• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 635 Views, 15 Comments

Gathering Pieces - Random_User

Teams across Equestria begin the search for the framents of Princess Amore in hopes that she can be restored. One group of adventures finds more than what they were searching for, when they discover a fragment hidden within the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

Sketches, Messes, and Eventful Mornings

Freight raised her head from the pillow and looked around. “That’s right, I’m not at home.” She sat up on the bed. “There’s not much here. No art, nothing on the shelves.” She put a hoof to her temple and closed her eyes. “You’re talking to yourself. Not a good sign.”

She made the bed and stepped out into the hallway. After looking towards Field’s and Mosaic’s door, Freight walked into the den.

“The blankets are put away too.” She sighed. “I hope Cobalt doesn’t overdo it.” She tilted her head, as she looked towards the couch. “Is that Windless’ drawing pad?” She walked to the couch and picked up a note that had been addressed “To Mom” in Old Ponish.

“What are you up to this time?” Freight opened the note and read:

Hello Mom,

(My mom, not Cobalt’s and Stone’s, though if you are reading this Miss Mosaic, good morning. I didn’t know you could read Old Ponish.)

I wanted to give you a status report as to our mutual concern. If you flip to page 26, you will see that things are going well. Look at page 25 first; to see what led up to page 26. You can look over any of the other pages in the sketch book. Be warned, the ones I have paper clipped together have art that a son’s mother might not want to know her son is drawing. I leave it to your discretion if you wish to see such material.

(Miss Mosaic, I would be embarrassed if you looked at the paper clipped artwork, but if you want to I cannot and would not stop you. However, if you look at them, I would like your critique later, even if I cannot look you in the eye while you deliver it.)



She shook her head. “Windless, what am I going to do with you?” She flipped to the twenty fifth page of the sketch pad. “Fantastic work, but that bunch of blanket clutched to him makes it seem almost sad.” She flipped the next page. “Care?!”


After shutting off his alarm clock, Field reached over and pulled Mosaic to him. “Time to wake up,” he whispered to her.

She rolled over to face him and hid her face against his chest. “Five more minutes.”

“If you take five, I want at least fifteen.” He caught one of her ears with his mouth and gave it a gentle nibble.

“Field!” She leaned back from him. When she tried to give him a stern look, he kissed her nose. “We have guests!”

“I can be quiet. I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to with what I have in mind.”

“Field!” She gave him a light swat to the chest.

He reached up and cupped her cheek. “You’re right. I’ll be patient.”

She relaxed, letting her body rest against his and kissed him. Breaking the kiss, she told him, “Those were my five.” She nuzzled his neck. “I’m tempted to give you your fifteen.”

Field looked toward the bedroom door. “I think Freight is up. I heard Stone’s door.”

“Tell her good morning for me. I need to jump in the shower before everyone comes over.”

He put his nose to her chest and took a deep breath. “You smell wonderful just as you are.”

She giggled. “Go check on her, before I drag you into the shower with me.”

Both of their heads turned towards the door. “Did you hear her say something?” Mosaic asked.

“I did. She sounded surprised too.” Field helped Mosaic out of their bed and led the way into the hall. “Freight, did something happen?”

“No, everything’s fine.”

“Something is up,” Mosaic said, “I can hear it in her voice.” She poked Field in the flank with a hoof. “Go on.”

Field moved down the hall, Mosaic close behind him. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes, no, sort of? I don’t know.” As Field entered the den, Freight held up Windless’ note. “Windless left me a note. Can either of you read Old Ponish?”

“We can, to an extent. Some of the founding architectural manuscripts are in Old Ponish, so we had to learn it to a functional level.”

“Then you’ll have no trouble with this.” She gave the note to Mosaic. “I think you tucking him in the last couple of nights has impacted him.”

Field and Freight watched Mosaic’s expression as she read. She smiled, seemed perplexed, gave a light laugh, and then returned to looking puzzled as she gave the note to Field. “He left you sketches? When did he have time to draw them?”

Freight nodded. “He can be a night owl. He does his best work on quiet evenings. It looks like he was inspired last night.”

She gave Windless’ sketch pad to Mosaic. “Start with page twenty five.”

Mosaic flipped through the sketch book. “He’s good.” She gave a coo, as she found the right page. “There’s my Cobalt.” She touched a hoof to paper. “He’s about to enter college and he’s still my little boy.”

“The next page may change your outlook on that a little.”

After giving Freight a glance, Mosaic flipped to the next page and gasped. “That’s Care!”

