• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 635 Views, 15 Comments

Gathering Pieces - Random_User

Teams across Equestria begin the search for the framents of Princess Amore in hopes that she can be restored. One group of adventures finds more than what they were searching for, when they discover a fragment hidden within the Everfree Forest.

  • ...


Chapter 7: Discoveries

“Thank you,” Puca said to the guard, as he opened the gate for them.

After the gate shut behind them, Puca sighed. “They still aren't too happy about me being here, but at least they're trying to hide it.”

“That has to be awful, being able to feel something like that,” said Stone. “You would think that will all the differences just between the types of ponies that we'd be able to treat anyone decently.”

Puca shrugged. “It's not that bad. I get to feel good emotions too. I just keep to ponies who like me for who I am and look past what I am.”

Stone pointed a hoof down the path. “I think that's them, under the tree.”

“Grayson is talking with Mercy, that's a good sign.” Puca let out a relieved breath. “When she 'asked' us to come with her, she really ruffled his feathers.”

Stone laughed. “I didn't know he could fluff his feathers up like that. He looked like a feather duster.”

“If you like your ears, never say that where he can hear you.”

“I wouldn't dare. It's nice to know that he's looking out for us.”

On seeing Puca and Stone, Cobalt jumped to his hooves and raced towards them. “They called off school, since the guards coming has the whole town in a commotion! I can stay with you guys today!”

“That was a bit of a rush.” Puca stopped and shook her head. “He's really excited.”

Cobalt slid to a stop in front of them. “You guys ready to go?”

“I can't think why not,” Stone said.

Cobalt glanced over his shoulder and then asked, in a whisper, “You two didn't get into a fight, did you?”

Puca smiled. “Not at all.”

“That's good.” Cobalt looked down and pawed the ground. “I thought you might have been mad at him for some reason.”

“I just wanted to thank him for helping me with the guards and talk about a couple of things. That's all.”

He looked back up to her, his expression curious. “What were the other things?”

With a teasing smile, Puca looked over to Stone and shrugged. “Nothing much. We just came to an agreement to see where things are going to go.”

Cobalt looked to Stone. “What does that mean?”

Stone glanced at Puca, before responding, “I don't know if we're sure ourselves, but we're going to work it out as we go along.”

Cobalt's eyes lit up and his ears perked. “Oh, I get it! You don’t' want the others to know yet, do you?”

Puca kept her expression neutral. “Don't want them to know what?”

Cobalt motioned for her to move close, waited till she leaned in, and whispered, “You like each other.”

“What makes you think that?”

“You've been helping each other a lot.”

“If that's all it took for me to like him, then you and I could like each other. We helped each other when we got the crystal, after all.”

“I guess you're right.” Cobalt looked at Stone for a second and then back to Puca. “Can't you tell if he likes you?”

“I can sense what he's feeling, to a degree, but I don't know what he is thinking. Making assumptions about something like that can start all kinds of trouble.”

“That makes sense.” Cobalt leaned closer to Puca, almost touching her ear with his mouth. “You like him, right?”

She smiled and nodded. “I do.”

“I could help you, if you'd like.”

“Help me?”

“Get him to like you.”

Puca giggled. “I don't think that's going to be a problem, but I'll take all the tips I can get.”

“All the whispering is making me nervous,” Stone said.

“I believe it should. It appears they are plotting something.” Mercy approached the whispering pair, coming from the direction of the tree. “Do you need a third or do you have matters in hoof?”

“I think everything is fine,” Puca said, straightening back up. “Nothing we can't handle.”

“Good to hear. I expect you two to drill with the Guard tonight. We start at sundown.” Her tone indicated there would be no discussion on the matter.

Stone snapped to attention. “Yes, ma'am.”

“I see the training is still there. Even though you have chose a different path than being in a branch of the Guard, I hope it serves you well”

“What about me?”

