• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 2,353 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship is Timeless - Seanzilla115

Time long ago, the destiny of six girls were changed. In the future, time itself lead to the end of humanity. Now in the middle in the present, the time to reach the crossroads have come as 6 girls and 1 human, plus 5 Imagin's fight to change fate it

  • ...

Stop 6

The battle with the Shibainu Imagin had left everyone both confused and a little troubled. They tried to find out what the wish was...what the Imagin was after? None of the places it attacked made any sense, not any one could possibly be related from a first glance. Yes, there had to be something. The strange part was what K-Ryotaro discovered at the shrine; someone was leaving a stick of incense for a grave. What exactly that had to do with this...that was still being figured out.

"Ugh...this is getting us nowhere…" M-Ryotaro complained sitting in a chair, "I thought you were suppose to be the smart one, Mahou-Onna!"

"Well I'd have it done faster if someone wasn't barking at me!" Twilight argued, the violette starting to get a bit miffed and annoyed.

"God dang it, woman! I'm not a detective. All I do is hit stuff! So when you need me to hit something, then I'll be useful!"

"I….you….ugh!" Twilight groaned as she hit her head against the table, "At this rate, we'll never figure out what that Imagin was trying to accomplish!"

"Ah...she's right...but the things we found are all very different from one another...what thing could connect them together?" Ryotaro pondered, all thought the only ones who could hear this where the Imagin...and maybe Pinkie if it where one of those moments again.

"Heck if I know…" M-Ryotaro shrugged as he rested back in his seat.

"Ugh...Where are the others? They should've been here by now," Twilight said as she rubbed her head a bit to sooth the incoming headache.

"The Mizu-Onna said something about having to do some shopping for her folks…" M-Ryotaro explained. He tended to read over Ryotaro's texts for fun sometimes. "The Chikyu-Onna, something about her little sister...the Kaze-Onna, I honestly haven't a clue. She's normally here around the same time as you."

"I s-" Twilight began before she got a text message on her phone, "...It's Fluttershy. She's apologizing for being late because she had to help out at the local vet real quick. She'll be here in a few minutes or so."

"Told ya. She's as connected to Ryotaro's hip as you are," M-Ryotaro commented as he put his feet on the table. He then looked at her when he could feel the sour look she was giving him. "What? It's true..."

"Whatever…" Twilight sighed as she looked back down at the map, which had a few places marked on it. "Why you had to take charge first thing in the morning, I'll never understand." she complained as she looked it over again.

"Would you rather have to kame or kuma out?" M-Ryotaro countered.

"...Point taken," Twilight sweatdropped a little, the violetette still looking over the map, "There has to be some connection here...but what?"

"Hell would I know? It looks random to me," M-Ryotaro shrugged as he grabbed a comic and began to read. "None of us are detectives...unless you know a Detective Kamen Rider?" he asked sarcastically.

"...No...I don't...unless Pinkie might since her sister sends her pictures of places that have their own Kamen Rider."

"Think she's got their phone numbers? I kind of want to see if I can call someone to take over for us every now and then."

"I'd seriously doubt that," Twilight sweatdropped a little before the doors opened.

"H-hello. Sorry I'm late," Fluttershy said as she walked in, the shy pinkette wearing a pale yellow opened jacket on top of a white shirt, and a forest green skirt.

"Eh, you didn't miss much," M-Ryotaro explained flipping the pages of his comic, "We still can't figure this stupid thing out...it's like one of them cube things with all the colors."

"Momotaros, are you talking about a rubix cube?"

"Is that what it's called? I always thought they called them stupid piece of junk," M-Ryotaro snorted.

"A-actually, they're made to challenge the brain and stuff. K-kinda like Tetris."

"Isn't that that thing you get when you cut yourself with something rusty?"

"Ah...no, I think that's something else…"

"Really? Oi, Mahou Onna, what the hell is that thing called when you cut yourself with something rusty? I need to prove my point to Ryotaro."

"I'm busy...and you're an idiot." Twilight replied.

"Call me an idiot. See how much of an idiot I am next time a monster is about to eat you…" M-Ryotaro grumbled.

"...Want me to reintroduce you to the coffee maker?"

"Gh!" M-Ryotaro tensed at that as he began to sweat nervously.

"Uhm...I'm sorry, Twilight, but what is this thing about a coffee maker?" Fluttershy couldn't help but ask. Sometimes, these people always brought up some...interesting stories that happened to them.

"Before you joined us, Fluttershy, Momotaros was bit more...crude. He ended up saying something...offensive, and I ended up putting him in a coffee maker," Twilight whispered to her.

"What did he do that was bad enough to warrant such a punishment?" Fluttershy's innocent curiosity got the best of her.

"...You don't want to know, but I'll just say it was sexist," Twilight explained further.

"Oh...O-okay." she nodded in understanding.

"Mah...threaten me...I feel like if we add any more woman to this group, the next thing you'll know we won't even be fighting things anymore...we'll just have slice of life things going on," M-Ryotaro grumbled as he went back to his comic.

"It doesn't sound that bad...why does the earth always have to be in danger?"

"I'm pretty dang sure humans are the most despised thing in existence," M-Ryotaro countered. "Name one time to me aliens have come to this planet and you didn't need someone in a metal suit to kick their asses back into space?"


"I thought so," M-Ryotaro snorted as he went back to his comic, "...Yeesh. This Deadpool guy reminds me a LOT of the Mizu-onna."

"Pinkie's not that cruel...or crude...or mean...and she doesn't have ADHD."

"...True, but they're both random as hell."

"I get the feeling we miss out on a lot of interesting conversations between them," Twilight spoke to Fluttershy as they looked at M-Ryotaro speak to no one, only to actually be speaking to the real Ryotaro in his mind.

"M-most likely," Fluttershy nodded slightly before looking down at the map, "S-so...any luck?"

"No...Ryotaro and I tried to figure it out for a while before Momotaros came in...since then, he's been reading a bunch of comic books that Airi ordered." she explained as M-Ryotaro snickered as he read the Deadpool comic. "So no luck...just a lot of headaches...I wish Airi didn't have issues with giving an aspirin to a teenager." she complained, rubbing her head.

"I...I see," Fluttershy noted, "Ano...m-maybe me and Ryotaro-san can check out one of the spots the Imagin was at before."

"Ha! He got melted and he's still alive! Ah man, this stuff is funny!" M-Ryotaro laughed loudly, "Ah...alright, I'll give you girls back Ryotaro…" he sighed blissfully after he stopped laughing before he closed the comic and tossed it away. Momotaros's red aura then left, leaving regular Ryotaro sitting uncomfortably in the chair.

"Mou...a little word of warning would be helpful…" Ryotaro groaned a bit.

