• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 636 Views, 15 Comments

Gathering Pieces - Random_User

Teams across Equestria begin the search for the framents of Princess Amore in hopes that she can be restored. One group of adventures finds more than what they were searching for, when they discover a fragment hidden within the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

Testing Limits

Twilight sat at the head of the dinning table. She was still bleary eyed and had a blanket wrapped around her, but she was awake.

“Why didn't you wake me up when the message arrived?”

“Because you needed to rest, and we needed time to make dinner.” Bonsmara put a salad in front of Twilight. “Besides, there is nothing that you could have done about anything in the letter.”

“To sum it up, we got some good news, some neutral news, and some bad news,” said Grayson. “The good news is that all the teams have checked back in and everybody is fine. The neutral news is that a couple of teams found traps similar to the one we faced, but nopony was hurt. The bad news is that there are reports of ponies disappearing under strange circumstances.”

“Any idea who's disappeared?”

“There were only two names listed: Moon Dancer and Trixie Lunamoon.”

Rarity's fork clattered against the table. “Twilight! What in Equestria is going on?!”

“I take it you recognize the names?” Fierce asked, as he put a bowl of soup besides Twilight's salad.

“They're both ponies we know.” Twilight slouched and rubbed her forehead with a hoof. “They both went to Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.”

“So they are targeting specific ponies,” said Grayson. “Looks like we lucked out. None of us were on the list, or they would have fought harder to keep us.”

“Have there been any ransom demands?” Rarity asked.

“None were mentioned.”

“We need more information.” Twilight said. “I'll write a letter asking for more details.”

“After you eat, darling.” Rarity pointed her fork towards Twilight's salad. “We can't have you collapsing.”

“I took a nap, I'm fine.”

“You're not. You used a lot of magic and stayed up all hours trying to figure out how to drive those manticores out of the swamp without hurting them.”

“You girls helped too.”

“True, but we didn't put as much energy into the plan that you did.”

Stone tapped the tabletop with a hoof. “If I had to bet, the teams that had trouble with traps had skilled unicorns with them too.”

“I'll add that to the questions I ask in the letter. We'll need to know their locations too. We may be able to triangulate their position, if we know where each of those teams were when they ran into trouble.” Twilight turned her head, cast a spell, and a scroll and set of writing utensils appeared on the table.

Rarity's horn lit, and the writing supplies slid towards her. “Not until you finish your dinner.”

“You have to be kidding me! My friends are disappearing!”

“Which you can do nothing about, at the moment. If you are not at your full strength you put yourself and your friends in danger.” Grayson picked up his bowl and drained the last of his soup. “The best thing that you can do is eat and use the time to systematically think about the situation and what we know.”

“They're using Princess Amore as bait, right?” Cobalt said. “I can ask her if she knows what's going on.”

Bonsmara laughed. “Of course! If anypony had information as to who, or what, is behind this she would.”

“You can talk to Amore?” Twilight asked.

Cobalt nodded.

“After dinner for you too.” Rarity patted Cobalt on the head. “You're a growing colt and need to eat your vegetables.”

“Twilight, can I have a few gems?” said Spike.

“Of course. You did a wonderful job looking after the castle and helping with the library while we were gone. You more than deserve them.”

“Thanks!” Spike ran from the room.

Twilight laughed. “He still acts like a foal sometimes.”

A bitter-sweet smiled came to Rarity's face. “He's a growing dragon. We really can't call him a foal anymore.”

“No, we can't.”

The sound of Spike's claws rapidly hitting the crystal floor echoed from the hallway. He slowed down, as he came into the room, and then took his seat beside Rarity. He offered his bowl of gems to her. “Would you like to look through them to see if there are any that you would like?”

“No, thank you. You earned those. Besides, if you eat all of them we can go on another gem hunt.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Spike put a clawful of the gems in his mouth.

Puca grinned, as she watched Spike enjoy his dessert. “Which ones are your favorites?”

Spike swallowed and answered, “Opals. You never know how they are going to taste, but I've never had a bad one.”