Field rumbled a deep laugh. “Looks like her.” He grinned at Freight. “So that’s what you were startled by.”

“That would be it.”

Field put a foreleg around Mosaic and drew her close. “It looks like they’re comfy.”

Mosaic looked up at him. “That’s all you're going to say?”

“It’s not as if it’s a surprise.” He kissed the top of her nose. “Windless did a great job capturing them. Maybe we can ask him for a copy of both of the drawings?”

“Should we say anything to them?”

“Nah, if they had wanted to let everypony know, they would have said something to us last night.”

“I agree with him,” Freight said. “I think Windless left this here for me to find to give me some peace of mind, not to make what’s going on between Care and Cobalt known to everypony. We should let them tell us when they are ready.” She took a breath in and smiled.

“What’s wrong?”

“The idea they’re leaving has been eating on me. It bothered me again last night, while I was trying to get to sleep. When I woke up this morning, the room seemed so empty and it hammered me again.” She sniffed. “Our home will be that way.”

Mosaic put a hoof on Freight’s shoulder. “Can I recommend something that might help that will sound strange?”


“Hug Field. If he can’t help you feel better, I don’t know who can.”

Field wiped away her tears and nodded. She stepped into Field’s hug. After a few seconds, she laughed. “It’s like hugging a larger version of Cobalt.” She eased into the hug. “He feels comforting and protective.”

“Puca said something like that, when we first met her. That Cobalt and he were similar and that Stone and I were alike.”

“I can see that.” She stepped back and smiled at Field. “Thank you. I feel better.”

Mosaic gave Windless’ sketch pad back to Freight. “Let’s get some coffee in you. That will help too.”

There was a knock on the front door.

Mosaic grinned. “This will be better than coffee, if it’s who I think it is.” She went to the door and opened it. “Good morning.”

“Good morning!” two pups greeted her in chorus.

“Can I ask you two to do me a favor?”

“Sure,” Labra said.

“Can you two give Miss Freight a hug? She needs one.”

“Where is she?!”

“She’s in the den.”

“Come on, Pyrite, we’ve got hugs to deliver!””

Freight smiled as the two pups raced towards her. She put the sketch pad down on the couch as the pups hugged her. She hugged them back and told them, “Good morning to you too.” She gave them both a kiss on the head. “Not that I’m not glad to see you, but what are you doing here so early?”

“We eat breakfast with everypony, before we go to school on days that Mister Edge trains them,” Labra told her.

“Mommy and Daddy take turns going,” Pyrite added. “It was Mommy’s turn today.”

“Bonsmara helps train the guard,” Fierce said, as he followed Mosaic into the den. “She is skilled as an instructor.”

“She’s good at everything,” Labra said.

“Would you two like to help me get the pancakes going?” Mosaic asked.

“Sure!” Labra said and followed her.

Pyrite stopped, leaned towards the couch’s arm, and sniffed. “What did Windless leave?”

“It’s his sketch pad,” Freight said.

“He said he likes to draw yesterday,” Pyrite told her. He stood on the tips of his paws to look at the pad. “It smells good.”

“What does it smell like?” Fierce said. “Take a good sniff and tell us.”

Pyrite closed his eyes and took in a deep sniff. “Paper, charcoal, eraser, metal, pencil lead, Windless, Freight, Care, and somepony I don’t know.”

“Very good!” Fierce knelt to the floor and gave Pyrite a pat on the shoulder. “You’re learning to use your sniffer quiet well.”

“What makes it smell good to you?” Freight asked.

“I don’t know. It’s like the smell that a good blanket has or someone’s favorite spot to sit.” Pyrite looked back toward the arm of the couch and the sketch pad. “Can I see?”

“I’ll let him show you later,” Freight said. “I’m not sure which pictures he would like to share.”

Pyrite seemed disappointed. “Okay.”

“Pyrite, come on!” Labra said, from the den door. “We’re waiting on you.”

“Coming!” Pyrite hurried towards the kitchen.

“He’s precious,” Freight said.

“He and his sister are the lights of our lives.” Fierce sighed and smiled in a sad way. “I only wish they had joined us in a less traumatic fashion.”

She put a hoof on his shoulder. “Things could have gone smoother, but you were there when they needed you, which shows how much you care for them. When they get older I’m sure they will appreciate that.”

His smile turned to one of appreciation. He took her hoof from his shoulder and gave it a kiss. “You are wonderful soul. Thank you.”


