• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 2,353 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship is Timeless - Seanzilla115

Time long ago, the destiny of six girls were changed. In the future, time itself lead to the end of humanity. Now in the middle in the present, the time to reach the crossroads have come as 6 girls and 1 human, plus 5 Imagin's fight to change fate it

  • ...

Stop 5

It had been a few days since Kintaros and Fluttershy joined the group. But...well...after what happened with Rainbow Dash, some of the group have been quite down, mainly Ryotaro and Fluttershy. Fluttershy would often become very sad most of the time and Ryotaro felt down as well and, sometimes, he felt like he just wanted to lay down in bed all day. But this was usually fixed as Momotaros took over and took control of his daily routine these past few days. Speaking of our little group, it was after school, and they decided to hang around the Milk Dipper a bit.

"Tsk…" M-Ryotaro slammed his boot-covered feet on the table as he had an irritated look on his face. "It's impossible for me to get excited over anything...and Ryotaro just sighs all day long." he growled, scratching his spiky hair.

"Well, can you blame him?" Twilight spoke, sighing a bit, "After what happened with that Rainbow Dash girl, he and Fluttershy have been really upset."

"Me too. It's hard to stay happy after seeing two friends fight like that," Pinkie pouted sadly.

"It is rather depressing that such a thing could happen." Rarity nodded.

"GAH! I hate this annoying feeling!" M-Ryotaro snapped as he slammed his foot to the ground. "The hell made her act like that!?" he demanded, slamming his hand on the table making it creak a little. "Who the hell speaks to their friends like that!? Who damn it!"

"...I wish I knew…" Twilight sighed.

"Grr! Th...wait a sec…" M-Ryotaro paused as he recalled something, "When we first met the kuma, he was chasing those three street punks. And he said they were targeting the niji-onna."

"What do you mean, Momo?" Pinkie asked confused.

"Son of a-! Why didn't I figure this out before! Those three wannabe street thugs work with the Emo-Onna!" he shouted, shooting up to his feet, "When I find them...I'm going to send a Hissatsu Waza right up their…"

"Momotaros!" they stopped him from finishing that sentence.

"What?! I'm angry here, okay?! ...Aw screw it! I'm gonna find something to relieve my stress," M-Ryotaro scoffed as he walked out.

"He's a lot less fun when he's honestly upset…" Pinkie admitted as her hair deflated. She didn't like seeing Ryotaro or Momotaros like this.

"Yeah...but...he does bring up a point," Twilight spoke, holding her chin in thought, "Why was Luna after Rainbow in the first place? Plus...I'm not sure how, but that necklace she was wearing...call it a hunch, but I think it has to do with how Rainbow dash acted that day...I may need to look further into this."

"Well I suppose it's better than nothing at the moment." Rarity admitted. "But maybe we should see about cheering up those three first."


"I wish now was about the time we got called in to deal with an Imagin…" Pinkie pouted as she let her face slam into the table.

"I...I'm not even going to say anything." Twilight spoke, "For now...w-why don't' we try cheering the others up? Possibly starting with Fluttershy?"

"...Yeah. I mean, Ryotaro's all mopey, and Momo...well…"
"That's it! Run, ya assholes!" M-Ryotaro roared as he chased off the same punks Ryotaro, Spike, and Fluttershy encountered before. "I told your asses I'd be back! Now I'm here to collect, you bunch of pansies!" he shouted as he swung a pipe around like a sword.

The three kept running like kids from a bigger kid as M-Ryotaro gained on them. The thugs ran into an ally only for it to be a dead end.

"Boo!" M-Ryotaro shouted in their ears as he cornered them, "Take this, my Hissatsu waza of rage and unbridled stress!"

"That's a stupid name!" they cried before unnatural sounds came from the alley.

"...Tch! Wimps," M-Ryotaro scoffed as he tossed the pipe away before he walked away from the unconscious, and badly beaten punks laying on the ground; the pipe flew over M-Ryotaro's shoulder and beamed the lead thug in the head one last time, knocking him back down as he tried to raise his head. "Next…"
"My...sempai seems a bit more...'stressed' lately," Urataros noted, sitting across from Celeste as they both took a sip of coffee.

"He lost someone he grew to respect as a friend." Celeste noted.

"Friend...well I don't think it was that much of an attachment. More like partners who are close…"

"ZZZZZZ!-!-!-!" Kintaros snored loudly from his selected private booth. He then shook awake. "Hm...ah~! Good nap." he yawned, cracking his neck.

"Glad to hear, Kintaros," Celeste smiled, taking a small sip of her coffee before putting the cup down.

"Hm…" Kintaros grunted as he got out of his booth and stood up. "They are still upset…" he noted walking down the car. "What to do…?" he pondered as he thought. "If this goes on, then their bonds with this girl shall shatter."

"Hmm...it is quite the predicament," Urataros noted, "...Celeste-san? May I perhaps see one of your books?"

"Why yes, but whatever for?" Celeste blinked as she reached into a backpack in the seat right behind her before she pulled out a notebook and handed it to Urataros.

"Hmm...it's simple. Any line can be cast in the water; but without the right bait, you will not catch what you want," Urataros spoke as he took the book and began to read through it, "Let's see...the object Rainbow-san was wearing should be in here…"


"She wore a necklace with the image of a crescent moon in the center," Kintaros spoke as he took a seat in the chair behind Celeste, "It is what caused her to act as she did, I suspect...as do you, Kamenoji?"

"Yes...and please do not refer to me with such an archaic meaning for turtle."

"Hai, hai, Kamenoji," Kintaros nodded, doing it anyway.

"A crescent moon...why would sh-" Celeste began before her eyes widen, "...Oh no…Don't tell me..."

"I'm afraid so…" Urataros said as he held the book up to her, showing her the exact necklace. "It seems this object is made from Luna-chan's own energy and acts as a conduit for her to influence others through."

"Yes...Urataros, Kintaros, I want you to both promise me that no matter what happens, what I reveal to you does not leave this room," Celeste stated in a serious tone.

"Of course."

"I can not guarantee this…" Kintaros spoke honestly, "I speak in my sleep."

"We had no clue…" Urataros said sarcastically. "Anyway what is it?"

"Well, Luna's been targeting those who bear the Spirits of Harmony. Now think...why would she be targeting Fluttershy's friend, Rainbow Dash, who I might add is wearing that necklace that's influencing her?"

"Mm…" Kintaros began to think before he held his head. "Ah!"

"You still don't get it do you, Kin-chan?"


"It means that Flutter-chan's friend is also a bearer of Harmony."

"Yes. And Luna has a grip on her," Celeste stated with a slight frown, "No doubt Twilight is trying to figure this out after seeing that necklace, but it's best we don't say much to her or the others for now."


"Hm…" Kintaros pondered to himself before he fell asleep, "Zzzzz…"
(cue opening)

Owner: Toki no ressha Denrainā (The train of time, DenLiner). Tsugi no eki wa kako ka? mirai ka (Will the next station be in the past? Or the future)?

Jikan no nami wo tsukamaete(Catch the wave of Time!)

Ima sugu ni ikuo yakusoku no basho(Head to the promised place right away)

Genkai mugen iza tobikome(The limits are infinite. Jump at the critical moment!)


Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!

Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!

Kanaetai yume no ga aru nara(If you have a dream you wish would come true)

Shinjinakucha neggata hibi wo(You've got to believe in the day you made the wish)


Mayoi sou na Toki Kanarazu(When you think you're lost, I'm sure…)

Omai no tsuyasa ga michibiku(The strength of your feelings will guide you)

Kimi ga Nozomu mirai sude ni IN YOUR HANDS!(The future you wish for is already IN YOUR HANDS)

Hajimari wa itsumo totsuzen(Beginnings are always sudden)

Unmei wo Tsurete yuku TIME TRIPPIN' RIDE!(Bring fate with you on a TIME TRIPPPIN' RIDE)

Fukanou no Koete(Surpass the impossible)

Tsukami toru sa(Grab hold of it)


Kawaru koto wo osorenaide(Don't be afraid of change)

Ashita no jibun mi ushinau dake(You're just losing sight of your future self)

Dare Yori takai sora e tobou yo(Higher than anyone else...let's jump into the sky)


Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!

Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!
Stop 5: To Believe!
The next day at school, Ryotaro was being dragged along by Pinkie as it seemed he was starting to feel better enough to go about on his own now.

"Alrighty. Glad to see you're starting to feel better, Ryo," Pinkie smiled a bit, "That only leaves Fluttershy and Momo."

"Ah…" Ryotaro nodded weakly. Better or not sometimes it was too early to put up with Pinkie.

"Hm...How do we do that?" Pinkie pondered, stopping and, in the process, made Ryotaro walk into her, sending him stumbling back. "Hm...this is a hard one indeed...Momo might be easier, now that I think about it...but Fluttershy...think Pinkie…" she chanted to herself as she tapped her head.

"Pinkie...maybe we should just go check and see if she's feeling okay right now?" Ryotaro offered meekly.

