• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 637 Views, 15 Comments

Gathering Pieces - Random_User

Teams across Equestria begin the search for the framents of Princess Amore in hopes that she can be restored. One group of adventures finds more than what they were searching for, when they discover a fragment hidden within the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

Gathering Friends and Family

The toaster gave a pleasant ring and popped up four pieces of toast.

“Would you like butter and cinnamon sugar or jam?” Stone said, angling his head towards the stairs.

“Stone, something’s wrong!” Puca called.

Stone dropped the butter knife he had been using and raced up the stairs. “Are you hurt?!”

“No, but something isn’t right!”

Stone rushed into the bathroom, where Puca was staring at the mirror. She turned to him, fear showing in her eyes. “I can’t change. I’ve been trying to, and I can’t.”

“You’re not hurting anywhere are you?”

“No, I’m fine and I feel fine. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”

“Try again.” Stone watched as Puca closed her eyes and concentrated.

She shook her head. “Nothing. It’s like when I put the magic blocking stones on. I can’t even feel the magic I need to change.”

“But the stones are down stairs and they haven’t given you trouble before.”

“I think this is something different.” Puca looked towards the mirror again and put a hoof to her face. “I can’t go into work like this tomorrow. I’ll scare off the customers.”

“There is nothing scary about you,” Stone said, hugging her. “You’re a living jewel.”

“Thanks.” She snuggled into him. “But you’re biased.”

“Let’s go see my folk’s and tell Mom what is going on. After that, we can head towards the castle to see Mend and Twilight. Between the two of them, they’re sure to figure out what is going on.” He nuzzled the top of her head. “I’m just glad you’re not hurting or feeling sick.”

“I’m scared, though. What if something’s gone wrong with me, and I can’t change again?”

“You’ll still be the mare I love, and I will help you however I can.”

“Thank you. I love you too. “

“Let’s get you checked out first. I’m sure he will understand. I have an idea; we can be the ones that pick up the pies. Mom can go with Cobalt.”

“Sounds like a plan. I hate I’m messing up such an important day, though.”

“First, you aren’t messing anything up. We’ll just need to adjust our plans. Second, it’s not like you set this up. You’re sick, or something close to it.” When she looked up at him, he kissed her on the nose. “I want to make sure you are okay. The rest is little stuff.”

She smiled. “When did you get so laid back?”

“Since the most marvelous mare in the world decided I was worth being around and came to live with me and taught me to let stuff go.”

“You silly thing.” She gave him a kiss. “Let’s eat and get going or we will be behind schedule more than I’ve made us all ready.”


“Cobalt, you keep that up and your tail is going to wag off,” Mosaic said.

“I can’t help it. I haven’t seen either of them since Stone and Puca’s wedding, and they haven’t been here since the celebration. I can't wait to show them around again.” His enthusiasm dropped and his ears folded into a worried position. “I hope Puca’s okay.”

“I’m sure she will be fine. You looked her over and found nothing wrong. She doesn’t even have a fever.”

“I’ve still got a long way to go with my training. I could have missed something.” He glanced around the platform. “To tell the truth, I wasn’t supposed to do what I did. Please don’t tell anypony.”

“I won’t. I promise.” She nodded down the tracks. “Here’s the train.”

Cobalt stood and pranced in place, as the train came to a stop. Ponies poured onto the platform, and Cobalt scanned the mass. “I don’t see them.”

“I can see you, though.”

Cobalt turned just in time to get a shoulder to shoulder hug from Windless. “I’m glad to see you.” Windless patted Cobalt’s back. “You must have been training with your brother. You’ve put on some muscle.”

“Stone’s been helping me, but Mend added physical training to my training. She said, ‘an unfit healer is unfit to be a healer’ and signed me up with Edge’s guard training.”

“You’ve gotten stout yourself,” Mosaic said.

“Dad and Mom set Mercy on me.”

Cobalt winced. “Ouch.”

“That sums it up.”

“Whatever she’s putting you through, it’s working,” Mosaic said.

“Hello again, Miss Mosaic.” Windless looked sheepish as he asked Mosaic, “Can I get a hug?”

Mosaic smiled. “You didn’t even have to ask, and you can drop the miss.” She hugged Windless, who hugged her back. “It’s so good to see you again.”

“I’m glad to see you too.”

“Where is your sister?”

“There she is,” Cobalt said, pointing further down the platform. “Care, we’re over here!”

Care’s ears turned towards Cobalt’s voice. She looked in their direction, saw them, and smiled. “There you are!” She wove through the last of the departing ponies and trotted up to them. “I’m so glad to see you!”

Mosaic looked over Care from head to hoof. “I still can’t get over you two are my height now.”

Care had to look up a little to Cobalt. “He’s got us beat, though.” She smiled at him. “Hello, Cobalt."

He smiled back. “Hello, Care. How have things been?”

“Busy, but good.”

Windless chuckled, after Care and Cobalt looked at each other for a few seconds. “This is getting awkward. Care, make first move and get it over with.”

