• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 636 Views, 15 Comments

Gathering Pieces - Random_User

Teams across Equestria begin the search for the framents of Princess Amore in hopes that she can be restored. One group of adventures finds more than what they were searching for, when they discover a fragment hidden within the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

Changes and Departures

“I am sure they are just fine,” Fierce said. “They are known all over town. If something had happened, somepony would have come seen us. Besides, neither Scootaloo nor Windless would let them come to harm.”

Bonsmara smiled at Fierce. “I know, but there is some part of me that worries about them when they are not in line of sight.”

“I know which part that is.” Fierce raised Bonsmara’s hand in his and kissed the back of it. “It is the part that makes you a caring soul and wonderful mother.”

Bonsmara and Fierce made their way to Cobalt’s home. Letting go of Bonsmara’s hand, Fierce knocked on the door. He took a couple of sniffs and nodded.

“They are here. Their scents are fresh.”

After shifting the basket she was carrying to one hand, Bonsmara tapped Fierce’s nose with a finger. “You are cheating again.”

“I consider it using my natural abilities to their fullest.”

The door opened, and they were greeted by Field’s smile.

“Good afternoon,” Field said.

Fierce gave him a slight bow. “Good afternoon to you. Would you happen to know where a couple of pups are? They were borrowed earlier in the day. We hoped this is where they ended up.”

“They were in the den, the last time I saw them.” Field looked at the basket in Bonsmara’s hands. “Would you like me to take that for you?”

“I have it, thank you,” Bonsmara assured.

“I will take it, Love.” Fierce said, taking the basket. “I will put it in the kitchen with the other vittles. You can go see the little ones”

“You didn’t have to bring anything,” Field said to him.

“For all the attention and care you have been giving Labra and Pyrite, you deserve far more than this.” Fierce followed Bonsmara and Field into the house. “I only hope we brought enough. There are a couple of scents I was not expecting.”

“We have more than enough,” Field assured. “Puca and Stone brought food with them and so did the Apple sisters. With all that we have now, it looks like we’re going to have a small feast.”

Fierce turned into the kitchen, following Field, as Bonsmara moved into the den. She glanced around the room and smiled.

Pyrite was leaned against Windless. His tail wagged in a comfortable, constant rhythm as Windless drew and explained to the pup what details he was trying to capture from his models.

Not far from them, sitting on pillows on the floor, were Apple Bloom and Applejack. Apple Bloom held still in a pose that suggested that she was brushing her sister’s mane.

Applejack had taken off both her maneband and tailband. Her golden mane cascaded down her shoulders and shone in the afternoon sunlight coming through the window. Her tail flowed out onto the floor and looked as if somepony had arranged it to catch the light so that it seemed a pool of gold rather than strands of hair.

Care was seated on the couch, chatting with the Apples.

Cobalt and Freight shared several blankets arranged on the floor. Cobalt was leaned against Freight, who had one of her wings around him, with his head on a throw pillow borrowed from the couch.

“Is he all right?” Bonsmara asked, in a soft voice, as she approached where Cobalt and Freight were on the floor.

“He’s completely zonked,” Windless said. “With Mom building a nest for him and her wrapping in him a wing the poor guy never had a chance.”

Freight gave Cobalt’s head a soft nuzzle. “He was still tired from helping Windless the other day. He needed to rest, and I am making sure he does.”

“Don’t get too close,” Windless warned. “Mother bat ponies, particularly those of the Freight variety, are known to become territorial when caring for infirm family members and close friends.”

Freight snorted. “I’m not that bad.” She looked to Care. “Am I?”

“I don’t remember you ever biting anyone,” Care teased, “but there have been cases of growling and threats of physical violence every now and then if someone was not letting your patient rest.”

“Sounds quite reasonable to me,” Bonsmara said. “Where’s Labra?”

“She’s here,” Mosaic said, as she and Labra entered the room. She held up a rectangular wooden box. “She and I were getting my coat and mane brush set.”

“I’m going to brush Miss Mosaic!” Labra said with enthusiasm. She ran up to Bonsmara and hugged her around her legs. “Hello, Momma.”

“Hello, to you too.” Bonsmara stooped and returned her the hug. “I trust you behaved yourself for Windless and Miss Apple Bloom?”

“I did,” Labra assured. “We delivered the apples to Miss Muffins and Dinky and Miss Rarity.”

“How is Miss Muffins?”

“She’s doing well. She cried and gave us all wing hugs. Dinky was with her. She hugged us too and told me to tell you hello and give you hug.”

