• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 2,347 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship is Timeless - Seanzilla115

Time long ago, the destiny of six girls were changed. In the future, time itself lead to the end of humanity. Now in the middle in the present, the time to reach the crossroads have come as 6 girls and 1 human, plus 5 Imagin's fight to change fate it

  • ...

Stop 18

Going to the hospital was rarely a pleasant thing for Ryotaro. And as they got to know him, his friends as well. But for once, they were here for a reason that made them smile. Today was a very special day, it was a day two new lives where born into the world. The twin children of the Cake's were born today. Pinkie of course dragged everyone to get their faster. But no one minded, they all were excited to see them.

"And we're here!" Pinkie exclaimed as the group arrived at the front of the hospital, "Hurry hurry! I don't want to miss seeing them!"

"Pinkie slow down visiting hour is still going to be open for a while longer." Twilight countered following closely behind Pinkie.

"We would have gotten here faster if we didn't have to walk here," Rainbow complained.

"It's not like Ryotaro could carry all of us on his bike," Applejack deadpanned.

"Yeah...but still, we could've ran instead of walk," Rainbow sighed, "...Then again, I did spend almost half the day training."

"Well the point is we made it here." Rarity stated as they walked into the reception as Twilight asked for directions to the Cake's room.

"Probably...ah…" Rainbow trailed off as she looked to her left to see Ryotaro hounded by doctors again. All of them checking on him to see if he was okay and asking him all sorts of questions.

"Ano...i-it's okay. I'm fine…" Ryotaro tried to reason with the doctors.

"You sure?" some asked to make sure.

"You've been struck by lightning...several times."

"You've fallen off buildings and get hit often yet you never come in with broken bones!" another doctor stated loudly.

"There must be something about you."

"Now that I think of it, Fluttershy's healing makes Ryotaro some kind of a medical marvel huh?" Rainbow asked with a deadpan. Fluttershy only sheepishly chuckled at that.

"Looks like it," Twilight noted.

"Really I'm alright." Ryotaro tried to reason as the Doctors kept crowding him. A red flash then came from the center of them.

"Back the hell off pill pushers!" M-Ryotaro roared loudly as he pushed them away. "Get back! Don't you pull that needle! Sit the hell down orderly!"he shouted scaring them.

"Should've have seen that coming," All six girls sighed in unison.

"Momotaros, please calm down. We're in a hospital an-" Ryotaro began, only for M-Ryotaro to keep pushing the doctors and nurses away from him.

"I'll calm down after we can go to a damn hospital without being looked at like a medical experiment!" M-Ryotaro snapped before Twilight smacked him, knocking Momotaros out as he changed back to normal Ryotaro.

"Eh…" Ryotaro blinked as his strength went back to normal resulting in all the doctors pushing against him to give way making them all fall over on him.

"Uhmm…" Twilight mumbled seeing this happen.

"You know, may not have been the best time to send Ryotaro back to being normal," Rainbow sweatdropped.

"Help…" Ryotaro wheezed.

"Maybe next time we go to a hospital for a visit we disguise Ryotaro." Pinkie suggested, getting a thumbs up from Ryotaro to say he agrees, "See? Ryo likes it."

"Pinkie go see the babies." Twilight simple said as Pinkie ran off in a blur. "Don't take any of them!" she shouted after her.

"Got it!" she shouted back.

"And try to be quiet! We're in a hospital!" Twilight shouted, earning some shushes fm the doctors, "Eheh...oopsie."

"Osu…" K-Ryotaro grunted as he lifted all the doctors up while he stood back up. "These hospitals are annoying." he grunted carrying the doctors away.

"...Let's just go check on Pinkie before she does something she'll regret," Twilight sighed.

"Should I…"

"Let the doctors down Kin." Rainbow cut him off as K-Ryotaro just dropped them all to the floor.

"Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?" Pinkie repeated as she looked for the maternity ward, eager to see the newborn twins. "Come out little baby Twins. Pinkie just wants to meet you." she said to herself as she walked around a corner totally lost only to crash into K-Ryotaro. All that muscle and invulnerability made him like a brick wall.

"I found Pinkie." K-Ryotaro said looking at a Pinkie who fell over after walking into him like she did.

"Oh...hey, Kin," Pinkie greeted.

"You got lost huh?" Rainbow asked, appearing next to K-Ryotaro. Pinkie shooting back up.

"Uhm...maybe." she sheepishly replied.

"We saw you walk past their room four times." K-Ryotaro stated bluntly.

"...Wait. I passed it four times?" Pinkie blinked, making the two facefault.

"You're not good with direction huh?" Rainbow asked.

"Blasphemy." Pinkie replied with a huff. "I'm great with them."

"You walked into the Emergency room twice." K-Ryotaro added.

"I may...have gotten turned around."

"Pinkie." Rainbow said getting her attention, "Do you want to see the twins or not?"

"Very much so, Dashie," Pinkie nodded her head quickly.

"Then follow Kin. He can find them instantly." she replied.

"How?" Pinkie asked before K-Ryotaro's ear twitched. "Oh I get it when they cry he finds them instantly."

"Yep." Rainbow said as K-Ryotaro grabbed them both and ran off down the halls, "And off he goes!"

"They're...they're adorable!" Pinkie quietly squealed to not wake the two sleeping newborns, which were a boy with soft chocolate brown hair, and a girl with soft orange hair.

"They look so sweet." Rarity added as they moved around in their sleep.

"It makes you want to cry how adorable they are." K-Ryotaro admitted, his eyes tearing up.

"There there Kintaros." Ryotaro stated mentally patting the Imagin. "Just don't wake them up okay."

"Kawaii…" Fluttershy smiled softly as she looked at the twins.

"They're so cute even I have to agree with you…" Rainbow added.

"Aw, they're so tiny." Pinkie added as she used her finger to touch the little ones their tiny hands grabbing her finger. "Aw~" she smiled happily.

"Pinkie sure likes kids." Twilight noted.

"Guess her natural big sister instincts extend beyond just Ryuta." K-Ryotaro chuckled as he reverted to regular Ryotaro.

"Time for his nap." Ryotaro explained, getting a nod from the girls in understanding.

"...Wonder where the dad is," Rainbow pondered a bit, "I mean, it's not like he fainted or anything while his kids were being born, right?"

"Well...if he did that would explain why he's passed out in this other bed." Twilight said, moving the curtains for a second bed in the room showing Mr. Cakes passed out but with a very happy smile on his face none the less.

"Oh...I was half joking about that," Rainbow sweatdropped.

"Well guess he just stressed himself out while waiting." Pinkie said as she finally pried herself away from the twins. "Bet once he saw these little guys he was so happy he just passed out."

"That would make sense." Ryotaro nodded as he helped Mr. Cake get more comfortable in the bed since he just seemed to have fallen on it in an awkward position.

"Yup," Pinkie nodded before remembering something, "..Ooh. I forgot to ask Ms. Cake what the twins' names are."

"That's a good question...we've been fawning over them for an hour and don't knot their names yet." Rarity realised.

"But they're so cute." Fluttershy and Pinkie said as the same time.

"Guess since we were so busy with when we arrived we forgot to ask," Twilight admitted.

"Well let's find out then," Applejack suggested as she as she looked at a small notepad showing the twins' information, "Says here their names are Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake."

"Hm?" Twilight looked at it as well. "Those names...they're too cute…" she admitted.

"Uhm...which ones is which?" Ryotaro asked looking over the twins.

"Says here the Boy's Pound Cake while the girl is Pumpkin Cake," Applejack replied, looking at the info.

"Aw~" Pinkie cooed happily. "They are so adorable." she added as she looked at them. "Hello Pound and Pumpkin, I'm Pinkie, I'm going to be your very first best friend."

"Pinkie don't get too close to them." Twilight said, pulling her back a little.

"Aww~ but I want to keep looking at them," Pinkie whined a bit.

"I know, but I don't want you scaring them," Twilight countered.

"Don't worry Pinkie once they go home you can play with them all you want." Ryotaro said patting her shoulder.

"Ahh...alrighty," Pinkie beamed.

"Hai…" Ryotaro nodded, "...Ohh uh...gomen. I need to call my sister real quick."

"Take your time, dear," Rarity nodded.

Ryotaro walked out and pulled out the K-Taros cellphone and dialed his home number. "Nee-san, we're at the hospital...no it's not me. The Cakes just had their babies so we came to visit. Don't worry everything's fine, you should come visit. I'll be home in a bit once visiting hours are over." he spoke to Airi over the phone. "Hai...alright be home in a bit."

With that, he pocketed the phone and began to walk back to the others. however, just as he was about to head to the door, a red flash came off him.

"Imagin." M-Ryotaro growled out happily. He then opened the door. "I'll bring Ryotaro back in a bit there's an Imagin around here, okay later bye!"he said quickly to the girls before running away just as fast, "Alright! Where are you, ya ba-"

"Momotaros, Watch your mouth!"

"What? It's not like the rugrats are around to hear me." M-Ryotaro countered. "Since when are you so testy about my badmouth, when did you turn into Captain America?"

"We go watch Avenger's once and now you make tons of references."

"What can I say? You humans make good movies." M-Ryotaro stated as he kicked open the door to the roof. "Come out bastard!" he roared. "Ah...it's gone!?"

"Are you sure there was an Imagin and that you just didn't want to leave to do something you wanted?" Ryotaro asked.

"Hell no! I'm sure there's an Imagin around here somewhere!" M-ryotaro snapped, "But I can't even smell him right now!"

"Uh-huh…" Ryotaro said simply.

"Don't use that tone with me, damn it! I'm not that crazy!"

"Shh!" a passing by nurse hushed him.

"Oh 'shh' yourself, lady!" M-Ryotaro snapped at her.

"Please don't get me admitted to the psychiatric ward...again." Ryotaro pleaded.

"That was the Kuma's fault, not mine!"

"You bit a chunk out of that man's leg."

"He tasted pathetic!" M-Ryotaro shouted louder.

"Then there was the time you used those Diamond Dog thugs for a game of 'baseball," Urataros added.

"That was different, they were picking on Spike and his friends." He countered.

"You scored a homerun with each one of them."

"They are also pathetic." M-Ryotaro countered before he turned around to see people having watched him shout at the air. "Beat it before I bite a chunk out of all of you!"

"Ahh!" one man yelped as the people began to scatter away from him.

"That's what I thought!" M-Ryotaro growled as he resumed his search. "Come out you bastard, I know you're here somewhere, come out so I can destroy you and I won't have to put your contract holder into another one of these."

"You mean a hospital?"

"What did I say?"

"Nevermind…" Ryotaro then saw the clock as his body jogged through the halls. "Ah...Momotaros we need to leave now."

"Why the hell would I do that?"

"Visiting hours are over."

"Oh...don't care at the moment. I have an annoying Imagin to find," M-Ryotaro stated as he resumed his search, unaware the girls were walking up to him, "Come on, you jerk! Show yourself! Where the hell are you?!"

"I tried to warn you…"

"About what?" M-Ryotaro asked turning around his eyes going blank. "Oh...now I see what you mean."


"Heh heh...hey, Mahou-o…"


"That's...smarts…" he grumbled as he fell over Momotaros falling out of Ryotaro as sand on the ground. A bump forming on Ryotaro's head soon after.

"Oh look...stars…" Ryotaro laughed in a dazed manner, his eyes replaced with swirls as stars swirled around him.

"Ano...did you really have to hit him that hard, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"I might be getting stronger with each swing." Twilight sighed, "I really should try to remember not to hit Ryotaro."

"Ya think?" Rainbow sweatdropped as she and Applejack helped Ryotaro up.

"Y'all alright, sugahcube?" Applejacked asked him.

"I've had worse…" he admitted shaking his head so his eyes returned to normal. "I really wish it was at least Kintaros...I feel less pain afterwards."

"Speak...for yourself…" Momotaros as his head formed in the sand, swirls replacing his eyes as a large bump was on his head.

"Ah shut up, this is your fault." Rainbow frowned, kicking him making his body fall apart, "We heard you screaming all the way from the room. Heck, I'm surprised the twins didn't wake up from all your yelling."

"Your lucky they were very sleepy." Pinkie added.

