

"What is with this Manga feel? What kind of games are you playing, woman!?" the Imagin growled before he howled and leaped into the air before he slashed down, cutting the tree behind Pinkie in two.

"Well I was having a dance with the cutie there before you interrupted us, you meanie," Pinkie stated with a small pout, the excitable pinkette having sidestepped the Wolf imagin's attack.

"Shut up! We all know without your little pet Kamen Rider, you wouldn't be able to beat us! None of you are able to fight up close!" the Imagin growled as he swung wildly each time Pinkie just ducked left or right to evade the swing and at the same time, taking a step back before an ice pillar launched her into the air and let the Imagin cut that in two. "What?"

"This girl's starting to get annoying," Descent frowned, firing black fire arrows at Pinkie, only for the pinkette to dodge them easily, "Grr! Stand still, you pink idiot!"

"Grrr...damn it! What kind of battle is this?! She's just dodging everything!" Shadow Claw shouted as he cut down a tree blocking Pinkies path to evade Descent's arrows, cornering her again. "I wanted to face their little pet Kamen Rider! Not some childish coward!"

"...Wow. You and your puppy need to calm down, cutie," Pinkie said bluntly as she looked at Descent, "Otherwise you'll end up with wrinkles. And I like to be the crazy girl that likes to have fun, then be someone who's sane and boring. Also..." her face then saddened, "I don't believe you want to see me upset...I don't want to become her again."


"She's just trying to get in our heads, master! We both know if we actually land a hit on her, she'd go down! They hide behind that pet Kamen Rider of theirs selfishly like a human shield!" Shadow Fang shouted.

"..Yeah...you're right," Descent nodded slowly, shaking his head as he glared at Pinkie.

With Twilight and K-Rarity's battle, the former was dodging Nightingale's attacks while the latter was busy charging something up, chanting something quietly to herself.

"How naive. Jump and evade me all you want! You won't escape me!" Nightingale shouted as she flew after Twilight, who jumped from tree to tree to evade her onslaught of attacks. The girl dodged the last ,only for the Owl Imagin to appear before her and grab her arm before tossing her to the ground, "Plus, there's my partner, Razor Claw."

"..I wasn't trying to run…" Twilight spoke, confusing the two as a sphere of energy formed in her hands, "I was waiting for the perfect moment to get you both! Stella Magna!" she shouted as she fired the sphere as a powerful blue beam of energy.

Razor Claw appeared before Nightingale and grabbed her before his shoulder pads opened as wings and flapped with enough force to send them both out of the attacks path.

"A powerful attack indeed, but it's rang and broadcast is obvious in a battle such as this one." Razor Claw explained as the two landed on a high branch. The Imagin then formed a lance like weapon in his normal left hand that he twirled around and aimed at Twilight.

"That's because that attack was a distraction!" K-Rarity shouted as both NightinGale and Razor Claw's feet were trapped in earth, shocking the two, "It was all part of the plan!"

"...Damn it. No wonder she wasn't doing anything," Nightingale growled a bit.

"And now you're both exposed to my attack! Right arm of the Diamond Golem, hashin!"

With that, a magic seal formed behind K-Rarity before a large arm formed from it. It was large, dwarfing Nightingale and Razor Claw in size easily. It seemed to be made from silver metal with a black material underlayer, each finger tipped into claws as the knuckles where all studded with purple diamonds.

"Rarity says she lacks the power to summon this being in its full form, but with our power combined, it will be enough to defeat the two of you." K-Rarity explained as the arm pointed at them both. It then pointed out its index finger as a sheen of light went up the arm till it reached the clawed tip as it began to glow yellow. "Attack!" K-Rarity ordered as the arm shot forward ready to attack the two as Razor Claw shielded Nightingale best he could with his body.

However, a blur shot before Nightingale and Razor Wing before a venom green hexagon shaped barrier appeared, blocking the attack easily, much to everyone's shock.

"Nani!" K-Rarity gasped. "Something was able to block that attack?"

"H….Haze…" Nightingale whispered as the one who summoned the barrier was Haze, "...Where the hell were you?!"

"I was taking care of the Kamen Rider you could say…" he explained, not looking back at her. "It wasn't easy, it ended up just becoming a back and forth conversation with that new personality of his."

"Who...who is this guy?" Twilight whispered as she stood next to K-Rarity, "He was able to stop your creatures attack...with one hand."

"It is certainly unbelievably, this is not someone we recall being with them." K-Rarity responded.

"Kintaros, what do we do now?" Rarity asked the Imagin.

"At this point, we may need to return to a defensive strategy. They have us vastly outnumbered at the moment. Especially without Ryotaro and Fluttershy."

"It's true...and we don't' know how strong this new guy really is...I'll check it out real quick," Twilight said as she closed her eyes, using the aura analysis technique real quick. After a few seconds, her eyes shot open as her entire body began to shake, "Wh…..what?"

"What's wrong with Twilight?"

"It's that man...his strength must be so great it has left her in shock." K-Rarity explained. "This is very bad...Twilight, you shall take care of the one known as Nightingale, leave the Imagin and that man to me and Rarity." she explained to Twilight, shaking her shoulder slightly.

"...R...right," Twilight nodded, the violetette managing to calm herself.

'Rarity, I must be honest. I think if we face that man we will be putting ourselves in great danger,' Kintaros spoke to Rarity mentally.

"I know...that's why we must face him. He made our attack look simply pathetic," Rarity stated in a serious tone.

'Hm...Ryotaro's respect for you makes sense. You are incredibly stronger deep down then you let on.' Kintaros nodded mentally. 'But on the other side of the coin...if things go bad, I will be sure to protect you.'

"Thank you, Kintaros. Now…" Rarity began as the Diamond Golem's arm clenched its fist, "Let's show this brute what true strength really is."

"Ossu." K-Rarity nodded as a stone platform lifted her into the air along with the Diamond Golem's fist.

"...Listen, I am not in the mood to fight you. I detest when things don't go down the way I planned them," Haze frowned as he looked up at them. "Now I will give you a chance to retreat, but in case you choose to fight. I don't care that you're a woman, I'll attack without mercy." he glared.

"I fully understand you are powerful and dangerous. But firstly; I can not stand aside. Many people are relying on our strength… so I can not stand down with fear as a reason. Secondly; it is rude to think because someone is a woman that you may look down on their strength." K-Rarity glared as Kintaros and Rarity both focused their minds on one goal attacking. The Diamond Golem's hand then slowly opened into a palm strike as the thumb curled over the palm. "Doskoi!" she called as the arm fired forward with great force, the rushing wind from its charge sounding like the roar of a bear.

Haze stood their, unaffected by the approaching attack as his middle and index fingers glowed a venom green.

"Venomous Excalibur," was all he said as he lifted his fingers up, creating two venom green cutting waves as one collided with the Diamond Golem's hand, slicing it in two. The second one then flew straight for K-Rarity before she jumped off to the right just before it collided with the stone pillar.

"We must be careful...his attacks have a hidden effect to them." K-Rarity glared as Kintaros natural instincts could pick up on a dangerous presence from the attack. She was about to get up, but couldn't as her body felt like it was paralyzed. 'I knew it. I could smell it a poisonous aura to his attack...now it's acting as a paralyzing agent against your body Rarity...I'm sorry for not noticing it sooner, my nose is not as strong as Momonoji's.'

"...I take you figured out my Venomous Excalibur. Not only can it cut through almost anything,but it can paralyze anyone for a couple of minutes if they're within a two meter radius of the attack," Haze explained, "...I did try to warn you...how regrettable."

"Kuso...I can try to force Rarity's body to move...but the strain would be to much for her...unlike with Ryotaro I have no affect on her physical form. I'm sorry, Rarity…" she apologized as Haze charged at her.
Elsewhere, Spike felt a sudden chill go up his back as his heart felt like someone put a vice on it.

"Ah!" he shouted as he sat up shooting his hand to his chest. "Wh...what was that? It's like someone is crushing my heart." he complained as he looked to the park. The town had heard what sounded like explosions before, Spike just chalked it up to another Imagin attack. "I hope they're alright."
Back at the fight, Pinkie was easily dodging Descent and Shadow Fang's attacks easily.

"Stop running, you annoying woman!" Shadow Fang growled as he punched at her, only for the girl to duck under the swing, letting the Imagin stumble forward.

"Nope. Besides, he's almost here," Pinkie giggled as she dodged Descent's black fire arrows.

"What're you talking about?!"

"Easy. You keep saying that we use Ryotaro like a pet and a shield, well that's a mistake. The truth is, Ryotaro's just very protective. It's what makes him so sweet." Pinkie explained. "You're underestimating my friend by a lot. And besides, I know deep down, you don't want to hurt me."

Descent froze a bit at that.

"I think I know why you're on Luna's side. It's perhaps because your sister wants to help her, but it's bad that you don't listen to your heart."

"I believe your wrong, Pinkie, I'm not a friendly person." Descent spoke as Pinkie walked up to him.

"Descent, I'm only happy around good people, and I know that your inner self is a good person," Pinkie explained as she blushed a little, tracing her finger a little on his chest, "That's why I like you."

"Master, do not listen to that temptress!" Shadow Fang shouted as he slashed making Pinkie back away.

However, before more could be said, the sound of a bike engine cut them off as they all looked as the Machine DenBird, with a helmet clad M-Ryotaro, crashed into Shadow Fang, sending him stumbling to the ground. M-Ryotaro then stood on the bike before he clotheslined Descent.

"Seriously, stop flirting!" he shouted as he kept going before the bike rose off it's front wheel and slammed it into Razor claw sending him flying into a tree. He then dismounted and tossed the helmet aside. "Yosha! Ore Youyaku Sanjou!" he called out striking his pose.

"Momotaros!" Twilight called out upon seeing M-Ryotaro.

"Ah, sorry for the delay. It took me some time to get Ryotaro's body back...he's still not awake yet. Just as well. I don't want him to see you guys in such a worrisome state at the moment," M-Ryotaro explained as he noticed Haze. "Oi, you big guy! Y-!" he began before something crashed into the tree behind him and Pinkie.

The two looked before gasping in unison. It was Rarity, but back to normal with Kintaros a formless mass of sand lying next to her. Her dress was mostly torn to shreds and she was bruised all over as well. She also had a few cuts on her as well, some of which were still bleeding as blood dripped from her mouth.

"..." M-Ryotaro just gripped his fist tightly, making his knuckles crack as he did.

"This is supposed to be a Bearer of Harmony?...How pathetic," Haze frowned as he stepped forward, "They're only girls trying to play war."

"Ra...rity?" Pinkie gasped slowly, her hair band breaking as she felt something snap inside her.

"Teme…" M-Ryotaro growled as his eyes became completely red.

"Now...surrender, or suffer more pain than what defeated this weak woman."

"Haze…" Descent whispered before he felt something...a massive wave of murderous intent. He slowly turned with his Imagin to see the water around Pinkie startling to ripple fiercily, her hair shadowing her eyes.

The water began to accumulate more and more as the girl raised her index and middle fingers up, causing several small puddles to form under Haze.

'Hmm? Where did this massive killing intent come from? Wait..can it be?' Haze thought before...


Haze was able to jump away as a spiked glacier of ice came out from the ground where he stood. Haze and everyone looked down at this missing as Pinkie jumped into the air before she blurred away and appeared in front of Haze. Drops of water formed out of the air itself before it covered her entire forearm in a ice boxing glove of sorts. She then slammed the fist into Haze, who raised his arms to block it, shattering the glove, but still sending him flying back.

"In...increible...what unbelievable speed." Descent gasped seeing this.

While everyone was distracted, Shadow Fang tried to get a jump on her as he charged at Pinkie, only to be blocked by a wall of water that surrounded him, the water slowly forming into what looked like a iron maiden.

"Heh...naughty doggy," Pinkie smirked darkly, her voice full of malice as she held her hand out, the water turning into ice as Shadow Fang tried to keep the 'iron maiden' open, "Do you know what happens to doggies when they act naughty?...They get put down...Frozen Tomb."

"G….gah!-!-!-!" Shadow Fang cried out as the 'iron' maiden closed on him before it completely crushed him, killing him within a second. The Iron Maiden then exploded into ice dust from the explosion of the Imagin.

"What? Is that girl really this strong?" Nightingale gasped.

'Pinkie!' Twilight said in her head seeing this.