"...Good point. We'll check up on her during lunch."

"Right...then for n-WAH!" Ryotaro cried as Pinkie grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him off to class.

"Onward to class!"
It was lunch time, and a certain shy pinkette was sitting by herself. Normally, she would have company, but...well…. she wanted to be alone for the time being. However, certain forces conspired against this.

"Fluttershy~!" Pinkie's voice came from above, making her look up to see the excitable girl on the roof. "Wait right there!" she called as she jumped off the roof before landing on a tree branch and then jumping off it and landing in front of her. "Finally! I looked all over for you. You know you're a lot hard to find. You'd think a cute girl like you would stand out clearly, but you are good at hiding. Are you like part Ninja?"


With that, another figured landed on the ground...only they caused a large crater and dust cloud. It was...Ryotaro? Only now, his hair was longer with a yellow streak going through it to the pony tail he had tied in the back of his hair. He was also dressed in a yellow and black striped kimono; only, one of the sleeves was hanging off the side, revealing his left shoulder and pectoral muscle. From what could be seen, he had larger muscles than before as well maybe even larger than when Momotaros possessed him. This is K-Ryotaro, when Kintaros possess Ryotaro.


"Osu," K-Ryotaro spoke as he walked up to her, his wooden sandals clicking across the ground. He then grabbed her before tossing her over one shoulder. "Momo-onna, we have her. Let's go!"

"Yes sir!" Pinkie saluted, the excitable pinkette now dressed in a ...ninja garb.

"C...chotto…" Fluttershy spoke, blushing as K-Ryotaro walked off.

"No more weeping! Dry those tears!" K-Ryotaro ordered loudly, making her whimper. He then cracked his neck before he kicked the schoolyard's wall, making a hole large enough for him to walk through. "Koi. We have to show you how strong you are!" he roared as he began running down the street.

"M..matte! Wh-what about the wall?!" Fluttershy managed to get out.

"He'll fix it later, nin!" Pinkie shouted as she ran beside him, the excitable pinkette still wearing the ninja garb.

"Indeed. Ryotaro shall fix it later."

"W-wait...that's not…"

"Dosukoi!" with that, K-Ryotaro ran up a car before he jumped higher into the air before he landed and made his way to the park, "We're here!"

"A...ano...ano…" Fluttershy mumbled, her hair a mess as K-Ryotaro gently put her down.

"Now...stand." K-Ryotaro ordered, making her blink and look up at him. "I said STAND!" he stomped his foot, causing the ground to shake.

"Eek!" Fluttershy yelped as she shoot up..

"Tell me now...why are you running away!?" K-Ryotaro demanded from her. "Why do you run from your friends who wish to help you? Why do you not stand and show how strong you are?"


"...It involves your rainbow haired friend...doesn't it?" K-Ryotaro asked, seeing the shy pinkette lower her head sadly, "Do not lower your head. Do not turn your back on her at this moment."

"B….but...sh-she said she never wants to see me again…" Fluttershy whimpered, tears starting to form in her eyes.

K-Ryotaro walked up to her before he put his hands on her shoulders.

"Surely some part of you doesn't believe it...a part of you that is trying to tell you not to believe it. A part of you that tells you not to believe her words but to believe in her as the friend you have known."

"He's right," Pinkie spoke as she jumped out from behind him, "So don't believe in the Rainbow Dash that believes in you, but believe in the you that believes in you, Fluttershy!"

"Oh...please." K-Ryotaro spoke as his yellow eyes seemed to glow more. "Believe that deep down, she is there...those memories where not built to fall but to prove your bond," he spoke in a voice that sounded like both Ryotaro and Kintaros.

"...P...prove my...bond..." Fluttershy repeated quietly to herself.

"Hai…" K-Ryotaro nodded before an explosion caught their attention, "Nani?!"

"Uh-oh. Twitchy twitchy…" Pinkie spoke as she hid behind K-Ryotaro, "It's an Imagin…" she complained childishly.

"Oh no…" Fluttershy gasped a bit, "I...I'd better call Twilight a-"

"No time! Kin, henshin and fight!" Pinkie shouted as she was already in her gear.

"Imagin!" K-Ryotaro ignored her as he ran towards the explosion. As he did, he crashed into a tree, splintering it as he kept running.

"W...wait up!" Fluttershy shouted, transforming as she flew after K-Ryotaro, Pinkie soon following after.
K-Ryotaro crashed through a cement pillar, looking from side to side when he reached the explosion's origin.

"Doko-da?" he asked as he lifted a statue in the center ot the park up and looked for the Imagin. "Nothing…" he sighed as he tossed the statue away, said statute going right over Fluttershy and Pinkie's heads as they caught up with him.

"Okay, where's the Imagin?" Pinkie asked as she looked around the area, "I need to name him or her!".

"Hm…" K-Ryotaro then lifted a car over his head. "Not here." he replied before he let the car fall to the ground breaking it's suspension. "Hm...many more cars to check under." he noted looking at the large expanse of cars in the parking lot. He then cracked his neck as he began lifting, flipping and tossing the cars around.

"A...ano, Kintaros-san! Matte!" Fluttershy called out, making K-Ryotaro stop just as he was about to lift another car, "M...maybe it's best if you stop looking under the c-cars."

"Hm...then where could it have gone?" K-Ryotaro asked as he put cupped his chin in thought.

"Ooh ooh! Why not give Momo a try!? He's got a nose like a bloodhound!" Pinkie spoke before she giggled a bit, "Oh man. I just thought of him as a doggy."

"Good idea. Momonji!" K-Ryotaro called.
"Nande? What does that annoying Kuma keep calling me that?" Momotaros complained as he tossed his coffee into Urataros face, "I'm coming! Hold your kimono!" he shouted as he got up and walked to the back of the car before he faded away in a flash of red light.
With that, a red flash overtook Ryotaro's body before his clothes somehow changed into a red and black biker-like attire as his hair spiked back.

"What!?" M-Ryotaro shouted at Pinkie. "I was enjoying a good cup of coffee...Well at least I didn't waste it by tossing it in the Kame's face. So this better be important!" he ranted as he leaned in closer to her, making her lean back as a result. "So help me if this is another one of your prank quests, I'll lock you up on DenLiner again." he warned with a stern look.

"It's important. Kin sensed a Imagin, and couldn't find it. s-"

"An Imagin? Finally! Been getting tired of beating punks up!" M-Ryotaro whooped as he lifted Pinkie up in a hug. He then blinked as he realized what he did. "Tell anyone I did this, and I'll kill you. Understand?"

"Okei dokei lokei!" Pinkie saluted as M-Ryotaro let her go.

"Alright. Let me sniff this one out," M-Ryotaro spoke as he sniffed the air a little. "It went east. Ikuze(let's go), Mizu-onna! Kaze-Onna!"

"Yes sir!" Pinkie saluted.

"R...right," Fluttershy nodded as the two girls followed M-Ryotaro.
M-Ryotaro made his way across town until they found themselves in a park filled with blossoming cherry blossom trees.

"I smelled the thing around here…" M-Ryotaro said, looking around the area, "So it's gotta be here somewhere…"

"Hmm…" Pinkie murmured as she looked high and low before she spotted something, "There it is...oh wait. It's just a replica statue of Hachiko."

"Hachiko?" M-Ryotaro blinked before he stiffened seeing the statue, "A...dog?"

"H-hai," Fluttershy nodded, "Th-throughout h-"

"Okay-I-don't-think-it's-here-let's-go," M-Ryotaro said quickly as he grabbed Pinkie and Fluttershy by the collars of their outfits and began to walk away.

"Ah wait...Momo…" Pinkie complained waving her arms around quickly. "But we didn't get to look…" she said before she noticed a white colored figure walking behind some trees. "Ah, there it is!"

M-Ryotaro turned his head to see a figure walking out from behind one of the cherry blossom trees. It was hard to tell what kind of Imagin it was due to the red and black conical hat it had on its head. Its clothing resembled that of a samurai in a splendid robe. A mortar made up its left shoulder-guard while a patch of cloth resembling sakura (cherry blossoms) and ash came out of it, covering the left arm. On his back was a samurai's katana, a bow and a saddle acts as his right shoulder-guard.

"Tsk...okay...let's go!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he let them go.

He then ran and jumped into a kick, only for the Imagin to spin to the side as M-Ryotaro looked to where it went. He was then blindsided from an attack from behind, making him slam face first into a tree. The Imagin then grabbed his shoulder before tossing him into the air and landing into a bundle of petals.

"Wow...this guy's fast." Pinkie noted, seeing this. "How'd he...uh...yeah I'll go with he. How did he do that?"

"I'm not sure…" Fluttershy mumbled as the Imagin ducked yet another swing from M-Ryotaro; as it did, it kicked up some petals that blocked M-Ryotaro's vision before the Imagin smacked him upside the head, sending him flying into the girls sending all three tumbling over to the ground.

"Your anger…" the Imagin spoke up, placing its hands into its sleeves, "You're letting it control you, Oni."


