• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 635 Views, 15 Comments

Gathering Pieces - Random_User

Teams across Equestria begin the search for the framents of Princess Amore in hopes that she can be restored. One group of adventures finds more than what they were searching for, when they discover a fragment hidden within the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

Layers of Defense

“Grayson, what are you still doing up?”

“I take it you can't sleep either.” He turned his head towards Puca and patted the space beside him. “Come sit down.”

She joined him in looking over the walkway railing. “Two things are making sleep impossible. Bonsmara and Fierce have been wound up more than I thought and are working the tension out vigorously, so I don't really need to sleep with that going on.”

He smiled at her. “And you worried about what happen with Mercy and Starless.”

“We should be worried. They beat us, and Mercy traumatized Stone pretty badly.”

“You're not going to be happy to hear me say this, but I'm glad she did. He's been under the illusion that this is all fun and games, till now. She also exposed a serious weakness with our group. We cannot get into a fight with a high level magic user. You're skilled at what you do, but you're about in the same boat we are.”

“You're right on both counts, so I have no right to get angry. Stone has never faced a challenge like Mercy before and it woke him up. We're lucky that it wasn't a real fight. They could have ended the fight in seconds and they played with us.”

“Had Luna not kept me out of the fight, we could have taken them. Considering that Stone has not been fully trained, or faced combat before, he did well. We don't have time to brush up his skills, but perhaps we can find ways to increase his strength so that the next time he gets a hit on somepony, like he did with his opener with Starless, he will break bones.” Out of curiosity, how many of them are in the library with us right now?”

Puca tilted her head as if listening for something. “Three.”

“That's not good. I only counted one.” Grayson scanned the library from floor to ceiling. “I'll give them this much, they're good at creeping around.”

“What are we going to do?”

“We're going to think about what happened, learn from it, and correct our mistakes. Had it not been for Mercy, I think he would have overpowered Starless eventually. Had the three of us faced him, he wouldn't have had a chance.”

“We have to be able to counter magic.”

“Which is going to be difficult to do. Most powerful magic users are not combat trained and are not willing to risk getting into a battle. To make matters more interesting, several of the best, who we might have approached for help, have disappeared.”

“Then we can't rely on anypony to help us.”


A silence settled between them. Grayson grinned. “So, he's your 'favored' is he?”

Puca stared at him. “Why are you bringing that up now?”

He shrugged. “The conversation died off. I thought I would liven it up again. Talking about new romances tends to do that.” She shoved him on the shoulder, and he laughed. “You're not denying it.”

“It's not a 'romance.' I don't know if he even likes me like that.”

“Can't you tell?”

Puca shook her head. “Emotions can be hard to read. Where is the line between a good friendship and the start of romantic feelings? Is it a crush or the beginnings of something greater? It's like trying to determine where similar shades of color fall on the spectrum.”

“So it's a determining if a cloth is black or navy kind of thing?”

“Pretty much.” She looked out one of the library's windows and sighed. “Being able to feel emotions does not let you know the thoughts behind them either.”

“He does feel something for you, then.”

“He feels a lot of things about me, but I'm having trouble determining where it might lead.”

“So your asking me, as a representative male, what insight into this I can provide?”

“You don't really have the advantage there.” With a spurt of green flame, Puca appeared as a tan stallion with a dark brown mane.

“What in Equestra?!”

Puca giggled. “My birth form is female and I identify as female, but I can be male. Changelings are raised in a gender neutral manner, and we become whatever we're good at and like. We have a different perspective on what the differences between genders are.”

“I didn't know you could do that! I didn't know any changeling could do that! By the way, it's really strange hearing you giggle as a stallion.”

She returned to her natural form. “You don't mind me looking like a bug, but your freaked out by me being able to be a stallion?”

“First, you don't look like a bug. Bugs have lots of legs, are much smaller, and skitter across the floor. Second, having been male my whole life, the thought of that vanishing is not something I can really wrap my mind around.”