"Hai, hai. I get it Momotaros did bad, everyone beats him up for no reason just like all the other moments you girls nag me." Momotaros sighed in annoyance.

"Well maybe if you stop getting Ryotaro in trouble, then we wouldn't have to hit you," Rainbow stated.

"I would like both of those very much." Ryotaro spoke up.

"I think that's asking for the impossible, Rainbow." Rarity spoke up. "We've tried training Momotaros to be...bearable. It didn't work."

"You tried training him?" Ryotaro asked.

"Well of course. We hated seeing you suffer all his stupidity, so we tried, but we failed," Rarity responded.

"Ugh..I'm getting a headache just from remembering it," Rainbow groaned, "let's just go already."

"Let's go." Pinkie said, bouncing away, everyone leaving Momotaros behind.

"Oi! Don't ditch me...is that the sound of a floor waxer?! AH!"

"Did you hear that?" Ryotaro asked.

"Nope." six resounding voices said at the same time.

Unknown to the group once they left the hospital, a shadowed figure was watching them from figure waiting for them to be a good distance away, waiting an extra moment for a mass of sand that is Momotaros to rush out after them. The figure then made it's way through the halls before any of the Hospital's workers could notice. It then found the room, and walked inside to look over the two, currently sleeping newborn twins. The figure then sat down beside them and just watched.

A little after that day, the Twins and their parents were finally free. Mr. Cake had closed up Sugar Cube corner to help take care of the children and spend time with his wife. Since then Pinkie has been waiting for her chance to meet the Twins again and finally get to play with them. She just had to make it through school first. If only time went by faster.

"Come on…" Pinkie muttered as she looked at the clock, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Pinkie…" Ryotaro mumbled getting her attention. "Are you okay?"

"Turn darn you...turn…" Pinkie muttered, not paying attention as she intensly stared at the clock.

"She's too focused…" Ryotaro stated.

"Pinkie..." Twilight whispered, taking a shot at it. She then grabbed a text book and slammed it on Pinkie's desk, making a loud bang.

"Wah!" Pinkie cried in surprise, "We're under attack! Children, siblings, and sweets first!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Pinkie, who still looked fairly surprised.

"Pinkie...it was a book." Ryotaro said as Twilight only smirked and took the book back.

"Oh...I knew that."

"Pinkie, you were so focused on the clock, you probably wouldn't have noticed the school on fire." Twilight stated bluntly. "I hope you're not thinking of messing with time, cause you know that get you in trouble with Owner."

"Of course not! I know the penalty for messing with time," Pinkie replied, "I'm just waiting for school to be done so I can go see the twins."

"Can't you just escape into your own mind and wait it out then?" Twilight asked.

"I tried that, but the little me inside my head just kept leading me back to reality."

"Wait what?"

"It didn't work." Pinkie explained simply.

"I don't think the statement from before is processing well with Twilight." Ryotaro explained, seeing the violette's eye twitching a bit.

"Give her time. She'll figure it out," Pinkie giggled.

"You enjoy making my head hurt don't you?" Twilight asked as Pinkie just stuck her tongue out mockingly, "Ugh…"

Before anything could be said, the school bell rang, causing Pinkie to shoot out of her seat as she dashed off in a blur, leaving a dust cloud in the shape of her.

"She gets more...animated with each day. doesn't she?" Ryotaro asked, seeing this.

"Ugh...I need a long vacation," Twilight sighed as she plopped her head on her desk, rubbing her temples in hopes of getting rid of the incoming headache.

"Sorry…" Ryotaro apologized as he patted his friend's shoulder to help her calm down.

"Ryo I need you to drive me! Come on-come on-come on-come on!" Pinkie cheered as she dashed back in, hopping up and down, "PLEAAAASSE~~!-?-!-?-!"

"Damn it! Who gave her coffee?!" Momotaros snapped.

"Okay, okay I'll drive you." Ryotaro chuckled.

"Yay!" Pinkie beamed as she hugged him tightly, "Let's go!"

"M-matte! Let me just get my st-ahh!" Ryotaro yelped as Pinkie dashed off with him, leaving two dust clouds in their shapes, the Pinkie shaped one waving to Twilight before it and the other faded.

"...That's it. I'm heading to the Milk Dipper," Twilight groaned, the violetette getting a massive migraine after seeing that.

"Okay here we are." Ryotaro said, pulling to a stop before Sugar Cube Corner.

"Thanks, Ryo!" Pinkie smiled brightly as she hopped off the bike.

"No problem...I wish I could have grabbed backpack...but Twilight has it." Ryotaro said.

"None of this would have happen if you just let her walk."

"Oh well, we're already here Sempai." Urataros chimed in.

"Come on, Ryo! hurry up!" Pinkie called out to Ryotaro, the pinkette hopping a bit in place as she stood at the front door, " I don't want to miss seeing the twins!"

"I'm coming." he replied, walking up to the door with her.

"Sweet! Now let's…" Pinkie began as she opened the door, seeing a pair of shady businessmen talking to Mr. Cake, "...go in?"

"Huh?" Ryotaro blinked seeing the same thing.

"So you see, mr. Cake. It would be profitable for us if you sell your shop to us," the first of the businessmen stated, showing him some papers.

"It's all simple and straightforward good sir. Trust us." the younger of the pair added.

"...Oh...I don't know…" Mr. Cake replied, hesitant about this, "I mean, my children were just born yesterday and…"

"Look sir, we are just offering you a once in a lifetime deal here. The benefits are great." the elder of the two added wrapping an arm around Mr Cake.

"Trust us. It's just as simple as sign...here…" the younger said before blinking, seeing the papers gone. The three then looked up to see U-Ryotaro sitting with his legs crossed while flipping through the papers.

U-Ryotaro fixed his glasses as he looked up at the men. "Greetings." he nodded as he kept reading.

"What the...hey! You give those back this instance!" the older of the businessmen demanded.

"...I'm afraid not," U-Ryotaro frowned as he looked at Mr. Cake, "Cake-san, I wouldn't sign this if I were you."

"Huh...what do you mean, Ryotaro?" Mr. Cake asked the boy in one of his other persona's Pinkie had explained to him.

"Hm...just these men are...what's a proper term here? Pinkie, what would you call these men trying to trick Mr. Cake here?"

"Con-artist?" Pinkie guessed.

"Exactly my dear." U-Ryotaro nodded as he flipped to the very last page. "Let us see here...80-95% of the store's profits go to these two gentlemen here, an unreasonably high rent for the upstairs rooms. Let's see what else...oh that's bad and this, and definitely that." U-Ryotaro kept reading before he closed the papers back to normal. "In my professional opinion as a lying, smooth talker, these gentlemen here are; well first of all...they suck at this job. Second of all, Pinkie my dear assistant, file these away where they belong." he smiled tossing the papers to Pinkie.

"Can do," Pinkie saluted as she crumpled the papers up before tossing them over her shoulder, hitting the trashcan that was in the corner, "Nothin' but can."

"...uh…," the two businessmen began as they slowly looked back at mr. Cake, who was frowning greatly at that, "...We can explain that…"

"Oh yes. Do explain how you were trying to swindle this man of his family's business, and income for his wife and recently born children. Please do tell. I'd love a good laugh." U-Ryotaro stated. putting his hands on their shoulders.

"...Sirs, you two better get out of my store right now, or else," Mr. Cake threatened the two businessmen.

"Please Mr. Cake, go with your family. Allow me and Pinkie to handle this," U-Ryotaro waved him off, his blue eyes flashing with an evil glint as he looked at the two. "Pinkie...get the door."

Pinkie saluted as she walked to the front door and opened it, making a motion to him that basically said 'go ahead'.

"Now Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure...actually that is another lie. I see you both near this shop again, I'll let someone who makes it a hobby of bench pressing trucks handle you." U-Ryotaro said calmly. "So we got an understanding?"

"Y...yes…" the two businessmen squeaked out.

"Good...now...clench." he said simply, making them blink.

"AH!" they both shouted, being punted out the front door and clear across the street.

"And stay out, you con-artist!" Pinkie shouted before slamming the door, "Nice kick there, Ura."

"Twas nothing my sweet." U-Ryotaro said as he cleaned his glasses. "Honestly such pathetic technique. It makes a professional liar like me disappointed for humanity."

"Indeed," Pinkie nodded, "It's people like them they're making society crumble down."

"I wouldn't go that far. But none the less, I like this place I'd hate the Cake's to be stuck in some tight spot like that."

"Mmhmm," Pinkie nodded before pulling the papers out, Now let's see who those guys were, or perhaps find out who they were...oh...Ura, we might want to try and be careful. Apparently those guys worked for Well-To-Do industries."

"Ahh...I have heard of that particular company," U-Ryotaro noted, "It's a big chain of stores and amusement parks, but they stomp out any family own business to make more money, and to 'improve' the place they bought out."

"How do you know all that?"

"I may or may not have bought stock in the company once." he stated bluntly. "How do you think we pay for Ryotaro's medical expenses so easily?"

"Ahh...that's pretty clever of you, Ura," Pinkie admitted.

"I could have bought out the whole company...but you had to have Ryotaro back for that school field trip." U-Ryotaro complained as he put his glasses back on.

"True, but we learned plenty of things at that museum we went to," Pinkie replied, "...Though Dashie slept through it most of the time."

"Sempai was sleeping well that afternoon as well...I however was not." U-Ryotaro complained.

"Right...I'll uh...go check on the Cakes then," Pinkie said as she walked up to the stairs.

"And I shall join you." U-Ryotaro said, following after her.

After a bit, the two were upstairs, Pinkie playing with the twins while U-ryotaro talked with Mr. Cake and his wife.

"Well those two won't be coming back any time soon. Unfortunately given their employers I doubt the company will be stopping any time soon," he sighed as he pushed his glasses back up his nose, "You were lucky. Me and Pinkie had just arrived when we saw those two."

"Yes, and we're grateful for you chasing those crooks off," Mr. Cake sighed, "Things have been really stressful for me and Mrs. Cake lately, especially now that the twins are born."

"Well, crooked businessmen will be an unfortunate fact of life." U-Ryotaro sighed, "The key rule is to either have a good lawyer, or someone who knows when others are lying in your corner. Given your parents now, you're going to need to learn that latter skill very quickly." he chuckled as he looked at Pinkie making the twins laugh by making faces, "In fact...I may have a suggestion. You two could have Pinkie look after the twins when she isn't busy working."

"...Well...that does sound like a good idea," Mrs. Cake, who was a woman with swirly pink hair and wore a light blue blouse under a yellow apron, noted, "Though…"

"Though?" U-Ryotaro stated, Ryotaro also asking the same mentally.

"We're afraid she might not be up to handle such a big responsibility," Mr. Cake admitted, "I admit, she's a big help when it comes to filling out orders, but…"

"We just think she may not be as up to the less fun tasks of taking care of the twins is all. She loves playing with them and makes them so happy. So we just worry a little she might…"

"Ah I see...you're worried her...energy will get the better of her while taking care of the young ones." U-Ryotaro finished for both of them in a simple manner. "Quite reasonable for first time parents."

"Hehehehe….my hair's not really candy." Pinkie laughed as the twins pulled on her curly hair. Luckily they weren't strong enough to make it uncomfortable so it just made Pinkie laugh even more as they tried, "Silly babies. You're just too cute t…" she began before she faintly heard something. "Hm...shh...did you hear that?" she asked the twins who just looked at her in confusion.

Pinkie took her hair back as she blurred up to the window. She opened it and looked outside.

"Hello?" she asked looking around finding no-one, nothing. "Hm...must have been a bird or something," she shrugged before she looked down, seeing various white feathers littering the ground behind the shop, "...or multiple birds." she blinked as she leaned out of the window to pick up some of the feathers. "Big feathers for a pigeon…" she blinked twirling the feather between her fingers. "Could an Eagle have crashed into Ryotaro again?" she pondered.

As Pinkie twirled the feathers around in her fingers she heard the happy cries of the twins getting her attention. They stared at the feathers smiling happily and laughing. Pinkie looked at the feathers then back to the happy twins.