"Owie...Ryotaro's a lot heavier than he looks…" Pinkie complained as the three stood back up. "I fear what would happen if he ate more…"
"ZZZZ…." Kintaros snored before hie head shot up. "Tear?" he blinked before he slammed his hand on the table and got up and walked to the end of DenLiner.
"Tem…." M-Ryotaro began before his body stiffened as a yellow flash formed as he changed back to K-Ryotaro.

"Who said the word Tear?" K-Ryotaro asked as he cracked his neck.

"...Um. I said 'fear'. Not 'tear', Kin," Pinkie sweatdropped a little.

"Wrong. I heard tear," he nodded his head as he pushed Pinkie away. "My strength shall make you cry." he warned the Imagin before he pulled out Den-O's belt and strapped it on before he pressed the yellow button. "Henshin!"


With that, yellow shards formed and made Den-O plat form before the armor formed and arranged into its Axe Form pattern. It spun then slammed into the body and locked into place before the DenKamen grinded down the helmet. Den-O formed his DenGasher into Axe form as he walked forward towards the Imagin.

"Ore no tsuyosa ni, omae ga naita(my strength shall make you cry)!" Den-O called as a yellow flash formed around him before small pieces of paper fell around him "Namida wa kore de fuitoke(wipe your tears away with this)." he said, grabbing some and tossing them away.

"...I do not need to shed tears…" the Imagin said as he got into a stance, gripping the handle of his sheathed sword, "I am here to fulfill my master's wish."

"Hm...that's new." Pinkie noted quietly as she and Fluttershy watched from a distance.


"The last Imagin we faced never called their contractor master," Pinkie explained to Fluttershy before she gasped and grabbed the shy girl's shoulders. "Do you know what this means?!"

"Wh...what?" Fluttershy asked in slight confusion.

"I don't know. I hoped you knew." Pinkie stated plainly before the girls heard the sound of metal clashing as Den-O and the Imagin clashed their weapons while running past one another.

Den-O blocked a slash from the Imagin's Katana before he pushed its blade aside and then swung in a large arc making it take a step back. The Imagin then raised its sword up with both hands and slashed down only, for Den-O to grab it with his hands and force it to the side with his strength. Den-O then slashed his axe across the Imagin's chest, making the Imagin stumble back.

"...Not bad, Kuma-san…" the imagin spoke, "You've managed to hit me. But...I've yet to use my full strength."

"Then come at me with your full power. Make this more exciting for me," Den-O said as he raised his axe and got into a ready stance. The two slowly walked in a circle around the other as the wind began to pick up, making the pink petals fly around them. The two just staring at the other.

"Ooh~! It's like a Samurai movie…" Pinkie giddily spoke with stars in her eyes as the two continued the staring contest as it were.

"..Dosk-" Den-O began before the Imagin walked past him, confusing him a bit, "Eh?"

"Apologies...but I must be on my way…" the Imagin stated, taking out the scabbard for his katana and slowly sheathing it, "Hanauta sanchou(Three verse humming)..."

"Huh?" the girls blinked in confusion. Nothing happened...yet that is.

"...Yahatsugiri(Arrow notch slash)!" the Imagin declared as he fully sheathed his katana.

With that, sparks began to explode from Axe form's chest, the Kamen Rider crying out in pain as he lost his transformation.

"Holy…!" Pinkie gawked.

"W...we never even saw him attack…" Fluttershy whispered with wide eyes.

"Gah!" K-Ryotaro cried as Kintaros was also forced out, leaving normal Ryotaro in his place back in his normal school clothes.
"Ugh...so...strong," Kintaros grunted as he sat in his seat, holding his chest.

"Dang, this guy is strong…" Momotaros complained as the Imagin all got some coffee, "...Aw screw it! I'm fighting him!" he shouted as he got up and ran off.
"R-Ryotaro-san, daijoubu?" Fluttershy asked as she used one of her healing spells on him.

"Ah...I'm okay...I just feel kind of sore…" Ryotaro replied, sitting on a bench with Fluttershy to his right and Pinkie to his left.

"Hm...that guy was really good with a sword, way better then Momo...Plus he's faster than Kin," Pinkie noted. "And Ura's not that fast either...What do we use on him then?"

"I...I'm not sure…" Fluttershy replied as she pulled out her phone, "I...I'd better call Twilight and Rarity."

"Good idea, Shy. The more help, the merrier."

"H-" Ryotaro began before a familiar streak of red appeared in his hair.

"Alright! Where's that samurai-yaro!?" M-Ryotaro shouted as he shoot up.

"Momo, sit down. Ryo got hurt," Pinkie chidded as she forced him to sit down, "You're my friend and all, but I don't want Ryo getting hurt." she added as she forced him to sit.

"No way!" M-Ryotaro barked as he got up, "I-"

"Momotaros..." Fluttershy began as she gave him a stern look, "Sit."

"...Yes ma'am," M-Ryotaro gulped as he did so.

"Ooh~, Fluttershy has a secret ability…" Pinkie awed, seeing this. It was impossible to control Momotaros when he took control of Ryotaro.

"You try saying something when you're being glared at with those eyes," M-Ryotaro whispered to her.

"Momotaros," Fluttershy spoke, making him whine and be quiet. "Good...Now, I still have to heal Ryotaro. When I'm done, then you can go look for the Imagin." she explained with a slightly more stern tone than normal.

"Yes…I understand," M-Ryotaro huffed as he decided to leave Ryotaro for the time being.

"Good. Pinkie? While I'm doing this, you call Twilight and Rarity and have them meet us here."

"Yes Ma'am!" Pinkie saluted. "Oh, they'll pick up faster if I use Ryo's phone," she smirked as she grabbed his cellphone from his pocket.
"Still no sign of them?" Rarity asked as she and Twilight were in the school's courtyard.

"No. I Don't understand wh-" Twilight began before her phone rang, "Huh?" she blinked as she pulled it out. "Ryotaro...something must have happened." she noted, answering it as Rarity leaned in to overhear.

-Hi~!- Pinkie's voice came from the other side.

"Pinkie!?" the two girls asked.

"What're you doing with Ryotaro's phone?!" Twilight demanded.

-Oh, no reason. Ryo got hurt by a samurai like Imagin, and Momo got scolded by Fluttershy when she gave him a stern look. I think I'll call that 'The Stare'-

"Pinkie, sorry but I don't think I care for some silly name for her look, rather is Ryotaro okay?" Rarity asked into the phone.

-Oh he is. Fluttershy's taking care of him as we speak. But enough of that; you girls come meet us at the park with the cherry blossom trees-

"Cherry Blossoms...that's all the way on the east side of town!" Rarity gasped.

"How're we gonna get there fast enough, pinkie?!"

-Uh duh. DenLiner, silly-

"Pinkie," Twilight spoke up.


"Gives us an answer grounded in reality. You know we need Ryotaro's pass to get on DenLiner."

-...oh poop. You're right-

"Yeah. So again: an answer grounded in reality." Twilight said again.

-Hmm….got it. Since it's not far from here, we'll meet up at the park we usually head to. If you and Rarity encounter the Imagin, hold him off until we get there!-

"Okay. But wait Pinkie…"


"What exactly does this Imagin look like?" Twilight pondered after the noise of the phone left off.

"Well, no point complaining." Rarity sighed, "Let's go to the park and meet up with them."

"Yeah you're right…" Twilight sighed as the two left for the park.
"Okay. We'll meet up with them in the park we usually meet up in," Pinkie spoke as she closed Ryotaro's phone.

"Okay." Fluttershy nodded, "You feeling better, Ryotaro?"

"I am," Ryotaro nodded as he got up, "A-arigatou, Fluttershy. Demo...w-we need to hurry"

"Right!" Pinkie smirked. "Oh I know, one of us can ride with Ryotaro on his bike!" she blinked in realisation.

"Ah. That's a good idea, Pinkie." Ryotaro smiled.

"Indeed. You get to ride with one of these lovely ladies, Ryotaro," Urataros spoke

"AH! You just ruined a good idea, Kame-yaro!"

"Bad Kamenoji!"

"No wait no not that! AH!-!-!"

"Ah...well then…" Ryotaro said, holding his head. "Seems they all get along."

"Aw...no fair. I want to talk to them in Ryo's head too…" Pinkie whined childishly, "...Oh well. Might as well see which of us you'll be taking with you, Ryo."

"...A...ano...well…" Fluttershy mumbled. "C...couldn't...I just fly there?" she pointed out.

"...Oh yeah. I forgot you had wings for a moment there," Pinkie chuckled sheepishly, "Plus...I can just 'skate' there too."

"Then your idea was kind of unnecessary….in...the end?" Ryotaro said slowly.

"Nope. Just wanted to see how you'd react if one of us rode with you on your bike.*Squee!*"

"Pinkie...are you some kind of troll?" the two asked her.

"...I don't live under a bridge, sillies!" Pinkie giggled, making the two sweatdrop.

"Pinkie, please be quiet for a little bit...our heads hurt." they spoke in unison again.