“The thought of being stuck as one or the other is odd to me. Back to the subject at hoof, what should I do? Should I do anything? You talked to him. Where does he want this to go?”

“I'm not breaching his trust and I'm not playing messenger. If you want to know what we talked about, talk to him. Be direct, be blunt, if needed, but you both need to face this or there is going to be tension in the group like Bonsmara and Fierce caused. At one point, Cranky and I were discussing locking them in a room till they worked things out.”

“I might try that with you and-”

“Don't,” Grayson said, with a sharp gesture. “Fight one battle at a time. Let's focus on yours.”

“It's hurting you both. I about cried when she left and made you feel like you did.”

“I tell you what. After we get through this mess we've managed to mire ourselves in, I'll talk to her.”

“You promise?”

“I will, if you promise to talk to Stone soon.”



The sound of hooves running down the hallway resounded in the dinning room. A pony with two cheering passengers on his back raced past the doorway.

“I think that was Stone carrying Cobalt and Spike.” Grayson took another bite of his eggs. As he chewed, he asked, “Care to place bets as to what is going on with the three of them?”

“I don't know, but all three of them were excited. I'm going to find out what's going on.” Puca got up from her seat and galloped after them.

Twilight followed Puca out of the dinning room at a brisk trot. “I think they headed towards the library. I'm all about a good morning read, but that's just crazy.”

Rarity looked to Grayson. “Should we follow?”

“I have reached my limit for madness for the next little bit and I haven't finished my coffee. If you want to follow them, don't let me stop you.”

Fierce poked his head in the door. “I thought curiosity was part of your nature.”

“About time you got up, you lazy hound. Breakfast is getting cold.”

“He may not want to know what is going on, but I do.” Bonsmara waved as she went past the doorway. “Good morning, Grayson, Rarity.”

“Where she goes, I follow,” Fierce said, as he moved out of the door's frame.

Rarity left her seat. “It appears that this has turned into quite the event. I would hate to miss it.”

Grayson watched Rarity leave, sighed, picked up his coffee, and took a long pull from it. As he put the cup back on the table, he muttered to the empty room, “Might as well go and see what's going on.”


Stone skidded as he took a turn around a table. “Which section?”

“Non-fiction, public administration and military science,” Spike said, as he pointed the way.

“Not history?”

“The Crystal Empire was history. We didn't even have any books on it till we got the new collection. Now, its back, current, and information on it is in high demand.”

“Which range?”

“That's right, you don't know the new library. Twilight's going to be pretty ticked.”

“He's been busy!” Cobalt defended. “He's been working his tail off for Mom and Dad.”

“Looks like he just got it cropped short to me. The one on your left!”

Stone stopped and lay down so his passengers could jump off. “We'll need books on the Empire's military equipment. What we really need is information on their armor.”

“Got it!” Cobalt said.

The three quickly made their own piles of books.

“Their indexing system is really different, so slow down and scan a little before flipping to the first thing that seems like it's what you're looking for.”

“Spike, I'm so proud of you!” Twilight landed beside him and pulled him into a winged embrace. “You've become such a good librarian!”

“It helps that I learned from the best.”

“I think I've got it.” Cobalt put his hoof on the page that he had been looking at. “I think I've got it!”

Puca hurried to the table. “You think you've got what?”

He turned the book so she could see. “Look at their armor. It has crystals all over it, like the Lunar Guard's.”

“That's not that big a deal, they have crystal houses up there,” Spike said.

“You're kidding.”

“I'm not.”

Puca tapped a hoof on the table. “Focus.”

“Oh, right.” Stone put his hoof beneath the illustration. “This says that earth ponies can't manipulate magic like unicorns can, but they can lace it into crystals. It looks like it's similar to the way that pegasi can manipulate clouds to make certain kinds of weather.”

Cobalt hopped up and down. “I helped him find that out. I talked with Amore last night about what had happened and she said that their army had a way of keeping magic from touching their soldiers. She couldn't tell me how they did it, but she knew they had something that worked.”