Care gave Windless a look. “Excuse me?”

“You’re both looking at each other wondering who should hug who first, for how long, and whether to add a nuzzle in there somewhere.” Windless gave an exaggerated sigh and motion towards Cobalt. “Just pounce him and get it over with.”

“I’m not going to pounce him!”

“You might as well. The first time you met him, you gave him a wing hug. The second time you saw him, you ran and tackled him and sent his luggage all over,” he counted on the other.

“It was icy and I slipped!”

“I didn’t buy that story then and I’m not buying it now.”

Cobalt pointed out, “She hasn’t wing hugged or tackled me again.”

“That’s because she’s been training with her Cobalt substitute since then, so her technique has improved.”

Care blushed beet red. “Windless!”

Cobalt’s ears went at an odd angle, and he tilted his head. “Cobalt substitute?”

“He looks a lot like you, but not as big. She snuggles with him every now and then too.”

“If you don’t stop I’m going to shave your-”

Cobalt hugged her, halting Care’s words. “I’m glad you’re here.”

Care hugged him back. “So am I.”

“Not even in school yet, and you’re hugging the first stallion you see,” Freight teased, approaching them from where Cobalt’s back was turned.

“This isn’t a random stallion, Mom, it’s Cobalt.”

Freight grinned. “I took a moment to recognize him, since he’s gotten so much bigger since we saw him, but I know who he is.”

“Hello, Freight,” Cobalt said, letting go of Care and turning to greet her.

Freight embraced him. “Are you bigger than Stone now?”

“Nope, and I don’t think I'll catch him either,” Cobalt said, sounding disappointed.

“Don’t say it like that; you’re just the perfect size.”

Everypony turned to Care, whose blush returned. “What I mean is you’re just the right size to hug.” With a look of realization, she hid her face behind her wings. “I think I’m just going to be quiet now.”

Freight laughed. “Cobalt, would you help me with our luggage, before my daughter embarrasses herself anymore?”

“I’d be glad to.”


“What is keeping them so long?” Stone asked, looking at the waiting room’s door.

Puca pointed a hoof at Stone. “Quit worrying!” she teased. "You’re worrying is making me worry.”

“I can’t stop. It’s like telling me not to breathe!”

The room’s door opened. Mend, made her way into the room with a less than pleased expression. “No clue.”

Puca blinked. “No clue?”

“Not a one,” Twilight said, following Mend into the room. “We’ve checked over everything we can on the magical and physical levels and we can’t find anything wrong. We can say, however, that you are in excellent health.”

“Well, that much is good news,” Puca said. She sighed. “I’ve been meaning to take a few days off, but this is not the way I was planning to do it.”

“We noted that your wings have changed in appearance a little,” Twilight said. "They have a nice sparkle to them now."

She glanced back at her wings. “Oh, that. Changeling wings can shimmer like this, if they absorb enough love.” She leaned against Stone. "Thanks to Stone, I get all the love I could ever ask for."

“Could that be what’s causing you not to be able to change?”

“I don’t think so. I’ve only see this happen with changelings that had been out in the field by themselves for a while. Once they share the love they have gathered with the hive, the shine went away. They could still change forms too, from what I remember. I don’t remember anybuggy mention they couldn’t either.”

Stone hugged Puca against his side. “So, she’s not in any danger, right?”

Mend smiled at him. “She’s fine, you worrywart. If this was hurting her, we would have been able to pick up on it.”

“There are worse things than not being able to change,” Puca said. “Though, it could get to be a problem if I can’t go into work for a while.”

“You can go into work just as you are.” Stone gave her a squeeze. “No pony will even blink. They’ve gotten so used to Kevin and his antics you wouldn’t give them a second thought.”

“We’ll see, if it comes to that.”

“I would take it easy for two or three days and see how things go,” Mend said.

“I can’t take it too easy. Davenport is having a big sale on sofas. He will need all hooves on deck.”

Mend gave a look to Stone. “If she insists on working she is to do little to nothing afterward.”

“I will pamper her to the best of my ability,” Stone assured.

“I appreciate it, but you will be working too. I’m capable of taking care of myself.”

“Either I pamper you or I’ll put you in the care of my mother. She’d make sure you don’t lift a hoof.”

Puca’s ears pinned back. “You wouldn’t.”

“I would. It would be the best for both of us, in the long run. If she finds out you haven’t been following Mend’s orders, she’ll have both our tails.”

“True.” Puca put the back of a hoof to her forehead. “I guess I will just have to suffer being pampered more than usual.”

Twilight giggled. “Before you two go, Puca, I want to ask you something. Would you mind if I send a letter to Celestia about what is going on? She or Luna might know something.”

“I don’t mind, but I don’t want to bother her.”

“I’m sure she wouldn’t think it a bother at all.”

“Beyond the princesses, please don’t’ tell anypony else. I don’t want to worry anyone.”

“I would like to tell Amore, if you don’t mind,” Mend said. “She has studied the interactions of magic and the body in a unique way. She might know something to look into that we wouldn’t have thought about.”