“They are both so sweet. Was Time Turner with them?”

Labra shook her head. “Miss Muffins told us he was at his shop.”

“I was wondering; how did you know about Muffins, Windless?” Mosaic asked.

“Cobalt wrote about always being happy to see her because she was a wonderful pony and because she was the one that brought Care’s and my letters to him and made sure that we got his.” He paused in his work and smiled at Mosaic. “I can see why Cobalt is so fond of her, just being around her made me smile.”

Labra stepped back from Bonsmara, pouted, and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I’m cross at Miss Rarity.”

Bonsmara almost suppressed a smirk. “I see you have pick a word from your father. Why in Equestria would you be cross with her?”

“She kissed Windless’ cheek, when he gave her the apples!”

“He turned as red as the apples when she did too,” Apple Bloom said.

“Getting a good bushel of apples from a handsome fella will make a mare happy and appreciative,” Applejack said. “You shouldn’ think nothin’ of it, Labra.”

“I can’t give him kisses, why can she? She’s not even his practice special somepony.” Labra’s ears snapped up. She looked at Windless and asked, “You aren’t going to be special someponies with her are you?”

“No, I’m not.” Windless paused in his drawing and smiled at Labra. “Rarity is a very nice lady, but she’s not the mare for me.”

“She has a special somepony all ready too,” Mosaic said, as she set out her brushes and combs. “A quick kiss on the cheek for doing something nice for somepony is not that uncommon and doesn’t necessarily mean anything romantic.”

“What about kisses on the nose?”

“About the same thing, but it would depend on the situation.” Mosaic paused. “Why do you ask?”

“Flurry gave Pyrite a kiss on the nose before she and Princess Cadance left this morning.”

Windless looked at Pyrite with a grin. “You got a kiss from a Princess?”

Pyrites nodded. “She said it was for helping her feel better and letting her snuggle me when we got in a pony pile with Princess Cadance and Spike.”

“Sounds like a case of puppy love to me,” Windless teased.

“Since you’re lookin’ for a nice mare, how about hard working farmers with blonde manes that catch your eye?” Apple Bloom asked Windless.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack scolded. “I’m near old enough to be his mother!”

“The way he was lookin’ at you in the market, I don’t think he minds somethin’ like that.”

Care asked, “Could we get reduced prices on Sweet Apple Acres’ apples and pastries, if we give him to her?”

“You’d have to ask Mac about that one,” Apple Bloom said. “I know he gives his special somepony a deal for them, but I don’t know if that extends to any of her family.”

“I’m not sure I appreciate the fact that I’m being bartered over apples,” Windless told Care.

“Don’t be like that! You’re being bartered over the best apples in the world!” Care said.

“Thank you kindly,” Applejack said.

“First you want to gift wrap and give me Diamond, now you want to trade me for a discount on apples and pastries. I’m getting the sense you want to give me away to any mare that will take me.”

“Would you really mind bein’ traded to my sister so much?” Apple Bloom asked.

Windless met Applejack’s amused and teasing eyes and blushed.

“Don’t answer that, it’s a trap,” Freight warned. “Just keep blushing and drawing.”

“I think I’ll do just that,” Windless said. “Miss Applejack will have to turn back and quit giving me that look so I can, though.”

“We would have to ask Labra about trades too, since she is his practice special somedoggy,” Bonsmara pointed out. She looked to her daughter. “What do you think?”

Labra shook her head. “Miss Applejack is a very nice mare, but if Windless can’t be my special somepony because he’s old, Miss Applejack can’t be a special somepony with him either since she’s really old.”

Apple Bloom doubled over laughing.

“You can’t move yet either!” Windless scolded. “Give me a few more minutes, then you can both move.”

“Don’t be such a grouchy old stallion,” she teased. “I’ll get back like I was.”

Bonsmara kept a straight face and let out a breath. “Labra, what I have told you about having tact?”

“I have to be honest, it’s Miss Applejack!” Labra protested. “She’ll know if I’m lying!”

Applejack looked to Bonsmara and shrugged. “You can’t really scold her for tellin’ the truth.”


“I can’t believe you’re going to be leaving tomorrow,” Puca said. Her ears fell. “It seems like you just got here.”

“We’ll be back soon enough,” Freight said. “We have to bring Care back and get her situated in the dorms.”

Starless nuzzled the side of Freight’s head. “How are you doing?”

