• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 2,354 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship is Timeless - Seanzilla115

Time long ago, the destiny of six girls were changed. In the future, time itself lead to the end of humanity. Now in the middle in the present, the time to reach the crossroads have come as 6 girls and 1 human, plus 5 Imagin's fight to change fate it

  • ...

Stop 13

It was a nice and cool weekend morning as everyone who was up at this time took a chance to let themselves enjoy the perfect temperature of the morning. Particularly in the park where the morning dew made the grass glisten in the early morning sun making it glow a vibrant emerald green, the cool breeze picking up slightly.

One of the many people enjoying this morning was none other than Fluttershy, she was taking a scenic walk through the quiet park, the pinkette wearing a soft yellow jacket on top of a pure white shirt, a light green skirt with three small, pink butterflies imprinted on it, and a pair of white and pink shoes.

"Ahh." Fluttershy sighed happily as she enjoyed her small little walk. She looked around the park to see a person or two jogging or walking their dogs. She also counted the park animals she came across like squirrels, chipmunks; ducks and geese that swam in the nearby pond. The occasional bird as well too. And on occasion, she would see a cat or two resting on a park bench. "Hm...there sure are more and more strays showing up here." she noted with a small smile. She didn't mind the cats and dogs that had no where to go, calling this very large park home.

"There there," she heard a familiar young voice, "Good, Neko-chan." the voice added as she turned to see R-Ryotaro resting on the grass, a black persian cat resting in his arms as he scratched its ears. He was wearing a large brown vest over a white shirt with a purple spray paint streak in a wild zigzag pattern, a pair of dark grey baggy jeans and purple and black sneakers. His hat and headphones also on his person.

"...Ryutaros?" Fluttershy blinked a bit, seeing the Imagin possessed teenager as he cuddled up to the cat.

"Ii ja, Neko-chan." he spoke, ignoring her as he rubbed the cats head.

The cat meowed a bit in response as it rubbed its head against his hand, purring as she did.

"Hehehehe…" R-Ryotaro chuckled at it's affection. He then slowly stood back up as he held the cat in his arms as he did. "Ah. It's almost breakfast time." he noted as he looked at a tall public clock in the park. He then turned around before he finally noticed Fluttershy, "Eh? Shy-chan?"

"Ano, hi…" Fluttershy waved.

"Why are you here?" R-Ryotaro asked in honest wonder. The cat in his arms meowed getting his attention. "Eh? You know her?" he asked the cat that responded. It amazed Fluttershy, Ryutaros could converse with the cat. Could he do so with other animals?

"...Oh! Ano, well...I usually come by here every morning to help take care of the animals," Fluttershy replied.

"Oh...is this true, Neko-chan?" he just asked the cat for confirmation, which he got in the form of another meow. "Ah. So she does come to help." he noted as he scratched the cats head again. "Well in that case, this one really likes that you come to help Jii-san out like that." he explained not even looking up. "She says your really nice too...but you're kind of strange as well. Eh? Strange how?" he asked as he got into another conversation with the cat.

"St-strange?" Fluttershy blinked at that.

"Hm...you're not making any sense," R-Ryotaro admitted to the cat that had crawled up to his shoulder with her tail wrapped around his neck for balance. "Ah, right. Breakfast…" he remembered getting a nod from the cat. "Ah, come on. Let's get you something to eat. Ne, Shy-chan! you come along too!" he stated happily as he grabbed Fluttershy's hand and dragged her along with him.

"D-demo, what abou-" Fluttershy began before her own stomach began to growl, "...Ano...I...I guess getting something to eat wouldn't hurt...as long as it's healthy of course."

"Of course it's healthy." R-Ryotaro smiled as he let go when he lead her to the center of the park where there were bowls for pet food all over the ground, different food for different animals in each of them. R-Ryotaro then gently placed the cat on his shoulder on the ground as she ran towards the closest bowl of cat food.

"Ah, Shounen-kun. You're back again." a voice said as an elderly man dressed in dark blue overalls walked in with more bowls, only with water this time. "Come on, minna. Foods here!" he called out as multiple kinds of dogs and cats came out from the shrubs and bushes before scampering up to the food and digging in.

"Hehe, Nekoneko, Inuinu…" R-Ryotaro smiled as he held a kitten and puppy in each arm. "Ah, They're so fluffy…" he stated happily as he held the puppy up to Fluttershy. "Here. You hold him."

"O-okay," Fluttershy nodded as she carefully took the puppy before him, the puppy soon beginning to lick her cheek, causing her to giggle a bit.

"Hehe...he likes you Shy-chan." R-Ryotaro smiled as he put the kitten down letting it scamper off for some food. He then reached into his vest before he pulled out a granola bar. "Here. You're hungry right?" he asked, holding it up to her.

"H-hai," Fluttershy replied, letting the puppy down gently so it can join the others before she took the granola bar and began to eat.

"If you want another, I have extra. Onee-chan told me to pack lots before I left this morning." R-Ryotaro stated as he crouched down to watch all the animals.

Fluttershy nodded as she took a seat nearby, watching the animals enjoying the meal provided to them. She also watched as now and then one of the animals would scamper over to R-Ryotaro who would play with them and pet them making them really happy. It surprised her to see the loud music loving Ryutaros be so fond of animals really.

'Hm...I guess Ryotaro wouldn't have kept Ryutaros if he didn't think he was a good person.' Fluttershy figured in her head as she watched R-Ryotaro let himself be pushed over by a small dog that then began to lick his face, a soft smile growing on the shy pinkette's face.

"Ah. That boy really loves those critters." the elderly caretaker replied as he sat down on a bench not far from Fluttershy. "Ooh. He's also a good help too. He makes feeding them a lot easier with that youth of his…" he sighed with exhaustion in his tone, "What I wouldn't give to be young again." he chuckled to himself as he took his hat off to wipe some sweat off his brow.

"...Is there anything I can do to help?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh no no, I could never force such a young thing like you to have to do such work because I'm getting old." the man replied quickly. "But I guess I could always use a hand with some of these critters You know. Look out for them and make sure that each one gets a fair share to eat. That Shounen there is more than strong enough to carry all their food around."

"H-hai...I'll make sure I can help feed every single one of them," Fluttershy replied before looking down, seeing a small, tabby kitten rubbing against her leg.

"Haha...another new one." the man laughed, seeing the kitten. "Every day more and more of these guys show up."

"Soka...demo, I'd say its more of a girl," Futtershy noted as she gently picked the kitten up, "I'd say she's about...a few weeks old, maybe a month or two tops."

"Oh? You really know about these critters don't you Ojou-chan?" the elder chuckled sheepishly at his little goof.

"I do. I visit the local vet to help out with the animals," Fluttershy replied as she gently rubbed the kitten, "I make sure they're fed and drink plenty of water. Plus from time to time, I'd help clean any new animals that come in to be treated."

"Oh, that would be a great help. The last thing I'd want is for anyone to want to take these little fellas away." the elderly man stated as he looked to see R-Ryotaro being dog piled by puppies. "These guys love living here in the park like this. And lots of kids love to come play with them."

"That's nice to hear," Fluttershy smiled as she gently put the kitten down. She was about to say something before loud music began to boom throughout the area, causing the shy pinkette and the caretaker to cover their ears while the animals began to run away, "Ahh! D-don't run away!"

"Ne? Minna?" R-Ryotaro asked as he notice the lack of fluffy animals covering him.

"Mou~ Where's that music coming from?!" Fluttershy shouted softly.

R-Ryotaro shot up as he looked to the side to see a bunch of kids around his and Fluttershy's age blaring loud rap music from a yellow boombox.

"Oi, you guys!" the elderly man shouted standing up as he walked up to them. "Hey! You guys need to cut that out!" he told them shouting over the music.

The teens seemed to ignore him as they listened to their music.

Fluttershy frowned a bit at how poorly they were treating the elderly man. She was about to get up and scold those kids before she noticed R-Ryotaro walking over to them.

"Hey! Can't you hear me!?" the man shouted as he turned off the boom box, making the youths walk up to him. "Good. Like I was saying, you need to turn this stuff down. You're scaring the animals."

"Hey. Why do we need to turn our music down for a bunch of animals?" one of the teens asked.

"Yeah. They can just go somewhere else if it bothers them. We got just as much a right to be here." the leader of them stated as he shoved the man away from their boom box. "Same goes for you old man. Don't go touching our stuff."

"Hey!" Fluttershy snapped as she shot up, giving the boys a stern look, "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Oh, look out. His granddaughter is going to scold us." one of the punks mocked, not scared at all.

"Why don't you and your gramps get out of here, cutey? We don't want any trouble now," the leader chuckled.

"Chotto!" R-Ryotaro shouted as he flipped over Fluttershy and landed between her and the youths. "That wasn't very nice." he said as his hat tipped over his eyes. "Apologize to Jii-san."

"Oh? And what're you going to do if we don't?" the leader asked as he leaned forward, giving him a small glare, "Kick our asses?"

"Hm...that sounds like a good idea." R-Ryotaro said, a wide smile across his face, his purple eyes glowing under the visor of his cap.

"Wait wh-" the leader began before R-Ryotaro's foot instantly connected with his chin.

"You guys don't mind if I do just that, right?" R-Ryotaro asked as he tipped his cap up, revealing his glowing purple eyes that seemed to illuminate the shadowed portion of his face. "Kotae wa Kiitenai."

Before the rest could respond, R-Ryotaro appeared in front of a taller one before he swung a roundhouse kick to his temple, knocking him out in a single blow. R-Ryotaro then spun and ducked around the falling teen before he punched another one with his arm before he spun on his heel and slapped him across the face, sending him spinning to the ground. The Imagin possessed teen then ducked under a swing from a third thug before he lifted one of his arms up and spun and hooked his leg around his other leg while spinning counter clockwise. This tripped the teen before R-Ryotaro stood on one hand and dropped forward and slammed an ax kick into his gut, knocking all the air from his lungs. R-Ryotaro then rolled forward before jumping off the same person he ax kicked in the stomach. As R-Ryotaro floated in the air for a second, he then spun around in the air before he slammed a kick to the shoulder of a fifth one, knocking him down to his hands and knees.

R-Ryotaro then leaned back before he backflipped and slammed both his feet into his face and nose, sending him flipping backwards into the air before hitting the ground. The last thug and the leader, who got back up, looked as R-Ryotaro landed on his feet and fixed his hat.

"Hm...this is fun, isn't it?" R-Ryotaro asked with a wide child like smile on his face that disturbed them a little. He then ran forward before he jumped over the leader before slamming both his feet into the face of the last thug, knocking him down to the ground. R-Ryotaro then rolled forward before pushing back with both arms and slammed both his legs into the back of the leader, sending him falling forward. R-Ryotaro then did several back flips before landing in the center of all the downed thuggish teenagers. Most of them began to get back up before R-Ryotaro leaned back and put one of his hands to the ground. With a grin, he began running across the ground in a circle on his hand before falling to his shoulder as he began spinning around on his shoulders and base of his neck like a breakdancer before he began to flail his legs about and hit all of them as he spun around, whipping up a small wind in a spiral as he did.

