• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 2,354 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship is Timeless - Seanzilla115

Time long ago, the destiny of six girls were changed. In the future, time itself lead to the end of humanity. Now in the middle in the present, the time to reach the crossroads have come as 6 girls and 1 human, plus 5 Imagin's fight to change fate it

  • ...

Stop 21

Last time on Friendship is Timeless, Ryotaro and Fluttershy began a training regimen to better fight alongside their comrades. But once again another Imagin strikes. This time it's plan to destroy the town's park so it's contractor may but the land. Yet with this information learned there is nothing the group can do but fight the Imagin. Even with the resolve of the Elements of Harmony and Den-O's power the Imagin has proven to be stronger than before be becoming the Roc Gigandeath, the wicked beast creating a wall of wind separating the park from the rest of the city.

The Roc Gigandeath let out a screech like roar as it flapped its enormous wings, the wall of wind surrounding the park becoming more and more violent with each passing second.

"Gh...gh…." Den-O groaned trying to keep from getting blown away. "This...BLOWS!"

"No pun intended too!" Pinkie shouted, she and the others holding onto a nearby tree to stay grounded, "..Uh oh! Pinkie Sense tingling!"

"Oh not…!"

The Roc Gigandeath screeched as it flapped it's wings forward, sending a flurry of feathers towards the group, one slicing a passing uprooted tree in half..

"For the love of Kami…" Den-O sighed in all five voices at once as the feathers came at him. He pulled out his DenGasher as he began cutting them all down as they got within striking range. "I...Hate...Your...Dumb...feathers!" he shouted cutting down the last feather before a scaly Y shaped foot grabbed Den-O by the torso. "Crap!" he cried as he was lifted up into the air.

"Ryotaro!" Twilight called out as Den-O tried to free himself.

"How is he the only one you call out in worry?" Momotaros asked as the claws tightened. "GAH!" all five voices cried as sparks of energy flew off his armor.

"Oh that's it! Time t-" Rainbow began as she tried to fly up, only to be blown away by the force of the wind before Applejack caught her, "Crap! The wind's too damn strong! I can't even get up there without getting blown back!"

"We have to think of something…" Twilight said as Den-O's cries of pain could still be heard. "The Gigandeath's powers are just the Tengu Imagin's but glorified!" she spoke out loud, as she began to think.

"WE can see that!" Rarity shouted, trying to keep her skirt from flying up as she held onto the tree, "...oh for the love of…!" she then summoned a dome of reinforced earth around them, "There...but I'm not sure how long it'll hold."

"Rarity, I'd tell you I love you but I ain't that kind of girl…" Pinkie sighed, just happy to have a moment without that powerful wind almost spiriting her away.

"...I'll...pretend I didn't hear that," Rarity sweatdropped a bit as she fixed her skirt and hair, "Twilight dear, please tell me you have na idea to deal with that Gigandeath. I don't think my hair could take that wind like that again."

"...I'm not sure really," Twilight admitted, "This is one based on a Roc, a mythical bird whose wings are large enough to block out the sun itself."

"Don't forget they hunt whales right out of the ocean." Pinkie added, making the others look at her, "...What? It's true."

"One thing at a time." Twilight muttered. "I don't think any of us have the power to stop its wind at this level...except for maybe…" she paused as everyone looked over at Fluttershy.

"...Eh?! M-me?!" Fluttershy exclaimed as she pointed at herself, "D-demo, I don't know if I can, Twilight!"

"I know you think that, but logically only your powers can stop its powers." Twilight spoke. "I know this is too much to put you through Fluttershy, but this is a very desperate situation."

"But Twilight, I could barely hold back it's previous wind attacks when it was a Tengu Imagin. Wh...what if I mess up?" She asked, the shy pinkette starting to shake a bit, "Wh...what if I…?"

"Hey," Rainbow spoke up, getting the shy pinkette's attention before the tomboy put her hand on her shoulder, "Look, I get it. You're worried, but right now we need you to try." she said as they heard Den-O scream in pain before something slammed into the top of the dome.

"Ugh...I think it cracked the chest armor…" Momotaros complained from outside.

"Plan B?" Urataros asked.

"We have a plan B?"

"Yeah. It's called Attack."

"That's failed plan A!" Ryutaros shouted.

"Oh, shut up! It's not like you got anything better!" Momotaros shouted. "Ah crap the claws again!" he shouted as the top of the dome was ripped off to reveal Den-O hanging onto the Roc Gigandeath's leg, "God damn oversized buzzard! I'm gonna turn you into the world's biggest platter of fried chicken when I get my hands on you!"

At that, the Gigandeath flew off carrying Den-O with it dragging its foot through trees and the dirt to try and scrape the Kamen Rider off.

"Wow...way to make it more angry, s-"

"Oh shut up before I decide to have turtle soup as an appetizer, kame!"

"We're gonna die!" Ryutaros cried as the Roc Gigandeath slammed its legs into the ground, resulting in Den-O being slammed into the dirt as well. "Are we dead…?"

At that, the Roc Gigandeath cawed as it grabbed Den-O in its talons again and flew up with him.

"Ugh...I can use some goddamn help here!" Momotaros shouted, "Where the hell is Denliner when you need it!?" he asked as he felt the talons scratching the back of his armor. "Gh…" he groaned as sparks began to fly from the contact.

"Okay...this is seriously the part where we need to do something," Twilight stated.

"Agreed," Rainbow nodded, "Fluttershy, it's now or never."

"...H...Hai," Fluttershy nodded, taking a deep breath as she prepared to fly out of the stone dome to try and help Den-O deal with the Gigandeath.

"I know it's stupid to ask...but you jackasses got a plan C?" Momotaros groaned out as Den-O was keeping the talons from breaking his armor.

"Unless you want Kin to take over from here, I got nothing," Urataros replied.

"Who do you think is keeping talon number 3 from piercing our heart?!" Momotaros pointed to Kintaro's arm, keeping the claw aimed at their heart from getting closer.

"...Good point," Urataros sweatdropped, "So unless a miracle happens, th-"

"Ahh! I see Shy-chan!" Ryutaros spoke up.

"Huh?" the other four controlling Den-O blinked in unison before a surprisingly strong gust of wind hit the Roc Gigandeath's head, knocking it back a bit.

"Yes! Freedom!" Momotaros shouted as the Roc Gigandeath let Den-O go...only for him to realize he was very high up in the air, "...Aw, crap baskets." he muttered as logic and gravity took hold. "Screw you, Gravity!" he shouted as he fell.

"We're going to die, aren't we?" Ryutaros asked in slight nervousness.

"Hai! My only regret is not seeing the girls in swimsuits!" Urataros shouted.


"I have written our death poem." Kintaros spoke.

"We're falling, not committing seppuku!" Momotaros and Ryotaro freaked as they fell into a tree.

"It is good to be prepared!"

"God damn it! My last moments is arguing with you i-"

"Ano, excuse me?" a rather timid voice spoke up, making Den-O look forward to see a certain shy pinkette flying in front of him...well, as best she could due to the strong wind, "You...do realize you're in a tree now, right?"

"We might be suffering...tiny bit from a concussion...and little internal bleeding…" Ryotaro's voice explained.

"I swear I saw my life flashing before my eyes...when the hell was I a schoolgirl outfit?" Momotaros said, muttering that last part a bit out loud.

"The hell kind of concussion dream is that?" Urataros asked, "Wait...actually that sounds pretty sweet. Mind if we tr-"

"Hell no! I was badass in that too!"

"Ano…" Fluttershy spoke up.

"Told you...concussion…" Ryotaro groaned as Den-O got out of the tree. "Ah and there's the internal bleeding." he groaned holding his side.

"Oh my...h-hold on," Fluttershy said as she landed next to him and began to use her healing magic on him.

"Seriously...we would have died like ten...maybe 18 fights ago…" Momotaros grumbled as Den-O stood up better. "Why aren't you with us like all the time again?"

"Could be we end up going at too fast a pace for her to keep up." Urataros added as Den-O moved Fluttershy out of the way of the claw of the Gigandeath.

"...Ahh I suppose you're right," Momotaros said, keeping Fluttershy down as the Roc Gigandeath tried another pass at them, "Oi, Kaze-onna. Can't you do something, like...oh say, use your Stare on it or something?!" he begged.

"Sempai, this isn't a normal animal. Th-"

"Well she did it on a freaking bear once when it got out of the zoo that one time!" Momotaros argued.

"Momonji, this and that are different."

"Mou minna…" Ryotaro sighed as Den-O led Fluttershy away from the Gigandeath. "But on the serious note, is there something you could do Fluttershy?" he asked.

"Ano...w-well, Twilight said I'm the only one who could deal with the Gigandeath. demo...I'm not sure how," Fluttershy admitted.

"Maji dayo?" Momotaros asked.

"At the time, being anything that can buy us a moment would be perfect." Urataros explained.

"Then we can call DenLiner and make pretty fireworks." Ryutaros added. "Think you could help with that, Shy-chan?"

"Ano...eto…" Fluttershy muttered, looking around the destroyed park before looking at a certain spot on the wind wall, "...I think I have an idea."

"Well spill woman! Spill!" Momotaros demanded.

"I...I can try and open a hole in the wind wall, and make it big enough for Denliner to to pass in," Fluttershy explained before fidgeting her thumbs a bit, "Demo...Th...there's only one thing you might have a problem with in the plan."

"And that is?" Kintaros asked as Den-O made them duck from another swoop of the Roc Gigandeath before Den-O made them hide under a bush.