"Do you like these?" she asked holding the feathers up to the twins who happily reached out to try and grab them. Laughing happily at the feathers. "Wow...you two really like feathers. Or birds...kind of hard to tell which one." she smiled twirling the feathers above them making them laugh even more. "do you even know what birds are?" she asked them, Pinkie then grabbed a picture book for the twins and turned it to a picture of a bird. "Bird." she pointed.

The Twins just tilted their heads in confusion. Making Pinkie due the same. She pointed to the picture again with the feathers.

"See Bird." Pinkie said again only to get no reaction except for when she held the feathers up making the twins happy again. "Huh...weird...so you have no clue what a bird is...but you like these feathers," she noted, looking at the feather, "...Hey uh...Ryo?"

"Yes, Pinkie?" U-Ryotaros spoke up.

"Have you seen these kind of feathers before?" Pinkie asked, holding the feather to him.

"They look like swan feathers." U-Ryotaro explained simply. He then took one and twirled it around in his finger before his eyes narrowed at it. "Odd...these feather feels familiar…"

"Huh? Familiar how?"

"Probably nothing." he sighed as he stuck the feather in Pinkie's hair making the twins laugh happily. "I'll be taking my leave now Ryotaro has been put through enough today." he sighed as a blue flash reverted him to regular Ryotaro.

The twins laughed happily at the light show from Ryotaro.

"Yay they like the Taros." Pinkie smiled happily seeing that.

"I think they just liked the pretty light from when I get possessed." Ryotaro claimed.

"...Yeah maybe," Pinkie shrugged, "Still, the twins seem to like it."

"Is there anything they don't like?" Ryotaro chuckled having seen them laugh at just about everything.

"Nap time?" Pinkie shrugged jokingly.

"Maybe," Ryotaro shrugged back with a smile. "The Cake's are planning to close up so we should probably head home."

"Okay. I'll be back tomorrow you two." Pinkie turned to the twins once more. "Be good for your mom and dad okay," she said only getting laughter in response. "Good babies."

"You don't speak infant do you?"

"No of course not...but I wish." Pinkie admitted.

"E...eheh….soka," Ryotaro noted, sweat dropping a bit before the two began to leave the shop.

"Hmm..." Pinkie pondered as she walked down the street to Ryotaro's bike; all the while looking at the strange feather she found. "It's so weird…" she muttered twirling it around her fingers more.

"It's just a feather right?" Ryotaro asked.

"Yeah...but what's weird is that not even Ura knows what kind of bird it came from," Pinkie replied, "He said it's a swan feather, but he said it felt...familiar to him." she stated as she showed it to Ryotaro.

"Uh Pinkie…" Ryotaro said getting her attention as the feather in her hand began to...dissolve into sand.

"...Is it bad that I found more of these behind the shop?" Pinkie asked sheepishly.

"Very…" Ryotaro nodded as he turned around, "I'm gonna head back to the shop to investigate." he said as he pulled out his belt and strapped it on just in case. "Call Twilight just in case!" he called out.

"Be careful, Ryo!" Pinkie shouted out to her friend.

"Feathers...feathers?" Ryotaro muttered as he looked around the back of the Sugar Cube Corner. He then spotted the pile of feathers. "Ah there they are," he stated walking up to them. He then picked one up as it once again turned to sand in his hands, "...Imagin."

As Ryotaro checked on these feathers a figure walked up behind him. Slowly creeping closer and closer towards Ryotaro. It's hand clenching into a fist as it formed a weapon in it's hand. The figure raised its weapon into the air to strike down Ryotaro.

Ryotaro's head shot up as he jumped out of the way at the last moment as what could best be described as a bladed shovel/ax slammed into the ground where he once stood.

"Dare?" Ryotaro asked seeing the Imagin behind him.

The Imagin was insect based it's body a mix of green and black. It's left leg green with black spikes down the sides of it's shinn and right leg black with green spikes down the side; and what looked like the legs of a grasshopper going down the left leg and a regular insect like leg down the right. Above it's belt it's coloring was inverted the left side of its torso and arm black with green shell piping, a large serrated spike on its left shoulder as well with green spikes down its arm, likewise it's right side was now green with black accents and spikes, a smaller green spike on it's right shoulder. It also had a grasshopper like wing extending from the green half of it's tors as well. It's face was split down the middle the same green and black color with a large antenna on it's green right hand and a smaller one on the black left half. It's dark red eyes glowing at Ryotaro, the man it knew to be Den-O.

"Den-O...I had not expected you here already." the Imagin spoke calmly.

"Imagin!" Ryotaro yelped as he pressed the Red button on his belt. Momotaros then entered him becoming M-Ryotaro.

"Teme...I don't like kids, but even I'm not going to let you start anything around them." M-Ryotaro growled before he charged and tackled into the Imagin forcing it away from the shop.

M-Ryotaro and the Imagin both tumbled into the park nearby as M-Ryotaro used this to roll to his feet as he grabbed his pass.

"Henshin!" he declared swiping his pass.


(Cue: Double Action Sword form)

With that the shards formed over M-Ryotaro as did the armor. all locking into place forming Den-O in sword form as his mask grinded down the helmet and opened up.

"Ore...Sanjou!" Den-O stated as the Grasshopper Imagin rested it's shovel/ax over it's shoulder. Den-O took his Dengasher and turned it into it's sword formation. "Ikuze!" Den-O ordered charging.

The Kamen Rider's sword clashed with the Imagin's weapon as both pushed against each other. Den-O pushed the Imagin's weapon to the side before he punched it across the mandible on it's face making it take a step back.

Den-O then slashed the Imagin across the chest once making sparks fly from the impact. The Imagin growled in annoyance as it swung its weapon that Den-O blocked. Both then pushed the other back before swinging at the same time slashing one another across the chest. Both took a step back before charging again as Den-O swung his sword to knock the Imagin's swing away. The Imagin then punched Den-O across the face knocking the Rider back.

"Tsk...I hate this guy already!" Den-O complained.

"The feeling is mutual," the Imagin stated, swinging its ax lancing Den-O across the chest.

"Teme!" Den-O complained stabbing his sword hitting the Imagin's shoulder.

Both clashed weapons again before taking a step back and clashing their weapon again annoying one another. Den-O pushed the Imagin's weapon aside before trying a swing as the Imagin used the shaft of its shovel like weapon to block the blade. It then tilted it's weapon to the side before rolling around making Den-O stumble around to the left. The Imagin then swung its weapon cutting Den-O across the shoulder.

Den-O growled as he grabbed the next swing of the weapon. Den-O then slashed his sword across the Imagin's chest making it spark. Den-O swung again keeping up his momentum making more sparks fly from each blow to its chest. The Imagin growled raising his shovel using a gap in the blade to block the next swing of Den-O's sword. The Imagin then used the new leverage to push the Kamen Rider's sword off to the side. The Imagin then slashed it's shovel up hitting Den-O in the chest making the Rider stumble back.

"I hate this guy…" Den-O complained.

"He is a smart fighter compared to our last Imagin enemies." Ryotaro stated.

"I freakin' hate smart fighters! You're not supposed to be smart in a fight!" Den-O complained only to get another slash to his chest armor. "Gah!"

"Maybe if you spent more time strategizing in a fight you wouldn't be so...predictable." the Imagin stated, slashing Den-O across the chest again.

"Me...predictable?" Den-O asked. "ME?! Oh I'm going to kick your sorry bug ass!" Den-O roared taking out his pass. "Take this, my Hissatsu waza!" he shouted scanning it.


Den-O held up his dengasher as the sword shot off and into the air connected by a stream of crimson electric energy. Den-O then swung from the right hitting the Imagin across the chest once making energy spark off the slash. Den-O then swung from the left making more energy surge through the Imagin.

"Part 3!" Den-O shouted slashing down cutting the Imagin down the middle before it exploded. "Heh...Predictable my ass. Sure showed him,that hopper-yaro."

"Momotaros...something doesn't seem right."

"Eh? What're you talking about? I kicked that thing's ass." Den-O complained. "My Hissatsu waza part 3 is unstoppable to some mixed up bug bastard, you worry too much Ryotaro."


"Ah quite worrying it's taken care of, just go home and relax Ryotaro." Den-O stated taking off the belt as Momotaros' left in a red image of himself. Ryotaro stood there confused as he put his belt and pass away.

"Maybe Momotaros is right." he sighed walking down the street to go home. "I'll call Pinkie and Twilight to tell them we took care of the Imagin already." he said pulling out his K-Taros cellphone.

Unknown to him, a figure was watching him from far away,said figure walking away as what appeared to be feathers began to fall around him.

"Huh...Pinkie won't pick up…" Ryotaro muttered unable to get a hold of Pinkie on her phone. "I'll try again." he said typing in her number again.

"Tsk...sucks this thing doesn't have a useful screen, all it can do is make phone calls." Momotaros often complained about the K-Taros ability as a phone when not using it to become Climax form, "Even if it did have a useful screen, I doubt this thing has any games on it."

"Did you seriously just say that, sempai?"

"Well now you can't text message all those girls you're so fond of."

"AH! Your right!"

"Ha! See you damn perverted Kame, you're just as bad as me, only worse because your perverted!"

"Ah...but it is better for a lot of reasons though," Ryotaro added.

"Mainly for the fact you can make calls to anyone for free with the thing."

"Ehehehe...it is useful." Ryotaro admitted, "...I'll try calling Pinkie again."

"You do that. I'm going to have an…'interesting' conversation with the kame."

"Why don't I like the sound of that?"

"Kame's in trouble." Ryutaros laughed.


"Well you guys enjoy your night, I'll keep trying to get Pinkie and tell her about the Imagin. I wonder why she's not picking up?"

"Wah! I lost my phone!" Pinkie cried as she tore her room apart, looking for the cellphone. She could hear it ringing but couldn't find it anywhere. "It must be Ryo trying to tell me about the Imagin...come on cellphone come to Pinkie, I love you." she said as she dove under her bed. "Ah...my mom is going to kill me if I did lose it."

"She must be busy I guess." Ryotaro guessed as he hung up his phone. "I'll just tell her tomorrow." he nodded as he kept walking the sun having already set as street lights turned on lighting up the streets.

As Ryotaro kept walking he stopped suddenly when he felt something fall on his shoulder. He looked to see...a feather. More and more soon began falling around him as he ended up standing right under a street light. Ryotaro kept looking around himself in a circle as the feathers fell.

"Eh...nani?" he blinked before something floated down behind him.

Ryotaro slowly turned around. Standing there was an Imagin. The Imagin's appearance made it look as if it were dressed in a white royal suit. With a golden chest plate and armor on his wrists, and tips of his boots. A very large upturned collar around his neck with feathers extending from it, covering his shoulders, the cuffs around his sleeves, and feathers seeming to make a coat around the Imagin's torso. The Imagin had light blue eyes as wings made ears on the side of it's head.

"Imagin…" Ryotaro stated as the Imagin looked at him.

The next day at school. Pinkie was slowly walking to school. Her normal peppy skip gone as she held her thumb up to her mouth as she was busy chewing on her nail to try and think or at least calm down with the thought of Ryotaro having good news for her. But even after she did find her phone last night it ended with Ryotaro being the one who didn't answer her calls back.

"Pinkie...Pinkie?" Twilight asked waving her hand in her face surprising Pinkie back to reality. "Are you okay, you're spacing out and not in your normal way."

"Oh...sorry, Twilight. It's just...I haven't heard back from Ryotaro," Pinei replied, "I tried to call him back last night after I finally found my phone...he never picked up."

"I see. He must have had something come up or lost his new cellphone." Twilight offered. "He's an unlucky fellow."

"I know but I'm worried we found some stuff about an Imagin around the Cake's." Pinkie explained. "Ryo went to check and he tried calling me a few times."

"Maybe he was just busy chasing it all night?" Twilight guessed, knowing how much Momotaros enjoys...the 'hunt' as he calls it.

"Maybe...still, I'd feel a lot better if Ryo told me Momo or Ryuta destroyed this Imagin." Pinkie admitted.

"Worried about the twins?" Twilight asked getting a nod as an answer. "Well don't worry. I'm sure Ryotaro has it under control."

"...Yeah...you're right," Pinkie nodded a bit.

"Yeah. So let's…" Twilight began before her phone rang, "hmm?" she blinked as she took out her phone to see Rainbow Dash calling her. "It's Rainbow...wonder what she wants? Hello?" she asked answeing the phone.