"What….the...hell?" M-Ryotaro whispered, his eyes widened in shock after seeing that, 'W...was that really the Mizu-onna?'

"Hm…?" a new voice spoke in his head. It was the same voice as that other Imagin that was possessing Ryotaro.

Pinkie smirked darkly in victory before Haze grabbed her neck from behind.

"You have to do better than that to beat me Pinkie…" Haze said confidently as he began to apply a little pressure.

"Hehehe…" Pinkie laughed, confusing Haze before she suddenly turned into a mass of water.

"What?!" Haze gasped, "Damn it! A water clone?! When did sh-?!"he was interrupted as he leapt back from the water clone, which began to form into pony like form just like before, but this time, the mane was perfectly straight rather than curly. One of its hooves was a tendril of water that wrapped around Haze's arm.

"No...he's trapped," Nightingale gasped as she and Twilight watched this, Razor Claw beginning to shake a bit as well from the killing intent Pinkie was releasing

"Hey chocolate man, you've been a bad boy..." Pinkie smirked darkly as she moved her currently wet hair aside, showing that her pupils had shrunk down to dots, and had a look that promised one thing...death. Her tiara changed a bit as well as the pony head in it matched the water one.

'What the hell is this change to her...this isn't the Mizu-Onna, this is much more cold and dangerous.' M-Ryotaro gasped mentally. Part of him would have liked a more mature Pinkie, but this level of change was scary.

"...Fascinating," Haze spoke up, "I admit that last attack with the water clone was very much unexpected. There aren't' many people that manage to fascinate me."

"You dared to hurt Rarity and Kin…" Pinkie began as she twirled a lock of her hair around one of her fingers. "So before killing you, I believe I'll have some fun with your chocolate body." she smirked evilly.

'Pinkie...wh-what happened to you? Why are you talking like this?' Twilight thought in horror.

"...You say you're going to kill me? Ha...I'd wish to see that," Haze chuckled a bit.

"Be patient, man. Before I eat some chocolate, I like to play with it a little." she stated as her smirk broke into a full evil smile. "Lets see how you react when I break that swollen arm of yours." she explained as Haze's arm began to twist and snap as it being twisted out of its socket.

Everyone gasped in shock seeing this.

"Oh...this is really interesting, I want to meet this Nee-san!" The invasive new Imagin shouted happily.

"What?! Wh-?!" M-Ryotaro began before Momotaros was forced out of him, the Oni Imagin becoming sand once more, "God damn it!"

"Hehehe…" the other 'Ryotaro' smirked as he crouched down and watched. "Ah, this looks so fun."

"Oh? The little dragon comes back I see," Pinkie pondered a little as she looked over at him ,"Listen. Can you be a dear…" she then pointed at Razor Claw, "And take care of that nasty bird for me? I don't want him ruining the fun."

"Hm...normally I don't like listening to others, but I really want to see what trick you do next, Kuro-tori-san is fun to play with." he pondered thinking. "Okay. I'll do that, then I'll defeat Ryotaro," he smirked, shooting back to his feet. He then quickly pulled out the belt and pass before strapping the former around his waist, pressing the violet button, "Henshin."


"Nani?!" Razor Claw shouted as Den-O's armor snapped into place, along with the DenKamen.

"Sorry but I want to get back to the show now, so you need to die now." Den-O said as he formed the DenGasher into gun formation.

"...I don't think so!" RazorClaw growled as he took off into the air...at least until Pinkie fired ice arrows that impaled his wings, followed by a few gun shots from Den-O as the Owl Imagin's wings were fully decimated, "G-gah!-!-!"

"I said I had to make this fast, so please be quiet and die." Den-O said as he pulled out the pass before he swiped it.



"Kotae wa Kiitenai." Den-O said coldly as he aimed his gun as bolts of energy came from the spheres on his shoulder pieces and formed into a large sphere of purple energy. He then aimed and fired the sphere that crashed into Razor Claw, destroying him in a large explosion, leaving no remains. "Hm...all done." he spoke as he turned around on one foot before he crouched down and sat crosslegged while holding his gun in his hands as he watched Pinkie intently.

"Good boy," Pinkie smiled darkly as she looked back at Haze, "Well..since you didn't give much of a reaction before, let's see what happens when we apply pressure to your body." she said as the water wrapped all around his body and began to apply some pressure.

'If this goes on any further, she'll end up killing Haze!' Nightingale thought, about to help her teammate before...

"Chotto." Den-O said as he appeared next to her and aimed his gun at her head. "You weren't going to interrupt Nee-san's show, where you?" he asked, pushing the twin barrels against her head. "That'd be a bad idea. This is interesting, and I want to see something fun before I have to finish my mission."

"Yeah…" Pinkie's voice spoke as a water clone appeared behind Nightingale, her arm shaped as a blade as she pressed it against her neck, "So just sit back, and enjoy the show~"

"Now it's time to crush your huge body." Pinkie smirked as she began to close her outstretched hand as the water around Haze crushed more and more, making multiple cracking sounds as it did. Haze could not hold his composure any longer as he coughed up a small glob of blood from his mouth.

Twilight could only look in horror as she had her hands over her mouth, tears beginning to form in her eyes. This...this wasn't the same excitable pinkette she became friends with.

"Oh what fun this is!" Pinkie stated with an insane smile on her face as she closed her hand even more, making Haze groan in pain.

'I...Can't watch this anymore!' Twilight thought, "Pinkie, please stop!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, her voice carried off and was heard by the girl, making her pause as if Twilight's voice made things snap back into place in her head.

As they did, her hair regains its volume, along with the pony head on her tiara, her eyes even returned to normal.

"Huh? Wh-what happened to me?" Pinkie blinked in confusion.

"Now!" Haze called out seeing his chance. "Replacment!" he shouted, putting his hand to a nearby tree and trading places with it in his watery prison. He then stretched his wings before he flew forward and aimed his still good arm back.

"Gh?!" Pinkie tensed as she snapped back to it, "Water Shield!" she shouted, forming a water pony construct again but Haze just flew right through it and punched the girl in her stomach, knocking the wind out of her lungs and sending her up into the air a bit before Haze punched again, sending her slamming into the ground.

"Pinkie!" Twilight cried.

"Nee-san?" Den-O asked as he walked up to Pinkie and looked down at her.

'Hmm...that enigmatic girl...' Haze thought as he looked at the unconscious Pinkie, 'For a few moments, a strange aura emanated from her, different from Celestia's Aura of Light, and Luna's Aura of Darkness. It felt like...the Succubus Type. But that's impossible...'

"Haze, are you okay?" Nightingale asked as she ran up to him.

"Don't worry about me...I use Body Regeneration to repair all the bones and organs she crushed." he explained as he held a green sphere to his bleeding arm as it began to heal itself back to normal.

"But that means you lost half your power. Will you be able to keep fighting?" She asked.

"Heh don't be ridiculous to fight these girls I don't even need half." he stated before a bullet flew past his face leaving a cut that began to bleed.

"Oh...is that so?" Den-O asked as he looked at them both. "That might be for them, but what about me? I'm different, remember?" he reminded as he walked up to them a dark purple aura rolling off him. "I don't know why, but Ryotaro's body feels angry, and my anger for what you did to Nee-san is letting me sync with him now. You know what happens then right Kuro-Tori-tachi?"


"And now you can't stop me from doing my trick now that you're weaker, right?" he asked as Haze visibly flinched at that subject. "Ah I'm right," he said raising his free hand ready to snap his fingers. "So...no more flying." he said snapping his fingers at that their wings locked up preventing them from being used. "So...what boring thing do you have to say now?"

The Shadowbolts didn't' say anything as they stood ready.

In the shadows nearby, the black Imagin was watching, all the while his eyes seeming to scan Den-O as he skipped over to the Shadowbolts. The Rider then spun around before he swung his leg at Haze's head making him duck back to dodge only for Den-O to jump to the side along with him before slamming his fist into his chest sending him flying into a tree. Den-O skidded to a stop before he aimed and began to shoot at Nightingale, he moved the gun left and right keeping her from escaping him before he cornered her against a tree.

"Hm...Normally I wouldn't care what happens to others...demo I really likes that Nee-san there." Den-O said looking at Pinkie. "And you guys hurt her, so that means I have to kill all of you now. Seems fair, no?" he asked as he aimed the gun at her again. "But if it makes you happy just know when I'm done I'll have to defeat Ryotaro next."

Before he could fire, a strong force of wind forced him back.

"Nande?" Den-O asked as he held his hand up to stop the wind best he could.

After a moment, a pale yellow blur shot past him before landing next to Twilight, revealing itself to be Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight gasped seeing this.

"So...the heir of Gaia has finally arrived," Haze noted as Fluttershy looked around, her eyes widening when she saw the states Rarity, Pinkie, and Kintaros were in.

"Wh….what happened here?"

"That giant guy came in and beat both Rarity and Pinkie." Twilight explained as she looked to Den-O as he cleared dust from his purple visor. "And then that Imagin took control of Ryotaro's body again."

"Oh no…" Fluttershy gasped.

"Oi you." Den-O spoke to Fluttershy. "Why did you get in my way?" he asked his visor glowing for a second as if glaring. "Things where just about to get good."

"...Ano...demo I...I was trying to…"

"Eh? Trying to wh-" Den-O began before he barely dodged a venom green cutting wave. The Rider turned his head to Haze before he turned his whole body to face him. "That was a dirty move...I'll have to play dirty too." he said as he began walking over to him, but not before freezing in place, "n..nani? Why can't i move?"

"You were fortunate when the heir of Gaia came in, otherwise you would've been hit by my attack," Haze stated, "And as for your body...while you dodged it, you were within the radius of my Venomous Excalibur, which means you cannot move for a while."

"Oh…" Den-O spoke, before he cracked his neck before he made his body take a step forward. "Good thing this isn't my body, I can use it till it tears itself apart." he stated as he kept walking.

'...How interesting...' the black imagin thought as he watched this from the shadows.

"That would have worked if I cared what happened to Ryotaro...but my job is to defeat him. You're just helping me." Den-O spoke as he grabbed Haze by his neck and tossed him into a tree. He then charged and slammed his knee into his chest before he punched him across the face, making him fall down. "Get up." he laughed lifting him up. He then spun around before kicking him across the face. "Your plans work best if someone cares what happens to their body huh? Well I don't, you can kill this body of Ryotaro's whenever you want, it won't stop me from fighting you."


"..But enough," Den-O shrugged as he knelt down to pick up Haze, "Time to say b-" just as he touched him, something flashed in his and Ryotaro's head for a second, causing him to freeze up as he jumped back ,"N….naniyo…?" he asked looking around. He then looked to Haze. "What did you do?" he asked grabbing him by his neck and lifting him up. "Oi what did you do to me?" he asked as he tightened his grip, making Haze actually struggle to breath, "Tell me now! What was that thing you showed me?!" he asked as he tightened his grip making Haze try and pry the arm from his neck. "I said tell me!" he shouted as he aimed the gun to his head. "What...what was that warm feeling I felt from that?"


"..Fine! Have it your-" Den-O began before he quickly jumped back from a few black fire and dark energy arrows sent at him, "Oi oi! No fair ganging up and using sneak attacks!" he complained as he aimed his gun at them as the three regrouped.

"Haze are you okay?" Descent asked the man as he coughed a little.

"I'm fine…"

"Oi if you have time to talk than fight as well." Den-O said as he began to shoot at them which forced them to counter with their own attacks. Den-O then charged as he kicked and shot at the three forcing them on the defensive.

"Twilight...what do we do?" Fluttershy asked as Den-O kicked Haze across the face before he punched Descent sending him stumbling back. The Rider then began shooting again.

"I don't know...this Imagin looks like it can handle all of them on it's own." Twilight said as she saw Den-O block three attacks from the Shadowbolts at the same time. 'But...what's going to happen to Ryotaro?'

"Grr...this is messed up! I should be fighting, not that gaki!" Momotaros complained.

"Momotaros, that's not the main problem right now," Twilight complained to the sand bodied Imagin. "Didn't you hear that Imagin?"

"I know! He wants to destroy Ryotaro!"

"...Wh...what?" Fluttershy whispered, her eyes widened in shock when she heard that.

"Even now that damn brat is forcing Ryotaro's body to move around even though it should be paralyzed...I can feel all the pain and stress being put on his body right now." Momotaros growled. "If we don't do something his own body could give out!"