This send every last thug falling to the ground in pain as they could feel the bruises forming and the throbbing from the blows to their heads. R-Ryotaro stopped his spinning before flipping to his feet as he fixed his cap and headphones.

"That was fun. Now you're my friends, right?" R-Ryotaro chuckled happily.

"S….so...strong…" one of the thugs grunted as they began to get up.

"And yet...so...cool…"

"Right?" R-Ryotaro asked, raising his right arm up getting their attention before he snapped making all their eyes go blank, "Mind if we dance? Kotae wa kitanai!"

(Cue: Climax Jump-Hip Hop version)

With that, R-Ryotaro's hip hop music began to play as all the thugs moved around him and began to dance with him. It started simply as they did basic dance moves such as moving their feet around in rhythm to the music, their legs flailing around in a wild yet synchronised style. One or two flipped back while the others all began moving and dancing in sync before they all lined up in a line in front of each other. They all then began to part going left or right as R-Ryotaro danced forward skipping from side to side as he held his hands on his cap to keep it in place. He then stopped before he began to bob his head back and forth clicking his tongue as he did before he leaned down on one hand before he swung his legs forward counterclockwise so that his legs pointed forward as he kicked his left leg that rested on top of his right around before spinning to his left hand and flipping back to his feet in the process. As he did he kicked his leg out before he crouched down on his other leg before shooting back up as he aimed his right arm into the sky in the shape of a gun. His new background dancers all danced around him before posing alongside him. All the while the chorus of his hip hop music reverberating around them.

"S...sugei…" Fluttershy couldn't help but awe a bit after seeing the display. She heard from Twilight that Ryutaros had some strange ability to control others by snapping his fingers. But she didn't know it could make people dance so well.

"Heh heh...that was fun," R-Ryotaro smiled happily as he broke his pose, his new background dancers all getting out of his way. "Well now that I'm done. You guys can get lost now. I'll call you when I need you." he stated with another snap as they grabbed the boom box and danced away.

"Ryutaros...are they still under your control?" Fluttershy realized.

"Eh. They're not smart enough to shake it off." he shrugged, "Then again, they are pretty good dancers." he added. "Ne Jii-san are you okay?" he asked, helping the man to his feet.

"I'm fine...nothing too serious," the elderly caretaker replied as he dusted himself off..

"That's good." he smirked.

"...Still…" the old man began before sighing, "I wish those darn kids didn't have to scare the animals off."

"Hm…" R-Ryotaro mumbled sadly. He looked off at the bushed where the animals all hid from the noise. He then crouched down and waited in front of the bushes watching and staring intently waiting for them to come out.

"Ryutaros?" Fluttershy asked.

"I find him like that sometimes. He just sits there waiting for the critters to come out." the old man explained. "Don't worry none about your friend. He'll be happy when at least one comes out." he grumbled as he cleared his throat. "I need to be getting to work now, so I'll meet you again hopefully, Ojou-chan," he nodded as he walked off.

"O-okay," Fluttershy nodded as she looked back over at R-Ryotaro. He just sat their watching and waiting his hat pulled back showing his bright purple eyes that seemed to still be glowing.

"Hmm...I'll win this you know. You may as well come back out now…" he stated quietly to the bushes.

A few moments of silence passed before a few of the animals slowly began to return.

"It's okay, I won't scare you again." R-Ryotaro chuckled as he patted the head of a kitten. "That music must have been too loud huh...I'll try and stick to my headphones then."

The kitten mewed in response as it and a few others began to rub against R-Ryotaro's legs.

'Ryutaros, you confuse me sometimes.' Fluttershy stated to herself seeing this scene. 'On one hand, you can act a bit spoiled...yet your kind as well. Is this why Ryotaro kept you around?'

"Shy-chan?" R-Ryotaro asked as he appeared in front of her face, incredibly close as well, "Daijoubu?"

"...Ano...eto...eto…" Fluttershy stuttered, her entire face a beat red from how close he was, the pinkette trying to mentally repeat 'it's just Ryutaros' over and over.

"Oi, Ryotaro...I think she's broken." R-Ryotaro spoke to Ryotaro in his mind. "Hm...really? Oh I had no ideas girls could be so weird...oh well. I'll ponder it later. I have somewhere to be."

"E-eh?" Fluttershy blinked, her blush dying down a bit, "S-somewhere important?"

"Hai...it's a very important thing." R-ryotaro replied with a serious face. "I definitely can not delay any longer." with that he began jogging off, leaving Fluttershy standing there confused.

'...What could be so important for him to leave just like that?...could it be another Imagin attack?' she figured, what else could get the carefree Ryutaros to be so serious? That must have been it another Imagin attack. 'I better follow him in case they need some help. I should probably call Rainbow-tachi as well.'

With that, Fluttershy began to chase after the much faster R-Ryotaro as best that she could.
Stop 13: A Kind and Gentle Soul
Fluttershy finally made her way to the large mall that was near the park after some difficulty following after R-Ryotaro. It did not help he often cut through places by jumping over things in his path. But regardless the minute she saw him enter the mall she did the same and now she was looking around for any sign of the Imagin controlled teen.

"Mou, why does everyone have to be so much faster than me…" she cried, feeling exhausted. "And where did Ryutaros go off too?" she asked herself as she looked around. She didn't see any Imagin, in fact everything still looked rather peaceful. If that was the case, then where was Ryutaros exactly?


There he was.

Fluttershy followed the happy cry to see a small crowd of kids and people at a large indoor Arcade. All of them were watching someone playing a game; to be more specific it was one of those dancing games, one of the newer models it seems. And the one dancing was R-Ryotaro, who was using his Breakdancing skills to move around the dance pad wildly and scoring points at an equally wild speed.

"WAI!" R-Ryotaro cheered as he did a few flips in the air and landed on the pad just as the song was over. He then rose up and aimed his fingers like a gun to the crowed. "Bang." he smiled making them all cheer. He grinned at the cheers before he jumped off the pad and landed in front of everyone. "Yosh! I beat your score Spike-kun!"

"Aw man! It took me a week to get that score too!" a familiar voice groaned. Fluttershy saw as Spike; Twilight's brother walked forward a disappointed face at his lost. R-Ryotaro just patted his head with a smile.

"Hehe...it's okay," R-Ryotaro smiled happily as he rubbed Spike's head.

"I knew I should have listened to Ryotaro and not played you at a dancing game."

"I did warn you Spike," Ryotaro's mental voice sighed seeing his young friend disappointed at losing to Ryutaros dancing skills.

"Heh heh…" R-Ryotaro chuckled a bit before he noticed the pinkette looking at him, "Eh? Shy-chan?" he tilted his head in confusion.

"Huh? Oh! Hi Fluttershy." Spike waved as he followed R-Ryotaro's line of sight.

"Ano, hi Spike," Fluttershy waved back as she walked over to the two before whispering to Spike, "Ano, mind if I ask why you and Ryutaros are here?"

"Huh...oh well the other day I was hanging out with Ryotaro on DenLiner...don't tell Twilight by the way; she doesn't seem to like it much." he stated quickly. "And well me and Ryutaros got to talking and I asked him if he wanted to hang out with me and some of my friends from class." he finished his explanation.

"Oh...s-soka," Fluttershy noted, "Demo...I only see you an-"

"They're in the back playing one of those new racing games that just came out," Spike replied. "Ryutaros saw the dancing game and kind of went off on his own…" he chuckled.

"Chotto...why is everyone whispering still?" R-Ryotaro asked as he put his face between theirs.

"GAH/KYA!" Spike and Fluttershy yelped in surprise as they jumped back from him.

"Mou I don't like being ignored…" he complained, "Ah never mind, I'm going to go play with the others." he said as he jumped on top of a machine before jumping from game to game till he made it to the back, "Ne ne! My turn now!"

"Aw, come on! It was my turn, Ryotaro!" a voice complained, their voice having a bit of a squeak to it.

"Mou...but I already beat Spike at the dancing game. It was too easy."

"...Fine. But I get next game after Scootaloo!"


"I think maybe Ryutaros is a child Imagin…" Fluttershy stated blankly.

"Yeah, but he's still pretty cool," Spike admitted.

"Wai! My turn now!" R-Ryotaro cheered as Spike and Fluttershy made it to the game to see R-Ryotaro sitting in the driving games chair. "Chotto...this has two more tires then I'm use too…" he scratched the back of his cap in realization.

"Well it is a kart racing game for one," one of the girls there pointed out.

"I've only ever driven a motorcycle…" R-Ryotaro sweatdropped as he turned to the girl next to him. "Bloom-chan how do you drive a kart?" he asked the girl, who had long red hair with a pink bow in her hair, and also wore a yellow shirt with a white skirt, yellow knee socks and red shoes.

"That's easy. Y'all see th' steerin' wheel in front of you, right?" the red haired girl asked, her voice having a bit of a southern accent to it.

"...You mean this?" R-Ryotaro replied as he pointed to the steering wheel. "Okay...wait. Where's the brake? I can't feel it with my hand…"

"It's one of the petals at your feet," another of the girls replied, this one having purple hair that seemed a bit wild. She wore large orange colored shirt that seemed maybe a few sizes too big for her letting it hang off her shoulders, revealing the black tank top she had on underneath and a purple colored belt wrapped around her waist, a pair of black shorts and orange colored shoes.

"Eh? Nande? Using your feet to drive something...oi, Ryotaro. Did you know about this?"

"Chotto, Ryutaros. You can't openly talk to me like that. People will think I'm weird…" Ryotaro complained.

"And the Mizu-onna isn't?" Momotaros deadpanned before he got hit on the head, "Ow! What the hell was that for?!"

"You did have it coming," Urataros responded.

"I was just stating the obvious," Momotaros grumbled.

"Chotto...how did this become about Pinkie-san?"

"Ryotaro?" the girls asked as R-Ryotaro was paying attention to the argument in his...well Ryotaro's head.

"Eh? Hai?"

"Are you alright? You've been silent for a bit," the third of the three girls pointed out, said girl having curly medium hair that seemed to be a mix of light purple and light pink. She wore a white dress that seemed to be made up of two light undertones of the same light purple and pink as her hair. She also had two sashes around her waist once again made up of purple and pink, and a pair of white shoes with purple socks.

"Ah sorry...I was all confused and was trying to figure it out in my head…" R-Ryotaro explained as he shook his head. "And I may have gotten into a mental conversation with Ryotaro…"

"Our secret is doomed…" Momotaros stated.

"...You refer yourself in a third person?" the three girls tilted their heads in confusion, question marks popping up above their heads.

"Ahahaha. Ryotaro is kind of special," Fluttershy suddenly spoke up before she knudged Spike a little.

"Oh right. He's got sort of multiple personas." Spike added. "So he sometimes speaks of himself in third person."

"Hm?" R-Ryotaro blinked, not understanding what they just said.

"...Oh! So he has multiple personality disorder!"

"Yeah! And this is one of them…" Spike said, wrapping his arm around the taller R-Ryotaro. "Hehe...we kind of call them different names so as to save us headaches. This one we call Ryuta."

