• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 2,354 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship is Timeless - Seanzilla115

Time long ago, the destiny of six girls were changed. In the future, time itself lead to the end of humanity. Now in the middle in the present, the time to reach the crossroads have come as 6 girls and 1 human, plus 5 Imagin's fight to change fate it

  • ...

Stop 11

Getting up early for school is something all teenagers hate. To get up so early when all one wants to do is just sleep is such an annoyance. It leaves the morning as something to hate. That's unless you are someone who is impossibly chipper about just about everything.

"Hey guys! Wonderful morning, isn't it?!" Pinkie beamed as she greeted her friends outside the school gates.

"Mor…*yawn* Morning Pinkie," Rainbow greeted with a yawn as the others walked through the School Gates, trying to get their wits together for the morning.

"Pinkie, you seem excited...more so than normal today." Twilight noted.

"Oh I am!" Pinkie smiled brightly as she pulled her friends into a tight group hug, "I get to spend a great day with my friends, and my fellow coworkers of course!*Squee!*"

"Pinkie is always just full of positive energy I guess," Ryotaro chuckled with a smile.

He knew what that Pinkie was talking about in that last part since...well, after the events between RD and Momo a few days ago, the girls had gotten part time jobs at the Milk Dipper. But if they had something important to do, such as Rarity helping out at the homeless center and working at her store, Airi would give them the day off.

Of course, it seemed that as a result of the new job, Pinkie was happier than normal. She was more excited to meet everyone and was happy to spend time with them working or saving the world.

"Ooh! What should we do for lunch later?! I Got a ton of sweets in c-" Pinkie began before Rainbow put her hand over her mouth.

"Pinkie...it's 8 in the morning. Don't you think it's too early to think about lunch?" the tomboy deadpanned.

"Mmmm mm mmmm mmm!" She mumbled through Rainbow's hand.

"She said it's never too early to think about lunch." Ryotaro stated as Pinkie happily closed her eyes and tapped her nose.

"How did you...?" Rainbow began.

"I can understand mumble mouth," Ryotaro explained, "I kind of needed to after this one time I stood next to a speaker and all I could here was mumbles."

"I see...that is a bit interesting," Rarity noted before she noticed the time,"Oh my! I need to head to class!" she gasped as she ran off, "See you all later at lunch!"

"Bye Rarity." everyone waved her off.

"Ah man I got to get to class too." Rainbow sighed as she let go of Pinkie. "Come on, Fluttershy. We don't want to be late."

"O-okay," Fluttershy nodded as she and Rainbow bean to leave, "S-see you later, minna." she waved as the two ran off to their class.

"Bye! See you at lunch! Remember to come hungry!" Pinkie cheered as she waved good bye with both her arms before she lowered them, "Come on Twi! Ryo! It's time for class!"

"Oh right...we better get going then." Twilight nodded before Pinkie grabbed their wrists.

"Then lets go!" she cheered as she ran off dragging the two with her.

"Ugh...not one minute, and already the Mizu-onna's annoying!" Momotaros exclaimed in Ryotaro's head.

"Now now Sempai there is nothing wrong with some extra energy in the morning."Urataros chuckled.

"Oh really? Need I remind you of the coffee incident, Kame-yaro?"

"But that was that and this is just a minor version of it."

"Momo-neechan is fun! Leave her alone, Momotaros-no-baka!" Ryutaros voice complained as the sound of a mallet bonk was heard.


"Heh heh…" Urataros chuckled a bit, "Honestly, sempai, I don't know what you have against Pinkie-chan."

"She's annoying when she wants to be! Popping out of nowhere, talking nonsense, the works!..In fact, I bet you couldn't handle a single day around her, Kame!"

"Hm...is that an invitation for me to take over Ryotaro for the day?" Urataros asked, a smirk in his voice.

"Just for the day, yeah...but only so you can see how it is to be around the Mizu-onna and her antics," Momotaros replied.

"All I heard is go out and take control for the day. Too late. No take backs, Sempai." Urataros chuckled.

"...Fine. Don't say I tried to warn you, Kame."

"Zzz…" Kintaros snored as he slept.

"I think Urataros called dibs on the day…" Ryotaro mumbled in class as he paid more attention to the Taros over class.

"Oh no…" Twilight sighed, sitting at the desk right behind Ryotaro's, "It's too early for this…"

"Daijoubu. I'm sure it won't be as bad with Urataros in control...and if he tries anything to bad I can force him out." Ryotaro said with a smile to reassure his friend.

"Right..but in case he tries anything, I have a backup plan," Twilight replied, "I-"

"Ms. Sparkle, Mr. Nogami, please be quiet!" the teacher shouted a bit, "Do I need to send you to the Principal's office?"

"No ma'am," the two yelped a bit as they sat in their seats properly.

"Tsk tsk...what are we to do with you trouble makers?" Pinkie shook her head sarcastically from her desk just in front of theirs. Her desk was covered in sweets and wrappers rather than papers and pencils.

"That goes the same for you," the teacher frowned at Pinkie, "Unless you have enough sweets for the rest of the class, I suggest you hold onto those until after class is over and lunch begins."

"Okay…" Pinkie whined in defeat. While she did have enough, she didn't want to share that much.
Later, it was around lunch time, and the girls were sitting at their usual table...however, there was someone missing.

"Hmm...Ryo's gone." Pinkie noted as she looked at his empty seat. "Weird. He was with us before, but then he went gonzo."

"Do you think maybe Momotaros took him over again?" Fluttershy couldn't help but ask.

"I doubt it," Rainbow shrugged as she took a bite of her pizza, "He's probably resting on DenLiner."

"Then could someone had said tear and Kintaros took over?" Fluttershy pondered, remembering how Kintaros worked.

"I don't think so," Rarity answered.

"...Wh-what about Ryutaros then?" Fluttershy asked once more.

"Do you see a flash mob?" Twilight asked before sighing, "Besides...I think I have a pretty good idea who's possessing him right now."

At that, they all heard the sound of girls squealing, making them look over to see a mob of girls all huddled in one area of the cafeteria.

"Ah...what a wonderful day, wouldn't you agree?" U-Ryotaro asked as he walked through the room, his uniform changed into a blue blazer over a white dress shirt, black pants and shoes with a blue and silver striped tie around his collar. He pushed his glasses up as he sat at a table.

"Ooh~ Who knew Ryotaro was such a charmer?" one of the girls asked with hearts in her eyes.

"I know~! One moment he's acting like a bad boy, but now he's a dreamboat…" another girl swooned.

"Please stop. You're make me blush." U-Ryotaro chuckled in response before he flashed them a smile. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to return the favor then, won't I?" he smirked, giving them a wink of his eye.

"KYA~~~!" most of the girls screamed as they fainted with big smiles on their faces.

"Hahaha...ah such wonderful ladies, truly I am lucky." U-Ryotaro smiled as he wrapped both his arms around two girls, "Perhaps you ladies can treat me to a nice d-GH!"

"Ryotaro, I need a word with you," Twilight hissed as she dragged U-Ryotaro off by the ear.

"Aww~~~!" the girls whined as their dreamboat left them.

"Itai...itai…" U-Ryotaro cried as he was dragged to the others by Twilight. "Ow!" he shouted once she let go. "What was that for? Things were getting good," he muttered, rubbing his ear with an annoyed scowl on his face.

"I was preventing you from making a mistake with Ryotaro's body," Twilight frowned at him.

"It's not a mistake if you know exactly what you're doing…" U-Ryotaro grumbled, crossing his arms before he smirked a little, "Hmm...perhaps maybe you dragged me away was because you're jealous?"

"Wh...what?!" Twilight exclaimed with a heavy embarrassed blush.

"Well it's just that Ryotaro is the only boy you actively talk to, and your first friend. Maybe you just don't like that I'm making him such a ladies man with my skills." he pondered, scratching his chin.

"He does have a point, Twilight," Pinkie noted.

"Don't encourage him!" Twilight snapped, the blush still on her face.

"Oh ho~ If that's the case.." Pinkie smirked as she nudged Fluttershy a bit, "Seems like you got some competition, Fluttershy."

"Eh?" the shy pinkette blinked, blushing as much as Twilight if not more so.