"Oh no...Wh...what do we do?"

"I wish I knew, Fluttershy….I wish I knew…"
Back with Rainbow, the tomboy stood along on the grass, looking down at a gold lightning bolt.

"...Soarin...what should I do?" she asked the lightning bolt.
-Flashback 3 years ago-

"Whats up with you, Rainbow? You seem in thought," a man with spiky black/dark blue hair dressed in a blue uniform with gold accents asked as he was sitting on the edge of a building. Sitting next to him was a younger shorter Rainbow with shorter hair as well.

"I'm still thinking about what you said, that you were happy that I made the right choice," Rainbow replied as she looked up at him, "So you never wanted me to win?"

"You're wrong. If you had opted to win, I would have thought you made the right decision as well," he explained, looking at a sun set with an amused expression on his face.

"I don't understand. How can you be happy whether I win or not?" a very confused Rainbow asked once again.

"Rainbow, of all the paths in your life the ones you choose will always be the right ones. Whats important is that you choose them and not somebody else, at the end it's your journey." Soarin smiled happily as he looked at Rainbow. "So don't be afraid of to choose, only remember to choose the way that makes your heart happy. Promise me, my small pegasus…"

-Flashback end-
"Choose with the heart...choose what makes me happy…" Rainbow chanted to herself as she had her eyes closed, the tomboy thinking deeply.

As she did, her memories with Fluttershy flooded into her mind.

"Fluttershy...being with her...makes me happy." she spoke letting those thoughts sink in before becoming a new resolve within her mind and her heart. She then turned around and began to run back in the direction she came from, 'I'm so stupid! I never should've doubted Fluttershy! Wait for me, fr...no. Wait for me friends...I'll be there soon.'
"Bang!" Den-O cheered as he fired more bullets at the Shadowbolts hitting a tree making it fall over. "Whats wrong? Not liking that I took your wings away?" he taunted as he danced around to avoid blasts from Nightingale before he spun around and backhanded a green slash from Haze sending it away. "Same trick again?" he mocked before he kicked Haze upside his head sending him stumbling to the ground, "You're really a one trick pony, you know that?"

"Grr…" Haze growled under his breath. 'How do I go about this one...I'm forbidden from using my full power...but for this thing that just might be the one way to get away from this. Furthermore, I can't even use my full power after healing my wounds.'

"Oi, Haze. Any plans?" Nightingale asked as she and Descent landed next to him.

"I don't know...this Imagin is different…" Haze explained. "It's not unlike the one Luna has." he noted as Den-O spun around on his legs before he jumped and spread his legs out as he pointed at the three before he twisted his hand so he could give them the 'come on' hand gesture with his fingers.

"I see...and what about the girls?" Nightingale asked further, motioning to Twilight and Fluttershy, the former currently healing Rarity with her magic.

"Fluttershy has the least experienced among them. She has yet to actually fight as many battles since she joined, and she is really scared at the moment. And Twilight has exhausted a large amount of her magical and physical power, even with the Imagin having helped her earlier. But she is undoubtedly trying to think of a way to fight us before that Imagin can tear the Kamen Rider's body apart by forcing it to move around like that." Haze explained.


"Hm...my best option would be to attack those girls and then try and evade the Kamen Rider long enough for his body to destroy itself." Haze opted, "Given our current level and that it seems he can use some form of magic whenever he snaps it's the best I can think of at the moment. We need to hope the energy Luna is feeding into you two will allow you to last long enough for that to happen."

"...Right," Nightingale nodded before turning to her brother, "Descent, we'll distract the Rider while….Descent!"

"Huh? What?"

"...You're thinking of those words that pink idiot told you earlier, aren't' you?"

"I'm sorry, Nightingale. It's just for a moment I was wondering if what we're trying is actually right…" Descent admitted, maybe it was those words from Pinkie or maybe it was the kicks and punches to his head, but the thought was just there in his mind now.

"...Listen up, Descent. Dont' forget why we do this," Nightingale stated, "Remember the accident we had a month ago? You lost your eyesight, and I was paralyzed from the waist down. When no one wanted to help us, Luna was the one who gave us back what we had lost! That's why we vowed to do whatever's necessary to thank her, no matter if her desires are good or bad. Never forget that, Descent."

"Yes...your right. I'm sorry." Descent apologized as he shook those thoughts out of his head.

"Chotto...they're off in their own reality now, aren't they?" Den-O asked no one in particular.

"...That's nothing for you to be concerned about, Imagin," Nightingale frowned.

"..." Descent said nothing as he got ready to attack again.

'That guy...it seems that he's…' Twilight noted as she looked at Descent. She thought of a plan in her head before she began to concentrate slightly. "Fluttershy...Fluttershy…?" she spoke mentally yet her voice seemed to carry over to the girl she was naming.

"Y-yes?" Fluttershy mentally replied to the telepathic communication.

"I think I might have an idea, one that could make this easier for us." Twilight explained as she looked over the scene as Den-O was in a firefight with the Shadowbolts both figuratively and literally as blasts of dark and green energy along with black flames all came at him only for him to shoot them down. "If it works I think we could settle this faster and maybe get that Imagin out of Ryotaro."

"...I'm listening."

"First; I'll try and take the one of them who seems to have doubts in his mind. I think maybe if I can talk to him, I could convince him to stop this. At the moment it could be our best option." she explained. "While I do that, you keep healing Rarity and the others."


"I know it's not exactly the best plan but at the moment any little thing could help us." Twilight explained worried, the thought that Ryotaro's body could give out at any minute scared her to no end.

"Alright...please be careful, Twilight."

"I will," Twilight closed her eyes before opening them again as she glared at the Shadowbolts as Den-O and Haze punched one another sending the other flying back. "It's my turn!" she called out.

"Eh? Wh-" Momotaros began before Twilight charged forward, "Oi! Chotto matte!" he shouted as she was already way ahead of him.

Both Descent and Nightingale saw this as Twilight came at them.

"Ha! Tired of waiting?!" Nightingale laughed seeing this charge. "So you want to be the first to fall? Fine!"

"Glare!" Twilight shouted as a blinding flash appeared seemingly from her eyes forcing Nightingale to cover her own eyes from the blinding light.

"My eyes!" Nightingale cried as Twilight jumped past her before tackling Descent taking him away from the scene.

'Quite ingenious. That will allow her a moment to face Descent alone. I doubt she didn't know that he was wearing dark glasses so the flash from her Glare didn't affect him. Unless perhaps her intention is not to fight descent?' Haze pondered only for Den-O to kick him across the face sending him stumbling back.

"Hm...she took that one away?" Den-O noted after his kick hit Haze. "Strange girl…" he tilted his head as he pondered why she did that.

"Twilight, you're very weak," Descent stated as he managed to get out of Twilight's grip, "You cannot defeat me after spending so much of your Spiritual Energy."

"I don't want to defeat you, just for you to rethink this," Twilight said as she looked at him, "I can see you're not a bad person since a bad person wouldn't be conflicted about what you're doing."

"You're just trying to mess with my head like Pinkie did!" Descent shouted in protest as he shook his head.

"Pinkie didn't want to mess with you. She just wanted to make you show your real feelings, "Twilight countered, "And just like her, I also don't think you're a bad person."

"You don't understand. We owe Luna too much. She helped us without asking, without knowing us, not even asking for something in exchange. She only healed us and departed, we were the ones following her and offering out help!" Descent shouted his reasoning to Twilight.

"...You...you can return the favor...and still not do deeds that hurt your ethics and heart," Twilight panted, the exhaustion starting to catch up with her, "Please, Descent. You have the last word...You can decide…"

"Shut up!" Nightingale shouted as she punched Twilight from behind, sending her flying as the female Shadowbolt grabbed her brother by the scruff of his shirt, "What the hell are you doing, Descent?! Stop acting like a child!" she scolded her younger brother for how he was acting.

At the same time, Fluttershy had finally finished healing all of Rarity and Pinkie's wounds and she was even able to bring Kintaros back too.

"Finally...I've been able to heal them both, but why won't they get up?" Fluttershy asked in worry as she saw the two still lying unconscious.

" I don't know, but I think it's that big lug's fault," Momotaros growled as he glared at Haze who was forced to block rapid gun fire from Den-O with his shield.

"No...even with their bodies back to full health, their minds are still out of it," Kintaros explained, holding his head as he regained his sense of equilibrium. "I doubt they shall be awakening anytime soon, Fluttershy,"

"Oh no…" Fluttershy whispered before Twilight crashed into the tree beside her, "Twilight!"

"Mahou-Onna!" Momotaros shouted as the two Imagin and Fluttershy ran up to Twilight.

"Hold on Twilight, I'll heal you," Fluttershy said as she got next to her and began to heal for the third time.

'That stupid girl. Using that spell takes a lot of spiritual energy to cast once.' Haze complained in his head as he saw this, his shield just barely holding out against Den-O's gun shots.

The Black Imagin rested his arm against a tree as he saw this. 'The weeping girl is smart in knowing her place as the team's healer...being able to draw on the reserves of the ecosystems Spiritual Energy makes her useful. But that means she's merged her own energy with that of the ecosystems, not a good idea in the long run. Children indeed.' he spoke in his mind as he turned away from the battle.

As Fluttershy finished healing Twilight, the girl noticed her savior to be a little dizzy.

"Oi Kaze-Onna?" Momotaros asked seeing this.

"Fluttershy are you alright?" Twilight asked as she shot up.

"H...hai. I'm just a little dizzy," Fluttershy replied as she held her head.

"Dizzy nothing! You can barely stand!" Momotaros argued.

'Hmh...Just as I figured. The energy merge has had a negative effect on her physical condition,' Haze noted before he jumped back as a larger blast of energy from Den-O's gun hit his shield shattering it.

'Damn it...I don't' have anymore ideas, and I'm already at my limit,' Twilight thought before Fluttershy managed to stand in front of her, "Fluttershy?"

"St...stay behind me, Twilight. I'll...protect you," Fluttershy panted.

"Oi, Kaze-Onna. Don't push yourself you can't face these guys on your own!"

"Momonoji's right. You're not as prepared for battle like the others yet."

"I know...but...I won't...let them hurt my friends! Cyclone!" she called out as she raised her arms up, crossing her wrists before a large gust of wind whipped up around her before forming into a wall of air that shredded any debris that got caught up in it.

"What? Just that? She doesn't even try to attack us?" Descent questioned confused by this.

'As I thought. Since you've been wounded in your school life, you still have yet to awaken that courage to deal with enemies.' Haze spoke as he dodged another kick.

'Fluttershy ,forgive me, if I hadn't given you that Jewel of Harmony, then you wouldn't be in this mess.' Twilight apologized in her mind for involving the girl in this mess.

Den-O stopped fighting for a second as he noticed this as well. "Hm...she's not very good at this, is she?"


"...Oi. I'm talking to you…" Den-O said as he waved a hand in front of Haze's stoic face, "...Don't ignore me...I can never read you while you look like this…" he commented cupping his chin. "Oh I bet if you showed the way you really are it be easier." he said shocking Haze greatly for a moment.

"...Nightingale, I suggest you end this battle now, or else things will get complicated," Haze mentally said via a mental network with the female Shadowbolt, "Additionally, your brother is already hesitating. If you don't do something soon, you won't be able to control him anymore."

"Hmm...your right." Nightingale growled her response to Haze's advice. "Descent, let's put an end to this lets use the Infernal Tornado." she ordered to her brother.

"What?!" Descent gasped at that, "You really think that's necessary?"

"I said now, Descent!" Nightingale shouted, not taking any form of no for an answer.

"Y...yes…" he mumbled.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight worriedly asked as it seemed the strain was really getting to her.

"Don't worry...I...I won't let them hurt you…" Fluttershy assured, the shy girl panting heavily as she felt like she was about to faint any moment, 'Wh...why won't my head stop spinning?' she asked herself as it honestly felt as if the world was spinning.

Descent and Nightingale both stood before the other as they held their hands forward. Dark energy then began to pool before them before two energies began to chase one another spinning around again and again looking like a tornado of black flames and shadow energy as it rose and grew higher and larger.

"Infernal Tornado!" the two shouted as the tornado began to move forward until it collided with Fluttershy's wall of wind before it dispersed easily. As it did, the shy girl's wings and gear all dissipated away, letting her fall to her knees.