“They enchant the crystals and attached them to their armor so that they'd be protected. I had the thought about seeing if the library had any information on something like this, after Cobalt told me what Amore had said.”

“That's wonderful darling, but where are you going to get crystals that are enchanted like that on such short notice?” Rarity asked, as the sat down beside Twilight.

“We have some,” Bonsmara said, as she Fierce and Grayson joined the others at the table.

“Figures that I didn't have them with me when we fought with Starless and Mercy,” Grayson said.

“I'll get them.” Twlight's horn glowed for a moment and then sputtered out. She laughed. “Well, now we know spells can't be directed at them either. I couldn't teleport them here.”

“I'll get them, I know where they are!” Spike offered.

“I'll go with you!” Cobalt said.

Rarity watched them run out of the library with a smile. “I'm glad they are such good friends now.”

Twilight nodded. “He needs more friends in his age range. I know I must bore him to tears sometimes, with all the studying I do.”

Bonsmara took Fierce's paw in her hand. “Adventures tend to draw individuals closer to one another in all sorts of ways.”

“I take it that's how you two met?” Rarity said.

Fierce raised Bonsmara's hand and kissed it. “Not how we met, but how we became close.”

“Both of you behave, they're just about back,” Puca said.

“Here they are.” Spike put the bag of crystals on the table.

“Think they'll work?” Cobalt said. “We don't know if they're the right kind of crystal.”

“Let's find out. Can I borrow your pouch?”

“Sure.” Cobalt removed the crystal fragment from his pouch and gave the pouch to Stone.

Stone placed one of the magic deflecting gems in the pouch and hung it around Puca's neck. “Twilight, can you touch her?”

“With my magic? I'll try. Stand up for me, Puca.” Twilight's horn lit. “Nothing on the front quarters.”

Twilight's magical aura appeared on Puca's back and belly. Puca squirmed and protested, “That tickles! Ouch! That's my tail!”

“It covers about one third of her body with protection,” Twilight announced.

Cobalt pointed a hoof at Fierce. “We can divide them up like he did with his vest and the potion!”


“I can't wear them,” said Puca.

“What do you mean?” Stone gave her a worried look. “Is it hurting you?”

“No, but I can't focus my magic.” She paused, then shook her head. “I can't change either.”

“We'll think of something. We have to keep you protected.”

“I can deflect magic on my own.”


She put a hoof to his lips. “I handled Mercy's attacks and I need my magic to be effective. I'll be fine.” She took the pouch off, removed the crystal, and returned the pouch to Cobalt.

“I want everyone to be safe.”

“No matter how much you desire it, you cannot shield all from harm.” Luna regarded the gathering around the table. “My Guard informed me that you were holding a war council. I wish to join.”

“Cobalt, Spike, and Stone worked together and may have found a solution to the magical defense problem,” Twilight said.

Luna took one of the gems from the bag. “Yet more shield stones. There were several of them in the nest befouling my study.”

“We had to leave in a hurry, or we would have gotten those too,” Grayson said.
“They are yours, by right and by need. I will have them delivered to your quarters. Curious that these are newly made. The art of their crafting was lost with the Crystal Empire, or so we supposed.”

“You can tell?” Spike said.

“Indeed. The magical effects of their creation linger around them in ways I can sense.”

“How was your study?” Twilight asked.

“For thieves, they were considerate. They disturbed little and only took a pair of trifling artifacts of my making that helped with locating things with magical properties and a couple of my research journals. There were much more powerful and potentially destructive devices among the collection that they ignored, and the journals they absconded with contained the notes I scribed when making the location devices and not much else.”

“They maybe looking for something,” Grayson said.

“They are taking great pains not to reveal what they are seeking. I know not what aid my creations could provide them.” Luna looked at the bag of crystals thoughtfully. “They have also not resorted to physically coercing any pony to join them that we can tell. Since they are not inclined to do harm, I will have mercy upon them, when they are apprehended.”