"Hm...it seems Ryotaro does need my skills after all. With all these cute girls hanging around him, he needs lessons." U-Ryotaro smirked as he carefully took a few steps back

"Ugh...honestly," Rarity rolled her eyes a bit, "Leave the poor dears alone, you two. It's not like their love life is that important at the moment."

"Didn't see you complaining when you and Ryotaro went touring around France back during that incident with DenLiner," Rainbow muttered, earning her a small glare from Rarity, who had a small blush on her face.

"Ah, that's right. If I recall, you were very upset I took Ryotaro from you." U-Ryotaro added as he took a larger step back. "In fact, it looked like you were very happy to be spending some time with the boy."

"...Twilight, Rainbow...please do something about him before I am forced to do something unlady like," Rarity said in a firm tone.

"What can we do really? We hit him, he leaves we hit Ryotaro. We go confront him on DenLiner, he just jumps back into Ryotaro." Rainbow stated. "He's the smart one, remember?" she reminded.

"...Shoot. She's right," Rarity sighed.

"I know…" Twilight sighed before whispering to Rarity and Rainbow, "But don't worry. I have a plan to keep him in check. And it involves someone we know very well."

"?" the two listened closely as Twilight whispered the plan to them.
Stop 11: Keeping a promise
Later, after school was over with for the day, U-Ryotaro was walking through the main gate. He added a happy flare to his steps as he strutted about happily.

"Ah, such a happy air today. I think I'll find a nice place to relax and meet some new…" he began as he looked at a few girls. "Friends." he smiled to the girls. He was about to walk over to them before…

"Hi ,Ura!"

"Ahh!" U-Ryotaro yelped when Pinkie popped up in front of him from a nearby tree, some leaves in the excitable pinkette's hair. "Pinkie-chan, you nearly gave Ryotaro's body a heart attack…" he huffed as he began to regulate his breathing.

"Sorry, Ura!" Pinkie chuckled sheepishly, "Anyways, I was hoping we could hang out and stuff. It's my day off and stuff you know. I mean, I could hangout with Twilight and the others, but they're already heading to the Milk Dipper."

"So what's stopping you?" U-Ryotaro asked, "Today is my day to do as I like, I'd enjoy some alone time for that." he explained as he fixed his tie and pushed his glasses back up, "Now if you excuse me, I have ladies to court. And from what I see, amongst them is a set of twins."

"Hmm...no thanks. I think I'll stay near you and make sure you don't do anything naughty with Ryo's body!*Squee!" Pinkie beamed.

"Ha...fine so less fun day than I expected…" U-Ryotaro sighed as he began walking again.

"Don't you mean 'super fun day?'" Pinkie asked as she skipped alongside him.

"...Yes…" U-Ryotaro replied while thinking, 'I think I might need to lose her.'

"Heh...I knew you couldn't handle it, Kame," Momotaros smirked.

'I'm doing better then you normally do. You would have yelled at her by now.'

"He's not wrong, Momotaros-no-baka."

"Oh please. He hasn't seen anything yet."

"ZzZZzzZZzzZZ!" loud snoring drowned the other Two Taros out.
"Ooh~! look, Ura! It skipped about...7-8 times!" Pinkie smiled excitedly as she and U-Ryotaro were at the park, the excitable pinkette skipping stones in the river, "I can do better than that!"

"Hai hai…" U-Ryotaro waved her off a bit as he sat on a bench..until he noticed a woman walking by. He slowly looked over at Pinkie, making sure she wasn't paying attention to him. He then noticed she was looking for the right stone to throw. Once she leaned down to pick it up U-Ryotaro jumped from his seat on the bench and made his way over to the woman in a blue blur from his blazer. U-Ryotaro walked up next to the woman. "Why good afternoon to you my dear." he smirked as he walked up next to her. "I was wondering it you would humor me and listen to a request of mine. See I'm afraid I've misplaced something important to me, and I was hoping you've seen it."

"Hmm...what do you mean?" the woman asked as she moved her auburn hair out of her face, "What did you lose?"

"That's easy...my h-" U-Ryotaro began before a flat rock hit him square in the back of the head, "Gah! Son of a…!"

"Sorry, Ura! Still trying to find the perfect rock to skip!" Pinkie shouted off-screen.

"Ah...it's okay. It just stings is all…" U-Ryotaro complained rubbing his head. "I'm, terribly sorry my childish friend can be quite strange." he chuckled.

"It's quite fine...um, excuse me. I think I hear my cousin calling me," the woman said as she began to walk away, a slight unnerved look on her face.

"Ha ha! Cockblocked thrice on the same day!"Momotaros laughed.

U-Ryotaro just tuned him out of his mind completely, essentially just pressing mute on Momotaros.

"Tsk...that was too convenient...Pinkie, you're doing this to me on purpose aren't you?" U-Ryotaro asked as he walked back to Pinkie,

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Pinkie asked as she continued to look for the perfect skipping stone, not noticing u-Ryotaro's left eye twitching a little.

"Pinkie, look there is a vendor selling free sweets to the first person to tell the truth." U-Ryotaro joked.

"Free sweets!?" Pinkie gasped as she ran off in a blur, "Mine mine mine mine mine mine!"

"I didn't think that would honestly work…" U-Ryotaro sighed seeing that. shaking his head he got back up. figuring it pointless to try to escape. "Pinkie, come back. It was a joke."

"Face it, Kame. She's gonna drive you crazy by the end of the day."

'Hmph...please sempai. What's the worst that could happen?'

Famous last words there…
"Pinkie? Why are we at an amusement park again?" U-Ryotaro asked as he was covered in random knickknacks and was carrying two sticks of cotton candy.

"Uh duh! To have fun!" Pinkie smiled before gasping, "Look! They have funnel cakes!"

"Ah well...I guess the day hasn't been the worst." U-Ryotaro sighed, about to take a step forward before...

"Careful, Ura! you're about to slip in…" Pinkie began before U-Ryotaro ended up tripping on some melted ice cream, causing him to fall on his back and caused the cotton candy he was holding to fall on his face, "Melted ice cream...whoopsie…"

'...I was wrong...' U-Ryotaro thought as he slowly wiped the cotton candy off his face. "Alright. Enough is enough, Pinkie. I've humored you for three hours, so now talk. What is the real reason why you are bugging me this night?!"

"Oh...that's easy. I Pinkie Promised Twilight I'd keep an eye on you, Ura," Pinkie replied.

"Hahaha...no really. What's the reason?" U-Ryotaro demanded.

"That is the reason. Twilight wanted me to make sure you wouldn't try anything funny with Ryotaro's body," Pinkie replied.

"Ahh...those girls. They should just say they don't want me to do something with their crush's body." U-Ryotaro sighed as he turned around and began walking.

"Hey~! Where are you going?!" Pinkie shouted as she chased after him.

"I'm not like the others who will just accept things as is." U-Ryotaro said as he kept walking. "If I don't like something then I change it, so I'm changing it and am going off to have fun by myself." he huffed as he kept walking.

"Wait~! I Pinkie Promised to keep an eye on you!" Pinkie shouted before she froze on spot and began to twitch, "...My Pinkie Senses are tingling!...and it's a big one! That must mean one thing...Imagin attack!"

"I'm not listening." U-Ryotaro's voice said as he kept walking.

"I'm serious! There's an Imagin attack!"

"Oh ha ha. Very funny, P-" U-Ryotaro began before an explosion occurred nearby, "..."

"See? I told you." Pinkie cheered as she hopped on U-Ryotaro's shoulders.

"...L...let's just go and deal with the Imagin," U-Ryotaro sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, 'Sempai, I think I'm starting to see what you mean now.'

"Haha! Score 1 for Momo!"

U-Ryotaro sighed as he began running towards the sound with Pinkie following right behind him.
People screamed as they ran from a burning book store, a figure seen within the smoke.

"Hmm...surely this is what I'm searching for~" the figure purred in a female voice.

"Freeze!" Pinkie shouted as she jumped in first. "Time cops! Hands in the air, Imagin!" she shouted pointing her finger like a gun.

"...Is this some sort of joke?" the figure asked.