-Uh...Twilight. You and Pinkie may want to come over here- Rainbow answered -Something's wrong with Ryotaro-

"Why do I never like hearing that combination of words...Wrong, with, and Ryotaro." she sighed as she placed her free hand up to her face and began massaging the bridge of her nose. "What the Taros all taking control at once again?"

-That's the thing...this time it isn't one of the taros- Rainbow replied, confusing Twilight -I don't know what happened, but Ryotaro's acting all...uhm...well...I don't know how else to say it but...he's kind of acting like a way more ego driven Rarity.-

"I'm sorry what?"

-You heard me. He's acting all...snooty-

"So just come see for myself?" she asked palinly.

-Please do...I don't think AJ can hold herself back from hitting Ryotaro back to normal-

"Got it," Twilight nodded as she looked over at Pinkie, "Something's wrong with Ryotaro. We better hurry up to see what's wrong."

"Righty-O Captain." Pinkie saluted as she and Twilight ran to school.

Twilight and Pinkie made their way to the school Cafeteria. They opened the doors to find Rainbow and Applejack as the first two people they saw.

"Okay...where is Ryotaro?" Twilight asked.

"I think you mean prince," AJ groaned.

"I'm sorry?" Twilight blinked before Rainbow turned her head to the side to see what she meant.

Sitting at a...large extravagant table was Ryotaro. Only his hair was styled into cornrows that met at the top of his head, with white streaks all through his hair. He wore a short white leather jacket with a normal shirt on underneath, a pair of dark grey pants, and matching boots. He also had a white feather boa around his neck as well like a scarf. Ryotaro slowly opened his eyes, revealing they were now a bright silver white color.

"Hmm, such an exquisite reception," 'Ryotaro' stated as he used a couple male bullies as footstool, and had two females on his side with everyone else serving him. "Truly you servants know how to treat royalty." he stated as he grabbed a tea cup resting on a saucer and took a sip.

"I don't understand you Nogami-sama." the female next to him said clearly love struck, "One minute your a gangster, the next a little kid obsessed with hip-hop…"

"A really bad sumo wrestler, a playboy...a damn good one at that."

"A prince is allowed to try his hand at many things. Just because you see one thing on the outside, doesn't mean you haven't seen what the inside holds." 'Ryotaro' stated as he cupped the face of one of the girls, "Now...do this homework those peasant teachers expect a prince to waste his time with."


"And if you exceed my expectations...perhaps a reward is in order." he smiled. He then tapped his boot on one of the bullies acting as a foot rest. "Peasant number 4, bring me some entertainment. I grow bored."

"Ok I've seen enough." Twilight frowned.

"Ah be careful...what ever this new Ryotaro is...he's kind of tricky, we tried having Rarity and Fluttershy see what's wrong...but well…" Rainbow began.


"Hmm?" he blinked, seeing a pale-pinkette approach him,. "Hmm you are clearly attractive on the beastial peastant male or female eyes a prince is not sexist." he muttered, "My lovely maiden how may your prince help you?" he asked walking up to Fluttershy as he grabbed her hand. "Speak your request to me." he said as he kissed her hand.

"Oh...a..ano…" fluttershy tried to speak up, a heavy blush on her face, "I...um..I was wondering..ano…"

"Hmm speak up, a beautiful angel, whose body would be prefect in the eyes of me a prince a man among men am a slave to your eternal beauty." 'Ryotaro' spoke as he cupped Fluttershy's chin to make her look up at him and into his eyes. "Your prince commands you...to command him."

"...T...Tenshi(angel)?!" Fluttershy squeaked out, her entire face a beet red, "A...ano...ano…"

"You're voice is that of beautiful temptress i am losing the feelings in my knees your powers of persuasion is so breathtaking." he said pulling her close, "My beautiful angel, would you allow me this." he asked kissing her on the forehead.


Rainbow then finished pointing to a completely red Fluttershy, who looked like she was dead.

"Ah! He got Fluttershy!" Pinkie shouted as she bolted to the shy pinkette, "Hang in there!" she cried holding her friend.

"And Rarity?" Twilight asked.

"Oh god she was the worst…" Rainbow groaned.


"Out of my way." Ryotaro said coming into the student council president's office, "Hmm a place for a prince." he noted as he stroked his chin as he thought of how to change it. "Yes, a wonderful seat here, and changing the floor all together and it be a wonderful room." he smirked as he sat down in a chair and slammed both his boots on the desk. "And no one is going to stop m…" he started as the door slammed open.

"What on earth do you think you're doing?" Rarity asked him, a slight frown on her face, "This is my office. And...Ryotaro?"

"It is very rude to address your prince so casually….." he started before they looked at each other.

'Oh my...what elegance, his attire his aura...his persence.." Rarity thought as she blushed.

"So...what have you to say for yourself?" Ryotaro demanded as he stood up. "I do not like intrusion upon my personal space, least of all so abruptly and rudely."

Rarity then slapped him.


"I will have you know i am a lady! and i demand the respect of one."

"You...you've stuck me...no one has ever done so to me before…" he whispered holding his face.

"Who are you Amuro Ray?" she joked, mentally blaming having anime night with Pinkie and rainbow.

"Why I never. What kind of respect is this to royalty?"

"Last guy i met who was royalty treated me...poorly."

"Then the man you met must have been an utter buffoon. No Royal person would treat a beautiful woman so poorly" he said, "And for striking me you should be punished…" he said before pulling her into a dance, "Dance with me my princess."

"P...p...princess?!" Rarity exclaimed, a bright blush on her face

"Quiet...and let us dance." he said, snapping his fingers as elegent music began to play.


"They danced for 3 hours straight."

"Well...part of me isn't surprised by that." Twilight admitted. "Wait, then where is Rarity now?"

"My Prince! I've gotten your royal gown," Rarity said, coming in with clothes as she had a blissful smile on her face.

"No surprise whatsoever…" Pinkie stated bluntly.

"Eeyup," Applejack agreed, a deadpanned look on her face. "Ok look out. Ah got it."

"Don't hit him." Twilight said, "Get the imagin out of him then we'll all hit him."

"An Imain is the only thing that makes sense." Pinkie said. "Ryo's not that good with girls at all. that's Urataros department"


"Honestly i had to stop him from a love hotel two weeks ago." Pinkie sighed.

"Wait what?!" Twilight exclaimed upon hearing that.

"Don't worry. Ah'm not gonna fall fer that mushy stuff," Applejack assured as she began to walk up to 'Ryotaro', "Hey, y-"

-5 mins later-

"Ah ah…." AJ blushed greatly, messing with her hair and walking past the girls.

"Wow...just wow," Pinkie blinked seeing this. "Better than Ura...way better."

"Don't worry i got this," Twilight said, "I handle Momotaros and he was the worst of them all ok listen u…."

-30 secs later-

"He's not that bad." Twilight said blushing. "But he's not that good either."

"Oh come on!" Rainbow complained. "Pinkie, try driving him crazy!" she ordered.

"Yeah...no…" she shook her head. "I have babies to visit later."

"Oh come on, you're the one immune to all the Taro's tricks, try and get Ryuta to force him out or something."

"Oh you mean the child dragon?" 'Ryotaro' asked appearing behind her. "He tried. They all did."



"Ok football! Hut hut hike!" Momotaros shouted.

Momotaros, Kintaros and Urataros all charged at the new Ryotaro only to end up running through him and crashing into the wall.

"Humph! These are the warriors i saw yesterday?" Ryotaro asked as the three all slid down the wall.

"Hey! Get out of there, pretty boy! Only one pretty boy in this group and he's a perverted kame I like to beat up and insult on a daily bases."

"And I hate you just as much Sempai…"

"What insolence, zu ga takai….Zu ga takai!" Ryotaro shouted pointing at the three.

"What are you talking about our heads are too high!" Momotaros shouted as his voice became higher and higher as if he breathed in helium.

"Is everything getting bigger?" Urataros asked his voice getting higher pitched as well.

In a large puff of smoke all three...shrunk to the size of small action figures.

"Ah...Momotaros-tachi...shrunk." Ryutaros said as he leaned down to look at them. "hehe...they're like toys. Kawai."

"Play child. Your prince leaves you."

"Okay bye-bye!" Ryutaros waved him off. He then began slamming his hands into the ground knocking all three mini-taros off balance.

"Ahh Godzilla!" Momotaros roared as Ryutaros began poking them all knocking them over.

"Hehe...take that...and that."

"I'll be right back." Pinkie said, running off in a puff of smoke and then the smoke dance as Pinkie was back laughing. "Aahaha! I took a picture." she laughed, showing the girls pics of what happened to Momotaros, Urataros, and Kintaros.

"Heh heh...mini-Momo," Rainbow chuckled. "Pinkie, send me that."

"Yeah ahh...hey where's Weird Ryotaro, or W-Ryotaro as I'm calling him?"

"So like how you call his possessed forms M, U, K, and R-Ryotaro?" Rainbow asked.

"Exactly." Pinkie smiled as she put her phone away. "Okay we need to find Ryotaro and our friends are acting weird. Dashy...start slapping." she said, making Rainbow smile happily.

"Glad to…" Rainbow smirked as she started to rub her hands a bit, "Question is...who to slap first?"

"Rarity is kind of starting to freak me out…" Pinkie admitted. "So uh...you know do with that what you will, I tried to stop you but I needed to wake up Fluttershy." she said twirling her finger as a floating bubble of water appeared over Fluttershy's head.

"Gotcha," Rainbow nodded as she left to go look for Rarity, "And while i'm at it, i'll smack some sense into AJ as well."

"Which leaves me with Twilight than," Pinkie figured walking towards her, "...Eisenstein is an idiot."

"Take that back!" Twilight snapped, her blush disappearing.

"Haha...I know you so well." Pinkie laughed, putting her hands on Twilight's shoulders. "You're too predictable."


"Now...time to wake up Fluttershy," Pinkie giggled before snapping her fingers, causing the bubble of water to pop and spill its contents all over the pinkette.

"Kya!" Fluttershy screamed as she shot up, "C….cold…."

"Ooops. Got some on your shirt. Cover your chest, Flutters."

"Pinkie, you can just remove it with your powers." Twilight said, giving Pinkie a cold glare.

"You're no fun." Pinkie pouted as she used her powers to get the water off Fluttershy, "There. Happy?"

"No more sugar," Twilight stated making Pinkie cry. Twilight then helped Fluttershy back to her feet.

"Well got babies to visit bye bye."

"Wait you gotta help us…!"

"I'll look as I go!" Pinkie shouted as she ran off.

"But...it's still school…" Twilight muttered, "...Ugh...come on, Fluttershy. Let's go look for Rarity and Applejack."

"H...hai," Fluttershy nodded as the two left the cafeteria, "Where do you think…"

"Ow!" they heard Rarity's voice from not to far off, "What was that for, Rainbow Dash?!"

"To put some sense into ya, that's what!" Rainbow's voice argued.

"That's no excuse to smack someone!" Rarity argued back.

"Shut up! I have one more person to slap sense into, so go help find Ryotaro, you know so you can fall in love with him again." Rainbow stated.

"I was not in love with…"

"Rarity….you're wearing a wedding dress."

"...its for a play."

"Uh huh...what's the name of it?"


"I thought so. Now hurry up and get changed so we can go find Applejack." Rainbow stated, "and you're also beginning to embarrass me too."

"How am I embarrassing you?"

"I have to hang out with the crazy bride." Rainbow laughed.

"...Just for that, I'm forcing you to try out one of my dresses next time you come to my place."

"Aw, come on!"

"ugh...stupid blush. Get off," Applejack muttered as she tried to get the blush off, the blonde standing on the school roof, "It was just some fancy, honeydewed words."

"Found her!" Rainbow's voice shouted as the tomboy came rushing in, "AJ! Wait right there!" she ordered.

"Not plannin' on goin' anywhere," Applejack sweatdropped a bit, the blush still on her face.

"Good, now before I end up angering you, are you clear headed or do I need to slap you back to normal like I did Rarity?" she asked holding her hand up. "Please tell me I have to slap you."