“Can I have one of your gems?”

“Sure. You're not going to eat it, are you?”

“I'm not. Stone is.”

“Wait, what?”

“I think he's a gem eating pony.”

“Puca, have you lost your mind?” Grayson said.

Stone sighed. “She's serious. She found something in one of the books in the library that said there are ponies that eat rocks.”

“While it was a bit of a shock the first time, I've seen it done several times myself.” Rarity dabbed the corner of her mouth with a napkin. “Pinkie's family eats rocks as part of every meal.”

“This I've got to see.” Spike dug through the bowl and picked out a ruby. He tossed the ruby to Puca, who deftly caught it with her hoof. “If he chips his teeth, don't blame it on me.”

“He won't.” She turned to Stone and held the ruby out to him. “Here you go.”

He took the gem from her. “I can't believe I'm doing this.”

“It's amazing what mares can get you to do,” Grayson said. “Look at Cranky, he went from one end of Equestria to the other several times over looking for his jenny.”

Every eye focused on Stone, who did not make a move.

“No pressure here,” Puca prodded. “You're just keeping us all waiting.”

“Here goes.” Stone closed his eyes, popped the stone in his mouth, and slowly began to chew. After a couple of seconds, his chewing became more vigorous. A couple of motions of his jaw later, he swallowed.

“I can't believe it.” Bonsmara said. “I just watched a pony eat a gemstone.”

“Pretty good, huh?” Spike said.

Puca clapped her hooves together. “What did it taste like?!”

“Like a cinnamon hot.” Stone said.

“That's so awesome!” Cobalt stood in his chair. “You really are tough enough to eat rocks!”

“You'll have to talk to Pinkie about what her family eats,” Twilight said. “Her sister, Maud, is amazingly strong. You may be able to become as strong as she is.”

“Oh no!” Cobalt clapped a hoof over the pouch around his neck. “What if a dragon or something else ate part of Amore?!'”

“You don't have to worry about that.” Spike said. “I put one of Twilight's practice enchantment gems in my mouth one time, when I was little, and it stung like I had tried to eat a bee. I found out the hard way that dragons and other gem eating creatures don't eat magically charged gems. Our bodies reject them as soon as they touch our mouths because our we don't know what they would do to us.”

Cobalt took a deep breath and sat down with a thump. “Thank goodness.”

Bonsmara moved around the table, picked Cobalt up, and hugged him to her chest. “You have such a big heart.” She patted and rubbed his back. “No wonder Amore reached out to you.”

“That was some pretty powerful emotions there,” Puca said, wiping away a couple of tears from her cheeks. “You're really are worried about her, aren't you?”

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so upset and make you feel bad. She seems so nice, I don't want anything bad to happen to her.”

“Would talking with her again help?” Stone asked.

“I think so.”

“Then let me help you get settled and you can give it a try.” Bonsmara carried Cobalt out of the room. “Where would you like me to take you?”

Twilight sprang from her chair. “Don't start without me. I might be able to help and I need to take notes!”

“I don't care if you're a princess, you need to finish your meal!” Rarity trotted after them. “Twilight! I know you can hear me!”

“Hey, Stone, catch.” Spike tossed him a piece of turquoise. “If you like the ruby, you're going to love that.” Spike, carrying his bowl of gems, raced after the others.

“Fierce, whatever it is you're thinking, please tone it down.” Puca looked at him. “You're going to make me blush again.”

“I love that lady, with all my heart. She is an enchanting dichotomy. She is one of the most ferocious fighters I have ever encountered, but she only draws blade to help others. She possesses equal measures of power and tenderness. Grace and savagery. Domination and seduc-”

“Fierce!” Puca covered her face with her hooves and all but ducked under the table. “Please! I really don't need to feel that much about what you think about Bonsmara on that level!”

Fierce grinned. “I would say that I regret making you feel so, but I cannot do so in good conscious. I will not apologize for the depth of my affection for her. However, I will grant you a reprieve by pursuing her and putting distance between me and you.” Fierce, smile still in place, strode from the room.