Mercy looked down at Cobalt. She seemed to have to fight to keep her expression neutral. “You're welcome to join us, but we might have to tone things down a little for you.”

“I can do it. If Stone is tough enough to eat rocks, I can drill with you without needing you taking it easy on me.”

“Your brother eats rocks?” Mercy looked at Stone. “He's serious?”

“I just found out I could yesterday, thanks to Cobalt.”

Mercy shook her head.“You're little group keeps getting more and more interesting. On a related note, I want to warn you, you have caught Luna's eye. She sees great potential in your group's unique makeup, and intends to test it against whatever it is that is taking the unicorns.”

“How can we help when the princesses can't do anything?” Puca asked, sounding shocked.

“It is because you are not princesses and alicorns that you might be able to succeed where they cannot. They are bound by the rules of their positions, while your group is free to act as it sees fit. Luna did not say anything to you about it, but something she sensed in her study bothered her. I don't know what it was she sensed, but she said something about 'knowing the kind of magic used all too well,' when she was trying to determine what had undone her protection spells.”

“That doesn't narrow things down much. She's faced everything from Discord to Sombra and who knows what else.”

“Why doesn't she just send the Lunar Guard after whoever it is?” Stone asked.

“For the same reason that Celestia has not sent any of the Royal Guard. We are defensive forces only, by international agreement. We do not have the authority nor the training to seek out a foe like the one that we are facing without clear indication that the threat is from an internal source. That is why both sisters rely on local authorities and specialists to look into these kind of matters.”

“We're adventurers and problem solvers, not mercenaries,” Puca stated. “We carry weapons and can defend ourselves, but we don't look for fights.”

“But you do look into things, which is what we need at the moment. With luck, fighting may be avoided, but I have a feeling that there will be some before this is all over. I just hope there aren't too many casualties.” Mercy closed her eyes, rubbed her temple with a hoof, and sighed. “I'm sorry. I'm tired, and it's making me more pessimistic than usual. I'm going to get some sleep, before I become intolerable to be around.”

“Rest well,” Stone said.

“To you all as well.” Mercy nodded to them and continued on towards the castle.


“Here they come.” Fierce sat up and smiled. “How much should we pry?”

Bonsmara raised an eyebrow and gave him a look. “What do you mean?”

“You cannot tell me that something is not starting between them, especially since Puca asked to be left alone with him. I know the look that Stone has too. I saw if often, in the mirror, while pursuing you.”

One of Rarity's ears turned in their direction. “Is somepony crushing on somepony?”

“I am not quite sure, but I would not put it outside the realm of possibility.” Fierce grinned rakishly. “Though, I am determined to find out.”

Grayson grunted and sat up. As he moved, the dappled light that came through the trees leaves played across his fur and gave the impression of him stirring from the bottom of a pool. “Leave them be. If they want to talk about it, fine. If not, so long as it doesn't interfere with our jobs, it's their business.”

“You cannot tell me that you are not a bit curious as to what happened.”

“I, for one, am,” Rarity said, raising a hoof. “Young love is so adorable.”

In catlike fashion, Grayson stood and stretched out his fore and hind limbs. “What is it with you high society types and your fixation on romance?”

“It is part of being courtly.” Fierce stood and helped Bonsmara to her hooves. “It goes paw and paw with politics and scandals.”

Bonsmara put a finger to Fierce’s nose. “Behave, when they get here.”

“I will restrain myself.”

“I make no such promise,” Rarity said, as she got to her hooves.

Fierce's tail wagged. “If you get anything out of them, please do share.”

“I certainly will,” Rarity said.

“You three ready?” Grayson asked, as Cobalt, Puca, and Stone joined them.

“Yep!” Cobalt answered, adding an excited hop added to his gait.

Rarity said, “You're quite enthusiastic for a colt about to go to a boutique.”

“You're one of the Elements of Harmony! It doesn't matter where we go, I get to spend a day with one of the most important ponies in the world!”