"Well, I suppose searching is the best we can do right now." Twilight nodded. "I'll stay here and see if the quiet lets me think. You two be careful." she reminded the two.

"Right." Ryotaro nodded as he grabbed his hoodie and followed Fluttershy out the door.

"Alright...l-" Twilight began before wincing a bit, holding her head, "Ugh...this headache...Airi. Do you have any tea or anything to help me with my headache?"

"Hold on…" Airi called happily as she closed her book before looking around for some ingredients for tea.
(cue opening)

Owner: Toki no ressha Denrainā (The train of time, DenLiner). Tsugi no eki wa kako ka? mirai ka (Will the next station be in the past? Or the future)?

Jikan no nami wo tsukamaete(Catch the wave of Time!)

Ima sugu ni ikuo yakusoku no basho(Head to the promised place right away)

Genkai mugen iza tobikome(The limits are infinite. Jump at the critical moment!)


Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!

Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!

Kanaetai yume no ga aru nara(If you have a dream you wish would come true)

Shinjinakucha neggata hibi wo(You've got to believe in the day you made the wish)


Mayoi sou na Toki Kanarazu(When you think you're lost, I'm sure…)

Omai no tsuyasa ga michibiku(The strength of your feelings will guide you)

Kimi ga Nozomu mirai sude ni IN YOUR HANDS!(The future you wish for is already IN YOUR HANDS)

Hajimari wa itsumo totsuzen(Beginnings are always sudden)

Unmei wo Tsurete yuku TIME TRIPPIN' RIDE!(Bring fate with you on a TIME TRIPPPIN' RIDE)

Fukanou no Koete(Surpass the impossible)

Tsukami toru sa(Grab hold of it)


Kawaru koto wo osorenaide(Don't be afraid of change)

Ashita no jibun mi ushinau dake(You're just losing sight of your future self)

Dare Yori takai sora e tobou yo(Higher than anyone else...let's jump into the sky)


Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!

Ii jan! Ii jan! Sugee jan?!
Stop 6: Fight for Honor
"A-Anything yet, Ryotaro-san?" Fluttershy asked as the two were looking around the shrine the Shibainu Imagin was at, the shy pinkette trying her best to stay calm since it was near a graveyard.

"No...nothing…" Ryotaro spoke as he came out from behind the shrine having looked the entire thing over. "Sorry for bringing you here Fluttershy, I know you're not good with places like this." he apologised. "More since we couldn't find anything else…"

"I-it's okay, Ryotaro-san. I-I'm sure we can find something eventually…" Fluttershy replied, messing with a lock of her hair a bit.

"Hai." Ryotaro smiled, "But I guess it must be easier to search like this...by now I'm sure Momotaros would have caused something strange to happen or Pinkie scares us." Ryotaro joked.

"Y-yeah…" Fluttershy giggled slightly before she heard something crack, causing her to yelp as she unconsciously hugged Ryotaro, the shy pinkette shivering a bit.

"It's okay, Fluttershy...it was just someone stepping on a stick was all. Look." Ryotaro pointed to an elderly man, who walked up to a grave before he placed a stick of incense, lit it, and kneeled down to pray. "Let's go...we don't want to disturb him." he smiled, not wanting to disturb the man.

"H….hai," Fluttershy nodded nervously as the two began to leave, the shy pinkette giving one last look at the praying elderly man.

Something crossed her mind, but she shook it off, not wanting to think of it at the moment. Just as the two were about to leave the area, Ryotaro turned when he felt something strange. What he saw were a few specks of sand beginning to fall from the elderly man and to the ground. Ryotaro stopped, making Fluttershy stop and turn before noticing the same thing.

"...Y….you don't think…?" Fluttershy began with slightly wide eyes.

"That man...he has an Imagin...Does that mean?" Ryotaro began as the two were just stunned for a moment before the man finished and rose to his feet before he began to leave the area. "Ma….matte." Ryotaro called out as he and Fluttershy both went after him, but before they could, an arrow hit the ground in front of them making them both come to a halt.

"Stay away from him…" a familiar voice spoke, making the two look up at a nearby tree to see the Shibainu Imagin, said Imagin already having his bow out.

"That's…" Fluttershy began as she got ready to transform; Ryotaro grabbed his belt, ready to strap it on, but another arrow hit the ground in front of him before it detonated, sending the poor boy flying back and then skidding across the ground, "R-Ryotaro!"

"Leave this place now," the Imagin ordered as he leapt down from the tree, drawing his bow back again.

"So...then that man...he is your contractor?" Ryotaro was able to ask as he propped himself up on his elbow.

"...He is my master, yes," the Imagin nodded slightly, still aiming his bow at the two, "And I will do what it takes to make his wish a reality."

"He does sound like Kintaros…" Fluttershy noted quietly.

"Yeah…" Ryotaro quietly agreed.

"I ask you both once again, leave this place now." the Imagin warned as he pulled back the bow, "I will not hear your pleas for mercy otherwise."
"Zzzz….h...ear…" Kintaros said in his sleep before his head shot up. "Tears?!" he slammed his hands as he shot up before he walked to the end, leaving the Den-Liner.
The Imagin fired the arrow, but it was caught mid air by Ryotaro's arm before a yellow flash made his hair lengthen with a yellow streak. He rose up as his eyes began to glow yellow.

"Nakeru de!" K-Ryotaro declared, snapping the arrow in his hand.

"Kintaros!" Fluttershy exclaimed as K-Ryotaro tore the hoodie off along with his shirt before he cracked his neck.

"...the kuma again," the Shibainu Imagin frowned slightly as he put his bow away.

K-Ryotaro got in front of Fluttershy as he slowly spread his legs while raising his left arm up, palm facing at the Imagin, as he settled into a fighting stance.

"Why do you not put on your armor?"

"I told you before; I would give you a period to accomplish your final request...but I will not allow you to harm this girl...return to your task." K-Ryotaro explained simply.

"...Not until you leave this area," the Imagin frowned as he grasped the handle of his katana, ready to unsheath it.

"Then we have reached an impasse," K-Ryotaro stated as he tensed all his muscles, ready to battle.

The Shibainu Imagin didn't say anything as he and K-Ryotaro stared each other down, waiting for the other to make a move.

'Uh...what do I do? Kintaros will get Ryotaro's body hurt...and the Imagin is very strong...What do I do?' Fluttershy mentally cried, her face showing this as the worry made her face look worried as well, 'W-wait...maybe...' "Ano...I-imagin-san?"


"I...I need to know again. W-what exactly did your contr...I mean, master wish for?"

"...If I tell you, will you two leave this place?"