“Celestia and Luna both help us. I am the only sane one out of this whole group.” Grayson, with a catlike leap, sailed over the table and went out the door. “Come on you two.”

Puca sat back up. “Fierce is worse than Cranky! Well, not really, now that I think about it, but it's close!” She got down from her seat. “Let's go after them. We don't want to keep Cobalt waiting.”

“Hang on for a second.” Stone put the turquoise on the table, joined her on the floor, and hugged her. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“For what?”

“Helping me find the magic that I had been missing in my life.”

“I didn't know you liked me enough to say something like that.”

As he opened his mouth to reply, Puca tossed the turquoise into it. She laughed as he shook his head and chewed. “I know what you meant, and your more than welcome. What does that one taste like?”

Stone smiled. “Blueberry pie.”


Cobalt slept soundly, his head in Bonsmara's lap. Bonsmara stroked his neck and back with soothing motions of her hand. “Poor thing, he's exhausted.”

Rarity looked towards Twilight. “Reminds me of another pony I know.”

“I'll go to bed soon, I promise.” Twilight's pen did not falter as it went across the parchment. “He was able to reach her, even though he's had almost no experience with magic at all. His technique was simple and it looked like he had been doing it for years.”

“He took in Zecora's lessons very well,” Grayson said. “He was able to stay in contact with her for much longer this time.”

“While I am glad that he was able to contact her and calm his nerves, that she did not know much about those using her is a pity.” Fierce put a thumb to his lips. “There are far too many unknowns for us to even form a counter strategy.”

“There is some good news in that they have not used violence to get what they want,” Stone said. “The spider webs could have killed us, if we hadn't been careful, but they weren't actively using them to attack.”

“All traps have an element of lethal danger to them. A pit trap may not kill you outright, but you could starve or dehydrate before you get out.” Grayson paused in his preening and pulled out a feather.

“Do you mind if I have that? I've read griffon feathers make wonderful quills.”

“Sure. I just throw them out. There may be a couple of more I can add to it. I can't tell quite yet.”

“The question is, what do they want?” Stone said. “If we knew what they were after, we might be able to negotiate with them.”

“That's quite mature of you,” Rarity said. “Most young stallions would be chomping at the bit to fight.”

“We have enough problems with creatures trying to eat us, disease, elementals, and natural disasters without adding fighting among ourselves to the mix. That's what Hearths Warming is all about, when you get right down to it.”

Twilight yawned and covered her mouth with a hoof. “I know, Rarity, time to go to bed.”

“It is for us all.” Fierce stood and offered a paw to Bonsmara. “Should we take the lad back to his house, or will he remain with us?”

“He'll stay with us and so will Rarity.” Grayson put the feathers he had preened on Twilight's desk. “So far, they have been targeting ponies with magical abilities that know Twilight. Rarity fits that description. Cobalt has a developing power that they may be interested in, so we'll keep him here for tonight.”

“Thank you for the complement, but I am not all that skilled at magic nor did I attend Celestia's school. They couldn't possibly want anything from me.”

“You are the former bearer of the Element of Generosity. That combined with your friendship with Twilight makes you a prime target.”

“Since you put it that way, I think I'll stay the night.”

Bonsmara cradled Cobalt to her and stood. “Where would be a good place for him?”

“My room.” Spike said, sliding off his chair. “It will be like a sleep over. Come on, I'll show you.”

A knock from the front of the castle echoed down the hallway.

“Who could be here at this hour?”

“I'll get it.” Stone got to his hooves and trotted toward the door.

Grayson met him at the doorway. “With us, especially when there is something going on like we're facing, we never do anything alone.”


“If they planned something nasty, I doubt they would knock,” Rarity said.

“The castle is sure to have magical defenses in its walls, judging by its composition.” Fierce said. “Sometimes the only way a demon can enter a protected place is to be invited in.”

“What a cheery thought.”