"You two are really good at that…"

"Eh? G-good at what?"

"...Nevermind. Let's just hurry and meet Twilight and Rarity. And since we didn't decide…." Pinkie began before she 'skated' away at high speed, "Good luck riding with Ryo, Shy!"

"Eh?! Matte, Pinkie!"

"Too late! I said it, so you have to do it!" Pinkie shouted as she left.

"Eto…" Ryotaro mumbled as Machine Den-Bird drove up beside them. Ryotaro grabbed the helmet he then grabbed a spare it brought along only this one didn't cover someone's face like the one Ryotaro had. "I guess if you want a ride you can come along with me…" he chuckled a light blush on his face.

"..Oh...a...ano...a-alright," Fluttershy nodded, blushing a bit as well as she took the spare helmet and put it on.

Ryotaro then swung his leg over the bike before he slipped on a pair of gloves so his hands wouldn't slip on the handles before he strapped his helmet on and closed the visor. He then kicked the ignition starting the bike up. He then nodded his head for Fluttershy to get on as well.

The shy girl nodded as she got on the bike before slowly wrapping her arms around him to make sure she wouldn't fall off, the pinkette blushing heavily. Ryotaro was blushing heavily as well as he felt her chest pressing against his back. But he shook it off before he revved the right handle a little, letting the bike begin moving down the road. The Bike moved down the streets, slowly and surely picking up speed. He took multiple shortcuts that he remembered when Momotaros took over and took the Den-Bird for joy rides.

The two rode down the street before they came to a stop light just a few blocks from the park. Ryotaro pulled the brake lever slowly so as to slow down before coming to a stop just before the light. Ryotaro has become an expert at riding the bike after all this time as Den-O. He either had to use the bike to chase after them or to get from place to place.

"Okay...after the next stop light, we should be a-" Ryotaro began before an explosion occurred from nearby, causing the two to look up and see a plume of smoke a few miles away. "I get the feeling my luck likes to make it so only I get hurt…" he sighed, hanging his head down. "Uh...sorry about this, Fluttershy-san…" he apologized preemptively before he revved the handle twice before letting the bike take off down the street faster than before.
At the same time, Twilight and Rarity had just arrived at the park before they too noticed the plume of smoke.

"Oh man…" Twilight sighed.

"Well I assume that is the Imagin Pinkie Pie told us about," Rarity noted.

"Most likely it is," Pinkie nodded.

"Y-" Twilight began before she and Rarity blinked, turning their heads to see the excitable pinkette standing between them.

"Hi, girls."

"Pinkie?! W...nevermind. Let's just hurry and head to where the Imagin's at."

"Right!" Pinkie smiled happily as they all ran off.
Ryotaro rode the Den-Bird down the street before he moved around cars and then jumped his bike onto the sidewalk before making a turn to where the smoke came from. When he stopped, he saw the Imagin walking out of a small blaze.

"Kuso...it was not there…" the Imagin sighed before he noticed the two looking at him, "...you again."

"It's the Imagin." Ryotaro said as he flipped the visor up. He then looked back to see fluttershy not in the best of states she was still hanging onto him but her eyes were replaced by spinning swirls. This also made it somewhat hard to get off the Den-Bird. "Ah...Fluttershy-san?" he asked trying to snap her back to reality.

"...A...ano…" Fluttershy mumbled before shaking her head, "H-hai!"

"Eh? Could you please let go of me? Hard to get off the bike." Ryotaro chuckled sheepishly.

"Oh...r...right," Fluttershy nodded, blushing a bit as she let go of him.

"It's like these two are more absorbed in one another than me…" the Imagin noted with a sweatdrop, "Ahem...a-apologies, but I must be on my way."

"Eh? Matte…" Rotaro mumbled as he fished around for his belt.

"...You wish to fight again I see….fine…" the Imagin sighed as he got into a drawing stance.

"Ah belt...belt…" he mumbled, looking for it. But the Imagin already charged; but before it could swing, a large gust of wind crashed into it sending flying back and landing into a public fountain, "Arigato, Fluttershy-san." he thanked looking at the transformed Fluttershy.

"H...hai," Fluttershy nodded as her wings flapped, "H-hurry and H-henshin, R...Ryotaro-san."

"Hai." he said as he found the belt before he dismounted the bike. "Ike, Kintaros."
"Eh?! Why not me?!" Momotaros outraged.

"Hm!" Kintaros grunted as he shoved Momotaros aside before making his way to the end of the car before flashing away.
A yellow flash covered Ryotaro before he pressed the yellow button.

"Henshin," he called out swiping the pass.


With that, the shards crashed and formed the suit before the armor connected as the DenKamen grinded down the helmet before it locked into place. Den-O Axe Form then stomped one leg in a sumo-kai stance.

"Ore no tsuyosa ni, omae ga naita." Den-O spoke before he charged and tackled into the Imagin, sending them both falling into the water of the fountain.

Den-O then grabbed the Imagin by its waist before he lifted him up and tossed him into a building wall. Den-O then grabbed the pieces of the Den-Gasher before he built them into axe formation. The blade extended as he got out of the water before he charged and slashed at the Imagin, scratching its chest and making sparks fly. The imagin quickly recovered as it unsheathed its katana and began to deliver a series of high speed slashes, Den-O having a hard time countering it as he barely blocked each slash. The last slash hit Den-O's shoulder before he grabbed the Imagin's shoulder, keeping him in place.

"Gotcha." Den-O said as he raised his axe and slashed the Imagin across the chest once then twice before he spun around and slammed him into the wall. Den-O then slashed the Imagin again making sparks fly off the Imagin's armor. "Your strikes are fast, but I am prepared for them this time." he explained cracking his neck again.

"...I can see that," the Imagin noted as he jumped back, sheathing his katana before taking the bow off his back and held it. He then reeled the string back as a gold-colored energy arrow formed before he let it go, the energy arrow striking Den-O before he could react, "But can you dodge these, kuma-san?"


"Daijobu…" Den-O said as he leaned against a wall, holding his chest armor. "This makes it more exciting." he admitted, confusing Ryotaro.

"Eh? Exciting?"

"Yes...the more damage I take, the more this battle will prove difficult and therefore make me stronger." Den-O explained as he got up and cracked his neck. "Koi! Give me your all!" he challenged as he put his arms down.

"Like hell! I've been wanting a fight all day!" Momotaros snapped as he forced Kintaros out, causing the armor to switch over to Sword form.


"Ore sanjou!" Den-O called as he rested the axe over his shoulder. He then took the weapon apart before he put it back together in it's sword formation as the red blade extended. "Okay let me say this first: From the very start, I am at the climax!" Den-O said pointing the blade at the Imagin.

He then swung it around above his head before he charged at the Imagin. Den-O slashed down from the left, but the Imagin blocked with its katana before he took a step back and pulled its blade back, letting Den-O stumble forward. The Imagin then slashed Den-O across the back, sending him falling forward to the ground.

"Gh...this guy pisses me off!" Den-O growled.

Den-O got back up before the two fighters clashed blades once more. The Imagin grabbed the upper portion of its blade before it leaned back slightly and slammed the bottom of the handle into Den-O's head, sending the Rider stumbling back. The Imagin then raised its blade and slashed it down cutting, Den-O across the shoulder and chest and making sparks fly off. The Imagin was about to attack before it jumped back from a series of water fists aimed at it.

"Sorry we're late!" Pinkie shouted as she, Rarity, and Twilight ran into the area, "What did we miss?"

"Oh nothing. We were just talking like adults. What the hell do you think you missed?!" Den-O shouted as he got up and smacked Pinkie upside the head, making her cry like a child.

"Owie~ meanie," Pinkie pouted.

"Whatever! Just...help me get this samurai-yaro already!"

"He's right. We can't let him get away," Twilight spoke as she and Rarity transformed.

"This makes it more difficult," the Imagin sighed as he drew his bow and aimed it at them before he pulled back on the string with all his fingers as multiple arrows formed in-between them. He then let go as the arrows shot forward before splitting into more arrows that all hit the ground, causing a small explosions that caused a wall of sparks and smoke.

"Oi!" Den-O shouted as he ran through the wall before an arrow hit him in the chest, knocking him over. With that, the Imagin turned and jumped away before jumping across buildings, "Hey! Get back here, you coward!" he snapped as he chased after him.

"He ran away again…" Pinkie pouted as Den-O began climbing up a pipe on the side of the building.

"He's not getting away...I will fight him…" Den-O grunted as he climbed higher and higher up the pipe before bolts began to fall off. "Oh no…" he began as more and more bolts began popping off, "No no no no no no no!-!" he cried as the pipe fell over, bringing Den-O falling back into the fountain, "Damn it!"

"Ryotaro's bad luck must have struck again!" Pinkie pointed out.

"I thought his bad luck didn't affect him when he was possessed?" Twilight asked.

"Then what made that happen?"

"...Never mind. Let's just focus on finding that Imagin. Luckily, I managed to hit it with a small tracking spell before it ran away." Twilight explained.