Freight leaned against him. “I’m okay. I’m still wrestling with the thought, but it’s not as bad as it was.”

“What though?” Puca asked.

“That we’re going to have an empty home,” Freight said.

One of Starless’ ears panned as if listening for something. “We’ll manage for a bit.” He whispered something in her ear and she shook her head. “I see.”

“Now’s not quite the time,” she responded. “They have enough changes to deal with.”

Starless looked to the edge of the couch, where Pyrite was peeking at them. “You are a quiet thing, but not quite enough for bat pony ears.”

“What are you doing in here?” Freight asked the pup. “I thought you were going to say goodbye.”

“I did,” Pyrite said. “I don’t like goodbyes, so I came to see you, Puca, and Mister Bat.”

“Do you need hugs?” Puca asked.

Pyrite came from behind the couch and nodded. “I could tell everyone is getting sad, and it made me sad. Miss Puca had to leave because it was getting so bad.”

“We can help with that,” Freight said. He scooted from Freight, keeping his wing over her back. “We seem to have a puppy sized gap between us that could use you.”

Pyrite tilted his head as he looked at Starless. “You snuggle?”

“Of course I do.”

“But you’re a Lunar Guard.”

“So is Freight,” Starless pointed out. “She snuggles, right?”

Pyrite nodded. “She’s good at it.”

“I may not be as good as she is, but I try,” Starless said.

“Before you go snuggle, I get a nuzzle.” Puca leaned over the couch are and nuzzled nose to nose with Pyrite.

“Bring her with you,” Starless said. “She needs some snuggles too, with all the down emotions floating around. We have the room, and a good blanket nest should never go to waste.”

Pyrite nodded and took Puca by the hoof. He guided her from her seat to Freight and Starless. “Where does she go?”

“She can be on my other side,” Freight told Pyrite. “You’re going between me and Starless.”

Pyrite let go of Puca’s hoof and nestled between Freight and Starless.

Freight smiled as Pyrite tried to maximize his contact with them by assuming different positions. “You silly thing, what are you doing?”

“I want to make things even,” Pyrite said.

“What if I wrap you in a wing?” Starless offered. “Then Freight can move over a bit and we’ll make a puppy sandwich.”

Pyrite looked up at Starless. “You’d do that?”

“Of course, so long as you’re careful with my wing.”

Pyrite looked up at Starless and promised, “I’ll be careful.”

Starless wrapped Pyrite in his wing and moved him so the pup was against his side. “There we go. Nice warm, and snug.”

Puca hummed a happy note. “Sorry, but you both enjoyed that so much.”

Starless adjusted his wing so that Pyrite could put his nose and eyes from under his wing. “Some of my happiest memories are when I had my foals tucked on either side of me.”

Puca settled down in the nest of blankets, put her side against Freight, and leaned so their heads touched. “You can come and visit our little one any time you need.”

“You felt that?” Freight asked, as she put her wing around Puca.

“I would change to give you something more comfortable to snuggle with, if I could.”

“I am comfortable, and you’re just fine the way you are.”

“I have to feel weird against your membrane.”

“It’s different, but not unpleasant.” Freight moved her wing as if testing Puca’s chitin’s texture. “You’re warm and smooth.” She gave Puca a light squeeze with her wing. “It kinda reminds me of Spike, when I managed to get a hug from him last night, but less scalie, if that makes any sense.”

“Having changed into a young dragon, I think I know what you mean.”

“You’re very nice to have next to me,” Freight assured.

“Thank you,” Puca said.

“We lost our friend here,” Starless said. “He’s out like a light.”

Puca leaned so she could see around Freight. “I don’t think he’s had a nap all day. I had a feeling he wouldn’t last long, but I didn’t expect him to fall asleep so quickly.”

“Starless has that affect on little ones. There’s something about having a strong stallion holding them safe in a wing that puts them right out.”

Starless kissed Freight’s nose. “Works on a certain mare I know too.”

Windless walked into the den, with Labra riding on his back. He smiled, as he looked at Pyrite. “So that’s where he snuck off too.”

Fierce followed Windless into the den. He chuckled, when he saw Pyrite’s nose sticking out from under Starless’ wing. “The lad has an innate sense for snuggling creatures.”

Bonsmara stood at Fierce’s side, after entering the room. “I hate to disturb him, but we will need to get home before too long.”

“Oh Luna, they’re so cute!” Care said, as she walked into the room.

Puca’s ears went up. “You’re excited about something.”