Starless trotted up to to the table and bowed. “Princess, I am sorry to interrupt, but we just received a missive from Canterlot. Princess Celestia asks for your presence as soon as possible.”

“That does not bode well. I can recall every time my sister has summoned me in such a manner, and none of them were happy occasions.”

“How soon should we depart?”

“I will depart immediately. You and Mercy will remain and rest. Until my return, you shall lead the Guard assigned here.”

“You honor me.”

Luna strode from the table. “Keep my ponies safe.” With a flash of magic, she vanished.

Starless turned to Twilight. “I ask permission for our forces to make camp inside the castle.”

“They are more than welcome to come in.” She nodded to one of the nearby guards. “I see that the enchantments on your armor are not as effective during the day.”

“To be honest, we bat ponies don't work as well during the day either. While the sun is up, you will be seeing our unicorn and earth pony guards. At night, we bat ponies will be the main body of the active guard.” He bowed. “If you will excuse me, I must see to the changing of the guard and the establishing of our camp.”

“Of course.”

“Cool, Twilight! You've got your own Guard now!”

“Spike, they're Luna's guard. They're just here to protect us for a little while.”

“As much as I would like to stay and see how they manage it all, I need to get back to my shop,” Rarity said. “My parents will be bringing Opal back, and they will worry if I'm not there.”

Bonsmara smiled. “How would you like to add to that order of mine?”

“More business is always welcome, especially if it's for a friend. What can I do for you?”

Bonsmara reached into the bag of crystals, drew a few of them them out, and held them in the palm of her hand. “Would you be willing to make some accessories for us?”

Rarity grinned. “It would be a pleasure.”

“We'll escort you there,” Fierce said. “We cannot have you wandering off on your own, with you being a prime target.”

“I wouldn't want to bother you so.”

“You'll need us to take measurements,” Grayson pointed out. “Or you'll have to make a return trip and take the risk of missing your parents.”

“You're a devious thing, aren't you?”

“I try.”

“Having the flare for it that he does, he typically succeeds,” Fierce said. He picked up the bag of crystals. “I will carry these, if there is no objection.”

“What a gentlehound.” Rarity led them from the library. After stepping out the door, she stopped in the middle of the hall. “My word, they work fast.”

The Lunar Guards had draped cloth over most of the castle's windows and were in the process of covering the rest. Cots lined the halls and ponies of all descriptions made their way through the half-lit organized chaos.

As the group made their way towards the castle's gate, many of the Lunar Guard stopped and stared.

“Why are they looking at us like that?” Cobalt asked, his tail nearly tucked between his legs.

“It's not you they're staring at,” Puca said, her voice shaking. “It's me. I forgot to change before we left the library.” She started to breath quickly and almost crawled along the floor she sank so close to it. “They're disgusted by me.”

Stone moved to her side, put a foreleg around her, lifted back to standing, and glared at the guards.

“Why are you standing around?!” Mercy's voice roared down the hallway. “We have to get camp set up, make the castle secure, and get the mess hall going! There is too much for us to do for you to be wasting time lollygagging!” Upon seeing Puca's and Stone's state, her face lit with fury. “Every pony that can hear my voice, front and center! I don't care if you are half dressed, half undressed, or what you are doing! Drop it and get your flanks over here now!”

With drilled efficiency, the guards did as Mercy commanded. They lined both sides of the hall, standing at attention.

“All of you, listen and listen well! I do not give a cockatrice's beak and a flying parasprite what you have heard or think about changelings.” She pointed a hoof at Puca. “This mare and her friends have served this realm bravely and are welcome among us! She is friends with Princess Twilight and has been found to be a skilled warrior by Princess Luna herself. This appalling behavior ends immediately. This is not the time of the Three Tribes! We do not discriminate due to the features of a pony or being that joins us as allies or friends! We are not savages! If I hear of any incident like this again, or even whispers of one, the ponies responsible will answer to me and, what's left of them, to Luna herself! Do I make myself clear?!”

“Yes ma'am!” The halls rang with the guards' collective response.

