• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 635 Views, 15 Comments

Gathering Pieces - Random_User

Teams across Equestria begin the search for the framents of Princess Amore in hopes that she can be restored. One group of adventures finds more than what they were searching for, when they discover a fragment hidden within the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

Cheerful Flights, Magic Blends, and Interruptions

“Care? I need to see Momma.”

Care stirred and looked toward her right wing. “I’m sorry, little guy. I have you all wrapped up.” She let him free of her wing. “There you go.”

“Thank you,” he told her and scampered off towards the kitchen.

Cobalt lifted his head and looked to his left side. “It looks like we lost Labra and Windless.”

“I bet Windless went back for another cupcake and took Labra with him,” Care said.

Cobalt looked out the den window. “We must have been out for at least an hour. The sun’s getting ready to set.” He chuckled. “Pony piles tend to have that effect.” He looked at Care. “Did you get any rest? You seemed almost as tense as Windless.”

She nodded. “I dozed off after a few minutes.”

“I see they are still in the pile,” Bonsmara said, as she carried Pyrite down the hallway.

“I don’t think it can be called a pile if it’s just two ponies,” Freight said. She stepped into the den and walked to where Care and Cobalt were on the floor. “We need to get your stuff over to Stone and Puca’s before it gets too dark. Bonsmara and her pack are about to head home too.”

Cobalt shifted as if to give Care space without being rude. “I’ll help,” Cobalt offered.

“Stay and visit. You’ve done enough for us today.”

“I can help you unload,” Cobalt suggested.

“Care and I aren’t made of glass.”

“I know, but I would still like to help. I see Amore and Edge almost every day. I don’t get to see you guys near enough.”

Labra led Fierce, Mosaic, and Windless into the den. “I told you! See?! They’re still together.”

Mosaic looked at the small space between Care and Cobalt. “Not quite. I doubt I could get my hoof between them, though.”

“I was comfortable; Cobalt didn’t move so I wouldn’t fall over,” Care explained.

“He looked comfortable too, when we left,” Windless said.

“Says the pony that slept against his other side and snored,” Care said with a smug smile.

“Cobalt being there was nice, but I slept so well because I had my practice special somepony with me.”

Care stared at him. “Practice special somepony?”

Windless asked Labra, “Or would you liked to be called my practice special somedoggy?”

Labra smiled, and her tail wagged. “I like that.”

“Then practice special somedoggy it is.”

“Wait, what?!” Cobalt looked to Freight. “Is he joking?”

“Nope, a lot happened while you were asleep.”

Cobalt got to his hooves. “Sounds like it.” He offered a hoof to Care. “It’s my turn to help you up.”

Care took his hoof. “Thank you.” As she stood, Care warned Labra, “I hope you know what you are getting yourself into.” She gave her Windless a look. “My brother can be a hoofful.”

Labra patted Windless on his shoulder. “He and I will behave. We promised Miss Gauze we would follow the rules.”

“Whoa. Things did happen while we were asleep.”

“There are rules?” Cobalt asked.

“Gauze set them up for her and Windless. She and he were the first ‘practice’ special someponies.”

Cobalt grinned at Windless. “So you weren’t kidding when you said you and Gauze were special someponies for a while.”

“I grew out of it, and she let me go.”

Labra hugged Windless’ leg. “No looking like that.”

Windless looked down at her and smiled. “You’re right.” He gave her nose a boop. “I have my practice special somedoggy with me, so I shouldn’t be anything but happy.”

Bonsmara returned, carrying Pyrite. “Come on, Labra. We need to head home.”

“Could we go with them to Stone’s house first?” she asked, hugging Windless tighter.

She smiled. “A nice walk to help dinner settle does not sound like a bad idea. I do not think your father would object.”

Cobalt led everyone outside and to the back of the house. Labra and Pyrite climbed into the back the wagon. As Freight and Mosaic helped Cobalt into the harness, Windless pulled Bonsmara and Care to the side.

“What is that son of mine up to?” Freight asked. “He has that grin he gets when he’s about to stir up trouble.”

Fierce rounded the corner of the house. “There you rascals are. Puca and Stone asked me to tell you that will be right behind.” He walked to the wagon and scratched Labra and Pyrites heads. “I hope you are behaving for Miss Mosaic and Miss Freight.”

“We are,” Pyrite assured.

“I am not sure about my son, however,” Freight said. She patted Cobalt on the shoulder and asked, “Everything good?”

“Everything feels fine.”

“We have an issue,” Windless said, as he returned to the wagon. “With such high value cargo, we will need an escort.”

Fierce raised an eyebrow. “I assume you are about to ask for a pair lookouts?”

“If that would be okay with you, we could use them.”

Fierce looked towards Bonsmara. “Dear, what say you?”

