• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 635 Views, 15 Comments

Gathering Pieces - Random_User

Teams across Equestria begin the search for the framents of Princess Amore in hopes that she can be restored. One group of adventures finds more than what they were searching for, when they discover a fragment hidden within the Everfree Forest.

  • ...


Chapter 13

“Those are not the hooffalls of a Changeling behind us,” Stone said, without turning his head.

“You’ve got good ears.” With a fluid leap, his back just missing the low ceiling of the tunnel, Grayson landed on Stone’s back. “Come, my faithful steed. We ride to war.”

“You are no gallant knight.”

“And you’re no horse, even if you’re about the right size right now.” Grayson patted Stone’s shoulder. “We’ll just have to fake it.”

Stone snorted. “We doubt any act we could muster would convince anyone. The tunnel is about to open up. Make yourself ready.”

Grayson freed his mace from his belt. “Will there be enough room for me to fly?”

“The cavern is about the same size as the entry chamber to Twilight’s castle, but the ceiling is lower.”

“So, there’s limited flight paths to attack from.”

“Quite. Be mindful of the stalactites, if you do take to wing.”

“Shouldn’t it be dark by now? We’re too far from the entrance for light to reach this far.”

“I would surmise we are expected and they were considerate enough to keep the lighting spells active.”

“No chance to the element of surprise for us then.”

“None whatsoever,” Stone grimly stated, as he moved into the cavern with caution. While somewhat spacious, the cavern’s floor was rough and uneven. Unevenly spaced stalagmites and stalactites created barriers and stone curtains that hindered sight across the cavern.

“Horse apples,” Grayson muttered. “You couldn’t ask for a more defensive spot.”

“Curious.” Sunburst stepped into sight, from behind a cluster of stone spires. The Nightmares’ influence had increased his height beyond that of a typical unicorn stallion and added darker streaks to his mane and tail, giving him a regal appearance. “We assumed that you would return, having used up your strength in the vain effort to save the pony. We did not envision you inhabiting a new host and carrying a griffin on your back when you made your way back to us.”

Grayson smiled and shrugged nonchalantly. “Life can take odd turns like that. By the way, the pony and her friends are doing just fine.”

“You and the ponies are insignificant,” Sunburst stated, waving a dismissive hoof at Grayson. “Remain silent, you malformed beast. We would speak with our brethren without you cawing like a sickened crow.”

Grayson feathers fluffed, as he spread his wings and stood on Stone’s back. “You greasy fart of a parasite! I’ll show you who is insignificant!”

“Hold,” Stone said to Grayson, turning his head just enough to look at him. He cut his eyes back towards Sunburst. “Surely you have deduced that we did not come without allies.”

“We did and we know that others have entered our sanctuary with you.” Sunburst sneered. “It matters not.”

“There is an alternative to being removed from the board like a sacrificial pawn. As you can see, this pony has the means to ensure our survival for quite a time. Come peaceably, help us gather the others, and we can all leave here peaceably. The ponies intend to send us back to the moon and do not wish to harm us.”

“If we succeed, we shall have the same without the ponies controlling our source of power.”

“We offer a surety; you cannot say the same.”

“That is risk we are willing to accept, as you well know.” Sunburst’s horn flared. “We shall grant you one chance. Flee or be ended.”

Stone reared and let loose a challenging neigh. As Stone rose, Grayson tumbled from Stone’s back and landed on his paws and talons then scurried behind a stone column.

“What do you expect to gain from a frontal assault?!” Sunburst dropped his head and let loose a stream of power towards the charging earth pony. The spell parted around Stone as if pushed apart by an unseen wedge. Sunburst managed to raise his head in shock, as Stone struck him.

“We expect to end this contest swiftly!” Pressing the advantage, Stone pummeled Sunburst with a series of well-placed blows.

After throwing up a barrier around himself, Sunburst shook his head and steadied himself. “Your host came prepared it would seem.”

Grayson silently approached Sunburst from behind, holding one of the magical nullifying stones in front of him. As the stone contacted the barrier around Sunburst, the spell failed and splintered into sparks. With a swing of his mace, Grayson took Sunburst’s hind legs out from under him. “He’s not the only one who came ready to kick your flank!”

Sunburst snarled, turned toward Grayson, and let loose a burst of magical power.

Grayson lithely dodged the blast, but shards from a stone formation shattered by the bolt of energy struck him. With a pained yowl, Grayson ducked from sight.

Stone tackled Sunburst and struck him repeatedly. “Yield and we shall grant mercy!”

“This shall be to the death!” Sunburst kicked up with all four of his legs, launching Stone from him.

“You’ll be the one to die, if you keep this up!” Grayson yelled, concealed in the cavern’s stone formations.

“So be it, so long as the others accomplish our task!” Sunburst rolled and got to his hooves. “Even with the earth pony’s strength bolstering our traitorous kin, you cannot overcome us!”

“Then it is good thing I am here.” As Sunburst turned to face her, Bonsmara lunged from her concealment and caught the side of his head with a blow from her shield then brought the flat of her ax down on his shoulders, driving him to his knees. “I will make up for the deficiency.”