"I...I'm sorry Tw...light...I'm useless." were the last words Fluttershy was able to speak before the black tornado picked up both Twilight and Fluttershy and lifted them up into its vacuum.

'The battle is finished. Fluttershy has finally succumbed to the strain of healing three people in a row.' Haze said in his mind as Den-O seemed to lock up.

"Nani?" Den-O asked.

"Twilight…" Ryotaro's voice spoke up from the back of Den-O's mind as he saw the two girls swept up in the tornado, "Fluttershy!"

"Doshte? How are you awake?" Den-O asked as he tried to make the body move to aim at the Shadowbolts to do anything that he wanted but the body just rejected his command. As the Imagin tried, it happened again...that flash in his mind, and that warm feeling, one of comfort and happiness. What was this feeling?

As this was going on, the tornado finally stopped and left both Twilight and Fluttershy to fall, and off a cliff near their current location for this battle.

Just then, a blur ran past Den-O and quickly grabbed the unconscious Twilight and Fluttershy's arms, the blur revealing itself to be Rainbow Dash as she tried to lift them up, the tomboy laying on a branch extending from the wall of the cliff.

"R...Rainbow?" Ryotaro gasped.

"Niji-onna!" Momotaros shouted.

"Rainbow what are you doing here?" Nightingale asked as she walked over to the cliff.

"Please...help me. I'm not going to be able to hold them for long!" Rainbow shouted, hoping for help.

"Ah!" Ryotaro mentally cried as he heard that. He then slowly tried to force Den-O to move.

"...How can you think of helping them?" Nightingale asked with a frown, "Fluttershy has only caused you pain. You're worth a thousand times more than the lives of those girls."

"I'm begging you, please help me!"

"Drop them both and I will help you!" Nightingale offered.

"Never!" Rainbow shouted at her, "Fluttershy has always been my best friend. I'd never dare leave her!"

"Hm...very well then. I can understand your bond with her," Nightingale said calmly as she thought of something, "I'll tell you this. Since Fluttershy was a pegasus as well. We'll save her and convince Luna to let her join our group." she offered.

"Yes, anything you say! Just hurry! I don't know how much longer I can hold on!" Rainbow shouted.

"I'm only asking in return...you drop Twilight." Nightingale smirked evilly, making almost everyone gasp, "She's not your friend, and her friends made you quarrel with Fluttershy. Twilight doesn't deserve your help. In fact, she doesn't deserve to live after doing something like that to you."

'Nightingale...' Descent said in his head.

"No...please Rainbow don't…" Ryotaro begged as he was able to make Den-O take a small step towards them.

"She's to blame for everything! Just let her fall!" Nightingale stated.

"...No!" Rainbow Dash shouted, "It's not true! It was all my fault! They wanted to be friends with Fluttershy and myself, but my jealousy made me blind! I….I….I'll never abandon my friends!"

"Rainbow…" Ryotaro said as he took all that in as he still struggled to get full control of his body.

"You tell them, Niji-onna!" Momotaros whooped.

"...As you want, Bearer of Harmony…" Nightingale spoke before her face distorted into one of pure anger. "Then you can go to hell with them!" she shouted aiming her hand at them.

"No!" Ryotaro shouted as the armor of Gun form shattered, letting Plat Form run in and block the blast that Nightingale fired letting it hit him square in the chest, shocking everyone, even Rainbow as she was able to see this.


"Rainbow...sorry...my body is to weak to help you right now…" Den-O spoke as he weakly stood on his feet, his chest smoking from Nightingale's blast. "But either way, thank you for helping my...our friends." he added as he looked at the Shadowbolts. "I won't let them hurt you." he said raising his arms.

"...How? You can barely stand," Nightingale scoffed.

"But my body is still in one piece…" Den-O said making everyone look at him in confusion. "Even if my body is weak...even...if I am weak...I'll fight so no one has to burden the pain that I can endure." he stated, "I know I'm not a good fighter, I'm not strong, and the only thing special about me is that I can notice if the past has been altered. But even still I'll protect people...I'll take all the pain so they don't have to suffer it. If I can be that useful to someone then that's more then enough for me to die with no regrets." he states proudly. "Boku...boku wa, Kamen Rider da!"

Rainbow's eyes widened as she heard all that, the tomboy managing to look at the injured hero.

"...So you think you're a hero huh?...fine...then how about you join your friends in the afterlife?!" Nightingale shouted as she fired a barrage of dark energy arrows that bombarded Den-O again and again, making sparks and explosions spark off his armor and suit. This continued until the entire thing just shattered off leaving a normal Ryotaro his belt flying off and falling into a bush as the explosions stopped.

Ryotaro breathed heavily as he had bruises and burns all over, a small bit of blood escaping his mouth. But the boy still tried his best to stand on his feet in spite of his injuries...until it all became too much for him. Ryotaro's eyes rolled back in his head before he fell to the ground.

"There. One down…" Nightingale began as she aimed her dark energy coated fist at the tree Rainbow Dash was on, "Three to go."

"Rainbow…" Ryotaro was able to groan out in his last seconds of consciousness. The last thing he was able to register was the sound of Nightingale's blast snapping the tree Rainbow was on.

'No matter what happens...never leave them...right Soarin?' Rainbow thought, the tomboy holding onto Twilight and Fluttershy tightly as they fell, 'Because for me, the loyalty to my friends is the most important thing.'

With this level of conviction and feeling of loyalty, the Gem of Loyalty began to glow in response.

"Eh! It's happening again!" Momotaros shouted as he saw the faint red glow of the gem.

Kintaros nodded as the jewel bursted fmo Twilight's bag and flew down the cliff rainbow Dash fell down before it collided with the tomboy. Its power began to course through the girl before a bright flash occurred, activating her transformation. Her head was now adorned in a tiara like headband that had a metallic and futuristic design to it. The earpieces resembles headphones with small wings extending from her ears to the back of her head. The left side had three orbs colored in warm colors of red, orange and yellow while the right was colored in cool colors of purple, blue and green. The center of the headpiece has a red thunderbolt gem with a set of wings along the bottom and it was finished with the head of a cyan pony with a matching rainbow colored mane to the girl's similarly colored hair.

The next thing to form was a silver device over her back, like a backpack. It was oval shaped with a large red gem in the center and two claws holding it in place on the bottom, and a beak like piece keeping the top portion in place and had an upside down yellow triangle with a upward pointing smaller orange triangle above it, extending from under the red crystal where two large cyan colored feathered wings. Unlike the ones Fluttershy had, these were less angelic and more fierce in appearance, as if those of a strong flyer. Finally, Rainbow's arms were covered in black gloves that extended to her elbows with dark blue bracers over her arms with two silver claws over the tops of her forearms with the top of her right arm having a green color and the left having purple. It also seemed like the transformation gave her slightly more muscle definition as well. In addition, a mark consisting of a cloud with a red, blue, and yellow lighting bolt appeared on her thighs.

"What?!" Nightingale gawked before a rainbow colored blur shot up from the cliff.

"YES! Way to go Niji-Onna!" Momotaros shouted and cheered as she landed and set both Fluttershy and Twilight on the ground.

"Momotaros," Rainbow spoke, getting the Imagin's attention, "Look after them," she then glared at Nightingale, "I got a 'friend' I need to deal with."

"Right, I know this is dumb to ask but mind making it fast, my life is kind of dependent on Ryotaro who isn't exactly doing too good," Momotaros stated as worry showed in his tone.

"...Heh," Rainbow smirked as she cracked her knuckles, "Fast is my middle name."

"...You'll regret this," Nightingale growled as she glared at the tomboy.

"Come on. let's finish this," Rainbow taunted as she flew up into the sky.

"Fine! Descent, come! Let's finish that girl off!" Nightingale shouted as her wings appeared.

"She didn't let go of her friends even as they fell...and he used himself as a shield even if it cost him his life." He mumbled as he looked to Ryotaro. "Neither of them minded risking their lives."

"Descent! Are you listening?! Help me finish Rainbow off!"

"...No, Nightingale," Descent spoke, shocking his sister "I won't continue this."

"...Wh-what're you saying?"

"You heard me, I'm done doing such evil deeds."

"You're betraying me?! Me?! Your own sister?!"

"I'm sorry Nightingale, but my decision is final." Descent stated firmly.

"What about the oath we gave Luna?" Nightingale asked, "Our way of thanking her for saving us?" she tried to remind her brother of why they did all this.

"I'll always be grateful, but I can't deny the feelings in my heart any longer." Descent admitted as he raised his arm to his heart to emphasis this, he then looked over to Pinkie. 'Right Pinkie?' he asked more to himself mentally, "And honestly Nightingale, our mission was to lead Rainbow to her before obtains her element, but she decided to join her friends instead. We have nothing left to do here." he explained his own form of reasoning, "Come on sister...we lost."

"...No...no! No! I never lose!" Nightingale growled, her face contorting to one of pure anger before she flew up after Rainbow.

"Nightingale!" Descent cried.

"Hm...You're not good with women, are you Shounen?" Kintaros noted bluntly to Descent.

'Now...lets see why Rainbow was so valuable to Luna.' Haze said as he sat alongside a tree to watch the battle unfold.

'This is incredible. The freedom I feel while flying...for some reason, it feels so familiar to me,' Rainbow thought as she flew through the skies, 'Heh...you were right after all, Soarin. I turned out to be a small pegasus.' she mused with a smile on her face, but her face changed to serious as she could feel Nightingale catching up to her.

The two stopped in the middle of the sky, letting the wings keep them aloft.

"Rainbow! You'll suffer for rejecting Luna!" the female Shadowbolt growled.

"I'll never join someone asking me to betray my friends!" Rainbow countered as she stood her ground, figuratively that is.

"...You still believe they're your friends, huh?...Fine!" Nightingale snapped, "After I'm done with you, I'll throw your friends off the cliff, starting with that shy bitch!"

"Oh now I'm so kicking your ass," Rainbow growled out in response.

With that, the two let their wings flap before charging at one another and collided with one another once before taking a leap away from one another. The two then flew up higher into the sky before they began to clash back and forth in the air, Rainbow would kick Nightingale sending her staggering back before the Shadowbolt would retaliate and strike back letting this back and forth continue till they broke past the cloud line.

Nightingale raised her hands, forming a large purple and black sphere before it began to unleash an near endless barrage of blasts on Rainbow, but the tomboy just flew up higher and she evaded each shot that was aimed at her, she would flap her wings pushing out of the path of one before she let herself spin and avoid a second before she flipped around in the air and let a third go right by her. She continued to dance around the endless barrage of blasts all the while a mocking smile never leaving her face.

"D-damnation! How is it that you can move this fast after getting your wings?! Why can't I predict your movement?!" Nightingale demanded

"Hehehe...if you still haven't figured it out, then you'll never catch me!" Rainbow taunted, "Guess you were just shooting empty threats before, huh?"

"Grr! Cocky girl! I can still go on like this until you tire out!"

'Damn! She's right. Fleeing doesn't get me anywhere, but I don't know what else I can do. It's not like I get some weapon I can build like Ryotaro does.' Rainbow complained in her mind. She was still new to this, so she had no clue what exactly she could do as far as powers besides flight went.

"Rainbow...Rainbow…" Celeste's voice rang in the back of her mind.

"What?!" she gasped, looking around, "who...who are you?" she honestly asked as she continued to search for the disembodied voice.

"My name is Celeste, in the past I was an Alicorn, but now I am the older sister of Twilight." she explained simply wanting to get to the point as soon as possible.

"Her older sister? But where are you?" she asked franticly, looking around again.
Somewhere in Egypt, above the Pyramids floated a familiar older sister.

"Don't look for me, I'm communicating with you telepathically from another place in the world." Celeste spoke knowing Rainbow was trying to find the source of her voice. She figured someone new to this would do just that.

"I see...but why're you so far away then?"

"Here's what happened: I created a spell against Luna to stop her from entering Ponyville and attacking you girls and Ryotaro. But in order to make the spell resistant to counter spells, I had to force myself to make some sort of covenant, and that's why I can't be with any of you at the moment." she explained as simply as possible. "Of course there is the loophole. I'm able to ride on Ryotaro's time traveling train with all of you, but you can ask about that later."
Back with Rainbow, she looked down at the still angry Nightingale, who was looking at her with a slight tint of confusion in her furious eyes.