"Maybe~" Pinkie stated happily. She then summoned her gear before she held her right hand up and summoned a sphere of water she formed before freezing into a giant bazooka made from Ice. "Okay now freeze. Or I'll make you frozen~!" she smiled.

"...Heh. Listen, little girl. You don't want to face someone like me," the figure chuckled as it walked out of the smoke, revealing it was a Black Panther Imagin...and female? Well that was a new one.

The Imagin stood a little taller then Pinkie maybe as tall as Ryotaro at most. Her body was covered in black armor with black fur lining the collar, the shoulders, and around the legs as well. Her arms were covered in black gauntlets with curved claws extending from the fingers. Her legs were also covered in long black armored boots with blades at the end of her heels. Her head looked like a cat like mask with long black hair extending from the back of her hair. She also had a long cat tail swishing around behind her.

"Hey wait...you're a girl Imagin...we've never met one of those before." Pinkie noted with a surprised look to her face.

"Well..consider me…" the Black Panther Imagin began as she pulled out a whip and used it to pull the bazooka out of Pinkie's hands, "The first~"

"You use a whip too?" Pinkie blinked. "Why does this sound familiar...ah! Avoid the whip first!" she cried as she ducked under the crack of the whip.


With that Den-O landed between them as he grabbed the whip with his right hand.

"Ara ara...my this is quite the surprise, now isn't it?" Den-O asked as he kept a good grip on the whip keeping the Black Panther Imagin from pulling it back. "I never thought I'd meet a female Imagin, let alone one who is so...vivacious."

"And you must be Den-O. Funny, I've heard you were a hothead," the Black Panther Imagin smirked a bit as she pulled her whip back.

"No, that's the other one. We share a suit so to speak. You can call me a good old fashion gentleman type," Den-O smirked as he ducked another crack of the whip before jumping over a low swing before he slammed his foot on the whip. "ooh, bad kitty." he taunted as he let her pull the whip back.

"Oh you have no idea~" the Black Panther Imagin purred as she unfurled her whip before it straightened out, the tip becoming pointed as she wielded it like a spear/staff.

"Ura, she has the same fighting style as you." Pinkie noted as she stood next to Den-O.

"Yes. Now please sit down, Pinkie-chan. Adults are talking now," Den-O said as he took all his DenGasher parts and connected them into the rod formation before it extended and the top blade extended out as well. He then gently pushed Pinkie to the side to give him some room.

"Heh...come on, big boy~" the female Imagin challenged as she spun her spear/staff like an expert.

"Oh I love it when they play along," Den-O smirked as he held his DenGasher forward and charged at he blocked a strike from the Black Panther Imagin's spear/staff before he kicked the weapon away giving him room to swing but the Imagin ducked under the swing before she flipped back to her feet before swinging her weapon around as Den-O blocked it with his DenGasher. The two then pushed the other away as they both aimed the tips of their weapons at the other.

"My my...you're quite good," the Black Panther imagin noted.

"Why thank you," Den-O smirked a bit before blocking a strike from the Imagin.

"But…" the Black Panther Imagin began as the top of her weapon changed back into a whip, allowing her to pull Den-o's weapon out of his hand and throw it into the wall, "I'm better~"

"True, but my defense is better," Den-O smirked as he used his shoulder pauldron to block her whip before he spun around and swung his arm at her head only to stop short of her face. "So what's your next move, little kitty cat?" he asked in a flirtatious tone.

"That's for me to know…" the Black Panther Imagin paused as she used a sweep kick to knock him off his feet, "And for you to find out~"

"Ooh, hard to get now. I like that," Den-O smirked as he grabbed his DenGasher before he grabbed it with his hand and swung it, sending the cable to wrap around both the Black Panther's ankles tripping her to the ground.

"What can ya say? I'm a pretty bad girl~" the Black Panther Imagin purred as she sat up and slashed her claws across Den-O's chest armor, sending sparks off it.

"Oi careful now. This body is a rental, so no scratching." Den-O said, wagging his finger as he rolled to his feet. He then pulled the DenGasher up swinging the Imagin into the air and crashing into some debris from the explosions before. "Sorry, was that to rough for you?"

"Not the slightest," the Black Panther smirked, about to attack before she was hit from behind by a sphere of water, "HISSS!"

"Pinkie?" Den-O asked, seeing the girl with her arms held up.

"Sorry, but things just kept getting weird!" she stated shaking her arms around like mad.

"Ugh...great! My coat's soaking wet!" the female Imagin groaned, "We'll finish this some other time, big boy," she stated as she jumped up the side of the building, climbed up to the top, and leapt out of the area.

"Things are still getting weird!" Pinkie shouted again.

"Hm...she's one of a kind." Den-O hummed cupping his chin.

"I was wrong, it's still weird!" Pinkie freaked. She then covered her hand in ice before she began slapping Den-O. "Ura, snap out of it!"

"Gah! That hurt, you pink goof," Den-O complained, holding the cheeks of his helmet.

"Things were getting too weird, Ura!" Pinkie snapped, "You were thinking with the brain in your pants more than the one in your head! It was freaking me out! And trust me, that's saying something!"

"Pinkie calm down." Den-O complained shaking her. "Besides you don't mind when I flirt with your friends or other girls why is this so weird?"

"Because one: You were flirting with the enemy! And two; It was a kaijin! So that makes it double weird!" Pinkie shouted.

"But Pinkie, I'm not a human." Den-O reminded as he rested the DenGasher on his shoulder with a sigh. "Ryotaro is the normal human boy, I'm just an Imagin. I'm technically your enemy, I'm a Kaijin." he then patted her head. "So calm down please, you're going to make a scene."


"Surely you don't see any of us as human, do you? That's so foolish." Den-O chuckled as he walked away and took his belt off, reverting to U-Ryotaro.

"...Hold on!" Pinkie shouted as she ran in front of him, her gear disappearing, "We still need to find that Imagin. Who knows what kind of trouble she's causing."

"What can we do about her? She's too fast for anyone but Rainbow or Ryuta to catch." U-Ryotaro countered. "Furthermore, only Sempai can smell Imagin out. the only plan we have is to wait for you to sense her again." he stated simply. The sensible logic of it surprising Pinkie.

"...Okay fine. Still, it won't hurt to look around. Besides, I still Pinkie Promised Twilight I'd look aft-" Pinkie began.

"Okay. I have to ask here and now. What is this 'Pinkie Promise' you keep bringing up?" U-Ryotaro asked.

"Huh?" she blinks in confusion.

"Surely knowing you, the face your name is in it there is a special meaning behind this Pinkie promise. And we will not go Imagin hunting until you spill it, you pink demon." U-Ryotaro stated with a small frown.

"Oh...okay then. You see, a Pinkie Promise is a very special promise you keep. And it goes something like this...," Pinkie stated as she cleared her throat a little, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. I promise not to...well, you get the gist of it. But here's the important part…" she then gained a very serious expression on her face, "Never….ever….ever break a Pinkie Promise."

"Ah, Pinkie you adorable little sociopath," U-Ryotaro sighed, "For a minute I thought you'd say something about it being like a soul deal or something." he chuckled patting her head. "So it's just a very important promise. Well then, that's one thing discovered now we may go Imagin hunting."

"Good…" Pinkie nodded before leaning in close, her face still having that serious expression, "but I'm serious...never...ever break a Pinkie Promise around me, or else."

"If I were you, Kame, I'd listen. I've seen what happens when she snaps, and it's not a pretty picture," Momotaros warned.

"I'll remember that...now unless you plan to kiss me back away." U-Ryotaro said, pushing Pinkie away with his index finger.

"Alright. Now…" Pinkie paused as she smiled a bit, "Let's go search for that Imagin!"

"Ugh, fine. Besides, I enjoy the hunt." U-Ryotaro said with a mischievous grin.

"Just don't go flirting with her again."

"Yeah, not promising that." U-Ryotaro cut her off. "So unless you want to get use to it, then get some earplugs."

"I-" Pinkie began before she heard the sound of an explosion, "...And just like that, we've found our Imagin. Talk about convenient."

"Wait for me, my little kitty cat!" U-Ryotaro shouted as he ran to the sound of the explosion, a trail of hearts flying from him.