“If they can survive what Grayson does to them, I cannot see why not.”

Pyrite’s tail wagged into a blur. “Can we fly?!”

“Somedoggy likes being in the air,” Care said.

“I love it!” Pyrite bounced up and down.

“Easy there. If you want to fly with me, you will have to be very good and be still.”

Pyrite nodded. “I will, I promise.”

“You don’t seem so enthusiastic,” Windless bumped his nose to Labra’s. “I thought it would be a nice surprise.”

“I’m sorry.” Her ears drooped. “I like flying, but I had tummy troubles up last time.”

“Grayson did acrobatics with them the last time he took them flying,” Fierce explained. “Labra got air sick.”

Windless put his side against the wagon. “Climb on.”

Labra hesitated.

“I will take it easy. You won’t have any troubles this time.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.”

Labra climbed onto Windless’ back as Pyrite settled on Care’s.

“Fierce, you’re spotter for Windless. Bonsmara, you’re Care’s,” Freight said. “I’ll keep an eye on both, but the more looking up the better.”

“Behave yourselves,” Bonsmara said. “They are being nice to do this for you.” She looked to Care and Windless. “If they give you any trouble, come right back down.”

Labra rubbed Windless’ neck with a paw. “We’ll behave.”

“Ready, Care?” Windless asked.

Care nodded. “Ready.”

“One, two, three, up!” Freight smiled as the siblings took to the air with their passengers. “Good, smooth takeoffs.” She laughed as Pyrite whooped in excitement. “He does like flying.”

“If we don’t get going they won’t have anything to escort,” Mosaic said. “Ready, Cobalt?”

“Is everyone clear of the wheels?” Cobalt asked.

“All hooves and paws are out of the way,” Bonsmara reported.

Cobalt leaned into the harness and got the wagon moving. Once he guided the cart to the road, his attention went skywards.

“They fly so gracefully,” Mosaic said, looking up. “Don’t they?”

“They do.” Cobalt smiled.

“I’ve never thought about it before, but their techniques are so different than how pegasi fly.”

“Membranes versus wings, the mechanics on how they fly are different.”

Freight poked Cobalt in the side. “So you’ve been studying up on us.”

“It’s been part of my training.” He smiled and looked up again. “That my best friends are bat ponies add to my curiosity too, I’ll admit.”

“I hope they have never made you feel left out,” Freight said.

“Never, they have offered not to fly, when I’ve been around them before. It would terrible for them and for me if they didn’t. I could watch them for hours.”

“The left turn’s coming up,” Mosaic cautioned.

“Thanks." Cobalt returned his attention to the road.

“I’ll get them to come down. If I remember right, we’re almost there.” Freight used a wing to signal to Care and Windless.

The siblings spiraled down in graceful circles. They landed with light hooves a distance down the road as Cobalt pulled the wagon in from of Puca and Stone’s house.

“Good takeoffs and landings,” Freight praised, as the twins approached.

“Did our darlings behave themselves?” Freight asked.

“They both did very well,” Windless reported.

“What do you say when someone does something nice for you?” Bonsmara prompted.

Pyrite slid from Care’s back. “Thank you! That was fun!” He hugged one of her forelegs. “Thank you!”

Care patted his back. “You’re welcome.”

Labra hugged Windless around the neck and put her head against the back of his. “You’re the best practice special somepony ever. My tummy doesn’t feel funny at all.”

Windless blushed. “I’m glad.”

Fierce reached for Labra. “Come on, my little lady.”

“She’s fine,” Windless told him.

“Being possessive of her so soon?” Fierce asked. He grinned and gave Windless a wink. “I may have to watch you after all.”

“Dear, do not tease him,” Bonsmara said, scooping up Pyrite. “He is being kind to our daughter.” She looked down at Pyrite and then to Freight with a bitter sweet smile. “They grow up so fast, we have to make the most of the times like these that we have.”

“You are right, Love.” Fierce moved to Bonsmara and gave her a kiss. He looked at Pyrite, with a smile that seemed to hide his thoughts and scratched one of Pyrite's ears. “These are to be treasured moments.”

Labra looked to Mosaic. “Miss Mosaic, did I make my Mommy and Daddy sad?”

“No, dear, you didn’t.” She gestured for Windless to come closer. Mosaic kissed the top of Labra’s head, when she was close enough to the pup. “They know you are growing up, which is what you are supposed to do.” She patted Cobalt’s shoulder and leaned against him. “I’m glad my colt has grown up big, strong, and intelligent, but there are times I would like to shrink him down and hold him in my forelegs again.”

Cobalt leaned his head against Mosaic’s. “Mom, if you ever need a hug, you just ask.”

“I know. But it’s so different now you are the one hugging me rather than the other way around.”

“Let’s get you out of the harness,” Freight said. She reached for a strap. “Care, would you get the buckles on other side of him?”

