• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 2,353 Views, 40 Comments

Friendship is Timeless - Seanzilla115

Time long ago, the destiny of six girls were changed. In the future, time itself lead to the end of humanity. Now in the middle in the present, the time to reach the crossroads have come as 6 girls and 1 human, plus 5 Imagin's fight to change fate it

  • ...

Stop 17

A week has passed since Applejack joined the group, and it had taken her a bit to get use to the group. But it was getting there. She was getting use to the group's antics, character...flaws and such. It was still a bit rocky though. But regardless, she was slowly fitting in. Though if there were one thing that would annoy her at times...it was the Imagin, mainly Momotaros and Urataros.

If it wasn't Momotaros' confrontive, arrogant, and annoying personality, she would have been able to handle him. Luckily, she was kind enough to spare Ryotaro the pain and always hit him while on DenLiner. Urataros on the other hand, just as he said, he enjoyed to tease and torment Applejack. His lying and flirting didn't help either as she found the resulting U-Ryotaro...a pain to deal with. Kintaros and Ryutaros on the other hand..she could tolerate them most of the time. She found Kintaros super strength to be a bit destructive, but his habit of often sleeping she could look over due to Fluttershy pointing out he's a bear. Ryutaros...she just treated him like the rest, an obnoxious little kid. But she had to admit, he could be kind of sweet when he wanted too.

As for the others, after her apologizing to Twilight, Applejack had come to be able to call her a friend. She admitted Twilight was maybe a little too bookish at times, relying too much on book smarts, but she was a good person who really did mean well enough. It kind of made poor Applejack felt a bit worse as she learned this. For Pinkie...well, after meeting her personally, she couldn't help but think that this girl was the most hyperactive thing she has ever met. But just like the mounds of sugar she probably ate, she was a sweet girl. She just had too much energy for her liking at times. Luckily it seemed she distracted herself by acting as a big sister for Ryutaros, to which Applejack had to admit, Pinkie seemed to be a good older sister for the childish Imagin.

For Rarity...well, Applejack didn't know what to make of her really. In one hand, she could see she was a kind and generous person and cared for all her friends deeply. But she could tell from her week of getting to know them, she might have been on a different wavelength then she was. Whereas Applejack was okay with work and getting a little dirty, Rarity wasn't exactly on the same page. Ironic given her element affinity she often pointed out mentally. She remembered meeting Fluttershy that one day, but after getting to know her personally, Applejack could tell that Fluttershy was...well, the shyest thing she has ever met. But despite that, she was gentle, kind girl that cared deeply for both animals, and her friends. She was told by Pinkie she could get surprisingly mean, but that just didn't seem possible. Fluttershy mean? Pinkie must have been trying to trick her. And finally there was Rainbow Dash, a.k.a the girl she fought that one day when she was under those Shadowbolt characters' control. While that left a slight tension between them at first, after the two punched out Urataros at the same time, Applejack felt she had a little more in common with Rainbow Dash then any of the other girls quite honestly. She likes them, but she just could tell if she brought up a subject she liked related to sports, Rainbow might be the one who understood it. Of course the two also had a bit of friendly competition to them because of this as well since Pinkie pointed out it be hard to pick the best fighter between them. The time an Imagin did show up, Ryotaro barely had the chance to become Den-O.

Speaking of Ryotaro, she had to admit. Twilight was right, Ryotaro is probably the most selfless guy she's ever met. He literally puts himself last before everyone. Even with that god awful bad luck of his, which she still couldn't explain, he got up and smiled none the less. She actually found Ryotaro's desire to help everyone like that to be very sweet. He was a good person who was a good friend as well. Why he put up with the Taros possessing him on a regular basis is beyond her. But she guess that just chalks up the nice points again. She even had to admit his older sister was just as kind, she would always look out for all of them when they came to their family's Cafe. The story of their parents was a bit sad for her but she felt it was something she shared in common with the siblings. She also had to agree with one common thought of the Nogami siblings...both of them were probably too innocent for their own good.

Speaking of Ryotaro and his sister, let's see what the two are up to, shall we?

Ryotaro hummed a tune as he helped clean the Milk Dipper's tables. It was a nice day out today, no school, and best of all, his bad luck hasn't hit him yet. He was just wiping down a few tables as he made his way through the Milk Dipper.

"Hm...normally by this time someone has come in." Ryotaro noted as his sister was just humming a song as she ground up coffee for the day.

"It's just a slow day Ryo-kun." Ari smiled before going back to her humming.

"Your right, Nee-san." Ryotaro nodded in agreement. These days happened from time to time, so they just enjoyed them as a psuedo day off, "I wonder how twilight and the others are doing?"

As if on cue, Twilight walked into the family owned store, the violetette carrying her backpack with a few books inside it.

"Ah. Hello, Twilight," Ryotaro greeted as he finished the last table.

"Hello, Ryotaro," Twilight greeted him, a small smile on her face as she sat down, "How're you doing, today?"

"I'm fine, it's been a very calm day." he explained as he sat down across from her. "These kind of days are very nice, no customers, no fighting to save the world." he chuckled.

"Yeah," Twilight nodded, "It has been rather quiet today. My parents are resting at home, Spike is out with his friends, and I'm here to relax and read a couple of books I've been meaning to catch up on."

"That's nice." Ryotaro nodded. "I'm a bit surprised though...normally someone else is here before you." he explained. "Is everyone busy?"

"Kinda yes," Twilight nodded, "Pinkie is helping out over at Sugarcube Corner, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are busy practicing to bring out their full transformations, and Rarity and Fluttershy...well, I guess they have a day to themselves."

"Guess everyone is taking it easy, aren't they?" Ryotaro chuckled.

"I guess so," Twilight nodded, giving off a bit of a giggle before clearing her throat a bit, "Sorry...so...how're the Taros doing?"