“Good! Spread the word to anypony that was not here and inform them that the same applies to them. Dismissed!” As the guards scrambled back to where they had been, Mercy made her way to Puca and Stone. “You two, follow me.”

“We need to es-”

Mercy's glare silenced Grayson. “I did not ask. I will speak with these two now, not at your convenience. Wait outside the gate.”

Grayson's wings fluffed in aggression. “I don't remember signing up for the guard, or being put under your command by either of the Princesses.”

Fierce put a paw on Grayson's shoulder. “We can tarry in the morning sun for a few minutes.”

Cobalt looked up at his brother. “Stone is everything okay now?”

Mercy's purple magic aura surround Cobalt and lifted him to her back. “You are coming as well.”



Puca and Stone entered the room. Mercy followed and shut the door behind her.

Mercy levitated Cobalt to Stone.

Stone took Cobalt from the air, sat him down, and hugged him against his chest. With his free hoof, he drew Puca against his side.

“I want to know what happened. Every detail.” After Stone told her of what transpired in the hallway, she sighed and shook her head. “How quickly ponies forget. Not long ago, the ponies of Canterlot had the same reaction to Lunar Guard become active again. We won't even discuss the reaction to the reintroduction of the bat ponies. I am sorry that you had to endure that.”

“It's not your fault,” Puca said.

“No, but they and their actions are my responsibility. As a leader, I bear the weight of their failures.”

“I thought Luna put Starless in charge?” Cobalt said.

“She did, but he can't be everywhere. At the moment, despite me trying to get him to rest, he is setting up patrols outside the walls. I am second in command and do what I can to take some of the pressure off him.”

“Including pinning griffins to ceilings,” Stone said.

Mercy smiled. “Occasionally, I will be asked by Luna to get involved in something like what happened last night. I specialize in gauging a trainee's skill and teaching sometimes painful lessons so that they do not get hurt by a foe set to do them real harm.”

“So you meant to hurt Stone,” Puca said.

“No, I did not. Twilight's attack knocked me back, which caused my horn to cut Stone.”

“It's true. She could have hurt me before then, but she didn't.”

“I wanted to make an impression on him that he could not face a magic user alone through intimidation and fear.”

“You were holding back a lot, then,” Stone said.

“Crippling or ending an opponent is easy. Having skill enough to rough somepony up and get them to think about their weakness without doing real injury takes quite a bit more skill. I do not mean to sound like I'm boasting, but I am at that level.”

“No doubt here,” Puca said.

“What did you learn from our sparring last night, Stone?”

“I learned that when facing a magic user that as an earth pony I have my limitations. I also learned that those can be overcome with enough effort, knowledge, and help from my friends.”

“Good. If you do not toil, learn, and use your friends' abilities you cannot hope to improve your situation.” Mercy looked to Puca. “What did you take from it?”

“That attacks from separate directions are great, but to be really effective you have to fight with somepony almost as if you are a single being.”

“You noticed how coordinated Starless and I fought. Very good. You're team seems close, both of you should work with the others and find a style and mindset that complements yours and train together until fighting or moving together is second nature. The more you can do that among the various members of your team, the stronger the whole will become”

She looked to Cobalt. “You were not there for the fighting. I am glad you weren't so you did not see the violence and your brother being hurt. However, you should be told that he fought well and with courage and determination against better equipped and trained foes.”

“I learned something too, even though I wasn't there. I saw Stone on the floor. I saw the cut and the blood. I learned that my brother can be hurt and how horrible that feels.” Cobalt turned and buried his face into Stone's chest. “I don't want anyone to get hurt.”

“Remember that feeling when any of your friends are in danger. You are too small to fight, but you can do your part by making yourself as safe as you can so you do not distract them from their foes or by presenting a tempting target.”

“I understand,” Cobalt said, his words muffled.

“Why are you doing this?” Puca took in the room with a gesture. “Why go through all this trouble to shield us?”