"Ah yes, we promise to leave." Fluttershy nodded instantly "Right Kintaros?" she asked with big puppy dog eyes, begging him to agree to this.

"...Hai," K-Ryotaro nodded, Ryotaro blushing at how cute the shy pinkette was right now.

"...Very well...I shall tell you," the Imagin sighed a bit as he sat down on his knees, "My master wishes to see a memento of his late son."

"H...his late son?"

"Hai," The Imagin nodded his head, K-Ryotaro then sat on his knees as well as he looked at the Shibainu imagin.

"So that is what you looked for? This last memento a son had for his father?" K-Ryotaro asked to be sure he understood.

"Hai...I don't recall much, but my master had gotten into a fight with his son before an incident took his son's life," the Imagin explained

"Soka...so this man wished for anything to remind him of his son," K-Ryotaro nodded his head.

"Yes. I tried searching places his son once worked in and visited, but I found nothing."

"All those locations…" Fluttershy realized.

"That makes sense," K-Ryotaro nodded his head.

"Yes...I am not sure what I need to find, but my master just wants something that reminds him of his late son, so he can say I'm sorry one last time."

"I'm sorry?" Fluttershy tilted her head in confusion.

"That is enough of this...I have explained enough to you. Please go." The Imagin ordered.

"Very well. A deal was a deal." K-Ryotaro said as he got up before he picked Fluttershy up and lifted her over his shoulders. "Koi, Fluttershy. We must meet with the others." he said before he crouched down and used the inherit super strength of whenever K-Ryotaro was formed to jump high into the air before landing on a building and continuing this process.
"And that is what we learned from the Imagin." K-Ryotaro explained as he told the girls (Pinkie and Rarity having arrived a bit later while Fluttershy and Ryotaro were off searching) the story from the Imagin. He was sitting on a table with his legs crossed and still shirtless, Ryotaro lost lots of good shirts whenever Kintaros took over.

"I see…" Twilight noted as she took teh info in, "He was looking for something regarding to that man's late son."

"Yes, that's what he explained. It wasn't exactly a full story, but it was a lot of information," Fluttershy spoke up.

"Cool. So….what now?" Pinkie couldn't help but ask.

"I haven't a clue…" K-Ryotaro spoke, "Does anyone else feel a draft?" he asked, getting off the table as the possession enhanced muscles flexed on instinct.

"No...but it would help if you put a shirt on," Twilight stated, the violetette sweatdropping a little.

"Hm...but then it would be harder for me to swing my arms if I did," K-Ryotaro countered.

"And most likely give Ryotaro a cold," Twilight countered back.

"Still don't like it."

"Why is it this time his clothes didn't change yet every other time, you change his clothes into a Kimono?" Rarity couldn't help but ask.

"I honestly haven't a clue...maybe Ryotaro has some form of magic that lets him alter his clothing," K-Ryotaro replied.

"Maybe. Ooh! Maybe in his past life, he was a unicorn or something!" Pinkie suggested.

"Uh...that one I'm not sure how to reply to." the girls said honestly.

"You just don't have that big of imagination as I do," Pinkie smiled a bit.

"Hm...This is troubling one indeed. I know this Imagin will harm people if left uncontrolled...but I can not bring myself to stop him on this honorable quest," K-Ryotaro spoke up, "This is too difficult a choice for me to make."

"Momotaros would suggest something...but...well…" Twilight began.

"He's scared of doggies," Pinkie finished. "It's ironic that someone who's so cranky and bad tempered would end up being scared of something so cute and adorable."

"And it's also ironic, given what he is based on as well," Fluttershy spoke.

It was true. In the tale of Momotaro, the hero befriended a dog. So the fact that Momotaros was scared of them was just plain strange since that was the exact story Ryotaro's mind based him on.

"...Anyways, back to the matter at hand," Twilight spoke, "Now...what're we gonna do about the Imagin?"

"I suppose all we could do is try to stop the Imagin." Rarity explained, she honestly couldn't think of something with how Kintaros was acting. So she went with their staple standby on all this.

"Or, a...and I a-apologize for suggesting this, help it?" Fluttershy meekly suggested.

"...I'm sorry?" Twilight blinked, not sure if she heard the shy pinkette right.

"I...I know that it's dangerous...but so far it seems to really want to help it's contractor...maybe if we helped it finish the contract without causing too much property damage then...everyone would be happy?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm sorry...I'll be quiet now." she apologized bowing her head sadly.

"...It sounds like a good plan," K-Ryotaro nodded.

"That's just because you wanted to do the same…" Pinkie pointed out with a smirk.

"That is true, yes," K-Ryotaro nodded.

"Well...I'm not saying its a bad idea, but what the?, The Imagin would probably just jump into the past," Twilight said to Fluttershy, "So we should think of something else."

"R...right," Fluttershy nodded sadly, "I...I'm sorry for suggesting it in the first place."

"No it's fine, it's just in the long run the idea could backfire is all." Twilight explained trying to keep her spirits up.

"...h-hai," Fluttershy nodded.

"Hm...this is so hard…" Pinkie complained massaging her head as she was crouched down. "This is the hardest problem since...well since we found out we are the only hope for this world from evil threat from another world."

"I thought you were okay with all this?" Twilight deadpanned.

"Oh let me complain will ya?" Pinkie pouted before a literal light bulb popped out from her hair, "I got it! Hear me out..what if we go with Fluttershy's idea, but have two of us waiting to jump the Imagin the minute the contract is complete, take his weapons, and bam! Instantly done!"

"Pinkie that's smart…" everyone spoke in unison.

"I know I am!*Squee!*

"Hmm?" K-Ryotaro blinked as he looked around, "What was that just now?" he then picked Pinkie up as he searched for it. "Hm...strange must have been my imagination." he mumbled scratching his chin as he put Pinkie on his shoulder.

"No. It's that damn invisible squeaky toy!" Momotaros snapped..

"Hm...indeed it is. Pinkie you know about this invisible squeaky toy don't you?" K-Ryotaro asked the girl slung over his shoulder.

"...What squeaky toy?" Pinkie asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Hmm...then it must be Momonji's imagination effecting Ryotaro's ears…" K-Ryotaro pondered.

"My….baka! The kame hears it too!"

"I have no idea what sempai is talking about."

"Yes you do! You hear it as well when that Mizu-onna smiles!"

"Why I haven't the foggiest what you mean? All I hears is the soothing voice of a pretty girl and a wonderful smile."

"You're messing with me aren't you?"

"Am I? I haven't noticed…"

"...Okay that's it. Where the hammer!?"

"Ah! No Sempai! Not the shell cracker! Celeste-san, save me!"

"She's too focused on her b-GAH! Keep that damn thing away from me!"