“Mercy’s done well with both of you,” Edge said. “Please send her my complements. For you two to drop into the level of training we were doing and have little to no trouble is impressive.”

“Thank you,” Care said. “I’m sure she will be thrilled to hear we didn’t let her down,” she looked at Cobalt, “even if we can’t wrestle your student to the floor yet.”

Bonsmara gave Windless, who had been staring at her, a smile. “Is there something you would like to ask of me?”

“She’s impressive, isn’t she?” Edge said.

“Yes,” Windless said in a tone carrying hero worship. “She’s inspiring.”

“Windless, be careful,” Care said. “She could toss you like a bean bag.”

“I know! She tossed me during training! That’s part of why I’m so impressed. Her tactical instructions against bipedal opponents were great too. Miss Bonsmara, can I ask you a favor?”

“Here it comes,” Care said.

Windless ignored Care. “May I draw you? I’ve never sketched a minotaur in person before.”

“You may. I am flattered you would ask.”

Windless added a prance to his step. “Thank you!”

Bonsara laughed and scratched Windless’ head. “I only ask that I get to shower and dry off first. What if I stop by this afternoon after I pick the pups up from school? I’m sure they would love to see you work.”

“That sounds great.”

“Speaking of showers, who’s going first?”

“I check the rockmoss after training, so I’ll be last,” Cobalt said. “I say we let the ladies go first, since we have showers in both bathrooms.”

“Ever the gentlecolt,” Bonsmara praised.

“I’ll hose off, thank you,” Edge said. “I’ll be doing more training at the university later, so I will get dirty and sweaty again.”

When they got close to Cobalt’s house, Care giggled. “Windless, it looks like there is somedoggy happy to see you.”

Windless waved towards the kitchen window. “Looks like she could use a shower too, she’s half covered in flour.”

Bonsmara sighed. “She can take one with me.”

Edge chuckled. “She’s left the window. I would expect a furry projectile incoming soon.”

The front door of the house opened and Labra raced towards them. She hugged herself to Windless, getting a generous dusting of flour on his coat. “Good morning!”

“Good morning to you.” He scratched one of her ears. “Is someone trying to turn you into a dumpling?”

“We’re making pancakes!”

“I fear for the state of the kitchen,” Bonsmara said. “Where is your father?”

“He’s helping too.”

Fierce, who had flour coloring him from the waist down, came out of the house, carrying Pyrite who had flour from his ears to his paws. “We had an incident with a bag of flour.”

“They can shower with me,” Bonsmara said shaking her head. “What happened? It looks like you were caught up in it too.”

“A seam on the flour bag split while I was moving it. The little ones got it the worst, since they were at the right height for the flour to pour on them.” Fierce looked at the group. "We seem to be absent a three of our members."

"Amore, Stone, and Puca were asked to the castle this morning," Edge said. "I believe Mend and Princess Twilight were interested in talking to them."

"One does not turn down such an invitation," Fierce said, with a chuckle. "I hope Puca and Stone do not suffer too many indignations at the hooves of those two. Brilliant though they may be, they often lack tact and social grace."

Pyrite sneezed, which caused a cloud of flour to leave his fur. “Flour doesn’t taste too good.”

“Not by itself. That is why cook it with other things.” Bonsmara took Pyrite from Fierce and kissed his temple. She looked to Labra. “Come on, little lady. We need to get you cleaned up.”

Labra’s ears fell and she clung to Windless. “But I’ve already had a bath this morning.”

“What have your mother and I said about whining?” Fierce said in a father’s tone.

“That good doggies don’t whine,” Labra said, sounding miserable. “Sorry Daddy.”

“I was planning to draw your mom this afternoon. I could draw you too. If you shower, you would look nice for the sketch.”

Labra looked up at Windless. “You want to draw me?”

“Sure, but you don’t want your fur covered by the flour for it do you?”

Labra shook her head.

“I could get you too, little guy,” Windless said to Pyrite.

“Okay,” he responded. “Could I watch you draw Momma and Sis?”

“Sure. You might get bored, though.”

“Come on, my little one. Let’s get that shower.” Bonsmara said and held out a hand toward Labra.

Windless nudged her. “Get the shower over with. Then we can eat a quick breakfast together.”

“Can I have one nuzzle, please?” Labra asked him.

Windless gave her a quick nuzzle. “Once you’re done with your shower, and if you behave for your mom, I’ll give you another one.”

Labra took Bonsmara’s hand and walked with her into the house.