Sunburst swung his head in an attempt to pierce Bonsmara. She defected his attach with her shield and struck his head with the flat of her ax. Grunting in pain, he let loose a spherical burst of power from the tip of his horn that surrounded him and then pushed out with considerable force, sending her staggering back.

“So you can do more than bluster.” Bonsmara grinned and struck the side of her shield with her ax. “Get up. I want to see what else you can do.”

Stone moved to Bonsmara’s side. “Again, we beseech you to surrender. We will be taking the unicorn with us, whether you inhabit his body or no.”

“Sunburst! Help me!”

Fierce dragged Starlight into view as if coming from deeper in the cavern, using a roughly made halter and crude set of reins. “I told you to keep your yap shut!” He pulled on the reins, jerking her head and directing Starlight towards the cavern’s exit. “Quit dragging your hooves or I will give you reason to move! Twilight said that we were to bring you back to answer for betraying Equestria, she did not say what shape you had to be in when we presented you to her!”

“You filthy, misbegotten cur, how dare you?!” Ignoring Stone and Bonsmara, Sunburst stalked towards Fierce. “What have you done to our kindred?! That pony is ours! If you do not let the pony go and answer us, we shall flay you alive!”

A streak of blue magic lanced from between a series of stalactites and engulfed Sunburst.

“Marvelous shot!” Bonsmara cheered.

Still held within the spell, Sunburst bellowed in pain and thrashed on the cavern’s floor. Wrapping his forelegs around his head, he curled into a ball, went still, and screamed, “Get out of my head!”

The Nightmares flowed from Sunbust and were trapped within the boundaries of the spell surrounding him. The barrier shifted, dragging the Nightmares away from Sunburst and releasing him from its confines.

Stone stood before towards the roiling mass of Nightmares. “We cannot risk you blending with us and influencing Stone. We had hoped that you would see reason and see violence avoided. As things stand, we will have to decide on another means to confine you.”

Sunburst unsteadily got to his hooves and fixed Fierce with a furious gaze. “I don’t know who that is, but if you don’t get the halter off her this instant I’ll follow through with what the Nightmare’s promised!”

Fierce dropped the reigns, held his paws up, and took a step away from the false Starlight. “Steady on there, lad, it was just an act! This is Puca, a changeling, and good friend of mine! I would not hurt her for the world!”

Puca closed the distance between her and Sunburst and hugged him. “It’s alright.” She stroked a hoof down his neck and to his shoulders. “I’m fine. He didn’t hurt me. I volunteered for this, so don’t be angry at him.”

Using his magic, Sunburst removed the halter from her and tossed it away. He reached up and touched her cheek with a hoof and choked back a sob. “You look and sound just like her. For a second, when he had you and pulled on the reigns…” He dropped his head to her shoulder and let his tears fall. “You gave me enough focus to fight them and throw them off their concentration, but, feeling their fury too, I nearly lost myself to the anger. Celestia above, I’m furious, happy, and scared out of my mind all at the same time.”

“I’m sorry we had to use the image of the one you care for like this,” she said.

“I understand and I’m not really mad at you. I’m just mentally exhausted from fighting them. I’ve been trying to get loose for…” He paused, chuckled, and shook his head. “You know, I don’t have a clue how long it’s been.”

“It is interesting that you managed to free the pony from us,” a rich, feminine voice said, from the far end of the cavern. “Let us even the score.”

A burst of purple magic ruptured the spell holding the Nightmares. Starlight Glimmer, taller and bearing the markings of being taken by the Nightmares, took bold strides towards the group. After coalescing into a shadowy mass, the Nightmares flew towards the true Starlight. She paused and took the Nightmares within her. Her eyes remained closed as she tilted her head slightly and appeared to be listening to speaker that only she could hear.

“Not good,” Puca said. “I’m not feeling a pony in there at all.”

Opening her eyes, Starlight gave Puca a contemptuous look. “We do not know whether to be flattered or disgusted that you used our likeness to distract the host pony. We will make this offer but once: take him and leave. Elsewise, we will break you and feed on every morsel of fear that we can bleed from you before you perish.”

Sunburst moved away from Puca, towards Starlight. “Starlight, I know you’re in there! Fight them!”

“Your pleas move us not. We have subdued her utterly. Her lingering guilt and numerous insecurities make her much more manageable than you.” Starlight leaned forward, smiling in a cruel, predatory fashion. “She is ours, body and soul!” She raised a barrier, just before Cadance’s spell struck her from the side. Starlight turned her head and smirked. “There you are. We wondered where the spell user was. That leaves us to find where the wounded one slunk off to.”

Cadance stepped from her hiding spot. “You know you cannot defeat us. I am an alicorn, one of the most powerful beings in Equestra. We have Stone with us as well, who is more than a match for you on his own. If you come with us willingly, we will do all in our power to make sure you get home.”