“I can help with that,” Mosaic said. “I’m right here.”

“You will be helping.” Freight said, giving her a scheming look. “Somepony has to unlock the door. We don’t have the key.”

Mosaic smiled back. “That is more practical, I’ll admit.”

Care got the other side of Cobalt and undid the harness’ buckles.

“Just how strong are you?” Freight patted Cobalt’s side getting a solid sound from his ribs.

“He’s strong,” Care said. “He carried me and Windless and the pups like we we’re nothing.”

He looked towards Care. “You and Windless flying with a passenger is much more impressive. That has to be exhausting.”

“All that training is not just to keep up our physiques.” Windless struck a pose. “Though, you have to admit, we look good.”

Labra patted his head. “You are a pretty pony.”

Windless gave a slight wince. “You might be a little biased, but thank you,” Windless said, as Bonsmara and Care laughed.

“Did I say something wrong?”

“Ignore them. You were being nice.”

“Handsome, is the word I think you were looking for," Fierce offered. “Colts and stallions are called handsome and mares are referred to as being pretty.”

“Oh.” Labra patted Windless on the head and told him, “You are a handsome pony.”

“I would be pretty for you, if you want me to be.”

“Makeover!” Care cheered.

Windless looked aghast at his sister. “That is not what I meant, and you know it!”

“I guess you’re still mad at me about painting your hooves that one time.”

“I was asleep, and you used pink!”

“I like pink!” Labra said, with a pout.

Windless craned his neck so he could look at her. “I have nothing against pink. I like pink just fine. It makes for wonderful dawn and twilight scenes and pretty flowers.” He held out a hoof for her to examine. “It doesn’t work well with my coat. Had she used a nice purple, I would not have put up such a fuss. It didn’t match the neighpony style she had done my mane in either.”

“When did this happen?” Cobalt asked.

“A few years ago, back when he was into those neighpony comics, and getting him to look like one of the characters was the only way I could convince him to let me given him a makeover. He fell asleep while I was doing his mane, so I painted his hooves while I had the chance.”

“Let it not be said I never make sacrifices for my sister,” Windless said.

“What I want to know is did he look good as that character?” Stone asked, as he and Puca approached.

“I have to give Care credit. I was the best Neighbunaga since the original, despite the pink hooves.”

Freight nodded. “He looked authentic. I have the pictures to prove it.”

“Let’s not get the family album involved in this,” Windless said.

“We’re safe, it’s back home,” Care assured.

Freight gave her a fiendish smile. “I’ll just bring it next time”

“Oh, Luna, please no!” Windless pleaded towards the sky.

“Don’t worry, I’ll share our album so you won’t be embarrassed alone,” Mosaic said, as she returned to the cart’s side. “Where shall we start?”

“Can we help?” Labra asked. “We helped with Windless’ stuff.”

“Thanks for the offer, but some of the bags are bigger than you are,” Windless pointed out.

“We can get the small stuff.” She looked to Pyrite. “Right?”

Pyrite nodded.

“Since it’s Care’s stuff, she should decide.”

“It’s fine with me, if your Mom and Dad agree,” Care said.

One of Bonsmara’s ears folded back. “It is getting close to their bed time.”

“There is not much here,” Fierce said. “If they help, it will not take long.”

Bonsmara sighed and smiled. “You want to help?” she asked Pyrite.

He nodded. “She let me fly, which was a nice thing. If I help, I will give her a nice thing back. Miss Mosaic said that is what everyone is supposed to do.”

“I cannot very well argue with that.” She put Pyrite down. “Miss Mosaic is a kind and wise pony.”

“She’s a great mom too,” Stone said, giving Mosaic a hug from the side.

“Yep,” Cobalt said, hugging Mosaic on her other side.

“You two saps,” she sniffed. “Come on, you’re going to make me cry, and we have work to do.”

“Yes, Mrs. Foremare,” Stone teased. “We can’t have anypony thinking you’ve gone soft.”

“Where are we taking her stuff?” Windless asked.

“I’ll show you where their rooms will be,” Puca said. “Grab something and follow me.”

Freight gave a smaller bag to Labra and gave Windless a strap to another bag to carry in his mouth.

Windless followed Puca into the house and to the guest bedroom. After putting the bag down on the bed, he lowered himself to the floor.

Labra slid from his back and rubbed the bridge of Windless’ nose with a paw. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“You two are so cute,” Puca said. “Come on. We have more stuff to get.”

With everyone pitching in, the unloading of the wagon took little time. Care stood in the middle of the room, after the last item had been settled, and looked around. “I still think I brought too much stuff. I have no idea where I will end up, and moving it all again will be a pain for everyone. If I end up in the dorms, it will be too much.”