“Thank you, Windless. She can be a challenge to get into the tub.” Fierce chuckled. “When I was that age, I did not care for baths either. We diamond dogs are creatures of smell. Bathing takes so many scents from us it is like being wiped clean of what you have done and experienced.”

“I’m glad I could help.”

“I better hop in the shower too,” Care said. “Take care of the rockmoss for me.”

“I will,” Cobalt assured.

Fierce patted Cobalt on the shoulder, as Care went into the house. “She’s quite the mare, is she not?”

“I’d say so.” Edge chuckled. “She did fifty pushups and then fifty wing ups to make up for hugging Amore. Cobalt did the same number of pushups then fifty buckies right beside her.”

“I hugged Amore too,” Cobalt explained. “I should face the same penalty, even if she kissed you to get me off the hook.”

“I’ll go check on Mom and your mom,” Windless said. “They may need help in the kitchen cleaning up.”

Edged motioned for Fierce to follow him. “Come on Fierce, you can hose off with me.”

Cobalt tapped Windless on the shoulder. “Before you go inside, I want to show you something.”
As Cobalt led him into the basement, Windless said, “You wanted to get sweaty with my sister, that’s why you did all those pushups with her.”

“I wanted to support her.” Cobalt got the gem lantern from off the wall.

Windless looked up. “Hear the water running through the pipes? Just think, she’s in the shower, her coat and mane wet, with suds all over.”

“Windless, I’m trying to concentrate to get the lamp going!”

“Ah ha, I knew it! You’re one of those stallions that likes an active mare to get dirty and clean with.”

“You’re talking about your own sister. Doesn’t that bother you?”

“Not at all, you should have heard some of the things she’s said about me and Gauze, when we were practice special someponies. This is my way of getting even.” He leaned so he was in the center of Cobalt’s line of sight on the other side of the lantern. “She’s told me about what she wants to do with the stallion of her dreams. Who I have to assume is you. I hope you’re flexible and have lots of stamina or she will break you.”

The lantern’s gem flashed for an instant then went back out. “Windless!”

“Get that going again. Some of the rockmoss looks different.”

“I’m trying, but you keep distracting me.”

“No, my sister is distracting you and she’s not even here. I guess sleeping with your head on a mare’s chest will make you vulnerable to that.”

“I’m not sure if that was a mistake or not.”

“What do you mean? You both liked it, from what I could tell.”

“Now I understand what Stone said about him and Puca. That he doesn’t sleep as well without her being close so he can hear her breathing or her heart beat. I will want to hold her every night from now on.”

“I didn’t know your brother was such a romantic. You, I had pegged.”

The lantern flared to life.

“Whoa! Cobalt, look!” Windless paused, when Cobalt did not respond, and followed Cobalt’s gaze to a planter. “Is that yours and Care’s?”

Cobalt reached out a hoof towards the planter as if he were scared it would disappear when he touched it. “The gems are spectacular. Most of them are ready to harvest too.”

“Rarity would pay a fortune for them, I bet.”

“No. Not these. These are too special for me to sell.” Cobalt touched a hoof to the side of the planter. “I will keep every one of these that Care doesn’t want.”

“They would make wonderful jewelry,” Windless said, leaning close to the planter. “They need to be put in something light, maybe even in just a wire setting, so that the gem catches the eye rather than the metal work.”

“Would Care would like something like that?”

“She’d love it. If you put one on a silver chain, she would never take it off.”

“Let’s check on yours. It got a big dose. I’m kinda worried we may have overdone it.”

“Mine? Don’t you mean ours?”

“Care and I agreed that it’s yours, even if we helped it get going.”

“Thanks. So, mine’s not out?”

“We put it in a safe spot.” Cobalt led him to a box that sat under the shelves holding the planters. He slid the box out and stepped away. “You should do the honors.”

Field opened the box’s lid and grinned. “It’s budding!”

“That’s a good sign it’s fine. The first of the smaller gems should come in soon, if it acts like Stone’s.”

“Why is it in a box? Do you think it will contaminate the others with something?”

“We packed it so you could take it with you.”

Windless looked up at Cobalt. “But I can’t feed it on my own.”

“I can charge feeding crystals for you to take with you. They’re not as good at providing magic to the moss, but they should do the trick till I can get up there with a resupply.” Cobalt grinned. “Then again, maybe you’ll find a nice mare who wants to know more about a bat pony that can help make gems and make sure his rockmoss doesn’t wilt on him.”

“You’re a devious genius.”

“I’m sure they will have groups about crystal growth at the University you can get involved with. You caring for the rockmoss would be an excellent conversation starter.”