"I...I'll have to stay behind to make sure the hole doesn't close in on you all," Fluttershy answered.

"Gh…" Den-O sighed slapping his helmet.

"I want it on record you came up with this plan…" Momotaros sighed.

"i...I know that. Demo...it'll at least give you all some time to come up with a plan," Fluttershy stated before looking out at the park, "Plus the animals here at the park...they...they must be frightened."

"If we make it out of this...I owe you…" Momotaros sighed as Den-O got up.

"Hai...J-" Fluttershy began before she was suddenly pulled into a hug by him, causing her to blush in surprise.

"Be safe…" Ryotaro whispered before releasing the hug and rushed out.

"We'll be back!" Momotaros and the other Imagin shouted.

"...h-hai!" Fluttershy nodded, quickly shaking to blush off as she flew up into the air before stopping at the spot she was looking at. She then held her hands out and began to focus her magic into that one spot.

"One chance…" Den-O muttered as he kept running. Noticing the wind around the spot Fluttershy pointed out for him seem to swirl in an odd way.

"Come on...almost…" Fluttershy whispered, the shy pinkette starting to pant a bit as she focused on that one spot with her magic. Within a minute or so, the spot started to open up slowly, Fluttershy giving a small tired smile of success before using me of her magic to make the hole big enough for Denliner to pass through.

"DenLiner!" Ryotaro and the Taros called out as Den-Bird drove up beside him for him to mount. He revved the throttle, making the bike shoot forward as the time portal opened for the Time Train to enter. Den-O jumped the bike into the air before he spun around landing in backwards to dock his bike with the control room of his train.

"Kaze-onna...I owe you one for this," Momotaros muttered as he revved up the bike.

DenLiner whistled as it drove through the opening in the wall of wind. With a flick of the button the Train's weapon system activated. The Roc Gigandeath screeched as it flew at the Time Train only to get a laser to its chest, sending it stumbling back. While the Gigandeath was recovering, Denliner passed by Twilight and the others, picking them up.

"Girls get…" Momotaros cheered as Den-O reverted to Sword form to drive the DenLiner. "Ah...Kaze-onna. Got to get her too…" he said, looking around as the DenLiner's laser continued to shoot the Gigandeath, keeping it from getting to close to them.

The Roc Gigandeath screeched taking to the air avoiding the next blast. It then flapped it's wings sending its feathers at DenLiner most bouncing off harmlessly. Well...except for the few that did seem to break the walls.

One such feather pierced into the main dining car of DenLiner making everyone duck down. Owner's meal cut in two from the feather. Owner looked at his food...mostly the flag that fell over before he passed out in his seat.

"Owner?" Twilight blinked upon seeing that.

"Meep!" Pinkie cried as another feather pierced the wall. She ducked down as the feather stopped just above her head.

"GAH!" Den-O freaked as he stopped one from stabbing him by clapping his hands in a pseudo-sword catch. "Oi, you're messing up my train!" he shouted, snapping most of the feather in half to get it out of his face.

The Roc Gigandeath screeched as it continued its onslaught of sharp feathers, further damaging Denliner. DenLiner retaliated by unleashing missiles and bombs, knocking all the feathers away with each explosion as several hitting the Roc Gigandeath, making it fall out of the sky and be pelted by even more explosives.

"Hah! How do you like that, polly?!" Den-O shouted as the large cloud of smoke rose from the explosions. The Roc Gigandeath's screech was heard as the smoke was cleared away in a large burst of wind.

The beast rose back into the air before it flew around DenLiner like a vulture circling a meal. The Beast looked at the train before it swooped down and grabbed it in its claws and dragged it off its track, making everything and everyone inside tumble around. The Roc Gigandeath let out another screech as it began to fly up higher into the air, intent on dropping Denliner.

"Whoa...gah!" Den-O cried as he was tumbling around in the control room of DenLiner. "I! Hate!" he stated as he hit the window before tumbling into the roof, "Flying!" he shouted before he hit the door leading back to the dining car with the others. "Sombody get the number of that squawking thing? That may or may not be a reincarnation of an ex-wife of mine."

"Can't talk...too dizzy…" Pinkie groaned, her eyes replaced with swirls as she hung off one of the seat.

"Oh...this is...much worse than the time with the ferris wheel…" Ryotaro groaned mentally.

"Ugh...how did we end up having a sword fight on a runaway ferris wheel again?" Den-O groaned as the train was clearly still in the air before it suddenly stopped, "Did...did it?" he asked slowly not wanting to be the one who jinxed their predicament.

"...Oh god...don't tell me…"

Outside, the Gigandeath released Denliner from its talons, causing the time train to fall down at a fast pace.

"Crap!" Den-O cried as everyone was left to slam into the roof. "Well...we're gonna die...I just want you all to know...I never liked any of you!"

"Rainbow I have a confession to make! It was me who got gum all over your new shoes!" Pinkie shouted, "Oh! And I accidentally ripped a page in your new manga!"

"You did what?!" Rainbow snapped

"Oh for Pete's sake!" Twilight complained at hearing them argue at a time like this.

"Twilight...if I do die...I want you to know...it wasn't your brother who charred that book of yours...it was me." Den-O spoke. "And I put it out by dropping it in the toilet!"



"If this fall doesn't kill us, I'm going to…!" Twilight began before the train suddenly stopped falling, causing everyone to crash down into the floor.

"Ah!" Den-O shouted, slamming into the floor before Applejack and Pinkie fell on his back. "Ooof!" Than Rainbow and Rarity piled onto his back. "GAH!"

"This armor...is harder than it looks…" Pinkie complained, the pinkette rubbing her rear a bit as they stood up, "You alright, Twilight?"

"...just...fine…" Twilight replied, her face having landed in a pile of what used to be the food owner was eating.

"Ahh…" Den-O groaned as the color drained from his armor before he passed out and reverted to Ryotaro with Momotaros rolling out of him in his full body.

"Gah...my back…" Momotaros cried in pain, holding his back. "You girls...are more compact then you look...gah…"

"...Going to pretend I didn't hear that," Rarity frowned a bit, knowing what he actually meant, "But in all honesty, why did we stop?"

The door then opened as an awake Owner walked back in. "Okay, we are back in the sands of time." he sighed before looking at his food before he passed out once more.

"Huh?" Rainbow blinked seeing DenLiner on it's track once more in the middle of the endless Desert. "When did we...?" she asked looking around.

"A failsafe. Should DenLiner ever be knocked off it's tracks...it will be transported back to the sands of time…" Owner groaned from the ground as he composed himself once more.

"Oh...I see," Rainbow noted, "Well...at least Fluttershy got on board before that oversized rat with wings grabbed us, right?"


"...Right?" Rainbow asked, the tomboy starting to get a bit nervous, "...Okay seriously. Where's Fluttershy?"

"...Must...escape…" Momotaros groaned as he dragged himself out into the desert.

"...Momotaros…" Rainbow frowned, stomping over to him before grabbing his shoulder, a serious look on her face, "Where? Is? Fluttershy?"

"She's...back there with the bird thing…" he groaned out.

"WHAT?!" Rainbow snapped before she tackled him to the ground, "You left her back there?!"

"Not by choice!" Momotaros shouted in his defense. "She wanted us to leave her behind but I planned to drag her into this train, I didn't have the time to find her!"

"Well you could've talked her out of it!" Rainbow argued before getting off him, "Ugh! I can't believe she would do something like this!"

"What...something we would do?" Momotaros asked as he tried getting back up as he made his way to Ryotaro.

"Exactly!" Rainbow snapped, "...Forget it. I'm going back there so…" she began before Applejack got in front of her, "...Applejack, get out of my way or…"

"Or what?" she asked. "What's your plan for gettin' back in there?"

"I'll charge my way through!"

"Need ah remind you there's a GIANT monster bird in there with feathers and talons that could even damage Denliner?" Applejack countered.

"I know I'm the last one to be smart...but maybe a plan from someone who is smart would be useful by this point." Momotaros spoke up as he sat Ryotaro up and tried waking him up. "Ryotaro wake up!" he ordered as he began shaking him.

"Five more minutes...Nee-san…" he muttered.

"Oh for the love of…" Momotaros groaned before looking at Pinkie, "Oi, Mizu-onna. Get me some ice."

"Got it!" she saluted as she changed and cupped her hands before forming several cubes of ice. Momotaros then grabbed a bag and put them in, before he put them on Ryotaro's head.

"This is going to be a pain without the Kaze-Onna to heal him up…" Momotaros muttered while Rainbow looked out the window, a bit of worry evident on her face.

'Fluttershy...you better be safe out there,' the tomboy thought.

Back at the park, the Roc Gigandeath circled around the sky above, the wind wall still surrounding the area as the large kaiju like beast looked for any sign of life. It saw none among the debris of its domain so it flew off to another section of the park to roost. Once it was out of site, Fluttershy poked her head out from a tree, seeing the kaiju like beast fly off before she managed to climb out of the tree, the shy pinkette carrying a pair of cats as she rushed off to another hiding spot.

She made sure to always move the opposite direction of where she saw the Roc Gigandeath fly off to. To make sure there was a safe distance. Once she was at a safe enough distance, she came across what looked like a small cave before she walked inside it, seeing various animals that lived in the park hiding there.

"Shh...it's fine...everything's fine," Fluttershy assured them in a soothing tone as she carefully let the cats down. "At least I hope…" she muttered mentally as the memory of DenLiner being dropped from the sky came back to her mind. She quickly shook it off. "No...I'm sure everyone's okay...the portal opened for them. I hope they aren't to hurt."