"..Ah'm clearheaded, but Ah can't get this darn blush of mah face!" Applejack exclaimed in annoyance, "Th' next time Ah see that...whoever is possessin'' Ryotaro, Ah'm gonna…!"

"You sure it's not the fact the words came from Ryo's mouth?" Rainbow asked.

"...N….no!" Applejack argued, the blush increasing a bit, "...Gosh darn it, Rainbow!"

"Oh my god that is the problem!" Rainbow shouted, laughing a bit, "Wow. These Imagin sure know how to make Ryo's pretty boy face work for them if they can even get you this worked up."

"...Just shut up and slap this blush off me," Applejack muttered as she knelt down to Rainbow's level.

"No hit backs!" Rainbow quickly stated as she raised her arm. "Also this is now one of the best days ever." she said as swung her arm.


"...phew. Thanks Rainbow," Applejack sighed a bit as her blush was gone, but was replaced with a bright red hand mark on her face.

"Haha...no really thank you...that was the most fulfilling thing I've ever done." she laughed. "Ah...if I don't hit this stupid Imagin watching you do it will be great."

"Oh trust me…" Applejack began as she cracked her knuckles a bit, "Ah'm gonna do more than just hit 'em. Ah won't kill him, but ah WILL hurt him."

"Oh ho, ominous." Rainbow chuckled. "But let's find Ryotaro first...before that new guy ends up getting him elected King...or married to Rarity...cause I swear that one probably wasn't even the Imagin's fault." she joked.

"..Let's just regroup with th' others and find this guy," Applejack sighed.


"Anything?" Twilight asked over the phone with Rainbow.

-I've flown around town like ten times Twilight, and yes not once did I see a royal carriage, a group of people, or parade with Ryotaro in the center. Whoever this new Imagin is...he's crafty-

"I see…" Twilight noted.

-However, I did get at least one clue...feathers. It seems this guy leaves feathers everywhere he goes-

"Huh...come to think of it, back at the cafeteria, he had a bunch of feathers around his chair and table." Twilight remembered. "It must be a bird Imagin."

-If Ryotaro starts flying, we are going to have a talk about team roles.-

"Yeah...no." Twilight stated calmly.

-Just kidding, I know we're not keeping this one. But what are we doing with it?-

"The Momotaros option," Twilight stated.

-Harsh.- Rainbow replied. -But given how much he embarrassed over 80 percent of our team...mainly you and Applejack, seems fair.-

"...Just hurry up and find him," Twilight sighed.

-K...still, he got Flutters, Rares, and AJ pretty good. Heck, I'm surprised they weren't trying to fight over him- Rainbow chuckled.

"I doubt that actually happen." Twilight sighed. "Still looks like we lost our secret weapon with Pinkie going off to do her own thing. Her craziness is the only thing no Imagin can predict."

-More like Pinkie's senses are so weird, she'd be immune to that freaky prince charming thing the new Imagin has going on- Rainbow stated.

"Yeah...I just wish she didn't rush out of school to help us," Twilight groaned.

-Eh. What can ya do? It's Pinkie, so don't question it-

"Achoo!" Pinkie sneezed as she froze in place, "...huh. Someone must be talking about me." she said as she resumed walking down the street to Sugar Cube corner. It having taken longer with out a pair of wheels like last time with Ryotaro, but she got there in time.

She was about to walk in, but she quickly noticed two things...one; the front door was opened. And two; there was some feathers on the floor.

"My beautiful siblings soon i shall have a kingdom for us, and multiple servants for mother and father."

"That voice...no way!" Pinkie gasped as she rushed inside. Once she did she found...W-Ryotaro as she dubbed him rocking the two drowsy twins in their crib to sleep.

"Rest for now my dear sister and brother, you need your sleep to grow into a wonderful pair of royal siblings." he said as they slowly fell asleep. He then turned to notice Pinkie. "ah Servant good timing, I require you to bring me tea, I am relaxing with my siblings." he stated as he began snapping his fingers.

"Get away from the babies!" Pinkie shouted, summoning bubbles. "I learned a lot of water techniques from reading Jojo!"

"Hmm…?" W-Ryotaro turned to look at her. "You dare to try and start a battle near my siblings?" he asked as he stood up and turned to face her. "If you must be a rufian, do it in the sticks where you belong then." he said about to do something till a yawn from his 'Siblings' made him sit down. "Ah what a wonderful noise for a royal child to make." he commented as he patted their heads.

"You are crazier than me and trust me...that's saying something." Pinkie informed him, "They aren't your siblings. Heck, they aren't even Ryotaro's."

"What idiocy do you spout, buffoon?" W-Ryotaro asked as he turned to face her. "Do not speak of things you do not understand. Leave. Your presence is not needed here."

"..Not until you…" Pinkie began before she began to twitch a bit, "...oh no...not now."

"What's the matter with you now?"

"My Pinkie sense is twitching!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Buffoon make yourself useful." W-Ryotaro spoke up looking out the window. "Get rid of that pest." he said pointing at a Grasshopper Imagin like the one Den-O destroyed already.

"Eh?" Pinkie blinked before noticing the Imagin, "Waagh! Imagin!" she screamed as she quickly gained her gear.

W-Ryotaro gave her an annoyed look. "Do not startle the royal siblings." he complained flicking her forehead.

"...argue with you later. Got a bug to deal with," Pinkie muttered, rubbing the spot W-Ryotaro flicked her on before she turned towards the Grasshopper Imagin, "Alrighty, buggy, time to…!"

"Bye bye!" the Grasshopper Imagin laughed as it leapt away.

"Hey! Get back here, I wasn't done!" Pinkie snapped as she followed after it.

"She is rather...unintelligent is she not siblings?" W-Ryotaro asked the twins, but got some giggling noise, "Hmm? you like that about her? Very well...she shall become your personal fool once my kingdom is complete."

"Ah...where did it go?" Pinkie asked as she ran around the street. The Imagin out of her sight completely.

"Sneak attack!" the Imagin shouted kicking Pinkie from behind knocking her down.

"Hey! No fair!" Pinkie complained as she shot up, summoning her ice hammer as she swung at the enemy Imagin.

The Imagin jumped over her swing before landing behind her. It then pulled out a strange shaped sword, it had a green handle, but the upper half of the blade was wide and shaped like a violin/fiddle with a green bladed edge. The Imagin then used the blade to block Pinkie's next swing.

"Oh...you're not bad for a human." the Grasshopper Imagin stated. "Den-O would be better though, at least he knows how to fight up close and personal." he Imagin taunted as he pushed her ice hammer away. He then ducked another swing before blocking another.

"Oh trust me. I can be pretty scary when I want to be!" Pinkie shouted as she leapt up into the air, her ice hammer turning into an ice rocket launcher, "Now eat ice rockets!"

"That's cold!" the Imagin joked as he slashed his sword, leaving a large green streak as the missiles came at him. Resulting in an explosion of icy mist.

Pinkie landed on her feet before the Imagin jumped over her head and landed on a light pole. He then rested his sword on his shoulder and made a motion as if playing it like a real fiddle.

"Dun-dun-dundundun!" the Imagin happily played the tune for his weapon as he danced on the arm of the street light. "Come on Element of Harmony dance the night away!" he laughed as he swatted another ice rocket away with his sword.

"Ooh! You're starting to get on my nerves, buddy!" Pinkie frowned as she shifted her ice rocket launcher into a large ice wrench.

"What're you gonna do with that? Fix my water-pipes?" the Imagin joked before it felt the street light it was standing on become wobbly. "Well played woman...well played." he said as the pole fell over bringing the Imagin with it.

"Trust me. You haven't seen nothing yet," Pinkie smirked a bit, resting the ice wrench on her shoulders, "In fact, there's some things I'd like to try after reading some mangas, and you're the perfect test dummy, Hoppy."

"Bring it on, you walking stick of cotton candy!" the Imagin offered. It's antena then twitched. "Eh...no choice then." he stated as he looked at Pinkie. "sorry Element of Harmony, but you got boring all of a sudden, I need to be back to my brother, Buh-bye!"

"Brother? W...hey wait a minute!" Pinkie exclaimed as the Imagin hopped away, "Hey! You can't do that! Monster's aren't supposed to run away during the first fight!"

"Read the Kaijin rule book, woman! We get a free one!" the Imagin stated becoming a black and green blur that disappeared into the sky.

"You made that up!" Pinkie shouted to the sky.

"What an expected failure." W-Ryotaro's voice stated.

"Oh no…" Pinkie groaned as she turned around to see him.

"Your lucky my siblings were asleep or the noise would have startled them." he stated simply. "If you must destroy half the street...do them a favor and do it in another town." he stated simply as he walked back to the shop and the twins.

"I...wh...b...you…" Pinkie sputtered before groaning, the pinkette taking out her phone and calling Twilight, "Twilight...it's me. I found 'Ryotaro'"

-That's great...or bad...I don't know how to feel about that honestly.-

"He thinks the cakes new babies are his royal siblings."

-I'm sorry? But it sounded like you just said this weird new Imagin...thinks the twins as his siblings.-

"Did i say something pinkie pie-ish at the end of that last sentence?"

-Well he's gotten on your nerves too it seems.-

"Lets just say we don't see eye to silvery-white Ryotaro eye."

-That sounds like you. Okay we'll be there as soon as we can. Try not to...make things more convoluted-

"Roger, Twilight," Pinkie nodded.

-See you in a bit.-

"See?! This is what I meant!" Pinkie hissed quietly as W-Ryotaro was holding both twins in his arms as he read...well showed them a picture book.

"Ah. You like this one, do you my Imouto?" he asked, nuzzling his…'siblings'. "But you shall not have a boyfriend….I sooner be dead and a ghost haunting them then allow a male to touch you."

"Wow...I so did not see this coming." Rainbow admitted.

"He's acting like...a good big brother…" Twilight stated.

"I did not see this coming whatsoever." Fluttershy admitted.

"Eenope," Applejack added.

"Aw it looks rather sweet." Rarity admitted.

"Don't get any ideas." everyone else stated at the same time.

"Hush. I'm trying to get my siblings to sleep once more," W- Ryotaro hushed them. "They truly have too much energy, it's impressive." he smiled as he stood up. "they are almost asleep, just rock them gently and they shall slumber." he explained walking up to them. He then handed the twins over to Fluttershy. "Please watch them for me."

"oh...ano...okay," Fluttershy nodded as she carefully held the twins.

W-Ryotaro then held his hand over his mouth as he gave a very quiet yawn. "Much too long a day, I require a royal nap." he yawned as he stretched his arms slightly.

Before anyone could protest, a gold light came off of W-Ryotaro before he changed back to Ryotaro, the gold light changing into a Swan Imagin that Ryotaro had met the other night. The Imagin yawned as he walked off into the house to find a place to sleep.

"Wait. That's what the Imagin looks like?" Rainbow asked watching it walk down the hall, "Kind of what I expected. He even looks snooty."

"Well he's in fer a little payback," Applejack frowned as she began to walk towards the Imagin.

"...After what happened with Ryo, I want in on this," Rainbow added as she followed the blonde, "Hey, snooty!"


"Oh no...not again." Ryotaro stated finally able to control his body.

"What did he do?" Twilight asked.

"Eto...well you see when he shouts 'Your head is to high' like that he makes anyone he wants….shrink." Ryotaro explained.

"...I'm sorry, btu did you jsut say…" twilight began.

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack's voice exclaimed in a high pitch, causing the rest of the group to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash to size of action figures.

"Ah he did it." Ryotaro said as he leaned down to look at them. "He tried it on other people before but...for some reason it worked on you guys." He said as he held his hand out for them so he could pick them up. "Sorry guys...he's really hard to control, I tried pushing him out before...but I couldn't."

"Well get him to change us back!" Rainbow demanded, "This is very humiliating!"

"I'm sorry guys but it doesn't work that way, you have to wait to change back to normal." Ryotaro apologised. "I'm really sorry, I tried helping him but he just ended up possessing me and doing all sorts of things." he said as Rainbow and Applejack jumped on the palm of his hand as Ryotaro stood back up.

"Ah see...ugh...darn it," Applejack groaned, "Well can y'all explain when ya bumped into that oversized chicken?"