"Unfortunately, this woman you're facing is will not be getting exhausted anytime soon. Because Luna is feeding her own power into her so she can fight you guys longer than she normally should."

"...Well can't you do the same for us?" Rainbow asked.

"The key difference between you and Nightingale is that her wings and powers were granted by Luna; kind of making them connected. While your powers are granted by the Element of Harmony, not me." Celeste explained before her mood lightened up greatly. "However, what I can do for you is give you information on your powers and telepathically teach you some of the techniques you can use at your current level. Luckily you posses an innate ability enabling you to readily learn movements you see or get taught. That's why I only need to implant the techniques into your memory."

"Like saving information on a computer?" Rainbow clarified for herself to make sure she got the gist of what she was being told.


'...What is she planning?' Nightingale thought as she saw Rainbow talk quietly to herself, 'I can't understand what she's muttering.'
After a moment or two of mentally copy and pasting techniques to Rainbow, Celeste floated down from the top of the pyramid and down to the sands of the desert. She took a short relaxing breath to calm herself down some, she was worried but she had faith things would turn out okay.

"Did you manage to contact her?" a voice asked, causing Celeste to turn her head to see a figure approach her. Standing there was a woman who was dressed in tribal clothing, her hair styled into a mohawk of white and black hair, and even her face was painted with white tribal paint as well.

"Of course!" Celeste smiled confidently, "Now it all depends on Rainbow from here, but I'm sure she will succeed."
'Thanks, Celeste. That may be enough to beat her,' Rainbow thought as she flew through the air goading Nightingale after her.

"What's wrong?! Starting to tire out already?!" Nightingale smirked as the two 'skidded' to a halt.

"Nope...in fact, to quote a web show I like to watch; I'm about to rock you…" Rainbow began as electricity began to crackle off her, "...Like a hurricane."

'Wh-what's going on?! Why's her body being covered in electricity?!' Nightingale thought as a look of worry appeared on her face, she did not expect this to happen honestly.

Rainbow then lifted her right arm and pointed it forward as the tips of her outstretched fingers all began to glow a yellowish/orange glow. She then crossed her left arm over her chest before gripping her right arm.

"Light Machine Gun!" she shouted as a pulse of light occurred around her hand before she began to fire a barrage of small bullet/pellet sized balls of electric energy, each one flying at speeds comparable to that of light.

Nightingale cried out in shock as she could only raise her arms to form a shield of darkness to block the barrage of light bullets.

'Celeste was right! I can control electrical energy!...Oh man that is so awesome!' Rainbow couldn't help but squeal that last part in her mind. She knew the risks going on, but she just felt so excited. Maybe it was the electricity surging through her or something, but part of her just felt so excited at the moment.

'Damn her! How did she learn to do that so soon?' Nightingale asked as she was slowly pushed back across the sky.

"Thunderbolt!" she called as she lifted her index and middle finger to her forehead as blue electricity began to surge from the tips. She then aimed them at Nightingale before unleashing a bolt of electricity that broke through her barrier.

'So this is Rainbow's power. She can't have possibly created all these techniques out of the blue. Surely this is the influence of the current Celestia,' Haze spoke in his head as he saw all this, he even remembered the time Rainbow copied Applejack's kick earlier, 'It also makes sense when she confronted Applejack earlier. This girl showed the ability to learn movements by simply observing them. Celestia probably watched over her and is taking advantage of this ability to teach her how to use her techniques…'

"Go, Niji-onna! Kick that old hag's ass!" Momotaros shouted as he and Kintaros watched the aerial battle.

"Ossu! What an exhilarating display of strength!" Kintaros nodded before he cracked his neck, "It has brought me to tears!"

"Give it up, Nightingale!" Rainbow shouted as she lowered her arm, "The light will always prevail over the darkness!"

"Stupid girl. Don't forget the darkness covers all," Nightingale smirked haughtily as she raised her arms up before she began to focus all the energy she could muster at the moment into a black and purple sphere with black lightning surging around it. "Realm of Darkness!" she called out as the energy balanced out before she tossed the sphere at Rainbow.

"Magnetosphere!" Rainbow declared as she pushed her arms out, creating a field of distorted light, like those of the northern lights, swirling around in a disk like style. The Sphere of darkness hit the barrier and began to disperse its energy so it harmlessly dissipated into the barrier.

"What?! Th...that's impossible! Wh-what did you do?!" Nightingale asked, the female Shadowbolt starting to worry.

"Heh...that's easy. I focused part of the earth's magnetic field in the palm of my hands to create a shield. For someone with a special talent like mine, it's a really easy defense technique," Rainbow Dash explained with a smirk, resting her arms behind her head as she rested on a nearby cloud, "And look. Thanks to controlling the magnetic field, I can levitate without needing to move my wings."

'Why is this girl so strong? Not even ten minutes ago she obtained her powers.' Nightingale complained in her mind before she realized something, 'Damnation! I forgot when these girls get a new member for their group. all their levels increase. Does...does that mean herr power is higher than or equal to mine?'

"Oi, Niji-Onna! Hurry up! We need to get Ryotaro help, so finish her already!" Momotaros shouted at the top of his technically non-existent lungs.

"...Seriously, Nightingale, I don't want to fight you," Rainbow spoke as she got off the cloud, "Despite the bad things you've done, I'll never forget the moments I've had with you. So please...stand down."


"Then you leave me no choice," Rainbow sighed sadly before she raised her arms and began to concentrate. All the clouds around her soon began to move and swirled around her and Nightingale, darkening as they did, "Thunder!" she simply shouted as the clouds turned into the eye of a storm.

Nightingale could only look up in astonishment before an electric blue flash covered the entire area with an explosive crack of thunder right after. The flash and the sound of thunder lingered on for a moment until it all began to clear up as the clouds dispersed as well.

"Huff...It's finally over." Rainbow sighed as she lowered her arms to her side.

"It's over for now, Rainbow," Descent's voice spoke, causing the tomboy to look to see the male Shadowbolt holding his currently unconscious sister, "Tell me, was she seriously injured by that attack you used on her?"

"Nah. I only made her unconscious with the sound of thunder…" Rainbow explained as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't want to hurt her, despite the things she did to me and my friends. I honestly can't forget the good times I spent with her and the parkour lessons she taught me." she admitted. "I never betray my friends, even if they betray me." she explained as she turned her back to the siblings.

"Rainbow….thank you," Descent said with a small smile.

"...What'll you do now, Descent?" Rainbow Dash couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know yet. I think I'm going to go to think about what I'm really looking for." he explained.

"And escape from Luna?"

"Heh...Luna's really not bad Rainbow, if you know her as I do. You wouldn't think that she has a heart of pure darkness." Descent explained, "Now I understand that her way was wrong I hope that one day she can return to the path that belongs to her." he said before he looked at the still unmoving Ryotaro. "Maybe...someone like Den-O could lend a hand in that. Please tell Twilight that she was right…" he said with a sad sigh. "And Pinkie...please forgive me, but I wont be able to come to the party you'll have once all six of you have met...I really would have liked to be your dance partner." he admitted with a sad smile.

"...Good luck, Descent. I hope you'll find what you're looking for." Rainbow said, wishing him the best.

"That name...Luna gave it to me as a nickname of war." Descent admitted as he reached up and took the goggles over his eyes off, revealing the blue eyes underneath, "Just call me Flash."

Rainbow gave a small nod as Flash flew off, carrying his still unconscious sister in his arms. She watched them off as they disappeared from her line of sight. All the while a small smile graced her lips, she was happy that the guy had found what he believed to be right in his heart.

"Heh...well as long as that old bat and her annoying baby brother are gone, I can live with that. I still say she should have fried their sorry asses!" Momotaros shouted his pride prevented him from ending on that positive note he was setting up.

"Shh. Quite, Momonoji. The girls are just waking up," Kintaros said as Twilight and the others started to regain consciousness.

"Ah! About time!" Momotaros shouted as he ran up to them. "Kaze-Onna, hurry and wake the hell up already!" he shouted at Fluttershy. "Ryotaro's not doing good hurry the hell up!"

Fluttershy's eyes snapped open at that as she quickly got up and ran towards the downed Ryotaro, walking through Momotaros sand form in the process, breaking him to pieces before he reformed.

"You're lucky I'm letting that slide!" Momotaros barked, shaking a fist at the shy pinkette. He then made his way over to Ryotaro with her as Fluttershy kneeled down next to him before she put her hands to his chest to begin healing his wounds.

"Man...what a great nap," Pinkie yawned as she sat up, turning her head slightly to look at Rarity, "...Oh ho~! I like your new look, Rarity! It just screams extravagant and sexy...In fact, I think I'm gonna copy you."

"Huh?" Rarity blinked before she looked down to the tattered remains of her dress. "Whaaat?!" she gasped, seeing her current state before she quickly grabbed Twilight just as she woke up, "Twilight, help! I look horrible, and this dress cost me an arm and a leg to buy!"

"Okay okay, fine." Twilight sighed as she put her headband on before raising an arm at Rarity. "Ut Supra!" she said as a flash formed from her hand before covering Rarity and mending all the tears in her cloths good as new.

"Ahh! It looks divine! Thank you so much!" Rarity cried happily as she hugged Twilight, "You'll have to teach me that trick, ok?"

"Yes if you say so…" Twilight grumbled as she was still being hugged by Rarity.

"Psst! Twilight, you missed a part on the bottom," Pinkie whispered quietly, yet loudly to Twilight as she pointed downwards.

Twilight tilted her head and did so before she noticed there was still a noticeable tear in the back of Rarity's dress. Twilight's face became one of worry before she looked at Pinkie and raised her finger to her lips.

"Shhh…" Twilight shushed, telling her to mums the word as Pinkie nodded in response, "...By the way Pinkie, are you feeling okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah...why do you ask?" Pinkie asked, tilting her head slightly in confusion.

"It's just that your appearance previously was…" Twilight began as the memory of that other 'Pinkie' came back to her, "Uh..no nothing forget it." she chuckled sheepishly as she scratched the back of her head.

"Oi, Ryotaro!" Momotaros' voice shouted loudly as he was trying to wake Ryotaro back up, who was still being healed at the moment. Seems he had many more injuries to his body then at first glance.

"Ahh! Ryo!" Pinkie gasped as she, Twilight, and Rarity ran over to check on him.

"Oi why is it taking so long?" Momotaros asked worried as some wounds where only slowly beginning to heal.

"I...I don't know," Fluttershy replied in equal worry, "My healing spell should've finished by now."

"Could it be you are still tired, Fluttershy?" Kintaros asked, "You did use lots of energy to heal the others, and Ryotaro did suffer large amounts of internal damage." he explained, "That other Imagin did put a lot of strain by forcing his body to move around like that."

"Gh...it's all that damn Gaki's fault!" Momotaros growled, "I…!"

"Is he alright?" Rainbow's voice asked in concern, causing Fluttershy to look up and see the tomboy flying down next to her, her wings and gear dissapearing.

"Ah...no...for some reason the stress that annoying invader put on him is making it harder for the Kaze-Onna to heal him…" Momotaros complained. "I bet if he didn't take over and do all that crap with his body then I could have taken over and we'd be going home by now!"

"Momotaros, please calm down," Twilight spoke, "You're stressing Fluttershy out."

"Gh...I know! But it just bugs me that Ryotaro put himself in danger like that and all I could do was watch as he took all those attacks like that!" Momotaros complained, "Ryotaro had to pick right there and then to show how cool he really was…acting like a shield for his friends and all that." he admitted.

"...If only I had gotten here earlier," Rainbow sighed as she looked down, "...No. If my damn jealously hadn't gotten to me, none of this would be happening."

"Mm…" Kintaros sighed before he hit Momotaros breaking him apart. "Be quite Momonoji! Ryotaro chose to protect his friends with his strength to blame yourself like that is to disgrace his choice! Both of you!"


"He's right," Fluttershy spoke up, causing Rainbow and Momotaros(who had just reformed once more) to look at the shy pinkette, "It's not that I'm happy Ryotaro did something like that, it's just that Ryotaro did it to protect us, that just sounds like what he would do. Ryotaro would risk himself for us but he will not senselessly throw his life away. He's just Ryotaro. He does his best to selflessly help us and anyone in need even if it hurts him." she smiled, looking down at the boy as some of his wounds healed up.

"...Yeah. I guess you're…" Rainbow began with a soft smile.