"Hai! Boku wa Ryutaros!" he smiled introducing himself, "There's three more, demo...Momo's a baka…"


"Kin sleeps a lot, and Ura's a...eto, what did Niji-chan call him?" R-Ryotaro pondered.

"Ah The last one's kind of...flirty." Spike cut him off. 'If this is what Twilight has to deal with regarding these guys, no wonder she seems so stressed. I take back all my complaints...well almost all.'

"Oh…" the girl with light purple and pink hair blinked a bit before looking at Fluttershy, "So...who're you? Are you Ryotaro's girlfriend?"

"Eh?! N-no! It's not like that at all!" Fluttershy stated hysterically, "We...we're just friends…" she mumbled with a blush as she twiddled her fingers.

"...Are you sure?"

"H-hai," Fluttershy squeaked out.

"Girl...friend? What's that?" R-Ryotaro asked as he grabbed the Redhead he called Bloom-chan.

"Well, it's what you call a girl that y'all really really like," the redhead replied.

"Really...really...like?" R-Ryotaro blinked as multiple question marks appeared over his head. "Like how Ryotaro likes Twilight, or how he likes Rarity?" he asked in confusion. To him, 'Like' was still like as in caring for someone such as a friend.

"Wait. My sister likes him too?!" the light purple and pink haired girl gasped, "It...it's like a love triangle!"

"Wait. I think maybe he's just confused." Spike spoke up, only to be ignored.

"Chotto...what were we talking about again?" R-Ryotaro asked, making them all face fault, "...what?"

"I don't think this Ryotaro can give us a good enough answer huh?" the purple haired girl noted as she tapped his head.

"Mou...boku wa inu janai," he complained, "...I'm bored now...oh! Ne ne, Shy-chan! play with me on the dance game!"


"Come play with us. It seems like a simple thing to listen too." he started tapping his chin. "You all understood it, right?" he asked the girls.

"...Ah guess Ah got no problem with that," the redhead shrugged a bit as she looked at her friends, "Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, what do you think?"

"I'm cool with that,"the purple haired girl shrugged.

"I don't mind at all, Applebloom," the light purple and pink haired girl smiled.

"...Applebloom? Sweetie Belle? Scootaloo? What's with most of the girls in this city having names that almost make you want to go 'hng!' while clenching your heart?" Momotaros complained a bit.

"I don't know, but sometimes the names are just too cute really. It doesn't help they look just as adorable as well," Urataros added.

"ZZZZzzzz…" Kintaros just snored.

"...Eh, I guess you're right."

"It feels I get less noticed as you guys take control…" Ryotaro deadpanned.

"Oh...they are having another interesting conversation again…" R-Ryotaro noted, holding his head, "...oh well. So…" he began as he looked at Fluttershy, "Mind joining me in a dance, Shy-Chan?" he asked with a wide smile, the way he worded it and the smile seemed to have caused Fluttershy's mind to wander on it's own as she froze in place, her face a deep red at this point. "Ah...she turned red again…"

"That's because y-" Momotaros began before the sound of a struggle went on in Ryotaro's head, "Oi oi! What the hell a-hmph!"

"Eh? Momotaros? Momotaros, are you okay?" Ryotaro asked.

"He's fine, Ryotaro. Sempai just went to take a small nap is all," Urataros replied.

"Eh?...well okay."

"Shy-chan...Shy-chan?" R-Ryotaro asked, waving his hand infront of the shy pinkette's face, but she was still unresponsive.

"I think you broke her," Sweetie Belle noted as she and the others all did the same.

"Eh?! Broke her?!" R-Ryotaro gawked.

"It's an expression, big guy." Scootaloo explained.

"So, she's okay?" he asked, getting a nod in response, "Phew...! That's good….Onee-chan would be upset if I broke someone."

"...E...eto…" Fluttershy managed to speak up, her heavy blush dying down a bit.

"Ah, look she's calmed down now," Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"It looks like she's tryin' t' say somethin'," Applebloom noted.

"Shy-chan, what is it?"

"I still find this so strange." Spike spoke up. Part of him kind of regretted asking Ryutaros to hang out with him, but he figured it wasn't all his fault, it's not like Imagin are normal anyway.

"E-eto...eto…" Fluttershy stuttered a bit, pushing her two pointer fingers together as she blushed, "...I-I guess a dance wouldn't hurt."

"Ah really?" R-Ryotaro asked in surprise. "You hear that? Shy-chan will play with us!" he smiled to the girls. "First one there gets first round!" he shouted as he ran off.

"Ahh! M-matteyo!" Fluttershy gasped as she ran off after him.

"Hey, wait up!" Scootaloo called out she and her friends followed as well.

"Sometimes I wonder how Twilight puts up with all four of them…" Spike noted as he followed after them all.
"Achoo!" the violetette in question sneezed, nearly causing her to drop the book she was reading, "...That was strange." she noted rubbing her nose hoping she wasn't catching a cold. But she just shrugged it off and picked her book to continue where she left off.
"Hm...it was a tie…" R-Ryotaro noted as he and the girls stood in front of the game. "So who goes first then?"

"A-ano...wel-" Fluttershy began.

"You know this game is two player, right?" Scootaloo pointed out.

"Ah really? I end up using both spots when I played….not much room," R-Ryotaro replied.

"Well these type of games are more fun when you play it with a friend."

"You mean like a competition?"

"No. For fun," Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh soka…" R-Ryotaro nodded as he grabbed the railing of the game before flipping onto the dance pad. "Ah. Show me how to play with two…" he added as he grabbed Sweetie Belle and placed her on the other pad next to him.

"...Actually, why don't you dance with her?" Sweetie Belle suggested as she pointed at the shy pinkette, "You said you wanted to dance with her before, right?"

"Ah I did...wait. Shy-chan, can you even dance? Niji-chan says you're not very good at things that require physical skill," R-Ryotaro pointed out.

"...Ano, well...That is kinda true," Fluttershy admitted, "I'm...not that good of a dancer really."

"Ah soka…" R-Ryotaro nodded as he lifted Sweetie Belle and placed her on the ground. He then jumped over and grabbed Fluttershy's hand. "Then let me show you." he smiled happily.

"Eh? Sh-woah!" Fluttershy gasped as R-ryotaro dragged her onto the dance machine. Before she could say anything, R-Ryotaro had already chosen the song for them to dance too.

"It's okay. I'll be sure to show you," he smirked as upbeat dance music began to play. "It's easy, just lightly tap your feet on the arrows." he started as he began to press the corresponding arrows he hit each one so quickly the machine was the one that couldn't keep up. He then began to add his own flare as he spun and ducked around with each motion of his legs.

"Chotto...isn't that to much for anyone?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Ryotaro, try an easier setting." Sweetie Belle spoke up.

"Eh? Easier?" he blinked as he stopped while now doing a handstand with just his left arm. "This is easy."

"Not easy for you, easy for her." Scootaloo corrected poking his head pushing him off balance only for him to flip to his feet.

"Yeah, nobody's as good as you are here." Applebloom chimed in.

"It's almost unnatural how fast and bendy you are really." Spike chuckled. 'Poor Ryotaro. I wonder how he feels after Ryutaros takes control...some of those dance moves look...complicated.'

"Hm...okay." R-Ryotaro stated as he hopped over next to Fluttershy. "Easy da. Alright Shy-Chan. I got it..." he smiled as he patted her shoulder. "I'll ask Ryotaro to help."

"Eh? Ryotaro?" Fluttershy questioned.

With that, R-Ryotaro closed his eyes before the purple streak in his hair faded away and opening them to reveals Ryotaro's regular black eyes.

"Chotto, Ryutaros...don't just switch places like that…" Ryotaro stated as he slowly took off his cap before he gave it and the headphones to Spike.

"Huh. I didn't know you could change back like that," Spike noted.

"Eto...well, it's more like Ryutaros let me drive. He's still here so to speak," Ryotaro corrected with a small chuckle.

"Oh...I see," Spike noted.

"Yeah…" he added.

"Wait. Can you even still dance as you are?" Spike suddenly asked, "I mean, from what I can see, your certain...talents of your other selves don't carry over to you. Is all I mean."

"Oh, that. Well...uh, you see…" Ryotaro chuckled before he went over to the other dance pad. He then began to dance to the music of the machine and to their shock while not as good as Ryutaros he was still better than any of them expected. He then stopped with the music as he landed a perfect score.

"That...was awesome," Scootaloo awed before shaking her head a bit, "Though...Rainbow Dash could've probably done it faster."

"Rainbow-san?" Ryotaro and Fluttershy both blinked.

"You know Rainbow?" Ryotaro asked first.

"Well...not personally, but I've seen her at the Wonderbolts competition a few years back," Scootaloo replied.'

"Oh that day." Fluttershy remembered as well. "You were in the crowds, weren't you?"

"I was. And I saw how awesome Rainbow Dash was!" Scootaloo awed with stars in her eyes.

"Hehe...Rainbow is very incredible…" Ryotaro chuckled. He was a bit thrown off by the admiration little Scootaloo had, but he thought it nice as well.

"I-indeed," Fluttershy agreed.

"Well it's not like Ryotaro's other personalities can't do cool stuff to." Spike commented. "I mean one of them can lift an entire truck and then toss it into the river."

"Huh?! Really?!" Scootaloo and her friends gawked at that.

"Eeyup. And another of Ryotaro's personalities took down an entire gang of thugs with one arm tied behind his back."

"That's because it was so easy, I could've just beat those dumbasses with my feet!" Momotaros grinned.

"Yeah, oh and the time Ryotaro's personality was able to jump up to the roof of a school." Spike added, remembering the times Urataros would do leaps like that, "Course...that was because Rainbow was chasing after him after he hit on Fluttershy."

"Is it wrong for me to try and get to know such a shy angel?" Urataros asked.

"Is it wrong for me to take a five iron to your skull?" Momotaros asked.

"Shutting up."

"That's what I thought."

"Ah...my uh, personalities get me in more trouble then get me out of it really…" Ryotaro sighed. "Like the time one of them got involved in a bank robbery...or the time one of them destroyed most of a park...or the time I wound up involved in some strange mystery thief case...my bad luck knows no ends, does it?" Ryotaro sighed as he slumped down, an aura of depression surrounding him.

"Th-there there," Fluttershy said as she patted his back.

"Hehe...sorry Ryotaro...I just wanted to point out your pretty cool in your own way." Spike chuckled.

"It's fine, thanks Spike." Ryotaro chuckled slightly. "It's more I remembered some of the messes I've gotten into because of my other personalities."


"Oh right like the time Momo kind of got you arrested." Spike remembered.

"Nani?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"...I'm probably gonna get The Stare next time the Kaze-onna sees me, aren't I?" Momotaros asked.

"Oh what do you think?" Urataros countered.

"...I think I'm going into hiding for a few days."

"Yeah...that kind of happened."

"Wait. One of yer personalities is really named Momo?" Applebloom asked.