"Ano last night after Momotaros and I destroyed the Grasshopper Imagin I ran into him. His name is Sieg." Ryotaro explained. "He...he is contracted to...well…" he said sheepishly using his free hand to scratch the back of his head using the same hand to point to the sleeping twins in Fluttershy's arms. "With Pound and Pumpkin." he finally stated.

This took a few seconds for the info to register in the girls heads.

"...EH?!" the girls exclaimed.

"Hai...Sieg is their Imagin." he finally stated. "That's why he calls them siblings he is connected to them. It also seems since he was contracted to them from the moment they were born...he is many times stronger than any of the Imagin we have faced before. As evident by the...uh..." he finished that by pointing to Rainbow and Applejack.

"How does that make sense!?" Rainbow shouted.

"If I wasn't upset, I'd comment on how cute Rainbow sounds with a chipmunk voice!" Pinkie shouted.

"DON'T CALL ME CUTE!" Rainbow snapped, her eyes blank and teeth shark like.

"Rainbow calm down, you'll wake the babies." Ryotaro stated calmly.

"I'll calm down when that uppity prick changes me…!"


"..And AJ back to normal," Rainbow stated with a frown.

"I understand you're upset but you don't want to upset the twins, when they start crying nothing can stop them." Ryotaro explained.

"He's right, they just get louder and louder." Pinkie agreed resting her head on Ryotaro's shoulder so she could look down at the miniature Applejack and Rainbow Dash.


"Rainbow…" Applejack spoke up, "Ah'm as upset as y'all are, but ya gotta calm down, ok?"

"...fine…" Rainbow sighe in defeat as she sat down, puffing her cheeks a bit, "I still want that snooty jerk to change us back to normal size."

"I'm sorry again." Ryotaro lowered his head in apology to his friends currently standing on the palm of his hand.

"Ryotaro, why did you...decide to help Sieg anyway?" Twilight asked.

"Well...Sieg told me he wanted my help to protect the twins." he explained as Pinkie took one of the twins to make it easier for Fluttershy. "Even though it's clear Sieg is probably many times more powerful than the Grasshopper Imagin, and maybe even the Taros."

"So what...he just wanted someone to do it for him?" Rainbow complained.

"Hai…" Ryotaro nodded his head.

"Right..kinda sucks he got away though," Pinkie pouted, making Ryotaro blink a bit.

"Huh...but Momotaros destroyed him last night." he stated making everyone look at him, "...What?"

"...Did you accidently sniff paint or something, Ryo? Because I know for a fact that's not true," Pinkie stated, "I saw it trying to get into Sugar Cube Corner, I chased after it, a fight ensued, and it got away."

"Demo...last night when you went home, I was attacked by a black and green grasshopper Imagin, and Momotaros destroyed it as Den-O." Ryotaro stated. "I think I remember when something tries to kill me."

"...did it looks something like…" Pinkie began, taking out a pencil and a notepad before furiously drawing something before showing him a perfect picture of the GRasshopper Imagin, "this?"

"Yes...only...the one I met used a shovel...not...a violin?" Ryotaro asked looking at the picture closely.

"What the hell is with Imagin and freaky weapons?" Rainbow complained.

"That's not important." Pinkie said, "What's important there are two Grasshoppers...maybe even more. The one I met said it had to get back to it's brother."

"I see…" Twilight noted, taking in that info after hearing all that, "But...if that's true, then what on earth could they be after?"

"Sieg, wouldn't tell me," Ryotaro said.

"Ryotaro, you're not keeping this one." Twilight said bluntly, "You barely managed to handle 4 Imagin at once before you got Climax Form."

"Hai." Ryotaro nodded. "Demo...Sieg doesn't seem so bad...I just can't remember how he was able to possess me, even though I'm not his contractor."

"Momotaros does that sometimes." Pinkie spoke up.

"Question?" Rainbow spoke up as she summoned her gear to fly up. "Can you remember everything Sieg did with your body?"

"Ano…" Ryotaro blushed at that question.

"So you remember what he did to them right?" Rainbow asked, jerking her thumb over to Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity.

"Well...I...do remember…" he said quietly still blushing while scratching his cheek, trying his best not to stare at anything but a spot on the ceiling that looked rather interesting.

"Yeah...well you better keep him under control if you do happen to keep this guy," Rainbow stated, "Otherwise you'll end up with a harem or something."

"...h….harem?!" Ryotaro squeaked out, his entire face blushing brightly, "Stop, hold on...it wasn't even me who said those things…"

"Well they only ever react that way when the words come out of your mouth," Rainbow added, enjoying this little torment to her friends.

"Rainbow...y'all better stop right now," Applejack frowned, blushing a bit as she glared at the rainbowette.

"Agreed," Twilight added, blushing a bti as well as she glared at the miniature tomboy.

"Hey the fact you're so mad at me just means I'm not wrong." Rainbow chuckled flying out of Twilight's reach.

"Mou...Rainbow it's not nice to pick on your friends like that…" Ryotaro complained. "More when you make wild accusations."

"Hey, is it wrong for me to joke around every once in awhile?" Rainbow asked with a slight smirked, resting on the air.

"Not when you make fun of us like that." Everyone who was blushing stated at the same time.

"...ugh...fine. i'll stop," Rainbow muttered as she landed on teh counter, "But in all seriousness, let's get back to those two Imagin Pinkie and Ryo mentioned. Who sent them, and what exactly are they after?"

"And why are they after the twins?" Pinkie asked as she appeared in front of the counter Rainbow landed on.

"Hm...Pinkie you don't think it could be those men we saw the other day?" Ryotaro asked Pinkie.

"Ah! That's right!" she stated loudly turning around quickly her hair whipping Rainbow.

"Woah!" Rainbow screamed as she was sent flying.

"She's fine." Twilight said with AJ nodding in agreement. "Now what guys?"

"The other day these two shady businessmen tried to trick Mr. Cake to sign this very unfair contract."

"So Ura used his words to turn them around and make them look super stupid," Pinkie added. "Then he punted them across the street like soccer balls."

"I see…" Twilight noted, "...If that's the case, then I might have a bad feeling why they want those Imagin to capture the twins."

"What do you...oh...oh dear," Rarity whispered when it hit her, "You're not trying to say those businessmen want to use the twins as a bargaining chip, are you?"

"The company they work for probably won't take no for an answer, and to complete their wish the Imagin might take this as the best option." Ryotaro said.

"Ah...now I wish we let Momo go at them." Pinkie said, holding Pound Cake close.

"Hai…" Ryotaro nodded.

"How horrid...using newborn infants just to get something," Rarity frowned greatly, Fluttershy nodding in agreement with a frown on her face as well.

"Then let's just blow up their last Imagin, then lock them in a room with M-Ryotaro." Rainbow suggested as she flew over and landed on Fluttershy's shoulder.

"As much as Ah want t' agree with y'all there Rainbow, Ah'm gonna have t' point somethin' out," applejack spoke up, "We don't even know where these businessmen are."

"So what? All we can do is wait?" Rainbow countered.

"I don't like it either...but we have no clue how to find the Imagin otherwise." Ryotaro spoke up. "Normally we find them by knowing what the wish is...and well we already know it."

"He's right...I really don't like it, but we already know where they are going to strike...going out to look would be pointless." Twilight stated.

"Oh what an awful predicament." Rarity sighed.

"Then we need to make sure someone is always here to protect the twins then." Fluttershy said.

"Right," Rainbow nodded as she leaned against teh pinkette's neck, "And let's jsut hope Momotaros and the others change back to normal in time…"


"Ew! You sneezed on me, sempai!"

"Ah shut up!"

"Heheh...they're like hamsters." Ryutaros smiled as he put all three mini-taros in a large teacup.

"Don't you even think about putting us in one of those hamster balls, hanatare kozo!" Momotaros snapped as he shook his fist at the Dragon Imagin.

"Ahh! Baka-Momo read my mind!" Ryutaros freaked out grabbing him and putting him in a hamster ball.

"God damn it! Oi, Celeste! Get your butt in here and help us!"

"She still isn't here, Sempai. She won't be back until later today," Urataros spoke up.

"Damn useless woman!"

"An...wait what do you shout in bowling?" Ryutaros asked as he was in a bowling pose poised to throw Momotaros in a hamster ball down the car of DenLiner.

"Don't you dare!"

"Go ahead, Ryuta!" Naomi said setting up soda bottles as bowling pins.

"Traitor!" Momotaros shouted.

"Strike!" Ryutaros shouted, tossing the hamster ball down the car and knocking all the bottles over.

"Perfect!" Naomi cheered.

"I'M GONNA KILL THAT CHICKEN WINGED BASTARD WHEN I...urp...oh man...I'm gonna puke!"

"Hahaha!" Ryutaros laughed.

Owner took a bite of his food before seeing the hamster ball roll on past him. He grabbed his cane and stopped it.

"Ryutaros. no pets."

"That's just Momotaros-no-baka."

"Ah then carry on." he said as he swatted the hamster ball like a golf ball with his cane being the club sending it flying the other way down the car.

"DAMN IT!-!-!-!"

"...I want to help sempai, but at the same time, I am enjoying this way too much," Urataros chuckled as he watched.

"Indeed." Kintaros nodded in agreement.


"Soccer time!" Ryutaros shouted kicking the hamster ball. "GOAL!" he shouted as the hamster ball flew back down the car only for owner to swat it back to Ryutaros.

"Hm...what an interesting day indeed." Owner said as he sipped some coffee as he swatted Momotaros-hamsterball back to Ryutaros.

"Ah look at this!" Ryutaros cried as Kintatos and Urataros' heads grew to normal size making them look like they where trapped in the teacup before it cracked and exploded releasing two normal sized Imagin once more. "Ah they're back to normal."

"Kozo…" Momotaros voice came from behind. making Ryutaros slowly turned to see the regular sized Imagin, "VENGEANCE! Momotaros Driver!" he shouted grabbing Ryutaros around the waist before falling back slamming his head into the ground with a suplex.

"Hmm?" Ryotaro blinked a bit when he heard Momotaros' voice shout in his head, "...Ano...I think they're back to normal."

"Really?" Twilight asked.

"Momotaros' voice sounds back to normal, and not a chipmunk like it once was...and he's getting revenge on Ryutaros for tormenting him." he explained simply.

"Oh poor Ryuta." Pinkie stated.

"I hope he's alright," Fluttershy said in worry.

"We can worry after I'm back to normal!" Rainbow complained. "I get enough jokes about my height as it is! That jerk just made it worse."

"We'll worry about that after that Grasshopper Imagin is doen with, "Applejack stated, "...Even though Ah'd like t' get back t' mah normal size as well."

"I'm sure you'll turn back like the others, it will just take a bit." Ryotaro said sheepishly.

"Seriously, you're not allowed to keep this one Ryotaro." Rainbow spoke up flying up to his face, "bad enough we got Urataros hitting on every girl in the city, we don't need this new guy getting you a freakin' harem."

"Mou...Rainbow, I get it already…" Ryotaro sighed. "But we need to do something with him...we can't just leave him to be the babysitter for the twins till his contract is complete."

"He's got a point, Rainbow Dash," Twilight spoke up as she walked up next to him, "Plus we still have that Grasshopper Imagin to worry about, so we need to think of something to deal with it...and I think I got something."

"Really?" everyone asked hopefully.

"Yes...we set a trap," Twilight suggested, "One of us will be the bait for it, and once the enemy Imagin appears to capture said bait…"

"We jump him!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"And we beat him!" Pinkie added, equally enthusiastic.

"Exactly, but maybe we should wait till Rainbow and Applejack return to normal. So we're all at full strength." Twilight offered.

"Ugh...the more I'm reminded the more I can only shudder at the poor jokes Pinkie has in her head." Rainbow sighed.

"Hey~!" Pinkie complained.

"Um...excuse me, but I have a question," Rarity spoke up, catching everyone's attention, "who's gongi to be the bait?"

Everyone minus Pinkie...turned to stare at Pinkie. Making her eyes widen and her hair poof up bigger in surprise.


"It's for the best, Pinkie. The Imagin must know you care for them the most by this point." Twilight said.

"Wah~! Why has my love for the twins turned against me so?" Pinkie complained.