"Why? It's just a simple dog picture, Momo." Celeste giggled.

"Eh? Now Ryotaro can hear Twilight's sisters voice?" K-Ryotaro pondered, "How strange."

"Filter...need one…" Ryotaro groaned.

"Ooh! Now Ryotaro can hear other people in his head," Pinkie said with stars in her eyes. "I want to be in his head too, it sounds so fun!" she smiled as she patted K-Ryotaro's head happily.

"Ugh...Pinkie…" Twilight sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she tried to suppress the oncoming headache.

"What do we do now? We know what he Imagin is after...but how do we predict it's next move?" Twilight asked as she and the others all where hanging out on the roof of school to think this out.

"Hmm...well, back at the graveyard, Me and Fluttershy saw the Imagin's Contractor in front of a grave." Ryotaro explained.

"Hm...that's a good point there Ryo." Pinkie said scratching her chin as she stood next to Ryotaro.

"A-and the Imagin was there as well," Fluttershy added, "W..we were about to talk to his master before the Imagin attacked us, demanding that we'd leave."

"Well maybe if we talked to this man, we could learn something that could help us." Rarity pointed out. "We know for a fact most of the time the Imagin just listen to its contractors wish once then take it out of proportions to finish the contract."

"That's very true." Twilight nodded, "...SO I guess our best bet is to see this old man when he goes to visit that grave again."

"Yup...we will need to stake out the spooky graveyard." Pinkie said excitedly. "Even if it takes all day and all night we shall wait for him to arrive." she explained, rubbing her hands in a somewhat devious manner.

Fluttershy let this idea sink in before her eyes went blank and she began to shake in fear.

"Pinkie, stop that," Twiligth frowned.

"Why? Scared zombies might come out and get you?"

"Z….z…..zombies?" Fluttershy squeaked out before she fainted.

"Pinkie!" Twilight shouted at her as Rarity and Ryotaro checked on the poor Fluttershy.

"What?! I was just joking!"

"There's joking, and there's just being mean!"

"What?! I wasn't mean! I'm no troll, Twilight!"

"Well you could've fooled me!" Twilight countered.

"Well...seems like any other day…" Ryotaro mumbled.

"Indeed," Rarity nodded as she and Ryotaro checked on the unconscious Fluttershy.

"Come on the idea's not that bad." Pinkie complained. "I mean Flutter's won't be up for it but we can send Ryotaro and one of us to do it."

"I don't think you understand, Pinkie! Even if go with your suggestion, we'll probably get in trouble with the police or something for being out so late!"

"Well when you put it like that…"

"Well we could go by on occasion and hope to see him at the least?" Ryotaro suggested.

"...Poo. That sounds much better," Pinkie pouted, "Man...I even had spy outfits ready and everything

"It was a box wasn't it?" Rarity asked, making Pinkie's eyes widen slightly.

"Maybe…" Pinkie said as she backstepped, pushing a large box to hide it.
"...Is he here yet?" Pinkie asked as the group waited for the old man.


"Is he here yet?"


"Is he here yet?"

"GOD DAMN IT NO!" M-Ryotaro roared in her ear, "You irritate the hell out of us! You know what...get in the corner! Now!"

"...I got pudding," Pinkie offered as she help up a pudding cup.

"You're forgiven," M-Ryotaro smiled, taking it, "But you still have to get in the corner."

"Aww~! Why do I always get the corner?" Pinkie complained as M-Ryotaro ate his pudding cup with a dopey grin on his face enjoying every single bite.

"Maybe because most of the time, y-" Twilight began before she spotted someone, "...Quite. Here he comes."

With that, everyone hid behind a few trees, peeking their heads out to look. They soon saw the elderly man Fluttershy and Ryotaro were talking about, said man approaching one of the graves as he lit a insense, he then got on his knees before he began to quietly pray.

Ryotaro having returned to normal, and the girls watched quietly letting the man finish this act before the confronted him. after a few minutes the man slowly got back up before he began to leave.

"I'll go talk with him...if we all gang up on him we might scare him." Ryotaro said as he walked out. "Excuse me sir!" he called out jogging up to him.

"Hmm?" the elderly man blinked a bit as he turned around to face him, "Yes? Can I help you?"

"I'm sorry to bother you sir...but this is rather important. I would never bother you about something like this unless people lives weren't at stake." he said, "I know about the creature...the one who said it would grant your wish." he explained, making his eyes widen a little in worry.

"...I see…" the old man sighed sadly, "I had hoped he wouldn't harm anyone…"

"I understand...but this being...it doesn't care for people...it only wants to grant your wish...even if he harms people in his path," Ryotaro explained, "I know it is hard to take in...but it's not your fault...this Imagin its just the way it is...but I want to stop it before it could hurt someone."

"...I see. I didn't want this to happen but...I just needed closure, especially after what happened between me and my son."

"I'm sorry, I can understand losing those you care for…" Ryotaro said sadly. "I...wish to help…"


"I...I wish to help." he explained, "When...when I lost my mother and father…" he admitted getting everyone's attention. "All I wanted...was to say goodbye to them...I can understand what you're going through...so if I can help you...I will." Ryotaro spoke as he grabbed the man's shoulders gently. "Please I know I don't look reliable...but I will help you."

"...Very well...I just pray the creature sees this and follows your example."

"As do I, please tell me what you can it can help me stop the Imagin from doing more damage."

"Alright…" the elderly man said as he and Ryotaro walked before taking a seat, "I suppose it all begins in the past when me and my son last spoke, my son had gotten a job overseas, which means I wouldn't' be able to see him again," he explained with a sad sigh. "I was outraged...after I lost my wife, my son was really all the family I had left. For him to leave like that it felt as if he where leaving me...so I wouldn't be a burden on him any longer…" he sadly remembered.
"It's not like that dad!" a man in his late twenties to early thirties shouted to the elderly man. "Don't you understand what a great opportunity for me this is?"

"All I understand is that my useless son is just looking for an opportunity to forget about me!" the man shouted as his son. "Why do you try and justify this...just say it! You want nothing to do with your own family!"

"Know what maybe I do...what would I want a father who can't think about anyone besides himself…" his son countered. "I thought you'd honestly be happy I got a chance like this...I could make my own dream come true...I don't need to be guilt tripped like this!" he shouted as he grabbed a jacket before making his way out the door before slamming it loudly.

"Fine! Get out of here! I never want anything to do with a useless son either!" the old man shouted.
"I said so many hurtful and angry things to him...most of which I want to take back. But...the next day, there was report of a car accident…" he explained with a sad sigh in his voice. "Later that day officers came to my home and told me who it was...all I remember from that point was just despair...my son...my only family left...and the last thing I told him is that I didn't want anything to do with a useless son…" he said as tears began to fall from his eyes. "All I ever wanted was to take the things I said back...to tell him that no matter what I would always love him...but I failed him as a father…"

"...That is untrue."