"Technically, it's short for Momotaros. He….n-nevermind. Let's just get back to the game," Ryotaro said as he looked back at the dance game, 'Besides, nothing bad has happened so far.'
"Gah!" a man screamed as he was tossed out of the park. He looked back to see the thing that tossed him away. Standing there was a tall and thin built Imagin. It's body was a dark emerald green and what looked to be a long trenchcoat hanging down his back with feather like markings, his shoulders were covered in large diamond shaped polarons with feathers sticking out of the top. It's head had a large beak in front of it's head with a mohawk like plumage of feathers on top of his head. His blue colored eyes glared evilly at the man as he raised his hand that had short talons and looked to me scaled.

"Nigete...ningen." he ordered as a feather formed in his hand before it morphed into an ornate long sword that was mostly thin with a Y shaped guard and hole in the center. "You will have but one chance to flee like a coward and never return here."

"Ahh! Monster!" the man screamed as he ran for it.

"..That's what I thought," the Peacock Imagin scoffed as he turned around, "And how dare he call me a monster. I am a true work of art...no. I am perfection," he stated as he walked back into the park before stopping as he heard footsteps. "Another one...humans are such pests." he sighed as he jumped after the next target.
"So you just move one foot like this," Ryotaro started as he put one foot forward slowly as Fluttershy and the kids mimicked him. "Then you bring it around to the left in a half circle." he added doing just that as they all mimicked, "And then you just jump and spin." he finished as he once again demonstrated before letting the others try. They all tried it slowly and got it right mostly. Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle both almost fell over, "Daijoubu?"

"I'm fine...I'm just not that coordinated…" Fluttershy added as Ryotaro helped Sweetie Belle stand straight.

"Man, who knew dancing was this complicated?" Sweetie Belle asked as she dusted herself off.

"It's just something that takes some practice." Ryotaro chuckled. "I somehow have a natural talent at it...Ryutaros seems to take advantage of it."

"That explains a lot." Spike nodded before heard what sounded like faint screaming, "Huh?"

"What's that noise?" Applebloom blinked, "It almost sounds like someone screamin'."

"Screaming?" Scootaloo questioned.

"What do you mean?" Ryotaro asked as they all turned to look at the sight of some people running away, "Nani?"

"A-ano, excuse me!" Fluttershy called out to one of the people, who skidded ot a halt to look at her, "What's going on?"

"There's a peacock monster attacking people that enter or get near the park!" the person shouted in fear before he ran off screaming.

"Peacock...monster?" Ryotaro blinked hearing that before a purple flash washed over him.

"Ah! Imagin da," Ryutaros voice escaped his lips as his eyes turned purple and the purple streak came back to his hair, "This should be fun." he smiled as he grabbed his cap and headphones from Spike. "Sa, ikuze Shy-chan!"

"H-hai,"Fluttershy nodded as teh two quickly ran off to the park.

"Hey wait! What about m-and they're gone," Spike sighed as the two were out of listening reach, "..Well girls. L…" he began when he noticed someone missing. or rather...three someones, "...Applebloom? Scootaloo? Sweetie Belle? Where...oh don't tell me." he complained, tossing his arms into the air. "Well looks like we're monster hunting now. Ryotaro, I think your bad luck is contagious."
R-Ryotaro and Fluttershy made it to the parks main entrance, but everything seemed fine for the moment.

"Hm...where's the Imagin?" R-Ryotaro asked as he looked under a rock, "Hello?"

"...Could it have been a false alarm?" Fluttershy pondered as she looked around, "..no. It couldn't be th-" she began before a feather zipped past her like an arrow, said feather hitting a tree that was right behind her.

"More humans...this will never end." the Peacock Imagin sighed, sitting on some steps into the park with a feather in his fingers.

"Kochi!" R-Ryotaro shouted as he tossed a rock at the Imagin's head, making him fall down the steps he was sitting on.

"Gah! How dare you hit me!" the Peacock Imagin snapped, "Do you realize how long it's going to take to cover up that spot?! You ruined my face, you blasted rat!"

"I am no rat." R-Ryotaro stated, "I'm a Dragon!" he smirked as he rushed forward and swung his leg in a roundhouse kick that the Imagin blocked.

"Everyone that tries to enter here are nothing more than rats to me. For you see…" the Imagin paused as he leapt back from R-ryotaro before posing dramatically, "I am true beauty itself!"

"Chotto...Shy-chan, I'm kind of creeped out now…" R-Ryotaro said nervously to Fluttershy.

"M-me too," Fluttershy agreed.

"Now I can give you both a choice. Either run, you can both bow down to a beautiful emerald god such as myself," the Peacock Imagin offered.

"Gh…" R-Ryotaro tensed as he jumped away and landed next to Fluttershy. "Shy-chan this guy's really creepy."

'I suppose it's worse for you being childlike...' Fluttershy mentally noted. "It's okay Ryutaros." she said, patting his shoulder.

"Right. Henshin time...ara?" R-Ryotaro blinked as he patted his pockets and body. "Belt ga...ja nai…" he stated slowly.

"Ryutaros, what's wrong?"

"I can't find my belt." R-Ryotaro stated as he kept looking. "Ah...I gave my things to Spike-kun to hold for me…" he remembered.

"So...it's back at the arcade?"



"Are you alright sempai?"

"Yes just...angered from the amount of sheer stupidity."

"Wow. I had no idea Momo was that stupid." R-Ryotaro stated out loud.

"GAHHHHHHHHH!" Momotaros roared in pure anger.

"Ah...the headache…" Ryotaro sighed.

"So what do we do?" Fluttershy couldn't help but ask at the moment.

"Uhm...fight?" R-Ryotaro asked, shrugging his shoulder.

"Are you ignoring me!?" the Imagin shouted at the two. "I don't care how lovey dovey you two are as a couple! I shall not let you ignore me!"

"Lovey dovey?" R-Ryotaro blinked, "What's that? Is it some kind of treat?"

"...I'm going to drown you. I'm going to drown you like a sack of dumb animals," the Peacock Imagin growled in annoyance.

"Oh boy!" R-Ryotaro yelped as he grabbed Fluttershy and jumped away from several feathers. "Stay down, Shy-chan. I'll take care of this!" he ordered as he ran forward dodging the feathers till he was right in front of the Imagin.

"Stay back, you filthy rat!" the Peacock Imagin snapped as he pulled his sword out and slashed at R-Ryotaro, but he just ducked under it before flipping back landing his sneaker into his face sending the Imagin stumbling back. R-Ryotaro then did several backflips away from the Imagin before grabbing some of the feathers he fired before.

R-Ryotaro landed on his feet before tossing four feathers that all struck the Imagin in the chest, sending him stumbling back again. Small sparks flying off his chest.

"Tsk...this is too much trouble…" R-Ryotaro complained as he backflipped away getting more room.

"Well maybe it wouldn't be, if you hadn't left the belt back at the arcade like a dumbass!" Momotaros snapped.

"You forgot it in a restaurant last week." R-Ryotaro countered.


"He does have a point, sempai. Remember the lecture twilight gave you o-" Urataros began.

"You forgot it at some chick's house Kame-ko! Don't you start with me!"

"Oh, come on. One time…"

"Seven," Kintaros corrected.

"Seven times!"

"Ano, can we please focus?!" Ryotaro shouted as R-Ryotaro struggled to dodge the Peacock Imagin's endless barrage of sharp feathers.

"Sugoi...kono Tori-san has no end to his feathers." R-Ryotaro stated as he jumped over another barrage. As he landed, he looked up to see one coming right at his face.

Before it could hit, a large gust of wind blew and tossed it away from him.

"WHAT!/Nani?" the two blinked seeing the wind. The two then looked at Fluttershy who summoned her wings and gear.

"Shy-chan, nice!" R-Ryotaro smiled giving her a thumbs up.

"H-hai," Fluttershy nodded.

"Quick, blast him with wind!" R-Ryotaro ordered as he appeared next to her and pointed at the Imagin, "Ara...why haven't you attacked yet?" he asked, looking at a nervous Fluttershy.

"Ano, it's just...I-" Fluttershy began before the Peacock Imagin fired more feathers at the two, causing the shy pinkette to summon a wall of wind to block it.

"Masaka...Fluttershy, Are you unable to fight for some reason?" Ryotaro questioned, forgetting for a second she can't hear.

"Eh? Shy-chan can't fight?"

"G-gomen demo...my attacks are more defensive really," Fluttershy admitted, "I...really don't have any moves made for attacking."

"Eh? That makes no sense. Momo-nee controls water and she can do lots of cool things. You control wind and plants." R-Ryotaro pointed out. "Masaka...like Ryotaro...you have no imagination sense?" he asked as he grabbed her by her shoulders before the two ducked from more feathers.

"Ryutaros...that's rude…"

'What? It's true.'

"But remember Ryuta, Fluttershy's the healer of the group, so it would make sense most of her moves are more for defense and support," Urataros explained.

"Then what's the point of all this if she's not good in a fight?" R-Ryotaro shouted as he shot up blindly shouting at the sky. Fluttershy grabbed his arm and dragged him away before more feathers could hit him.

"Honestly, if you rats are done talking to each other, then let me finish you off, just go away!"

"Rock to the face!" R-Ryotaro shouted tossing another rock into the Imagin's face, knocking him back a few steps.

"You insolent cur!" the Peacock Imagin snapped as he fired an entire wave of feathers at the two.

"Ryutaros, please don't anger him more…" Fluttershy complained as they hid behind a rock.

"Wait for it…" R-Ryotaro said as the barrage ended, "We Imagin can't use attacks like that made from our own bodies like that without running out eventually." he stated rather smartly, making Fluttershy blink. He then jumped up. "He should be out of feathers for a while."

"Yabai...this brat knows about my powers…" the Peacock Imagin groaned as he ran out of feathers, "...Might as well resort to physical combat then."

"Kick!" at that R-Ryotaro kicked the Imagin in the stomach sending him stumbling back. He then spun around and landed a hook kick to it's head sending him stumbling back.

"Sugoi...Ryutaros is smarter than I expected…" Fluttershy stated getting over her momentary shock.

While the three were distracted, three figures were watching them from a distance, hiding behind a set of bushes. They watched as R-Ryotaro jumped over a sword swing before he punched the Imagin in the face making him take a step back, the teenager then kicked his legs and ran up the Imagin's chest before backflipping away. He then landed on the ground before he ducked to the right letting it's sword stick into the ground, R-Ryotaro then charged and kicked the Imagin upside the head sending it stumbling back.

"My hits aren't doing much...I can't win this fast enough without Den-O's power." R-Ryotaro breathed weakly as he got back into a fighting stance.

"Hpmh. What's wrong, boy? Has my beauty driven you weak?" the Peacock Imagin asked.

"Is running away an option Shy-chan? This guy is creeping me out!" R-Ryotaro complained childishly.

While Fluttershy totally agreed with him on how creepy this Imagin was, they couldn't just leave it terrorizing the people like this. She shook her head no, making him slump his shoulders in disappointment. R-Ryotaro then jumped away from another sword swing before he jumped into a tree and pounced on the Imagin, sending him to the ground.

"Yeah, that's right! Get him, Ryotaro!" one of the figures watching from the bush quietly cheered.

"Eh?" Fluttershy blinked as she turned on her heels towards the voice while R-Ryotaro was trying his best to keep the Imagin pinned.