“I don’t mind.”

Twilight put a hoof on Puca’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, we’ll have this figured out in no time.”

Puca smiled. “At least I’m being an interesting project for you.”

“Are you kidding? I don’t think anypony has studied changeling physiology more than we have in just the couple of hours we’ve been with you. I hate you’re having this problem, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

Puca laughed. “You could just ask me if I would mind being studied.”

Twilight’s wings and ears perked up. “You wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course not.”

Twilight gave Puca an excited hugged. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! If more changelings come to live with ponies, what we learn could be invaluable.”

“I’m glad I could help,” Puca said giggling.

“What does her excitement feel like?” Mend asked.

Puca giggled again, “It’s fizzy and electric, if that makes any sense. We’ll have to set up times for me to come visit.”

Stone laughed. “She has to let you go, before you can come back.”

Twilight blushed. “Sorry about that. I got carried away.”

“You’re fine,” Puca said. “You may want to ask Kevin to see if he would be interested in being a part of your research."

Twilight’s eyes lit up. “I’ll do that. We’ll double our study population that way. I can’t wait to get started!”

“You have a lot of other projects to get through first,” Mend reminded Twilight. "You can’t start anyway. I’m sure they have places to be.”

“I can stay, if you would like,” Puca said. “You’re the ones who took time out of your day to help me.”

Twilight shook her head. “Thanks, but Mend is right. I have a ton to work on right now and, if I remember, you two were supposed to be meeting with Freight and her foals.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. "I have an appointment with Mayor Mare in ten minutes too. You take care of yourself and tell us if any thing changes or you can change again. Okay?"

“I will,” Puca promised.


A young diamond dog pup pulled at Fierce’s paw. “Come on Daddy, we have to get to Auntie Mosaic’s house! We can’t be late!” She looked up at Fierce with a serious expression. “It would be rude! Mommy said you shouldn’t be rude to anyone!”

“We are fine,” Bonsmara assured the pup. "Their house is just around the corner, and we are early."

“You need to calm down, Labra.” Fierce guided her back to his side. "Remember, there will be new ponies there, and you will need to be on your best behavior."

“I know, Daddy.” Labra bounced as she walked. "I’ll behave. I promise.”

Fierce glanced towards Bonsmara. “How are you doing?”

“A touch sleepy,” She leaned and kissed his cheek, "but quite happy."

“You deserve it.” He looked at the pup in her arms. "Looks like he’s a bit sleepy too.”

Labra’s ears shot up. “Look, Daddy, look!” She pointed down the path. "Stone and Puca are coming!"

“That they are.” He looked down at Labra. "Do you want to go see them?"

“Yes, please.”

Fierce let her paw go. “All right, but be careful with Stone. He looks like he is carrying a lot.”

Labra raced towards Puca and Stone, running on all fours.

“Something is off.” Bonsmara said. “Puca never walks down the street without being in pony form.”

“We should not worry too much. If something had gone wrong, Stone would not be so calm.”

“Hello.” Stone said, as Labra approached. "How are you?"

“I’m great!” Labra gave Stone a rub on the nose.

“That’s good to hear.”

“How are you Puca?” Libra asked.

“I’m doing fine.”

Labra tilted her head. “I thought you liked being a pony when you went outside?”

“I do, but something is making it so I can’t change.”

Labra tensed. “You’re not sick are you?” she asked, sounding near panicked. “Please don’t be sick!” She put a paw to Puca’s nose. “Oh no! Your nose is warm! You are sick! We got to get you to the hospital right now!”

“That doesn’t work with changelings and ponies like it does with diamond dogs,” Cobalt said, put a hoof on her shoulder. “We’re supposed to have warm noses.”


Puca hugged Labra, who clung to her as if she would vanish. “You're sweet for checking on me, but I I’ve already seen a doctor this morning to make sure.”

“You promise you’re not sick?” Labra tightened her grip on Puca.

“I promise.”

Labra looked up at her, tears in her eyes. “You Pinkie swear?”

“I Pinkie swear.” Puca did the complete set of motions and made her Pinkie swear formal. She patted and rubbed Labra’s back. “We saw Mend and Twilight this morning. They both said I was fine.”

Labra buried her face against Puca’s chest. “Then what’s wrong?”

“We don’t know,” Stone said. “What we know is that it’s not hurting her, whatever it is.”

“Since Stone can’t give you a ride, I will.” Puca knelt down. “Hop on. Just be careful of my wings."

Labra, with ample caution, got onto Puca’s back.

“I see you picked up a passenger,” Fierce said, as he and Bonsmara came closer. He paused, as he looked at his daughter. "Labra, are you okay?"

“I thought Puca was sick.” Labra sniffed, turned her head and put it against the back of Puca’s while giving her a hug around the neck. “She promised she isn’t, so it’s okay.”

“I’m just having trouble changing,” Puca explained.