"Hm...well now that you mention it...they haven't appeared all day." Ryotaro noted, surprising himself he didn't notice.

"Really?" Twilight blinked in surprise, "I was sure that...well, to be honest, I was sure Momotaros would be causing a bit of chaos by now or something."

"Hai...I wonder what they're up to?" Ryotaro pondered.

"Okay, Kame, Kuma, Kozo! We have one mission and one mission today. Unlock the power of Climax Form!" Momotaros declared as he marched back and forth in front of his fellow Taros, the Oni Imagin wearing a classic military helmet on his head, a few holes in it for his horns to poke out.

"Yes, Captain Momotaros!" the other Taros saluted, be it mockingly or seriously was left unknown.

"Excellent! Now minna, assemble!" Momotaros exclaimed, "Kame!"

"Boku ni tsuraretimeru?"


"Ore wa tsuyosa ni, omae ga naita!"


"Kotae wa Kitenai!"

"Yosha...Ore Sanjou!" Momotaros finished as all of them waited for a few seconds in awkward silence, "..."

"...I...don't think that worked, sempai."

"I can see that, ero-kame!" Momotaros snapped before tapping his chin in thought, "Hmm….I got it! We need to pose!"

"Pose?" the other Taros repeated.

"What does posing have to do with obtaining Climax Form?" Urataros asked.

"Well you got a better idea Ero-Kame?" Momotaros asked, earning silence from the Turtle imagin, "I thought so. Minna, ikuze! Kame!"

"Hai hai…"





"And...pose!" Momotaros declared as the four did a rather...interesting pose.

"...Well this is stupid."

"Shut up! Again! Kame!"






"And...pose!" Momotaros shouted as they posed again...this time a rather...strange one.

"...Why do I feel like a song that has something to do with a 'tokusentai' should be playing in the background?" Urataros sweatdropped.

"Because...shut up! Uh...dog pile!"

"Dog pile?" Urataros blinked before the other three Taros leapt at him, "Oh no…"


"Ugh...I don't think it worked…" Urataros groaned from the bottom of the pile.

"This is boring…" Ryutaros muttered from atop the pile, "..Where's Celeste-san? She's usually here by now."

"She...said something about...searching some old ruins in South America," Urataros groaned, "She won't be back until later tomorrow."

"God damn it…" Momotaros complained, "the one time we could've used that 'all-knowing' brain of hers….whatever. Back to posing!"

"Ugh…" the other Taros groaned.

"I'm sure they have some distraction of their own." Ryotaro nodded to Twilight as he brought the violetette her favorite cup of coffee and some cookies Airi made for her.

"Most likely, yeah," Twilight nodded as Ryotaro set the items down for her, "Arigatou….um, I said that correctly, right?"

"Yes. You said it right," he nodded with a smile. Ryotaro had been teaching Twilight the basics of Japanese in their free time. She picked it up well, but her persistence on being true to her studies meant she only ever used proper speech rather than casual speech.

"Ah good...I was afraid I had got it wrong," Twilight sighed a bit in relief.

"You got the hang of it really fast." Ryotaro admitted. "You're a little to casual though...that's coming from me of all people." he chuckled, "But regardless, y-" he began before he twitched a bit.

"Huh? Ryotaro?" Twilight asked as she saw him began to twitch, "Ryotaro, what's wrong?"

"I...felt like when one of the Taros possesses me...but it looks like nothing happened." Ryotaro explained before his eyes began glowing shifting between Red, Blue, Yellow and Purple.

"What the…?" Twilight whispered.

"Oi, Kame...are you here?!" Momotaros voice shouted from Ryotaro suddenly.

"I'm right here...this feels different from before." Urataros voice came next from his mouth.

"It's gross…" Ryutaros' voice came next.


"Did you seriously fall asleep, Kuma?!"

"How can that be….oh being awake and asleep at once must be hurting Ryotaro's head...or feel somewhat comfortable."

"This feels gross still!"

"How do you think I feel, hanatare kozo?!"

'Ugh...there goes my quiet day,' Twilight mentally groaned.

"How am I able to still be in control of my body with all of you in here?" Ryotaro asked, his eyes flashing brighter and faster. It was actually kind of mesmerizing if Twilight stared at them to long.

"How the hell should we know?!" Momotaros exclaimed.

"Momotaros calm down."

"I can't be calm! I'm upset cause we can't make you turn into Climax form...every time we try we fail, we figured this one would work, but nope."

"Basically, semapi thinks by posing together, we can achieve Climax form."

"And that was stupid!"


"And you think forcing yourself into Ryotaro all at once is any better?" Twilight deadpanned.

"To be fair, it was sempai's idea."

"Shut it, Kame!...Screw it. We're going back to posing!"

"Oh no…"


"M-matte!" Ryotaro yelped before he began to do a bunch of strange and weird poses. "Itai...my arm doesn't bend like that Ryutaros...ah Kintaros that hurts my back…" he groaned pain from the weird poses surging through his body.

"...Okay. Enough of this…" Twilight's eye twitched in annoyance as she stood up.

"Come on, you pansies! Put some backbone into it!" Momotaros exclaimed as he posed dramatically, "We…"




With that, Ryotaro was slapped upside the head and a multicolored flash came off him before all the Taros were ejected back to DenLiner.

"...Danks, Dwibight(Thanks, Twilight)," Ryotaro replied, his entire cheek bruised, up to the point it was swelling a bit.

"Sorry, but I had to get those idiots out of you somehow," Twilight sighed as she helped him sit down. "I really didn't mean to hit you that hard." she apologized.

"It's okay." he stated as he rubbed the pain away from his cheek. Fast healing seeming to be a thing for him over small things like this. "I tried to force them out...but it's different when they are so synched with me like that...I guess the one bad side of being closer to them...they are harder to manage."