"Scootaloo-chan?" R-Ryotaro blinked with the Imagin's hand smooshed against his face as he punched it in the face with his own fist.

"Uh oh. looks like we've been spotted," Sweetie Belle's voice gulped.

"Eeyup," Applebloom's voice added.

"Eh? Applebloom? Sweetie Belle?" Fluttershy blinked before she spotted all three girls poking their heads out of the bush, "What're you three doing here? Don't you know how dangerous it is?

"AH!" R-Ryotaro cried as he was tossed over Fluttershy and landed in the dirt. "Onee-chan look...shooting stars…" he groaned out as stars floated around his head.

"Filthy pest," the Peacock Imagin growled as he dusted himself off before he noticed the three, "...Great. Three more little rats."

"Blegh...dirt tastes like dirt!" R-Ryotaro groaned as he got back up.

"Girls, you seriously need to get out of here before-" Fluttershy began.

"Begone pests!" the Imagin cut her off as he formed a few feathers in his hands. "Three shots for three rats!" he roared, firing them at the girls. But before they could hi,t a blur cut the feathers off.

"Gah…" R-Ryotaro coughed as he stood before them the three feathers deep in the flesh of his back. The back of his clothes slowly beginning to stain red.

"Ryotaro!" the girls gasped as R-Ryotaro fell to his knees.

"Are you alright?" R-Ryotaro asked, wincing in pain as a small smile formed on his lips, his voice sounding more like Ryotaro's for a moment.

"We...we are," Sweetie Belle nodded slowly.

"That's good…" R-Ryotaro groaned as he forced himself back up to his feet. He then turned and glared at the Imagin. "You tried to hurt my friends...I'm going to hurt you now." he added his eyes glowing brighter as he did.

"Hmph. Please. Like you could fight me further," the Peacock Imagin scoffed, "All you did was delay the inevitable for those three brats."

Fluttershy didn't seem to say anything as her hair shadowed over her eyes.

"We'll see about that." R-Ryotaro stated as he stood in front of the girls. "But you still need to get past me, and even then Shy-chan can stop you as well." he pointed out. "And you wasted your last feathers with that didn't you? Well she can control the wind itself...who's got the advantage?"

"Hmph. If that's true…" the Peacock Imagin began as he twirled his blade a bit, looking over at Fluttershy, "Then I shall take her out first!" he shouted as he threw the blade at her.

However, before the blade could reach Fluttershy, a vine popped out from in front of her and grabbed the blade, the tip inches away from her face.


"You tried to hurt these children...you hurt Ryotaro-kun...you…" Fluttershy began with a slight growl, the wind seemingly picking up as the vine began to crush the blade, "I'll never...never forgive you!" she shouted as the blade shattered. A circle of wind then formed before forming into a forward pointing vortex that fired forward and enveloped the Imagin before taking it up into the air and away from where they all stood.

"WAAAAHHHH!" the Imagin cried before crashing into the ground a good couple miles on the other end of the park.

"S….shy-chan?" R-ryotaro gawked at what the pinkette just did.

"Okay...seriously! What the hell is with these women!?" Momotaros demanded.

"Blood loss...starting to get to me…feeling woozy," Ryotaro mumbled mentally as R-Ryotaro swayed around a bit before he fell forward.

"Chotto Ryotaro...can't your body last a little longer?"


"Ah...Going down…" R-Ryotaro mumbled as he passed out and hit the dirt face first.

"Ahh! Ryotaro fainted!" Sweetie Belle gasped, "What do we do?! What do we do?!"

'I could do without the screaming...' Ryutaros commented still being awake within Ryotaro's body.

"Uh...uh...somebody call 911!" Applebloom shouted.

"What do we tell them? A monster attacked us?"

"Guys…" Spike called as he found them before noticing what happened. "Ah man...they did it again! Ryotaro needs some kind of life insurance at this point." he stated, not sounding to worried as Fluttershy ran up to Ryotaro.

"...Girls, Spike, help me get Ryotaro onto a bench," Fluttershy spoke in a serious tone.

"Right." Spike nodded as he helped to move the boy. "Trust me just listen to what she says, she knows what she's doing. This is almost a weekly thing for them," he told the others.

"...Okay," Scootaloo nodded as she and her friends helped move Ryotaro as best as they could. Eventually, they placed him on a bench carefully.

"Kay so now what?" Applebloom asked.

"Now we watch the routine." Spike explained as Fluttershy held her hands over the wounds before a light came from her hands. The feathers slowly began to lift out before the wounds magically faded away and healed. The shirt was still stained but that matter little compared to the wounds vanishing before their eyes.

"Wow...was that magic?" Sweetie Belleasked in awe.

"More or less...I kind of ignored the long winded speech slash explanation about it I got from my sister." Spike explained. "Seems that healing is a special trick that Fluttershy can do easily."

"...And those tornados and vines from earlier?" Applebloom asked.

"All Fluttershy too." Spike explained. "Seems she can control both with her powers. Again, not a hundred percent how they do it. I just go with 'it's Magic.'"


"Okay. It's done," Fluttershy said as she moved her hands away from the now healed Ryotaro, "...girls, I want you to promise me something."


"I want you three to promise me you won't tell anyone about what you all just saw. Understand?" Fluttershy asked of them. "Uhm...please?"

"...We promise." the three younger girls nodded.

"Besides, I don't know how Rainbow Dash would react if she saw a friend of hers having wings," Scootaloo added.

"Niji-chan has wings too…" Ryutaros voice spoke from Ryotaro's body.

"Wait, really?!" Scootaloo gawked.

"Hai. She can also control lightning and stuff." he added. "And Sweetie Belle and Spike's nee-san can control magic and stuff." he added more as he pushed himself up enough to at least look at everyone.

"They can?!" the three girls gasped.

"Hai, which is why I asked that you three could keep this secret. If anyone found out about this...ano, well…" Fluttershy paused, the shy pinkette not sure what to say.

"People would want to use their powers for bad things." R-Ryotaro spoke up. "Like how you can't tell anyone Ryotaro is a time traveling super hero."


"...What?" he asked as he put his hand to his face. "I got something on Ryotaro's face?" he asked rubbing it rapidly. "Spike, what's on my face?" he asked, shaking Spike rapidly.

"Ryotaros...that was supposed to be secret."

'Eh? But Shy-chan got to reveal a bit about herself.'

"Ah well I guess that's true. At least you didn't tell them about what you really are."

"Ah. You mean like how I'm not an alternate personality but an Imagin that possesses you? Oh-oh…" R-Ryotaro blinked.


"Ugh…" Momotaros groaned, "I think I need an aspirin or something."

"I think Owner has a bunch in the pantry."

"Naomi! Aspirin! A ton of it!"

"I did it again didn't I, Shy-chan?" R-Ryotaro asked Fluttershy.

"H...hai," Fluttershy nodded slowly before looking back at the girls, "Please don't' tell anyone about that as well."

"Well, I don't think we are the ones to worry about at this point…" Scootaloo pointed out as R-Ryotaro scratched the back of his head, "Besides, what about that peacock monster back at the park?

"Eh well...Ryotaro and Ryutaros can't fight unless we have his transformation belt so he can become Den-O." Fluttershy explained before looking at Spike. "Spike you had it right?" she asked.



"...Uh, I think I might've left it back at the arcade."

"Uh…" Fluttershy sweatdropped as she fell to her knees in exasperation.

"Has everyone caught the case of the stupids today or something?!" Momotaros complained.

"Well I guess that's what happens when you're around, sempai."

"...That's it. Naomi, tonight we dine on turtle soup!"

"Oh no, not the pot again!"

"Zzzz...yum turtle soup...zzz"

"Again, need a brain filter."

"Yup...today is going to be one of those days." R-Ryotaro commented nodding his head having tuned into the nonsense that was the mental communication of the Taros, "...I wonder where that creepy Imagin landed?"
"Ah...damn that little brat...how dare she send my perfect form flying off into this dirty false wilderness...I'm so going to kill them." the Peacock Imagin growled as he got out of a bush, "I don't care about what that old man wished for. Next time I see that brat, he's dead."

The Peacock Imagin then limped away as he mumbled and cursed to himself.
"Okay, so here's the plan. We all go back get Ryotaro's belt, let him transform and kill the evil monster, then we all go home in time for dinner." Spike summarized.

"I like that plan." R-Ryotaro agreed, "It's plain and simple."

"Well yeah," Sweetie Belle said trying to think of something else to add but not sure. "What do we do it attacks more people in the mean time?"

"Well...we could send Spike in as a distraction?"

"Did the gaki just suggest we sacrifice the Mahou-onna's brother?" Momotaros asked.

"Ano, Ryutaros. I don't think that's a good idea."

"Eh? Why?" R-Ryotaro asked, picking up Spike. "He's a fast runner."

"GAH! God I see why Twilight is so cranky now!" Spike cried. "These Taros are all nuts!"

"Eh...well...yeah." Fluttershy agreed; sometimes she just couldn't defend their actions no matter how much she truly wanted to.

"Hm...then what else could we do?" R-Ryotaro asked as he tucked Spike under his arm. "Shy-chan isn't that good at fighting...I don't have the belt, and the rest don't have much to offer." he pointed out bluntly as Spike tried to escape his grip, "So what do we do?"

"Well...I don't know. Twilight is the one who thinks up the plans, and Rainbow and Pinkie are our best fighters not counting Ryotaro and you four as Den-O." Fluttershy explained, "Demo, Rainbow, Pinkie, Twilight, and rarity are all busy at the moment."

"Eh? What's more important than us?" R-Ryotaro asked. "Selfish…" he pouted.

"Your one to talk Ryutaros…" Spike commented.

"Mmm...what can we do…" R-Ryotaro pondered before he got something, "Oh! I know! I can keep the creepy Imagin distracted while Spike-tachi goes and gets my belt!"

"Well I suppose I'm okay with that."

"Spike!" the girl complained that he was so okay with a dangerous idea like that.

"Yosh. Okay, Spike-kun go get the belt." R-Ryotaro smiled as he lifted Spike into the air. "Get it quickly!" he shouted as he tossed him into the air before watching as he landed in a tree. "I'll go and do the dangerous job!"

"Wait! can you at least get me d-and he's gone," Spike groaned as R-Ryotaro ran off.

"Ano...don't worry Spike-kun, we'll get you down." Fluttershy stated as she and the girls tried to get him down.
The Peacock Imagin stood on a tall clock tower in the center of the park as he looked at the entire park. He glared to the side before he fired several of his feathers that hit the ground stopping two people from entering the parks south entrance. He then raised his arm and stopped two people trying to get out through the west entrance. With this now no one could enter or leave. This worked perfectly now he can find the ones he wants to destroy most. That was till the sound of a bikes engine caught his attention.

R-Ryotaro on the Machine Den-Bird drove into the park.

"Brat…" the Peacock Imagin frowned. He snapped his fingers as he formed a number of feathers over his head before they all began shooting at R-Ryotaro who swerved his bike from side to side to avoid them, "Tch...filthy rat."

"I told you...I'm not a rat, I'm a Dragon." the teen stated as he picked up speed.