Windless grinned. “That’s perfect. I’ll dive right in and watch how ponies react. If they find out about this, they will either be excited or put off. All I have to do is find ponies up for something new and willing to put up with me.”

“I don’t think that will be much of a problem.”

Windless bumped shoulders with Cobalt. “I’ll go help our Moms. If there is that much flour to be cleaned up, I’m sure they will need it.”

“I won’t be long.” Cobalt looked to the planters on the wall. “I have to check to see if some of these are ready or not.”

“Well hello dear sister.” Windless stepped down from the first stair. “That was a quick shower.”

“I took a cold shower so the pups could have the hot water. I got out as soon as I could.”

“You may not want to come down here.”

“Why is that?”

“You’ll give Cobalt a heart attack, with your mane still damp like that.” Windless looked in Cobalt’s direction and grinned.

“He’s blushing just thinking about it.”

“Move over, you goof. I wanted to see how the rockmoss came out too.”

“It did well, I promise.” Windless touched his forehead to hers. “Thank you for rockmoss. I think it will act like a bridge between home and there for me.”

“That’s what we had hoped,” Care gave him a nuzzle. “You better go up there. If Labra gets out of the shower and you’re not there she’ll not be a thrilled puppy.”

One of Windless’ ears folded back. "Is she that attached to me this fast?"

Care put a hoof to Windless’ nose. “You did the right thing. She was hurting. You were kind and helped her. I think she thinks it’s a kind of game, like we did when we played house at her age.” She smiled and gave his nose a light tap. “You didn’t end up marrying me, did you?”

“No I didn’t.” He blew a raspberry on her frog, making her laugh and pull her hoof away. “Just don’t go playing doctor with Cobalt, Mom’s likely to come down here and check on you two.”

Care swatted Windless’ flank as he went past her and up the stairs, gaining a whinny from him. She moved to Cobalt and gave a small gasp. She leaned towards the planter. “Is this ours?”

“It’s ours.”

“It shouldn’t be this far along, should it?”

“No, but I think our mixture of magic was perfect for it.” He got a basket from the basement’s corner. “I’ll hold the basket. You should pick the first ones.”

Care took the formed gems from the rock moss. A scant few were left, after she was done.

Cobalt held out the basket to Care. “If I could have two them, you can have the rest.”

Care took the basket. “We’ll go through them together and split them.” She smiled at him, and flipped a strand of wet mane from her face. “Would you like help checking the others? Looks like they might need another round of harvesting, after what we did to them last night.”

“I would love it.”

“You’re blushing again.”

“It was just a silly thought.”

She bumped her nose to his. “You need to share.”

“I like your mane is like this.”

She raised an eyebrow. “I hear a ‘but’ in there.”

“I want to help you brush it and dry it out.”

“It wouldn’t be worth the effort; my mane’s not even shoulder length.”

He reached a hoof up and touched her mane. “It would be for me, just to share something like that with you.”

She gave him a kiss on the nose. “How about we wait till Mom and Windless aren’t around.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”


Windless made his way out of the basement, into the house, and to the kitchen. He looked at the floor, which still had a good dusting of flour across it. “That must have been a lot of flour!”

“A ten pound bags worth,” Mosaic said, with a sigh. “At least we saved some of it.” She continued to stir the pancake batter. “Field will be back in a second, he was getting washcloths for me and Freight so we can get some of the flour off.”

Freight looked down at her legs. “It’s not too bad, but I’ll stay off the carpets till I get cleaned up.”

“Mom, you can fly,” Windless pointed out.

“Not down the hall I can’t. I’d worry about knocking into something.”

Field stepped into the kitchen with washcloths and towels balanced on his back. “Here you go.”

“Since I'm going to shower, I’ll get the rest of the flour off the floor,” Windless said. “Where can I get the mop?”

“Don’t worry about that till after we eat,” Mosaic said, as she dampened the washcloths in the sink. “With the little ones, I’m sure we are about to add crumbs and syrup to the flour on the floor. No need to clean up twice.” She passed a washcloth to Freight. “Here you go.”


“Want me to help?” Field asked Mosaic.

She smiled and raised her eyebrow at him. “You promise to behave?”

“It’s flour, so I’ll be good. Had it been powdered sugar, I would have taken a nibble or two.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

“Guests,” she reminded him, with a blush, as she gave him a cloth.

“I would leave them alone. They are desserts for somepony else.” He took one of her hooves, kissed it, and then wiped the flour from her foreleg. “You’re the treat I want.”