"Gh!" the old man tensed as he and Ryotaro turned to see the Shibainu Imagin walk up to them.

"That is untrue, master," the Imagin spoke bowing his head.

"At the risk of sounding like I'm siding with him…" Ryotaro spoke up. "He's right...the fact you feel this shows how much you love your son...you would never feel this is you were a bad father. You were upset and said things you didn't mean...you're feeling just shows you're a human...I'm sure your son must have felt bad for what he said as well." he added as he patted the man's shoulder. "We're humans...we're allowed to make mistakes...it's just important you realize them that makes the difference of whether you're a bad person or a good person. Someone I cared for a lot told me the same thing." he smirked making the man look up at Ryotaro.

"...Even so...I still wish I can take those words back…"

"You can…" the Imagin spoke up, pulling out a letter from one of his sleeves, "I had found this, and it was addressed to you. I found this in your sons home...it was not sealed so he had barely written it."

With that, the man grabbed the letter and began to read it as he did his hands began to tremble tears ran down his face, several fell to the bottom of the letter staining the paper. The man then slowly fell to his knees as he finished.

Dad, I'm so sorry for what I said to you that day. I know that what I said was my anger...and I know that you too feel bad for what you said...don't ask me how. It's just one of those things you feel. I'm sorry for the things I said to you...but I'm not sorry for taking this chance. I know I will be all the way in europe, but I will never leave you dad, I will return. I will come back to my selfish dad and always be there for him...even if I one day begin my own family I'll never forget you you're my dad. I know you love me even if you're an old grump who can never say it properly. So please dad forgive me for what I said, I will forgive you for it. And when I return we can talk it out over a drink.

"Stupid...what a stupid boy...but...he was still my boy…" the man sobbed, the tears just unable to be stopped at this point. "I'm so sorry…" he finished.

The girls couldn't' help but give out a few sobs as well as they listened in, Pinkie crying waterfall tears.

The Imagin sadly looked down at his contractor. He then raised one arm to his chest.

"Contract….completed." he whispered sadly as a green light went to the man before he opened into a green portal the Imagin jumped into.

"Oh no..!" Ryotaro gasped as he caught the old man in time before he could hit the ground. "sir, are you alright?" he asked in worry as he propped the man against the bench. But he was already passed out as tears fell from his eyes a little still.

Ryotaro stood up as he put his belt on, a determined look on his face.

"Henshin." he said as he changed to Den-O Plat form. He then kneeled down before the man before he put a card to his forehead.

The Image of the Shibainu Imagin appeared before the date formed: November 10th 2011.


"Right," Twilight nodded, she and the others having seen what happened as they left their hiding place, the four already in their gear. Den-O nodded as Den-Liner came in and stopped beside them. The five all jumped onto the first car where Den-O mounted the Den-Bird before he slid the pass in and let the date appear on the front of the windshield.

The DenLiner then took off on it's tracks and into the sands of time going through portals of time taking it back to the date on the card.
November 10th 2011

"Fine! Get out of here! I never want anything to do with a useless son either!" the Old man shouted at the closed door. He took a breath as he began to calm himself a little, but sand then began to pour out of him before it reformed into the Shibainu imagin.

"Yes. This is the time I wished to jump to," the Imagin spoke loudly spooking the man as well as alerting him to it's presence, "I just pray I'm not too late."

With that, he left out a window in a blur and breaking it in the process. The Imagin looked to the side as he saw a car driving off. He then grabbed his bow and fired an arrow at it's back tires making the car break to a stop. the driver got out revealing it to be the elderly man's son. He looked at the Imagin as it seemed to growl at him.

"You! Get back here!" the Imagin shouted as he charged at him.

"Ahh!" the man yelped as he ran for it, but the Imagin jumped over him before grabbing him by his collar and lifting him up.

"Did you not hear me idiot human!?" the Imagin ordered looking him in the eye. "Do you have a death wish?" he asked tossing him down to the ground.


A train whistle soon caught their attention as a ripple formed before the train DenLiner came out and drove past the two before leaving as it left behind five figures standing and looking intently at the two, mainly the Imagin.

"Omae-tachi da?" the Shibainu imagin complained as he faced the five teenagers standing before them.

"Why are you doing this?" Den-O asked the Imagin.

"Stupid boy. My contract is completed...but my promise is far from over," the Imagin explained as he grabbed his sword. "I promised to my master I would make it so he could apologize...so that is what I'll do so he has no regrets in his life. So I shall ensure his son lives so that happens."

"Wait. But if you did that, then wouldn't that mean the events that made you never happened?" Twilight realized.

"I don't care. My goal is set...if you get in my way, I shall cut you down before I accomplish my goal," the Imagin warned as he slowly drew his blade.

"How can such an honorable Imagin be so destructive?" Rarity couldn't help but ask.

"Because I honestly care not for humans...merely for my promise, and I shall destroy all of humanity if it means accomplishing this."

"I won't let that happen." Den-O said, walking forward. "I will help anyone even if it means having to fight...so I will make sure no one is hurt here."

"Very well then...koi shounen...you and me. Pick any of your little partners to face off against me."

Den-O raised his hand to the buttons but he wasn't sure who to call.
"Kin-chan, I think this is your cue," Urataros spoke to Kintaros as he nodded his head.

"No way! I want a go!" Momotaros snapped as he shot up, about to leave for the back before Kintaros blocked his path, "Out of the way, kuma!"

"I will not let you go Momonoji." Kintaros said, "Only someone who is honest with their emotions should face such an enemy!"

"What the hell does that mean!?"

"You are not being honest with your heart...you are not fit to face such an enemy."

"Like hell I am! I…"

"You are upset about what happened with Rainbow Dash, correct?" Kintaros asked, causing Momotaros to freeze up, "...I thought so."

"Yeah...I could get along with someone like her."

"You're still not being honest!" Kintaros said shoving Momotaros. "You battled with her and let your hearts speak to one another through your fists, she was your friend...your nakama!"


"And you became upset when she left, thinking that Fluttershy had betrayed her, and that you had used her just to get closer."

"It's because of those damn wannabe street punks!" Momotaros shouted, "They have no right to mess with her life...her dreams! I like people who are honest and strong when it counts like her and Ryotaro...and those other damn annoying onnas! So of course it pissed the hell out of me for her to act like that! For her to just turn her back on what she believed in, I won't believe it! I won't for one second think that was the real annoying Niji-Onna!"

"...Then go…"

"Eh?" Urataros blinked as Naomi poked her head from her counter now.