"Hmph. Well 'dragon', can you dodge these?" the imagin asked as he raised his middle and index finger up, causing the feathers embedded in the ground to come out and fly after R-Ryotaro.

R-Ryotaro saw this as he revved the engine and drove forward faster before suddenly turning to a stop. R-Ryotaro kicked his leg and stopped at a tree before driving forward and letting the feathers hit the same tree. R-Ryotaro then turned in a large U before going straight at the Imagin. He then revved the handle again and made the front tire raise up before making the bike jump into the air over another barrage of feathers that hit the ground.

"Hmm...not bad, but you still have a few on your tail," the Peacock Imagin smirked as R-Ryotaro headed towards him, "And if you think that old trick will work, you're sadly mista-"

"Then how about my own trick?" R-Ryotaro asked as he jumped up and stood on the bikes seat before the feathers hit the back of the bike. He then jumped off the bike pushing it down as he leapt into the air over the Imagin. He then began to spin in the air as he descended before he slammed a kick to the Imagin's head. With a loud smacking sound the Imagin was sent falling off his high ground and crashing to the ground below. R-Ryotaro then landed on the same spot the Imagin once stood and crouched down giving a playful grin to the downed Imagin that had an imprint of his sneak on his face.

"Grr….kono…" the Peacock Imagin growled as he got back up, "How dare you ruin my face! I-"

"Wait for it," R-Ryotaro smirked as the Imagin looked up, only to see the Machine Den-Bird crash into him.

"...I hate you so much right now."

"The feeling is mutual," R-Ryotaro smirked as he looked as the clock under him. "Mou...faster minna." he complained as he ducked under another feather.
"Come on...where is it?" Spike muttered to himself as he and the girls searched the arcade for Ryotaro's stuff.

"Dang it Spike. How do you lose a backpack?" Scootaloo complained.

"It's not my fault. Everything happened so fast and everyone was making a run for it," Spike complained., "Besides, you three are one to talk! Why the heck would you three follow Fluttershy and Ryotaro in the first place?!"

"We were curious, okay?!" Scootaloo argued.

"And so you got caught in a monster attack." Spike countered.

"Well...Spike-kun didn't you make a contract with an Imagin once?" Fluttershy asked recalling the story from Twilight and Rarity.

"Ah that was different!" Spike countered, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Contract?" Applebloom blinked, "What contra-"

"Found it!" Sweetie Belle shouted from the kart racing game as she held up Spike's purple colored backpack.

"Ah. Good job, Sweetie Belle." Fluttershy smiled as she and the others ran up to her. Spike took the bag before he reached in and pulled out the white belt to become Den-O. "Okay, now we need to hurry back to the park." 'Hopefully Ryuta's doing well against that imagin.'
"Your really bad at this," R-Ryotaro stated as he kicked the Imagin upside the head again before he ducked behind a tree.

"And you're beginning to get on my nerves, brat," the Imagin growled.

"I know you are but what am I?" his voice countered.

"A filthy rat!" the imagin growled as he pulled out his sword and slashed at him, only for R-Ryotaro to dodge. However, the Imagin pulled out another sword and slashed again, causing the Imagin possessed teen to barely dodge as the blade nicked his cheek.

R-Ryotaro backflipped and in the process kicked the Imagin in the chin. He then began flipping away till he landed on his feet. He then looked at the blood trickling down his cheek. He then wiped some of it with his thumb before licking his finger clean creeping out the Imagin immensely.

"Heh heh...looks like I creeped you out now, mr. pigeon."

"P-pidgeon?! Pigeon janai!" the Peacock Imagin snapped, "Peacock da! Do not compare me to those filthy flying rats!"

"So you're a bird that doesn't fly? Lame." R-Ryotaro stated with a bored look. "No wonder all you can do is shoot feathers. I bet if you could fly, you would have beaten me a long time ago...lame."

"What?! How dare you mock me!" the Peacock Imagin growled as he charged and began to unleashed a barrage of slashes at R-Ryotaro, making it hard for him to get a blow in.

"So now that I think of it you're more like a chicken." R-Ryotaro commented as he dodged all his sword swings. He then jumped up as he was almost cornered at a tree letting the Imagin's stab both sword deep into the trunk and get them stuck. "Silly Chicken-kun!" R-Ryotaro smiled as he was sitting on a tree branch.

"I will cut off your head!" the Peacock Imagin growled as he pulled both swords out and slashed the tree in half, causing it to fall over.

"Baka!" R-Ryotaro stated as he snapped the branch he was on before he used it as a club to smack the Imagin on the head with enough force to splinter the branch.

"Ah...kirai no hoshi…" the Imagin groaned seeing stars. R-Ryotaro then kicked his foot against the Imagin's rear, sending him face first to the ground, right under the path of the tree's falling radius.

"Timber." R-Ryotaro smiled seeing the tree slam onto the Imagin.

"...Grr….you hanatare kozo!" the Peacock Imagin growled as the tree shattered, the Imagin charging out of the resulting dust cloud with a killer intent in his eyes.

"Ah. You and Momotaros-no-baka would get along." R-Ryotaro stated not even moving as the Peacock Imagin got close he leaned back and kicked his leg forward hitting him square in the face. "See? Baka," he laughed as once again, his sneaker was imprinted on it's face.

"You brat! Stop attacking my beautiful face!"

"That's beautiful?" R-Ryotaro asked Ryotaro. "Hmm...you're right, it's not much compared to the girls we know." he commented.

"Indeed, Ryuta," Urataros agreed.

"We do know a lot of women who are freakishly pretty…." Momotaros added. "I mean compared to them...not much other women can compare."

"Indeed...it's so much, it makes one want to cry!" Kintaros shouted as a loud stomping sound could be heard in the background.

"Chotto minna. I think we got off track here…" Ryotaro commented with a mental sweatdrop.

"Oh right, right, we know girls so pretty, this ugly thing looks even more ugly is the point here," R-Ryotaro stated out loud. His shoulders then drooped. "He just heard me didn't he?"


R-Ryotaro barely dodged the blade aimed at his neck, causing it to nick his cheek once more as the Peacock Imagin began to unleash a flurry of wild slashes, making it near impossible for him to dodge while a few slashes nicked him and tore his clothes a bit.

"Good job Kozo! Now you pissed off this creep so much, he's blinded with rage!"

"So like you on any normal day?" Urataros and Kintaros, as well as Naomi and Celeste's voices all asked.


"This is strangely not helpful!" R-Ryotaro complained as he kept dodging while he jumped backwards to try and gain some distance.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have pissed him off! Damn it, where's the Kaze-onna and Spike?! They should've been back by now!"

"That's right!"

"It helps no one to blame them…" Ryotaro sighed as R-Ryotaro finally got some distance from the mad Imagin, "I mean, they probably got held back by something, like traffic."

"Damn you traffic! If you weren't something abstract I'd kick your ass!" Momotaros barked, "..Ugh...damn it! I need something to call me down, and i already beat the Kame like a rag doll today!"

"You need a hobby." everyone stated once again.

"Shut up! Ugh...where's my manga? I need my action fix."

"You read them all sempai."


"Oi minna! That's not important right now!" Ryotaro cried as R-Ryotaro ducked around the mad Peacock Imagin.

"DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!" the Peacock Imagin shouted in a mix of anger and insanity as his sword slashes were all but a blur.

"He's even creepier when he's mad!" R-Ryotaro cried as he jumped away again. Before the Peacock Imagin could move forward his leg was grabbed by a vine before it grew and hoisted him high into the air, "Eh? Nadat-"

"Hey! Over here!" Spike's voice shouted, making R-Ryotaro look over to see him and the girls, Fluttershy already having her wings and gear out.

"Minna!" R-Ryotaro smiled as he ran over to them. He then grabbed Spike in a big hug with one arm. "Ah. Thank you for making it in time...I thought we were going to die…" he sighed as he used his other arm to grab Fluttershy and pull her into the hug. "Ryotaro is happy to see you too!" he shouted happily. "Especially you Shy-chan." he added as he rubbed his face against hers.

"E...eto...eto…" Fluttershy stuttered, her entire face a bright red as he wings began to flap a bit.

"Ryotaro knew you'd come to save us, guess it helps he has so much faith in you." R-Ryotaro added. "It's just as he said! Shy-chan wa sugoi!"

"E...eto...eto…" Fluttershy babbled, her wings flapping faster as she unintentionally lifted herself and R-Ryotaro off the ground a little.

"Eh...Shy-chan you're flying...why?" R-Ryotaro asked. "Ah. This was unexpected."

"Gah! Too high!" Spike cried, still in R-Ryotaro's other arm.

"Shy-chan chotto. We're going to high…" R-Ryotaro pointed out.

"I think I'm gonna hurl!" Spike cried as he held on tight to R-Ryotaro.

"Ah! Gross Spike!"

"It's not my fault your flattery sent her into shock!"

"It's not my fault! It's Ryotaro's for liking her so much!"

"Oh yeah! W...wait. Why have we stopped?"

"Ah! Shy-chan has steam escaping from her head! Her brain is blowing up!"

"That's not the only thing we need to worry about!"

"Eh?" R-Ryotaro blinked before Spike pointed down, making the Imagin possessed teen look down, "Shimata…" he cursed as the three plummeted down. "Shy-chan, wake up!" he cried, shaking Fluttershy, who's face was still burning red, only now her eyes where swirls. "Ah crud! Spike give me the belt!" he ordered.

"R-right!" Spike nodded frantically as he began to search through his backback before pulling out the belt, "Here!"

"Thanks!" R-Ryotaro shouted as he took the belt and slipped it on before he held out the pass. "HENSHIN!" he called.


With that, shards formed around them before they all hit the ground whipping up a large dust cloud. Everyone else present watched in shock before the cloud faded away to reveal Den-O in Plat Form, standing there with Fluttershy in his arms, being carried bridal style with Spike hanging onto his shoulders. He then set them both down before his armor formed and slammed into place as the dragon head grinded down his helmet and formed into his purple mask. Den-O Gun form has arrived!

"Phew…" Den-O sighed wiping invisible sweat from his helmet brow. "That was very close." he noted as he lifted up a perfectly fine Fluttershy.

"No kidding…" Spike groaned, his eyes replaced with swirls as he slid off Den-O's shoulders.

"Yosh. Shy-chan, wake up now." Den-O said gently as he shook Fluttershy a little. "Come on Ryotaro and the others are starting to worry."

"Mmm~" Fluttershy groaned a bit as she started to regain conciousness, "Wh-what happened?"

"Heck if I know. You just started flying when I told you about how much Ryotaro likes you then you passed out. You must be really weak to pass out from carrying two people and flying…" Den-O stated as he rested his chin on his hand. He then patted her head. "Demo, thanks anyway Shy-chan. You really saved us."

"Oh. A-ano...Y-you're welcome," Fluttershy replied with a slight blush before shaking it off, "Spike, you and the girls go hide somewhere safe."

"Don't got to tell me twice…" he groaned, getting his balance back before he and the girls all hid behind a tree...but not before poking their heads back out to watch.