"Come on Ryotaro wake up!" Momotaros begged, shaking Ryotaro more. "For the love of all that is sweet awesome me, wake the hell up!"

"Mou...but I dont' want to go to school yet, nee-san…" Ryotaro groaned in his sleep.

"Ugh...anyone got any ideas?"

"..." Pinkie slowly raised up a airhorn, only for a frowning Rarity and Applejack to push it down

"Seriously...what do we do about him?" Momotaros asked giving up on waking up his contract holder.

"I don't know...but we need to wake him up fast," Rainbow responded, "Hell, I'm tempted of taking that air horn from Pinkie and using it on him myself."

"And damage Ryotaro's eardrums? No thank you," Rarity frowned a bit at that.

"Besides, I think it better he rest at the moment," Twilight spoke up. "Who knows how hurt he is?"

"That...that's a good point." Momotaros and Urataros spoke up.

"Then we check." Ryutaros nodded simply as he pulled of Ryotaro's shirt and tossed it off to the side.

"R-Ryutaros?!" Twilight exclaimed, a bit of a heavy blush on her, Rarity, and Applejack's faces upon seeing that, "What're you doing?!"

"Eh...well we need to make sure he's not hurt to bad...I did feel those claws digging into his side before." Ryutaros explained as he patted Ryotaro's sides to check for wounds. "Let's see...no holes...no blood...but he does have purple skin around here…" he said slowly as he lifted Ryotaro's arm to show some bruises along his side around his abdomen.

"Oh dear…" Rarity whispered with wide eyes, "Those are some nasty bruises."

"...Let me take a closer look," Applejack spoke as she knelt down and checked the bruises, "...Nothin' too serious, but we need to get these healed up. Naomi, mind gettin' me the med kit?"

"Hai…" she said as she slowly got back up also dizzy from all that happened to DenLiner. She then pulled out a box full of medical supplies before she pulled out bandages and medical gauze.

"Thanks," Applejack nodded as she took the items in question and began to carefully treat Ryotaro's bruises

"Well...that worked out better than I hoped." Momotaros muttered, "I expected the Brat's stunt to end in something weirder…"

"Momo…" Rainbow spoke up.

"Shut up?"

"Shut up," she nodded.

"There...that should do for now," Applejack said as she finished bandaging Ryotaro up

"Oh...AJ-san, is he okay?" Ryutaros asked as he poked Ryotaro's cheek, making his arm move up slowly to slap his arm away.

"Yup. All he needs t' do know is rest up and not do anything strenuous," Applejack replied

"I'm...I'm not the smartest but even I know that's kind of impossible." Ryutaros stated bluntly. "Since well...we have him," he pointed at Momotaros.

"What?! Why you little…!" Momotaros growled, pulling out a paper fan as he chased after Ryutaros, "You're getting a spanking, kozo! A big ass spanking!"

"Ryuta's not wrong…" Rarity muttered.

"Yup." Pinkie agreed.

"Eeyup," Applejack added.


The wall of wind sure did not go unnoticed by many. But it was unclear what to do to stop such a strange thing. So many could only watch in awe. Many wondering what caused this strange event; how could a wall of wind form? This greatly caught the attention of someone in the crowd, the turquoisette looking with wide eyes as she slowly pulled out her phone and quickly dialed in a number.


"Bonbon, you won't believe what I'm looking at r-"

=Oh not this again!- the voice on the other line groaned -Lyra, whatever it is you're looking at, it's probably part of a movie they're filming or something=

"Not so sure about that...unless you know a machine that can make a wall of wind," the girl called Lyra stated as she looked ahead at the park again. She even took a picture with her phone and texted it over. "See...not crazy this time, I know you can apologize any moment now."


"Bonbon? Bonbon are you still there?"

=...ugh...I'm coming over. But if this turns out to be fake, I'm making you take a break from your little 'research' for a month=

"I will take that bet...cause I know I can win!" she laughed, hanging up her phone. "Oh whatever caused this will be a useful one."

"Excuse me." a voice spoke up, getting her attention as Lyra then turned to see a boy around her age, wearing black jeans, a floral print Kimono like jacket with a hoodie underneath. "Sorry, I'm not from around here...I was wondering if you could tell me where to find this address?" he asked with a nervous chuckle. "Uh...I'm Takeru…" he added with a slight bow.

"Um...my name is Lyra, and sure," Lyra replied as she looked at the address written down, "Hmm…" she mumbled. "That's a while across town…" she explained going off memory, "If I recall, this place is abandoned."

"Ah...guess it's just my luck given my job." Takeru sighed.

"Your job?"

"Oh I'm a ghost hunter." he smiled.

"...Ghost….Hunter…?" Lyra slowly repeated, "As in...someone...who hunts ghost?"

"More or less." he chuckled. "We've gotten some publicity for our work back where I'm from." he added as he folded the paper up and stuffed in his jacket/kimono.

"...Can I ask you a favor?"

"Oh sure." he nodded simply, "What do you…?"

"Sweet!" Lyra beamed as she pulled out a pen and notepad, "I want you to tell me in full detail on everything you do! All the ghost you encountered! What kind of things you've ran into, all the works!"

"Oh...you're a reporter?" he blinked, "I had a friend who was one...but she had a strange hobby...anyway. Uhm...I'm kind of on a time limit...so…" he said, seeing her pleading puppy dog eyes. "If you want, you could come with me...and I can answer all your questions."

"Yes please!" Lyra exclaimed before gasping a bit, "Ooh ooh! Hold on! Let me send my friend bonbon a text, and she can join us!"

'What have I gotten myself into?' Takeru asked himself as he walked up to a red bike parked on the road.

"Okay. She said she'll be over in a few minutes," Lyra stated, having received the response from her friend before she began to giddily chuckle in joy, "Ooh~! My first major scoop!"

"Your excited…" Takeru chuckled before he began swatting the air next to him, "Oi...shut up...Yurusen…" he whispered so she wouldn't hear him.

"Of course I'm excited! It's my dream to make it big as a reporter!" Lyra exclaimed, "And what better way to prove that things such as ghost and Kamen Riders are real!"

"Kamen riders...how...how do you know that name?" Takeru asked as he was seeming to strangle something that wasn't there before he fumbled to put his hands in his pocket.

"I read an article based on the incident in Zawame city," Lyra explained, "...Though they were called Armored Riders...but Kamen Rider seems more fitting to me."

"I see…" Takeru nodded. "Well your dream sounds nice, Lyra-san." he smiled.

"Thanks," Lyra smiled back

Meanwhile, back within the wall of wind, Fluttershy looked out from her hiding spot before ducking back in as the Roc Gigandeath passed overhead. The creature was moving much more than normal. As if it knew she was in the park somewhere.

"It's much more active now," Fluttershy stated as she peeked out carefully, 'At this rate, there won't be anything left of the park...which means it'll move onto the city next, hurting everyone…'

She then looked over at all the animals hiding with her, all of them shivering in fright at the large beast outside. She wished she could do something at that moment to calm them...but she knew as long as that Gigandeath was still here, then the only option was to destroy it. But...could she bring herself to destroy it? It wasn't a question of morals...after seeing so many Imagin, she knew that a good Imagin were the rare exceptions of their kind. Rather the problem was simply could she even do it at all.

"I...I don't know if I can...but...if I don't do something…" she whispered as she looked at the scared animals, "Then they would lose their only home…" she stated.

"If you're going to hit something, then hit it!" Momotaro's words suddenly rang in the back of her mind.

"Maybe...Momotaros...has a point..." she said slowly in a mix of realization and disbelief.

"I mean it when I say you and Ryo have something in common. You're both nice people who want to protect your friends." Rainbow's voice echoed in her head.

"Nee-chan…" Fluttershy whispered as she remembered everything Rainbow told her before. She then pulled out her Element of Harmony, the shy pinkette looking at the butterfly shaped jewel in her hand. She then looked at all the small animals who were huddled close to one another in fear of the cawing Gigandeath outside, "...Everyone is depending on me right now...if I don't do something…" She then grasped the hand her jewel was in before gaining a serious expression, the shy pinkette knowing what to do as she changed into her gear. She then looked outside. "Then everything...everything that lives here will be..." she muttered looking at the animals. "Everything that lives here in this park...their lives will be destroyed." she finally spat out as she turned to glare at the shadow of the Gigandeath outside, "I know what to do now…"

With that, she flew outside of the cave, passing the gigandeath as she flew into the middle of the tornado, the pinkette immediately summoning a wall of wind to protect herself before she focused her magic into the tornado itself. The Gigandeath felt something was wrong before it's eye looked up and narrowed at the sight of Fluttershy.

"Need...to focus…" Fluttershy whispered, her hands softly glowing as she focused more of her magic into teh tornado while at the same time, trying to keep her barrier up to block out any attacks the gigandeath might have in store for her. Eventually, she started to pant a bit, the stress from trying to control such a big tornado starting to get to her, "St...starting...to weaken..but...I...can't...give up."

The Gigandeath then noticed it's wall of wind was acting different no longer was it moving in it's old violent manner. That would cut and tear anything to touch it. It was...slowing down. The Roc Gigandeath screeched in anger as it glared up at Fluttershy.

Negataros from a distance noticed this strange event as well. Hie red eyes staring intently.

"So...you have made another attempt." he asked not really impressed. "Well...as things go...they will launch another attack soon...maybe even allow anyone trapped inside to escape. Well...I'd stay to watch the ending...but work to be done." he said as he began walking away. He then stopped as he pulled out a cellphone matching his black armor and red tribal markings. "Negataros...oh...an interesting item you say? Well...take it then. I'm sure Luna-hime could find use for such an occult object." he ordered to whoever was on the other end of the line, "Plus it would make a nice gift for her since she couldn't get a hold of a Phantom to help her with her little revenge." he shrugged.