"That was quite the speech," Haze's voice spoke, making the girls turn to look at the lone Shadowbolt, "Also, congrats on obtaining a new member, Bearers of Harmony," he added as he got up, "I think it's time you all show me how powerful you all are."

The Black Imagin peeked his eyes from behind a tree as he saw this.

"Haze...you will pay for ruining my perfect plan," he growled as he held his hand up before he shot it out and fired a blast of darkness that flew past Haze and into the crater from the two Imagin's destruction.

Their sand remains then lifted up before reforming into two Gigandeaths one Hell and one Heaven. The two beasts roared before they looked at Haze.

"Sic em." the black Imagin ordered before he faded into the shadows of the trees.

The Hell Gigandeath swiped at Haze, sending him flying away from the swipe.

"...Ooh that's not good," Pinkie paled a bit as the Gigandeaths turned their gaze at the girls next.

"Woah! That's a thing?!" Rainbow shouted as the Hell Gigandeath roared at them.

"...Fluttershy, please tell me you're almost done healing Ryotaro," Twilight said in slight worry.

"It's still taking a while…" Fluttershy admitted.

"Gah! Without Ryotaro, no Den-O! And no Den-O means no DenLiner!" Momotaros freaked.

"...I'll distract them," Rainbow spoke as she regained her gear and wings, "Fluttershy, you just focus on healing Ryotaro."

"But Rainbow…" Fluttershy began to argue, it was too dangerous to take on two of those monsters physically.

"Relax. I'm not alone…" Rainbow assured as she turned her head a bit to look at Momotaros, "Right, buddy?"

"Heh...alright, let's work together on this one, Rainbow." Momotaros said, using her real name.

"Knew you'd say that," Rainbow smirked as Momotaros became a orb of light

"Wait. Momotaros are you sure? Owner said it's risky for you to possess others." Twilight reminded. The Orb of light that was currently Momotaros seemed to turn to her.

"It's fine. If I'm not going to take a risk, then how can I be partnered to someone like Ryotaro?" he answered with a question, "Plus, I was able to possess you with no problem, remember?"

"Yes but…"

"Don't worry Mahou-Onna, even if something bad happens to me, you'll still have Ryotaro and the other two, so shut up and let us get to the climax already!"

"...Ugh...fine," Twilight sighed in defeat, "Just be careful."

"Relax, Twi. We got this," Rainbow assured with a small confident smirk as Momotaros went into her. Her hair became more wild as the red in it seemed to grow wider before red feathers appeared in her wings as well.

"Hmm...it still feel awkward in any body other than Ryotaro's, but I feel like I can work with you more comfortably on this occasion." Momotaros voice came from M-Rainbow as she rolled her shoulders.

"Uh duh. That's because we're awesome, and we know it," Rainbow replied.

"Damn straight. Okay, let's show these two dumb-asses they shouldn't jump in when our story hits the climax. Ikuze!" M-Rainbow shouted as she took off into the air, becoming a blur before flying around the Hell Gigandeath and raining light bullets on it from different angles making it back away from the others. She then flew up and made the Heaven Gigandeath chase after, only for M-Rainbow to aim her index and middle fingers and fire a bolt of red lightning. "Heh...if it weren't for me liking being Ryotaro's Imagin, I might consider pairing up with you Rainbow."

"That would be pretty badass. Speaking of badass…" Rainbow began before whispering something to the Imagin.

"..Oh hell yeah. Let's try it," M-Rainbow smirked as she flew up further before stopping just as the Gigandeath Hell began to attack, "Eat this, you kaiju reject! Thunder Blade!" she shouted, raising one arm into the air before multiple bolts of thunder and lightning started to pour into the arm before they began to reform into what appeared to be a giant sword made of electric energy.

It started off a light blue color before it began to charge and darken to purple before sparking into a crimson red. The Gigandeath looked up at the glowing blade before it was swung down forcing the monster to block with it's arms causing a large flash and crack of thunder upon impact. When the flash died down, the Gigandeath Hell stopped moving as the electric blade pierced its arms and head, the 'kaiju' giving off a small gurgle like growl before it collapsed and exploded.

"They did it!" Rarity shouted as they all saw this.

"But it looks like that attack may have left them a bit drained." Twilight countered.

"True, but that was pretty awesome!" Pinkie beamed after seeing the attack, her eyes replaced with stars.

"Okay...that's one down. Now for the damn flying one," M-Rainbow panted, taking a breath or two as she glared at the Heaven Gigandeath that looked unphased by the loss of its comrade. "Any ideas for that one?"

"Hmm...how strong are its wings?"

"How should I know? I….ooh…"

"Tsk...that damn Red idiot…" the voice of the black Imagin came from the Heaven Gigandeath.

"Huh? Who the hell said that?" M-Rainbow demanded, looking around a bit.

"Momotaros...you and your Kamen Rider are proving to be a thorn in the side of my plans. I thought it would be simpler for these Gigandeath to destroy you but I was wrong. This will be the last time that happens. You've seen before what happens when Luna-Sama's energy is fed into a Gigandeath, witness it once again," the voice stated as a dark aura began to come off the Gigandeath, making it seem to grow in size

Its wings extending out further before the bee like body slowly grew into a full body before arms and legs formed along with a tail. A head then began to form from the top. It soon ended as M-Rainbow now looked at a dragon like monster that was pitch black with red veins all over its body. It's wings were still a mix of one feathered and the other bat like while a clubbed tail swung around its back. The beast roared loudly with such force, it even felt like the sky itself shook.

"Gigandeath...Sauron," the voice finished as a red glare came from its eyes, "Saa, let's see if this little wannabe knight can face this dragon!"

With that, The Gigandeath Sauron grabbed M-Rainbow in one of its claws arms before roaring once again.

The Imagin possessed Tomboy struggled to free herself before managing to get one arm out. she then aimed it and began to fire bullets of light at one of its eyes, making it growl before it tossed her away. The Gigandeath Sauron then opened its jaw as it began to charge dark purple and black energy into its jaw.

"Oh…!" Rainbow began.

"Crap baskets!" M-Rainbow shouted, managing to recover midair before she barely dodged a beam of darkness from the Gigandeath Sauron's mouth, the blast shooting straight into the sky.

"How do they stop that?" Twilight couldn't help but ask this as the Gigandeath Sauron roared once again before it flew straight for the Imagin controlled Tomboy, who flew away, letting it chase after her.

"Ryotaro…" Flutershy whispered as she looked down at him as he stir a little.
Ryotaro's eyes opened as he was now in a strange empty space. It seemed to have a sky and background of multiple overlapping layers of colors mainly red, blue, yellow and purple.

"This is….where am I?" he asked as he looked around the space. "Is this...my own head?"

"Hm...something like that." a familiar voice said as Ryotaro turned to see a thin built Imagin, who was all purple in color with what looked like a trenchcoat his shoulders rather large. He also had a purple pony tail behind his head that seemed to resembles a dragon like face with a mouth that looked like it had fangs, two yellow whiskers and ridges along the top of his head. He also had orange eyes. He was crouched down in one area of the space as if thinking.

"Ah. You're that Imagin that possessed me," Ryotaro stated.

"Yup," the Dragon Imagin nodded, "I've been sitting here, waiting for you to wake up."

"Why are you here?"

"Hm...I was sent to defeat you," the Imagin explained.


"I was told that I needed to defeat Nogami Ryotaro...and I figured the best way was to posses you and then do away with you," he explained as he stood up and faced him. "And it was easy too, but then lots of people got in my way, so I figured I'd get rid of them too...demo…"


"Ne...that Momo-Nee-san would be sad if something happened to you, right?"

"Momo...ah Pinkie?" Ryotaro realized before memory flashes appeared in the space even of her battle earlier.

"Yup...I like her. She seems like fun. So I thought I'd let her stay…" the Imagin explained as he looked at the images, "But when I thought of her...then these warm memories began to appear in your head."

"Memories?" Ryotaro asked confused before images and memories of his sister Airi appeared before them. "Nee-san!?" he stated in shock.

"Hai...and then there's this one," the Imagin spoke as he motioned to a memory of Ryotaro with the girls, "Why do you and Momo-nee-san look so happy with these three?"

"They are my friends...because no matter how much of a bad luck and jinx I am...they still stand by me as my friends." Ryotaro explained honestly. "It made me feel so happy to have such friends I could rely on, and Nee-san loves having them around too."

"Hmm...I'm jealous." the Imagin admitted as he crouched down, a small sense of depression coming of him. "I play around all I want and can make people my friends...but they don't give me the same warm feeling that you get. I want that too."

"..." Ryotaro smiled weakly as he walked over to the Imagin and sat next to him. "I know what you mean...before I met Twilight-tachi, I never had anyone. I felt happy with besides Nee-san and Sakurai." he explained. "But...that's what's good about life. you have the time to find people you belong with." he said as he put his hand on the Imagin's shoulder. "I can feel it from you, your not a bad Imagin. You're just not the most tact Imagin."

"Mou...I don't understand…" he complained as he played with his pony tail. "Demo...I want to feel that same warm feeling from someone I can call a friend, like how you do with those Nee-san-tachi."

"...I..." Ryotaro began before he heard a faint explosion outside, followed by a faint roar. "Nani?"

"Hm...sounds like a Gigandeath...and a big one too," the Imagin noted as he looked up.

"Minna…" Ryotaro whispered as he shot up, a worried look on his face. "I need to go help them."

"Eh? Why? Can't they take care of it themselves?"

"Maybe...but I can't let my friends fight something like that themselves," he stated as he gripped his fists.

"Hmm….it makes people sad if anything happened to them, right?"


"Then the warm feeling would stop?" he asked as he got up. "Ne Ryotaro...if I fight with you and those Nee-san's, will I be able to feel that same warm feeling?"

"...All the time," Ryotaro answered with a small smile. "I know sometimes it feels bad when you can't do what you like...but you have to sometimes do things for your friends. So I'm sure if you can learn that, you will always be able to feel like that and be friends with my friends." he said as he put his hands on the Imagin's shoulders.

"Hai…" he nodded before looking at Ryotaro. "Sa iko...Ryotaro."

"Hai...let's get along," Ryotaro smiled as the Imagin became purple flash that made Ryotaro cover his eyes.
Back in the real world, Ryotaro's eyes shot open as he began to regain his bearings in the real world.

"R...Ryotaro?" Fluttershy gasped as she saw him sit up.

"H...hai." he groaned as he began to force himself back to his feet.

"Don't move, Ryotaro. You're just recovering," Kintaros spoke.

"Daijobu…" he groaned a little as he looked up at the Imagin possessed Rainbow as she evaded the Gigandeath Sauron's swipes at her, "That's the Gigandeath?" he asked as the beast roared again.

"Yes," Twilight nodded, "It wasn't like this before."

"Yeah. It was more batty and bee like before it turned into that," Pinkie added as she pointed at the Gigandeath Sauron.

"Soka…" He said as he took a step forward, groaning a little bit as he did. He then saw his belt in a bush before he picked it up. He then strapped it on as best he could.

"Ryotaro, wait. You just woke up," Rarity spoke as she and the girls looked at him, "You don't want to over do yourself."

"...If I don't do anything, then Rainbow and many other people could be hurt by that Gigandeath...I can't just stand and do nothing when I could do something." he said as he grabbed the pass. "I meant what I said before, I will do my best to help people even if it ends up hurting me." he said as he reached for the buttons. "Besides I'll never be doing it alone. Ike, Ryutaros." he smirked, naming the new Imagin as he pressed the purple button.

"Hai! Ikuze, Ryotaro!"

With that, a purple flash overtook Ryotaro as his bangs grew out with a purple streak and a cap and headphones appeared on his head.

"Boku wa Ryutaros…" the newly named Imagin's voice came from R-Ryotaro, "I hope we can get along." he smiled to the girls.

"...Same here," Pinkie smiled, recognizing his voice, "Now go and kick that Gigandeath's butt, Ryu!"

"Chiga Momo-Nee, Ryutaros." R-Ryotaro corrected.

"I know. I was just giving you a nickname."

"I don't like that one."

"Oh...Okay then. Then until I can think of a better one, I'll just call you Ryutaros for the time being."

"Ryutaros, hurry!" Ryotaro complained.

"Hai, hai Ryotaro." he nodded his head to the mental voice. He then raised the pass before he swept it over the buckle. "Henshin!"