"Suck it up and be bait," Rainbow complained. "Me and AJ got shrunk, so you can walk around for a trap."

"I'd rather be shrunk short and listen to all your bad jokes about it instead."

"I don't make bad jokes." Rainbow countered.

"Whatever, Shorty."

"Who the hell are you calling a beanstalk in a giant pot of chilli?!" Rainbow snapped.

"Ah...she's gone into her not short rant again." Twilight deadpanned along with everyone else.

"Indeed/hai." everyone else nodded.

"...ugh...darn it," Pinkie muttered as she stood out in the open, "I know I want to protect the twins, but being used as live bait? That's...nevermind. Gotta focus."

"Remind me again, why we are hiding in the bushes?" A still small Rainbow asked, standing on Ryotaro's head.

"Twilight said we just need to keep an eye out for when the Imagin shows up." he stated as Applejack stood on his shoulder. Neither having turned back to normal yet.

"I get that but AJ and I are small...couldn't we just hide in that untamed wilderness that is Pinkie's hair?" Rainbow asked.

"For some reason, that doesn't sound like a safe idea…" Ryotaro replied.

"Why not? It'll make for a great sneak attack by me and AJ," Rainbow countered, "The minute that Imagin get's too close to Pinkie, BAM! Me and AJ spring out and attack!"

"But what if you return to normal size while in Pinkie's hair?" Ryotaro asked. "In fact, what if you changed back now?" he asked pointing out how both of them were standing on him to get around faster.

"...He's got a point there, Rainbow," Applejack admitted.

"...Darn it. You're right," Rainbow muttered, "It sounded like a cool idea at the time too."

"Well as long as we have an understanding now." Ryotaro replied before his K-Taros went off. "Just a second." he said flipping it open and answering. "Hello? Oh Twilight, no nothing yet. Yes, I'll be sure to keep an eye out in case we see the Imagin."

"It's so boring…" Rainbow complained.

"No nothing, Rainbow is just complaining again." Ryotaro told Twilight.

"Hey don't just treat it like a usual thing!" Rainbow snapped.


'Don't you shush me, AJ! I…!"

"Quite…" Applejack stated as she closed her eyes, cupping her hands behind her ears to listen in,"...Ah think ah hear it comin'."

"I'll call you back Twilight." Ryotaro said hanging up. he then strapped his belt on. "Momotaros, are you and the others ready?" he asked mentally.

"Heh...just try and stop us!"

"Good," Ryotaro nodded.

"...Come on..where is he already? I…" Pinkie began before she began to twitch, "...twitcha Twitch! Twitcha twitch!" she said as she instantly summoned her gear and formed a wall of ice as a fiddle shaped sword got stuck in it.

"No fair! You're not allowed to have a Spider-sense!" the Grasshopper Imagin shouted standing on the branch of a tree.

"It's not Spider-sense! it's my Pinkie Sense! There's a difference!" Pinkie argued from behind the ice wall.

"Your face will look different when I'm done with it!" he shouted jumping down on the ground. Before he could do anything Ryotaro's leg kicked out nailing the Imagin in the rear making him stumble forward comically.

Pinkie dispelled the wall of ice and formed a baseball bat of ice before using it to strike the Imagin in the face, making it flip through the air and land on the ground face first.

"Nice kick Ryotaro." Rainbow said as Ryotaro walked fully out from the bushes.

"Ambushes are unfair too…" the Imagin complained from the ground.

"Well that's what you get for running away, Hoppy," Pinkie stated, twirling the ice bat with ease.

"Don't call me that!" the imagin complained.

"Suck it up Hoppy. once Pinkie names you it's stuck to ya." Rainbow laughed.

"AH! They have a fairy!"

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A FLEA IN AN ANT COLONY!?" Rainbow snapped, her eyes blank and teeth shark like.


"Now that I think of it ,Rainbow is a small flying sparkly thing right now." Pinkie pointed out.

"Pinkie, now's not the time." Ryotaro tried to reason, Applejack shaking her head in exasperation at this.

"Oh right. Imagin stuff," Pinkie remembered as she looked back at teh Grasshopper Imagin, "Alrighty, get ready for a bti of a cool shower via bubbles!"

"Bubbles? What are bubbles gonna…" the Grasshopper Imagin began before a swarm of bubbles flew at him...except for the fact they froze turning into small cannon balls of ice that pelted him. "Gah! It's not fair these are bubbles!" he cried as he stumbled back. "Time out! I don't like dodgeball! Ouch!"

"This one is a lot more different from the other one I face." Ryotaro noted. "Mine was more...serious."

"Oh joy. We get th' stupid one," Applejack sighed.

"I'm not stupid!"

"You got beat by bubbles!" Rainbow pointed out.

"I will clap you to death, fairy!"


"Matte, Rainb-and she's gone," Ryotaro sighed as Rainbow charged forward, the tomboy engulfed in electricity.

"GAH! IT stings! It's not a fairy! It's a very very angry electric wasp!" the Grasshopper Imagin yelped as it tried to swat Rainbow away, only to get 'zapped' each time the electrified mini-tomboy hit him.

"Ryo, try transforming now while Rainbow is torturing the Imagin!" Pinkie shouted.

"Oh okay." Ryotaro nodded as he grabbed his pass. "Henshin." he called as he swiped the pass the shards forming into Plat form. Somehow the transformation ignored the fact Applejack was still on his shoulder. Den-O then pulled out the K-Taros. "Yosh ikuyo mina."

At that everyone heard a loud poof and turned to see Rainbow now back to her normal size as she punched the Imagin across the face.

"Rainbow's back to normal." Den-O stated seeing this.

"Wait if she's back to normal…" Pinkie began.

"Ah!" Den-O suddenly shouted as Applejack returned to normal, the sudden change resulting in both of them falling over. "In my heart I knew this would happen…" Den-O said slowly.

"Oops...sorry, sugah-cube," Applejack apologized before blushing a bit, the blonde quickly shooting up when she realized she was sitting on his face.

"Uh...It's okay...I only blame myself this time…" Den-O said, standing back up. He then placed the K-Taros and pressed all four buttons.


Den-O then pressed the center button as the silver track formed an X around his armor changing it to the default for Climax form. The Masks then floated out and around Den-O.


With that, the three masks of Rod, Ax, and Gun form locked into place on his armor as Sword forms grinded down his helmet before opening and peeling to the orange eyes of Climax form.

"Ore-tachi...SANJOU!" all four Taros shouted as they struck Sword form's surfer like pose. "Oi Ryotaro...why is there a weird tension around here?" Momotaros asked.

"It's nothin'," Applejack quickly responded, the blonde transforming as she cracked her neck a bit, "Let's just hurry and deal wit' a pest problem."

"Heh...I've had a lot of anger to unleash...Oi didn't we kill this one already?" Momotaros asked.

"It looks like there was a second one." Ryotaro's voice explained.

"Eh?! They can come in pairs...I want a twin too!" Ryutaros shouted as Den-O raised his arms up into the air. "How do I do that?"

"Just shut up and help us fight this thing!" Rainbow snapped as she uppercutted the Grasshopper Imagin, Pinkie following up as she smacked the Imagin into a wall via Ice hammer.

"Don't gotta tell me twice. Kame, Kuma, Kozo, let's show this damn bata-yaro a real climax!" Den-O shouted as he charged at the Imagin as it stumbled forward. Den-O reared his left fist back before he punched with all of Kintaros' might sending the Imagin skidding back across the ground and into a tree then through it. "Ikuze, ikuze, ikuze!" he shouted keeping up the charge.

Den-O then tackled into the Imagin sending it through more and more trees before he ran out and let the Imagin fall off and roll across the ground. Den-O then took his DenGasher and formed it into its sword form.

"Rainbow, present for ya!" Momotaros voice shouted as Den-O tossed her the sword.

"Awesome." Rainbow said grabbing it. She then surged electricity through it making the blade charged. "Now this is my kind of present." she smirked as she blurred forward and slashed the Imagin while flying past it making sparks fly as it was electrocuted.

"No fair...you can't just share weapons!" he complained, only for a flaming kick to hit him across the face making him fly through the air.

Den-O charged and jumped into the air before slamming a double legged dropkick into the Imagin sending it flying through the air and into an Ice goal post made by Pinkie.

"Goal!" Pinkie and Den-O shouted at the same time.

The Imagin stumbled out from the goal post before Rainbow landed in front of him. She slashed the DanGasher across the Imagin's chest several times, each one making sparks fly and electricity surge through the Grasshopper themed monster. Rainbow shot back into the air, making the appointed Hoppy think he was free of pain only for Pinkie to slam a hammer of Ice into his chest. Each blow sending shards of Ice flying as well as more sparks. As Hoppy stumbled back he looked up to see both Den-O and Applejack jump into the air and extend their legs out to land a pair of flying side kicks to the Imagin's chest and sent him flying back, fire sparking from the impact and sending him flying into a pound in the park.

All four stood side by side as the Imagin got back to it's feet.

"He's resilient I'll give him that, maybe's he's really a roach." Urataros spoke.

"That explain why he's half black and green." Momotaros stated as Den-O crossed his arms.

"Actually, I think he's a mixture of an Ant and a Grasshopper." Ryotaro spoke up making everyone look at Den-O. "Well you see there's an old story about the Grasshopper and the Ant, the Grasshopper would spend all it's time playing while the Ant worked hard to store food for winter." Ryotaro explained. "That would mean that this Grasshopper Imagin represents the fun loving grasshopper, and the one we destroyed already represents the Ant."

"Oh...I see," Pinkie noted in slight interest.

"Yeah yeah. That's interesting and all that, but let's hurry and finish this guy off before something happens," Rainbow impatiently spoke up.

"Figures you wouldn't care for a lesson." Applejack joked.

"Hey, I do okay in school!" Rainbow countered.

"Ah...they are being dysfunctional again...chance!" Hoppy stated trying to run.

"Mind if I take that back for a second?" Urataros asked as Den-O held his hand out to Rainbow.

"Knock yourself out," Rainbow said as she tossed him the Dengasher.

Den-O then quickly worked as he rearranged it to it's Rod Formation. As the weapon extended to it's normal size in this state; Den-O swung the weapon, the tip flying off on a cable as it wrapped around the Imagin's neck, just as he was about to jump.

"And reel it in." Den-O said as he tugged the weapon back.

"GRK!" the Imagin croaked as he was pulled back and slammed into the water.

"Not a good sized catch." Den-O sighed resting his head on his free arm. "Oh well we still might as well cook it." he said, planting an idea in the girls heads.

"I say we fry it," Rainbow smirked as she held her hand up, electricity crackling off it.

"Ah say we roast it," Applejack added, fire coming off her hand.

"I say we turn him into a bug popsicle," Pinkie added, holding up some water spheres in her hand.

"I say we let him go," the Grashopper Imagin said in a high pitch, trying to make it like it was one of the girls speaking.

"Hm...such nice options. Let's try the first three and see where that takes us." Urataros voice said, causing the Imagin to pale, "Kin, reel in our catch."

"Osu!" Kinaros voice shouted as Den-O pulled the DenGasher and tossed the poor Imagin high up into the air. "Rainbow your first!" he ordered.

"Gladly." she smirked grabbing the DenGasher before sending a large surge of electricity through it and up the cable frying the Imagin as it was in the apex of its ascension into the sky. Making it look like some electric light show in the sky.

"Hm...wish I brought my shades." Pinkie smiled as the light died down.

"AJ, your turn." Urataros said as Den-O grabbed the cable of the DenGasher and pulled with all his might bringing the Imagin flying towards them.

"Light him up!" Momotaros shouted happily.

"Got it," Applejack nodded before delivering a hard, fire powered roundhouse kicked to the Grasshopper Imagin just as it was inches from the ground, said Kaijin being sent flying once more as it was engulfed in fire, "Pinkie?"

"Go get him Momo-Nee-chan!" Den-O shouted in Ryutaro's voice as Den-O lifted Pinkie up. The Kamen Rider then tossed her into the air.

Pinkie said nothing as she fired the water spheres at the enemy Imagin, said spheres hitting it as the kaijin was now trapped in a sphere of water. Pinkie then snapped her fingers, causing the sphere to freeze over.