"I noticed…" Twilight muttered, 'Ugh...I wonder how the others are holding up?'

Stop 17: A Busy day in the life of…

Meanwhile, over at a quaint looking bakery, a certain bubbly pinkette was humming a small tune as she began to make some cupcakes. She put some in the oven and started the timer before she began the process of setting everything up to make yet another batch. The smell of sugar and baking bread filling the air, and having a...Pinkie level calming effect.

"*Sniff!*Ahh...nothing beats the refreshing smell of cupcakes cooking in the oven," Pinkie sighed blissfully. She then began mixing the batter for the next batch with a whisk.

She hummed as she moved from one side of the kitchen to the other all while whisking the batter and checking on everything going on at once. She put the bowl down before she slipped on a pair of oven mitts and began taking batches of muffins and cupcakes that were all finished. As she places them down, she kicked a tube of frosting into the air.

As it came down she took off one of the oven mitts and began to frost several cupcakes in one quick motion. She then put that down before grabbing a handful of sprinkles or whatever other things people wanted atop the treats with and sprinkled it to the top.

With that done, Pinkie went back to doing several things all at once, an amazing feat all on it's own.

"Pinkie Pie, help!" a voice called out for the other room, causing the excitable pinkette to skid to a halt, "I need some assistance here!"

"Coming, Mr. Cake!" Pinkie called back as she made sure it was safe for her to leave things for a moment. Once it was, she zipped into the next room, "Alrighty, how can I…..woah."

Once she got a good look, she saw quite a lot of people waiting in line, some of them even waiting outside.

"That is...a lot of cupcakes to make…" Pinkie said, her eyes becoming large and blank at seeing the sheer number.

"I know...I know…" a rather lanky looking man with orange hair sighed a bit, wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead, "We haven't been open for long, and already we got tons of customers waiting for their cupcakes."

"Wow…" was all she could reply as she shook her head to get her senses back. "What do need me to do to help?" she asked with determination.

"I need you to make the cupcakes and hand them to me as fast as possible," Mr. Cake stated before gulping a bit, "These people are starting to look a bit testy."

"One of the times I wish I had M-Ryotaro to be his usual self…" Pinkie muttered to herself, wishing she could use his temper to calm everyone down, "Got it!" she saluted loudly as she zipped into the kitchen and returned, carrying a couple of trays of cupcakes, "Here you go!"

"Oh you're a lifesaver, Pinkie," Mr. Cake sighed in relief, "Again, thank you for coming in to help me with the store."

"No problem. Glad to help, sides this would be impossible on your own," Pinkie stated as she brought out another set of trays before she ran back in to begin making the next batch, "Plus, Ms. Cake is expecting, so it would be a crime to let a mother-to-be work her buns off, especially to a crowd this big."

"Thanks either way Pinkie. You're a real lifesaver, I'd call on Ms. Nogami to help, but I'm sure she's more then busy with her own business." he chuckled as he gave a few orders out to customers while organising their payments.

"I'm sure Airi would have helped you either way," Pinkie said as she brought out a few more trays, "Next batch is cooking as we speak, Mr. Cake."

"Good, because we're gonna need a lot more cupcakes," Mr. Cake stated as he handed out more orders.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie saluted as she ran back into the kitchen, the pinkette couldn't help but ponder what the others were up to at the moment.

Meanwhile, outside of Applejack's house, both said mentioned blonde and Rainbow Dash were currently sparring with each other, both of them already transformed.

Bursts of fire and lightning raced through the sky and across the ground. On occasion both clashing with one another creating a large explosion.

"Heh. What's wrong, AJ?!" Rainbow shouted as she flew past the blonde, a confident smirk on her face, "Getting tired already?!" A blast of fire then shot right past her head.

"That answer yer question, short stuff?!" Applejack quipped as she kicked the air a few times, sending a few fireballs at the tomboy.

"Oh, it's on now, cowgirl!" Rainbow exclaimed as she raised her balled up fist into the air, "Thunder Blast!" she declared as she shot her fist forward, sending cyan and azure thunder at Applejack.

Applejack countered by firing a large blast of fire that was a mix of orange and red. Both attacks met mid air causing another explosion. The smoke slowly cleared to reveal nothing but scorched ground between them.

"Not bad...but can ya dodge this?" Rainbow smirked as she dashed towards Applejack, her fist engulfed in electrical energy.

Applejack stood her ground as her own fist was engulfed in flames, the blonde ready to counter the tomboy's attack.

Both their attacks met with one another pushing them both back in a burst of elemental energy.

"Heh...ready...to give up...yet?" Rainbow panted as she landed on the ground.

"Nah...just...gettin'...started…" Applejack panted.

"I was about to say the same." Rainbow smirked she surged lightning to her hands as she reformed them into small blades. "I think it's safe to say I can bust out a few more of my tricks here." she grinned as she flew forward and swung her arms, Applejack being forced to duck and dodge each swing.

"Heh...pretty interesting' trick there, Rainbow…" Applejack smirked a bti as she jumped back from the tomboy, "Mind if ah copy ya?"

"Pfft! Please...like anyone can copy my…" Rainbow began before Applejack's feet were engulfed in flames, 'scythes' made of fire coming out of her heels, "...Move?" she blinked as she jumped out of the way of a kick that cut down a tree, leaving both ends burning. "Well good thing Momotaros isn't here for that."

"Yeah...he'd probably get jealous or somethin'," Applejack joked a bit as she got into a ready position, almost like she was about to jump.

Rainbow saw this as she got into position as well, her eletrical blades cracklin a bit as she balled her fist up.

Both then made their move jumping into the air before swinging again resulting in another elemental clash. When the resulting smoke died down, it revealed that both Applejack and Rainbow were in a cross-counter like stance, the rainbowette's fist embedded in Applejack's face while the blonde's foot was embedded in Rainbow's face. Both were then sent flying back and crashing into the ground with a large impact.