“Right before she and Apple Jack headed off, I was talking to Apple Bloom about my lack of luck in finding a place. Apple Bloom said that she, Scootaloo, and Sweetie were going to get a four room suite in the dorms together and needed another roommate to fill the last room. She was going to have to clear it with the others, but she said she would be happy if their last roommate was me. It would help me and keep them from playing favorites with ponies they have grown up with as to who would get the last room.”

“I think they would be thrilled to have you,” Puca said.

Care hugged Windless around the neck. “I have this goof to thank for it. If it weren’t for him flirting with Applejack, the opportunity wouldn’t have come up.”

Windless returned the hug with a foreleg. “I didn’t flirt. I answered her questions honestly.”

Labra patted Windless on the head. “He’s a good pony.”

“I try.”

Bonsmara approached Starless and knelt down. “May I have my boy?”

“Of course you can,” Starless said.

Pyrite stirred and sniffed. “Momma?”

“I’m here.”

Pyrite looked up at Bonsmara, his eyes still touched with sleep. “Is it time to go home?”

“It is. You have school tomorrow, the Stones have work, and Starless and his family have to leave in the morning.”

Pyrite rested his head against Starless. “Can we keep them? They’re really nice and they like pony piles.”

Bonsmara smiled at Pyrite. “No, we cannot keep them. They have homes and jobs to go home to, just like your Father and I have.”

“I’ll be coming back soon,” Care said.

“Windless won’t be,” Labra said and put her head on the back of his.

“Think of me as being down the train tracks a bit,” Windless suggested.

“Okay.” Labra sniffed and hugged Windless around the neck. “I’ll try.”

“Sis, you’re making him cry,” Pyrite said, as he crawled out from under Starless’ wing.

Labra slid from Windless’ back and stood in front of him. She pointed a finger at him. “You’re not supposed to cry!”

“If you’re crying, I can cry too,” Windless said. “I’m going to miss my family, my friends, and my practice special somedoggy, when I go up there.” He hugged Labra and put his nose on top of her head. “I wasn’t supposed to make you cry. I’m a bad practice special somepony. I’m sorry.”

“You’re not a bad practice special somepony, I promise.” Labra hugged Windless a little tighter. “You’ve got to go to school just like I do. I’m going to miss you, though. You should find a special somepony as soon as you get up there. That way you won’t miss me as much.”

“That’s not the way this works,” Windless said. “I’m going to miss you whether I have a special somepony or not.” He looked up and smiled at Pyrite, as the pup snuck towards them. “Come here,” Windless told him. “We both could use a hug.”

Pyrite nodded, rushed to them, and gave Labra and Windless a hug.

“I’m going to miss you too,” Windless told Pyrite.

“When you visit, you have to bring her, to make up for it,” Pyrite said.

“Bring her?” Pyrite asked.

“You’re special somepony,” Pyrite clarified. “That way we have a new friend and Labra gets to see if she’s a good enough mare for you.”

“What if Labra says she’s not good enough,” Windless asked.

“She can still be our friend; she just can’t be your special somepony.”

Labra nodded in agreement.

“Okay, but if she finds a special somedoggy or somepony, then I get to do the same.”

Care looked past the hugging trio to where Cobalt was making giving gestures to her from the den’s doorway and nodded. “You three stay right there. Cobalt and I will be right back.”

Mosaic and Field entered the den and sat on the couch, while Fierce made his way to Bonsmara and put his arm around her.

Stone paused in the doorway and smiled at Puca. “Looks like somepony borrowed my cuddle bug.”

Puca blushed. “Something like that.”

“She needed a little pick me up, with all the sad feelings everyone was feeling,” Freight said.

“Thank you for looking out for her,” Stone said.

“I was lucky that I had a free side and a wing for her, but I can’t take credit for her being here.” Freight nodded towards Pyrite. “He was the one who suggested it. He could tell that she was feeling down.”

Stone looked to Pyrite. “Thank you for looking out for her.”

Pyrite’s tail wagged. “You’re welcome.”

“Are you sure you’re not part changeling?” Windless asked. “You seem to know whenever someone is feeling down.”

Pyrite looked up to Windless with serious eyes. “I try to be like Cobalt, when someone is not feeling good. He hugged Labra and me till we got better.”

“He did a bit more than that,” Bonsmara said in a sad tone.

“I know he did his magic stuff too, but him getting into piles with us is really what made me feel better.” Pyrite leaned against Windless, put his cheek against his friend’s chest, and looked regretful. “We made him really sick when he did, though.”