“A match for us?” Starlight laughed. “We are many times removed from Sunburst. He struggles to cast spells that we consider trifling.” She glanced towards Stone and released a ball of magical energy which floated towards him with an ominous electrical hissing. “Even with our fellows using all their powers to keep him from being rendered into a bloody smear, this will end their dirt pony host.”

“Move away from us!” Stone shouted. The others had a split second to react, before Stone was swallowed by an expanding sphere of destructive power. The sphere lingered for a brief time and then faded. Stone, standing in a shallow bowl carved out by the spell blinked a couple of times and then shivered as if he had just plunged into ice water. “That was an interesting sensation, but we would rather not experience it again.”

“That should have turned you to pulp!” Starlight fumed. Her eyes suddenly going wide, Starlight whinnied, kicked out her hind legs and then let loose a beam of power over her shoulder.

“You missed, and I didn’t,” Grayson declared, “so much for your vaunted superiority!”

Starlight looked to her flank, where three throwing knives had found their marks. “You insult us.” Using her magic, she pulled the blades from her. “Observe, you simpleton, there is nary a drop of blood. We heal so that such annoyances do not do so much as make a mark.”

“Good to hear!” Grayson mocked, as he hovered near the cavern’s ceiling, partially shielded by a stalactite. “I didn’t want them to get stained anyway! Those are from my favorite set!”

“I must assume that you have the same protection that the dirt pony has or you would not be so flippant.” With a burst from her horn, Starlight shattered several of the nearby stone formation and levitated the resulting hundreds of shards so they formed a circle around her. “Since using spells directly against you seems to be futile, I will take your cowardly attack as inspiration and butcher you all with base instruments!”

“Horse apples!” Grayson barely dodged the stone fragments Starlight sent towards him, ducking behind the stalactite he had been close to.

Cadence raised a barrier as Starlight sent several of the stones in her direction at the same time she assaulted Grayson. “Everyone scatter! I can’t shield you and me at the same time with as much force as she is putting behind those things!”

“Here dog, catch!” Starlight sent a burst of shards towards Fierce. Bonsmara stepped in front of him, putting her shield before the stones. The shield held against the stones and protected her and Fierce’s upper bodies, several of the fragments hit her legs, causing her to cry out in pain.

“Bonsmara!” Fierce tucked an arm around her and helped her stay upright.

Stone charged Starlight, who sent a stream of shards his way.

Sunburst formed a magical shield in front of Stone, allowing the juggernaut to continue his assault.

“Can you guard yourself as well?!” Not taking her eyes from Stone, Starlight sent a flurry of projectiles towards Sunburst.

Puca embraced Sunburst from the side and used a green wedge of power to divert the attack. “Keep shielding Stone!”

Running through the hovering circle of shards, receiving a number of cuts to his face, chest, and legs as he did so, Stone slammed into Starlight and knocked her from her hooves. He attempted to pin her, but landed on top of her at a poor angle.

“Remove yourself from me you savage!” Starlight stabbed forward with her horn, slicing from Stone’s shoulder to his ribs.

Drawing a hissing breath, Stone adjusted his position so that a foreleg was braced against Starlight’s throat, keeping her from reaching him with her horn. Even pinned, Starlight struck him in the shoulders and ribs and tried to kick him off her. While her attacks were vicious and well placed, each consecutive blow lacked a portion of the strength of the previous.

Between pained grunts, Stone called out, “We could use some assistance!”

“You have it!” Fierce quickly approached the struggling ponies and deftly slipped a limiter ring down Starlight’s horn. “Get away from her, Stone!”

After giving Fierce an uncertain look, Stone rolled off of Starlight and put distance between him and her.

“That was foolish.” Starlight said, lingering on the floor. “We shall still overcome you all.”

“Get to your hooves.” Stone tapped his blade against the pads of free hand. “If you test my patience, I will make what I am about to do much more unpleasant for you.”

With noticeable effort, Starlight got to her hooves.

“You seem to favor edged weapons. As fate would have it, so do I.” He saluted her with his sword. “You wounded my love. For that, I challenge you.”

“Your hubris will cause your demise.”

With a growl and a motion almost too quick to follow, Fierce struck her across muzzle with his blade, leaving her with a startled look and an angry welt. “It is not hubris, if one can back it up.”

“We shall test that!” Starlight awkwardly lunged, leveling her horn as if to run Fierce through.

Fierce parried the attack; side stepped, and cuffed her with the hilt of his sword. “First blood goes to me!”

Starlight drunkenly lashed at Fierce with her horn. “Who draws last blood is what matters in these things. Besides, as you can see, your attack did naught!”

Fierce slapped Starlight across the haunch with his blade and maneuvered away from her. “It is the principle of the thing!”

Starlight turned sharply, almost falling over her own hooves, in an attempt to slash Fierce. “I will cripple you and force you to watch as I torture that cow that ” Starlight’s words halted, as the point of Fierce’s blade came to rest between her eyes.

Fierce growled, “I would mind my tongue, if I were you.”

“Don’t kill her!” Sunburst begged. “Starlight is in there!”