"Got it Boss." a Blue wolf themed Imagin nodded using a random throwaway phone to talk with the Dark Imagin. "I'll be fast before the elements and Den-O attempt another try on that bird guy." the Imagin then stopped as he noticed three teenagers enter the building he was watching. "I'll...I'll call you back boss. A couple of nosey teenagers just came by."

=I'll let you take care of it...remember; not to much of a mess, Cobalt.=

"Got it." he said hanging up by clicking the end call button with his claw, "Welp, time to play exterminator." the imagine said as he walked over to the building.

The trio of teenagers comprised of a boy with brown hair wearing a kimono themed hoodie/jacket, and two girls, one with turquoise hair, and the other with dark pink and dark blue hair. The boy seemed perfectly calm as he walked ahead of the two girls who were talking...or arguing...hard to tell the difference. The boy said something about checking the door...and then he did something that made the Imagin nicknamed Cobalt's eyes bug out of his head. His arm became transparent went through the wood and unlocked it from the other side while the girls didn't notice.

"Did...did he just...no. My mind must be playing tricks on me," Cobalt shook his head as the boy opened the door for the two girls, making one of them giggle at the gesture. "Just got to focus on the job." he said as the door was closed on the boy but he just walked through it. "AH!" the Imagin freaked seeing that.

"Did you hear screaming?" one on the girls asked.

"Kind of…" the boy spoke.

"Creepy…" the other girl muttered.

"Calm down….I'm sure...I'm sure that can be explained...oh...why did I get this job?" the blue canine Imagin asked sweating nervously at the thought of what that boy might actually be, "I just want to go around stealing things, and sell them at a reasonable price...is that too much to ask?"

At that the boy poked his head out through the wall again as if looking around. He shook his head and phased back in through the wall making Cobalt...foam at the mouth and fall over, his eyes blank while tears streamed from them.

"Ah that's the item I was looking for!" the boy cheered.

"Some eyeball?" the more excited girl asked.

"It's an odd artifact...more or less." he replied. "It seems odd...but to some this is important."

'Wait...that's the thing I was going to give to Negataros and Luna-sama...chikuso!' cobalt growled in his mind as he overheard the teenagers. 'I did not scare off some creepy dude dressed in all black and in need of a dentist so some meddling kids can steal what I stole...I mean FOUND!'

"I see…" the other girl noted before looking at the more excitable one, "See, Lyra? It was nothing to get over excited about. No ghost or anything."

"Not yet. Maybe if we stick around longer, the creepy phantom will appear." the girl whom Cobalt now knew was called Lyra argued excitedly.

"Hm...seems empty to me...trust me. Not even a rat." the boy stated as they all began moving around the empty building again. "If there was something here...it's gone now."

"Are...are you sure Takeru?" Lyra asked.

"Yes...I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I still owe you that interview, so how about that as a replacement for a ghost hunt." the boy called Takeru offered as Cobalt crawled closer to the building.

"...I...suppose so."

"Ahh good...we don't have to go chasing something based on another hunch of yours again," the other girl sighed in relief.

"Come on, Bonbon. They're not that bad."

"The time you dragged me through a swamp to chase some walking lizard man begs to differ." Bonbon argued in annoyance.

'That's right kids, get all comfy...I'm going to scare you what for and get that back…' Cobalt thought as he climbed the walls and waited on a higher level of the wall for the three youths to exit.

"How was I supposed to know it was a guy in a gator outfit!?"

"Oh, and then there was the 'hydra' sighting back at the beach a few weeks ago."

"Hey! That one I know was true! It must have just run off…"

"Hydra...as in the mythical snake monster from Hercules?" Takeru asked as he pushed the door open for them.

"Of course!" Lyra exclaimed as she was instantly before him, "You see, a lot of strange things have been happening around town lately and it's my job to find out what's behind them!"

"You should visit Sakura New town sometimes...you'll be busy 24/7." Takeru chuckled.

"...Lyra...don't you…"

"I know where I'm going this summer then!"

"Darn it!" Bonbon face faulted, "Just one day! Just one day where we don't have to do anything strange!"

"Ano...sorry...I don't mean to make trouble for you Bonbon-san." the boy said a she helped her up. "If it's any consolation...how about I take our place as her assistant for the trip?"

"...As much as I like the offer, I can't. It's my job to make sure she doesn't get in over her head," Bonbon sighed, "More or less, I make sure she stays more down to earth and not delve into any freaky stuff."

"You're a great friend. Ah here...I kind of have business card for the temple slash research lab I live in...call if you're ever in town." he said pulling some contact cards out and handing one to each.

"Thanks," the two girls nodded.

"No…" Takeru began as he twitched for a second before pushing both just as the Imagin pounced on all three. "Look out!" he shouted.

"Ahh!" Lyra and Bonbon screamed as they fell into a box large enough for them to fit in.

"Kaijin?" Takeru asked as he glared at Cobalt.

"Hand that thing over kid!" the Imagin ordered.

"You don't even know what this is do you?" he asked pulling out a small palm sized device resembling an eyeball, with a light sky blue boxy frame, it had two blocks on the top and bottom for support and two buttons on the side. The eye also had a black swirling iris. "Come to think of it...what are you...some coyote...fox...ah a greyhound!"

"The Bus!?" the girls asked from inside the box.

"Baka! I'm an Imagin!" Cobalt snapped as he pulled out a scimitar, "And that thing I want is going to someone very powerful!"

"Over my dead...wait ghost shouldn't use that line…" he muttered very quietly to himself. "Uh...no way Dog face!" he shouted.

"Very well...then I'm gonna go Five Nights at Freddy's on you!" Cobalt snapped as he pounced at him.

"I don't like that game!" Takeru cried as he performed a blade catch on the scimitar. He then walked back and...through a wall embedding the sword into said wall. Takeru then walked out from another section of the wall and around Cobalt. "Oh...by the way." he whispered to the Imagin. "I'm a ghost." he said in a raspy voice making the Imagin shiver as his eyes turned into large dinner plates of white.

"...Nope! Nope! Fuck this shit I'm out~!" Cobalt screamed as he bolted for it, leaving his scimitar behind...before rushing back for it by pulling it out of the wall, and ran back out.

"Hehehe…" Takeru chuckled as he helped the two girls out of the box. "Come on...I bought us a second or two...let's hurry." he ordered them as they looked at Cobalt scrambling to escape from Takeru.

"Yeah…" Bonbon groaned a bit as Takeru helped her and Lyra out, "..What sounds like a 5 year old screaming?"

"We...we'll talk later." Takeru said as he gently motioned them to move.

"Isn't he great?" Lyra asked. "He's use to the danger's of his job."

"...I suppose so," Bonbon admitted as she dusted her cloths off.

"I didn't sign up for no Casper the Teenage Idol ghost!" Cobalt cried as he was stuck halfway through a window.

"What was that?"

"Our cue to get out of here before whatever it is get's smarter." Takeru said as he gently pushed the girls towards the exit and away from the building. As the three looked back they saw Cobalt stuck in the window who turned to look at them, Resulting in the Imagin and two girls screaming in shock. In Cobalt and Bonbon's case fear and surprise, in Lyra's out of excitement and joy of seeing a real monster.

"A werewolf! A real life Werewolf!" Lyra beamed as she pulled out a camera, "I gotta get a picture for proof!"

"Wait...what no...no picture…" he began befor a really unnecessarily bright flash blinded him. "GAH! My retinas!"

"Yes! Proof! I finally have proof!" Lyra cheered as she held her camera up, "Bonbon! I finally got proof that m-"

"Run now gloat later!" Takeru said as he began pushing them down the road.

"No way! I-" lyra began before she ended up dropping her camera into a storm drain, "Kya! My Camera! My proof! My story~!"

"Ah…" Takeru gasped, seeing that. "Sorry…" he said as he went to try and get it back. "An yabai…" he cursed in Japanese.

At that, the youths heard a sound as the Imagin fell to the ground and stumbled out, dazed and confused from his fall.

"Ugh...fuck it. I'll just look for something else for that damn moon girl…"

"Oh wait my phone." Lyra said as she took a picture with her phone; several actually, "Yes! My proof and story are safe!"

"Is now really the time for this?" Bonbon asked in worry.

"Uh...peace?" Takeru asked, backing away from the Imagin.

"...No...you win...I'm gonna look for something else...keep your little toy eyeball…" he muttered before he got a call. "Huh...what? Are...but I...come on boss it's a GHOST! Yeah but...oh come on...ugh…"

"Werewolves use cell-phones?" Lyra asked, "...Wait. It's the middle of the day...and werewolves only come out at night...that means…" she then pointed an accusing finger at Cobalt, "You're a phony!"

"I'm….that's it Eating you now!" he growled picking up his scimitar.

"Uh...run?" Lyra asked.

"Run!" Bonbon and Takeru said as they began running.

"Aah!" Lyra screamed as she ran from the angered 'werewolf'.

Doors opened as Twilight, Rainbow and Pinkie all walked out back into town. The three looked to the wall of wind which looked less powerful now.

"The tornado the Gigandeath made looks weaker?" Twilight asked as she began walking closer, "Weird...why is that?"

"...You don't think Fluttershy obtained her full transformation and is behind the wind wall getting weaker, do you?" Pinkie asked.