"Hey wait up!" Pinkie shouted as she chased after him.
U-Ryotaro arrived at the scene of the attack his belt already strapped on and pass in hand as well.

"Here kitty-cat, Urataros is here to catch you." U-Ryotaro stated as he jumped onto a wall and looked around left and right.

"Ura…" Pinkie spoke as she poked her head out of a window, "Pantera's not just gonna pop up if you mention her name."

"Pantera?" he asked, still looking around.

"The name for that Blank Panther Imagin. I'm still thinking of something, so I'm sticking with Pantera for now."

"Hm...I like it. It's very...exotic." U-Ryotaro stated with a wide grin.

"Oh I know I'm not going to like this day." Ryotaro sighed mentally.

"...You know Ura, you're acting really out o-" Pinkie began before a blur shot by her and U-Ryotaro, "There she goes!"

"Mimaska!" U-Ryotaro shouted as he jumped high into the air. "Henshin!" he shouted swiping the pass as he descended towards the ground.


Den-O Plat form landed on the ground before the armor formed around him and realigned into it's Rod form configuration as the turtle DenKamen slid down his helmets track. The armor all locked into place with a blue flash. Den-O Rod form snapped his fingers as the Machine Den-Bird drove up next to him on command.

"Time for the huntress...to become the hunted," Den-O chuckled a bit as he got on. He kicked the ignition before letting go of the throttle and letting the bike take off down the road in the direction of the blur. Den-O revved the throttle pouring more gas into the engine and making it speed up even more. Den-O reached down with one hand and built the DenGasher into it's rod formation, except he saved the tip for last, which he threw at the newly dubbed Pantera's head. The Black Panther Imagin reacted and knocked the piece right back only for Den-O to hold up the rest of the DenGasher and let it lock into place and letting it extend in a burst of energy as is normal.

Den-O pulled the brake lever letting the bike slide to a stop as he swing the DenGasher and let the cable extend and wrap around Pantera's waist, pulling the female Imagin back with a great force before slamming into the ground.

"Omae Boku ni Tsuarettemiru?" Den-O chuckled as he retracted the cable and rested his DenGasher over his shoulder.

"Ugh...honestly," Pantera groaned a bit as she stood up, dusting herself off, "Can't a girl take a run around the city after obtaining something rare?"

"Hm...sorry but my job says I have to stop any stray Imagin trying to complete a contract. Besides, you know you love our little meetings." Den-O chuckled as he dismounted the Den-Bird.

"And yet you forced me hard onto the floor," Pantera countered as she pulled her whip out.

"Oshigoto wa Oshigoto da." Den-O sighed as he pointed his DenGasher at her. "Besides, I think my coworker has gotten tired of our little flirting game. So from here, we might as well start playing seriously."

"Heh...seems like. But let's make it fast. I don't want the gem I 'acquired' to lose its shine," Pantera smirked, straightening her whip out before it changed into it's spear/staff form.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that doesn't happen. I'll be sure to give that gem to a pretty lady after I've taken it from you." Den-O said as he swung his DenGasher sending the cable flying past her as it stabbed into a fire hydrant. "Sa lets make sure no one escapes now." he said as he yanked his weapon back, ripping the lid from the hydrant causing a large geyser of water to cut off the other end of the road.

"Hey, watch it!" Pantera snapped as she leapt out of the way of the water, "I just got my coat dry after what that pink nuisance did last time."

"Sorry. As a turtle, I feel at ease near water," Den-O chuckled as he charged and swung his DenGasher high before rolling with the swing as he spun across the ground and swung again, this time slashing the Black Panther Imagin across the stomach once. Den-O then spun again before he kicked his leg letting his increased leg strength, send her stumbling back across the ground.

Pantera shook it off for a moment before she changed her weapon back to its whip form, she then cracked it forward making Den-O duck his head to the left lest he get hit by the weapon. But the Imagin swung her wrist to the side cracking the whip to the left letting it wrap around Den-O's neck forcing the rider to try and pry it away from his windpipe. Pantera then pulled the whip to the right and sent Den-O flying to the side across the road.

Den-O rolled with the force before he flipped to his feet and aimed his DenGasher at Pantera. He then charged and stabbed forward, only for the Black Panther Imagin to jump over the weapon and it's wielder as she did she swung her whip letting it strike Den-O's helmet sending him stumbling forward. Pantera landed and swung her whip again but this time Den-O used his Dengasher to block the whip letting it wrap around the center section of the rod.

Den-O then smirked as he disconnected his weapon into two pieces letting the whip fall to the ground with nothing in its grasp. Den-O then spun around forward before he landed a hook kick to Pantera's face before he reconnected his DenGasher to rod formation. He then rolled with his kick before he swung his DenGasher and slashed Pantera across the chest once. Den-O spun around again as he twirled his DenGasher in his hands and slammed the bottom of the weapon upside her head sending her falling to the ground.

Den-O stopped his spin as he aimed the bladed tip of his DenGasher at Pantera.

"Speed will do you no good if you can't crack my defenses." Den-O stated proudly as he got into a position to spear the Imagin with the DenGasher where she was.

"True...then again…" Pantera paused as she leapt out of the way, letting Den-O's spear hit the wall, embedding it in it, "Speed isn't my only forte~"

"Kuso." Den-O said as he tried to pull his DenGasher out of the wall.

But he stopped as he blocked a kick from Pantera before he kicked back hitting her in the stomach before he ducked under the DenGasher and grabbed her wrist as she tried her claws this time. Den-O then spun her around before they both kicked one another in the chest sending them both falling to the ground.

Den-O got up first as he held his pass up, ready to swipe it over his buckle to deal a finisher.

'It seems I will have to rely on hand to hand for the moment. One strike and I should be able to finish this.' Urataros said to himself as Den-O stood his ground, getting into a jumping stance and got ready to swipe the pass for a Full Charge finisher.

"Hey, Ura! You left me again!" Pinkie shouted as she slid into the area via ice trails, "Ooh! You're about t-"

"Ugh...Shut up and let me concentrate!" Den-O snapped as he loosened his stance to turn and yell. But as he did, Pantera jumped over his head sending him face/helmet first into the street. The Black Panther Imagin then used the embedded DenGasher as a pole vault to jump higher into the air before landing on a building and run off by roof hopping. "mmmm…" Den-O mumbled his face implanted into the concrete.

"Oops...she got away again…" Pinkie chuckled sheepishly.

Den-O pushed himself back up as his orange compound eyes gained a dangerous glint making Pinkie sweat drop. Den-O grabbed the DenGasher and pulled it out of the wall with a single motion.

"Pinkie...I'll warn you once...run…" Den-O said slowly as a blue aura rolled off of him.

"...Eep," was all Pinkie said as she ran...or rather, skated off at high speed.

"Pinkie!" Den-O shouted as he chased with the Den-Bird.

"Chotto, Urataros! Calm down!" Ryotaro tried to calm down the Turtle Imagin in control of his body.

'I am sorry Ryotaro, but I can't take it anymore! I can take sempai and Ryuta's antics, but Pinkie Pie is a different thing entirely!' Urataros snapped.

"WAH! I'm sorry, Ura!" Pinkie cried still being chased by the Kamen Rider down the street.

"Tell that to the spear tip of my weapon." Den-O stated in a tone that portrayed great anger, but was scarier because of how calm he also sounded.

"AHH! Too dark!" Pinkie screamed as she ran off in a pink blur, leaving trails of ice in her wake.

"Ah...this will be one long weekend I can already tell." Ryotaro sighed as the chase went well into the night.
It was the next day, and the students began to leave the school due to it being only a half day.

The one walking out the school first was U-Ryotaro, who had tricked the other Taros into letting him take over under the reasoning that Pantera was his enemy to face, which went over surprisingly well with them. Of course, it also gave him more time to...well flirt and charm the day away.

Even now, U-Ryotaro had dozens of girls following him as he loosened the tie from his modified uniform.

"Ah...my such a pleasant thing to have a half day of school. It leaves one with so much more energy for the evening." U-Ryotaro stated happily, "Now, what to…?"

"Hey, Urataros," Pinkie's voice spoke up, causing him to stop as he spotted the pinkette sitting on a bench.

"Pinkie, the Ryotaro rule." He reminded.