“I am not surprised,” Bonsmara said. “Whatever the princesses are working on has been having all kinds of odd magical effects around town. Unicorns have had trouble controlling their magic, earth ponies have lost their strength, and poor Muffins fell through a cloud she had been sitting on, when she lost her ability to manipulate clouds. She caught herself before she fell too far, thankfully."

A small paw reached up and touched Bonsmara’s nose. She took it with her free hand and held it. “Hello, my little boy. Are you awake now?”

“I better keep back then.” Puca stepped backwards and winced. "Ouch, Labra, let go of my ears, please."

“You shouldn't hide from him. It’s not right.”

“He’s afraid of me when I’m like this, though. I don’t want to upset him.”

“You aren’t scary.” Labra let go of Puca’s ears. “He has to get brave like Mommy and Daddy.”

The pup’s ear flicked and he turned to look at Labra. When he saw where she was, he tensed and started to whimper.

Puca’s ears folded and she took a step back. “He’s scared.”

Labra patted Puca’s head, as if she were a dog, with one paw and rubbed her neck with her other. “Don’t worry, Pyrite. She’s a good ladybug.”

One of Puca’s ears went askew as the other rotated toward Labra, giving her a comical look. “Now he’s as confused as I am.”

Stone chuckled. “Looks like your not just my lady bug now,” he said, emphasizing the pronunciation of his term of endearment.

Puca gave him an amused look. “I don’t think it has the same meaning for her as it does for you.”

Bonsmara put Pyrite down. “It’s okay, Pyrite. It’s Puca. She just looks different today.”

Labra patted Puca’s head again. “See? She’s a good ladybug.”

With slow steps, Pyrite moved from Bonsmara’s side. When he got close to Puca, Pyrite reached out a paw towards her as if expecting her to bite him.

Puca leaned forwards and let Pyrite pet her nose. “Hello, Pyrite.”

“You sound the same,” he said.

“I can change my voice, but I don’t do it all that often. No one would know who I am, if I did.”

Labra slid from Puca’s back. “She’ll let you ride her, but you have to promise to be careful with her wings.”

Stone met eyes with Puca, who gave him a slight nod. “It’s fine.” She knelt down. “Come on, Pyrite. You can get a ride.”

Pyrite smiled. “I’m sorry. I was silly to be scared. You're still Miss Puca.”

“It’s all right. I am kind of scary, when I’m like this.”

“No you’re not.” He scratched her ears. “Your eyes look like gems now."

Stone laughed. “I tell her that all the time. She doesn’t believe me.”

“If you’re going to ride, you need to get on her,” Labra said, with an older sister’s authority in her voice. “We can’t be late.”

Pyrite nodded and, with help from Labra, got on Puca’s back.

“You be careful with her.”

“I will, Sis.”

“Now we are all settled, shall we away?” Fierce said.

Puca nodded. “Lets.”


One of Field’s ears swiveled towards the front of the house. “I think somepony just knocked.”

“I’ll get it,” Cobalt offered.

Field shook his head. “I’ve got it, you keep visiting.”

“You brought a whole herd!” Field could be heard joking. "Thanks for the hugs, you two." He answered an unheard question, "They’re in the kitchen.” Field laughed and warned those in, “Incoming!"

“Brace yourself,” Mosaic said to Cobalt, as the sound of two sets of racing paws came towards them.

Cobalt grinned. “I’m ready.”

Labra and Pyrite slowed down, but still scrambled into the kitchen at a good pace. Pyrite came to a stop upon seeing the new ponies. Labra hurried to Cobalt and gave him a hug.

“I missed you!” Labra said, as he returned her hug.

“I missed you too, but it’s only been a couple of days.”

Labra rubbed her head against him. “It’s still too long.”

“Who are they?” Pyrite asked, as he wearily moved toward Mosaic.

Mosaic took Pyrite in a comforting hug. “These are Cobalt’s and my friends.”

Bonsmara and Fierce entered the kitchen, followed by Field and Stone. Bonsmara shook her head at Labra and Pyrite. “That didn’t take long.”

“They take after you, dear,” Fierce said. "If there are hugs to be had, they will get them."

“They look like Cobalt’s toys,” Pyrite stated, looking at Care and Windless.

There was a pause, during which Cobalt looked nervous.

“Cobalt’s toys?” Windless asked with a smirk. “What toys?"

“They’re plushie ponies, like the ones for Hearths Warming but they’re bigger. He keeps them on a shelf in his room. He says they’re special and he has to take care of them.”

Labra pouted. “He won’t let us play with them, even though you’re supposed to share.”

“I don’t play with them either,” Cobalt said. “They are collector’s items.”

“Then why do you put one on your pillow sometimes?” Pyrite asked.

Stone smiled in a knowing way. “Sometimes you need to snuggle somepony.”

Labra hugged Cobalt a little tighter and put her head against him. “He’s good at snuggling.” She looked up at Cobalt. “Do you use her to practice? Is that why you’re so good at snuggling?”

“Her?” Windless leaned forward with a grin. "Does ‘she’ have a name?”