“I would never do such a thing.” Fierce stepped back from Starlight and lowered his blade. “Our match is ended, albeit too soon for my liking. I have had my satisfaction, so it will have to suffice.”

“We are not finished,” Starlight said, seeming to have to focus on her words.

“I must disagree. There is no sport in fighting an opponent who can barely manage to stand.”

Starlight began to sway. A moment later, her hind quarters gave out and she collapsed to the floor. “What foul trick is this?” she asked, her words slurred.

“A sleeping drought,” Grayson answered, hobbling from his hiding spot on three legs to get closer to Starlight. “It’s actually good portions of three sleeping droughts, to be honest. I wasn’t sure of the dosage, given your size and your powers.”

“The knives!” Starlight said, with angry realization in her voice.

“I’ll admit it was a bit of a gamble. Stone mentioned that you Nightmares could heal your hosts, but I figured that trying to drug you was worth a shot. It’s a trick we use when we’re asked to help move nasty creatures away from populated area.”

“With all of our power we still could not beat you.” Starlight shook her head and lowered her chin to the floor. “Pitiful.”

Bonsmara hobbled over to the group, each step accompanied by a pained breath through clenched teeth. “We work well together.” Bonsmara said, as she leaned against Fierce.

“So it seems.” Starlight’s eyes began to close.

“Starlight, we need you awake,” Cadance said. “Stay with us for a bit more.”

“You should have informed your knavish flank stabbing companion of that,” Starlight said. “As things stand, we will not be able to remain conscious.”

“Stone, pry her mouth open, if you would.” Grayson pulled a vial from one of his pouches. “This should neutralize a good bit of the drought. We need to get some of this in her, in case I overdid the dosage for just a pony after the Nightmares are pulled form her.”

Stone looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Rather convenient that you would happen to have the counter potion.”

“According to Zecora, the number one of using dangerous potions is, ‘Make no brew that you do not have the antidote to.’”

Stone took the vial from Grayson. “We would not have guessed it, but we seem to have a budding alchemist with us.”

“I had to do something while healing from the bugbear’s attack,” Grayson said. “I thought learning something useful would be one of the better uses of my time.”

Fierce grinned. “The fact that a certain zebra would have to spend a good bit of time with you to tutor you in such things had nothing to do with it, I am sure.”

Stone lowered himself so that he was on level with Starlight. “You can drink this willingly, or we will force you to. It is your choice.”

“We will face our end with dignity,” Starlight said with resignation, raising her head from the floor.

Grayson tossed a protective horn sheath on the floor in front of Starlight. “Put that on her first. We don’t want her going for your throat.”

Stone picked up the cover and put it over Starlight’s horn. “This could have been avoided.” He placed the vial against her lips, and she drank without protest. “The ponies have been true to their word.”

“That has yet to be seen.” Starlight looked to Cadance. “What say you, Empress? What is to be our fate?”

“Sisters above, what happened in here?!” Fierce stepped through the cavern’s entrance and looked around, another of the Guard at her side. “We heard some fighting, and then it stopped. It was quiet for too long, so I decided to see what had happened. If we had known it was this bad, we would have rushed in!

“Good thing you didn’t, it was cramped in here as it was,” Grayson said.

“You’re hurt,” she said, indicating his wound with a wing.

“I have a rock stuck in my hip, but it’s not bad. I’ve had much worse.”

“Bonsmara is wounded too,” Cadance pointed out. She looked to the guard. “Please, get the medics.”

“Yes, Empress,” the guard responded and galloped back into the tunnel.

“We have a quandary,” Stone said. “Since our kindred the strength to flee, we must contain them in a way other than binding them in a pony.”

Cadance studied Starlight. “I do not want Starlight under their influence any longer than possible either.”

“The logical move is to end us.” Starlight looked to Cadance without any show of fear or judgment. “An enemy eliminated, rather than confined, ceases to be a threat and requires no effort to hold captive.”

“They are not our foes,” Stone said with conviction. “Our respective natures have put us at odds on a number of points, but they have never sought to destroy us. Recall that Luna went so far as to attempt to devise a way to end our dependence on ponies’ fears so that we could live as non-parasitic beings.”

Starlight looked to Sunburst. “What say you? We tricked you as we did Luna, using your willingness to aid us against you. You know our minds and our tactics. Are we monsters in your eyes? If it were left to you, what fate would you have for us?”

Sunburst remained silent for a long few moments. Then he nodded as if agreeing with an inner voice. “As you pointed out, I am not unbiased in this.” He stepped to Starlight, tucked his legs under himself and joined her on the floor. “I want you gone. I don’t care how it happens, not because I think you are fundamentally evil and need to be taken care of, but because you’ve stolen my friends and I want them back safe and sound.”

“Too close,” Grayson said, reaching for Sunburst.

“We will not harm him,” said Starlight. “Doing so would gain us nothing and we lack the coordination to make a serviceable attempt.” Starlight frowned at Sunburst. “You name them mere ‘friends’?”

Stone chuckled. “Now that you are drugged, it would seem you are facing the same difficulty we are.”