“I thought Dad was bad with Mom,” Windless said. He turned his head toward the hall. “It sounds like we’re about to have the pups back.”

Pyrite poked his head around the kitchen’s door frame. “Is it okay to come in? Momma didn’t want me to get in the flour again.”

“The floor’s been swept, but there’s still flour,” Mosaic said. “We’ll need to mop a little later.”

“I’ve got you.” Windless went to Pyrite and lowered himself to the floor. “Hop on.”

Pyrite shook his head. “You’re Sis’s.”

“I’m not your sister’s, I’m mine. She has to share.”

“No you’re not yours, you’re mine, even as big as you are,” Freight said. “You’re still dirty, so it wouldn’t be a good idea for him to get on you. Since only my hooves and legs got any flour, I’m taking him.”

Freight took over Windless’ spot and Pyrite got on her back.

“Thank you, Miss Bat.” Pyrite said and hugged himself to the back of her neck. “I didn’t want to get in trouble with Momma or Sis.”

“Thank you.” Freight looked over her shoulder at Pyrite. “Where is your sister?”

“She and Momma are still getting dry.” He turned towards the front door as it opened. “Hi Daddy.”

“Are you clean now?” Fierce asked as he approached.

Pyrite nodded.

“That’s my good boy.” Fierce scratched one of Pyrite’s ears. “I take it your sister and mom are still in the bathroom?”

“They’re drying off.”

“They should just hose off and shake dry like your father and I did,” Edge said, from just outside the house. “It’s much more efficient.” He came into the house and shut the door.

“Labra will be in school,” Mosaic reminded Edge. “She needs more than that.”

“Speaking of the pup,” Fierce said, while looking down the hall.

Labra padded down the hall and reached for Windless. “Mommy said I can’t give you a hug, since I’m still a wet. I still can give you a nuzzle, though, right?”

"Right." Windless lowered his head and gave Labra a nuzzle as she scratched one of his ears and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“I tried to get Mommy to let us stay, but she said we have to go to school or she and I would get into trouble.”

“She’s right.” Windless bumped his nose to Labra’s. “Besides, you need to go to school to learn and see your friends.”

Labra’s ears folded back. “But you’ll be leaving.”

“Not for a bit.”

Bonsmara stepped into the hall and shook her head. “Labra, dear, you need to let him go so we can eat.”

Labra gave Windless a quick nuzzle and let him go.

“Had to sneak another nuzzle in, didn’t’ you?” Windless asked, while Labra giggled at his surprised expression. “You could have just asked for one.” Windless glanced over his shoulder, as Care and Cobalt came into the house. “There you are. I was wondering if we needed to send Mom in after you.”

“How is the rockmoss getting along?” Fierce asked.

“It’s doing well,” Cobalt answered.

“I get to see them next time,” Freight stated. She smiled at the pups. “That will have to happen later, though. We have pancakes to devour now, right?”

“Right!” the pups answered together.


“Thanks for helping with the cleanup,” Mosaic said to Windless.

“You’re welcome.” He looked up from his mopping and smiled. “For pancakes like those, I’d clean the whole house. I don’t think I’ve ever had homemade syrup before. It was delicious too. With the two combined, those may have been the best pancakes I’ve had in my life.”

“Don’t let Mom hear you say that, you’ll hurt her feelings.” Care pushed a gem towards Cobalt’s pile. “I saw that. Don’t try and get sneaky with me.”

“Mom may have been bested in pancakes, but she will always be the queen of waffles.”

“She does make great waffles,” Cobalt said, while concentrating on the gems on the table.

Mosaic put a hoof to her chest and put the back of her other front hoof to her forehead. “I can’t believe it; betrayed by my son!”

Cobalt looked up at Mosaic. “No, Mom, it’s not like that! Freight makes chocolate waffles. It’s an different style!”

“I’m kidding.” Mosaic grinned as the put her hooves back on the floor. “Chocolate waffles? Sounds like you’re eating dessert for breakfast.”

“That sums it up,” Windless said.

“I’ll finish cleaning the floor,” Field offered. “Jump in the shower. You guys will have to be heading out soon.”

“Thanks.” Windless paused as he passed by the kitchen table. “Why are you holding your hoof over them like that?”

“I’m trying to see which ones I can work with.”

“How’s it going?”

“I can work with most of them, which is becoming a point of contention. She wants me to give me the ones I can work with from both shares, which wouldn’t leave her with that many.”

“I’d rather you use them than me have them. It would be special for me to know you are using them to help other ponies.”