"I know. I...just want to apologize for making you mess up yesterday," Pinkie sighed a bit as she got up off the bench, "But...I think I can make it up to you, and keep my Pinkie Promise to Twilight."

"...Whatever it is, I'm not interested," U-Ryotaro snorted a bit as he walked past her.

"What if I told you I know a flower shop runned by three sisters?" Pinkie asked, making him skid to a halt.

Within a second, U-Ryotaro had his arm around Pinkie's shoulder and was walking with her.

"I'm ever so sorry my dear sweet Pinkie." he apologized with a smile. "It was rude of me to ignore you as well, I should have listened to you first. I've learned my lesson now, so let us get to work ne?" he asked hugging her closer.

"Sounds good to me," Pinkie smiled, "Now come on. I'm sure you'll love this place!"

"I'm sure I will." U-Ryotaro smiled as the two walked to town.
"And here we are!" Pinkie smiled as she and U-Ryotaro stood in front of a flower shop, beds of various flowers displayed in the windows.

"Oh, what a wonderful shop," U-Ryotaro noted as he walked up to the door. "I wonder what other beautiful flowers I shall find inside?"

"Oh, you'll see," Pinkie giggled as she opened the door and the two walked in.

Once the two got inside, U-Ryotaro noticed the three slightly older women working there. The first(who seemed to be the oldest out of the three) had rose-red hair that reached down to her neck, and wore a light tan blouse and a rose red skirt. The second had blond hair with what looked like a white flower in her hair, and wore a light pink sundress with what looked like lilies imprinted on the bottom of the dress. And lastly, the third had light grass green, curled hair, and wore a pale pink-ish dress shirt, and a light green skirt with a daisy imprinted on it.

"Pinkie…" U-Ryotaro spoke, getting the excitable pinkette's attention. He then pulled her into a hug with one arm, "I love you so much right now." he stated happily as the lenses of his glass began to shine.

"No problem, Ura!" Pinkie smiled, "You enjoy yourself for a bit. I'll be outside the store, thinking about the things Pantera took and stuff."

"Yeah yeah, I'll have the same thing," U-Ryotaro said, ignoring what she said as he fixed his uniform's collar he then walked past some flowers before his clothes changed to more regular street clothes, consisting of a blue dress shirt left open over his torso revealing the black graphic shirt he had on and dark grey jeans with a pair of blue sneakers. He also had a ring on his index finger that was themed after a turtle shell as well. "Pardon me, but could I take a moment of your time?" he asked the girls.

"Hmm?" the rose-red head blinked a bit as she looked over at him, "Why sure. do you need help with something?"

"Why yes. You see, my elder sister's birthday is coming up soon, so I was wondering if you could assist me in picking out just the right flowers for her. I'm afraid I'm not well versed in the language of flowers. Possibly an expert like yourself could give me some lessons?" he asked with a suave smirk on his face.

"Oh...why sure. You came to the right place," the rose-red head smiled.

"Thank you miss...I apologize, but I never got your name." U-Ryotaro stated with an expression of regret.

"Ahh...sorry about that then. I'm Rose," the woman introduced herself before motioning to the other two, "And those are my sisters, Lilly and Daisy."

"Ah, such wonderful names. Names that can portray such beauty so simply, it's amazing." U-Ryotaro stated. "Well, it would be rude not to do the same. My name is...well, everyone just calls me Ryotaro." he stated, a very faint pause near the end. "My friends have nicknames for me. But I think only my true name would suffice." he chuckled.

"It's fine," Lilly smiled.

"Y-" Daisy began before she spotted something and gasped loudly," Oh no! Lilly look! One of the Azaleas are starting to wilt!"

"What?!" Lilly gasped before she and daisy fainted.

"This is awful!" Daisy exclaimed in panic.

"The horror! The horror!" Lilly exclaimed.

"Oh...rara…" was all U-Ryotaro could say at this display.

"I'm sorry about my sisters, Ryotaro. We're...really dedicated to our work," Rose said calmly, though in truth...she was trying her best not to faint as well.

"Well I must commend such love for what you do." U-Ryotaro admitted. "I perfectly understand wishing to do what you love the most, after all I get to do the so every chance I get." he added as he fixed his glasses as his eyes began to glow. He then picked up the flower before he twirled it in his fingers and it seems to become healthy again. 'It's a good thing I pick up tricks now and again from those girls.' Urataros sighed mentally before he put the flower back in it's place. "Consider it a little magic trick, a gift if you will." he explained to the girls.

"...Thank you!" Lilly and Daisy shouted happily as they shot up and hugged him.

"Girls, calm yourselves," Rose scolded the two as she pulled her sister's off U-Ryotaro, "But seriously, thank you, Mr. Ryotaro."

"Think nothing of it my dear, rather you need not thank me. For that is what I love to do, I love to make woman happy." U-Ryotaro explained with a smile. "To let such lovely face look so down, why that is nothing more than a crime to me."

Rose couldn't help but blush a little at that before she quickly shook it off.

"Um...Lilly, Daisy? Would you two mind heading out back and look after that really rare flower we're looking after?" Rose asked her sisters, "I want to make sure Mr. Ryotaro here isn't distracted while I'm helping him."

'Rare flower?' Urataros noted in his mind as Daisy and Lilly ran into the back of the store. 'Hm...useful information I dare say.' he muttered to himself mentally, "Rose-san, what is this rare flower you brought up?"

"Hmm?" Rose blinked a bit at that, "Well..if you must know, me and my sisters have been given the task of looking after a really rare flower known as the Heart of Isis. It says only one grows out in the middle of the desert every 50 years or so."

"Hm...it sounds like such a rare flower indeed. Must be a great honor to be the ones chosen to take care of such a marvel?" U-Ryotaro asked.

"Oh it is. You see, it just bloomed last night and...my god is it beautiful," Rose sighed blissfully, a soft smile on her face, "It was as if my troubles had melted away just from looking at it."

"Hm...such a wonderful feeling it must have been." U-Ryotaro smiled at that. "I believe that is how a person should always feel, to let their troubles disappear by doing that which they love." he stated with a smile as he pushed his glasses back up.

"Oh it is. And me and my sisters love tending to our flowers," Rose smiled before she blinked a bit when she noticed Pinkie waving excitedly outside the window, "Um...I think your friend outside wants something."

"I'm sure she just had something to sweet…but maybe I should check on her. She tends to get excitable." U-Ryotaro sighed. "I'm afraid I'll have to come back another time, Rose-san, but please do leave a spot open for me. I do so enjoy talking to you, perhaps we may have more fun talking in the future." he smirked as he made his way to the door. "Bye-bye." he waved adding more charm to his voice.

"Uh...see you later, Mr. Ryotaro," Rose waved back at him.

"Hai," U-Ryotaro smiled as he walked out of the store and looked at Pinkie, a stern look on his face, "This better be good, Pinkie Pie."

"Oh it is. I've been thinking long and hard, and I remembered the places Pantera attacked," Pinkie replied, "The first place was a bookstore that sold some really rare books. And the second place she attacked was a jewelry store, which she stole a very rare gem."

"Okay keep talking. No reason to pause here." U-Ryotaro sighed putting his hands on his hips.

"Now think about it. Pantera's been stealing rare items, so where do you think she's going to strike next?"

"Rare items…" U-Ryotaro said as he turned to the shop as it all clicked together. "Pinkie-chan, I think we have found the perfect place to cast our fishing net."

"Sweet!" Pinkie beamed, "All we have to do is wait for Pantera to come, and bam! We got that kitty bagged hook, line, and sinker!*Squee!*"

"Hm...a tied up prey, wonderful." U-Ryotaro said with a perverted smirk on his face.

"Hey hey! Get your mind out of the gutter, Ura! Anymore thoughts like that, and this story will be bumped up to M Rating!" Pinkie scolded him.

"I'm not seeing the bad part in that." U-Ryotaro countered, making Pinkie sweat drop.
U-Ryotaro and Pinkie both sat on the roof of the flower shop with some bags of lunch as they relaxed. Pinkie of course got a bunch of sweets for herself while U-Ryotaro had a cup of coffee in his hand that he calmly drank.