"Heh heh. No worries, Shy-chan. With me here, this will be over in no time." Den-O commented as he helped her stand back up. "Minna don't worry I got this, I'll be done in five minutes...four tops! Then we can go back to having fun!" he stated giving them a peace sign. "Shy-chan ikuze!" he shouted turning back towards the Imagin.

"H-hai," Fluttershy nodded as she faced the Imagin as well.

"Grr...I am getting really tired of this!" the Peacock Imagin growled, "You may have evaded my attacks so far, but…" he paused before gaining a slight grin, "There's one move you've yet to see, and it is quite beautiful." he stated as a several long feathers like those of a male peacock formed from his back.

"Shy-chan, get behind me!" Den-O shouted as he formed his DenGasher into gun mode as he got in front of Fluttershy and aimed it at the Imagin. However the feathers all spread out as an ever changing and pulsing light came from the feathers. "Eh...sore de...nande…?" Den-O asked as his voice slurred a little before he dropped his gun and just froze in place.

"Heh heh...like it? When I unfold my tail feathers, they create a rather...captivating aura," the Peacock Imagin smirked as his tail feathers glowed more, "But I'm not finished yet. Feel the power of my perfect hissatsu! Glamorous Spike!" he declared as his tail feathers unleashed a flurry of energy feathers at the two.

"Ah," Fluttershy gasped as she held her hands up, forming a large wall of wind around her and Den-O that was able to block most of the feathers but their explosive force still broke through the barrier of wind, "Kya!"


"Heh heh. Did you enjoy it?" the Peacock Imagin smirked.

"Eh? Nani?"

"My wonderful illusion shows you what your heart most desires. You will be trapped in a dream world of that which your heart most wants!" the Peacock imagin stated as his tail feathers extened again as the light flashed even brighter keeping Den-O from moving again. "Sa, give in to what your heart most wants and dream pleasantly in your last moments, Den-O!"

"Boku...no karada…" Den-O spoke as his body froze before he slumped down to one knee and stopped moving entirely.

"Now once again, Glamorous Spike!" the Peacock Imagin declared as he unleashed another barrage of energy feathers. The Feathers all hit the area around Den-O rocking his body with the explosions, "That's it! Let me hear the sounds of your pain filled cries!"

"Ryotaro-kun! Ryutaros!" Fluttershy cried seeing this.

"Ryotaro!" Spike shouted as he saw Den-O get tossed around by the explosions.

"That's not fair! That stupid peacock's using that trick of his to keep him from moving!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Yeah! How can he fight back if he's frozen!?" Applebloom added.

"Yeah! It's not like someone can just take those feathers of his out or something!" Sweetie Belle shouted, making her friends look at her, "...What?"

"You do realize you suggested something brilliant but also possibly stupid right?" Spike asked.

"Really?" Sweetie Belle blinked.

"Yeah. But only one problem…" Spike paused as he looked back at the laughing Peacock Imagin, "If one of us try and approach him from the front, then we'd end up getting hit as well."

"Oh...then how about approaching him from the back?"

"Well that's a good point." Spike nodded.

"You'd have t' be pretty darn fast t' do it though," Applebloom added.

"True…" Spike sighed, "We'd need wings or something to do that." he said before he slapped his palm to his face and slowly dragged it down his face. "Duh! We have Fluttershy!" he remembered, "Fluttershy! Get behind that Imagin!"

"Eh? Nani?" Futtershy blinked, turning towards the kids. "Why Spike?" she asked.

"If you take those feathers of his out, then that would probably dispel that illusion he has on Den-O!"

"Ah soka. Sugoi Spike!" Fluttershy stated, impressed with the idea.

"No prob! Now hurry and beat that overgrown chicken!"

"AH! Someone called me a chicken again! Die you cur!"

"Ah! He's mad!" Spike yelped.

"You just had to call him a chicken?" the girls all sighed. Fluttershy flew up into the air and over the Imagin before she was floating behind him.

'What do I do to stop him...I could no...or maybe...no that might not work either...Ryutaros was right, I'm not that imaginative with my powers like how Pinkie is with hers.' Fluttershy admitted in her mind. But she shook that off the next moment. 'No I can't think like that right now. If I don't do something now, Ryotaro-Kun and Ryutaros, and even Spike-tachi are going to get hurt. Right now they need my help.' she stated to herself as she took a deep breath before she held her hands out, 'I really hope this works.' "Leaf Cyclone!"

"Oh ho ho! As if s...eh?" the Peacock Imagin blinked as the wind began to pick up around him, carrying any nearby leaves, "What's going on?" he demanded as he saw leaves fly past his head and behind him as if daring him to turn around. And against all his better judgment the Imagin did just that. "Arara?" he blinked as he saw what looked like a tornado of leaves building up, the tornado becoming bigger and fiercer each time it drew in some leaves. "Oh my~" he stated, seeing this before he felt like he was being drawn into it, "Eh? Am I...oh no…" he stated as the wind picked him up before the tornado began to condense and become thin and carried itself higher into the sky.

All the while within the cyclone, the Imagin was knocked from side to side as the leaves where moving so fast, they began to scratch against his skin. It also began plucking his tail feathers out and spun them around along with him,

"Matte! They will still explode!" the Imagin cried out as the top of the tornado exploded brightly letting the leaves and the Imagin fall to the ground, all of its tail feathers gone.

"Yatta! It worked!" Fluttershy cheered to herself, a strong sense of self accomplishment washing over her. She then floated down near Den-O. "Ryutaros wake up." she said, trying to wake him.

"Come on Ryutaros! Wake up and beat that thing already!" the kids all shouted.

"Mou, but Onee-chan. I don't want to go to school today~" Den-O whined childishly.

"Ryutaros, please w-"

"You…." the Peacock Imagin growled in a very dangerous tone as he slowly got back up, a murderous look in his eyes as he glared at Fluttershy, "You ruined my feathers...you damaged my perfect body. I shall make you pay for such a sin!" With that he pulled out a sword before he charged. He then swung at her and the prone but standing Den-O.

Just as the sword came at her Den-O's arm swung up and blocked the blade with his forearm, making sparks fly off the contact.

"Nanda?!" the Peacock Imagin's eyes widened a bit at this before they narrowed, "Out of my way, brat! This whore must pay for destroying my b-"


"Gah!" the Peacock Imagin cried out in pain as Den-o delivered a rising kick to his chin, sending him floating a few inches in the air. Den-O then grabbed the Imagin's sword before he slashed it, sending the Imagin flying back as he fell, "Wh….what just happened?! When d-"

Den-O said nothing he just charged and slashed the Imagin again across the chest before he spun around and slashed upwards, sending him flipping through the air. As the Peacock Imagin faced the ground ,Den-O kicked his leg, hitting him and sending him flying away and hitting a tree.

Den-O stiffened for a second then before looking at his arms.

"Ara...boku wa nani ga?" Den-O asked in Ryutaros voice as he tossed the sword away.

"R...Ryutaros?" Fluttershy spoke up.

"Eh? Shy-chan...what happened? I remember seeing the Imagin blind me with weird light, then...I had a very nice dream…" Den-O explained, "Then I woke up holding his sword."


"Shy-chan? Daijoubu? You look...scared," Den-O noted, seeing the shocked look on Fluttershy's face. "You look like someone told you they hurt an animal…" he noted as he shook her a little.

"You...you mean you don't remember?"

"Eh? Remember what?" he asked in confusion. "What happened...did you save me? Sugoi, Shy-chan."

"Oh..a-ano. I...it was no problem, R-Ryutaros," Fluttershy said as she calmed herself a little.

"Yosh. Well I'll finish this now." Den-O said as he grabbed his gun. He then charged at the Imagin as it got up before he began shooting it making sparks explode off it's body. He then jumped before slamming his knee into its chest and pinning him against a tree. "Oi, you tried to hurt all my friends...I bet you even tried to hurt the cute animals who live here too?" he asked as his mask lit up a little. "You're a bad chicken."

"Y...you...brat…" the Peacock imagin managed to choke out.

"So what if I am?" Den-O asked. "I see nothing wrong with being childlike. It's more fun," he added as he raised up his free hand before he punched the Imagin in the face. As he did, he broke the tree behind it into large shards of wood as the Imagin fell to the ground. "So I'm going to turn you into roast chicken now...is that okay?" he asked as he began to walk away as he pulled out the pass again, "Kotae wa Kiitenai." he stated as he swiped the pass over his belt before tossing it and his gun away. He then spun around in place as energy began to pour into his leg in a purple tornado.


Den-O spun around in place before he jumped into the air. He then aimed his right leg forward as the energy formed around his leg till it looked like a purple eastern dragon made of pure energy. Den-O then shot forward as the Imagin got up, only for it to look in terror as Den-O's kick connected before going straight through him. Den-O then stood up as the Imagin sparked, the electric energy turning into another dragon for a moment before it bit down on the Imagin causing it to explode violently.

"Yes! He did it!" Spike and the girls cheered.

"He beat that creepy bird monster!" Sweetie Belle cheered.

"That was awesome!" Scootaloo added, admiring the final attack Den-O did.

"Ah know! His foot became a dragon!" Applebloom added.

"Heh heh.." Den-O chuckled a bit as he turned to face them and gave them all a peace sign. "Victory!" he cheered happily as he ran over to them at blinding speeds before he swept all four of them in a big hug. "We did it! Wai~!" he cheered jumping around with them. "Ryuta do good?" he asked them in general.

"Ryuta did awesome!" Spike and the girls cheered.

"Hehehe…" he laughed as he put them down. "Ah ne ne Shy-chan did good to right?" he asked as he grabbed Fluttershy's hand and pulled her over to them.

"Good? She did great!" Scootaloo beamed, "The way she summoned that leaf tornado was awesome!"

"Not t' mention said tornado turnin' into a cyclone," Applebloom added.

"Yeah. Plus she looks like an angel with those wings of hers!" Sweetie Belle added.

"Shy-chan do good." Den-O added as he patted Fluttershy's head. While childish she still very much appreciated the thought and how nice it was of Ryutaros.

"Arigato…" she smiled sheepishly.

At that, Den-O jumped and landed sitting down. "Ah...I'm hungry now…" he groaned as he fell back on the grass. "Ah lets all go eat on DenLiner!" he stated while shooting back up like a bullet. "Then you can all meet me in my real body!"

"DenLiner?" Scootaloo and her friends repeated.

"It's a real cool big train that can go backwards or forwards in time!" Den-O stated happily. "And it has a lot of cool weapons! Like a Giant Dragon Cannon, that one's mine!" he added as he took his belt off letting the armor fall off as shards. "It's a perfect idea. Huh, Shy-chan?"

"...Ano, well..while it does sound nice, I'm not sure if it's a good idea bringing them on board."

"Aw~ why not?" R-Ryotaro asked.

"Eto...well it's just, maybe it's not safe to bring them along on DenLiner. I mean, it is very big, bigger than it looks on the outside sometimes. And it could be dangerous to bring them along to the sands of time…"

"Aw~ But that's not fair!" Applebloom complained.

"Yeah! We want to see DenLiner!" Sweetie Belle added.

"It sounds so cool!" Scootaloo added.