Both rolled over and jumped to their feet, both panting just a little from exerting their energy.

"Heh….is that it? Momotaros...hits harder...than you…" Rainbow panted.

"Oh yeah? He….went down...pretty easily...that one day…" Applejack panted, recalling what happened when she first met the imagin when he possessed Ryotaro.

"Yeah well...he just hit hard...I ain't calling him Superman," Rainbow chuckled in response, "I mean...the guy is...scared of dogs...for crying out loud."

"...Beg pardon?" Applejack blinked a bit upon hearing that.

"Momotaros freaks out at the sight of dogs." Rainbow explained, "Fluttershy told me this story about how they fought this Dog Imagin...Momotaros freaked out like a madman when he saw it." she explained while taking a big breath. "I hear it was really funny, he even climbed up a tree or something to get away from it."

"...Huh...that would explain that one day..." Applejack noted.

"AHHH!-!-!-!" M-Ryotaro screamed as he climbed up a tree, "Get that thing away from me!"

"Hmm?" Applejack blinked before looking at a brown border collie sitting next to her, panting a bit, "Y'all mean Winona?"

"Yes! That demon sitting right next to you!" he cried as he climbed up even higher into the branches of the tree. "Why did no one tell me you had that?!"

"She was at th' vet when y'all first came here," Applejack explained as she knelt down to pet her dog, "Had a bit of trouble with a porcupine a week ago."

"I DON'T CARE! KEEP THAT THING AWAY F-" M-Ryotaro began before he heard a snap, "...That was the branch, wasn't it?"


"GAH!" M-Ryotaro cried as he fell from the tree and landed face first on the ground. The pain and shock knocking Momotaros out in his sand form, "Ugh...I hate dogs.." he groaned as he raised his head up, only to be greeted by Winona's face, the dog panting happily a bit.



"Hahahahahaaha!" Rainbow laughed loudly after hearing all that, "Th...that-ahah! literally happened?!" she asked as she fell backwards, kicking her legs in the air in time with her laughter, "Oh...oh god! I can't breath! I can't breath!"

"Heh heh...Ah guess that is kinda funny now that ah think about it," Applejack chuckled a bit herself.

"Ah man, the one thing I wish is I had been there...I would have recorded it on my phone," Rainbow Dash panted, catching her breath after laughing like that.

As if on cue, Rainbow's phone began to rang, catching the rainbowette's attention as she pulled out out of her cyan running shorts and answered it.


-Hi, Rainbow!- Pinkie's voice greeted her.

"Oh hey Pinkie, what's up?" she asked, hearing some sounds in the background.

-Oh nothing much. Just helping Mr. Cake out with the customers- Pinkie explained -How about you? What're you and Applejack up to?-

"Eh, not much. Just training so we can achieve or full transformations," Rainbow shrugged, "I haven't got mine yet, but i'm getting there. I can feel it."

-Cool, just taking a bit of a break for the moment, we got lots of customers today, so I'm just checking in on everyone.- Pinkie explained -Oh! How's Applejack doing in her training?-

"She's getting the hand of her powers as well as any of us."

-So...she's doing just as good as you?- Pinkie innocently asked.


-Cool...but, is she still holding up after what happened with that Armadillo Imagin a week ago?- Pinkie asked.

"Pinkie I got a few bruises and burns that say she's doing just that." Rainbow admitted dryly, "If there was anything wrong, I would've noticed. That, and if there was, she's doing a good job at hiding it."

-Just checking. Well be safe, you tend to go a little overboard now and again- Pinkie stated. -Like that time you got Den-O shocked by lightning during a thunderstorm-

"To be fair, Momotaros shouldn't have swung his sword in the air like that," Rainbow stated back.

"Hey, Rainbow! Y'all ready t' continue?!" Applejack asked, the blonde ready to continue their sparring match.

"Gotta go, Pinkie. Catch ya later."

-Kay! Bye~!- Pinkie said as she hung up on her end.

"Okay…" Rainbow began as she pocketed her phone, cracking her neck a little before punching her fist into her open palm, a cocky smirk on her face, "I'm ready, AJ."

Applejack smirked at this as both began to channel their elemental power again. Both then charged as their attacks clashed unleashing a surge of energy again.

Meanwhile, with Rarity and Fluttershy, the two seemed to be enjoying their day off as they walked through the park..

Both of them had nothing to be done this day. Fluttershy had no animals to take care of today, and no plans to go do any work at the park. Rarity herself was given the day off to relax as well. However neither of them had any plans for the day. They would have visited Ryotaro and Airi, but they decided to let him enjoy a little quite as well. They felt they took enough of his time he spent with his sister. They also figured the others were busy with their own things, so they decided to hang out with each other. Where though...they were still a bit unsure.

Out of curiosity Fluttershy felt compelled to ask what was on her mind.

"Rarity...do you know what the others are up to?" she asked as they both walked through the park.

"Hmm...I'm unsure really," Rarity replied, "Rainbow and Applejack are probably still training, Twilight is probably catching up on her studies, Pinkie probably being...well, Pinkie, and no doubt Ryotaro must be having a quiet day with his sister." 'That is if Momotaros and the other imagin hasn't disturbed anything yet.' she stated in her mind, honestly wanting Ryotaro to have a quite day to himself. "Anyway, everyone must be enjoying a little day off in their own ways."

"S...soka," Fluttershy noted, "Ano...then what shall we do?"

"Hm...I'm not really sure, I had no plans for today, I was thinking of either going shopping and see what caught my eye or spend the day at home," Rarity admitted.

"Oh...I see…" Fluttershy noted once more, "Ano...I...really don't have much to do today either. It's my day off at the vet, and none of the animals at the park need to be fed."