“It’s Care.”

Windless laughed so hard he had to lean against the kitchen table.

Labra let go of Cobalt and faced Windless, an unhappy expression on her face. “Why are you laughing at Cobalt like that? That’s not very nice.”

Windless, after gasping for a breath, told Labra, “I’m not trying to be mean.” He pointed a hoof towards Care. “This is Care. She’s my sister.”

Pyrite grinned as if he had solved a puzzle. “You’re Windless! That’s the name of his other plushie!”

“That would be me,” Windless said. He folded his ears down and gave Cobalt an exaggerated hurt look. "I don’t get any snuggles?”

“Don’t be sad!” Labra raced to Windless and gave him a vigorous hug. Her eyes lit up and she nestled into him. “You are so soft!"

Windless chuckled. “I’ve heard that a couple of times.” He gave her a hug back. “Since we’re hugging, would you tell me your name?”

“My name’s Labradorite,” she said, not moving her head from his chest. “You can call me Labra, if you want to."

“I’ll do that.”

“What’s your name?” Care asked Pyrite.

“It’s Pyrite.”

“That’s a nice name.” She said, with a gentle smile. “It matches your coat’s golden color.”

“How old are you?” Freight asked him, with a hitch in her voice.

“I’m four?” He looked to Bonsmara as if for confirmation.

“That is right,” Bonsmara said. "Pyrite, would you give Freight a hug? I think she needs one."

Pyrite nodded. Mosaic let him go, and he made his way to Freight. Freight hugged him against her chest and stroked his back. “Thank you.”

Pyrite looked up at Freight with confused, sad eyes. “Did I do something wrong?”

She nuzzled her nose to his. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just glad that your mommy and daddy have you.”

“They are blessing for us,” Fierce said moving to stand beside Bonsmara and hugging her around the waist.

Puca poked her head around the kitchen door’s frame. “Is everyone okay in here?”

“I made Miss Bat cry.” Pyrite hugged Freight tighter. "I didn’t mean to.”

“You didn’t make me cry, I promise.” Freight kissed the top of Pyrite’s head. “It’s just part of being a mommy. You care about foals that aren’t your own.” She smiled down at him. “You giving me a hug made it all better. My name is Freight, by the way."

“Hello, Miss Freight.” He smiled and rubbed his cheek against her. "You’re soft too.”

Without making a sound, Cobalt mouthed to Care and Windless, “Let’s get your stuff.” He nodded to each of the pups. “We’ll take them with us,” he added.

Care and Windless nodded.

“Would you two like to help us with something?” Windless said.

Both pups looked at him. “We can help with something?” Labra asked.

“You can. I need to bring my stuff inside, but I don’t know where the room I’ll be in is. Could you show me where Stone’s old room is?”

Labra nodded. “Miss Mosaic lets us sleep over in there!”

“Great, then you can show me where it is.” He gave her a grin. “Then, maybe you can show me where Cobalt’s room is so I can see the plushies he has.”

“I sure can!”

“Wait a minute!” Cobalt protested. "I didn’t agree to letting anypony in my room.”

“Did you leave the door open?” Care asked.

Cobalt paused. “I can’t remember.”

“Then we can look in from the hall, if you didn’t.” She gave him a teasing smile. “That doesn’t break the rules.”

Cobalt sighed. “You can see my room.”

Windless let go of Labra. “Then let’s get to it then.”

“Wait,” Pyrite said. “Where are Care and Miss Freight going to stay?”

“They will stay with Puca and me,” Stone told him.

“Mom, you have to let him go, for him to come with us,” Windless said.

Pyrite looked up at Freight. “Do you need any more hugs?”

“I’m fine now, thanks.” Freight gave Pyrite a little squeeze and let him loose. “If I need any more, I’ll tell you.”

Pyrite smiled and nodded. He turned and followed Labra and the younger ponies out of the room.

Freight sniffed and wiped her eyes. “Does he remember anything before coming here?”

“He was so young, here seems to be all he recalls,” said Fierce.

“What about Labra?”

Bonsmara sighed. “I am not sure.”

“She sometimes asks questions that hint she might,” Fierce said.

“Between her age and the fever, she does not seem to be sure of any memories before coming here.” Bonsmara leaned her head against Fierce’s. “It is almost as if we stepped into a nightmare of hers and pulled her to safety and to live with us.”

Field took one box from Stone’s back and put it on the counter. “That’s not too far from what you did.”

“How has Cobalt done, after going through what he did?”

“Well enough. I think having them here helps him with the memories of all the ones they could not help.”

“I still don’t know if I will forgive Mend for taking Cobalt with her,” Mosaic said. “When he came back, he wasn’t the same.”

“It was rough for him, but keep in mind he volunteered to go, went through what he did, and still wants to be a healer.” Field gave Mosaic a comforting nuzzle. "I don’t completely agree with Mend’s reasoning, but I see why she allowed him to go with them. Cobalt had to be tested to see if he was completing his training just to please her and Amore. He helped a lot of beings in need too.”