“We have something more serious to worry about.” Windless looked around at Care’s bags and belongings. “There’s been something off since we left home.”

Care gave her brother a look. “Windless, what are you talking about?”

“I think there was a Stowaway in with your stuff.”

Care glanced toward Cobalt, who had his head just inside the doorway.

“Does that look like a guilty expression to you?” he asked the pups, who nodded. “We have to find him.” Windless poked a bag with a hoof as if searching for something. “You know how Mom feels about stowaways getting in with cargo.”

“This is not ‘cargo’! This is my stuff!”

“Care, was Stowaway packaged safely for the trip?” Freight asked.

“Mom!” Care protested.

“I’m confused,” Pyrite said. He looked to windless. “Stowaway sounds like someone’s name, but there’s no one in her stuff.”

Windless asked, “How can you tell?”

“I can’t smell anyone.”

“That’s how you knew!” Bonsmara said to someone unseen in the hallway. “I should have known. That bit about the ‘extra ingredient’ and I still missed it!”

“You have to admit, it was a good hint,” Fierce responded to Bonsmara. “It was subtle, but still enough to work with.”

“You could tell I was going to have an egg by my smell?!” Puca yelped, from somewhere further down the hall.

“Without confirmation, it would have been remiss of me to say anything.”

“What are they talking about?” Pyrite asked Labra.

“I don’t know. Grownups are weird like that sometimes.” She looked to Windless. “Is there a stowaway or not?”

“Let’s ask the pony most likely to know.” Windless looked to Care, with a grin. “Care, dear sister mine, did you smuggle a certain huggable, miniature, stuffed somepony here?”

Care closed her eyes and sighed. “I did.”

“Where have you hidden him?”

Care dropped her head and, without looking, pointed towards a Lunar Guard hooflocker at the foot of the bed.

“Will you bring the rapscallion out or will I have to get Mom to tell you to?”

“I’ll get him out.”

“Everyone, gather round and prepare yourselves!” Windless said, motioning for the pups to get on the bed. He moved to make room for everyone. “We might have to subdue the vile criminal!”

“Dramatic much?” Care grumbled, as she worked the hooflocker’s combination lock.

“Cobalt, brace yourself. If the knave is who I suspect it is you are in for a shock.”

“What in Equestria are you talking about?” Cobalt asked, as he and Mosaic moved into the room and gave space for the others to enter from the hallway.

Care opened the hooflocker and withdrew a sturdy box. Care giggled, as she looked at the pups, who had peered so far over the edge of the bed it looked they might fall into the hooflocker. “Would you two give me space to put this down?” The pups gave her enough room to put the box down on the bed, and leaned over the box once Care placed it on the foot of the bed. “You two are just too precious.” She scratched an ear of both the pups. “You’re going to be disappointed, when I show you what’s in the box.”

“Care, you’re stalling,” Freight said.

“So you’re on Windless’ side?”

She gave Care a mock serious look. “In regards to stowaways, yes I am.”

“I guess I don’t’ have a choice then,” Care said, with a feigned look of resolve.

Care opened the box, and Labra gasped: “It’s Cobalt!”

“No, it’s Stowaway.” Care picked up the plushie and showed Labra its cutie mark of a cargo box with holes in it sides. “See? They don’t have the same cutie mark.”

“I thought he was supposed to be Freight’s thank you from Rarity for letting you two be her models,” Mosaic said.

“She swapped me her Amore plush for him,” Freight explained.

Care blushed as she met Cobalt’s eye.

“It is Cobalt!” Labra insisted. “It looks just like him! The only thing different is the cutie mark and his mane cut.”

“I modeled for the plushie, like they did for theirs,” Cobalt explained. “Rarity thought it would be cute to change the cutie mark for Freight, due to a certain series of events that led to me stowing away on Freight’s airship.”

Pyrite’s eyes widened. “You stowed away on an airship?!”

“Don’t’ get the wrong idea. I only did it because Princess Twilight told me to and Mom helped get the box ready so I would be safe.”

“You’re making up stories,” Pyrite said. He looked to Mosaic. “Isn’t he?”

“It’s a long story,” Mosaic said, “but that sums up that part.”

Pyrite looked towards Cobalt as if seeing him for the first time.

“His nose fuzz is flat,” Labra said. “Just like Care’s.”

There was a long second’s worth of silence. “Can I see him?” Mosaic asked.

Care gave the plushie to Mosaic, who tucked it against her with a practiced motion.

“I remember when he was this little.” Mosaic touched a hoof to the plushie’s nose and seemed to lose herself in thought.

“Do you have a plushie too?” Pyrite asked Windless.

Windless nodded. “I do.”

“Is it Miss Gauze?”

“No, it’s Fluttershy.”

“Miss Fluttershy?!” Pyrite’s ears went up. “The mare with long, pink mane?”