"Maybe...though our jewels would be glowing by now i-" Rainbow began before as if on cue, hers, Twilight, and Pinkie's Elements of Harmony began to glow faintly. "Like that...exactly like that!" she shouted in both surprise, excitement, and a very slight bit of annoyance to the timing.

"Yes! Go, Fluttershy!" Pinkie cheered happily.

"Come on. Let's go see if we can help with the wall weakened." Twilight ordered.

"On it!" Rainbow saluted, instantly changing into her gear before she took off into the air.

"Come on Pinkie. let's go too." Twilight said as she began running for the park on foot.

"Wait for me!" Pinkie cried running after her friend.

Back within the tornado, Fluttershy panted heavily as she focused more of her magic into the wind wall, unaware her Element of Harmony was glowing faintly.

"Just...a bit more…" she muttered trying best she could to slow the wall of wind down.

But her concentration would be jarred by those feathers knocked away by her barrier every now and again. The Gigandeath learned of it when it got a chunk of it's beak scratched up earlier. But the pale pink haired Element of Harmony kept both her barrier and plan in effect in spite of the threat of the giant Roc themed monster after her.

"I...I don't know how much longer I can stay conscious…" Fluttershy panted, her barrier starting to disappear before she shook her head, "No...I can't..I won't give up. I have to do this for everyone's sake...for the animals...for my friends...for everyone in this city...I…I..." she began as her jewel began to glow more brightly, "I have to protect everyone!"

In that instant, the flash from her jewel blinded the Roc Gigandeath in it's next charge before it hit her wind barrier sending it into its own wall of wind, the 'kaiju' ending up swept in with its vacuum. It's screeches of pain and shock where distorted by its constant spinning. With Fluttershy, her wind barrier started to spin wildly around her as what looked like leaves and flowers started spinning within it, the barrier blocking her completely from view as a pale pink light came off the barrier. Within a few seconds, the wind barrier dissipated in a large burst, the wind fom it smashing into teh wind wall, causing it to die down instantly.

The Roc Gigandeath found itself slamming into trees making it squawked in pain as it let it's head fall into a pound. With the wall gone the park was now accessible to others once again, a faint pink light still floating in the air, drawing the attention of the few who were actually seeing this.

"That light?" Rainbow asked as she flew faster towards it.

"Look...the wall of wind is gone!" Pinkie shouted as she and Twilight were walking down the road to the park. She then pointed to the pink light in the sky above it. "Ah...that must be Flutters! She's gained her full transformation now too!"

"I...I can see that," Twilight replied as she looked up at the light in amazement. She saw the light slowly fading away to which she used an eye based spell so she could see Fluttershy's new transformation. "Wow…" was all she could say at the sight making Pinkie form binoculars of ice.

"She's so pretty…" Pinkie added with a smile, "Like a real angel...oh oh. Or better yet..a goddess of nature."

Rainbow stopped mid air using her electromagnetic powers to float. She saw her best friend and surrogate sister floating before her in her new elegant transformation. Fluttershy was now wearing a light yellow top that had green frilly epaulettes on her shoulders, and matching forest green fabric over her collar. A pink sash matching her hair was tied around her waist like a belt and flowed behind her like two tails, connecting to a two layer green and yellow pleated skirt, with white shorts with pink edges visible under her skirt. Large green boots with blue gems in them covered her legs and yellow socks peeking out above the large boots. Her wrists had blue rings with white strips of fabric extending out and connecting to a scarf around her neck, covering the green choker formed around her neck. A tiara of leaves also formed around her head and framing her pink hair now combed down and over one shoulder. As with before her wings were still present on her back, the now golden yellow wings extending out seemingly larger than before as gusts of wind came off her wings; as before the wings still extended out of a flower on the small of her back but now with bright pale pink petals, two or which extend down and seemed to form a second much smaller pair of pink feathered wings.

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked in shock upon seeing this, the wind around Fluttershy seeming to keep her aloft in the air and making her look more majestic somehow as it fluttered her clothing around, "Is...is that really you?"

"...Hai," Fluttershy whispered as she opened her eyes, giving the tomboy a soft smile, "Nee-chan."

"Flutters!" Rainbow shouted excitedly as she blurred up to her and wrapped her arms around Fluttershy. "You're okay! And you got your full power!"

"Hai. I did, nee-chan. Demo…" Fluttershy began as the sounds of the Roc Gigandeath's screech filled the air, "The battle isn't over yet."

The Roc themed monster roared as its giant wings spread up as it rose on it's feet. The beast glared at the two before it swung its two powerful limbs down to give it lift. But before it could get up a powerful gust of wind knocked it back down. It squawked in surprise again at this. How...how did it get knocked back down? It wondered in its wild beast mind. It quickly shook its head before it began to fly back off the ground, only for vines to suddenly shoot up and grab its limbs, causing it to tense as it was pulled back down to the ground. The Roc Gigandeath looked down before glaring back up at Fluttershy. It then swung it's wings sending a large gust of wind at the two flying girls.

Fluttershy raised her hand with her index finger held up, she then spun it in a circle before forming a circle of wind. She then pointed forward as she unleashed a tornado like blast that clashed with the Roc's gust of wind, Fluttershy's winning as it overpowered and hit the Beast pushing it down before even more vines wrapped around it, even digging into it's skin making sand fall from each small wound.

"Woah…" Rainbow whispered in awe as she watched this, 'I...I can't believe what I'm seeing. She...she's controlling the wind like it's second nature to her now...and she summoned those vines without even moving...Fluttershy...You...you've become stronger now…' she thought as a small smile grew on her face, 'way to go sis…'

The Roc Gigandeth screeched in rage as it finally broke all the vines and roots holding it down. It raised its wings to get back into the air once again. Fluttershy swung both her hands down when she saw this, sending two streaks of wind that hit the Roc Gigandeth's wings. After a moment, two feathers fell from each of its wings and when it swung its wings down...nothing but a gust of wind across the park happened. The Monster's eyes grew blank and giant in shock at this. It could no longer fly.

"Huh?" Rainbow blinked. "What...what happened?" she asked Fluttershy who gave a surprise look.

"Oh...I cut it's primary flight feathers...it's what vets do to keep house birds from flying." Fluttershy explained with a happy tone in her voice. "Uhm...I guess you can say I clipped its wings." she muttered as the Roc Gigandeath kept flapping but it just looked like a confused and giant monster chicken.

"...If Pinkie or the Taros we're here to see this, they'd be laughing their eyes out at this," Rainbow said, looking at the flapping and flailing Roc Gigandeath on the ground.

"It...is kind of funny now that it's lost it's wings…" Fluttershy had to admit stifling a very...VERY low volume giggle.

"Wow...Twilight this is amazing." Pinkie said lowering her bincoulars of ice as they evoperated away; before she began laughing. "Ahahahaha it...it looks like a chicken! Oh! Oh I wish Momo and the others were here to see this!"

"Hehehe…" Twilight had to stifle her giggling as well as she saw this through her ocular magic.

"Do you hear something?" Pinkie asked, suddenly getting Twilight's attention.

"...I don't hear anything."

"You sure? It sounds like…" at that they heard a pair of screams. "Wait...I know one of those screams...Lyra?" she asked turning around to see her and Bonbon running. "I was right!" she exclaimed before noting some boy running with them...then came the Pinkie sense. "Uh-oh! Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh!" she chanted while twitching, "Twitch-a-Twitch!"

"Another Imagin? But why…" Twilight began before Lyra and Bonbon ran past her and Pinkie.

"Lyra! Bonbon! You'r not being chased by a monster are you!?" Pinkie asked loudly them before the blue wolf themed Imagin landed on the ground ahead of all four girls. "Nevermind!"

"Finally caught ya, you pest!" the Blue Wolf Imagin snapped as he held his scimitar out.

"Oh no…" Twilight gasped ready to transform...before remembering Lyra and Bonbon are right in front of her. If she changes infront of them...no doubt her and her friends secret will be revealed to everyone.

"Hey...where did that kid go, the pretty boy?" Cobalt asked looking for Takeru. "Ah forget it!" he shouted raising his sword.

Twilight gasped in fear, seeing the monster raise its sword up. But before it could come down, an orange light tackled into Cobalt. Making him stagger a step as the light continued to assault him. Each 'hit' making him stumble back a step away from them. Twilight blinked before using her eye spell again...and instead of a light she saw...a hoodie?

The hoodie was black and orange with short sleeves, burning orange lights acting as two eyes of sorts in its hood, and two strips of cloth as arms. It tackled into Cobalt sending him stumbling back.

"What...what is that?" Pinkie asked before Twilight touched her arm letting her see it as well. "Ooh...a ghost jacket…" The Parka then flew off away and towards a mass of pitch black mist formed in the street.

The mist slowly became visible to everyone and anyone. The Mist growing larger and larger as the hoodie flew into it. Try as she might...Twilight could not cast any spell to see what was inside this mist. It's as if whatever this mist is made of or whoever is within it...can reject magic affecting them.

=Bacchiri Miina!=

At that instant a new sound came from the mist, some strange voice that sounded excited. It was chanting those same words that in Japanese meant: Watch this. The next thing they saw where orange lines glowing in the mist that seemed bunched into...bone like patterns while a blue light formed in the center resembling an eye with a wisp of fire above it's iris.

The Mist then began slowly clearing away as a bright orange...face peered from the mist. A figure slowly becoming visible. The bones forming a body with some not seen over the shoulder and torso, an orange face in the center glowing save for two black dots resembling eye holes.