"Wait...you can do that?" Den-O asked. "How long have you been able to do this?!" he demanded, shaking her by her shoulders.

"I just learned the spell a few days ago!"


"DenLiner!" Pinkie called as DenLiner picked them all up as it swept by them.
"...Again, it is not here," the Imagin sighed as he stood within a wrecked warehouse, "Where could it be?" he asked as he paced around in thought. He then thought of another place to possibly look, "Okay." he nodded his head before he jumped and left.
"He's on the move again," Twilight spoke as she held up a map of the city, a faint glowing dot on it as it moved, "He's heading to the abandoned shrine."

"Eh? Abandoned shrine?" Ryotaro blinked as he was sitting down opposite Twilight.

"Oh! I know about that place!" Pinkie spoke up before placing a flashlight under her, "It's around the graveyard~"

"G….g...graveyard?" Fluttershy gulped.

"It's okay, Fluttershy...it's not that bad." Ryotaro calmed her down.

"Baka Mizu-Onna!" Momotaros complained as he smacked Pinkie.

"Owie! I was just setting the mood!"

"This isn't some cheesy late night horror show! There's no mood to set! Just another Imagin for me to kick the ass of!" Momotaros explained, sounding much more angry than normal admittedly.

"Momotaros, calm down."

"No! I won't until I kick that damn samurai-yaro's ass!"

"Calm down Momonga(Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel)" Kintaros called as he shoved Momotaros to the wall and making him fall over to the ground.

"Ite…" Momotaros cried rubbing his head, Kintaros then sat down on Momotaros's back, keeping him pinned. "GAH! Get off, you damn bear!"

"Not until you have calmed down, Momonga!" Kintaros shouted slamming his head into the ground.

"What're you talking about?! I am calm! I'm perfectly calm!"

"...No. You sound like you're angry," Pinkie stated.

"'Angry?!' I'm not angry! Do I look angry?!" Momotaros snapped.

"...Not sure. Kinda hard to tell since your face never moves."

"Sometimes eyelids close over his eyes when he goes to sleep." Celeste explained.

"He has eyelids?!" Twilight gawked.

"Shhh…" Kintaros hushed them as he put Momotaros in a headlock, depriving him of air, "Calm yourself, Momonoji."

"Calm! Don't you tell me to be calm! I am c-did I just use up all my air?" Momotaros asked before he passed out, "Ugh…"

"Yes, yes you did…" Kintaros nodded as Momotaros passed out. "There, he is asleep. Now it is my turn…" he said as he jumped before landing on Momotaros, keeping him pinned as he snored himself to a nap again. "ZZZZZZZZ!-!-!"

"...Well. I guess that leaves me then," Urataros spoke up.

"I suppose so," Twilight noted.

"Hai…" Ryotaro agreed. "But why would the Imagin go to a shrine?"

"Maybe he's praying for all the Imagin Ryo and the Taro Bros took out?" Pinkie asked.

"Don't be silly, Pinkie." everyone said in unison.

"...W...wait," Fluttershy spoke up, "I-I think I remember him saying something about not finding what he needed...a...ano, maybe he was looking for something."

"It makes sense." Ryotaro agreed. "Lets go look. Urataros, I'll call you if we need to fight."he added as DenLiner came to a stop, the teenagers all jumped out of the train.

"Again...it is not here…" the Imagin sighed as he walked through the graveyard leading to the shrine.

"Ah...There he is…" Ryotaro said as he and the girls peeked around the gate to the shrine.

"What do we do?"

"Well, it would probably help to know what it's doing. That way, we can be prepared for it's next move." Twilight explained.

"So why don't we just ask him?" Pinkie asked.

"Ask...him? Pinkie Darling, I don't think…" Rarity began.

"Too late. Fluttershy's going ahead and doing it" Pinkie cut her off.

"EH!?" Ryotaro, Twilight and Rarity gasped as they saw Fluttershy walking up to the Imagin from behind.

"A...ano..e-excuse me."

"...Why are you here?" the Imagin asked, not turning around to face her.

"Well...I noticed...you don't act like regular Imagin is all…" she spoke timidly, trying to not look scared. "So...I wanted to know...what is it you are looking for?"

"That is none of your concern." the Imagin said, pointing his sword at her. "Now leave." he ordered as he turned to leave again.

"P...please. I...I'd like to know at least."

"...Fine...I am searching for something involving my master's son. What it is...I do not know…" he explained. "But I will not reveal any more to you. It is none of your concern." he spoke as he pointed the sword at her again. "Now, for real this time, please leave now, little girl."

"...why...why must you cause such destruction then?"

"I do not care for humans. I care for my master's wish, so I feel no regret causing damage to your kind." the Imagin replied, "I do not feel guilt for your kind," he added as he walked closer to her.


"This is not something kind words can convince me of. I am a member of the Imagin race, but more than that I gave my word to fulfill my contract. So if anything gets in my way, I shall cut it down." he added as he raised his sword up. "And that includes you at this moment." he explained as he gripped the blade with both hands.

"Fluttershy!" Ryotaro shouted as he grabbed her and jumped out of the way as the Imagin slashed down, embedding his sword into the ground.

"Fluttershy, what were you thinking?!" Twilight shouted as she, Rarity, and Pinkie ran over to the two, the three girls already transformed once more.

"I just thought maybe…" Fluttershy tried to explain, "Maybe...maybe he was like Kintaros…" she admitted.

"Sa shinken shobu!" the Imagin challenged as he raised his sword up before he brought it down, taking a kendo stance.

"Daijobu Fluttershy-san," Ryotaro said, standing back up. "Henshin!" he called as he scanned the pass as he became Den-O Plat form. "Kintaros, can you hear me?"
"Zzzzz...hah...ah Ryotaro!" he snorted while awakening, shooting up, as Momotaros groaned. "Wakata!" he nodded as he marched down the car before leaving DenLiner.
Den-O pressed the yellow button on his belt before he scanned the pass again.


With that, his armor formed and clicked into place before the DenKamen placed itself. In a yellow flash, small bits of paper formed and fell around Den-O. With that, Den-O formed his DenGasher into axe formation as he slowly spread his legs and reared his right arm carrying his axe back. He rested his left arm on his knee.

"Ikuze…" he said, looking up at the Imagin.

Both fighters then charged and slashed their weapons, making sparks fly as they held one another in place. The Imagin jumped back from Den-O as he drew his bow and fired multiple arrows at him. Den-O saw this as he lowered his arms and puffed his chest out, letting all the arrows hit his chest armor and bounce off. The Imagin then redrew its katana and charged at high speed, delivering a series of fast slashes to Den-O. Den-O stumbled back from the slashes, but he pressed on as he slashed his axe. The Imagin stepped back, but the Rider kept slashing and slashing; each one, the Imagin side stepped away from.

"Pointless! All your swings are too wide!" the Imagin declared as he dodged another one before he slashed Den-O, hitting his shoulder and making him fall to one knee.

"I did that on purpose…" Den-O informed making the Imagin blink as Den-O grabbed the sword, keeping the Imagin from escaping.

He then got back up and slashed with all his might cutting into the Imagin's armor making sparks fly, the rider then slashed again and again making him stumble back as his armor began to smoke from all the slashed. Den-O then slammed his palm into the Imagin sending him falling back. He then pulled out his pass as he raised it up.

"Todomeda." he spoke as he prepared to swipe the pass; but...he stopped.

The Imagin took this pause to get back to his feet before he ran for it, all the while Den-O just stood in place.

"What the...why'd you stop?!" Twilight asked, surprised by this.

"Ore wa…" Den-O said as he let his shoulders droop as he relaxed. "Shinjiru." he explained simply as he unclipped the belt letting his suit and armor fall off. Kintaros then left Ryotaro leaving him there equally confused.

"...Uh...Shy, translation?" Pinkie asked the shy pinkette.

"He said; 'I believe'," she explained.

"Oh...wait. He believes?" Twilight blinked.

"He believes in what, Shy?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't know…" Fluttershy shook her head. Honestly, even when Kintaros was contracted to her, she could hardly understand him.

"...Regardless, the Imagin has managed to get away again," Rarity sighed a bit.

"Let's go back to DenLiner or something and figure out where he's going to attack next." Twilight stated, making everyone nod in agreement.
"Oi, Kuma!" Momotaros shouted as they all were on DenLiner. "Why the hell did you let that Imagin escape?!"

"...I wish to see what this wish will entail. This Imagin is truly committed to this contract." Kintaros explained as he crossed his arms while sitting in his seat. "So I shall believe that this Imagin is honorable in his goal."

"The hell? You just believe?!" Momotaros shouted.

"Hai," Kintaros nodded, cracking his neck a bit.

"That...that's just...that's stupid!"

"Maybe." Kintaros admitted, making everyone stumble a bit that he would actually admit to that, "But...that Imagin wished for an honest battle...I shall be sure to give him that. I could not allow anyone who is not honest with their own feelings to face him in battle."

"Don't look at me," Urataros said preemptively.

"...What're you talking about, kuma?" Momotaros frowned as he glared at Kintaros.