"In short, no one really has anything to do." Rarity nodded. "It's days like this where I wish the Imagin would pop up, so we wouldn't miss anything." she admitted with a slight giggle.

"H-hai," Fluttershy nodded with a slight giggle.

"Hmm...btu what can we do…?" Rarity pondered a bit, tapping her chin in thought for a moment before she got na idea, "Oh! I think I got just the idea!"

"Eh...what?" Fluttershy asked in curiosity.

"We could head to the local spa," rarity suggested, "I recalled they've gotten quite a good amount of reviews, so I figured you and I could head there for a nice, relaxing day."

"Oh that sounds wonderful." Fluttershy admitted. "I've always wanted to go to a place like that...but I guess I've never found the time." she chuckled while poking her fingers together.

"I see, well then we have something to do then," Rarity giggled, "Now come on. Let's hurry before there isn't any reservations left."

"H-hai," Fluttershy nodded as the two made their way to the Spa, adding a little more energy to their steps to get their faster.

Meanwhile, with Spike and his friends, the group were currently bored out of their minds. Reason; the arcade was closed because some of the games shorted out. All of them bored because of this.

"Ah man...this...this is so boring." Spike complained.

"I agree...I'm bored out of my skull here," Scootaloo muttered, resting her head on a table.

"What are we gonna do?" Sweetie Belle asked. "The arcade is closed...and everyone else is busy."

"Ah know, especially mah sister," Applebloom added, "There has t' be something we can do."

"Hm...no arcade, no school, no nothing...well we could go hang out at Ryotaro's family Cafe and wait and see when he gets possessed," Spike offered, all of them finding his random possessions pretty funny.

"Hmm….Ah guess so," Applebloom shrugged.

"Got nothing better to do, so alright," Scootaloo added.

"Well at the very least it'll be funny." Sweetie Belle chimed in. "That is unless another monster attacks and we get stuck in the middle." she pointed out, making all of them blink at the possibility. All of a sudden going to visit Ryotaro sounded like a much better option.

"..So we're all in agreement. Visit Ryotaro?" Spike asked.

"Yup," the three girls nodded.

With that, all of them got up and made their way to Milk Dipper as fast as they could. It didn't take long to get to said place as they weren't too far away from it. They had to admit it was a nice place to visit, it's just as kids the library part of it seemed to instinctively bore them.

"I wonder what he's up to right now?" Spike asked as he opened the door.

"Kame stop moving! The arm is going numb!" Momotaros voice came from Ryotaro, who's eyes were flashing multiple colors rapidly. His hair gaining four streaks of color this time.

"I'm trying but Kin is pushing again!" Urataros voice came out this time as he began to twitch around.

"Doskoi!" Kintaros' voice came out as he slammed his foot in the ground.

"Mou, this is really weird!"

"Well this is a new one." All four kids blinked, seeing Ryotaro spasm around as the Taros fought for control before Ryotaro suddenly stopped as a burst of light came off him, sending all four Taros back to DenLiner. Ryotaro muttered something before he fell over.

"Is...he alright?" Sweetie Belle asked in a bit of concern.

"He's been going through this all day." Twilight explained as she helped Ryotaro up. "The Taros have been trying to...make him unlock a new form all day."

"A new form?" Spike and his friends repeated in unison.

"Yeah, Ryotaro has a new power, that the idiots who live with him can't make work." Twilight sighed.

"For some odd reason, Momotaros thinks he can unlock it by posing with the other Taros," Ryotaro added with a heavy sigh.

"Yes it can! I can prove it!"

"Oh not again…" Ryotaro paled as he tried to stop them, only for another flash as his hair raised up with four colored streaks as his eyes began changing color again.

"Oh no…" Twilight groaned as she facepalmed.

"We can make this work!" Momotaros shouted as Ryotaro shot up. "Oh hey kids." he greeted causally.

"Uh...hey Momotaros," Spike answered.

"Wai! Minna!" Ryutaro's voice greeted as Ryotaro blurred forward and grabbed all four of them in a big hug his strength making it a tight one. "I missed you guys!" he smiled through Ryotaro.

"Can't...breath…" Sweetie Belle wheezed.

"Oh...crud...he's even stronger then before…" Spike grunted.

"He hugs almost as hard as Big Mac," Applebloom grunted a bit.

"HUGS!" he cried happily hugging even harder.

"Ryutaros let them go you will squish them." Urataros complained.

"Aww~but I want to keep hugging them!" Ryutaros whined.

"Their faces are gonna turn blue if you keep hugging them, kozo!"

"Drop." Kintaros voice stated as Ryotaro opened his arms, letting the kids fall to the ground, "...Sorry."

"You could've dropped us gently, you know," Scootaloo muttered.

"Sorry, my body is all...out of control with all of them in me at once," Ryotaro apologised. "If this keeps up, I'm probably gonna be out of commision for a week."

"Those idiots…" Twilight growled in frustration, making Ryotaro freak as all the Taros saw a dark intimidating aura coming off of her.

"Wa...wait Mahou-onna we can talk about this...you don't have to hit Ryotaro…"

"S-sempai's right, Twilight-chan. W...we can resolve this rationally…"

"Don't hit us again!" Kintaros and Ryutaros cried.

"...Oh don't worry...I'm not going to hit you," Twilight replied in a rather...unsettling calm tone.

"Twilight, please don't be too hard on them." Ryotaro smiled, not even trying to protect the Taros.

"Betrayer!" all four shouted.

"Oh don't worry, Ryotaro...I have something...special in mind for them." Twilight smiled calmly, a dark violet aura forming over her, making Ryotaro shudder due to the Taro's fear.

"Mahou-onna please stop, STOP!" Momotaros begged making Ryotaro's arms shoot up to keep her away from him.

"Sempei, I think we've gone past the line of forgiveness…" Urataros gulped as Twilight began to approach.