"Eto, w-well…"

"Please Shy-chan! Please, please please please please!" R-Ryotaro begged as he kneeled in front of Fluttershy. "Please!?" he begged as he gave her the puppy dog eyes.

"...Well, they did help us today…" Fluttershy note a little as she began to think a little, "...I-I guess we can let them on, but just for today. Alright?"

"Alright." R-Ryotaro nodded, standing up before he turned to the girls and gave them a wink to tell them he planned otherwise. He then held up the pass before the portal opened and tracks formed from the air and then aligned next to them before DenLiner shot out and stopped right next to them. "Kore ga DenLiner!" he stated motioning to the large Train that stopped before them.

"Wow…" The three girls awed as they looked at the train.

"...Me first!" Scootaloo shouted as she ran towards the train.

"Hey! Wait fer us!" Applebloom shouted as she and Sweetie Belle chased after her.

"Ike!" R-Ryotaro shouted as he ran after them.

Fluttershy and Spike both sighed at their friends antics before following after them.

'Demo, I guess it's in Ryutaros' nature,' Fluttershy thought with a small smile before recalled what happened with the Peacock Imagin, 'Still...was that really Ryuta back there?' she wondered.

"Shy-chan, Spike-kun, get in here!" R-Ryotaro shouted as he grabbed them and pulled them aboard DenLiner just as the doors were closing.

'...I'll worry about it later,' Fluttershy thought, 'For now, I'll j-'

"Cool! It's so big in here!" Scootaloo awed as she and her friends looked around the place.

"Eh...nani kono gaki?" A voice asked behind her making her turn to see Momotaros standing there.

"AHH! Demon!" the three girls yelped as they backed away from him in fright.

"Ara...motomoto kawaii no Kodomo-tachi." Urataros spoke as they turned to see him sitting in a booth reading a newspaper with glasses over his orange eyes. "Hello~" he greeted.

"Who are you brats calling a Demon!?" Momotaros demanded as he jumped on a table. "You want a demon then I'll give you a freakin' Demon!"

"Sempai, stop that. You're scaring them," Urataros scolded as he kicked Momotaros off the table, sending him falling to the floor.

"Don't mind Momonoji." a third voice said as the three turned to see Kintaros standing behind them. "He's a good person...when he wants to be."

"Woah...he's big," Sweetie Belle noted in slight awe.

"Yeah. He's almost as big as mah brother," Applebloom added.

"Hello, I am Kintaros." the Bear Imagin greeted as he walked past them before he sat down on Momotaros' back, keeping him from getting back up.

"Gah my back!"

"Minna!" a voice shouted as Ryutaros in his Imagin form jumped over them and landed in front of them. "Welcome to DenLiner! This is where I live!"

"Woah...you're a dragon?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Hai!" Ryutaros smiled as he sat down and patted a seat next to him for them to sit with him, "Ne ne, come and sit next to me. Naomi-chan can give us some pudding from Momo's stash."

"Like hell she will!" Momotaros snapped, only for Kintaros to slams his face into the ground, stabbing his horns through it, keeping him from looking back up.

"No cursing. There are children on board," Kintaros stated, "Now….zzz."

"Eh? He fell asleep?" Scootaloo blinked.

"Kuma-chan needs to sleep seven times a day." Ryutaros explained.

"...Is he excercisin' while sleepin'?" Applebloom blinked when she saw Kintaros doing push ups in his sleep.

"Kintaros is a bit of a fitness buff." Ryotaro's voice said as he walked in dressed in his normal clothes. "He even does it while controlling me…" he added scratching his cheek.


"Hai…" Ryotaro nodded as he sat down.

"If you ask me, seems pointless since he already has super strength." Urataros chimed in. "But the result is making Ryotaro healthier, so who's complaining here?"

"I am!" Momotaros complained as he tried to get his horns out of the floor.

"No one asked you, Momo-no-baka!" Ryutaros complained, giving him a kick to the rear.

"You get use to it after a bit…" Ryotaro chuckled to the girls.

"Oh...okay," The three nodded in response.

"But deep down all of them are really good people." Ryotaro added. "They might look a little scary at first, and act weird, but I'm proud to call them my friends," he smiled as the Taros all messed with each other.

At the moment, a now free Momotaros was strangling Urataros as Kintaros tried to pry them apart and Ryutaros just hit them all on top of the head with a rubber mallet.

"...You're right. They are a bit weird," Scootaloo sweatdropped a bit, "But they're still cool."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle and Applebloom agreed.

"Indeed. Plus, I wouldn't be able to fight without them...I just wish they didn't get me into so much trouble. Even I have my limits," Ryotaro sighed in admittance, "I really need a vacation, even just for a bit." he chuckled to himself. At that, the door opened as Spike ran in.

"Hide me, she found me!" Spike cried as he hid behind Ryotaro.

"Eh? Who fou-" Ryotaro began.

"Spike!" Twilight's voice shouted.

"Oh great! The Mahou-onna's mad again!" Momotaros groaned, "What did you do this time, Spike?!" he asked letting go of Urataros and grabbing Spike and lifting him up by his shirt. "Talk green bean!"

"I swear I'm innocent this time!" Spike gulped.

"Spike, there you are." Twilight sighed as she walked into the main car. "What where you thinking?!" she shouted as him. "How could you get yourself involved in all of this and worse your friends?!"

"It wasn't my fault Twilight!" Spike yelped, "They ended up following Ryutaros and Fluttershy when they heard about an Imagin attacking the park!"

"Can I hit him this time?" Momotaros asked Twilight.

"Not just yet." sTwilight stopped his fist. "Okay. So say we're believing that. Why should I still not be mad for you, oh I don't know, disobeying me and coming onto DenLiner without my permission, invited Ryuta somewhere, and then got you and your friends involved in another Imagin attack?!"


"Now I hit him?" Momotaros asked raising his fist.

"Wait!" Sweetie Belle shouted as she and her friends ran up to Twilight, "It wasn't his fault. We couldn't help but wonder why Ryutaros and Fluttershy were in such a hurry."

"Yeah. Besides, it's not like we're gonna tell anyone!" Scootaloo added.

"Gh….oi Mahou-onna. What do we do about these kids anyway?" Momotaros asked as he dropped Spike to the ground roughly. "Even I'm not angry enough to be violent towards kids this adorable…"

"...ugh, I don't know," Twilight sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Ano if I may interject." Ryotaro said as he walked up between them. "I know it was dangerous but in the end they are safe. And they are good kids after all." he added patting their heads. "Plus, they are friends with Spike, and Sweetie Belle is Rarity's sister. So they were all bound to find out sooner or later."

"...I guess that's true," Twilight sighed

"When put like that, this is just saving the time of surprising them…" Momotaros added. "Oi...how do you think the chikyu-onna will react to all of this when she finds out?" he whispered to Twilight, who had memorized all his nicknames for them.

"I don't know. But I do know one thing…." Twilight paused before giving Spike a firm glare, "Spike's still in trouble."

"So...Momo hit?"

"No. But I have fitting punishment for him."

"Oh, come on! How am I still the one who gets blamed for all this?"

"Shut up." Momotaros countered as he lifted Spike up before taking him away with Twilight.

"First up, no TV for a week, Spike."

"Aw man!"

"Shut it. This place doesn't get TV. You don't hear us crying about it."

"But...It wasn't my fault!" Spike groaned

"That maybe Spike, but you're still in trouble for getting your friends in danger," Twilight countered.

"Alright. I take back any nice things I ever said about these Taros…" Spike grumbled.

"Hehehe. Well, looks like there are somethings I just can't stop…" Ryotaro muttered to himself as Twilight continued to chew out Spike while Momotaros just held him in place.

"Ano, Ryotaro?" Fluttershy spoke up, making him turn to see teh shy pinkette sitting next to him, "A-are you alright? I...I just want to make sure nothing was broken or anything after what happened with that Imagin's attack."

"No I'm fine." he smiled, "I feel a little sore, but it's nothing that won't feel better after a little rest." he explained as he rolled his shoulders a little. "But...thanks for worrying anyway." he added. "It's nice having people that worry about you really. Don't you think?"

"H-hai," Fluttershy nodded, a small blush on her face as she had a soft smile on her face.

"Hm…" Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom mumbled as they all stared at the two.

"Eh? Girls, is everything alright?" Ryotaro asked, having noticed them.

"...Are you two sure you're not boyfriend and girlfriend?" Sweetie Belle asked, making the two blush heavily.

"Eh...na...nani?" Ryotaro blinked, "Why would you think that?" he asked them, his blush still there as Fluttershy's grew even darker.

"Well it's just everytime Fluttershy's near you, she seems t' blush a lot," Applebloom pointed out.

"Especially if you're praising her or something," Scootaloo added.

"And she can never speak normally around you either." Sweetie Belle added, "She always stutters and seems more careful about what she says."

"Eh? Ryotaro blinked again, he was mainly shocked at the high level of deductive skills these girls had. "You girls seem a lot smarter than you let on, aren't you?" he asked, having stated what was on his mind.

"When we want to be, yeah,"Scootaloo shrugged a bit.

"Yup." Sweetie Belle and Applebloom nodded in agreement.

"Ah...soka…" Ryotaro nodded before he then shook it off. "Anyway...I don't see why you girls are making such assumptions. Fluttershy and I, are friends. To be honest I've never even been in a relationship before in my life."

"Really?" the three blinked.

"But why not? You seem so nice, Mr. Ryotaro," Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"Eheheh. Well you see, not many girls have talked to me before...I have really bad luck so people use to not talk to me because of it." he explained. "But that's okay, I found friends who accept me regardless. I think that for now that's more than enough for me."


"Yeah. To be honest with you, my life in the past hasn't been the best." he added as he patted their heads. "But that's fine. I have many friends now and I know that my future will be better. So for now, I'm just happy to have friends that care for me and I can care for. That seems good enough, right?"

"...I guess that's true."

"Ryotaro really is a great brother figure, isn't he?" Urataros asked, appearing behind the girls.

"..Yeah. He's a really nice guy," Applebloom replied with a small smile, 'Maybe...just maybe he can bring mah sistah out of her shell.'

"Ryotaro is strong indeed." Kintaros added from his seat before he went back to sleep.

"Nap number 5." Ryutaros spoke.

"Hehe...I guess having some good partners helps too." Ryotaro added as everyone chuckled at the Taros antics.

"Hai," Fluttershy agreed.
Ryotaro: Huh? A day off from the Taros, that's never happened before…

Rarity: Well I guess they wanted to give you a day off then.

Ryotaro: Well here's hoping for how long it lasts…

Taros: Ryotaro! We're bored!

Rarity: Well that didn't last long.

Ryotaro: It's a new record honestly.

Stop 14: Den-O's Shinning Potential!

Ryotaro: No! This time I'm putting my foot down! No more possession!

Author's Note:

I deeply apologize for taking so very long. It's just these chapters are very long, and it takes a while to edit these too. But don't worry. I'm not giving up on this story. There's a lot of chapters to go, and not to mentioned there's a movie chapter in the works, so keep an eye out for that. So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and be prepared for the last of the filler chapters before moving back to the main story next time. Hope you all enjoy, leave a comment/review...and let me know if you have any ideas for possible future chapters.