"Hm...not as good as Naomi-chan's or Airi-san's." U-Ryotaro stated taking another sip. "But it's passable."

"Mmhmhmhs," Pinkie said with food in her mouth.

"?" U-Ryotaro blinked before Pinkie swallowed what was in her mouth.

"In that case, why not try one of these?" Pinkie asked as she offered him a cupcake, "Courtesy of Sugar Cube Corner."

"Ah. That pastry shop down the street from Milk Dippers." U-Ryotaro blinked as he took the treat. "Thank you Pinkie." he nodded his head as he happily took a bite. "Yum, really good stuff here."

"I know, right?! Sugar Cube Corner has some of the best sweets and pastries in all of the city!" Pinkie beamed, "Why do you I like going there?"

"Hm...not personally, rather I've noticed Ryotaro and Airi-san love going over there to buy some sweets at least twice a week. It seems to be some sort of little family outing for them. Apparently they get along unbelievably well with the owners." he explained as he pushed his glasses back up.

"That's good to hear," Pinkie smiled before she started to twitch a bit, "...my Pinkie senses are tingling again."

"Oi. What is this 'Pinkie sense' anyway?" U-Ryotaro couldn't help but ask.

"Oh it's just something I've developed. If my ears are flopping, that means someone's gonna fall down a hole. if my leg's twitching, that means something's gonna fall from the sky."

"Ah I see..." U-Ryotaro noted before he pushed Pinkie out of the way of a whip that cracked into the spot where she was sitting.

"You two again?" Pantera's voice spoke, causing the two to look up and see the female Imagin standing on top of a water silo, "You both are really persistent, aren't you?"

"I like to think it's part of my wonderful charm." U-Ryotaro smirked as he helped Pinkie to her feet. he then raised his arms up. "But I'm afraid I can't let you just take anything you want from this shop." U-Ryotaro apologized.

"Oh? And why's that?" Pantera asked as she leapt down from the silo, gripping her whip.

"Well I'd like to say it's because I'm the dashing hero and you're the vexing thief, but really, if I let you waltz in there and ruin the shop, you would make three lovely girls upset. And that is really the only reason why I'm even here." U-Ryotaro admitted.

"So you're just here to impress three girls? Heh...how 'heroic' of you," Pantera chuckled a bit, "But I'm not here to harm them. I'm just here for the Heart of Isis."

"So I figured...but again I can't let you do that. Those three work hard to care for that flower. So I won't be letting you grab it with your little paws." U-Ryotaro countered. "Now be a good little kitty and go play with some string somewhere."

"Heh...I find one problem with your statement right there," Pantera smirked as she cracked her whip at u-Ryotaro and Pinkie, causing the two to roll out of the way, "I'm a bad girl~"

"Ooh~My favorite type." U-Ryotaro smirked as he got up while fixing his glasses.

"Okay, this is getting a bit weird again," Pinkie muttered before she rolled over to U-Ryotaro, took his pass and belt out, and strapped the latter around his waist, "No time for flirting, Ura! Henshin and fight already!" she shouted as she pressed the blue button on the buckle making it play music. "Henshin!" she shouted as she swiped the pass for him causing shards to form into the suit.


With that, the armor and DenKamen all snapped into place with a blue flash from his armor.

"Oi, Pinkie. I was in the middle of something," Den-O Rod form complained as he turned to Pinkie while putting his hands on his hips.

"Yes. Flirting with her again," Pinkie countered as she gained her gear, "Now let's hurry and trap this kitty before she gets away."

"Hai hai." Den-O sighed, shaking his head as he formed the DenGasher into its rod form. It extended out as he aimed it at Pantera. He then jumped at her as he swung his weapon. The Imagin grabbed his swing but both of them were still sent falling off the roof together.

"Hey! Don't leave me behind again!" Pinkie shouted as she leapt down after them, using her powers to create a bed of snow below for a soft landing.

Den-O jumped back to his feet as he ducked his head to avoid the crack of a whip before he swung the bottom of his DenGasher at Pantera, making her duck back from the blunt impact.

Pantera then rushed up to Den-O and delivered a rising slash on his chest armor, causign sparks to coem flying off it as she delivered a series of slashes before she ended it with a sweep kick, knocking Den-O off his feet. Den-O kicked his legs into the ground sending him flipping backwards before landing on his feet. He then kicked at Pantera forcing her to duck back before Den-O spun and swung with a reverse roundhouse that she dodged. Den-O then slammed his feet together grabbing his Den-Gasher with his feet before spinning and using one end to trip the Imagin to the ground.

Den-O then kicked the weapon up into the air before he grabbed it and spun around moving across his shoulder as he did before he swung it and lanced Pantera's shoulder, sending her stumbling back.

"Well...you sure know how to give a girl a hard time," Pantera noted as she stood her ground. She then quickly rolled out of the way before Pinkie's ice hammer could smash her.

"Ah shoot, I missed." Pinkie said, looking upset as she pouted. She then lifted the hammer up before swinging it around as if it didn't weigh as much as it obviously did. She twirled it around above her head and behind her back before she spun her body by twisting her hips and slamming the head of the hammer upside Pantera's head, sending her flying back before slamming into the roof of a car. "Oops. I forgot to say 'Fore!'" Pinkie giggled, resting the hammer on her shoulders.

"Grr...you're starting to annoy me," Pantera frowned, becoming a blur before she slashed Pinkie across the chest, "Ha! Got y-" she began before 'Pinkie' broke apart, "What? An ice clone?"

"Nothing like a lie to make things interesting right?" Den-O asked as a cable wrapped around Pantera's foot before it pulled her down across the ground before up into the air as Den-O used a light pole to hang the Imagin in the air. "Well look as this catch, impressive no?" Den-O asked Pinkie who walked out from behind him.

"Yup. Quite the beauty, ain't she?" Pinkie smirked.

"Well aren't you two clever? But wait…" Pantera paused as she cracked her whip over their heads, using it to grab the side of a fire hydrant, "I have a retort~"

"Huh/Eh?" the two heroes blinked turning to the hydrant.

With a quick yank from Pantera, a blast of water bursted out of the fire hydrant after the side lid had been ripped off, knocking the two into the side of a building.

"Ironic that we, the aquatic members, got caught off guard by water isn't it?" Den-O asked as he stood back up helping Pinkie to her feet.

"Yeah…" Pinkie coughed a bit, her clothes soaking wet.

"As much as I want to continue this, I have a job to complete," Pantera stated, using her claws to cut the line, setting her free as she fell to the ground and landed on her feet.

"Ah! Cats do land on their feet." Pinkie stated as she user her powers to remove the water from her clothes leaving them dry.

"Chotto." Den-O spoke up.

"Ugh...what now?" Pantera groaned as she looked at Den-o

"Before you try and go in there...I want you to promise..no. Pinkie promise you won't harm those inside."

"...Excuse me? A...what promise?"

"It's what it is, a Pinkie Promise that you will not harm any of the girls inside, and…" Den-O uttered the rest very quietly. "Is it a deal?"

"...Very well then. I promise I won't harm those inside," Pantera replied.

"So you accept my full promise, alright then. It's a Pinkie Promise." Den-O nodded his head.

"Right. Now if you'll excuse me…" Pantera said as she made a run for the store.

"Ura, what's the deal??" Pinkie asked.

"Pinkie-chan, I need you to trust me when I say there is a reason I made her promise me." Den-O responded.

"..Huh?" Pinkie tilted her head in confusion at that before she heard the sound of Rose and her sister's screaming, followed by bodies plopping onto the floor.

"Pinkie, tell me what just happened?" Den-O asked as he stabbed his DenGasher into the ground and leaned on it.

"Uhh...Rose and her sister's fainted?" Pinkie guessed.

"Now tell me why would that happen? I mean I did say that she's not allowed to hurt them or scare them after all. Or else she has to tell us everything." Den-O explained. "She promised...no. She Pinkie promised. And since she scared Rose-san and her sister's, she broke it."


"The kitty broke a Pinkie promise," Den-O said as he turned Pinkie's head towards the shop, letting her see Pantera running out of it.


"Now...what shall you…" Den-O began before he saw Pinkie's face contorting into a look of anger, steam literally starting to come out of her ears, "Nani?"