“That would be her.”

“She lives here. She’s very nice. She lets us pet her animal friends.”

“We’re going to be seeing her tomorrow,” Labra said. “Would you like to come with us?”

“Thank you, but I wouldn’t want to show up uninvited.”

“She likes it when visitors come to see her animals.” Labra’s smile lessened a touch. “We could spend more time together that way too.”

Windless covered his eyes with a foreleg and looked away from her. “Giving me the sad, puppy eyes is not fair!”

“She’s your practice special somedoggy, so you better get used to it,” Freight teased.

He peeked from under his foreleg towards Labra. “If I can get some things done, first the in the morning, I’ll do my best to make it.”

“Speaking of tomorrow morning, we need to get you two home and in bed,” Bonsmara said.

Pyrite crawled on the bed closer to Bonsmara and held his arms up. She scooped him up and gave him a nuzzle. “You are still tired after yesterday, it would seem.”

“It was fun. We found a lot of gems.” He put his head against her. “Thanks for carrying me, Momma.”

She kissed the top of his head.

“I guess this is goodnight,” Windless said to Labra. He stepped towards her and offered his nose. “Can I get a good night nuzzle?”

Labra gave him a nuzzle on the nose. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She rubbed the bridge of his muzzle with a paw. “Right?”

“If can join us,” Bonsmara said. “I am sure Fluttershy would be happy to see him again.”

“I thought of something. What kind of practice special somepony would I be if I didn’t walk you home?” He smiled, as she perked up and her paw paused on his nose. “That way I know where to meet you before we go over to Fluttershy’s.”

“You mean it?!”

“If it’s all right with your Mom and Dad, remember, we have to follow the rules.”

She hugged him around the muzzle and looked towards Bonsmara and Fierce. “Can he walk with us?”

“He can accompany us home,” Fierce said.

“Hop on.” Windless put his side to the edge of the bed. “Or would you rather walk with me?”

Labra looked to the bedspread. “Could we walk, so I can hold your hoof? Mommy and Daddy do it all the time.”

“I would be delighted to hold your paw,” Windless said to Labra. He helped her down from the bed.

“See dear, we set a good example for our daughter when I am afforded the honor to hold your hand,” Fierce teased.

Bonsmara gave him a glance. “You make it sound like I do not let you hold my hand that often.”

“Not as often I would like.”

Bonsmara leaned and gave Fierce a kiss on the temple. She glanced down at Pyrite and shook her head. “Even after a pony pile, he is out like a light.”

Fierce rubbed Pyrite’s shoulder with a paw. “He is growing so fast it is wearing him out.”

“I know.”

Mosaic and Freight looked at their respective foals.

Stone shielded himself from Mosaic’s gaze with his hooves. “Don’t give me that look. I didn’t grow up on purpose.”

“I didn’t either,” Cobalt said, taking Mosaic in a hug. “Now I get to hug you, so it’s not all bad.”

Mosaic hugged him back and patted his back.

Labra ran up to Mosaic and hugged her from the side. “No sniffles!”

“At least you and Pyrite are still small.” Mosaic let go of Cobalt and hugged Labra. “Thank you.”

“You’ve got a grandchangeling coming soon too,” Freight reminded her.

“Trust me, I haven’t forgotten.”

“Care, get the other side,” Windless said.

“Go it.”

“What are you two doing?” Freight said, with a raised eyebrow.

“Mom sandwich!” Windless declared as he and Care leaned against Freight and put their heads against hers.

“You two are crazy.” Freight gave them both a nuzzle. “You two haven’t done that in a long time. Thank you.” She looked to Puca. “I get the spoil the little one too, I thought I’d let you know.”

Puca smiled. “You are welcome to any time.”

“We’ve got to get them on the road, or we’ll be here all night.” Freight prodded Windless on the shoulder. “You’re on escort duty, so get going.”

“Yes, Mom.” He looked to Labra. “Ready to go?”

“Ready!” Labra snuck in a hug to Puca. “I’m so happy you have an egg coming.”

“So am I,” Puca said, giving her a quick hug in return.

“Come on little one,” Fierce called from down the hall. “You cannot keep your practice special somepony waiting.”

“Coming!” Labra called and hurried out of the room.

“We should go too,” Mosaic said. “You all have had a busy day,” She smiled at Puca and Stone, “and have surprises to talk about. I expect everypony over for breakfast, nice and early.”

“Sounds great,” Field said. “Cobalt, I get a hug before you go.” Cobalt gave her a hug, and she patted him on the shoulder. “Thanks for hauling our stuff around.”

“I’m glad I could help.”

Freight let go of him. “Care, you owe him a hug too, since it was your stuff he was toting.”

Care nodded and gave Cobalt a warm hug. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Mosaic hugged Stowaway to her chest.