“You are too kind. Keep in mind, I was a bearer of the Elements. Now I'm back to being regular pony.”

“A 'regular pony' with a five star client list and the beginnings of her own fashion empire,” Puca teased.

“That's a bit of an exaggeration,” Rarity said, her voice touched with suppressed pride. “I only have two shops.”

“If you would be as so kind, could you lead us to the nearest one?” Grayson said. “The quicker we can get outfitted with these gems the better.”

“Of course. You never know when trouble will find you. Best to be prepared.” Rarity turned towards Ponyville's center. “This way.”


Rarity froze in the middle of the path that led to her shop. “Something's not right.”

“What is it?” Grayson asked.

“When I left with the girls to help in Hoovesville, I left the curtains to the shop open so that anypony passing by could see my designs. They're closed now, and my parents would not have drawn them.”

“How many ways are there in and out of the shop?”

“There's the front door and the back door, for traditional entry and exit. Along with the display windows, there are large windows in my workroom, kitchen, and my bedroom, which is on the second floor. A pony could get in and out of them without much trouble.”

Grayson readied his mace. “You've thought about this.”

“Having been on the adventures I have, I've learned to be cautious and prepared.”

“Bonsmara, Fierce, take the back. Rarity, Puca, Stone, take the front.”

“Got it,” Puca said.

“I'm going for the bedroom window.”

“It's locked and so is the back door,” Rarity informed him.

“That won't matter. We can pick locks. Cobalt, I have something I need you to do.”

Looking shocked, Cobalt pointed a hoof at himself. “Me?”

“Run back to the castle and get Twilight.”

“You want Mercy and Starless too?”

Grayson shook his head. “Let them rest. I doubt there will be anyone still in the shop, but I want backup just in case.”

“Yes sir!” Cobalt galloped towards the castle.

Grayson “Everybody keep quiet and move. I'll signal when to enter.”

The group split apart and went to their respective points of entry, After a few seconds of silence, a whistle came from the upper story.

Rarity gingerly tried the door.

It opened, softly ringing the shops bell as it swung.

“They could have locked up behind themselves at least,” Rarity groused.

“I'll take point,” Puca said, as she led them into the storefront. After checking every possible hiding spot in the display area, they checked the dressing rooms and closets.

Bonsmara and Fierce joined them, from the back of the store. “No one back there or anything out of place that we could tell,” Bonsmara said.

Rarity led them on. “Next is my workroom. What they could want in there, I haven't a clue.”

“The door's been left ajar,” Fierce said. “While I typically let ladies enter a room first, I must insist that I be the one to do so this time.” Pointing the way with his sword, he stepped into the room. After looking around, he stated, “I think we know now what room they were needing to get into.”

Three unfinished dresses had been left on the floor in crumpled piles. Drawers had been opened and half pushed back in. The shelves had been left in chaos, supplies had been left on in random piles on the counters, and bolts of cloth had been removed from their racks and left on the floor or leaned against the wall. To the side of the room, a chest stood open and empty.

“Those monsters!” Rarity yelled. “I've been working on those dresses for days!”

“Did you have something in that chest?” Bonsmara asked.

“Gems. Not many, mind you. I just filled a couple of orders that used a lot of them, but there were gems.”

“Who would steal gems and sewing supplies?”

“I have the answer to that.” Grayson stepped into the room and offered Rarity a piece of paper. “Somepony left you a note and was kind enough to sign it.”

Rarity took the note from him and read aloud:

Dear Rarity,

Sorry about taking your stuff without asking, but we're facing a crisis and didn't have time to wait for you to get back. I'll settle up with you latter. While I can't explain everything right now, know that it's for the greater good.

Tell Bon Bon I'm sorry that I missed our day and that I love her.

Your friendly thief,

Lyra Heartstrings

“She sounds like an interesting sort,” Fierce said.

“That sums her up quiet well.” Rarity looked around her workroom and sighed. “At least I know that this was done with somewhat good intentions.”