"Now the finisher." Ryotaro said as Den-O pulled out the pass and opened it before pressing the button of his K-Taros. The Dynamic music and symbol of Den-O forming in light in front of his belt.

Den-O then swiped the pass, unleashing the energy.


Den-O tossed his DenGasher away as all his extra masks moved and covered his leg once again.

"Take this Batta-yaro!" Momotaros shouted as multi-colored energy surged down the masks. Den-O then jumped into the air before aiming his right leg at the ice covered Imagin. The horns of Rod form's mask folding down forming a cone of multi-colored energy around his foot.

Den-O then shot forward like a missile and crashed into the sphere of ice. Making the whole thing light up from the inside as it cracked and exploded into...snow that fell around everyone. Den-O landing on the ground his masks back in their original spots.

"Heh...too easy," Momotaros smirked.

"Yup. Took him down hook, line, and sinker," rainbow grinned as she leaned against a tree.

"Yup! We did great, huh AJ?!" Pinkie beamed, only to earn silence fmo the blonde, "...Applejack?"

"...Somethin' doesn't seem right here," Applejack spoke with a slight frown.

"Ah come on. I just made it snow!" Momotaros complained as Den-O walked back over to them, "Admit we won and let's go home so Pinkie can play with the twins and we can go kick that chicken wing jerkwad out of their house!"

"Ah know that. It's just...like y'all said Momotaros, that was easy," Applejack stated, "...Perhaps too easy."

"Why you gotta do me like that?" Momotaros complained as Den-O fell to his knees.

"She has a point, it's like the first time, you defeated it's other half with your finisher attack easily enough," Urataros spoke up.

"He has a point," Ryotaro added.

"OH shut up! It's not as if that first batto-yaro is gonna coem in out of nowhere!" Momotaros complained.

At that a...bladed shovel hit Den-O from behind, pushing him down.

"Not...a single word…" Momotaros growled as Den-O landed in front of the girls.

"Huh...guess you were right, AJ," Rainbow noted before smirking a bit, "But nevermind that. We got more butt to kick."

"I'm not here to battle Den-O and his women." the Imagin stated bluntly as he grabbed his weapon. "I'm here to pick up my little brother."

"Otouto?" Ryotaro asked as Den-O stood back up.

"Brother?" Rainbow blinked, "..uh...hate to be the bearer of bad news buddy, but your bro's nothing but snow now."

"Yes, watching you torture him was entertaining." the elder Imagin stated. "But I must bring him back to our contractors already" he stated simply confusing them even more.

"I thought you where the smart one, we just said he's dead!" Rainbow complained.

"Uhm...Rainbow?" Applejack spoke up, patting her shoulder. She then pointed to a mass of sand which reformed into the Imagin Den-O just destroyed.

"UNFAIR!" Momotaros, Pinkie, Ryutaros and Rainbow shouted at same time.

"You guys aren't supposed to do that!" Pinkie complained.

"Yeah! Cheaters!" Ryutaros added.

"Since when can Imagin Revive!? Monsters aren't suppose to do that!" Rainbow shouted.

"Told you so." Applejack and Ryotaro said at the same time.

"SHUT IT YOU TWO!" Rainbow and Momotaros snapped in unison.

"As much as I want to see you all make idiots of yourselves, we have a wish to fulfill," the older of the two Grasshopper Imagin stated.

"Like hell Batta-Yaro Elder!" Momotaros shouted as Pinkie tossed him the DenGasher.

"Oh...I wouldn't if I were you." the Elder stated. "Den-O...I have had time, and I have studied you since before I made my contract, I know your weakness."

"Weakness? Pfft! I have no weakness!" Momotaros scoffed.

"No not the tools." the Imagin explained. "Nogami...Airi." it said slowly.

"Neesan?" Ryotaro asked.

"It be a shame...if something were to happen to your last family member."

Den-O tensed up upon hearing that, his eyes widening in fear behind his mask.

"Hey Don't drag her into this!" Rainbow snapped.

"Hehehe...see the look of Den-O, the greatest enemy of our race, so easily bested." the Imagin chuckled. "Besides why leave family out of it? we don't." he said leaning on his bother.

"Okay...y'all are startin' t' cross th' line, "Applejack frowned greatly.

"Then do something about it. you and the...what's the word you called the rainbow haired one, brother?"


"Yes thank you. Look, here's the simple fact of it. Our mission is to kill Den-O, and destroy the past, any means necessary. This isn't even the worse to come to you Den-O."


"Okay...that's it!" Rainbow snapped as she charged forward.

"Rainbow, matte…!" Ryotaro tried to call back to her.

The Older brother of the two then jumped over Rainbow's attack before he landed back on the ground. His brother on the other hand was sent skidding across the ground.

"Alright, well allow me to extend to you...a challenge Den-O." the older Imagin said as he tapped his weapon on his shoulder. "You come alone to face me and my brother, no assistance from your women. And we won't involve your sister."

"Ha! As if he'd be stupid enough to…!" Pinkie and rainbow began.

"I accept."


"Beg pardon?" Applejack blinked in equal surprise.

"I accept." Momotaros voice said again. "You just keep good to yours and we'll keep good to ours." Den-O grabbed his belt and yanked it off reverting as Urataros, Kintaros and Ryutaros where ejected. M-Ryotaro standing there as he pulled the K-Taros off his belt.

"Good…" the elder Grasshopper Imagin smirked as he looked at his younger brother, "Come, Otouto."

"Hai hai, aniki." the younger agreed as both of them left.

"...Hoo boy...Twilight's not gonna like the sound of this," Pinkie said.

"She can complain all she wants but I did what I needed to." M-Ryotaro stated, "Besides, those guys want to finish this, I'll gladly give them the end they deserve."

"Ohh...well good. I don't want those guys going after the twins," Pinkie admitted with a slight frown, "I won't forgive anyone who would dare try and bring harm to those two."

"You're starting to sound too much like me Mizu-onna." M-Ryotaro said patting Pinkie's head. "Either way I better get going to that."

"You realize that's probably a trap right?" Rainbow pointed out.

"Probably. If it is, you, Mizu-onna, and the cowgirl should headback to the shop to look after the twins." M-Ryotaro said, "Listen, I don't like playing the level headed one...it ain't my thing! But...right now, Ryotaro needs someone to do it for him. That hopping bug bastard wants to touch his family...I'll send them both to hell and back as many times as they want."


"Rainbow...let him go," Applejack spoke up, catching teh tomboy's attention as the blonde put her hand on her shoulder, "They threatened him usin' family...that's something y'all shouldn't do. Momotaros…" she paused as she looked up at him, frowning a bit, "Give those varments hell."

"Heh...for once you girls are giving me the Okay...world is all upside down now…" M-Ryotaro sighed. "When this is over, one of you better go back to nagging me, Or I'm beating the hell out of every dirtbag in the country." he smirked as he began walking away.

"Come on, girls. Let's head on back to Sugar Cube corner," Applejack said as she began to walk away, "We better tell Twi what's goin' on."

"Right." Rainbow and Pinkie nodded in agreement.

Back at the shop, Twilight and the others were waiting on Ryotaro and the others to see what had happened, Fluttershy currently looking after the twins. Sieg was apparently still sleeping. Not that they wanted to wake him really.

"Ah...what a wonderful sleep." Nevermind. Sieg walked out of the room he had used to sleep. "Where is the buffoon?"

"..if you're refering to one of my friends, they're busy at the moment, "Twilight replied, frowning a bit.

"Ah...so I see. Where is the warrior, the one who makes a perfect body?"

"Currently with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie pie," Twilight replied again, earning silence fm the Swan imagin, "...Ugh, the blonde haired cowgirl, the rainbow haired tomboy, and the bubbily pinkette."

"Ah them." Sieg stated nodding his head in understanding. "Where are my siblings?"

"Oh I don't know they suddenly gained the ability to fly and went out the window." Twilight said sarcastically.

"..." Sieg looked out the window for a moment.

"It was a joke."

"It wasn't not very entertaining."

As the two went back and forth, Twilight growing more and more frustrated as they did. They were watched by Fluttershy and Rarity.

"Ano...should we do something...Twilight looks like she's about to pop a blood vessel," Fluttershy pointed out.

"Indeed," Rarity nodded as she stood up, "Um, Twilight dear…"

"Ughh...yes?" she asked turning to look at Rarity.

"Why don't you try calling Rainbow and the others?" Rarity suggested, "Surely they must be doen by now."

"...Good idea," Twilight nodded, about to pull her phone out before the front door opened, revealing Applejack and the others, "...Nevermind. They're here."

"We're back...well most of us." Rainbow said.

"..What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked.

"Ano...where's Ryotaro?" Fluttershy asked from her seat.

"...Uh...about that…." Pinkie spoke up, "You see...he uh...how do I put this?"

"This is the part where you are probably going to be angry and worried." Rainbow spoke up. "See...the Imagin's come in a duo...and they revive eachother after getting destroyed."

"...I see….go on," Twilight said, a calm smile on her face.

"...Uh….they dared Den-O to fight them alone, or else they might go after Airi," Rainbow continued, a bti nervous about that smile Twilight had, "So….he accepted, well actually Momotaros is the one who accepted, and left to go fight them." she said as she backed away and hid behind Applejack.

"...I see….excuse me…" Twilight said as she walked to the back of the shop, closing the door as she went out back.

"She...took that better than expected." Pinkie said as she also hid behind Applejack, "I was expecting her hair to turn into fire and…"

"AHHH!-!-!-!-!-!-!" Twilight's voice screamed from outback, followed by a flash of bright energy that died down a minute or two later. After that, Twilight walked back in, burn marks evident on her person.

"Was that what you were waiting for?" Rainbow asked, Rarity and Fluttershy joining her and Pinkie in hiding behind Applejack.

"Note to self...never to anger Twilight from now on," Pinkie whispered with a gulp.

"Eeyup," Applejack slowly nodding in agreement.

"Are you quite done?" Sieg asked not even phased by the display.

"Y...yes…" Twilight panted, trying to fix her currently messy hair, "...But in all seriousness…" she paused as she looked at Rainbow and Pinkie, "Why on earth would you let him go by himself?!"

"The Imagin said if they saw us then they'd target Airi next." Rainbow said, "We wanted to help, but Ryotaro was all...well you know worried and stuff."

"And then Momotaros said that he could handle it, I know that's normally a bad thing, but at the moment he was the calm one." Pinkie explained.

"Yes but…"

"Twilight...y'all have t' understand those Imagin were gonna target Ryotaro's sister," Applejack spoke up, a small frown on her face, "Y'all don't mess with family like that. If Ah was in Ryotaro's shoes, Ah'd do the same."

"I know...I fully understand, but I can't help but worry. Ryotaro is literally the brain to Den-O, if he's not thinking straight who knows what could go wrong. So...I'm just worried." Twilight explained.

"We're all worried, Twilight, so fer now, we'll just have t' hope he'll beat those two varments," Applejack stated.

"I know...well I guess as long as they use Climax form, they could overpower two at once." Twilight sighed.

"Yeah. Plus if those two imagin have a trap planned, We'll be ready incase they try and come here," Rainbow added.

"I still wish one of you followed him." Twilight sighed. "Well then again I think sieg could find Ryotaro...where is Sieg?" she asked turning around as everyone noticed the white Imagin now gone.

"No idea...wait. Where's Fluttershy?" Pinkie blinked, noticing the shy pinkette was missing as well.

"That's a strange twist…" Rainbow noted. "Hey. It's been pretty quiet...shouldn't Twilight's rage moment have woken up the twins?"

"...You don't think…?" Applejack began as the girls rushed up to the twins crib, only to find them missing.

"...He did," Twilight frowned a large tick mark forming on her forehead.

"Twilight, calm thoughts. Think calm, pleasant thoughts," Rarity said as she began massaging her forehead to help her calm down.

"That no good dirty sneaky pigeon," Pinkie growled as she looked around, "When I find him, I'm gonna turn him into frozen chicken nuggets!"

"Pinkie, calm down. I'm sure they haven't' gone far," Rainbow replied before noticing a familiar trail of feathers, "See? There's a trail there th…"

"I'm after you bird boy!" Pinkie shouted running after the trail.

"...I think I made a mistake."

"You think?" the others deadpanned.