Freight she glanced at the plushie and then met Mosaic’s eye. “You better be careful, Care, looks like Mosaic here has an aim to keep Stowaway.” She grinned. “Maybe you could trade him for Cobalt?”

“I am not trading my son for a plushie!” Mosaic said, laughing.

“I don’t know. You’re holding Stowaway close. She’s holding Cobalt like she isn’t meaning to let go too.”

“Mom!” Care let go of Cobalt, who took a second to let her go.

“I better return Stowaway to you,” Mosaic said, offering the plushie to Care. “I can tell he means a lot to you.”

“He does.” Care hugged Stowaway and nuzzled the top of his head. “He’s helped me through a lot.”

“Care has for me too,” Cobalt said.

“You need to clarify there: my Care or yours?” Freight asked.

“Both. Her letters helped me when I was having my troubles.”

Care looked up to him and smiled. “I’m glad I could do something for you, even as far away from you as I was.”

Puca smothered the start of a gasp and snapped her attention to the floor. “Excuse me; I need to step away from a moment.”

“Are you okay?” Care asked, sounding concerned.

“I'm fine, I just need a second.” Puca darted out of the room.

Care looked to Stone. “I did I say something wrong?”

“Not a thing. I’ll go check on her to make sure she’s okay.” Stone grinned at Cobalt. “I don’t think you did anything, to tell the truth.”

As Stone left the room, all three mares looked to Cobalt.

Cobalt gave them a nervous grin. “I didn’t do anything! I just stood here!”

Care’s eyes widened, as she looked at Cobalt. She smiled a relieved smile and held Stowaway closer. “We know.”

Stone walked back into the room, appearing distracted. “She’s fine. She’s sensitive to emotion right now and got a bit too much.”

Care nodded. “I understand. I’m full of enough emotional energy I’m having trouble handling it all myself. It must be horrible for her.”

“We might not want to stay here tonight,” Freight said. “We’re all bundles of nerves right now.

“You can sleep in my bed,” Cobalt offered. “Care could have Stone’s, if he doesn’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Stone said.

Mosaic asked, “What do we do with Windless?”

“He can have the couch,” Cobalt said. “I’ll take the floor.”

Care shook her head. “You can’t sleep on the floor because of us.”

“We took a nap on the floor this afternoon.”

“That was different.” She put her head on top of Stowaway’s. “You will be alone and cold.”

“Our house isn’t cold, and I’ll wrap up in a blanket.”

Mosaic looked to Cobalt. “I feel bad putting you on the floor too.”

“Don’t worry. I like sleeping on the floor. I do it all the time.”

“He does,” Mosaic confirmed. “He and the pups do almost every time they come over, after they wear each other out playing.”

“Puca should be better tomorrow,” Stone said. “She’s been hit with a lot today, with everyone’s feelings and the news of the egg coming.”

“We understand,” Freight said. “Take care of her for us.”

“I will.”


Freight looked out the kitchen window. “Where is that son of mine?”

Looking down into his tea, Cobalt smiled. “I would bet he’s been ponynapped by at least one pup. I’m sure he’s being shown their rooms and their favorite toys.” He looked up towards Care. “I had an idea. Would you mind stopping by Rarity’s with me, before we start looking for a place for you?”

“Sounds great, but what’s the idea?”

“Labra needs a Windless plushie and Windless needs a Labra plushie.”

“That’s perfect!” Her brief enthusiasm fell, as did her expression. “They have to be expensive, though. Rarity is one of the best fashion designer’s in Equestria.”

“Don’t worry about that. I have gems I can trade for them.”

“That’s sweet, but gems don’t grow on trees.”

“True, but mine come from rockmoss.”

Care stared at him for a moment. “You’re kidding.”

“I promise I’m not. We have some in the basement.”

“Which has become his garden,” Mosaic said. “That’s why there’s the new shed out back.”

“Growing and feeding the moss is part of his training,” Amore explained. “The gems he grows are attuned to him from the moment they form. We didn’t know rockmoss grew in this region, but Rarity and Spike found some during their gem excursions.”

“I could show you, if you would like,” Cobalt offered.

Care nodded. “I would love to see it.”

Cobalt looked to Freight. “Would you like to come?”

“I’ll see them later, if you don’t mind.” She patted the side of her tea cup. “I need to finish this before it gets cold. It’s one of the best cups of tea I’ve had.”

“Thank you,” Field said.

“Give me a hug, before you two head down there,” Amore said. “We might head out, before you get back.”

Cobalt gave Amore her requested hug.

“That will be fifty extra pushups next training session,” Edge declared.

Amore gave him an amused look. “If I give you a kiss, will you forgive him?”

“I might. He was the one that brought you back, after all.”

Amore kissed Edge’s nose. “Are you going to make Care do pushups, if I ask her for a hug?”