“Why leave the letter upstairs?” Stone asked. “Why not here?”

Grayson shrugged. “She probably thought that Rarity would go right to her room. This was on the bedroom door.”

“That makes as much sense as any for her. Lyra can be a bit odd, but she means well.” Rarity began straightening and reorganizing the room. “I wonder who the mysterious 'we' are and what kind of trouble they are in.”

A flash of light came from the storefront. “Rarity?! Everyone?!” Twilight's voice sounded slightly panicked. “Where are you?!”

“In here, darling! Everyone's fine, but my poor workroom was ransacked and I've been robbed!”

Twilight stepped into the room and examined the room. “It looks like the Cutie Mark Crusaders went through here.”

Spike jumped from Twilight’s back and ran to Rarity. He hugged her and put his face against her chest. “I'm so glad you're okay!”

“I'm just fine, dear.” Rarity hugged him back. “You're sweet to worry, but I had friends with me keeping me safe.” She looked back to Twilight. “From what I can tell, the only things they took were some supplies and all the gems that weren't already being used.”

“That's a weird combination.”

Rarity floated the note to Twilight. “Lyra's involved.”

“Ah, now it makes a little more sense.” Twilight read over the note. “What has she gotten herself into?”

“I am glad that she does not seem to be in danger, but I wonder about the crisis she mentioned.” Bonsmara looked around the room. “Of all the things here, of what use are gems and sewing supplies?”

“I haven't a clue.”

Grayson took Cobalt from Twilight’s back. “You're looking a little green there.”

“I've always wanted to know what teleporting was like.” Once back on the ground, the colt swayed on this hooves. “Now that I've done it, I don't want to ever do it again.”

“The first few times are rough, but you get used to it,” Spike said.

“I don't think I want to do it enough to get used to it.”

Grayson patted Cobalt on the back. “You were pretty fast getting the Princess.”

“Cobalt runs with me, when I train in the morning,” Stone said.

“It certainly has paid off.” Grayson mussed up Cobalt's mane. “We know who to send for help, from now on.”

Spike looked down and put a claw to his chest. “Incoming scroll!” With a belch of green fire, Spike materialized a scroll bearing Celestia's seal.

Twilight caught the scroll in the air with her magic. “Thanks, Spike.” She broke the seal and quickly read the message. “What is going on?! Another unicorn has disappeared, but this time there are signs that they were forced to go.”

“Twilight?! Rarity?!”

“Who's that?” Grayson said, turning to the doorway.

“Bon Bon, were in here!” Rarity called.

Bon Bon raced into the room. She gasped, as she slid to a stop and into Grayson.

“Whoa there!” Grayson caught Bon Bon, before she could fall. “Slow down and take a breath.”

Bon Bon took a quick gasp of air and nodded. “I'm sorry, but I need help! Lyra is missing!”

“We don't know where she is exactly, but we have some good news.” Twilight gave the note to Bon Bon. “As far as we can tell, she's alright. We found this note just a few minutes ago, and it was placed here within the last couple of days.”

As Bon Bon finished reading over the letter, tears rolled down her face. “Thank Celestia she's all right, but why didn't she say something, write, anything?! She knew that I could help!”

“She may not have had time,” Bonsmara said. “If she's been spending all her effort to help whoever she's with, she might not have had a moment to contact you.”

“I wouldn't put it past her. She doesn't have an organized thought in her head, but she has a huge heart.” Bon Bon wiped away her tears. “I'm just glad she's not hurt.”

“I do not like the fact that the newly missing unicorns may have been taken,” Fierce said, pausing in his helping Rarity put the workroom back in order. “That speaks of desperation on the part of whoever is behind what is going on.”

“It doesn't make sense for them to take anypony by force, though,” Stone said, as he put items back on shelves. “Lyra must have gone with them willingly. Why would they take ponies if they have asked for ponies to help them before?”