The Mist cleared revealing...an armored figure there. His black suit and armor offset by the neon orange bone marks on it, an orange belt around his waist but with a large...very large buckle resembling a one eyed sheet ghost, a mouth seen through the transparent sheet it's one eye glowing orange. He wore the black and orange hoodie over his torso as it's twin collars acted as chest armor, and a clear glass like armor showing the blue eye symbol acting as a crest. His helmet was black but with a bright orange mask with black eyes and a large wisp like horn above his head.

"Who...who the hell are you?!" Cobalt asked in shock.

"I am…." the figure spoke as his mask stopped glowing. "Kamen Rider...Ghost." he said slowly in a distorted voice.

"K...ka...kam...Kamen...Kamen…" Lyra whispered, her eyes widened as she began to rapidly breath, a smile starting to grow on her face before looking at a gawking Bonbon, "Ha! See!? I told you they were real!"

"Kamen Rider..." Twilight said slowly as she took in this new hero. "Ghost?" she repeated as that name seemed too odd to her.

"Wow...he's so cool…." Pinkie awed with stars in her eyes. "And he's a ghost...awesome."

"He...he can't really be a ghost?" Twilight stammered in disbelief. Ghosts...ghosts didn't exist, did they?

Ghost then walked forward as Cobalt roared and swung his sword...only for it to go through Ghost and knock the Imagin off balance. The imagin roared as he swung around to cut off the Kamen Rider's head only for it to pass through his hood and neck as if he wasn't even there. Ghost then leaned back from the next swing letting it pass over his head. He then spun to the left dodging the downward slash that hit the ground. Cobalt roared as he swung low...only for Ghost to flash orange and float up into the air. Ghost then floated around the Wolf themed Imagin as he grunted and slashed at the air missing each time. Ghost then floated forward and slammed his silver knee pad into the monster's chest making him stumble back.

Ghost landed to the ground before he blocked another slash using the silver bracelets on his wrists that looked more like shackles. Ghost then knocked the sword aside before slamming his palm into Cobalt's nose making him stumble back from the force of the blow. Cobalt roared a she swung and slashed down to cleave him in two, only for Ghost to chuckle and float straight up before he disappeared in a puff of black mist again.

"Huh...where?!" Cobalt freaked before Ghost's black armored hand; its plating resembled a skeletal hand; slowly placed itself on his shoulder from behind, the Kamen Rider's distorted laughter emanating from behind him.

"Hahaha" Ghost laughed as his hand slowly moved up to Cobalt's face making him freak out again.

"AH!" he freaked turning to face Ghost who just kicked him sending him flying away down the street.

"He...he is a ghost…" Pinkie said in awe upon seeing this Kamen Rider's very creepy powers, such as the intangibility and disappearing.

"And...and he's a ghost too?!...Bonbon. Please pinch me to make sure I'm not dreaming," Lyra said as her friend raised her hand without trying and pinched Lyra's cheek very hard.

"It...another...Kamen Rider?" Twilight muttered in shock seeing the new hero fight the Imagin.

"If you'd like to run...no one would blame you." Ghost spoke as he floated in the air slightly.

Cobalt got up and was clearly angry. His sword then lit up with blue flames.

"I'm going to kill you twice!"

Ghost said nothing as Cobalt swung his sword and fired a sword beam at Ghost. The attack hit with an incredibly large explosions as Ghost pushed the plunger like lever on his belt back in after he pulled it out at some point. The Explosion was very loud making all four girls hold their hands over their ears.

=KAIGAN: NEWTON! Ringo ga Rakka~! Hikiyose Makka~!=

The girls blinked before the smoke was pushed away by a light red burst of energy. Cobalt and the girls blinked. Ghost...changed his jackets. Now he was clad in a blue bubble parka with a matching hood over his head, his silver shoulders had blue tubes connecting to these large gloves over his arms, they were grey over his forearms with large blue spheres over each fist, the right gloves having a ring in it. His mask also changed, it was all black with a blue vector arrow pointing down under his horn and a blue apple over where his mouth would be.

"Hmmm…" Ghost said as he raised his right glove as he began to glow pulling the plunger lever out then in.


Ghost then raised his left arm as it began glowing blue...a moving truck behind Cobalt was covered by a stream of blue ripples. And began pulling the truck against it's will towards them. The Imagin looked back and freaked as he ran towards Ghost who lifted his right arm as it was glowing red. As Cobalt was Close ghost shouted as he punched his left arm hitting him in the gut and sending out a wave of red Ripples that repelled the Imagin away from him.

"HA!" Ghost shouted as the crying Cobalt flew back...and was forced through the truck, ripping it apart, Engine, cabin and anything else inside it out the back. After a few seconds the truck and Cobalt all exploded brightly. As the explosion washed over Ghost he turned away and slowly faded away into a blue light til he was gone.

"He's gone!" Pinkie freaked.

"What?! No...nononononono! He can't be gone!" Lyra exclaimed as she began to look around for him, "I finally found a Kamen Rider, and I don't have proof to show he's real!"

"He...he was a ghost...but ghosts….they don't…" Twilight muttered, her mind lost in its own logic or rather lack thereof at the moment. "How?"

"Twilight...did you see...he was all black mist and then...he wears a jacket, and changes his jacket for new powers...he used the force!" Pinkie babled in amazement.

"I...w….bad dream. That had to be a bad dream," Bonbon spoke, trying to forget what just happened.

"Ah!" Pinkie screamed as the dire importance of their current job sprang back up in her mind, "Sorry Lyra, Sorry Bonbon, we'll hang out some other time! We got important things!" she stated in panic as she grabbed Twilight and hefted her over her shoulder. "Bye-bye! Ghosts exist!" she had to blurt to get out of her systems as she left the two friends to wonder where Kamen Rider Ghost went to.

"...This is without a doubt the most bizarre day i've ever had," Bonbon groaned, "..No. Not it did not happen. This is all just some big, weird dream. I fainted from a jumpscare, and dreaming right now. Right Lyra?"

"Can't talk! Looking for a missing kamen Rider!" Lyra exclaimed as she looked around frantically.

"Lyra!" Takeru's voice called out as he ran up to them. "Bonbon!" he waved to them. "Are...are you okay?"

"You don't…"

"We saw a Ka-!" Lyra began before Bonbon covered her mouth, "Hmph?!"

"Nothing! We saw nothing!" Bonbon shouted.

"Ah...what happened to that coyote thing? Or was it a greyhound?" Takeru asked looking around. He then noticed the fire. "Whoa...that...that's a thing." he chuckled sheepishly at that.

"Eh heh...yeah…" Bonbon chuckled nervously

"I...I think maybe we should...uh go anywhere but here." Takeru figured as the two girls nodded before leaving.

"Ugh...my head...it feels like it's been split open…" Ryotaro muttered as he sat up half awake in his seat in the disheveled DenLiner. "If this is what hangovers feel like...I think I'm never ever going to drink…" he muttered to himself, "What happened…?"

"Oh nothing much. Just the mahou-onna taking the Mizu-onna and Rainbow to go rescue the Kaze-onna, and the next thing we know the Chikyu-onna and cowgirl's jewels start glowing," Momotaros stated as he popped his head up in the booth right next to Ryotaro.

"We believe Fluttershy may have unlocked her full power," Rarity explained as she sat in the same booth as Momotaros.

"Eh? Really?" he asked as he sat up straight in surprise. "Ah...ite…" he groaned holding his side.

"Woah there. No need t' stress yerself out," Applejack told him as she helped him sit back down.

"Uh...have you met Ryotaro?" Urataros asked sarcastically. "He goes out of his way to help old ladies cross the street...you think a monster attacking his friends and some internal bleeding is going to keep him down?"

"...Good point," Applejack admitted a bit, "Still...he's in no condition to fight right now. Best l Twilight and th' others handle it."

"I'd still feel better if I went along to-!" Ryotaro began only to be pushed back down. "Mou...you're really not letting me get out of this seat are you?"

"Eenope," Applejack shook her head, "Until Fluttershy and th' others come back, yer on bedrest."

"Eh?" Ryotaro blinked.

"Things...are about to get odd even for us aren't they?" Ryutaros asked bluntly.

"Wait...this is part of those conditions…" Momotaros said making everyone but Ryotaro turn to him. "Hehehehe…" he began to laugh...kind of evily...more goofy.

"Why is he laughing like that? It's starting to scare me honestly," Rarity spoke as the creepy aura around the redImagin just grew.

"Eh...well, you see…" Ryotaro muttered scratching his cheek. "I...made a deal with the Taros that if ever...a situation occurred where you girls wouldn't let me act as Den-O...they have permission to...possess me...to defy that…" he said very slowly and nervously. "I never thought it would honestly happen so…"

"So for once...we have permission to go crazy…" Kintaros finished as they looked at Momotaros.

"After so long...after all your abuse, your torment, insults...my time...has come!" Momotaros declared as his eyes began to glow red, "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

'I'm starting to regret this deal now…' Ryotaro thought nervously upon seeing Momotaros laugh like an insane maniac.

"You...you don't really expect us to believe that do you?" Rarity asked not believing Ryotaro would make such a stupid deal with Momotaros.

"Hehehe, blame Ryotaro for thinking it could never happen. But here it is; you girls are keeping him from acting as Den-O, so...we get to take over and defy you!" Momotaros said as his brothers all stood next to him at that. "Two against five…"

"Momo...now ain't the time for this…" Applejack growled in annoyance at the timing of the Taros brother's.

"Oh please! Like you can take all of us!"

"Sempai, you do realize who you're talking to, right?"

"It doesn't matter...even if I fail...you bastards shall carry on mine and Ryotaros…"

"Please don't involve me like I want this…" Ryotaro cried with his eyes tearing up as white spheres.