“If it gets me another kiss, I will.”

“You’re terrible.” Amore turned and motioned for Care to come close. “Ignore the possessive grump.” She gave Care a hug, when she approached. “I’m so glad you’re joining us here at Ponyville University.”

Care hugged her back. “I am too. It feels like I’m visiting family rather than moving to a new school.” She let go of Amore and looked at Edge. “The next training session is a day after tomorrow, right?”

Edge raised an eyebrow. “That’s right.”

“I’ll be there. I’ll do the pushups then.”

Edge grinned and nodded to her. “I’ll hold you to that, or Cobalt will do triple the pushups.” After Cobalt and Care left the room and the front door opened and closed he chuckled. “He's choosing a fire brand or she’s choosing him. I’m not sure which I would put my bits on.”

“That’s my daughter you’re talking about,” Freight said, her voice even but her hackles raised.

Edge held up a hoof. “I don’t think there is anything wrong for a mare to have a fire in her belly and take charge of a stallion.” He kissed Amore’s nose, when she turned to look at him. “In fact, I fell in love with a princess with a fire inside her who liked ordering me around.” He waggled his eyebrows at Amore. “She still knows how to get me to stand at attention whenever she likes.”

“Edge!” Amore hit him on the shoulder.


Cobalt opened the swing door. “Let me go down first and light the lamp. It should only take me a second.”

“I’ll be right here.” She leaned forward and watched him descend the stairs. She pulled back, when a pale light flared. “Are you okay?”

“It’s just the lamp warming up. The light will get stronger, after a little bit. Come on down.”

Care walked down the stairs and into the basement. “Oh wow!” She looked around at the various planters, which appeared to have a rock planted in them. Each rock had gems growing from stalks from its main body. “You grew these?”

“Most of them, after Mend taught me how to get them started.” Cobalt hung the lantern on a hook on the wall. “They are touchy at first, but once they get established they manage themselves. They grow in cave like spots. That’s why they’re down here.”

Care examined the lantern. “I didn’t even notice. It’s a gem giving off the light.”

“Oh, yeah, it’s one of mine. Silver Coil made the wire frame for it. I reused one of Dad’s old broken lanterns.”

“How long will it last?”

“I’m not sure. It holds a charge pretty well, but I can tell each charge isn’t lasting as long and it’s getting tougher for me to give it a charge.”

Care looked back to the rockmoss planters. “This is amazing.”

“Want to help me gather some of the gems?”

“Sure. What do I have to do?”

“It’s easy.” Cobalt got two baskets from a nearby shelf and gave one to. “All you have to do is give one a light tap. If it releases from the stem, it’s ready.” He looked over the nearest rock moss. “Look for gems about this size.” He tapped one of the larger gems, to no effect. “Not quite there.” He tried another, and had to catch it as it released from its stem. “That’s all there is to it.”

“I can do that.” She started at one edge of the planters and worked her way towards Cobalt, as he worked towards her.

“What do you feed them to get them to give off gems?”

“Magic, I come down here and mediate and they absorb the magic that’s stirred up.” He nodded towards the floor. “That’s why the circle of quartz is in the floor. It helps the magic flow.”

“These are all you.” She said looking around.

“Stone helps. The rockmoss on your left is his. When he first tried to give it energy, nothing happened. It turns out my brother’s magic is like a battery charge and stores up. Once he got things going, the third time he tired, he gave the moss a huge dose all at once." Cobalt laughed. "I was getting smaller gems off the moss every other day for two weeks after that, then the bigger ones formed.”

“Do the colors mean anything?”

“I don’t think so. The gems are random in their colors, even from the same clumps of rockmoss.”

“Can I try feeding them?” She looked at her basket. “I know it will be tough for me, since I’m not an earth pony, but I’d like to try.”

“There might be a way I can help. It’s going to be intense, though.”

“That’s fine.”

Cobalt blushed. “It’s also something that crystal ponies do only if they trust each other.”

“I trust you. What do you need me to do?”

He took her basket and set it beside his outside the circle. “See those smaller planters over there on the shelf? Those are just getting going. Out of those, pick the rockmoss that appeals to you the most. Don’t think about it too much; just choose the one that gives you the best first impression.”

She looked at the various planters. “That one, please.” She pointed a hoof at one, and Stone placed it in the circle.

“Sit down beside me and put your hooves so they touch it like this.”

Care followed Cobalt’s example. “Is this right?”


“I’m worried this won’t work.”

“It will.” He bowed his head towards the rockmoss and closed his eyes. “Put your head beside mine and close your eyes. Match your breathing with me. Slow in for five seconds, hold for eight, and then let out slow for seven. While you do, picture a light source in your favorite color. I’ll do the rest.”

“I can do that.” She matched her breathing with his.