Kintaros slowly rose up as he glared down at Momotaros.

"Ever since the events at the park. you have not been honest." he spoke getting face to face with Momotaros. "So I could not allow one who is not honest with their own emotions face such an honest opponent." he explained before he got back in his seat and sat down, crossing his arms again.

Momotaros let out a frustrated growl as he sat down in his seat, slamming his feet on the table.

"Things just got super tense…" Pinkie whimpered as she was hiding behind Ryotaro.

"Indeed…" Rarity nodded slowly in agreement, "But...what did Kintaros mean about Momotaros not being honest with himself?"

"I'm not sure...Maybe it has something to do with why he's been angrier than normal?" Ryotaro guessed.

"Possibly. I mean, right after talking about those three street punks, he just stormed off and left," Twilight spoke, holding her chin in thought a bit.

"Oi! Stop talking about me like I'm not in the room!" Momotaros shouted, only for Kintaros to shove him into the wall, shutting him up. "Stupid kuma...ah…" he groaned in pain.
After that, Ryotaro and Twilight both went to Milk Dipper to relax, the others had gone home after the events on DenLiner. But Twilight wanted to try and find the Imagin still, even though it seemingly disappeared off the map.

"Here you go, Twilight." Ryotaro spoke as he put a cup of coffee down on the table for her.

"Thank you, Ryotaro," Twilight nodded, the violetette looking down at the map she used to track down the Shibainu Imagin.

"No problem...but you have been kind of...focused on this. Maybe you should take a break?" Ryotaro offered. He knew Twilight would often get too absorbed in something she worked on.

"I can't. That Imagin is still out there," Twilight replied, not once looking away from the map.

"Hai...I understand that but...it won't do you much good to find him only for you to be all exhausted when you do…" Ryotaro tried to reason as he sat down across from her.

"What're you talking about? I'm…" Twilight paused as she yawned, "Perfectly fine…"

"Ryo-kun, is Twilight overworking herself again?" Airi called from the back of the shop.

"Ah...yes." Ryotaro admitted with a sigh and lowering his head. He hated when he had to tell the truth in a moment such as this.

"Tell her to stop that. It's not good for her to do that!" she called out, her voice sounding happy as she did.

"It's alright, Airi! I'm…" Twilight paused once more before yawning again, "Perfectly okay! And I'm not…" she yawned once more, "Overworking myself."

"Ano...You know people often make a game of every time you yawn, they take a drink of coffee…" Ryotaro explained to her, getting a sour look as a response. "Sorry…" he meekly replied.

"...It's fine...ju-" Twilight began before the dot reappeared on the map, "..It's back. This time it's around the park."

"Hai…" Ryotaro said as he grabbed his jacket. "Twilight, please stay here. If anything changes, call me on my cell phone." he said as he went up to the door before he opened it and entered the sands of time.
"...Grr….still no sign of it," the Shibainu Imagin growled a bit in slight annoyance as he stood next to the river bed in the park.

The Imagin's concentration was soon broken as he heard the sound of a train's whistle as DenLiner came out of a portal before the Den-Bird was ejected with Ryotaro riding in it. The bike landed on the ground before it came to a stop near the Imagin. He then took his helmet off as he dismounted, belt already attached.

"...Why must you keep pestering me so?"

"Because if I don't try to stop you, you might end up harming many innocent people." Ryotaro explained before he pulled out the pass. "I sure hope they're not busy fighting…"
Momotaros and Kintaros stared down one another as they walked around the other in a small circle in the middle of DenLiners dining car. The two still glared at the other before they heard the sound of Ryotaro's belt calling for one of them.

"I'm going!" Momotaros stated but Kintaros pulled him back.

"No, I'm going!" he stated only for Momotaros to jump on the bear themed Imagin's shoulders, making them stumble around the car.

"I said I'm going!"

"I'll just be taking this chance to go." Urataros said as he stepped over the two and walked down the car.

"AH! KAME!-!-!" the two cried as Urataros left in a blue flash.
"Henshin!" Ryotaro called as he scanned the pass.


With that, blue shards formed his suit before the armor aligned into Rod Form's formation and locked into place. The DenKamen then grinded down before it unfolded from its turtle shape to its mask shape. A blue flash came off the armor once the DenKamen was firmly attached.

"Omae...boku ni Tsuraretemiru?" Den-O asked, raising his right arm up.

He then aligned all the DenGasher parts into rod formation before it extended. He then stabbed it forward, only for the Imagin to dodge to the right before drawing his sword. Den-O ducked under and swung his staff low, but the Imagin jumped over the swing before the two got into a stance as they stared the other down.

"Please leave me alone...I must fulfill my master's wish," the Shibainu Imagin stated with a frown.

Den-O stabbed his weapon forward only for the Shibainu imagin to spin to the right before slashing at Den-O, but the rider swung his rod around to block the blade. He then moved the rod up before he spun away letting them both get some distance from the other.

The two walked further down the path before Den-O blocked another slash from the Imagin he then kicked the Imagin sending him stumbling back a step. Den-O then took their chance as he swung from the right but the Imagin blocked with his sword as Den-O spun on his feet as he spread his legs in a stance as he held his rod up with the tip pointing down. The Imagin slowly swept his leg in a half circle effectively taking a step back as he changed his stance as he held his sword up with both hands as the blade pointed forward but the edge faced towards the sky.

The two slowly took a step to the right before they both took off running as the Imagin slashed his sword at Den-O who swung his rod and used it to deflect it around before he spun it a full circle around and stabbed it forward lancing the Imagin in the right shoulder, but the Imagin grabbed it's sword with it's left and swung up cutting Den-O across his chest.

Den-O stumbled back as the sparks rained from his chest armor. The Imagin brought its hand to its shoulder blade still firmly gripped. The two took another step before the Imagin slashed as Den-O used the rod to block it, he then angled it so that he ducked under the blade and forcing it over his head. He then kicked the Imagin in the lower back sending him stumbling forward. Den-O raised his weapon and spun on his feet as he did the same with his weapon, the tip slashed across the Imagin's chest as Den-O spun around before he twirled the weapon around and stabbed it into its abdomen, sending it stumbling back yet again. Den-O then rested the rod over his shoulder as he looked down at the Imagin.

"So...care to give up now?"

"...No…" the Imagin stated as it fired a blast from the mortar on it's shoulder, sending Den-O staggering back.

"That thing can actually fire?" Den-O gasped as he grabbed a nearby tree for support.


"I'll be fine...but this will be a pain to handle," Den-O explained as he jumped out of the way of another blast.

The Shibainu Imagin grabbed its sword and rushed at Den-O, delivering a series of slashes so fast, Den-O couldn't counter any of them as sparks flew off his armor.

"Ah...this will be much harder than I expected…." he complained, "Switch time...Sempai." he said pressing the red button.
"AH YES! It's my turn!" Momotaros shouted, jumping up in his seat. "Suck it Kuma!" he added as he ran down the car before becoming light and leaving for Den-O's body.
With that Den-O swiped the pass over the buckle making his armor fly off and shift around.


With that the armor connected in a snap before the peach DenKamen grinded down the helmets track, it all locked into place with a large burst of red light.

"Ore...SANJOU!" Den-O called as he lifted Rod forms DenGasher over his shoulder as he struck an impromptu pose, "Alright you s-" he froze when he saw what type of Imagin it was finally.

"Momotaros? Wh-"

"GAHHHH!-!-!-!-!" Den-O screamed as he jumped back, "DOG! DOG! DOG! DOG!"


"EH! Momotaros….yo….you're afraid of dogs!?" Ryotaro asked.

"Of course I am! Those damn things are demons with four legs!" Den-O barked.

"I have ears…" the Imagin spoke, overhearing the 'dogs are demons' comment.

"Kame, switch back with me!"

"Apologies sempai, but I am spent for now."

"CRAP UP A RIVER WITHOUT A PADDLE!" Den-O cried loudly, holding his head and falling to his knees.

"Mou...I wish the girls were here…"

"Mizu-Onna! I need your help! pop out of no where already!" Den-O cried. "Please, I'm beggin you! I'll do anything for you!" he begged.

With that, the water in the river suddenly began to ripple like mad.

"Nani?! What is this?!" the Shibainu imagin demanded as it prepared its sword.

"Masaka...it actually worked?"

The Next thing the Shibainu Imagin knew it was surrounded by several ensnaring tendrils of water that lifted it up before sending him flying into a tree. As the Imagin got up the tendrils all converged into one large sphere of water before like a cannonball it fired itself at him and sent him through the tree and to the ground.

"Gh! Wh-what is this?!" the Imagin growled as he got back up.

"I~~~~~~ts me!" Pinkie's voice shouted as suddenly, a large geyser of water splashed out of the river, revealing the excitable pinkette already in her gear, yet her outfit was completely soaked.

"Mizu-onna!" Den-O cried happily. "You actually came!" he added clapping his hands.

"Wow...usually you're barking at me, Momo," Pinkie noted as she landed next to him.