"Ah...wait Twilight-chan it's not all our fault!" Ryutaros complained, making Ryotaro comically cry from his taking control, "Hit Baka-momo! He's the one you should be mad at!"


"Now you're all just spouting random things!" Urataros complained before a birght flash blinded the room.

After a few seconds, Ryotaro stood back up, back to normal once again.

"You know...I'm not saying I prefer the magic zap, but it's better then the hitting." he panted his body tired again from the multiple possessions, "...Ano...what exactly did you do to Momotaros and the others, Twilight?"

"Look for yourself." Twilight replied, holding up a glass jar in her hand that held a red light.

"Gah...she's turned us into items from a RPG!" Momotaros shouted from inside the glass jar.

"Now I know how those fairies in the Legend of Zelda series feel…" Urataros' voice sighed from another glass jar.

"Zzzz...ZZZZZZ" Kintaros snores came from a third jar, said jar shaking as it did.

"Wah...nani kore?!" Ryutaros asked from a fourth jar.

"Su...sugoi." Ryotaro said as he grabbed the snoring jar of Kintaros. "Wow...I didn't know you could do things like this Twilight, this is amazing."

"Don't just stand there and gawk, Ryotaro! Let us out!"

"They're not coming out until I say so," Twilight stated as she put Momotaros' jar down, "And thanks. I've been learning more and more spells whenever I can."

"Wow...I've never seen you do this stuff in person…" Spike said grabbing the Urataros jar. "I've seen you transform that one time...but even then, Momotaros did a lot of the fighting. This is so cool."

"Eheh...thanks, Spike," Twilight chuckled sheepishly as she scratched her cheek a little.

"This isn't even the most impressive thing Twilight can do." Ryotaro smiled. "She can do all sorts of cool things when she needs to."

"he's right you know," Urataros spoke up, "Twilight-chan can create illusions, magic traps, barriers, and many more."

"Your sweet talk won't get you out of their any time soon," Twilight deadpanned.

"Could you blame a guy for trying?"

"...Keep it up, and I might be tempted to put you and Momotaros in the Coffee grinder," Twilight threatened.

"Okay...I'm going to take these now." Ryotaro said taking the jars away from Twilight. "We just got a new one, no need to mess it up by putting them in it."

"I know. I'm just making my point," Twilight stated.

"Wow…" the girls said as Ryotaro put the jars in front of them. They then began messing with the jars, earning complaints from Momotaros, Urataros and Kintaros.

"O-oi oi! Stop that!" Momotaros snapped as Applebloom shook the jar he was in a bit, "Ugh...I'm starting to get a bit queasy!"

"Please stop it...no don't just leave me upside down...Sweetie Belle!" Urataros complained as she left his jar upside down.


"...did he just fall asleep?" Scootaloo blinked as she held the Bear Imagin's jar.

"He does it compulsively."

"haha...it's kind of funny when it happens to you guys." Ryutaros laughed.

"Shut it, Kozo! Urp...gonna puke…"

"Can Imagin really puke?" Applebloom asked curiously.

"Don't know...and I think I don't want to find out," Sweetie Belle gagged a bit.

"That's actually a good question. I mean they clearly are able to eat and drink...so it has to go somewhere…" Ryotaro muttered.

"Yeah…" Twilight agreed, holding her chin a bit in thought, "...Maybe I should look further into Imagin when I get the chance."

"Stop-up! Looking at us like test subjects, Mahou-onna!" Momotaros snapped.

"Oh come on you're made of sand." Twilight teased.

"Urusai!" Momotaros snapped.

"I wonder how the other girls are doing?"

"Shut it, ero-kame!"

Meanwhile, back with Rarity and Fluttershy, the two were in the spa relaxing as they both sat down in the robes the spa provided. Both of them enjoying the relaxing environment. Compared to the last few weeks of their lives it was pleasant. Very pleasant, it made all their stress and worries just disappear from the chance to relax.

"Ah...this was just what I needed." Rarity sighed contently as she leaned back in her seat. "After all these crazy battles of life and death, a nice day like this is heaven."

"Hai," Fluttershy agreed as she leaned back, her head wrapped in a towel as she had a calm, peaceful look on her face. It really felt good to be able to just enjoy time with one of her new friends. She was glad it was something she could enjoy so calmly. She loved helping her other friends with their likes and hobbies, but something like this was just what she would want to do.

"Is there anything else we can do for you two?" a woman with light blue hair and a light pink dress asked.

"Yes? Is there?" a second woman that was an invert of the first one, as in she had light pink hair, and was wearing a light blue dress, asked.

"Oh no, we are good for the moment." Fluttershy responded as she sat up to address them. "But we will find you should we need something."

"Alright then," the light bluette nodded as she and the light pinkette left to tend to the other customers.

"Ahh….I knew going to this place was a good idea," Rarity sighed in bliss as she rested back in her seat, "Perhaps I'll Invite Airi along next time we come here, Fluttershy."

"Oh that sounds nice, I'm sure she would love that." Fluttershy nodded in agreement as she leaned back into her chair, "Ooh. Maybe we can invite Twilight and the others as well."

"Most likely, yes. Though honestly, I doubt Rainbow and Applejack would come along," Rarity admitted.

"Eh? Why?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well just given their character and personality I don't think this is their type of activity. They may still come as our friends...but they probably won't find as much enjoyment out of it like you and I do." Rarity explained.

"...I suppose that's true," Fluttershy admitted.

"Twilight I'm sure would love the quiet atmosphere, Pinkie...well...with her I honestly couldn't say. She may end up taking to it...or cause problems...with that girl it's like flipping a coin." Rarity had to admit. Many times Pinkie would surprise her by liking something in a common ground, but other times she'd act as expected.

"H...hai…" Fluttershy slowly nodded. She had to agree that Pinkie was a tricky person to predict. But she was still one of her friends and had grown use to some of her antics, enjoying a good laugh from them.