Bonsmara put Cobalt down on the couch. “Fierce and I will stay here. If there is any trouble, we will come running.”

Grayson nodded and led Puca and Stone down the hall. “You're out of armor, Stone, so you'll be the friendly face for us. Greet our guest politely. I'm going to play gargoyle above the door. If anything happens, get away from whatever your fighting. I'll attack from above. Puca, stick to the shadows.”

“You've done this before,” Stone said.

Grayson nodded. “Been a while, though. We try not to take jobs that involved fighting, but sometimes we find ourselves having to. Keep in mind, when opening a door that swings inward, keep clear of the path of the door.” Grayson took to wing, flew to the top of the gate, and perched on the overhang. Once he was settled, he nodded to Stone.

Stone opened the door so that there was just enough space to talk through. “How can I help you this evening?”

“Are you one of the guests of Princess Twilight?”

“I am.”

“Good.” A blow to the door swung it open with brutal force. Stone managed to avoid being hit by leaping backwards.

A bat pony stallion in light armor stepped into the foray. “Good move. This could be more interesting than I had expected.”

“You talk too much.” A glint of metal flashed from above and sped towards the bat pony.

A magic barrier deflected the attack, scattering the throwing knifes across the floor.

The bat pony looked up and smiled at Grayson. “Did you really think I would come alone or that we didn't expect an ambush?” He grunted, as Stone slammed a hoof into his chest.

Grayson dropped from the overhang, mace in talons. A bubble of magic caught him and shoved him against the ceiling, pinning him there. “Now, now, birdy. Let them play.” A unicorn mare stepped into the castle. “Starless, try not to rough him up to much.”

“That's not a problem!” Starless blocked another of Stone's attacks. “If I didn't have my armor on, he'd have broken something!”

As Stone and Starless fought and moved under him, Grayson let go of his mace. “Stone, dodge!”

A lash of magic knocked the mace aside. The unicorn shook her head at Grayson and gave him a disapproving look. “Don't you have any other tricks besides attacking from above?” She snapped her head from him, as a figure launched itself from the shadows.

Pushing a wedge of green fire before her, Puca rushed the unicorn. Her attack was met with a barrier conjured by the unicorn, who staggered back from the impact of Puca's attack.

Grayson began to descend from the ceiling again. “If you consider friends tricks, I have several of them!” A tendril of shadows snapped around Grayson and pulled him back against the ceiling. “Oh, come on!” Another shadowy tendril wrapped itself around his beak.

“Be silent, and let this scene unfold as it will,” a commanding voice whispered in his ear. “I know of you, but have no knowledge of these two. I would see how they fare.”

The unicorn mare beamed. “A changeling? Here? How marvelous. Ever since I missed your attack on Canterlot, I have wanted to face one of you.” Green flames met a dark purple barrier, creating flashes of prismatic light. The unicorn smiled. “So far, I am not disappointed.”

“Quit goofing around and end it!” Starless yelled.

“Says the one toying with the youth. I'll have you know I'm having to put a bit of effort into this to avoid getting pummeled.”

“He's not exactly a push over either.”

“Then let's swap partners. I think you will find this one more agreeable to your tastes.”

The unicorn teleported to the bat pony's side and engaged Stone. “You are a feisty thing, but eagerness and strength will only get you so far.”

Starless intercepted Puca's charge. “Interesting style, combining magic and hoof fighting like that. I want to see more of it.”

The unicorn pinned Stone to the floor with her magic. “It's quite something to watch, isn't it. Seeing two skilled fighters test each other? He was toying with you a bit, but you held your own enough not to have your skull caved in. Now that he's not holding back, she won't last long.”

Stone got his hooves under him and began to push off the floor.

The unicorn turned back to Stone. “You are quite strong.” She stepped towards him. “It's clear you've had some Royal Guard training and your strength is remarkable, but you have a fatal flaw.” She put her horn under his chin and forced him to raise it so that his neck was exposed. “You have no defense against a magic user like me.”