Starlight gave him an annoyed look. “What difficulty is that?”

“The difficulty would be that of maintaining our emotional equilibrium with our hosts. When Fierce pulled on the reigns and turned Puca’s head, during their charade to free Sunburst, it took effort for us not to demand that he not harm her. When Grayson and Bonsmara were injured, we felt wrath. You are vexed that he will not name Starlight as a romantic interest because she is now a part of you.” He leaned towards Starlight and gave her a smug smile. “Since concepts such as concern for a comrade and romantic affection are foreign to us Nightmare’s what other source could such emotions come from other than our hosts?”

“Now, I’ve got a vague notion of what Starlight feels too and I want to talk with her about it.” Sunburst said. He pointed a hoof to Starlight’s chest. “I am not discussing this with you. I am going to call her a friend until she and I get the chance to talk face to face. After that, we’ll see what happens.”

“What of Trixie?” Starlight asked, in a flat tone. “Will you do the same with her?”

“Speaking of Trixie, where is she?” Cadance asked. “Shouldn’t be helping you by now?”

“She is not here,” Stone said. “Else wise she would have joined the melee. That Starlight is now hosting Sunburst’s share of us Nightmares in addition to the ones she bore also indicates that Trixie is not within the sanctuary.”

“She was heading to the portal,” Sunburst said. “She left not too long after Moon Dancer, Minuette, and Lemon Drops did. She did not trust that they would not give our position away and wanted to move closer to the portal as soon as possible. Starlight and I stayed behind to gather the notes Sombra left that might have helped them use the portal.”

“What was her aim?”

“She thought she had devised a way to open the portal.”

“That does not sound good,” Grayson said. “Did she give you any details?”

“She thought she could use the fragments to make a connection to the other side and ask the Umbras for help.”

“Her scheme will not work. We told her as much,” Starlight said. “Had we had more time, resources, and years to study the forces involved, perhaps her scheme would have come to fruition. As things are, it is folly to even attempt it.”

“You called Trixie ‘she’ in the singular. I thought you Nightmares always addressed yourselves in plurals.”

“She fancies herself the Magnificent Enigma now.” Starlight giggled, sounding inebriated. “The drought is still affecting us it would seem. For a moment, we entertained the notion that the pony had taken control of us Nightmares rather than the other way around.”

“With Trixe’s ego and hardheadedness I wouldn’t put it past her,” Sunburst said.

Fierce helped Bonsmara lower herself to the floor. “Easy, love, you took quite a wallop. I am glad to see there is no blood.”

“The pieces did not get through my armor, but they hit hard.”

“I saw the face of your shield.” He kissed her on the top of her muzzle almost between her eyes. “You saved my life.”

“Consider it partial compensation for all the times you have saved mine.” She turned her shield so that she could examine its front. “Scorched, battered, and dented. I believe, after all this is through, I am going to have to retire this one.”

“We will give it a place of honor on the wall back home,” Fierce said.

“We need to end this,” Grayson said. “We’ve taken two down, now we have one to go.”

“You are not going anywhere,” a Guard wearing the insignia of the Medical Corps stated, as he led another of the Guard into the cavern.

“Bitter Root, we need you and Gauze to tend to these two, while we go after the final Nightmare. If there is even a remote chance she could get something through that gate, in either direction, we have to stop her as soon as possible.” Freight turned to Cadance, “Empress, the way I see it, you will have to contain the Nightmares from Starlight so they don’t have a chance to bolt for it.”

“Since when did you become the head of this operation?” Grayson asked.

Freight nodded towards Bitter and Gauze. “Don’t make me order them to truss you up like a turkey while they get that rock out and stitch you up.”

Grayson’s plumage fluffed out in a defiant display. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“She would, and we would. I have never worked on a Griffin before.” Bitter smiled in a chilling show of enthusiasm. “I would hate for this opportunity pass me by.”

“I would cooperate, if I were in your position,” Stone advised. “Besides, even with you, Bonsmara, and Cadance unable to aid us, we will overcome her.”

“Not easily though,” Sunburst said. “She is not as strong magically as Starlight, but she can think on her hooves very well and is still quite skilled. With the Nightmares influencing her, there is no telling what she could or would do.”

“We’ll get Trixie back,” Puca assured. “Why don’t we get Starlight back right now?”

“We might want to hold off on that till the last moment,” Stone said. “We do not want to call on Cadance to use her strength unduly.”

“I held a barrier of protection against Sombra that spanned the whole of the capital for days. Keeping a few Nightmares in place for a few hours won’t be a big deal.” She looked to Sunburst. “Besides, what kind of Princess of Love would I be if I didn’t help a stallion free his colthood crush from the bad guys? Having them constrained now means they have less of a chance for them to try and escape.”

Stone bowed to Cadance. “We shall not question the will of the Empress.”

“What should I do?” Sunburst asked.

“Give her a hug,” Puca said.