They remained still for a few cycles of breath. A soft glow formed around them and faded.

“That’s got it.” He raised his head and smiled. “You were great.”

She looked up at him. “I saw a cluster of green lights come close to mine. They looked like they were fireflies. Did you see it too?”

“Those were mine. I have trouble holding the image of a single, static light so I think of a bunch of little lights swarming together. I saw a purple light in a lantern and knew it was you.”

Care’s eyes lit up. “You saw it!”

“Our magic flowed together, once the lights got close to each other, and the rockmoss drank it all up.” He gave her an affectionate, appreciative smile. “It was amazing, thank you.”

“Why are you thanking me?”

“This was so different than when I do this by myself or with Stone. Your magic was calming, warm, and made me feel protected.” He blushed and looked towards the rockmoss. “It was like when you gave me that winghug when we first met.”

“I think we gave each other the magical equivalent of a winghug. I felt your magic like a caring, encompassing, supportive strength.” She tilted her head. “I never have given you another wing hug since then, have I?”

“No. You tackled me when I saw you in the Crystal Empire, though.”

“I need to fix that.” She got to her hooves. “Don’t move. You’re at just the right height.” She leaned towards him and unfolded her wings.

“Cobalt, Windless is here!” Amore called down the stairwell, as a set of hooves descended the stairs. “He wanted to see the garden too. I’ll admit I’m curious to see how it is fairing.”

“Sneaking my sister down into your secret lair are you?” Windless poked his head from the stairwell. His ears snapped back, when Care and Cobalt turned to look at him. “We interrupted something, didn’t we?”

Care sat down, and muttered something impolite in Old Ponish.

Cobalt leaned and patted the side of a basket. “It’s all right. We’re through harvesting the gems.”

“That’s not what the look I’m getting from my sister is telling me.” Windless looked around the basement. “Whoa, this is so cool! I thought your room was awesome, but this has it beat.” When Windless looked back at Care, his ears returned to being folded. “Sis, I’m sorry. I can tell you’re upset.”

Care snorted and shook her head. “Come here.” She stood up and hugged him, when he approached her. “I’m annoyed at the timing, not you or what you did.”

Amore walked into the basement. “Are you two okay?”

“We’re fine. We’re having a twin moment.”

“A good one or a bad one?”

“A good one,” Care said, while booping Windless’ nose.

Windless all but stuck his nose in a basket. “That’s a lot of gems. If they come fast, you must be swimming in them.”

“That’s two months’ worth of growth, and not all of them are usable. I’ll need to go through them to see which ones I can work with.”

“What do you do with the ones you can’t use?”

“Stone and Spike eat the flawed or opaque ones. I trade the others.”

“If you can grow gems, why do you go looking for them?” Care asked.

“The wild gems have different magical properties.” Cobalt nodded toward the rockmoss planters. “These can be light sources or for minor aches and pains, but not too much else. For more powerful effects, you have to use wild gems or pour a lot magic into this kind of gem. Even then, they lose their ability to hold a magic charge quick.”

Amore looked to the planter on the floor. “That one is just starting, it looks like.”

“We gave it the first magical feeding to get it going,” Care said.

“We? What do you-?” Her eyes widened as she looked to Cobalt.

Cobalt blushed. “It went well.”

“You merged magic?” Windless asked. “It worked?!”

“Windless calm down,” Care said. “You’re wings are up. You’re going to scrape them on the roof.”

“Thanks for the warning.” He folded his wings back to his side and hugged Care. “That’s great!” Windless grinned at Cobalt. “How did you talk her into trying?”

“I didn’t. She wanted to see if she could feed the rockmoss, and I agreed.”

“And everything went well from there?”

Care poked Windless in the chest with a hoof. “Why are you so excited about it?”

“I believe Windless may be misconstruing a crystal pony tradition.” Amore offered to Windless, “I could teach you what I know about the meanings of merging magic, if you would like.”

“That would be great! I am about to move there. I don’t want to commit a faux pas right as I get there, particularly with the subject involved.”

“I’ll be glad to tell you what I know, but Edge is be the expert on the subject. He and I have merged magic occasionally, and he was the one that introduced me to its importance to crystal ponies.”

“I would like to hear from both of you, in that case, if he wouldn’t mind.”

“I’m sure he would be happy to.” She motioned for Windless to follow her and led him up the stairs. “Another time though, it’s getting late. Everypony has had a busy day, and it seems like everypony will have a busy one tomorrow too.”

“We should get ready for bed too.” Care looked towards the planter. “We should see the gems we fed should show up in a couple of months?”

“That’s usually what happens. I’m not sure about this time.” He picked up the planter and put it back on the shelf. “The rockmoss took our magic so well I don’t know what will happen.” He smiled. “Whatever it does, I’m sure it will be spectacular.”