"Nobody..and I mean nobody…" Pinkie growled before her eyes went red, "BREAKS A PINKIE PROMISE!-!-!"

"Oh I think I might have miscalculated this plan a little." Den-O scratched the back of his helmet.

"Seems more than a little." Ryotaro spoke up.

"Uh...Pinkie-chan? Why d-" Den-O began before Pinkie ran off after Pantera in a blur, nearby fire hydrants exploding as she ran past them, "Oh my…"

"...Okay, that's the second time the Mizu-onna scared me...' Momotaros admitted.

"I think I've unleashed a nightmare on the world…" Den-O sighed as he grabbed his DenGasher and decided to follow after on the Den-Bird.
"Heh heh...that was too easy," Pantera smirked as she ran down the street, holding onto a rather beautiful flower carefully, "Now to return to my contractor and…"


"Eh?" Pantera blinked, looking over her shoulder to see a familiar pinkette running at her in the distance. At speeds no human should be able to move at she might add. Pinkie formed a ramp of ice before jumping off the end and landing in front of the Imagin with a look of pure rage in her eyes.

"YOU BROKE A PINKIE PROMISE!" Pinkie snapped, her voice sounding a bit distorted.

"What on earth…?" Pantera whispered with wide eyes before she barely rolled out of the way of a stream of boiling water. The Black Panther Imagin landed on her feet but ice crept up her legs keeping her in place. "No way!" Pantera gasped seeing the ice.

"Apologize…" Pinkie growled as she created a giant ice mace, the spiked ball part of the weapon creating a mini-crater upon impact, "Apologize or else!"

"Apologize for what?" the Imagin stuttered in fear. She honestly had no clue what was going on here.

"Matte Pinkie!" Den-O called as he drove in.


"...You're kidding...right?"

"Nope she's not." Den-O said as he took the flower from Pantera. "You see, I whispered the last half of my promise so you wouldn't hear it. And therefore break it." Den-O taunted as he leaned in close to explain. "Now unless you say sorry and spill the beans my partner here will crush you under ice."

"...no seriously. Is this a joke?"

"APOLOGIZE NOW!" Pinkie snapped, ready to smash the imagin.

"Okay okay! I apologize for...ugh...breaking a Pinkie promise," Pantera groaned.

"Ah I don't think I believe her do you Pinkie?" Den-O asked.

"No...no I don't…" Pinkie responded, a frown still on her face.

"You need to mean it, Kitty, unless you want to get frostbite." Den-O chuckled.

"Okay...fine. I am sorry I broke my promise. I promise I won't do it again. There...happy?"

"I'll accept if just because I want to get to the point of this day." Den-O chuckled. "Okay, Pinkie. I forgive her."

"Good…" Pinkie frowned a bit, her voice back to normal as she made her ice mace disappear.

"Alright now spill it Cat. What's your master's wish." Den-O asked as he pointed the tip of his DanGasher at Pantera.

"...Fine. She wished for something precious. I didn't understand that, so I decided to steal any rare items I could find. If it wasn't what she was looking for...well, bonus for me."

"That's a joke, right? you stole stuff all over town because your contractor wasn't specific?" Den-O asked in shock. "Pinkie can you believe that?"

"I know! It sounds like that time Momo tried to 'borrow my supply of pudding one time," Pinkie stated.

"Oh shut up!" Pantera complained.

"Alright...so now what do we do? Do we just kill her?" Den-O asked bluntly.

"Hmm…nah. I think Pantera has had enough for today."

"Oh you have no goddamn idea," Pantera groaned before blinking a bit, "Wait...what did you call me?"

"Pantera, it's your name." Pinkie explained.

"Don't even try to argue woman, once Pinkie has named you it's for life. Or till I kick you into oblivion." Den-O stated flatly.

"...Ugh...fine. Just...please let me go. I've had quite enough for one day."

"Alright fine a deal is a deal." Den-O sighed as he chipped the ice away from her legs. "Go before I decide to harpoon you with this thin at the last second." the Rider said seriously.

"Okay fine...you ruined my fun anyway," Pantera muttered as she leapt towards a nearby building, climbed up it, and leapt away.

"Well that takes care of that for this night. We should also probably return this." Den-O said, holding up the flower.

"Good idea," Pinkie nodded, "But...where do you think Pantera went?"

"Ah." Den-O cut her off wagging his finger in front of her face. "Secrets my dear Pinkie, Secrets." he stated cryptically.

Pinkie blinked at that before shrugging it off as she followed Den-O back to the shop where he returned the flower, before anyone noticed that is.
The next day, U-Ryotaro and Pinkie where on the search again. Urataros already knew Pinkie would follow him anyway, so he just waited for her to pop into existence and then go about his search. Currently the two were sitting at Milk Dipper as U-Ryotaro thought over the evidence they had on the Black Panther Imagin Pantera.

"Hm…" U-Ryotaro hummed to himself as he sat in his chair while loosening the tie from his uniform.

"Got anything?" Pinkie asked, the pinkette currently resting her head on the table.

"Not much, I'm good with words, not thoughts. That's why we have Twilight. She is the smart one." U-Ryotaro stated plainly.

"True…" Pinkie nodded, "But what can you do? I told her I could handle it, so she made plans to spend some time with her mom and dad, plus Spike." she explained with a happy smile.

"Such reliability," U-Ryotaro huffed sarcastically.

"Yup. Twilight's really reliable," Pinkie smiled, making him sweatdrop, "But seriously, what do you think Pantera meant by 'something precious'?"

"Ah...what would I know? What could be misconstrued as precious enough for her to steal a priceless book, a diamond that could buy someone a life on easy street, and a flower that blooms so rarely, it's a miracle?" U-Ryotaro started as he put his feet on the table to relax. "My understanding of such thoughts would only extend to that this contractor is very greedy. But perhaps another point of view would help. Where's Rarity or Flutter-chan? Maybe they could offer something?"

"Rarity's looking after her little sister, and Fluttershy's busy helping out at the vet," Pinkie replied.

"Ah...well it's not like Rainbow would offer much of a viewpoint on this. Too feminine for her," U-Ryotaro laughed.

"Yeah," Pinkie giggled a bit before blinking a bit, "Wait...I think I might have something. What if what Pantera's searching for isn't physical?"

"Hmm…?" U-Ryotaro blinked. "Well, that would explain why she has not found what she is searching for...but if that's the case, then she will just keep attacking and attacking with no reason to stop."

"True. But...what if we search for her contractor?" Pinkie suggested.

"Hmm…" U-Ryotaro closed his eyes in thought, "Maybe...but we have no idea where to search though." he sighed, "It would be easier if the others were here, but they chose to waste their time with their family."

"Hey!" Pinkie snapped as she slammed her hands on the table, "Don't talk about family like that!"

"Heh...that's something I still don't understand about you humans...why is family so important to you?" U-Ryotaro countered uncaring of Pinkie's outburst. "Why is it so important to spend time with people who are merely obligated to care for you?"

"Because you only get one family," Pinkie stated, "Even if you're not related by blood or anything, those who raise and take care of you are your family."

"I still do not understand it." U-Ryotaro said, "All I know is human nature is to find one who accepts you, so why spend time with people who love you under obligation when you could find one who loves you unconditionally? Even someone like me, who lies for the fun of it, can understand that as truth."

"...You may not care for it now, but someday you'll understand."

"You speak as if I'm human." U-Ryotaro sighed. "But enough of that. I think there is something I can do to find our mysterious Imagin contractor."

"Oh?" Pinkie blinked as she leaned in a bit, "I'm listening."

"Ah. Spoilers my dear, spoilers." U-Ryotaro chuckled poking her forehead with his index finger. "For this to work, I need you to have absolute faith in me. So trust me, okay?"


"Perfect, now time to cast a line." U-Ryotaro smirked.
"Why're we back at school?"

"Pinkie, you said you'd trust me, remember?" U-Ryotaro smiled back at her as he kept walking. "So no matter what I order you to do, just trust me that I know what I'm doing."

"...alright." Pinkie nodded as she leapt into a nearby bush.