“You are joking,” Starlight said. She went still for a moment, blinked, and then narrowed her eyes at Puca. “Now we understand. That is what you did with the act and spell. You leveraged his feelings for her so you could pry us from his mind.” She gave Sunburst a mocking sneer. “What if she does not react to your touch? We are of a mind to keep her and will not make your attempt an easy one.”

Sunburst wrapped his forelegs tightly around the Starlight’s neck. “I am of the mind of getting her back and I’ll do whatever it takes to do so!”

She tried to push him away, but failed in her attempt. “Release me you plebeian!”

Puca threw herself on Starlight’s shoulders and added her efforts to Sunburst’s to keep Starlight still. “Make it quick!”

Cadance’s spell spread over Starlight, who struggled against Sunburst’s hold. “They’re holding on to her!” She leaned forward and her horn’s glow brightened, as she concentrated on Starlight. “This is going to get nasty, if we don’t think of something!”

“I have an idea!” Sunburst pressed his lips to Starlight’s.

Starlight’s ears snapped upwards. “You insolent-!” Starlight fumed, her words muffled by Sunburst’s lips.

“I’ve got them!” Cadance said, as she used her magic to draw the Nightmare’s from Starlight. The Nightmare’s tried to cling to Starlight, leaving strands of shadowy energy behind them as they were extracted.

Starlight’s form diminished and she returned to her natural size. Her struggles stopped and she calmly pulled back from Sunburst.

“You can let me go now,” Starlight said, with irritation in her voice.

“Oh.” Sunburst’s ears snapped backwards and he looked away from her. He started to pull away from her. “I’m sorry I just-”

“Not you, her!” Starlight glanced over her shoulder. “You, whoever you are, off!” Turning back to Sunburst, she commanded, “You, hold still!” She kissed Sunburst and wrapped her forelegs around his so that he could not end their hug. After letting the kiss linger for a long moment, Starlight released him. “We really need to talk.”

“I think you said a lot without a word,” Puca said, still draped over Starlight’s shoulders. “It certainly felt that way.”

“I thought I told you to get off me,” Starlight growled.

Puca hastily removed herself from Starlight’s back. “Sorry, that got emotionally intense and distracted me a bit.”

“You remind me of Thorax lurking around Cadance and Shinning when they are having their husband and wife moments.” Sunburst reached up as if to adjust a pair of glasses, but he was not wearing any. “I forgot I didn’t need my glasses with the Nightmares. I think I know where we, or I, should I say, put them.”

“They’re with your cloak and hat, if I remember correctly,” Starlight said, “back in the study.” She leaned her head against Sunburst. “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to be able to stay awake.”

Using his magic, he moved her so that she was leaned against his side. “That better?”

“Yes. Thank you.” She put her against him. “You’re really warm and comfortable to lean against. Have I ever told you that?”
Sunburst blushed. “No, you haven’t. I think it’s the potion talking.”

She giggled. “Maybe it works a little like a truth serum, because I meant it.”

“Are you sure that you gave her enough counter potion?” Fierce asked Grayson. “She seems a bit on the loopy side of things.”

“No, I’m not. Considering she didn’t get three full doses, she shouldn’t be in danger, but it might take a few minutes for the counter potion to work. Besides, we have such warm and friendly medical experts here that are sure to be able to help her, if anything bad were to happen.”

“Do not mock the pony that is going to be stitching you up,” Bitter said, making a sewing motion. “My hoof just might slip.”

“You’re a real sadist, aren’t you?”

“He is, but he’s a skilled one,” Freight said. “You’re in good hooves, if you behave. If not, you’re in for a rough time.” She looked to Cadance. “Speaking of being in hoof, how are you doing with them?”

“It’s taking a bit of concentration, but it’s not bad.”

“Can they hear me in there?”

“We can,” a genderless voice replied from the center of the mass of Nightmares.

“Good. Listen close. Since the Empress is partially out of commission, I’m running this circus now. I want you to know one thing: you have caused us enough trouble and you hurting ponies and our friends has changed the game. You give the Empress trouble or try to force your way away from us and every solider I command will rip into you until there is nothing left but wisps of smoke and bad memories.” She glared at the Nightmares. “Do you understand?”


Freight pointed a hoof at Stone. “You’re going to lead the still healthy members of this team to the other Nightmare. On the way there, you’re going to tell us what you know of her and how best to capture her or take her out.” Without waiting for a response from Stone, she pointed at Fierce and Puca. “You two are going to back him up, and make sure he doesn’t do anything heroic and stupid.” She pointed to Bonsmara and Grayson. “You two are going to get patched up and then get hauled back to the ship.”

“Bossy thing isn’t she,” Grayson muttered to Bonsmara.

“Commanding, is the proper word,” Freight said. She looked to Cadance. “We need you to tackle the last Nightmare. That means one of two things. We need to very quickly find a way to contain the Nightmares, or we eliminate them as a threat.”

“We will not kill them,” Cadance said.

“We may have to,” Sunburst said. “They are bent on getting their plan with the portal to work and they will not stay put if you are not containing them.”

Stone removed the shielding stone from his neck. “We ask for assistance in removing the stone from our tail. We have discovered something worrisome about the stones.”