"You shall carry on our will!" Momotaros finished as he raised his fist into the air, "Now move cowgirl, or e-"

-a few seconds later-

"Gah…." a charred and battered Momotaros groaned on the ground.

"Pride cometh before the fall...doesn't it Sempai?" Urataros asked.

"KFC...it's up...to you...blarg…" Momotaros addressed Sieg, who was drinking his tea happily.

"No. I am a gentleman, not a brute who takes what they want by force," Sieg stated.

"You could save your princess…" Momotaros groaned, making Sieg's eyes flash.

"Oh n-" Ryotaro began before Sieg manage to zip past Applejack and possessed him.

"Do not worry, Hime! Your prince is coming to save you!" W-Ryotaro declared as he shot up...summoning a white feather jacket over his bare torso. He then flipped over the girls before he ran for the control room of DenLiner.


"Yes, Applejack?"

"Y'all might want t' hold onto somethin'. Ah have a feelin' this is gonna be a bumpy ride."

"Victory is...Momo's…" Momotaros groaned before he passed out.

DenLiner then lurched forward suddenly making everyone shout in surprise before it took off full speed down the track. A Time portal opening as W-Ryotaro just made the time traveling train speed up even more and through it back into the city.


"Did you just hear something?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. it sounded a lot like Sieg," Pinkie muttered as they finally made it to the park, where the Roc Gigandeath was wrapped up in roots keeping it from acting violent.

"...Oh don't tell me…" Twilight groaned before Denliner zoomed right above them, the Train coming to a stop before someone jumped out.

W-Ryotaro landed on the ground...giving the girls maybe a second to register Sieg took over Ryotaro. Before W-Ryotaro zoomed over to them and scooped up Twilight in his arms.

"Ah, Hime! I have found you! Are you unharmed?" he asked, leaning in dangerously close to Twilight's face.

"...Aside from how close you are, I'm fine…" Twilight replied

"Good! Now...where is the foul beast th-" W-Ryotaro began as he turned around to look for the Gigandeath, only to stop upon seeing Fluttershy up in the sky, "Gh?! N….Nanda…"


"S...such...beauty...such...g….g…" W-Ryotaro began before he turned completely to stone, "Goddess!"

"Ahh! He turned to stone!" Pinkie freaked.

"Uh...permission to freak out now?" Ryotaro's astral voice asked, really worried.

"Twilight, do something!" Pinkie shouted as she shook Twilight like crazy, "Fluttershy's new form made Sieg completely freeze up! Fix it fix it!" she cried.

"H...how?! I don't know how to fix Sieg's weird magic, remember?!" Twilight countered.

"Ahh! Then Ryo's gonna be stuck as a statue!"

"Ahh! I don't want to be a statue!" Ryotaro panicked getting swept up in Pinkie's insanity, "Momotaros, minna, tasukete~!"

'What the hell are we supposed to do?!"

"Sieg wake up!" Pinkie cried as she slapped statue W-Ryotaro, who...flashed back to normal and fell to the ground. Pinkie's eyes became large white orbs in shock as she blinked twice at that actually working, "...Pardon my french, but holy crap...that worked."

"Sieg? Ryotaro?" Twilight asked as W-Ryotaro shot back up...despite the red hand mark on his face.

"I apologize." he muttered, coughing into his fist.

"It's official...I only like Twilight's magic now…" Ryotaro sighed, having calmed down as well.

"Ahem! Now then…" W-Ryotaro began as he stood up, dusting off his jacket a bit, "Where is the Gigandeath?"

"Uhm...tied up in a forest." Pinkie noted, looking at the contained Roc Gigandeath.

"Oh...I….see…" W-Ryotaro slowly noted, blinking a few times to make sure he wasnt' seeing things.

"Fluttershy got a big power up…" Pinkie added. "She was able to stop that giant bird so easily. Imagine when we all get our full transformations." she muttered while cupping her chin and thinking, 'Hmm...I wonder what Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight's full transformations would look like?' she wondered as she stared at Twilight for a long period of time...and was staring rather intensely.

"Pinkie...Pinkie? Great...now we lost her…" Ryotaro sweatdropped despite being a projected mental voice.

"Uh….guys?" Twilight spoke up, pointing to the squaking and flailing Roc Gigandeath.

"Ah yes…" W-Ryotaro then side stepped as Applejack ended up tackling into Pinkie instead of him. "Nice try."

"Huh? What happened?" Pinkie blinked before noticing Applejack on top of her, "...Oh. Hey Applejack...um. Why are you on top of me?"

"Vulgar…" W-Ryotaro muttered as he looked down at the two.

"...Seriously tempted t' kick you right now," Applejack's eye twitched at that as she got off of Pinkie and stood up.

"Lets...lets not worry about this now till we have all of this settled." Ryotaro begged.

"Yeah. But there's a big question now…" Pinkie spoke up as she got up, pointing to the Roc Gigandeath, "What do we do with that now?"

"Hmm…" Ryotaro hummed making everyone turn to W-Ryotaro were the mental voice of the boy comes from.

"In the state it's in, it won't be able to harm anyone," a voice spoke up causing the group to look and see Fluttershy and Rainbow landing near them, "More or less, I used my wind to 'clip its wings', so it can't fly and use its wind attacks."

"Goddess!" W-Ryotaro gawked before becoming stone again.

"Ahh! He did it again!" Pinkie panicked.

"What the hell…?" Rainbow whispered in confusion.

"Pinkie...you have my permission to slap him again." Ryotaro sighed.



"Who?! what?! When?! Where?!" W-Ryotaro asked, shaking his head.

"How long will that gag go on?" Ryotaro asked in annoyance.

"Dunno. But you do realize the Tori is gonna go after the Kaze-onna as well, right?"

"Isn't that Kame's job?" Ryutaros pointed out.

"Yup. But enough of that...since the Tori keeps freaking out, I'm taking the wheel!"

"Pardon?" W-Ryotaro asked as Momotaros tried to take over only for the sound of him hitting the wall was heard. "That's what I thought." he muttered before Pinkie placed some sunglasses over him, making him raise a brow in confusion.

"There. Now you won't turn to stone when you look at Fluttershy now," Pinkie said, crossing her arms as she smirked a bit.

"Hm...well at least these are stylish." W-Ryotaro smirked as he fixed his new shades. "Now then...I do believe we have a vermin to take care of?" he asked, looking at the Roc Gigandeath.

"Oh! R...right," Twilight nodded as they all looked at the monster with W-Ryotaro.

"Hey. Isn't Ryo still hurt?" Rainbow asked, pointing to the bandages seen under his jacket.

"Worry not, we can last a while longer. Do not think just cause Sir Ryotaro lacks magic...he can not last without your help." W-Ryotaro said rolling his shoulders.

"Oh...but still. There's a chance you'll…" Rainbow began before Fluttershy walked over to W-Ryotaro.

"Hmm? What can I…?" W-Ryotaro began before Fluttershy gently placed her hand on his chest, a faint, soft yellow/gold glow coming off her hand before it enveloped the Imagin possessed teen for a few seconds before it faded.

"There…" Fluttershy whispered, taking her hand off his chest as she looked at him, "Better?"

"Hm...so it is." he said as he tore the bandages off revealing the bulked up muscles of his torso. "Well then, I suppose this might makes things easier for us. Doesn't it, Ryotaro?"

"Hai. in fact, I feel...refreshed, fully re-energized…" Ryotaro chimed in.

"It must be a benefit of Fluttershy's full power." Twilight figured.

"That's nothing. You should've seen what she did to the Gigandeath before you guys came here," Rainbow spoke up confidently, taking pride in her surrogate sister's full power.

"I feel as if we've spent a long time just talking." Pinkie said as everyone's eyes widened greatly at the sound of snapping and turned to see the Gigandeath freeing itself.

"...Sieg. Henshin. Denliner. Now," Twilight meeped.

"Henshin!" he called out as he put belt on and swiped his pass.


At that, the shards meshed to his body forming his golden suit and soon after his silver armor and blue wing mask. His mask lit up before his wings extended out and shattered into golden feathers that fell around him.

"Korin, ma-"

"Catchphrase later! Denliner now!" Pinkie shouted as the Roc Gigandeath finally freed itself from the vines.

"Don't interrupt me." Den-O said as he pushed Pinkie out of the way of some vines before he backhanded the rest away from him. "Now where was I?" he coughed as he blurred out of the way of all the rest of the vines. "Korin Man-o-jishte!" he declared as he struck his pose before he blurred out of the path of more debris.

"Good! You said it! Not hurry and get on the train!" Rainbow shouted.

Den-O ignored her as he grew his wings and flew up leaving them behind and towards the Gigandeath. He then flew at his max speed becoming a streak of golden light that struck the beast repeatedly from different angles knocking it around. Den-O then stopped next to it's head before he kicked it with all his might, sending it stumbling back. He then flew in a large aerial J before he landed an uppercut to the Roc Gigandeath's lower beak sending it's head shooting back from the blow.

The Roc Gigandeath quickly shook it's head from teh attack before it tried to 'peck' at den-O, only for him to dodge as the 'kaiju' rammed it's beak into teh ground. When it tried to get its beak out, it was having trouble pulling it out. Den-O flew up again as he pulled out his hand axe and boomerang. He crossed his arms before he tossed both his weapons as they flashed blue and gold then began cutting up the Gigandeath from multiple different angles.