“Their situation may have changed, or we're dealing with different groups.” Twilight lit her horn. Directed by Twilight's magic, things that had been scattered the room began floating to their rightful places. “There is so much we don't know, we can't even begin to create a plan to find out what is going on.”

“Something tells me they're getting desperate and are having to change tactics.” Grayson rubbed his chin with a talon. “You would not expose yourself to the possibility of being found out by ponynapping unicorns unless you have no other chose.”

“If they are peaceful, why have they not asked for help directly?” Stone asked. “That would seem the best way to get the help that they need the quickest.”

Puca's wings hummed, as she worked them in a show of agitation. “They may be like my hive was before the attack on Canterlot. We were feared, and couldn't ask for help.” Puca's folded her ears back, and her eyes went to the floor. “At least, that is what we thought. Now we know that if we had just asked for help we would have been given it.”

“Maybe we can reach out to them?” Stone looked to Twilight. “We know the note has to have been left in the last couple of days and they had a lot of stuff with them from the shop. Is there a way that we could find where they went?”

The items that had been moving through the air paused, as Twilight closed her eyes to think. “They took a half chest work of gems, several bolts of cloth, and sewing items. There are only a hoofful of places where you could go and hide a haul like that without drawing attention.”

“The Castle of the Sisters!” Cobalt said. “We know they were watching us when we went to get the crystal, and it would be big enough for them to hide!”

“Good thought, but I don't think that's were they are,” Grayson said. “You don't want to set a trap too close to home. You never know what you might attract to your front door. However, if there was some kind of split in the group we're dealing with, the second group might have set the trap.”

“They either had to teleport what they stole or carry it away.” Bonsmara said, picking one of the dresses off the floor. “I did not see any cart tracks, and I would think that anyone carting stuff out of here would have attracted attention.”

“If they teleported everything, they could be anywhere by now,” Rarity said.

“I have a feeling Lyra is the key to finding out where they went,” Twilight said, looking to Bon Bon. The hovering objects resumed their paths to their places. “Where would Lyra go to hide out after robbing somepony?”

Bon Bon snorted. “I don't have a clue. It's not like we planned to go on a crime spree and discussed where we could hide the loot.” A thoughtful look came to her face. “I just remembered something. After the bugbear attack, we talked about where we could go if Ponyville ever got attacked by another monster. We thought the cave with the Mirror Pool would be the perfect spot. It's well hidden, has access to water, and can be barricaded closed without making it look artificial.”

“Is it close by?” Bonsmara asked.

“It's not too far into the Everfree Forest.”

“Interesting.” Fierce rubbed his chin with a paw. “This whole thing started in the Everfree, and here we are about to return to it. When do we depart?”

“Not now.” Grayson said. “Without the stones, we are too vulnerable to magic to go into the lair of someone that can use magic at the level that they seem capable of.”

“I can assist with that. It's going to be a rush job, but it will work. We will be on the road in no time.”

“We?” Grayson asked.

“Yes, we. I intend to give Lyra a piece of my mind for leaving the door unlocked.”

Puca grinned. “That she took all your stuff doesn't bother you?”

“It was for a good cause, I'm sure, so I can't get too mad at her for that.” Rarity looked towards Bonsmara, who was running a hand over a bolt of cloth. “Did you find something that you like, dear?” Rarity moved to her side. “I have to say, the color goes with your eyes quiet well.”

“Knowing her, she already has ideas for designs for all of you,” Spike said. “She'll just need a few measurements and for you to answer a couple of questions, and she'll have you ready to go in no time.”

“What do you thing she'll make for us?” Cobalt asked.

“I don't know, but it will be awesome. Rarity never lets a client down.”

“Thank you.” Rarity glanced over to Spike. “You play a big part in that, you know. Without you helping me find gems, I would have a much harder time making the designs I do.”

Spike blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I would do anything to help you, Rarity.”