“What can you use them for?” Windless asked.

“They’re perfect for healing.”

“Amethyst and malachite together would be good at that.”

Cobalt looked up from the gems. “You think that's her stone?”

“I’d bet every bit I’ve got in my saddlebags it is. She is defensive and supportive of others. She likes to help others feel calm and at peace.” Windless gave Care an appreciative smile. “I can vouch for that, after all the help she’s given me.”

“I couldn’t have my brother, and partner in crime, moping around all the time could I?”

Windless nodded towards the gems. “Pick your favorite of the purple ones and of the greens. Cobalt, you do the same. Pick from each other’s piles, if you have to.”

Care and Cobalt glanced at each other and then did as Windless asked. They slid their selected gems away from the others and towards Windless.

“Thank you. Leave them right there.”

“What are you up to?” Care asked.

“I’ve been inspired. You'll have to wait and see what I have in mind.” He paused again at the doorway, before walking out of the kitchen. “Mom, you may want dry your mane a bit more, before you come into the kitchen.”

“Why? It’s almost dry as it is.” Freight said, from further down the hall.

“Cobalt has a thing for mares with wet manes. You’ll make him blush.”

“Windless, I’m close to three times his age!”

Field chuckled and stage whispered: “He inherited that from me. Mosaic having a wet mane when we met is part of why she caught my eye. We were working on a project together, but for different businesses and with different specialties. I had just sat down to wring out my work vest and the next thing I knew she was standing in front of me and telling me to ‘get up off your lazy flank’ and to go file my time sheets since ‘we don’t pay you to just sit around, even if it is too wet to work the site’. Seeing her in a hard hat and work vest, drenched, and still pushing to get the most out of me lit my fire and it hasn’t gone out for her since.”

“Field, I’m warning you,” Mosaic threatened, poking him in the shoulder. “Not another word.”

Freight stepped into the kitchen and swatted Windless on the flank, prompting him to trot from the room. “Get in the shower and quit stirring up trouble.”

“That’s the second time my flank’s been swatted this morning!”

“I’m sure you deserved it the first time too.” Mosaic looked toward the table and drew in a breath. “My goodness, those are pretty.”

“They are from our rockmoss,” Care said. “His magic and mine blended well and the moss produced gems already.”

“You can have some of mine, if you’d like,” Cobalt offered.

Freight shook her head. “No, these are special, since they are from your first mixing. Keep them. I expect a couple out of the next batch, though.” She touched a hoof to the purple gem that Care had picked as her favorite. “These purple and green ones are stunning.”

“The greens took the color of Cobalt’s magic and the purples have the color of mine,” Care said. “At least, that’s what I think.”

“Why don’t you two show me where you have been blending magic while Windless is in the shower?”

Cobalt ears went up. “Sure! There isn’t that much to show, so we should be done about the time he is.”

“Something interesting has to be down there or you wouldn’t be sneaking my foals down there every opportunity you get.”
Cobalt looked to his parents. “Would you like to come with us?”

“We’ll go down with you later,” Mosaic said. “If we all go down there it would be a little crowded. We’ll send Windless after you.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Cobalt led Care and Freight out of the kitchen.

“We should think about getting ready for our day too,” Mosaic said to Field.

“About that...” Field grinned as Mosaic gave him a searching look.

“What have you done?”

“I told Chipped that we would take today and tomorrow off.”

“But we have the new contract bid to look over!”

“We have two weeks till the deadline to respond, which is more than enough time.” He touched his nose to hers. “We deserve down time, after all the work we’ve been doing. We’re not hurting for bits either.”

Mosaic sighed and seemed lost in her own thoughts.

“Miss Foremare, we have no major projects going on. Our coworkers are competent, and they know if they don’t do what they need to you will have their tails eventually.” He kissed her nose. “As your partner in business and life, I recommend that you take these days off so you can be in top form when you get back on the site.”

Windless made a polite noise. “Sorry to interrupt. I’ll just be a moment.” He took Care’s and Cobalt’s chosen gems and put them in different pouches in his saddle bags.

“What are you up to?” Field asked.

“Returning a favor to Cobalt is all. You wouldn’t know where they went would you?”

“The basement. Freight wanted to see where you had been doing all the magic mixing.”

“I better get down there.”

“You going to save them from her teasing?” Field asked.

Windless grinned. “No sir. I'm joining in.”

Field chuckled. “Don’t give them too hard a time.”