"Right. Well...ahem, let's not stress on it further. Let's just get back to having a relaxing day, shall we?" Rarity suggested.

"Of course." Fluttershy nodded liking that idea. She then began to innocently wonder what the others where up to.

Back over with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, the two were panting heavily as stood stood across from each other, sweat practically dripping off their heads as they spent the entire day training against each other.

"Hah...okay so...I might be willing...to call that last round a draw...how 'bout you?" Rainbow asked through her breathing.

"S...so...sounds like...a good...idea…" Applejack answered.

"Yeah...never been this fun since the time with Momo." she laughed a little at the memory. "Even then, never got to fight him with my powers...I wanted to...but Fluttershy knows how to scare that type of idea out of you."

"Heh...ah can imagine," Applejack chuckled a bit as she plopped down on her butt, the blonde losing her transformation.

"Yeah…" Rainbow sighed as she did the same and sat down before she sighed and fell on her back. "Kay...I'll give Ryotaro this. As Den-O he can take way more punishment...I swear I think I've seen that armor tank a real missile once."

"...I'd say y'all are just exageratin', but I'd believe it…" Applejack admitted a bit, "That, and ah am tired as heck right now.

"Yeah...if we did continue, then there's a mighty high chance we'd probably end up too exhausted or hurt to even move," Rainbow added. "Plus I can just hear the complaints and chewing outs I'd get from the others when they find out i did something like that." she sighed all too use to how everyone would reprimand her for her recklessness; while beating Momotaros for the exact same.

"Yeah...Ah guess yer right," Applejack nodded a bit, "...So...now what?"

"Don't know….want to head to the Milk Dipper?" she asked sitting up. "It's where we all hang out when we got nothing to do anyway." she added. "Plus, I bet Momotaros has done something stupid we can pick on him about."

"Ah see...alright. Let's go then," Applejack shrugged a bit as she stood up.

"Sweet," Rainbow smiled a bit as the two began to leave, "I bet Pinkie and the others are probably there now."


Pinkie sat down at one of the now empty tables at Sugarcube Corner, flour and powdered sugar covering her. She gave a quick sigh before she let her head slam on the table, her hair poofing up more as a result.

"I feel tired...and happy at the same time...I did so much work and got to help so much...Pinkie's tired…" she mumbled to herself.

"Me too…" Mr. Cake sighed as he sat down as well, "I think I'm gonna need a few days off after today."

"Well you got a baby on the way, would offer you a good excuse." Pinkie offered as she shook her head making a large white cloud of flour and powdered sugar.

"Indeed," Mr. Cake nodded as he took a sigh. "It was a crazy day...I'm glad we got it all done." he said as he wiped some sweat from his brow. "You should head on out of here Pinkie, I'll be closing up early today so go and spend time with your friends."

"Good idea…" Pinkie nodded as she stood up, "Call me when you hear something about Ms. Cake."

"Will do." he smiled as Pinkie waved goodbye as she left.

"Hm...I know. I'll go to Milk Dipper and check on everybody," Pinkie beamed as she began to skip...only to wince a bit as she resumed walking, "Ow...legs too sore to skip." she complained at not being able to have her little fun, "Hopefully Ryo's having a good time."

"YOU LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW!" Momotaros shouted, his glass jar hopping up and down, "I demand that you release me now, Mahou-onna or so help me!"

"I don't think that's gonna get us out, sempai."

"Shut it, ero-kame!"


"Are you still sleeping, kuma?!"

"You know it's kind of funny watching them." Ryotaro admitted with a slight chuckle.

"I know. It's like that old show the Three Stooges," Spike chuckled.

"Yeah," Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle giggled a bit in agreement.

"Well, at least we can find some amusement out of them." Twilight chuckled. "We'll let you out after we've had enough of your comedy."

"That sounds fair." Ryotaro nodded in agreement with his friend.

"We're not your damn playthings!" Momotaros snapped as the front door opened as everyone came in at the same time, "...Oh thank god! Mizu-onna! Kaze-onna! Chikyu-onna! Rainbow!...Cowgirl."

"...Uh….what the…?" Rainbow began.

"Do we even want t' know?" Applejack asked with a slight sweatdrop.

"In short Momotaros and the others kept messing with Ryotaro by possesing him at the same time, so I trapped them in these jars." Twilight explained as she tossed the jar with Kintaros to Rainbow.

"Whoa...you can do that, awesome." Rainbow said holding up the jar, "...Wait. Is he sleeping again?"

"Yeah...I don't know what to say about that." Twilight shrugged.

"This is so amazing!" Pinkie said grabbing the Ryutaros jar. "I can carry Ryuta in my backpack or pocket from now on...it's like my birthday came early!"

"Wai!" Ryutaros beamed.

"Don't cheer, gaki! We still need to get out of these things!"

"I said I'd let you out after I feel like it." Twilight teased to the Taros. "Pinkie, you can keep Ryuta if he likes."

"I do like it!" Ryutaros cheered eyes visibly forming in the purple light that was him; as they closed into eye smiles.


"...To think this day started in such a relaxing manner," Rarity sweatdropped.

"H...hai," Fluttershy slowly nodded.

"I'm sorry about that." Ryotaro chuckled. "But still this is admittedly kind of funny." he chuckled.

"...Heh. It kinda is to be honest," Rainbow chuckled a bit.

"Yeah...I like how Momo's jar is shaking and jumping." Pinkie laughed along with everyone else as the jar with the red light that was Momotaros was doing just that and even flashed brighter red as if heating up.

"...Quiestion. Why were they possesin' Ryotaro anyway?" Applejack couldn't help but ask.

"They were trying to unlock Climax Form," Twilight explained.

"Unlock?" everyone blinked.

"They don't know how to turn me into it again…" Ryotaro admitted. "And neither do I." he awkwardly admitted.