“I know. There is a part of me that understands.” She kissed his nose. "The mother in me wants to beat the hay out of her for allowing my little colt to get hurt."

“Your ‘little colt’ is bigger than you are,” Freight said, as she helped Puca take the last of the boxes from Stone. “It’s difficult, but we have to let them lead their own lives at some point, even if they get scuffed up. I think the only thing keeping me from going crazy letting Care and Windless move out is knowing they will be where we have friends that can watch over them.”

Fierce sniffed the air. “The pies smell great, so do the cupcakes.” He paused, looked thoughtful for a moment, and sniffed again.

“What is it?” Bonsmara asked.

Fierce smiled. “Nothing, Love, I noticed a slight change in a scent is all. An addition to the mix of ingredients, I would wager, but I am not sure.”

Freight pointed a hoof at Puca. “Speaking of sensing new things, I want you to keep an ear out, or however you say it when it’s feelings, for Care. She will be in a new town, with a new school, and with all kinds of new stuff going on. If she has trouble, you are to let me know.”

“You will be the fifth pony to know,” Puca teased. "I promise."

Freight gave Puca an incredulous look. “What do you mean, fifth?! I’m her mother!”

“Windless, being her twin brother will be the first to know. Cobalt, being her good friend will learn of anything, after that. I will be third. Mosaic will be next. You will be told as soon as possible after that.”

Freight looked confused. “What do you mean Windless would know?” Freight sat down, as a look of comprehension came to her face. "Windless didn’t tell Cobalt in his letters did he?”

“Tell him what?” Field asked.


“You only brought one bag?” Labra asked, looking over her shoulder.

Windless, who was carrying his bag by a strap in his mouth nodded.

Cobalt looked towards Care, who would not meet his eye.

Pyrite, who had been leading the way, pointed into a room. “Here’s Stone’s room.”

“Tunk u,” Windless said. He walked into the room and put his bag down on the bed. "Now, let’s go see Cobalt’s room.”

Both pups’ tails wagged and they looked to Cobalt.

“I don’t know why you two are so excited.” Cobalt motioned for them to follow and led everyone to the next door in the hall. “You’ve been in my room before.”

“Not that many times, thought,” Labra said. "You’ve got pretty stuff in there too.”

Cobalt put his hoof on the doorknob. “Just remember the rules, don’t touch anything unless you ask first.”

“Does that apply to us too?” Windless kidded.

“It does.” Cobalt gave him a serious look. "Some of the stuff I have can hurt you if you’re not careful and activate them.”

Care put her hoof over his on the doorknob. “Are you sure you’re okay with us coming in here?”

Cobalt looked at Care’s hoof, then up to her face. He gave her a smile. “I’m sure. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt. I have most of the charged stones tucked away, but I have a couple I have been working on out.”

“They’re holding hooves!” Pyrite whispered to Labra.

Care’s ear flicked and she turned to Pyrite. “We are not holding hooves.”

“Looks like it from here,” Windless said, pointed to where Care’s hoof rested on Cobalt’s.

Care blushed and removed her hoof from Cobalt’s. “I was just-”

Windless cut her off, “Sis, you know what Mom says about starting a sentence with those words.”

Labra looked to Windless with expectation in her eyes. “What does she say?”

“She says if you start a sentence with, ‘I was just,’ you might as well confess to whatever you were doing.”

Cobalt opened the door. “Mare’s first,” he said to Care, giving her a slight bow.

“Thank you.” After she took a couple of steps into the room, she paused. "Wow."

Labra and Pyrite scrambled through her legs and into the room.

Windless poked Care in the flank. “You’re blocking the way, Sis.”

“Sorry.” Care moved forward, giving Windless enough room to enter.

Windless look around and smiled. “It looks like a crystal pony’s room.”

On shelves around Cobalt’s room sat a variety of crystals in natural and cut states. Some glowed with a soft inner light. His desk, which was in the corner, had several books on crystals and their magical properties.

“Can we get on your bed?” Labra asked.

“Sure.” Cobalt lifted Labra and Pyrite onto his bed.

“What’s in the box on your dresser?”

“A crystal set for healing.”

Care’s ears folded back. “This is neat stuff, but Mend let’s you do other stuff too, right?”

Cobalt laughed. “She makes me do other stuff.” Cobalt went to the corner of his room and opened his closest. Inside, there was a variety of sports equipment, comic books, and collectables. "We only meet three times a week. We used to only meet once a week, but I pushed and she bent." He looked a little sad. "She doesn’t want to take up all my time, but I think she’s worried that she won’t be around to teach me.”

“Mend’s great!” Pyrite said. “She lets us dig all we want. We go out and dig with Spike all the time."

“Really?” Windless asked.

“Yep!” She and Cobalt use some of the gems we find. He pointed to one of the gems on a nearby shelf. “I found that one."

“You are so cute.” Care petted and scratched Pyrite’s head. “I might have to hire you two find a gem or two for me.”