“You can’t take those off; you’ll be vulnerable to magic!” Puca protested.

“True, but it leaves us vulnerable in another way.” Stone indicated his side, where the shallow gash he had received remained. From the shallow wound ran rivulets of blood that matted his coat.

“That could have been bad.” Grayson said.

“Verily, had she struck a true blow it might have proved mortal to us.” Stone lowered himself to the floor. “Puca, if you would be as so kind?”

Stone looked to where Sunburst and Starlight lay. “Would you be willing to face my kin with me? Your aid was most welcome against our brethren.”

“I don’t know how much I can do, but I will shield you as best I can.”

Puca undid the knot that held the shielding stone to Stone’s tail. “That gash looks horrible.”

“It is not deep. The angle of the cut makes it appear more gruesome than it merits.” He nodded to the wound. “Observe, now that the stones no longer interfere.” The gash closed and mended itself, along with the various scratches and bruises he had received. “But for the blood and loss of hair, you would not know we had been injured.”

All three bat ponies heads snapped towards the cavern’s entrance. “That’s an alarm! We’ve got to get out there!” Freight said. “Empress, you stay here with those things! Everyone else that can, follow me!” She bolted into the cavern’s tunnel, followed closely by Bitter and Gauze.

“What just happened?” Sunburst asked. “I didn’t hear anything.”

“You wouldn’t,” said Gauze, as she began taking her supplies from her saddle bags. “The alarm was on a pitch only bat ponies can hear.”

“If I had to guess, when Sunburst and Starlight did not show up promptly, Enigma grew impatient and returned,” Stone said, jumping from the floor to his hooves. “Comrades, steel yourselves. This could prove to be a bitterly fought contest. Follow me!”

As Stone led the others out of the cave entrance, Sunburst gasped. “The Sisters preserve us! It looks like something out of a painting of Tartarus!”

A half dozen windigos fought with the Lunar Guard, who had formed into groups to face the creatures. Their fighting occupied both the ground and the air, with groups taking to wing or landing as their strategies demanded it. Swathes of the landscape had been seared with magic, revealing the earth beneath the snow and creating muddy, treacherous conditions. In the middle of the maelstrom, Enigma raged, lashing out bolts and spheres of energy towards the Guards. As the spells neared the Guards, they would change direction, missing their intended targets.

“Why will you pests not fall?!” Enigma screamed.

“Surround her and take her down!” Fierce ordered to those around her. “If she’s out of commission, those things will leave!”

The Nightmare turned her attention to Freight. “Such overconfidence, I need not magic to lay you low!”

“Enigma, this struggle is futile!” Stone roared over the din of the battle. “Call off the windigos, yield, and you shall be treated with mercy!”

Enigma glared at Stone with unconcealed hatred. “You craven traitors, you not only betray your kind; you disgrace yourselves by serving these vermin!” Enigma stormed towards Stone, shouldering Freight out of her way and sending the bat pony sliding through the muck of the battle field. “While I may ultimately fall, I will bring you down with me!”

“Sunburst, shield us as best you can!” Stone charged towards Enigma. They met at full speed, causing an impact that resounded in the chests of those around them. As they battled, striking each other with their hooves in a series of exchanges, Stone yelled, “You cannot hope to overcome our strength!”

“I merely have to outlast it!” Her horn glowed and she smiled. “I can feed off the fear around us and restore my endurance while starving yours by forcing you to keep your mud pony alive!”

Freight speared into Enigma’s back, leading with her armored forehooves. The impact caused Enigma’s to stumble and struggle to remain standing. Straddling Enigma’s back, Freight pounded Enigma’s head, neck, and shoulders with merciless blows. “His strength isn’t the only thing you need to be worried about!”

With a snarl, Enigma rolled and pressed Freight into the ground. As Freight gasped for breath and flailed in an attempt to regain her hooves, Enigma stood over her and reared up. “I will crush you into the dirt as deserving an insect such as you!”

As Enigma stomped down, a golden glow of magic surrounded Fierce and pulled her from under Enigma’s descending hooves. Sunburst pulled Freight to himself and helped her get to her hooves.
“Trixie, fight them! You don’t have to do this!”

Enigma glared at Sunburst. “They managed to free you before killing our kin, how noble of them.”

Stone rammed into Enigma, sending them both sprawling into the mud. “They are not dead! The ponies never sought our demise and still do not! This fighting is pointless! They would see us home, if we corporate!”

Before rolling away from him, Enigma stabbed Stone in the shoulder with her horn, causing him to bellow in pain. After getting her hooves back under her and standing, Enigma lowered her horn and aimed it towards Stone. “You believe their lies as they believed ours! I am no fool like you!”

Enigma’s blast was deflected, at the last second, by Puca’s magic, as she clamored on top of Stone shielding him with her body and her power. The impact of the spell caused her to fall on top of Stone. “Stop, he’s telling the truth! Starlight and the other Nightmare’s are just fine!”

“If that is true, where is Starlight?! I see her not!”