"Go Momonoji...and face this enemy with that conviction," Kintaros nodded as he sat down.

"Gh...you provoked me just to get me to say all that crap?" Momotaros growled.

"Does it not feel better...like you could fight forever now?"

"...Actually, it kinda does…" Momotaros admitted, "I feel like a huge burden was taken off my shoulders..and that I can face a whole army of imagin!"

"Well let's not get ahead of ourselves…" Urataros reasoned.

"Shut up Kame! I got a ass that needs kicking! Ryotaro, ikuze!" Momotaros shouted as he ran down the car before he flashed away.
Den-O raised his head as he pressed the red button and grabbed the pass.

"Hai. Ike, Momotaros," Den-O called, swiping the pass.


With that, the armor formed before it aligned itself into swrd forms formation and snapped into place as the peach themed DenKamen grinded down the helmet. Everything set into place as the denkamen opened into mask form. In a bright flash Den-O sword form appeared.

"Ore…" he spoke pointing to himself before he spun on his heels and jumped into his pose. "Sanjou~!" he finished.

"Momo?" Pinkie spoke in worry.

"Heh. Don't worry about me...This time, mine and Ryotaro's blood is boiling so much nothing can stop us. From here on it's the climax baby!" he cheered as he used the DenGasher to form his sword. "Hear that Inu-Yaro...from start to finish we are at the climax! That means no warning shots...no freebies...just you and me fighting it out till I kick your ass!" he taunted tapping his sword on his shoulder. "So lets out all this boring as crap behind us and get to the action!"

"...Fine. But I know a better place for us to fight," the Shibainu Imagin stated as he pointed at the park with the cherry blossom trees, "There. We can cause less damage there."

"Heh. Ironic time for you to grow a conscience, but okay. Let's go."

With that, the two ran off to the trees before skidding to a stop once they entered the middle of the park.

Both walked around the other holding their swords down at their sides before they both tensed and swung clashing blades at the same time. Den-O then kicked the Imagin before he slashed at him only for the Imagin to block, the Imagin then pushed up with his hand before he ducked under Den-O's sword he then swung for the Riders back only for him to jump up avoiding it. As Den-O came down he swung down with the Imagin blocking again.

Both fighters pushed their free hands against their blades keeping the other locked in place. Den-O then reared his head back and slammed his head into the Imagin's sending him stumbling back.

"Gah!" the Imagin grunted as he held his head, which began to 'bleed' sand, "Teme..such a cheap tactic."

"Shut up! This is a fight!" Den-O snapped as they clashed blades before taking a step back.

The two then charged while slashing at the same time. The two passed one another and slashed the other across the chest making sparks fly. They stammered a step before turning to face the other and slashing one another again making them both take a step back. The two then charged and slashed a blades once before Den-O punched the Imagin in the face before kicking him in the stomach sending him stumbling back. Den-O then charged and slashed the Imagin across the chest before kicking him in the same spot.

The Imagin stumbled back before he blocked another slash from Den-O. The Imagin then pushed his sword to the side before he smashed the bottom of his blades handle into his helmet making him take a step back. The Imagin then slashed the rider across the chest once then twice before he got into a pose with his sword's blade pointing up and the tip pointing forward. The Imagin then stabbed the blade forward hitting Den-O in the chest sending him stumbling back. The Imagin then slashed at the Rider only for him to duck under the swing before he slashed the Imagin across the back making him stumble forward.

The two then clashed blades again, sparks grinding off the meeting of the two blades. The two then slammed the hands holding the handle of their blades into the others face. Both took a few steps back before they charged again and slashed blades several time before Den-O leaned back to evade another slash, as he did the rider slammed his foot into the side of the Shibainu Imagin's face sending him stumbling back.

The two got back to their feet before they both began to walk sideways through the thicket of trees cherry blossom petals flying up in the process. The two clashed blades again before taking another step back and each of them holding their blades up to stare the other down. They then both charged as they slashed down both of them landing their swords on the other's shoulder.

"...It...it seems...we're on...a standstill…" the Shibainu Imagin panted as he and Den-O leapt away from each other.

"Heh...maybe...but all I care is this is freakin exciting. I will enjoy this fight the best I can!" Den-O shouted as the two charged at the other.

Their blades clashed raining sparks the two landed with their backs to the other they then both turned around and slashed one another, Den-O's low swing hitting the Imagin's abdomen while the Shibainu's high swing lanced Den-O chest. both took a step back but slashed again letting the blades clash once then twice, and again, and again. The two met blow for blow.

The Imagin swung from the left only for Den-O to swing from the right, both took a step back before Den-O swing from the high right diagonally but the Imagin blocked with it's sword, Den-O then kicked the Imagin back before the two slashed blades again. Den-O then ducked around the Imagin before he swung low at the Imagin's leg only for it to jumped over it with a flip. The Imagin then landed before it stabbed it's sword forward but Den-O raised his sword to deflect it to the side. The Rider then spun on his heels before he backhanded the Imagin making him back away.

The two glared at the other again before they charged and clashed blades again. But Den-O kicked the Imagin in the side making it stumble back in pain. Den-O then began to slash in a fury hitting it multiple times across the chest sparks flying off like a rain storm. The Imagin stumbled back using it's sword to keep it from falling to it's knees. Den-O pointed his sword at the Kain as he panted heavily.

"Come on I still got the juice to keep going…" Den-O mocked as the Imagin forced itself up.

The Imagin rose up its blade in a kendo stance. Den-O raised his sword up with the blade pointing horizontally to the left. The two took a step back ready to charge. The next minute they both ran forward and slashed as the Imagin slashed down, while Den-O slashed up diagonally to the right.

In an instant, time froze for the two as the Imagin grunted in pain as sand began to escape its abdomen where Den-O's sword was while the Imagin's own arms were stopped at Den-O shoulder. Den-O then pulled back letting the Imagin stumble back and lean against a tree.

"Gah!" the Imagin cried holding the wound as it slowly sealed itself...but sand still began to fall from it's body, "Kuso…"

"Looks like I won that round…" Den-O spoke.

"Indeed...but I won't fall like that...one last strike...I won't fall like this."

"Alright...then take this. My Hissatsu Waza…" Den-O began, lifting up the pass as he swiped it over the belt.


With that energy began to charge into the DenGasher making the blade light up bright red.

"Part...1!" Den-O shouted as the two warriors raised their swords before charging.

The two passed one another as their swords clashed with a bright glowing flash. Den-O pushed with both hands as did the Imagin, the next sedong the two passed one another lifting up a large wall of pink colored petals blocking them both from view as everyone else arrived.