"...Have you tried using that phone y'all got the day ah joined?" Applejack suggested, "Y'all were able t' transform because y'all had that thing."

"No actually...I haven't tried that." Ryotaro said pulling the phone out. "I wondered why it attached to my belt that time."

"Ooh~ Ooh~ Ryo...try pressing the color coated buttons!" Pinkie suggested.

"Uhm...okay." Ryotaro nodded pressing all the red buttons.


With that the jar that was once red became empty as a red flash covered Ryotaro, turning him to M-Ryotaro.

"YOSHA!" he roared at Twilight. "I'm free!"

"...that was interestng," Twilight noted as she looked at the phone, "Pressing all those red buttons turned Ryotaro into...well, M-Ryotaro."

"Freedom!" M-Ryotaro shouted as he ran around the cafe. He then grabbed a wooden support beam and used it to run in circles.

"Hmm…" Twilight pondered as she looked at the phone carefully, "If we can figure out what buttons to press, Ryotaro can access Climax Form whenever he wants."

"Ooh! I think I might know!" Pinkie shouted as she snatched the phone, "Press teh red, blue, yellow, and purple buttons in that order!"

"...Pinkie, I highly doubt a combination as easy as that w-" Twilight began skeptically.

"Like this silly." Pinkie giggled, pressing them all in order.


Pinkie then pressed the button on the side, making the phone shout again.


With that, the Den-O belt formd on it's own as the phone attached itself again. Multi-colored shards then slammed into M-Ryotaro and formed the basic armor that he had as Climax form last time. All four masks locked into place again as Sword form's eyes 'peeled'.

"...How….I….Wh…" Twilight gawked.

"Twilight...it's pinkie. Don't question it," Rainbow sighed, "...But other than that, we just found out how Ryo can turn into Climax form now."

"Booyeah!" Den-O shouted picking up all the kids in his arms, "I knew I could turn into this form again!"

"Uh...t' be fair, didn't Pinkie figure out how t' turn y'all into this new form?" Applebloom asked.

"...true, but don't care! I can kick ass 4 times as much now!" Den-O whooped. "This is so cool. O h man, I'm so hyped, I want to just beat up any imagin that attacks! Or better yet...I want to spar! oi cowgirl, you a-"

"Sorry. Me and Rainbow are a bit tuckered out from trainin' today," Applejack stated.

"Ah…" Ryutaros voice complained from Den-O. "Oh well at least we made it work. Big hug!" he shouted.

"No!" the kids all cried instantly.

"Mou…" Ryutaros whined.

"Sorry Ryuta, b…" Pinkie began before her phone rang, "Hmm?" she pulled it out and answered. "Hello~" she answered happily. "Oh Hi Mr. Cake….wait. Say that again...no the last part...No the part after that...yes that part!" she said excitedly, "Oh my gosh...Oh my gosh!"

"What? What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Imagin attack?!" Momotaros asked in slight hope.

"No! Bigger than that!" Pinkie stated pushing her face into Den-O's mask, "Guess-guess-guess-guess-guess!-?-!-?-!"

"Twilight, she's gone crazy again! Get the tranquilizer!" Urataros stated from Den-O.

"Pinkie, calm down!" applejack shouted as she pulled the excited pinkette off Den-O, "Now calm down and explain slowly."

"Okay~!" Pinkie giggled as she took in a sharp and deep breath. "Okay...I'm calm."

"Good. Now...what's got y'all so excited?" Applejack asked.

"Mr. Cake just called me from the hospital." she began, getting everyone's attention. "Don't worry it's really good news, or should I say two." she giggled teasingly taking her time to build up their reactions.

"Dang it, Pinkie! Just tell us what it is!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Mrs. Cakes went into labour earlier after I left their shop today." she stated happily. "She just had her baby...or should I say babies. Twins a boy and a girl." she smiled.


"Seriously? Is that why you were so exci-?" Momotaros began, only for Den-O to suddenly be pushed aside. "Ugh...never mind."

"This is happy news." Urataros said as Den-O stood back up.

"Why is everyone so excited for babies?" Ryutaros asked curiously and innocently.

"Becuase they are happy Mrs. Cake's had her babies and they are healthy." Ryotaro stated.

"Yup!" Pinkie nodded her head really fast, "Ooh! If we hurry, we can go see them!"

"Lets go!" Ryutaros said as Den-O ran for the door only for Applejack to grab the Kamen Rider by Rod form's mask on his shoulder keeping him from running out the door. "Boo~"

"Lose the armor, Ryuta," Applejack stated, "We can't have y'all runn' around town in yer armor."

"She has a point," Urataros spoke up

"Okay." Ryutaros said grabbing the belt.

"Wait Kozo...don't!" Momotaros cried as Den-O yanked the belt off. In a bright flash all the taros were ejected out as bright lights and landed as their sand forms.

Ryotaro was left standing there, holding his belt before he fell over to the ground.

"Woah there, Ryo…" Applejack said as she caught him in time.

"Sorry Applejack...I just lose a lot of energy when I use that form...I'll have to train on my own to better use that." Ryotaro chuckled as he stood back up by himself.

"Agreed," Applejack nodded, "Me and Rainbow can help y'all with that later. Fer now, let's hurry and catch up with th' others."

"Right." Ryotaro smiled.

Meanwhile, across town at the hospital, all was calm as the sun set making it night. The hospital was mostly quiet and working away peacefully. No one minding any sudden visitors coming to check on the newborn twins that were born earlier.

But on the roof of the hospital, something was forming. Sand...it slowly began to ground together and form something solid. The new figure was tall and imposing. The sand solidifying and beginning to take color. The figure was an Imagin. But unlike most he did not seem so...threatening or imposing. He was a solid white with gold accents. A long coat tail seemingly made of feathers hung around his waist.