"I know you all see me as the silver tongued liar, but I'm not reckless. I can't afford to let something happen to Ryotaro as well." U-Ryotaro stated as he began walking. He walked out into the school courtyard, looking around. He then spotted a bench, where there was a girl around Ryotaro's age sitting down with a sad look on her face. 'Ah. This is a gamble I bet all of my lies on. Here's hoping.' Urataros said mentally as U-Ryotaro slipped his belt on just in case and his pass in the back pocket of his pants, "Excuse me, miss?"

"Hmm?" the girl muttered a bit, looking up to see him, her eyes a bit red, and was a bit hidden behind her short, sea blue hair, "Yes?"

"I'm terribly sorry to disturb you, but I couldn't help but notice that you look rather upset, is there anything I can do to help?" U-Ryotaro's voice asked, a sense of sincerity in it as it sounded like Ryotaro's real voice was blended with his own.

"...I don't think there's anything you can do," the girl replied sadly as she looked back down.

U-Ryotaro pushed his glasses back up as he smiled a little. "Maybe so...but still, it never hurts to have someone to complain too. Even if you just want to vent all sorts of frustration, that works too."

"...Okay…" the girl sighed, "I'll try and make it fast though. She might be listening in."

"She?" U-Ryotaro asked in confusion.

"A sand like creature that resembled a black panther."

"The Imagin…" U-Ryotaro stated as he pushed his glasses back up once more letting the glare from the sun block out his blue eyes.


"I'm sorry. It's just what you described is an Imagin, beings who grant wishes for a dangerous price." U-Ryotaro explained to her, "She is undoubtedly here right now due to her connection to you."

"You don't know the half of it," a familiar voice spoke, causing the two to look up and see Pantera resting on a tree branch, "Hello again, Mr. Suave."

"I honestly didn't expect my meeting with you would be so soon again, Kitten." U-Ryotaro sighed as he moved in front of the girl. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his pass to become Den-O as well.

"I'm not here to fight. I'm just here to clarify something with my contractor," Pantera stated as she leapt down from the branch, "Oi, Yumi."

"Y-yes?" the girl in question asked.

"The wish you made...you said you wanted something precious, and yet none of the things I brought you didn't match that. What exactly did you mean by 'Something precious'?" Pantera asked.

"Huh?" she blinked.

"Hm...so she was right. It wasn't anything physical was it? Not in the normal sense." U-Ryotaro spoke up. "The thing you lost or rather what you lost was your chance wasn't it? The chance to tell someone important how you felt?" he asked the girl named Yumi.

"...Not...exactly…" Yumi replied, small tears forming in her eyes as she pulled out a letter...or rather, what used to be a letter, "I did...but...he broke my heart...he tore the letter I wrote for him right in front of me, saying he doesn't like girls with blue hair."

"I see. Your heart was broken, so by something precious, you wish that you had that feeling you had before your heart was broken." U-Ryotaro said.

"Yes…" Yumi sniffled.

"...Yumi," Pantera spoke up, the female imagin frowning a bit, "Tell me where that bastard is now."

"Matte." U-Ryotaro spoke up, cutting the Imagin off.

"No...there's one thing I hate above all else...a broken heart, and selfish men," Pantera growled.

"Even still, I can not allow you to go and harm this person." U-Ryotaro countered with a shrug of his shoulders as he held up his pass. "So I'll do this. Yumi, please cancel your contract." he said as he walked away before he reached down and pulled his belt off. "But if you're so dead-set on vengeance instead...then I shall not stop you." he added as turned around and tossed both his belt and pass at their feet.

"...Uh...I….I…" Yumi gulped a bit, a bit nervous due to the pressure she was feeling.

"But before you decide, let me ask you just one more thing?" U-Ryotaro spoke up. "Would revenge make your feelings fade away? Do you want to let this one person ruin your chances of finding someone who does accept you for who you are?"

"Yumi...please tell me where he is." Pantera demanded.

"...I….I…" Yumi gulped, trying to think on her answer before it finally came, "I cancel the contract!"

"Eh?!" Pantera gasped before dissolving to sand.

"Hm...so thats what happens when they do that." U-Ryotaro noted seeing this.

"Wh...how...you planned this, didn't you?" Pantera frowned a bit as she looked at U-Ryotaro.

"Yes and no." U-Ryotaro chuckled as he held his hand up revealing a thin fishing line attached to his hand before he pulled it and brought his belt and pass back into his hand. "To explain, yes I planned to confront our contractor, no I did not honestly expect it to be this simple. I mean, lies are my game, so I was ready to transform and fight you should she had chosen revenge."

"...Clever boy…" Pantera chuckled a bit.

"I like to believe so. Besides even if by chance my plan A backfired, I had Plan B, or rather, Plan Pinkie." U-Ryotaro chuckled happily as he pointed to a bush, Pinkie sticking her head out with leaves and twigs stuck in her hair.

"So you thought that far ahead...how sneaky."

"I just wanted to end this little battle of ours. So I relied on my tools my deceit to win. Of course, you still live. So one day, we will need to end this little kitty."

"Of course...until next time then, turtle boy," Pantera smirked as she became an orb of light and flew off.

"Hm…" U-Ryotaro sighed as he put his belt away before looking at Yumi. "Just so you know, I was serious about being someone you could complain too. Rather it was a pleasant surprise that you where the contractor." he explained as he pushed his glasses back up again.

"Oh...I see…"

"Yes...for the record, I think the boy you confessed to is rather stupid. A simple feature such as the color of your hair should have no merit in deciding if you're a good person or beautiful. In fact I rather like the color blue." U-Ryotaro chuckled with a wink as he turned away.

"...Th-thank you," Yumi blushed a bit before she shook it off.

"No thank you for giving me a free weekend from fighting monsters. Since said weekend is free, maybe you would like to spend it with me?" U-Ryotaro asked.


"Oh no you don't!" Pinkie exclaimed as she popped out of the bush and grabbed U-Ryotaro by the ear, "She's still recovering!"

"Ah ite-ite-ite! Pinkie, stop with the ear grabbing already! You're going to twist Ryotaro's ear right off!" U-Ryotaro complained as tears of pain fell down his eyes.

"Nuh uh! I Pinkie Promised Twilight I'd keep an eye on you, and that's what I'm gonna do! Plus, again, that girl's still recovering!"

"You don't need to tear off the ear woman!" U-Ryotaro complained. "I was just flirting. I didn't mean to push her into anything!"

"Isn't flirting basically the same thing?"Momotaros asked with a scoff.

"Momotaros, please don't add fuel to the fire," Ryotaro sighed as he had just been quite this whole time out of his own confusion to these past few days.

'...Yeah, you're right. I'm enjoying this too much any way,' Momotaros chuckled.

"Seriously Pinkie, stop! My ear is going numb already!" U-Ryotaro complained as he was being dragged off.

"...Okay. I will...but! Only if you promise not to flirt with anyone else for the rest of today!"

"Just grab the ear already." U-Ryotaro sighed, leaning his head over. He could not agree to such an impossible demand.

"Ha ha! Not so easy, is it, Kame?!"

'Like you could agree to spend the whole day not fighting Sempai.' Urataros countered.

"Yeah, but there's a difference between us for that. When I can't' fight, I can just practice my skills and stuff. When you can't flirt for an entire day is another thing entirely.' Momotaros countered


"Um, Momotaros...all you really do is fight. Your practice is just more fighting or rather beating on gangs who are afraid of you…" Ryotaro countered.

"...Damn it. Why'd you have to rain down on me like that, Ryotaro?"

"Sorry…" Ryotaro apologized.


"Snrk! Huh...what did I miss?" Kintaros asked, the Bear Imagin having finally woken up.
Next time!

Kintaros: Yosh! Today my strength shall make everyone cry!

Twilight: Kintaros, strength is not everything, you know.

Kintaros: Nonsense. For men, Strength is absolute! It is not something women can understand.

Twilight: Excuse you? Are you saying I can't be strong?

Kintaros: No, just not as strong as me and Ryotaro.

Ryotaro: I never said that.

Twilight: I'll take that challenge!

Kintaros: Very well!

Ryotaro: Am I invisible this week or something?

Stop 12: Brains Vs Brawn

Kintaros: Our Strength!

Twilight: Made you cry!