“We can do that!” Labra said. "Maud can help us look for any gem you want."

“Who’s Maud?”

“Pinkie Pie’s sister. She lives in a cave and has a pet rock named Boulder.”

“She’s really, really strong too,” Pyrite added. “She knows everything about rocks and lets us help her find stuff she’s looking for.”

Windless grinned, as he looked at the shelf above Cobalt’s bed. “Here are the famous plushies.”

“I can get them,” Labra offered. "I’ll be careful,” she assured Cobalt.

“Sure,” Cobalt agreed. "They’re too big for you to get both, though. Pyrite, would you get the other one?”

“Can I see Windless?” Care asked Pyrite.

“Sure!” Pyrite scooted across the bed and took the Windless plushie from the shelf. He brought it to Care, who giggled as she took it. "Thank you." She turned the plushie in every direction and looked it over. "Are these the plushies that Rarity made? These seem bigger."

“She said these were her first attempts. She changed the patterns a little bit and made them smaller for the final design.”

Labra held out the Care plushie to Windless. “Here you go!”

“Thank you,” he said, as he took the offered plushie.

“These have the mane styles we were wearing then too.” Care patted the miniature Windless’ head. “You were so cute.”

“I still am, but I’ve I added a strong dash of handsome to my looks since then.” He paused, as he inspected the face of the plushie he held.

“What is it?” Labra asked, almost leaning off the bed to see.

Windless glanced over at the plushie in Care’s hooves and nodded. “I thought so. Care, would you be as so kind as to turn the stuffed me to face Labra?”

Care gave him an odd look. “Sure.”

Windless put the Care plushie next to the Windless plushie. “Do you anything something about the fuzz?”

Pyrite joined his sister in leaning closer to the plushies. “Her nose is smoothed down and yours isn’t.”

“That’s right. Do you know what that means?”

Pyrite shook his head.

Windless’ ears, wings, and tail drooped. “That means that my sister has been getting nuzzles and I haven’t.”

Cobalt blushed and looked away from Care, when she looked at him.

Windless gave Cobalt a faux expression of hurt. “I don’t get snuggles or nuzzles? Don’t you like me at all?”

“Of course I like you!” Cobalt assured.

“Not as much as my sister, it seems.” He sighed and made an act of looking rejected. "I guess I’ll have to get affection somewhere else.”

“You know, you’re right,” Cobalt agreed, with a smile. “I don’t snuggle or nuzzle you enough.”

“What are you doing?!” Windless protested, as Cobalt picked Windless off the floor, hugged him, and nuzzled the top of his head.

“I’ve got to make up for all the times I gave Care snuggles and nuzzles and not you.”

“That is not what I meant!” Windless struggled, but could not get free of Cobalt’s hold. “Care, do something other than laugh!” He looked toward Labra and Pyrite, who were laughing at his plight. "I can tell you two aren’t going to be any help either.”

“What is going on in here?”

“Miss Amore!” Labra led Pyrite in jumping from Cobalt’s bed, running to the doorway, and giving Amore a hug.

“Hello, little ones.” Amore returned the duo’s hugs.

“Will you tell your apprentice to unhoof me, please?!” Windless begged.

“Cobalt, put the nice stallion back on the floor.” As Cobalt complied with her request, Amore studied the plushie that Care was holding. “Rarity did a great job, didn’t she? Except for the change in mane style, you can tell it’s Windless.”

“I don’t get as much love as Care does though,” Windless said, holding the Care plushie out to Amore. “Look at her nose."

Amore clicked her tongue. “For shame, giving more nuzzles to one more than the other.”

Cobalt let his head drop. “Yes, ma’am. I was trying to make up for it though.” He brought his head back up and smile. “I didn’t think you would make it tonight. I’m glad you came.”

“I could get more done than I thought I would have been able to. I was also asked to drop in and check on something.”

“There you two are,” Gauze’s voice came from down the hallway. “Give me a hug and then go see your mom and dad. Dinner’s about to be ready and they want you back in the kitchen.”

“Yes Miss Gauze,” both pups said in unison.

Amore shook her head, as Labra and Pyrite raced from her towards Gauze. “They are the most affectionate things.”

Windless smoothed his mane with an unconscious motion, as hoofsteps approached the doorway.

“You’re mane looks fine,” Care teased. “Just remember to breathe.”

Windless snorted and cut his eyes at his sister. “Ha, ha, you know she has a fiance.”

"Are you okay?" Cobalt asked. "You didn't sound like you for a second."

“It's my fault,” Care said. "I shouldn't have made fun of him about-"

Gauze stood by Amore and looked into Cobalt’s room. “Pretty nifty room you have.” She blinked, when she saw the plushies. "Are those yours?"

“They are,” Cobalt admitted. "They were the first ones that Rarity made as prototypes."

“I thought they kinda familiar,” she said. "Not just because they look like Care and Windless either. I’m glad you ended up with them.”

“Except for rubbing the fuzz off my sister’s nose,” Windless said, holding the Care plushie out for Gauze to see.