“You three are young, but there is potential within each of you. I want to see what you are capable of, but I have to help make sure that you can survive long enough to come to your full skill. Luna told us of what you two have done last night.” She smiled at Puca. “I like your group too. It is an example of what can be done if beings put aside petty differences and work for a common cause. As for you specifically, you have spirit, you are helping us ponies with a problem that you could have avoided, and you are cared for by the others.”

Cobalt cautiously left Stone and stood before Mercy. “Thank you for helping us in the hall.” He hugged her, and she looked down at him in shock. “Thanks for teaching us so we don't get hurt later.”

“I can't promise that none of you will be hurt, but I want to give the best chance at it that I can.” She bent and kissed Cobalt on the top of the head. “I need to get you back to that grouchy Griffin before he comes looking for you.

“Can Stone and I stay for a couple of minutes longer? He and I need to talk.”

Mercy looked up and gave Puca an understanding smile. “I have made this guest room my quarters. You can have it for as long as you like.” She levitated Cobalt to her back. “Cobalt, would you introduce me to the others in your group? I didn't have a chance to meet them last night.”

“Sure!” Cobalt said.

Mercy carried Cobalt from the room and shut the door.

Puca looked at Stone for a moment. “You shielded me. You picked me up off the floor, put me back on my hooves, and put yourself between me and over a dozen Guard.”

“Of course I did.”


“I wanted to help you.”

“You want to help me a lot. It ripped at you that you couldn't help me last night. I know that what happened to Grayson mattered to you, but you all but panicked when Mercy said that Starless was going to beat me.” She stepped closer to him. “You're emotions are much more intense when I'm involved. Just me getting closer to you is stirring them up.”

“I like you. I know that I've only known you for there days, and you may think it's shallow, but I like you.”

“Stone, are you getting a crush on me?”

“I am.”

She smiled. “That's what you meant when you said Grayson said that you shouldn't let an opportunity by.”

He nodded.

“Don't trust yourself to say anything more?”

“I'm afraid I'd be rushing things with you if I say too much. I don't know anything about you and you don't know anything about me. From what I understand, strong long term relationships start as solid friendships.”

“You're thinking about being with me long term this soon?”

“I guess I am. I haven't really thought about what I've thought.” Stone laughed a short, self-depreciating laugh. “I'm not sure that even made sense and I'm the one that said it.”

“Some things can't be put into words. Let me try something.” She kissed his nose and held him in place.

Beyond his ears shooting up, Stone did not move.

Puca broke the contact. “That was an interesting blend. Bits of fear, hope, surprise, and disbelief, mixed with a strong body of blooming affection, and a spicing of lust.”

“Sorry about the lust. I wasn't expecting you to do that or I would have tried to control myself.”

“That's why I did it the way I did. I wanted to experience your unfiltered emotions.” She put a hoof to his cheek. “Why are you scared?”

“You make it sound like you tasted my emotions like a wine. I'm worried that they don't rate well with you, as a blend, and you'll think I'm after you only because you're a mare.”

“I like that analogy. Sampling emotions is like tasting a wine. It's a complex, nuanced, and personal process. Your emotional 'blend' was very appealing. Don't worry about the lust. I'm glad it's there. It means you like my personality and my looks. It's a wonderful sign to me, since you had that reaction while I was in my natural form.”

“So I passed?”

“This wasn't a test. This was a sampling of a new vintage. One of the wonderful things about wine is that they become richer and more complex with age. Thanks to what I am, I know how you feel about me and that it's genuine. While you can't feel what I feel, I assure you I like you too. Neither of us is in love, but we've got a good start. It's going to take time for us to have something close to what Bonsmara and Fierce have between them. Are you willing to share and spend the time with me it will take for us to try for something like that?”

“Very willing.”

“Then let's try.”

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading my story. If you were kind enough to add it to your favorites, please consider giving it a positive vote as well.

Remember, comments are like authors' food, they give us the fuel to keep writing. Constructive criticism is always welcome. It's what allows me to improve my writing skills.