An intense blast came from the hallway. A far more potent barrier than any used, till that moment in the fight, appeared and half deflected, half absorbed the attack. Even lessened, the shock of the two magical forces colliding was enough to knock the unicorn from Stone and across the floor.

“There will be no more fighting in my castle,” Twilight commanded. “If there is, I will be the one you fight.”

“You need not sully your hooves with these.” As he walked past Twilight, Fierce drew his sword and snarled, exposing his intimidating fangs. “If you would do me the favor of keeping the magic user from using her skills to their full effect, we will end this with all due haste.”

Bonsmara passed by Twilight's other shoulder. “I would surrender, if I were you two. I wanted a peaceful evening and you have ruined it. To say that I am irritated would be an understatement, and I intend to take my frustrations out on something.” She bashed the flat of her axe against her scarred shield and rushed forward. “I hope you can survive long enough for me to get my satisfaction!”

“Let this farce be over.” Everyone froze as Luna stepped from the shadows. “I wanted to take your measure and I have. There need not be more conflict.” She looked to the unicorn. “Have you come to harm?”

“No, my lady.” The unicorn stood. “Thanks to you.”

Puca walked over to the unicorn and struck her with enough force turn her head. “You heartless witch! You have no idea what you've done to him!”

“Puca!” Grayson flew down and dragged her away from the unicorn. “It's over!”

Puca shoved him away. “No, it's not.” She rushed to Stone, who had collapsed on the floor.

“I couldn't do anything,” Stone's voice held a mixture of fear and sadness. “You and Grayson were in trouble, and I couldn't do anything.”

“Stone?!” Cobalt ran to his brother and wrapped his forelegs around his neck. “Are you all right?! You're bleeding!”

Stone embraced Cobalt. “It's just a nick. It could have been a lot worse.”

The bat pony stood in front of Stone and offered his hoof. “I am Starless Night, one of Princess Luna's inner guard. I am humbled by your courage and determination. Without arms or protection you fought me to a standstill.”

“You were holding back.”

“Not as much as I thought I would have to. You pushed me a couple of times with your strength alone. We're both going to have bruises from this.”

Cobalt and Puca moved so that Stone could accept the offered hoof. Starless pulled stone to his hooves, embraced him, and slapped him on the back. “If you would like to join the Lunar Guards ranks, you have to but to ask, and I will write a letter of recommendation.”

“He's ours, thank you.” Grayson said. “He's too kind hearted to be a solider.”

Starless stepped back from stone, and the unicorn mare began tending Stone's wound. “This is more than a little scratch. Hold still, and let me work on it. It's the least I can do, since I'm the one that did it.” She cut her eyes to Puca. “Would you stop gnashing your teeth? I can hear it from here.”

“How are you going to close the wound?”

“My medical supplies are outside. I can't wear them into a fight. I was about to go get them.”

“Don't bother.” Puca spit a gooey, green substance onto a hoof and tenderly applied it to Stone's chin. “This acts a lot like putting honey on a wound. It will close the cut, keep it clean, and speed it's healing. If you're lucky, you won't even have a scar.”

The mare snorted. “That's one way to do it. Marks what you claim as yours pretty well too.”

“You stuck up, Canterlot harridan!”

Cobalt looked to Twilight. “I don't know what that means, but it doesn't sound very nice.”

Twilight smirked. “It's not a 'bad' word, but it's not nice to call a mare that.”

Luna took hold of Puca's hoof. “I would have a sample of this.” She looked to the unicorn. “Retrieve your kit. I believe you have clean phials that would serve.”

“Yes, Princess.” The Mercy turned and stepped out of the castle.

“Luna, why did you do this?” Twilight said. “Somepony could have gotten killed.”

“Neigh. I was present for all that transpired. I would not have allowed permanent injury to any. This exercise was necessary to gauge the worth of this duke's mixture that has played so prominently of late. I need to know the depth of their skill so that I do not assign them a duty beyond their kin.” She bowed slightly to Stone. “I apologize that my skill was not enough to prevent this from occurring.” She touched his cheek with a hoof, near the cut. “I will make amends for this. I give you my word.”