(Cue: Double Action Gun Form)

With that, purple shards formed Den-O's suit before the armor formed and opened and lined into Gun forms formation before locking into place just as the dragon themed DenKamen grinded down the helmet and unfolded into the purple visor like mask.

Den-O snapped his fingers as the Machine Den-Bird came up to him before he jumped on it and revved the gas handle once.

"I'm going to go beat that now, is that okay?" he asked before the bike took off. "Kotae wa Kiitenai!" he called before he heard the whistle of DenLinder as a portal opened up under the cliff as a new purple and black car came out, the strange looking thing was it seemed like the setting for the Den-Bird was right on the top of the car. "Ah that's mine, right?" Den-O asked looking at the car.

"I...I think so," Ryotaro answered.

"Yosha!" Den-O said as he jumped the bike off the cliff making the girls freak out as he did. But then the DenLiner rose up into the air with the Machine Den-Bird in place. The Car and tracks rose up into air before it crashed into the side of the Gigandeath Sauron making it fall to the ground. "Wai~ Niji-chan!" Den-O waved to M-Rainbow.

"...Wait. isn't that the Imagin that possessed Ryotaro before?" Rainbow asked.

"It is! Oi, Ryotaro! Why is that Gaki still here!?" M-Rainbow demanded.

"Well...I didn't think he was that bad, he's just like a kid after all…" Ryotaro's voice responded in M-Rainbow's head due to Momotaros connection to Ryotaro.

Den-O made the DenLiner duck down to avoid a blast before he formed his gun and began to fire as it seemed his shots where even stronger than before and caused damage to the Gigandeath's torso as he shot it.

"See? Ryotaro says it's okay for me to say. Momotaros-no-Baka," Den-O spoke before he blew raspberry to M-Rainbow.

"B-baka?! Why you little…!"

"Uh how about we fight later and deal with this thing now?!" Rainbow shouted.

"Yes please?" Ryotaro pleaded.

"Hai/HAI!" the two compiled before the rest of the DenLiner cars all came out and aligned with Gun forms in a reverse order, with Axe form's car, then Rod form's car and Sword form's car bringing up the rear. With that Den-O pressed the weapon systems button before the front of Gun forms car lifted up and unfolded into...a large Dragon like head with a cannon in its mouth!

DenLiner more or less roared at the Gigandeath Sauron, who roared right back. DenLiner rose into the sky above the clouds before all the cars began to fire on the Gigandeath, Sword form's car unleashed all it's bombs, missiles and blasts while Rod form's car began to fire its laser beams. Axe form's car raised up its axes before they began to glow and shot blade beams. Each and every shot or blast hit the Gigandeath, making small explosions that made it cry out in pain as burns and wounds began to appear all over it.

DenLiner then charged as it crashed into the Gigandeath while still unloading it's payload of weapon upon it sending it falling through the sky as DenLiner raced down with it, the Axe form car then grabbed is with it's arms as the track picked up just next to the monster. DenLiner then turned upwards and high into the air before it dipped down like a roller coaster and came down to the earth before it picked itself up once again but not before it let go of the Gigandeath Sauron letting it crash into the ground and uproot several trees. DenLiner circled around the crash site as the Gigandeath Sauron picked itself back up.

"One more attack should do it."

"Yeah...and I got an idea. Combine attack!"

"You're lucky I like your ideas, Rainbow…" M-Rainbow sighed.

"Okay! Ike, Niji-chan!" Den-O said as DenLiner shot several blasts from the cars at the Gigandeath, goading it to follow it back up into the sky. As DenLiner rode into the clouds Den-O grabbed M-Rainbow's hand and brought her along with him as the Train of time went above the clouds making it look as it an endless sea of clouds were beneath it.

Den-O stood up in his seat as the clouds burst to reveal the Gigandeath Sauron. Den-O then swiped the pass before he put it back on his person not wanting to toss it off this time. As he did purple energy pulsed into his gun while M-Rainbow raised her arms into the air.

Thunder began to crack and boom behind DenLiner as the dragon raised its mouth up. Then finally, a large bolt entered its jaw forming a sphere of electricity that merged with it's own beam of energy that was forming.

"Thor Dragon Cannon!" The four shouted as they aimed the Dragon head at the Gigandeath as Den-O pulled the trigger, firing a beam from his gun along with the electric blue beam from the dragon's mouth. The beam hit the Gigandeath Sauron square in the chest, sending it soaring across the sky and into the horizon before exploding violently with a thunder clap.

"Mind if we destroy you?" Den-O asked rhetorically, "Kotae wa Kiitenai!" he laughed as he twirled his gun around with his fingers before raising it to his helmet to blow the smoke from the barrel.

"Heh….that….that was….awesome…" Rainbow panted as M-Rainbow plopped down on the seat behind Den-O.

"Y...yeah...now...if you'll excuse me...I got a cup of coffee with my...name on it…" was all M-Rainbow said before Momotaros left her body.

"Hm…" Den-O sighed as he looked at the horizon. "It's very pretty, isn't it?" he asked Ryotaro.

"Hai…" Ryotaro agreed.

"Ah...I should take us back to go pick up those Nee-san's." Den-O said as he sat back down. "Niji-chan hold on tight." he warned Rainbow.

"R...right," Rainbow nodded as she held onto the train. The tracks then extend out before they dipped down dramatically and steeply like that of a very high up rollercoaster.

"Wai~!" Den-O cried raising his arms up as the Train made it to the drop before it fell down to the earth at great speeds. The DenLiner then turned up so it was going right across the ground before it pulled to a stop next to the others. "Oi Nee-san-tachi!" Den-O waved to them as the Dragon head of DenLiner roared one last time.

"Hey! We're down here R...uh...Oh! Ryuta!" Pinkie waved excitedly.

"Yay I like that one!" Den-O smiled as he grabbed Rainbow under his arm and pressed the eject button letting the Den-Bird fly off the top of the dragon's head and land on the ground.

"Knew you would," Pinkie smiled.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy called as she ran up to the tomboy.

"...Fluttershy...I…" Rainbow began before the shy pinkette hugged her.

"You came back…" she mumbled happily, "Arigatou...nee-san."

"Yay!" Den-O shouted as he appeared next to them. "Everyone's happy!"

"Indeed," Twilight nodded as she, Pinkie, and rarity walked up to the three, "Rainbow, thank you. You're a loyal friend."

"Heh...no prob," Rainbow replied before she noticed Pinkie looking around ,"...Uh...something wrong?"

"Someone's missing...where's that cute boy?" Pinkie asked as she looked around.

"Are you talking about Descent, he left a long time ago." Rainbow explained.

"What?!" Pinkie gasped as she grabbed Rainbow, "Please tell me he said he'd be back!"

"Uh...I don't think he'll ever really be back." Rainbow weakly replied surprised by this.

"No!-!-!-!-!" Pinkie cried out as she pulled Rainbow into her chest, smothering her in her breast, "I didn't even get his phone number or Facebook page~!"

"Pinkie, you're exaggerating," Rarity said bluntly, "I can't believe you fell in love with someone who rejected you several times."

"Momo-nee?" Den-O tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"That's why I like him…" Pinkie sniffled a bit, "That's more fun than guys who always say yes," she then grinned a bit as she moved Rainbow's head out of her bosom, messing with the tomboy's hair a little, "I like men that're difficult. The challenge of conquering someone like that is what makes it so much fun."

"Momo-nee, omae wa baka?" Den-O joke asked.

"Nope. I just like to joke a little! *Squee!*"

"...ugh...be it as it may Pinkie," Twilight sighed a bit, "But while you were unconscious, I was talking with him, and I saw he wasn't interested in you."

"...Wait. You talked to him while I was sleeping?" she asked in astonishment before she gave Twilight a sceptical look, "You're a bad friend, Twilight. You wanted to steal the guy I was trying to conquer…"

"...What...do you mean?" Twilight asked slowly.

"Eh? Nani ga Momo-nee?" Den-O asked in confusion.

"Ano, I'm lost as well, Ryutaros," Ryotaro admitted.

"If you want to know, you should have just asked me. I would have lent him to you for a date rather than trying to steal him…" Pinkie slowly nodded her head.

"What?! Don't say such stupid things!" Twilight snapped, "I don't even like the guy!"

"I never thought you were one of those guys who steals boyfriends…" Pinkie cried.

"Eh?" Den-O blinked, "Does that mean Ryotaro is next?" he asked in childish wonder.

"AHH!-!-!" Twilight shouted as she began to shake Pinkie, her teeth shark like, "I'm not one of those!"

"Mou, don't fight…" Ryotaro sighed.

"Yay fight! Fight! Rumble!" Den-O cheered. "Ne, use this!" he offered tossing them his gun.

"Are things always this crazy with you guys?" Rainbow asked as she, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Kintaros watched.

"Boy I hope so." Den-O said proudly before his arm took the belt off as a purple aura left him, leaving regular Ryotaro.

"Ah…" regular Ryotaro panted as he put his hands on his knees to catch his breath. "I guess Four Imagin might be pushing it by this point…" he sighed before falling to his knees.

"...H-here. Let me help you up," Fluttershy offered, holding her hand out to help him.

"Arigato, Fluttershy-san…" he sighed, taking her hand as she helped him stand back up, albeit it rather wobbly.

"...Why don't we head home?" Rarity suggested, "All this battling for one day isn't good for my skin."

"H...hai," Ryotaro nodded, taking a second to take a good deep breath. "I should probably head home too. Nee-san must be really worried about me. Ryutaros apparently had my body run around all night." he sighed.

"G-good idea. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat along the way?"

"I'm good with that," Rainbow shrugged a little as the group began to leave, "But I'm not going to eat plants."

"Pudding!" M-Ryotaro shouted before he flashed to U-Ryotaro. "Choto, Sempai. You should let the beautiful ladies decide for us, right?" he asked before a yellow flash changed to K-Ryotaro. "Ossu! I am good with whatever is decided so long as it shows to be a well prepared meal! A meal is only good if it can drive you to tears!" a purple flash and R-Ryotaro was skipping along the way. "Yay~! Food~!"

'I'm not going to get used to that...' Twilight mentally sighed, "...Why don't we just head to Ryotaro's place. We can get something to eat there."

"Hai…" Ryotaro agreed as his eyes were replaced with swirls from the rapid Imagin changes.
Meanwhile, over on the island Luna was on, she was looking out at the night sky from her cave.

At the same moment, a shadow began to grow along the ground before her Imagin appeared from said Shadow.

"My deepest apologies, Luna-hime...those damn Shadowbolts have betrayed us."

"I know...I never should've sent those three," Luna frowned, "And on top of that, the one calling himself Haze deceived me completely...although, I can imagine who sent him."

"I will make that man pay for ruining my plans...I will not rest till I have crushed his skull…" the Imagin growled.

"..It's not all bad. I now understand the error I made giving a part of my power to those three," Luna spoke as she looked over her shoulder, a faint green glow coming from the cave, "But if I create a person that possesses the powers of all three, those girls and that Kamen Rider will never win."

"Den-O...do not worry about the Kamen Rider, Hime. I had already devised a plan to ensure he dies by my own hands." the Imagin spoke. "And the best part will be the very irony of it all...ah I will enjoy the looks of his friends when I finish him and those four annoying Taros."

"...True. And from what I've studied up on the other Kamen Riders out there...when those girls fall into a state of despair upon seeing their friend die…" Luna began with a dark smile, "Creatures known as Phantoms will be born in their place."

"Then for now I shall focus on my plan to kill Den-O. Hime, you need only concern yourself with the Elements of Harmony."

"...Correct," Luna nodded as she looked back at the cave, 'Arcana...you will be the one who helps bring me victory, even though you're still developing...but when the time comes, no one, not even those five bearers or that Kamen Rider, or any of his allies will be able to handle you.'

'So that is Hime's little project, I can't wait to see how it develops for our goal.' the Imagin said, looking back as well.
Back with the group, it was friday night, and they decided to hang out at Twilight's place.

"What I wonder is why I was invited for this? Doesn't this seem more of an activity only girls would do?" Ryotaro's mental voice asked.

"WAI~!" R-Ryotaro cheered as he was hanging upside down from a ceiling fan as it spun around he was dressed in a white shirt with a purple spray painted stripe along it, with dark black baggy pants.