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes. “Of course you would.”

“I don't mean to sound unappreciative, but if they are taking ponies by force, we want to catch them as soon as possible, so please keep things simple.” Stone shuffled his hooves nervously, as every eye in the room turned to him.

Rarity gave him an understanding smile. “Of course, darling. What I purpose is that I do something simple for you all right now, and later you let me create what I have in mind for each of you.”

“Sounds great.”

Rarity looked to Spike. “How would you like to help me by heating up some wire?”

Spike nodded. “I'd love to.”

“We get to see you breathe fire?!” Cobalt asked.

“Yep.” Spike grinned. “I've gotten pretty good at controlling it. I don't even melt the wire anymore.”

Cobalt bounced up and down with excitement. “This is going to be awesome!”


Puca bumped up against Stone, as the group made their way into the Everfree Forest. “You alright?”

Stone nodded. “I'm just worried about everyone. The Everfree is dangerous enough as it is, and we're going after a group that is dangerous and getting desperate.”

“We'll be fine,” Bon Bon said. “Unlike Lyra, after Rarity and I get hold of her.”

“I just want to have a couple of words with her about taking things without asking and leaving doors unlocked,” Rarity assured. “You can have her after that. But do keep in mind, she acted with good intentions.”

“Good intentions pave the way to Tartarus,” Bon Bon growled.

Grayson chuckled. “Just don't send her there yourself, when you see her.”

“Here we are!” Twilight announced, as they entered a small clearing with a large stone set into a depression in the ground. “You were right, Bon Bon.” She pointed a hoof at a spot near the stone. “Somepony moved the stone recently. You can still see the marks.”

“That is a good sign.” Bonsmara said, setting Cobalt down. “We have half a chance that this will not require fighting.”

“Dear Celestia and Luna both, let her be alright,” Bon Bon whispered, as Twilight used her magic to remove the stone from the cavern's entrance.

Rarity hugged Bon Bon, to her side. “Everything is going to be fine. Lyra is not exactly your typical pony.”

A small smile found its way to Bon Bon's mouth. “I know. She can take care of herself, but I'm still worried sick.”

“I'll lead.” Twilight said. “I know the cave.”

“That, and you can blast anything nasty enough to give us trouble to pieces,” Puca said, showing more of her fangs in a grin that was more than a little predatory.

Twilight nodded and entered the cave's mouth. After a few steps, she stopped. “It's completely dark. Unnaturally dark.”

“Dear, what are you talking about?” Rarity moved to Twilight's side. “We've only gone in a little bit. There is still plen...oh. Now I see. Rather, I don't see.”

“What's going on?” Cobalt said.

“Come here.” Twilight gestured with a wing for him to stand beside her. “It's an interesting spell. Harmless, but effective.”

Cobalt joined her, and gasped. “I can't see a thing! What happened?! He looked back towards the cave entrance, seeming disoriented. “Stone?!”

“I'm right here.”

“Stone?” Cobalt looked around. “I can hear you, but I can't see you. There's just a bit of light far away.”

Twilight's horn lit, and both Rarity and Cobalt looked around as if bewildered.

“Twilight, what just happened?” Rarity said.

“It was an illusion to keep ponies, or anything else, from coming into the cave. It makes it seem that all the light is gone, except for one spot that would lead a pony back to the cave entrance.”

“That's sneaky,” Grayson said, sounding impressed. “It's not harmful, but it would scare anyone who wandered into the cave unwittingly.” His face hardened. “But now they know we're here.”

“We don't need to worry. I know at least one of the ponies in here.” Twilight said, her smile coloring her voice. “In fact, I think we might have just found three of the unicorns that have been missing.”

“Three?” Bon Bon said.

“Come on. We'll know soon enough, if I'm right.” Twilight stepped further into the cave.

As the group descended and took a blind turn, a masculine voice said, “If you made it past the illusion, you're better than most.”