When the Gigandeath finally freed itself it swung its wings around to knock the weapons away from it, only to miss as the weapons curved out of the way before making a return trip to Den-o, slashing the Gigandeath's wings in the process. The Roc Gigandeath screeched in anger and pain before it felt a sudden pain to it's stomach as a large stone pillar slammed into it sending it stumbling back over it's own feet.

The Gigandeath's eye glared at the elements of Harmony, who had taken the moment to assist Den-O. The Beast rolled over and then got back to it's feet to screech at them. The first two to come forward being Fluttershy and Applejack, who held their hands out. After a second, the beast blinked before a mass of fire began to spin around into a tornado of flames that crashed into the Roc Gigandeath, making it scream in pain as the fire burned it's body.

Twilight and Pinkie went next as they held their hands out. Magic circles that were a mix of violet and blue then formed around the Gigandeath before chains of ice shot out and began tying around the beast keeping it pinned in place it's wings even pulled apart. The Roc gigandeath began to screech before ice chains wrapped around its large beak making it squawk in surprise.

Den-O held up both his weapons before he aimed them down and tossed them with all his power sending them as twin spinning saws that cut right through the Roc Gigandeath's wings cutting the twin limbs right off it's body.

"Hmph...don't need some train." Den-O scoffed floating in mid air as he caught his weapons in one hand while holding the pass in the other.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're really on our side...if you're this strong why didn't you jump in earlier?!" Rainbow shouted in Den-O's ear.

"Hmph...no one asked for my assistance." Den-O argued, "Plus I was enjoying my afternoon tea."

"Afternoon t...wh...WHAT?!"

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a beast to fell," Den-O stated as he scanned the pass.


"Royal Cross," Den-O said as he held both weapons in his hands before flying towards the Gigandeath, crossing his arms in an X shape pattern. He then swung both of his arms as each of his weapons released a bright flash of blue and gold light.

For a moment, nothing happened...until a glowing X formed behind the Gigandeath, slowly letting it split into four sections, the Dark crystal that gave it it's power revealed to them. Den-O then did a backflip mid air before he shot forward extending his right leg out as a mach cone formed around him as he flew forward. His kick then connected to the crystal, cracking it before it exploded from the force to it as Den-O flew away from the remains of the monster as they it exploded brightly.

"Hmph...easy for a prince such as I," Den-O scoffed before looking around the destroyed park, "...So much destruction."

"What do we do? There's nothing left to salvage…" Twilight said as she looked around.

"...I think I got an idea," Rainbow spoke as she walked over to Fluttershy, "Flutters, can you…?"

"Hai," the shy pinkette nodded, knowing what her surrogate sister was going to say as she walked forward

"...uh Rainbow? Explain please," Pinkie spoke as she and the others looked at her.

"Well...Fluttershy's healing power is linked to nature right?" Rainbow asked.


"Well then who says her healing power can't be applied back...on nature?" Rainbow argued.

"...that's an interesting theory, Rainbow Dash, but do you think that'll work for the entire park?" Twilight asked.

"Don't worry. My sis has got this," Rainbow smirked as they looked at Fluttershy, who knelt down to the ground before placing her hands on it.

Fluttershy took a deep breath as she began to focus her magic into the ground, a soft pale yellow/gold aura surrounding her as she closed her eyes. The Aura around her soon began to grow and expand across the ground. It extended across the pack, the grass glowing with light before trees slowly began to repair themselves, new trees growing as well. The ground seemed to repair itself in the places where it was ruined by fighting. The water, dirtied by the pollution gathered from the Roc Gigandeath's tornado began to regain its clear, cool blue color. The animals that had been hiding with Fluttershy before started coming out of the cave as they looked at the renewed park.

"Amazing…" Everyone but Rainbow and Fluttershy awed as they all reverted to normal.

"The park...it's back to normal," Rarity whispered in awe.

"Yeah...in fact, it looks like nothing ever happened to it at all," Pinkie added.

"Maybe even better than before." Twilight added.

"Dobutsu!" R-Ryotaro cheered as Sieg swapped places with him. He then ran off sweeping up some animals in his arms.

"There...everything...fixed…" Fluttershy whispered, her voice sounding weak and tired as she took her hands off the ground, her aura faintly disappearing as she started to fall over, her transformation canceling out as she lost consciousness.

"Fluttershy!" the girls gasped as they rushed to catch her.

"Otto…" R-Ryotaro stated as he appeared behind Fluttershy and caught her in his arms, carrying her bridal style with her head resting on his shoulder. "Shy-chan is sleepy."

"Well of course. She focused so much of her magic into repairing the park, the poor dear fainted," Rarity stated.

"Aw...she snores," R-Ryotaro laughed as he moved her around to be more comfortable in his arms.

"Well...she did have a pretty stressful day, so overall...I say she deserves the nap," Rainbow said as she looked at Fluttershy, a small proud smile on the tomboy's face.

"Then let's put her in bed for a nap." R-Ryotaro offered happily.

"Good idea. After today...we could all use a break," Twilight said with a nod.

"Home!" R-Ryotaro cheered as he ran off back for the Milk dipper.

"Hey wait up!" Rainbow shouted as she chased after him, the others soon following after her.

The next day, everyone was spending the day doing anything as far away from training, fighting or anything normal for them. To ensure no...events, Twilight even sealed the Taros into, as Momotaros called them, fairy bottles. Fluttershy was taking it extra easy today, which was much needed in their opinions after all they tried to do last time.

"I hate this...I so very hate this. And I hate you, and you, and all of you!" Momotaros voice came from a red bottle.

"Oh come now, sempai. Ryotaro and the girls had a very stressful day, yesterday. So let us take this time to give them a day off, and for us to relax as well," Urataros' vocie stated from a blue bottle.

"Kame...what have I told you?"

"Shut the hell up?"

"Shut the hell up."

"Hehehe...I'm a keychain!" Ryutaros cheered as Pinkie turned his purple bottle into a necklace. "Or necklace in this case...nice."


"Ugh...damn it! I'm bored and need something to read!"

"Pinkie had Twilight shrink some manga down so you have something to do at least."

"Knowing her, it's probably gonna be w-Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?"

"Oh no…" Urataros cried.

"Nice!" Momotaros cheered happily.

"Well good to see them preoccupied." Twilight smiled as the Taros where distracted with their own things.

"Yup. Which means we have the day all to ourselves," Rainbow grinned a bit,holding her hands behind her head as the group rested at the park, "So overall...it's a win-win."

"Yep." the others all nodded before noticing Ryotaro napping on the grass happily.

"Ryotaro's enjoyin' it as well," Applejack noted with a small smile.

"It looks like he's having a nice dream too," Rarity noted as well, "What do you think he's dreaming about?"

"Don't know...but I'm sure he's enjoying it." Rainbow smirked as Pinkie nodded in agreement, "By the way Fluttershy, how're you…"

"Ahh...haa…" Fluttershy snoozed softly as she slept soundly on her spot on the grass.

"Ah...she's sleepy still." Pinkie smiled. "She looks so peaceful."

"Yeah...Glad she's enjoying the day off in her own way," Rainbow said, "Especially considering what happened yesterday."

"Yeah…" Twilight nodded, "Well guess a day off is good now and then. We earned one after what happened to DenLiner."

"Speaking of which...what's the plan for fixing that thing?" Rainbow asked.

"It was rather damaged by that Gigandeath." Rarity added.

"Owner said he's taking it to be repaired tomorrow...some...Master Terminal or something." Twilight muttered. "In fact, it makes me wonder something."

"Which is...?" Pinkie asked.

"Are there other time trains?" Twilight asked, getting her friends to ponder the exact same.

"That's a very good point, actually," Rarity admitted.

"Yeah. Ooh ooh! I bet there's one that looks like a bull!" Pinkie shouted, making the others look at her, "...What?"

"Don't be silly Pinkie." Twilight waved the idea off.

In the sands of time a train rode down the tracks. This train unlike DenLiner was green and black and had a second car that was gold and black. The First car had a bull theme where it had two horns and a car like front resembling the head of a bull. The second car however had a hawk like head in the front of the car. This new train rode down the tracks of the ever expansive desert before it's destination was ahead of it a larger terminal for trains.

"Deneb...DENEB!" a male voice shouted from inside the train.

"Hai?" a second male voice spoke up

"Did you put Shiitake in my food again?"



At that, the sound of dishes breaking and fist meeting something was heard.

"Will you cut it out already!?" a female voice shouted as two thuds were then heard from within the train.

"He's the one who put shiitake in my food!"

"Gomen...gomen!" the second voice began apologizing as the clang of head to floor was heard with each apology.

"It's fine, Deneb. You were just looking out for him."

"I hate Shiitake!" the first voice shouted, only for the sound of something metal hitting skull to shut him up.

"Honestly…" the female voice sighed.

"Ah...Yuuto! Yuuto~!" the second voice cried in worry….actually crying...comical sobbing and all.

Jikai, Friendship is Timeless!

Twilight: New students?

Ryotaro: Sakurai...Yuuto…

?: It's best to steer clear from us.

Momotaros: Zero...liner...the hell is that thing?!

?: I should tell you this now; I am...Fairly strong! Henshin!


Stop 22: Action Zero

Everyone: A Green...Kamen Rider?

Author's Note:

So sorry for the late updates...REALLY late updates at that. To make up for it..double chapters..triple even if things go smoothly today

Comments ( 4 )

It has almost been a year since this fic has been updated...I hope it hasn't been abandoned, it's one of my favourites. :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Bluebottle27 deleted Jan 12th, 2021

2 years have now been and gone. Rest in Peace :fluttercry:

It’s not dead. I’ve just...been really busy with stories on my FanFiction.Net account

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