“Careful, Princess, the changeling might get jealous and bite.”

“Cold Mercy, do not goad her. You have wounded her favored and raised her ire. She is an ally, not a foe. You need not ply your sharp tongue with her in that manner.”

“Yes, Princess.” Mercy opened her kit and offered a pair of test tubes to Luna.

Luna used her magic to take the goo from Puca's hoof and put it in the tubes. “The implications of this substance are profound. You changelings have much to offer us, as we do to you. We need only understand each other to reap the full benefits of such a bond.”

Puca bowed. “I'm glad to help however I can.”

“Why are you here?” Grayson said, as he picked up one of his knifes. “You didn't just come to test us.”

“Having learned that something breached the barriers that I placed on my old study, I came to see what had transpired. There are dangerous things kept within that room that should not be tampered with. That is one of the many reasons why I asked Twilight not to venture that deep into the castle without my presence.”

“For the most part, your study seemed undisturbed.”

“That is the first good news that I have heard in two nights. I fear I am the harbinger of ill tidings. Another has been found to be missing. One Starlight Glimmer.”

Twilight gasped. “How? When? She's almost as strong as I was in magic before I became a Princess. How could they take her without her resisting?”

“We do not know on both accounts. However, the state of her abode would suggest she has been absent for a period of time and she was taken without force.”

“It's beginning to sound to me as if not all of the disappearances are ponynappings.” Grayson inspected the blade and then slid it back into its sheath. “What that means, the Princesses only know.”

“You have two of the said Princesses with you. I assure you we nor the other two have an inkling as to what is at the heart of this.” Luna grinned as Grayson opened and closed his beak. “Let it not be said that I lack for humor.”

Starless bowed to Luna. “How should I direct your forces, Princess?”

“Have them take up defensive positions through out the town. If anything other than one of our number, or one of our allies, comes close, end it.”

“As you command.”

“Forces?” Stone asked.

Starless grinned and opened the castles doors fully. “Step outside for a moment.”

Stone did and stood dumbstruck.

“Guard!” Starless bellowed. “We are to defend all of the town. Nothing but friendlies on the grounds and in the air. If there is doubt as to anything's alliance, crush it!”

The formation of Lunar Guards spread out and took their positions. Two dozen of their number marched past Starless and Stone and into dim light of the castle's interior.

Luna stood beside Stone. “Did you believe I would chance battle without victory being assured?”

“They don't make any noise and they can vanish!”

“Their armor is enchanted so that it allows little noise and gives them the appearance of being part of the shadows. The effect of invisibility is accomplished with far fewer magical tells that would betray their position than a true invisibility enchantment. Many a time ponies have wandered my wing of the castle and remarked that it is unguarded, which could not be further from the truth. Where my sister's Guard uses a display of might to discourage conflict, my Guard relies on subtly and guile to lure foes into a false sense of superiority. It is easiest to take advantage of those who think that they have the advantage over you.”

“I never thought I would see guards come to Ponyville like this.”

“I wish it were not needed, but we are at war. Our opponent is skilled, treacherous, and willing to go to any length. My Guard and I will prove more than a match for them, and if any survive after we run them out of the foul nest they have been hiding in, I will make examples of them as to the fate of all who threaten the ponies of this realm.”

Mercy stepped from the castle. “Princess, I do not wish to overstep myself, but if we are to make it to the Everfree and accomplish our mission we should considered leaving soon.”

“You are right. We must away.” Luna turned back to Stone. “You and yours rest easy this night. You are protected by some of my finest. We will speak upon my return.” Her horn lit, and she, Starless, and Mercy vanished in a flash of pale light.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading my story. If you were kind enough to add it to your favorites, please consider giving it a positive vote as well.

Remember, comments are like authors' food, they give us the fuel to keep writing. Constructive criticism is always welcome. It's what allows me to improve my writing skills.