“She’s in the cave! If you stop all of this, we’ll take you to her!”

Enigma hesitated, then shook her head and snarled, “You would lead me into a trap!”

A ribbon of magical power wrapped around Enigma’s forelegs and pulled them from under her. Her chin to slammed into the muck, sending mud and debris flying. Another ribbon appeared and wrapped itself around her hind legs, binding her in place.

“They don’t have to, I’m right here!” Starlight staggered across the bog that the battle field had become. “I’m fighting off a tranquilizer to stay awake, but I’m fine!”

Following behind Starlight, Princess Cadance emerged from the cave, due to the still functioning illusion she appeared to materialize out of thin air, hovering the captured Nightmares at her side. With a burst of power, she sent out from herself a wave of magic that drove off the windigos and brought stillness to the air. “This is over, right now. You can either surrender peacefully, or I will force you to give in.”

Enigma lowered her back half to the ground, closed her eyes, and sighed. “End us. Grant us that dignity.” The Guard gathered around her, weapons at the ready. Many of them were battered and caked in mud. All of them had frost clinging to their armor and manes, giving them an otherworldly appearance. Enigma looked around at them. “I am sure there are those among you who would be eager to strike the blow.”

“I’ll strike you, but just to knock some sense into you!” Starlight said and lightly cuffed Enigma’s head. “They could have killed the Nightmares they forced from Sunburst and me, but they didn’t. None of us ponies want to hurt you! Get that through your thick skulls!”

Stone, rolling to his stomach, told Starlight, “They did not treat us as enemies, when they encountered us. They even went so far as to allow us to guide them into battle. While not tactically sound, considering that we were so recently foes, it shows their benevolence and willingness to forgiven those who have wronged them.”

“You were fighting for your lives, not against us. We can understand that.” Fierce wiped the frost from his sword, sheathed it, and then knelt and patted Stone on his bloodied and filthy side. “This guy, these guys, however you want to look at it, have proven themselves to be good chaps, it would be monstrous of us to do something nasty to them after all that they have done to help us.”

Sunburst hugged Starlight to his side. “Please, Enigma, give us our friend back without forcing us to use Cadance’s spell. It’s not a pleasant experience.”

“We shall leave this pony as you release Trixie.” Stone lowered his chin to the ground. “Let us join our fellows in the Empress’ care. We shall take the strength that Stone has garnered for us and share it with you and the others so that we need not depend on a host for a time. We have much to discuss with you and the others.”

Enigma snorted. “You speak as if we have an alternative. So be it.” Enigma rolled to her side and put her head down. “I, Enigma the Magnificent, formally surrender and return your fellow unicorn to you. Let it be known that I was magnanimous even in defeat.”

The Nightmares flowed from both Trixie and Stone. They came together in stages, the two groups seeming not to trust each other completely.

Some of the Guard took to wing, while others circled the congealing Nightmares on the ground, forming a half sphere around them. “Stay sharp, but don’t do anything vicious unless they ask for it,” Freight told them.

After joining into one group, the Nightmares moved toward Cadance. Puca and Sunburst moved in front of Cadance, blocking them. “Close enough,” Puca told the Nightmares.

“The sun is robbing us of our vitality,” the mass stated. “We implore you to act with haste.”

Cadance shifted the Nightmares that she had in her magic close to the new mass and allowed the two to merge through the barrier. “I have them! Let’s get back to the cave quickly!”

“We have ponies down over here!” Freight called out.

Trixie stirred and lifted her head. “Who is yelling like they are playing soldier and why?” She looked up at Starlight and her mouth fell open. “Trixie remembers! It was all real!” She frantically tried to get to her hooves, only to falter and fall back into the mud. “Starlight!” She reached towards the unicorn with a hoof, tears running down her face. “Where’s Sunburst?!”

Starlight joined Trixie on the ground and pulled her close. She nuzzled the top of Trixie’s head while she stroked her mane with a hoof. “It’s okay, he’s coming.” She kissed the top of Trixie’s head, while the show pony sobbed. “We’re just fine.”

Sunburst settled behind Trixie and reached so he hugged both her and Starlight. “I’m right here.”

Fierce floundered through the mud to Stone. “Stone?” Fierce shook his friend's shoulder. “You still with us lad?”

Stone twitched, opened his eyes, and looked up at Fierce. “Did we win? It’s all kind of fuzzy in my head right now.”

“That we did.”

Stone sighed, sounding more exhausted than relieved. “Good.”

“You made a right good showing for yourself.” Fierce looked towards the cave and smiled. “It looks like you are in for a bit of a congratulatory snogging, if you manage to keep with us long enough.”

Puca raced down the slope, slid the last bit to Stone, and then hugged him around his neck. “You were wonderful! Are you hurt anywhere?” She looked him over, patting around on his coat him with a hoof to check for wounds.

“No, I’m just tired.” He wrapped his forelegs around her and rested his head on against her chest. “Could you hold me like this for a minute? I’m sorry, but I can’t keep my eyes open.” As soon as he finished speaking, Stone was asleep.