"Don't care! Help me get rid of that beast!" Den-O snapped as he pointed at the Shibainu imagin. "It's a pure evil beast of terrible evil!" he cried shaking her in his panic.

"I still have ears…" the Imagin said to itself.

"Momo...you said evil twice," Pinkie got out while still being shook.

"You bet I did! That's how evil it is!"

"...Wait. Are you afraid of dogs, Momo?"


"Yup. He's afraid of dogs…" Pinkie spoke as her eyes were wide from surprise. This was honestly one of the few times she felt at a lost for words. She really hoped this never happened again.

"...When did this become a comedy routine?" the Imagin frowned a bit as he sheathed his katana, "I have no time for this foolishness. I must fulfill my masters wish."

"Ah Momo he's getting away!" Pinkie called. "Quick! Use your Hissatsu Waza to hit him from here."

"No! Let him get away!"

"...ah frick," Pinkie groaned a bit as she skated towards the Imagin, the pinkette already summoning her ice hammer. The Imagin ducked under her first swing before grabbing her second swing. He then lifted both her and hammer up.

"Do not get in my way," the Imagin stated as he swung her and tossed her away. She would have hit a tree had Den-O not caught her in his arms before she could.

"Mizu-Onna, you okay?" Den-O asked in worry.

"Yup. I'm okay," Pinkie nodded, "But, the Imagin got away."

"Good riddance!" Den-O shouted as he put her down. "I never want to see another one of those beasts!"

Pinkie just looked at Den-O in interest, why was he so scared of Dogs? She picked up her phone and dialed for Twilight, hoping she would possibly know the answer.


"Twilight good I got you. first of all; Yay you picked up! even though it was my cellphone...normally you wait a long time before picking up." she explained with a happy smile. "Oh and second; Turns out we have a problem...Momo is afraid of doggies."

-...excuse me?-

"You heard me. Momo's afraid of dogs. You know the cute little things that start as puppies...they go 'Woof', or 'Bark', and sometimes like to pee on your lawn." she explained.

-I know what dogs are, Pinkie! I was just unsure if I heard you right about Momotaros!-

"I know. My phone was just submerged in water. But it is water proof, so yes. I said Dog," Pinkie explained. "Maybe it's your phone that has bad reception what phone plan do you have?"

-Pinkie, Momotaros, dogs, possible phobia.- Twilight reminded.

"Oh right. Anyways, from what I saw, Momo was freaking out because the Imagin was based on a white dog," Pinkie explained, "He didn't even want to fight he was so scared." she added that was the shocking part honestly.

-I...I see...Pinkie, bring Ryotaro back here to the Milk Dipper. In the morning, we'll hold a meeting on what to do about this, and about the Imagin- Twilight explained. -So just...I don't know calm Momotaros down. I don't think we can handle him being all paranoid on top of his ego.-

"Okay," Pinkie nodded as she hung up, "Hey Momo, we're heading back...and I have pudding~"

"Pudding!" Den-O cried happily as he followed Pinkie all the way back to Milk Dipper. Along the way he took the belt off.

"Momotaros…" Ryotaro sighed a bit, but realized something. If this new Imagin was able to beat both Urataros and Kin, and since Momotaros was scared of dogs...how were they going to beat him?
The next day, Ryotaro and the others were all meeting at the Milk Dipper in the morning. And of course, all but Pinkie got their favorite cup of coffee from Airi.

"Wait. So Momotaros is afraid of dogs?" Rarity asked after hearing the explanation from Pinkie.

"Big time!" Pinkie exclaimed, holding her arms up for emphasis. "He was super scared, he even asked for my help...by the way, Momo still owes me one favor," she reminded Ryotaro as he put the last of the girls coffee's down.

"Right…" Ryotaro nodded.

"Well...Urataros has the skills to match the Imagin, but not the power," Fluttershy noted.

"And Kintaros has the power to take any blow but he's not fast enough to catch him if he escapes…" Twilight added.

"Which leaves Momotaros to deal with it. Except...the only thing keeping him from fighting it is that the Imagin is a dog," Rarity added.

"Well this is a problem isn't it?" Pinkie said with a wobbly frown. "It's almost like we need a new Taro brother…"

"I think we are good with the three we got." everyone else said in unison.

"Oh come on. It would be cool if we had a fourth. Oh oh! Maybe he could be a dragon who makes people dance with a snap of his fingers!"

"Pinkie, we would be happy to listen to your little fantasy ideas. But right now, we have something important to think of," Rarity explained. "How do we take care of this particular Imagin?"

"Well…" Twilight began to ponder, "I suppose if we went with Urataros...the rest of us could help by creating defenses for him and attacking from different angles." she explained, "While if we went with Kintaros, we could try and keep the Imagin from escaping."

"Those are very smart plans." Ryotaro smiled.

"Indeed," Rarity nodded in agreement.

"Y-" Pinkie began before her body began to spasm a bit, "Twitcha twitch! Twitcha twitch!"

"Oh no…" everyone else sighed in unison upon seeing this.

Within a second, the sound of an explosion occurred nearby, causing the group to turn and see a small pile of cars sliced to pieces, along with a burning building.

"I hate it when I'm right about these kinds of things…" Pinkie pouted, "...But oh well. We might as well transform and roll out."

"She stole that from something…" the Imagin all sweatdropped in unison in Ryotaro's head.
"...Again, it's not here," the Shibainu Imagin sighed as he walked out of the burning building, "Where could it be?"

The Imagin began to leave, only for a wall of stone to cut off his path. Before he could draw his sword, a torrent of water crashed into his back, sending him into the slab of rock and hitting it hard.

"Gh! Why you…!" the Imagin growled as he unsheathed his Katana just as he jumped out of the way of a blast of energy and wind, "Why must you keep interfering with my mission?!"

"Because you continue to cause harm to innocent people," Twilight countered as the Imagin landed on a car.

"I do not care what happens to your kind, human! As long as I complete my master's wish, I'll be happy!" the Imagin shouted back.

"Then that line of thinking is why people will keep getting in your way!" Den-O Rod form said as he wrapped a wire around the Imagin's leg before he pulled tripping him and making him drop his sword, that got taken away by a tendril of water.

The Imagin tried to get up, only for it to be bombarded by a barrage or gems and small energy blasts that sent him flying into a car. Den-O then jumped as he lifted his DenGasher Rod Form up and he stabbed it down barely missing the Imagin's head as it moved it's head to avoid the attack. But Den-O just stepped on him, keeping him pinned to the ground.

"You know in some countries, when they fish for food, they tend to beat the flopping fish," Den-O said as he stabbed the DenGasher into the Imagin's chest. "Well it ensures they stay down...effective no?" he mocked as he pulled his weapon away before kicking the Imagin sending him rolling so his front and more importantly the mortar face down, "Come now, surely you found that little tidbit interesting no?" he mocked as he stabbed the Imagin again, keeping it pinned down.

The Shibainu Imagin managed to kick him off before he pulled his bow out, firing a series of energy arrows that sent him skidding back.

"Oopsie. Forgot the bow on h-yipes!" Pinkie yelped as she ducked under a energy arrow shot at her. But a seal of magic formed stopping it in mid air.

"He has long range...we need to set up cover for Den-O to use." Twilight advised as Den-O spun his DenGasher around to deflect all the attacks.

"I'm on it. Great Wall!" Rarity declared as she summoned a stone wall to block the barrage of energy arrows.

"Phew...good timing," Den-O gave a thumbs up as he took a second to catch his breath.

"Agreed, but we need to think of a counter strategy fast," Twilight spoke as she began to think outloud, "We need to make sure to keep his sword away, but at the same time, we'll have to deal with those arrows of his. Plus, even if we get in close enough, he has that mortar cannon."

"I hate to say it but we should probably go with Kin for this," Pinkie said, she didn't want to bring it up figuring everyone might still be mad at him for letting the Imagin escape before.

"She's right. Right now, he's our best possible shot," Fluttershy added.

"Yeah...if we don't have Momotaros to evade the attacks...we use Kin to block them." Twilight agreed.

"Urataros would you mind?" Rarity asked.

"Ah...at the moment I'd be thrilled, Kin-chan you're up." Den-O said, pressing the yellow button before swiping the pass.


With that, the armor lifted off as the Rod form DenKamen burst off, Urataros spirit left as Kintaros formed over and went into Den-O just as the armor slammed into place the DenKamen then grinded down before forming into mask form.

"Nakeru de!" Den-O called as he cracked his neck.

"Alright Kintaros, listen. After Rarity pulls the wall down, you rush ahead and attack. Me and the girls will back you up with some far range attacks," Twilight informed.

"Hmm…" Den-O looked at the Imagin's sword before he grabbed it in his hand before he formed the DanGasher into axe formation. He rolled his shoulders holding both weapons as he stood before the wall. He nodded his head to the girls.

"Alright," Twilight paused, holding her arm up before swinging it down,"Now!"

With that, Rarity forced her stone wall down as Den-O charged, he swung both weapons as he deflected all the arrows he could and let the others just bounced off his armor and exploded elsewhere.