The petals all began to fall around them as Den-O fell to one knee with a smoking gash in his red chest armor. The Rider was panting as he held his sword out.

The Imagin was frozen in it's pose before the sword in it's hand cracked and broke apart electricity then began to surge from it's body as sparks began to explode from all over. It grunted as it fell back and exploded just as Den-O got back to his feet.

"And that's...part 1. Happy now Ryotaro?" Den-O chided.


"Oh shut up…" Den-O scoffed as he limped back to the girls. As he did he disconnected the belt and walked past them before he grabbed the man and lifted him to his feet.

"Okay...listen to me you...I just got into a sword fight with a monster to save your life...you must be feeling pretty grateful aren't you?" M-Ryotato asked the man. "Aren't you!?"

"Uh…." the man whimpered before he fainted.

"Oi! Don't faint on me, you ass! You need to go make up with your old man!" M-Ryotaro shouted, shaking him.

"Momotaros…" Twilight facepalmed.

"Shut up! If I'm being nice, I'm going to the extreme! Don't like it? Kiss my ass!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he tossed the man over his shoulder before he limped towards the old man's home.

"No. We'll do it," Twilight spoke as she and Rarity took the unconscious man from M-Ryotaro, "You're staying here while Pinkie and Fluttershy treat your wounds. Understand?"

"AH! Grrr...Fine. I'll stay…" M-Ryotaro pouted a she handed the man over, "Try and be helpful and look that it gets you...I'll remember this next time, Mahou-Onna!"

"I know…" Twilight rolled her eyes a bit as she and Rarity carefully carried the man back to the old man's home.

"Sit." Pinkie said, sitting M-Ryotaro on a bench. "Be good Momo, and I'll get you some pudding."

"...Alrighty," M-Ryotaro smirked as he did so, "Well, heal my up, Kaze-Onna."

"H-hai…" Fluttershy nodded as she began the process of healing his wounds.
Later, Den-O plat form was driving the DenLiner back to their time, Pinkie hanging out with him in the front car.

"Ooh~" Pinkie awed, looking around the car, "This is my first time in here while it's moving….it's too bad all the buttons are on the bike...hey Ryo, what does the green one do?"

"Pinkie, I'm trying to keep the train going…"

"Oh come on…! It's a train." Pinkie said as she tried to push the button.

"Pinkie, I don't think it's a good idea pressing that button."

"And yet I must!"

"Pinkie, please stop!"

"And boom goes the mountain!" Pinkie shouted as the dog car fired a missile.

"Gah! Pinkie!"
"Who's the dumbass that fired that missile?!" Momotaros barked from the other car.

"I knew we shouldn't have left Pinkie in the front car…" Rarity deadpanned.

"Agreed…" Twilight sighed.

"Well...she's Ryotaro's headache for now."

"ZZZZZZZZ~!" Kintaros snored loudly in his seat.

"But we also have another one…" Twilight deadpanned.

"I'll take the bear over the Mizu-Onna anytime…" Momotaros admitted.

"...ugh…" Twilight sighed as she stood up, "I'm going to go check on him..make sure Pinkie's not giving him too much trouble."

"Okay." Fluttershy nodded as she took a sip of coffee Naomi gave her, "Th-thank you for the coffee, Naomi-san."

"No problem." Naomi smiled.
"What's going on in...here?" Twilight left off as she found Pinkie on Den-O's shoulder in the front car.

"Ah! Pinkie, stop!"

"No! Not till we go to some fun place in the past! Or future! I needs to know important things!"

"What could be that important?" Den-O cried, the tears from the pain of her torture somehow getting through the helmet.

"Pinkie Pie, stop that!" Twilight barked as she donned her gear and used her magic to move the excitable pinkette off him.

"But I just wanted to go to a fun future~" Pinkie pouted childishly.

"You have some ulterior reason, don't you?"

"I'm trying to ruin things for shippers!" she stated.

"And how does that make any...know what nevermind."

"...Fine...You ruined the fun anyway, party pooper," Pinkie pouted as she walked out.

"Sometimes I wonder if she's really as old as she claims…" Den-O complained with a sigh as he got back up.

"It's just how Pinkie is…" Twilight sighed a bit as her gear disappeared.

"Ah right…" Den-O sighed as he took off the belt, returning to regular Ryotaro.

"Yeah…" Twilight nodded as she looked back at the Denbird, "...Pinkie didn't mess with anything else...did she?"

"Eh...she pressed the weapon system buttons...but luckily she doesn't know how to control the time travel function...honestly, I don't know myself. I've only ever done it those times we went after the Imagin," Ryotaro admitted, scratching the back of his head.

"I see…" Twilight noted as she looked at the bike,"...strange, isn't it?"


"To think our lives would end up like this. You becoming a warrior that protects time..and me, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy being reincarnations of the previous users of the Elements of Harmony." Twilight said in an almost found tone, "Even now after all the crazy adventures we've gone on...it just astounds me so much."

"Same here...I always thought I'd be useless to others...but now I feel like I can actually help others." Ryotaro admitted as he walked up and touched the DenBird. "But if I'm honest, sometimes...I wish I could use DenLiner to change certain things." he admitted. "I know it's against the rules...but it's just this selfish thing in the back of my head."

"...I see," Twilight noted, "Like...what exactly?"

"...well...maybe...just maybe...help give Luna-san a better life."

"Eh?" Twilight blinked at that.

"I know she's our enemy...but when I looked at her eyes...it was as if I honestly had seen them before. I wanted to help her, and that I couldn't...it still eats away at me." he admitted.

"Ryotaro…" Twilight whispered.

"I guess it just shows I'm not very strong." Den-O sighed before shaking his head. "No. Nevermind .I said too much again…"

"Ryotaro...you're not weak," Twilight spoke, making him look at her, "Even when Momotaros, Urataros, and Kintaros aren't possessing you, you…"

"Uh...Twilight?" Pinkie spoke as she poked her head in, "You and Ryotaro may need to head back here. The owner's here."

"Eh?" they both blinked.

The three then walked to the main car as Owner spun his cane around before he looked at them all.

"Hm...let's see... Seems someone...or rather several someones have broken the rules of DenLiner…" he noted before he pointed his cane at Kintaros, Momotaros, then Twilight and Rarity, "Letting the Imagin get away and then altering time." he explained to all of them, "What do you lot have to say?" he asked seriously.

"...Sir please," Twilight spoke up, "I can explain. You see, it's true that the Iamgin did go back in time, but for different reasons."

"Hmm?" Owner raised his eyebrow slightly at that. "Ohh, is that so?"

"Yes. You see...he wanted to fulfill his con...I mean, master's wish...to say sorry to his son. He even prevented the car accident that would've taken the son's life," Twilight explained.