“Is somepony feeling left out?” Gauze took off the saddlebags she had been wearing, set them aside, and instructed Windless, "Give Care to Cobalt."

“I don’t think she’d protest, but I have my hooves full at the moment.” Windless feigned having a revelation. “Oh, you mean give Cobalt the plushie! I can do that."

“I know where you sleep,” Care reminded him.

Cobalt took the plushie from Windless. “Thank you.”

Gauze walked into the room and gave Windless a warm hug. “How has my dance partner been?”

“I can’t complain,” Windless said, returning the hug. “Staying busy and trying to stay out of trouble."

“You’ve put on some more muscle since I saw you last time.” She patted his chest with a hoof. “I hope Mercy hasn’t been too rough on you.”

“She hasn’t been too bad.”

“She’s going soft then. She used to drill us till we wished our legs and wings would fall off.” Gauze looked to Cobalt. “I would give you a hug too, but since Care is here you’re off limits for hugs again.”

“What do you mean, ‘off limits again?’” Care asked.

“I never took you for the jealous type, but that tone says otherwise.” Gauze gave her a wink. "Don’t worry; I’ve always remembered how you won Cobalt at the celebration.” She put a foreleg around Windless’ shoulders. “It allowed me to find the nicest dance partner that a mare could ask for.”

“You can give him hugs, Gauze,” Care told her. "We’re good friends. I don’t own him or anything.”

“Your tone says otherwise. For somepony so adamant about denying that she never claimed him, you are protective.” One of Gauze’s eyebrows arched, as she looked to Cobalt. “Now that I think about it, I wonder how well you will do keeping the mares off him once school starts without laying claim to him. With his looks, personality, and reputation, some mare is bound to come along and snatch him up.”

“May I have Windless?” Cobalt asked Care, before she could respond.

Care seemed confused. “Sure.”

“Thank you.” Cobalt went to his bed and put the Care plush down. With ritualistic motions, Cobalt gave the Windless plushie a hug. He then aligned the plushie’s limbs and wings to their proper places and set it on its spot on the shelf. Cobalt went through the same series of motions with the Care plushie, adding a light nuzzle to its nose, before setting her beside her sibling on the shelf. “That’s what I do with them, after taking them over to my desk and writing to you.”

“Even after you’ve gotten this big, you are too cute,” Gauze said. “However, trying to divert my attention from Care will not work."

“I don’t think his showing us his routine was meant as a distraction,” Amore said. “Besides, you will be distracted now."

Puca, looking anxious, stuck her head in the door frame. “Cobalt, can we borrow your room for a few minutes?”

“Of course, but why...” His eyes widened and his eyes went to Amore.

“Gauze and I wanted to check to something with Puca using a method we were just told about.” Amore looked towards Cobalt’s dresser. “Would you mind if I used your crystals?”

“You can use whatever you need!” Cobalt pointed towards his closest. "I have a new set of charged amethyst on the top left shelf, but I haven’t be able to stabilize the amount of energy they give. They still surge when-”

“Cobalt, you need to calm down.” Amore told him. “She’s fine.”

“She’s worried about something. I’ve never seen her like this before.”

“She’s picking up on my emotions, which isn’t helping her stay calm.” Stone said, as he entered the room. “The princesses sent a response to Twilight. They think they know what is going on, but the standard tests won’t work with Puca.” He hugged Puca to his side. “Do you want me here when they do this?"

Puca leaned against him. “I don’t know what they plan to do. If it's something that will upset you, you don’t have to be here.”

“Everypony out except for Stone and Puca,” Gauze said and pointed to the door. "We will not be doing anything nasty to Puca, but something like this requires concentration and privacy. Go play with the pups, till we’re through. That will take your minds of things a little.”

“We’ll be there shortly,” Amore assured, as she ushered the younger ponies out of the room. “Go on," she said, before shutting the door.

“Care, grab him or he will stand there with his ear pressed to the door,” Windless said.

Care put a hoof on Cobalt’s shoulder. “Everything’s fine.”

“I know, but...”

“He needs a hug,” a voice said, from down the hall. "Mommy told us to give him a hug whenever he starts to look like that.”

Windless looked towards the end of the hall, where Labra and Pyrite were peeking from around the corner. “I thought you two were supposed to be with your parents.”

“We were,” Pyrite said.

“You gave them the slip?”

Pyrite shook his head, causing his ears to flap. “Miss Mosaic wanted us to make sure Cobalt came to the kitchen. She said he’s too much of a worrywart.”

With a stretch, care put a foreleg across Cobalt’s shoulders and acted like she was straining. “I’ve got him, but he’s bigger than me and I can’t move him on my own,” Care said. “If you two tickle his back legs, we can get him going."

“What a devious plan,” Windless said, as he threw a foreleg over Cobalt’s shoulder from his side. “I’ll help. Come on you two!”

As the pups charged down the hall, laughing, Cobalt grinned and made a show of giving a struggle. “You’ll never get me to move!”