"Pinkie, stop hogging the mic!" Rainbow complained as she tried to grab a mic from Pinkie, the former wearing a simple sleeveless shirt and blue shorts while the latter wore a light pink night shirt.

"No, Noo, Nooo~!" Pinkie sang as she pushed Rainbow away.

"You really seem happy, Twilight," Fluttershy noted as she saw an excited smile on the violetette's face, the shy pinkette wearing a yellow night shirt and pants with the cuffs, collar, and pant legs pink.

"Of course! This is my first pajama party after all!" Twilight smiled, the girl wearing a light purple night dress.

"Wai Party~!" R-Ryotaro cried still hanging from the ceiling fan, "Haha...I can feel all the blood rushing to Ryotaro's head."

"Somebody please explain to me why I'm here?" Ryotaro mentally begged.

"Don't look at me. I bet it was the Ero-Kame's idea," Momotaros scoffed.

"I have the right not to explain that."

"AH! See it was his freakin' idea! How'd you do it, Ero-Kame!?"

"Speak now or face punishment Kamenoji!"

"Simple really. I just told Ryotaro's sister that Twilight is going to have a study night. And then I simply planted the idea that it be only fair to invite Ryotaro along in Pinkie's mind is all. And all I needed was a simple string to do it."

"...You just wanted to do it because you wanted to see the girls in their PJs, didn't you?"

"What?! Well I never!"

"Dynamic Chop!" Kintaros voice shouted as a loud cutting sound could be heard after that.

"Ah! Okay! I admit it! Please no ax!"

"Too late! We're making Pervert Turtle soup! So get in the freakin' pot!"


'I really need a filter…'

"Hehehe...Kame-chan is in trouble again," R-Ryotaro smirked as he spun around the room still.

"Ahh! Pinkie! Get your ass off my head!" Rainbow snapped as Pinkie bounced her butt off of the tomboy's head.

"But it's time to dance, dear!" Pinkie countered as she continued.

"Eh? Dance time?" R-Ryotaro asked as he flipped off the ceiling fan and landed on the ground. "Kotae wa Kiitenai!"

"Whoo! Dance party!" Pinkie whooped.

"No not him!" Rainbow cried before R-Ryotaro snapped his fingers making it so the three began to break dance, "Oh, come on!"

'It makes me so happy to see Rainbow play with them,' Fluttershy thought with a soft smile as she watched Rainbow Dance with Pinkie and R-Ryotaro, 'We'll never be alone again.'

"Good. After that we'll start playing that game…" Twilight stated happily as she raised up a book.

"Oh! Game!" R-Ryotaro smiled as he stopped dancing and slid over next to Twilight.

"Ano, what're you reading, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked out of curiosity as she sat next to the violetette.

"I went to the library this morning and borrowed a book that describes how to throw the perfect slumber party with friends," Twilight explained as she opened the book, "Although this book is about thirty years old, I imagine the taste nowadays should still be the same."

"I'm bored now…" R-Ryotaro complained as he was face first on the carpet. All that explanation made him bored fast.

Rainbow and Pinkie gave each other a bored look before smirking a bit, an idea popping in their heads.

"Hey, Ryutaros. We got a game you can play," the tomboy spoke up.

"Eh? Game? What is it, Niji-chan?"

"Oh that's easy…" Rainbow began as she snatched the book from Twilight and tossed it to him, "It's called Keep Away!"

"Wai~!" he smiled as he jumped up and strapped the belt on, "Okay!"


Den-O grabbed the book before he tossed it out the window and aimed the DenGasher at it.

"Bang!" he cheered as he shot it to pieces. "Is that how you play?"

"...Uh...no. You were supposed to catch it, then toss it over to me or Pinkie, Ryutaros," Rainbow sweatdropped.

"Oh…" Den-O said as his shoulders drooped. "Niji-chan did it." he said as he gave Rainbow the gun.

"What?!" Rainbow gawked as Den-O quickly took his belt off, reverting back to R-Ryotaro before Ryutaros left his body.

Ryotaro's shirt lost the purple streak as his hair returned to normal and the hat and headphones left as well.

"Ah Ryutaros...matte!" he called back to the Imagin. The reason he let Ryutaros take over is because his child like mindset made him feel safe for his body in this situation.

"Oh~ Now what am I supposed to do?" Twilight sighed as she cried mini waterfall tears.

"Relax, Twi. It's a Pajama party," Rainbow assured, "You just have to improvise."

"Yes! Finally finished!" Rarity shouted happily as she lifted up a notepad with a drawing on it, the purple haired beauty wearing a elegant and frilly black top and shorts.

"What were you drawing, Rarity?" Twilight asked as she looked up at her friend.

"I'm designing a costume befitting of battle." Rarity explained happily. "Now I know you didn't like the previous design because it was very striking. But I'm sure you'll love this one."

"I think that's what she said before with the first suit!" Momotaros stated with a slight laugh in his tone.

"Rarity, I already told you it won't do. When our last friend unites with us, we're going to obtain complete transformation," Twilight reminded her.

"But...I wanted too…" Rarity began.

"No," Twilight said bluntly.

"Twilight, don't you think that was a little to blunt?" Ryotaro asked, "Rarity only has good intentions."

"No no...she's right, Ryotaro," Rarity sighed a bit as she put the notepad down, "I just really liked how this one turned out." she explained dejectedly.

"Twilight, I brought the snacks you asked for." Spike's voice called. A purple flash then occurred as R-Ryotaro went up to the door and opened it.

"Thanks, Spike-kun!" R-Ryutaro smiled as he took the tray. "Treats!"

"Uh...sure, no problem," Spike said sheepishly before he noticed Rainbow, "...Hey Twilight."

"Huh?" Twilight blinked as she looked at her little brother, who was giving her a small frown.

"You lied to me. You said Ryotaro's going to be the only boy here," he complained as R-Ryotaro was off eating all the snacks by himself in one corner of the room.

"...I did."

"Then who's this guy?" Spike asked as he pointed to Rainbow Dash.

"Grr…" Rainbow growled as a tick mark appeared on her head. She then walked up to Spike before smacking him upside the head with her fist, "Idiot! I'm a girl!"

"You, a girl? Impossible. Your front is just like mine."

"Huh? Just like yours?" Rainbow blinked in confusion at that.

"Yes because you don't have anything up front...nothing! Hehehe!" he smirked, patting his chest.

"Hmh...is that how you decide if it's a boy or girl?" R-Ryotaro pondered with the last cookie in his mouth.

"Why you little!" Rainbow growled as she began to choke Spike, "I'll teach you for calling me flat!"

"I didn't say th-ack!" Spike gagged.

"Yay! Fight time!" R-Ryotaro cheered as he finished the last cookie.

"R-Rainbow, stop!" Fluttershy shouted as she tried to pry the angry tomboy off of Spike.

"I want to fight too!" R-Ryotaro said as he grabbed Twilight in a headlock.

"Ack! Ryutaros st-!" Twilight began

"I want to join too!" Pinkie shouted as she leapt up onto Twilight's book shelf, aiming herself at the currently sleeping Rarity.

'Hmm?" Rarity blinked a bit, yawning a little as she looked up to see Pinkie staring at her, the purple haired beauty starting to pale a little, "Wait Pinkie! Don't y-!"

"From the top rope! Body slam!"


"Wait...Minna...please stop…" Fluttershy whimpered.

"I'll teach you to respect your elders!" Rainbow barked as she continued to choke Spike.

"...Mou…" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Pile on!" R-Ryotaro shouted as he lifted Twilight up over his head before he slammed into all the others.

"Ow! Seriously, stop this!" Rarity shouted from beneath the pile.

"No way! This is too fun!" Pinkie giggled.

'Ugh...This is going to be one of those nights,' Twilight mentally groaned

"Please make this stop...this embarrassing for me…" Ryotaro cried mentally.

"I'd help, but I'm busy running from sempai and Kin!" Urataros screamed.

"Get back here you damn perverted Turtle!"

"No not the bowl! Celeste-san, Tatsukete!"

"Eh? What did I miss while in Egypt?"

"The Kame made it so Ryotaro would be invited to spend the night with the girls, all so he could take over and perv on them, but he didn't expect the new Gaki to be strong enough to force him out!" Momotaros shouted, "Now it's soup time! Banzai!"


'Again..filter...need it.'
Elsewhere, somewhere within Europe, Haze was standing in a room with his back to window as sitting before him was the Green Eyed man.

"Welcome back, Edward. I'm very eager to hear what happened," the green eyed man said with a slight smirk.

"Luna's attempt to control the Bearer of Loyalty has failed. And additionally, the bearer of Kindness joined them as well. Plus the Kamen Rider has gained two new Imagin and two new transformations to his useage as well."

"I see...does that mean five Bearers have already awakened?" the green eyed man asked once more.


"Excellent. Then everything is going as planned." he smirked maliciously before his face turned into a softer smile, "By the way, about the mission I gave to you...was it a success?"

'Yes, and you were right. That young girl Applejack turned out to be the last Bearer," Haze nodded in response, "But for some strange reason, I find her presence familiar."

"Hehehe…" he smirked.

"But there's a problem. She doesn't want to join the others," Haze added, "I've searched her mind, and it seems like she has some sort of trauma."

"Don't worry. We'll leave it to the Bearer of Magic and the Kamen Rider to find the solutions for that problem. However, even if their results aren't fruitful, we shall handle it. Kai owes me a favor or two. All that matters is all six Elements of Harmony have their powers awakened, no matter the costs." the Green Eyed man explained. "But addressing another issue, Edward, did Luna realize you were an imposter?"

A venom green aura engulfed Haze as his form began to change. His large burly form slowly shrank to a more regular if not just below average height size, and the large muscles were now gone as well. His hair also lengthened out slightly. It was black with blue/teal highlights on his front most bangs. His face was also drastically different, whereas Haze had a very masculine appearance, this man had a more effeminate appearance almost with large light blue eyes and black marks extending from just below the eyes.

"No. I hid my physical appearance and my Spiritual Essence. I was also only forced to fight with only 15% of my power, so I didn't draw much attention. Although for now, I know that you've noticed," Edward replied as he looked at him, "Christopher, what will be our next objective?"

"Now that these girls are forming their own little group, I thinks it's about time we did the same." the newly revealed Christopher explained as he went over to a glass case he had on a table.

"Do you want me to handle it, or will you have Kai assist you?"

"No I don't want to inconvenience you again or distract Kai from his own goals," Christopher explained, "I'll do it myself this time."

"...Does that mean you'll go to Ponyville?"

"Yes. I've been watching several people who would make great additions and have great potential to be our allies." he explained as he lifted the glass case up "But apart from that, I'm very interested in meeting both the beautiful reincarnation of the white unicorn, and the Singularity point known as Ryotaro Nogami." he explained as he picked up a headband that was black in color with a horn at the top and a red ruby heard in a gold setting tied to the horn by a blue ribbon. "You never know what kind of beasts could be lurking within, or what can be used to turn them into a ghost of their former selves, hehehe."
Somewhere back in Ponyville, the man known as Kai was sitting on the edge of a building as the wind picked up his black poncho, he laughed a little as he looked up at the sky.

"Ah Christopher...you had to send Edward. Now things really are going as they should. That's so boring," he smirked looking at the night sky. "Oh well. I have all of time to make things interesting. me and my friends will be sure of that." he smirked, looking at the sky as every star in the sky above him was covered by a sphere, representing another Imagin under his control. And by every star, it really was every star. For every star in the night sky, there was an Imagin in its place, making a fun recreation of constellations. Kai raised his hands as he made the Imagin 'constellations' dance around in the night sky. "Hehehe...ah Nogami Ryotaro, you make things so interesting in every timeline we meet...hehehe…" he laughed as a shadow covered one of his eyes before it began to glow ominously with a dark grin on his face. "But I can't let you win this time...I have so much...Chaos planned for this place."
Momotaros: Hehe now our team is balanced out and we got someone on this team I can work with.

Ryotaro: I get the feeling that we've been jinxed, Rainbow.

Rainbow: What makes you say that?

Momotaros: AH! Everyone for themselves!

Rainbow: God damn it, Momo!

Ryutaros: Ah It's my turn! Mind if I leave? Kotae wa Kiitenai!

Stop 9: Misadventures and Time Travel!

Author's Note:

sorry for the delay. to make up for it, have a double update on me. And if things go well today...might go for a triple update!