Mosaic motioned for Windless to come close. “Give me a hug. I have to get as many out of you as I can, before you head off on your adventure up north.”

Windless nodded and smiled as he gave her a hug. “Thanks again for the pancakes. They were delicious. With them and you tucking me in every night, I’m feeling spoiled.”

“Better watch where he puts his hooves, dear.”

Mosaic and Windless turned to him, both looking confused.

“We saw he likes to draw crystal and earth pony mares in varying states of repose earlier. He might want to ‘appreciate’ one firsthoof.”

Windless’ fell open in shock. He looked to Mosaic and turned a vivid red. “Miss Mosaic, I promise that didn’t even cross my mind.”

“Miss?” Field shook his head. “I don’t think he’s being sincere. He’s using honorifics and offering denials.”

“I wanted to thank her!”

“So you don’t think my wife is attractive?”

Getting her grin under control, Mosaic folded her ears down and looked at him with a sad frown and vulnerable eyes.

“She’s beautiful!” Windless slapped a hoof to his mouth. “Oh Luna, I made things worse.”

“You’re right, she is beautiful.” Field stepped to Mosaic’s side and hugged her around the shoulders. “Don’t worry. It’s just payback for thinking I would do something dastardly to your mother.”

Windless slumped and gave a relieved sigh.

“Thank you for the note, by the way,” Mosaic said. “The drawings of Care and Cobalt were wonderful. We would like a copy of them, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“I wouldn’t mind at all. I’m glad you liked them. Out of curiosity, when did you learn to read Old Ponish?”

“Field and I had to pick it up in engineering school.”

Windless closed his eyes and tilted his head back. “To study the old masters’ texts, I should have known!”

“Why were most those drawings crystal and earth ponies mares?” Mosaic tilted her head. “What about us is so appealing to you?”

Windless looked to the floor. After a second, he smiled and raised his eyes. “It’s not just earth ponies mares, thought they are the jewels of the tribe, crystal and earth ponies overall are special for me. Bat pony colonies are cliquish and can be cruel, even to their own members. Look what happen to Care, as an example.”

“There are pegasi and unicorns too. Why put earth ponies on a pedestal?”

“They are what all ponies should strive to be.” Windless tapped a hoof on the stone floor. “You and Field built this house together and filled it with family and love. The Cakes built their shop to be their home, support each other, and to make sweets to share with everypony. They took Pinkie in to help her fulfill her dreams with no kinship to her and added her to their family. The Apples, the Harvests, and so many other earth pony families supply Equestria with what we need and put family, friends, and honest work above all else.”

“I think you’re giving us too much credit,” Field said. “There are rivalries amongst us too. The Apples and the Pears fought for years, before the pears moved.”

“True, but that seems to be the exception and not the rule with earth ponies.” Windless looked to Field. “I hope to find a mare like Miss Mosaic and have the relationship with that mare you do with her. I want to share my life with somepony kind, loving, and wise who will allow me to work by her side and make something greater than the both of us. That is the earth pony way, and it something I want more than I can put into words.”

Field smiled. “I don’t mean to argue, but you did a good job with what you said.”

“Tilt your head down,” Mosaic ordered. After Windless did, she kissed him on his forehead and gave him a hug. “Whoever that mare turns out to be will be a very lucky mare.”

Windless gave her a return hug. “I hope I’m as good to her as Field is to you.”

“I know you will be,” Field said and patted Windless on the shoulder.

“Thanks.” Windless pulled back from Mosaic and grinned. “I better get going or your husband will get jealous again and Cobalt and my sister will have gone without support against my mother for way too long.”

Field shook his head as Windless made the turn from the kitchen and went out of sight. “He’s a mess.”

“So am I.” Mosaic looked down at herself and sighed. “I hope I didn’t get too much flour on him.”

“I could help with that. I recall you saying you were tempted to drag me into the shower, when we woke up.” Field nuzzled and then kissed her ear. “I hope you are still tempted, because I am fighting the urge to get the leftover syrup and savor you as an after breakfast treat.”

Mosaic giggled, turned and gave him a kiss. “We can bring the syrup with us. No sense in having to mop the floor twice in one morning.”

Field ducked under Mosaic and stood, lifting her on his back. He looked over his shoulder at her. “You’re all the sweetness I need. Besides, I have to keep trim if I'm competing with colts like him for your affections.”

She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and leaned her head against his. “You don’t have to worry about anypony tempting me from you.” She caught one of his ears in her mouth and gave it a nibble. “Grab the syrup. I’m not going to let it go to waste.”