"Hm...Soka…" he nodded his head before he tapped the top of his cane on Twilight's head, "So what you're saying it that the string of events that created the Imagin never happened; therefore, the events did not happen?" he asked before he tapped Rarity's head. He then whacked Momotaros and Kintaros upside the head.

"Yes...I believe so," Twilight nodded as Rarity rubbed the spot Owner tapped her on.

"You truly are very smart, Miss Sparkle." Owner smirked, "I dare say you would make a great person to put in charge of a DenLiner."

"Really?" Twilight blinked a bit at that before she sheepishly scratched her cheek a bit, "W-well...I know I'm smart, but I'm no where near as smart as my s…" she paused when she realized something, "...Where is my sister?"

"Egypt." Owner explained quickly. "She needed to look into something to do with the Elements of Harmony. But honestly; yes, Miss Sparkle, you would make a great owner for a DenLiner. You are smart and as a good upholder of the rules." he explained. "But either way, since you have brought up a good point and argument, so I shall leave it at you are all safe this time. But next time, I shall banish the rule breakers to wander the sands of time for all of eternity." he warned.

"Y...yes sir," Twilight nodded, she and Rarity mentally sweating nervously

"Well, they are safe this time," Pinkie smirked.

"Miss Pie, for firing that missile, you must clean the DenLiner every time you throw a party or the Taros cause a mess." Owner spoke up, making the girl pale. "I know everything that goes on here."

"Aww…" Pinkie whined as she slumped into her seat.
The next day, Ryotaro and the girls all went out to the park to hang out after school.

"Ah...what a boring day…" Pinkie complained as she leaned on Ryotaro and Fluttershy to keep herself from falling over. "No Imagin...no dark enemies...not even Momo or the others have taken over Ryo today…" she complained.

"After what happened with that Imagin, I think we deserve the small rest, Pinkie," Rarity stated as she sat nearby

"Yeah and it's nice for us to all hang out together like this." Twilight added.

"Yeah, I think it's nice that Momotaros and the others are taking a day off." Ryotaro nodded.

"It's also nice that we don't have to chase after them while putting poor Ryotaro in danger," Rarity added. "Seriously it's as if all they know is to cause trouble."

"Th-that is true demo...m-maybe there are some more good ones out there," Fluttershy pointed out.

"Yeah...like that dancing dragon one I suggested before!" Pinkie beamed.

"Pinkie, we are not going to just start putting Imagin into Ryotaro." Twilight countered.

"Ah have fun will ya? I mean Ryo's belt has four buttons so that means he has room for one more." Pinkie pointed out as for emphasis she reached into Ryotaro's jacket and showed off the belt. "See? Four buttons…" she pointed out, "For four Imagin."

"Oh. She's right…" Rarity said as she took the belt and looked it over, "Strange...these match the Taro brothers." she noted, pointing to the red, blue and yellow buttons.

"All that's left is purple," Twilight noted as she looked at it as well.

"Which could be the dragon I mentioned," Pinkie added.

"...Pinkie…" Twilight began to a sigh, the violetette rubbing the bridge of her nose, "Even if Ryotaro gets another Imagin, what makes you think it's going to be a dragon?"

"Well...Ryotaro likes stories of Japanese characters who have 'Taro' in their name like him." Pinkie explained, "And Airi let me read one of his favorite kid books and in it was the story of the Dragon boy."

"Oh! I remember reading that one when I was a kid," Fluttershy spoke up.

"See? So if Ryotaro gets another Imagin, then it's a very big chance that's what he'll be based on." Pinkie smirked crossing her arms. "Logic! I can use it too."


"...Fine. How about a bet then?"

"A bet?"

"Yup. If Ryotaro's next imagin buddy is a dragon, You…" Pinkie paused before she smirked a bit, "Have to eat a Ghost Chili pepper, Twilight."

"I'm not doing that." Twilight said blatantly.

"It's either that, or play that Five Nights at Freddy's game that was just released last year."

"A game? How hard could that be?" Twilight shrugged.

"Hehehehe…" Pinkie diabolically rubbed her hands together.

"...It's not that bad, is it?" Rarity asked out of curiosity.

"...it is…" Ryotaro and Fluttershy nodded nervously. They had played the demo once….and needles to say, they avoided the game since.

"Oh please, what game could be that bad?" Twilight shrugged as Pinkie kept up the sinister snickering. "Pinkie, stop that. You're scaring people."

"Eheheheh…" Pinkie laughed darkly before she stopped, seeing someone familiar nearby, "...Oh look. It's the old guy and his son."

"Huh?" they all blinked as they looked in the same direction.

They looked over to see the elderly man they met before who would have bonded to the Imagin, with him was his son who was walking down the park with him, the son was also holding hands with a woman as the family spent the day together. The old man laughed with his son and the woman as they left.

"We really did change time," Ryotaro smiled.

"Aw~ They look so happy." Rarity sweetly noted seeing them.

"H-hai," Fluttershy nodded with a soft smile.

"Eeyup. We helped make that happen," Pinkie smiled.

"We're not taking you back in time, Pinkie." they all said in unison but still smiling happily.

"Can't blame me for trying. We did good this time, but we could do so much more." she pointed out.


"...Fine. If it helps, I'll just stay near you guys when we go back into the past," Pinkie pouted.

"It's all we ask." Fluttershy nodded.

"Right," Pinkie saluted.

"...Why don't we just enjoy the rest of the day?" Twilight suggested, 'Afterall, it's not like anything bad's going to happen...'
Elsewhere in the park, underneath a cherry blossom tree was a hooded figure, a tuft of familiar rainbow colored hair poking out of it. A familiar necklace hung around her neck, seeming to glow with an ethereal dark glow. A black and red colored hand then tapped her shoulder.

"It's becoming close to our time for action…" the black colored Imagin of Luna spoke his body hidden in the shade.

"I know…" the figure spoke in Rainbow Dash's voice, "Just be sure to tell the others to stay out of the way when that 'Kamen Rider' comes...he's mine."

"That's our little Rainbow…" the Imagin chuckled, "I shall tell them not to interfere...just be sure you keep to the plan besides that, okay?"

"...Crystal," the figure spoke as she lowered her hood, her rose colored eyes giving off a dark glow.
Rainbow Dash: You...you took her away from me...I'll end you here and now!

Ryotaro: Rainbow-san, stop!

Applejack: Ah don't know what's goin' on, but ah'm not standing by while you hurt someone, half-pint.

?-Ryotaro: Wai!

Twilight: Ryotaro? Are you...dancing?!

Stop 7: Loyal Thunder, Dancing Dragon pt 1

?: Mind if we dance? Kotae wa kiitenai (I don't hear an answer)!