Den-O then slashed with the sword in his left before he sliced through the the axe leaving a scratch pattern in the Imagin's armor making him stumble back and back into a car. Den-O flipped the Katana around in his hand and held it underhand as he got into a stance as he held the left arm forward blade pointing down with the right arm and axe just behind the right arm.

"Koi." Den-O called to the Imagin wanting him to counter.

The Shibainu Imagin growled a bit as he fired a few energy arrows at the ground, creating a smoke screen to confuse Den-O long enough so retrieve his katana. The Imagin then began to slash at the Kamen Rider at high speed before leaping back from a slash from Den-O's axe.

"Ano waza…" he began as he held up his axe. "Shall not cut me again." he explained as he grabbed a car before he began to push it with all his might grinding it against the ground before hitting the Imagin with it and sending it crashing into a wall. Den-O then flipped the car over before he slashed the Imagin across the chest once then twice before he grabbed the Mortar cannon on it's shoulder he began to apply all the pressure he could as the weapon began to crack. "Nakeru de!" he called as he slashed the axe into the weapon causing it to explode violently causing a smoke cloud that covered them both.

"Did he get him?" Twilight asked hopefully, only to see a blur shot out of the smoke cloud.

"Nope. Guess not," Pinkie said as she moved her water whips at the Imagin, only for it to slice them in half, "Ahh! No fair!"

"Hah...hah…" the Imagin panted as the mortar was now destroyed.

"Doskoi~!" Den-O shouted as he tossed his axe grazing the Imagin's shoulder sending him falling down as the axe Imbedded itself in a building wall. He then walked out of the smoke unscathed before he grabbed the Imagin and forced him up before lifting him up over his head. He then dropped the Imagin letting him hit the ground with a loud thud.

"Is it over yet?"

"G...no...I...must...complete..my...mission…" the Imagine grunted as he struggled to stay up

"..." Den-O looked down at the Imagin. Den-O then seemed to look conflicted he gripped his fist before he looked back at the girls then to the Imagin.

"What're you waiting for, Kintaros! Hurry before he gets away again!"

"...If I have failed here...then...so be it," the Imagin sighed as he got onto his knees, "End it...Kuma-san."

Den-O grabbed his axe as it was tossed to him. He raised it up but froze for a second…

"HA!" he shouted as he slashed down...but the blade hit the ground next to the Imagin as Den-O missed. "I can not do it…" he spoke. "I can't finish him knowing he has yet to finish his contract…"

"What?!" most of the girls gasped.

"...You're...sparing me?" the Imagin asked in a mix of surprise and shock.

"For the time being…" Den-O said standing up, "Go...finish your contract...then we shall battle." he explained. "Let this be a last request fulfillment."

"...Very well…" the Shibainu imagin nodded as he picked up his sword and sheathed it. He then began to walk away before Den-O walked and acted as a wall between the Imagin and the girls.

"...W...why?! We...we just had him!" Twilight exclaimed as she and the girls ran up to Den-O.

"I could feel it...this Imagin has only the desire of it's contractor in mind…" Den-O spoke he gripped his fist tighter as he did. "For me to end someone so honorable and honest like that...I could not burden such a deed," he explained. "I can understand if it were an Imagin who twisted their contractor's wish...but...I would feel as if I were cutting down one like me and Momonji if I did this…"

"B...I...w...I….ugh!" Twilight groaned as she facepalmed, "...Alright. Let's...just head back to the Milk Dipper and think of something else."

"Hm…" Den-O ignored her as he looked around while taking his belt off. K-Ryotaro hid the belt away as he looked around more. "Why this place...what could the wish entail to bring it to these places?" he asked before he ran off.

"M-matteyo!" Fluttershy called out.

"I have to look at something!" he called as he kept running, K-Ryotaro ran a lot faster than they expected. He was even passing cars by as he ran.

"...What could he mean by that?" Rarity asked, earning a shrug from Pinkie.

"...He has a point," Twilight spoke, holding her chin in thought, "Why would the Imagin go to those specific places?"

"Hm...there are so many buildings here...any one of them could be a clue…" Pinkie complained.

"Let's look at the ones that look to be damaged on purpose…" Twilight said, looking at the several buildings.

"Right," the others nodded in response.
K-Ryotaro stood in front of the shrine where he they faced the Imagin earlier. He looked the location over once or twice.

"Hmm...this shrine...what connects it to all the other locations?" he asked to himself as he began to walk around the location he then stopped as he took a whiff of the air, "That's..."

"Incense? that means someone was here earlier." Ryotaro spoke as he recognized the smell himself.

"Yes…" K-Ryotaro nodded as he walked around the few graves near the shrine before he found a plot that had a stick of incense still burning, "It's still fresh, which means it was on for a while now."

"You're right...but what does this have to do with the Imagin?"

"It's not my area of expertise Ryotaro...that is more for you and the girls." K-Ryotaro shook his head.

"R-right," Ryotaro nodded in response, "Speaking of them, I hope they're doing okay."
"Well here's a list of what buildings where most damaged by the Imagin." Twilight explained reading off a note pad. "The first was just a postal building...why he'd attack there? It makes no sense honestly."

"Maybe's he's looking for a lost magazine subscription?" Pinkie asked, getting blank looks from the others. "What? Imagin contractors have wished for less before."

"...Right," Twilight sweatdropped as she looked back down at the notebook, "The second place he had attacked before was an abandoned shrine at the graveyard."

"Strangely that looked like the one he hardly even touched," Rarity pointed out.

"Yeah...he just looked around inside." Twilight nodded. "Then today, his target seemed to be an office building." she went on. "It seemed like he ransacked the place looking for something."

"It seem really desperate to find whatever it is," Fluttershy spoke up.

"It seems that way," Rarity agreed before she slightly recalled something, "Wait. What was the wish the Imagin was trying to complete again?"

"He said something to do with its master's son," Fluttershy recalled.

"I just don't understand...What these all have connected?" Twilight sighed, sitting down.

"This is a toughy…" Pinkie pouted.

With that, the door opened as Ryotaro (back to normal) walked into the Milk Dipper. He rubbed his neck a little as Kintaros neck cracking habit made his neck sore after he got control back.

"W-welcome back, Ryotaro," Fluttershy greeted before noticing the problem with his neck, "Is everything okay?"

"Ah it's okay...it's just everytime Kintaros takes over, his neck popping habit makes my neck feel sore...guess its what you could say a con to his possession." he explained as he lowered his hand before he took a seat.

"I see...h-hold on. I'll see if Airi-san has an ice pack in the back," Fluttershy said as she got up.

"Ah we do...they're in the door space of the freezer." Ryotaro replied.

"Remember, Ryo gets hurt an awful lot." Pinkie reminded.

"R-right," Fluttershy nodded as she walked towards the back.

"So what did Kintaros do this time?" Twilight asked.

"We went to go look over the shrine where the Imagin appeared." Ryotaro explained. "Kintaros thinks we found something that could be a clue…" he added, part of him was still unsure about the stick of incense they found, it could have just been a coincidence.

"Incense?" Twilight blinked a bit as Rarity looked at it a bit.

"Hmm...it looks like it was still warm." Rarity noted.

"Hai...it was left over at the shrine." Ryotaro explained. "I know it's not much, but Kintaros said it might be worth something."

"I see," Twilight noted.

"Ano...was it in front of a grave?" Fluttershy asked as she walked back in, carrying an ice pack for Ryotaro.

"Yes...I told him not to take it...but well he already put it out before making his way here." Ryotaro explained as he took the ice pack and pressed it against his neck.

"Hm…" everyone pondered as they looked back and forth between the things they had found.
The Shibainu Imagin landed on the ground of a houses backyard. The Imagin got down on one knee while bowing it's head.

"I'm sorry...I still have not found what you wish…" the Imagin explained to a man who was standing in the backyard.

He was a man who was up there in his years, his head was bald with a few wrinkles here and there on his face, he wore a green sweater and pants. The man did not reply as he turned to face the bowing Imagin.

"Please...give me more time I promise to accomplish this wish for you." the Imagin begged honestly, the man simply nodding his head slowly.

The elderly man then made his way back inside before the Imagin turned away and jumped into the air before making his way into the night to finish it's contract.

'My master..don't worry. I will complete this wish...even if I have to go through this entire city to look for the object you seek,' the Shibainu Imagin thought as he jumped from building to building, 'The memento of your late son...'
Kintaros: I shall face this Imagin honestly.

Ryotaro: This Imagin...it honestly is trying to assist it's contractor.

Pinkie: I guess some Imagin aren't all bad.

Shibainu Imagin: Contract...complete.

Momotaros: Kuso...I'm tired of all this crap!

Stop 6: Fight for Honor

Den-O Sword Form: Hissatsu...ore no Hissatsu Waza!

Author's Note:

Again, appologies for updating so late. These chapters can be pretty long, and take time to fix and edit. But in any case, hope you enjoy this chapter. And hopefully I'll get more chapters up by today