“I've been told I'm fairly good at magic,” Twilight said.

“Twilight Sparkle!” There was a sharp intake of breath. “Don't give me that look. I know, don't move.”

The group walked into the cavern that held the Mirror Pool. On the far side, Sombra was laid out on a cot. His ribs were wrapped tight in bandages. Sitting on a pillow beside him, sat Radiant Hope.

“Lyra Heartstrings!” Bon Bon pointed a hoof at the pony she named, who was trying to be small and hide behind Hope.


Bon Bon stomped a hoof. The sharp impact echoed around the cavern. “Get your flank over here.”

Lyra slunk from behind Hope and place herself in front of Bon Bon, her eyes never leaving her hooves. “I'm sorry.”

“Do you have any idea how worried I was?” Bon Bon's voice was just strong enough to be heard. She took Lyra by the shoulders and shook her a couple of times. “Do you?”

“No, I don't. But I was worried about you worrying about me.” She looked to Bon Bon with pleading and remorseful eyes. “I didn't want to miss our day and I knew that it was going to upset you, not knowing where I was, but I had to help.”

Bon Bon pulled Lyra into hug and held her tight. “Why didn't you get a message to me? I would have half of the Royal Services ready to help in an hour, if you needed help.”

“We weren't where I could send a message, and there wasn't time. We hoped that things would be done by now, but there were complications. I didn't want to miss our day and worry you. I really didn't. But things aren't ready and they have to be soon.”

“Lyra, I'm the one that is supposed to be going on life threatening missions, not you. I'm trained and ready for a lot of things, but handling the thought of you in trouble is not one of them.” Bon Bon dropped her chin to Lyra's shoulder and sniffed. I'm so glad you're alright, I'm not even mad. I'm exhausted. I had no idea I had gotten so tense.”

Lyra embraced Bon Bon, putting her head on Bon Bon's opposite shoulder. “I'm so sorry. There are lives at stake, or I would have done whatever I could to have gotten some kind of message to you.”

“Don't do this again. You hear me? I don't think I could stand it.”

“I don't plan on it.” Lyra kissed the top of Bon Bon's head. “This one adventure has been more than enough for me.”

“Please, she is not the one that you should find fault with.” Sombra said, his head still resting on top of the rolled up blanket he was using as a pillow. “I swore her to secrecy and told her that should could not reach out to anypony.” Sombra looked apologetic. “I am sorry to have caused you such hurt and fear.”

“Why did you not let her send somepony a message?” Rarity asked.

“The timing wasn't right. But we have run out of both time and options, so I allowed her to leave the note.” Sombra looked towards a small pile of gems. “I have been doing what I can to help. But with my injuries, I have not been able to contribute much to the effort. These gems are still not ready, and refilling the others is becoming too taxing for us to manage alone.”

Twilight looked to the gems. “You two have been doing some high level enchanting to these. Why?”

A shadowy shape rose from the mirror pool and glided across the stone floor.

As it passed near Rarity, she gasped and took a quick backwards “Sombra, what have you done?! Do you know what that is?!”

“I know fully well what he is.”

The shape wrapped itself around Hope and then sank into her body.

Twilight leaned forward. “Hope, are you alright?”

“Hope has been generous enough to allow me to speak through her,” a stallion's voice said from Hope's mouth.

“Oh, that's not creepy at all,” Stone said, as Hope stepped towards them.

Both of Hope's eye had turned yellow and glowed with an inner light that made it seem as if a pony were holding a lantern behind an opaque window.

“Rarity, it's alright,” Puca assured her, as the unicorn took another step back. “We're right here.”

Hope put a hoof to her chest and bowed low to Rarity. “It is an honor and a pleasure to be in your presence again.”

“What is it?” Cobalt asked, sounding equally curious and scared. “Why is it bowing to Rarity?”

“It's a Nightmare,” Spike answered, after swallowing to clear his throat. “Rarity was their queen.”