“I made myself sick,” Cobalt said, as he and Care returned to the den, each carrying a box. “I would do it again, to make sure you got better, so don’t worry about it.”

“What are those?” Pyrite asked, peeking around Windless.

“These are for you and Labra,” he said.

Pyrite’s ears perked up. “Really?!”

“Really,” Cobalt said, smiling. He sat down and held out his box. “This one is for you.”

Windless gave Pyrite a pat on the back. “Go on.”

Pyrite let go of Windless and approached Stone.

“This one is for you, Labra,” Care said.

Labra looked at the box, took a sniff, and bit her bottom lip. “That’s from Rarity’s, isn’t it?”

“It is.” Care gave her a worried look. “Is something the matter?”

“Rarity’s stuff costs a lot and is really special,” she said, sounding guilty. “Daddy’s vest is from Rarity’s. He says it’s one of nicest things he’s ever gotten.”

“The cost was not as much as you would think,” Bonsara said. “Rarity gave me a ‘hero of Equestria’ discount.”

“That is was made by Rarity does make it special, in a way, but it is because your mother had it made for me as a gift that it is near to my heart,” Fierce said, putting a paw on his vest.

Cobalt smiled at Labra. “I just happen to get the same discount,” he told her and gave her a wink. “You’re mom and dad helped me get it. Remember?”

Labra’s smile returned and her tail wagged. “I remember.”

“With my ‘brings me very nice gems’ discount it didn’t cost much at all.” Cobalt gave his box to Pyrite. “I hope that you will think they are special, though.”

“Thank you!” Pyrite said.

Labra took her box from Care.

“Ready?” Pyrite asked Labra.

Labra nodded. “Ready.”

“On three,” Care said, “one, two, three!”

Labra carefully undid the bow holding the box closed, while Pyrite worked at a much faster pace.

Pyrite took off the top of his box and gasped. “It’s Scootaloo!” He took the plushie from out of the box and hugged it tight. “Thank you!”

“Rarity thought that you would like her,” Care said. “Since you’re her special practice somepony, we thought so too.”

“I love her!” He nuzzled the plushie’s head. “I can’t wait to show Scootaloo I have a plushie of her even before she becomes a Wonderbolt!”

Labra opened her box and froze in place.

“Labra, are you all right?” Fierce asked.

Labra reached down and picked up her plushie from the box. “It’s Windless.” She hugged the plushie to her chest as tears ran down her face. “Thank you.”

“Cobalt, could you go get the last one?” Windless asked.

Cobalt nodded. “Sure,” he said, and trotted from the room.

Care stroked Labra’s cheek with a hoof. “He’s not supposed to make you cry. Did we mess up?”

Labra looked up and smiled. “No, he’s perfect.”

Windless wrapped Labra in his wings and hugged her from behind. “Care and Cobalt are the ones who set things up. They wanted us to have something like they did when they were pen pals.”

Cobalt walked into the room with the Labra plushie on his back. “I want you to be honest with me. Is having a Windless plushie going to make you miss him more or is it going to help?”

Labra pulled the plushie to her as if she needed to defend it. “Please don’t take him back. I’ll quit crying, I promise.”

“Nopony is going to take him, he’s yours, and you can cry if you need,” Cobalt said. “I just didn’t want having a plushie of him to hurt you. I was going to offer to put him on the shelf with mine, until you wanted him back.”

Care took the Labra plushie from Cobalt’s back and held it out. “We got this one for Windless.” She looked back and forth between the real Labra and the plushie. “I think she looks just like you.” Care turned the plushie to face Labra. “What do you think?”

Labra smiled. “It’s just like me.”

Pyrite took a sniff and smiled. “Windless has been holding her too.”

“Of course I have,” Windless said as if he had been offended. “How could I not cuddle somepuppy that I care about?” Using a wing, he scooped Pyrite into his hug with Labra. “I’m going to miss you two. I expect lots of letters from both of you.”

“But you’re her practice special somepony,” Pyrite said.
“You can still write to me,” Windless said. “I’m going to be writing to you.”

Labra’s eyes lit with inspiration. “Flurry Heart!” She turned to Pyrite. “You can write Flurry Heart!” She grinned at her brother. “That way you and I can both have a friend in the Empire we write to.”

“Sure! I really liked her.” Pyrite’s ears fell. “But I don’t know her address.”

“You could try addressing it to ‘Princess Flurry, who lives with Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor in the huge castle at the end of Main Street,’” Windless suggested. “I think the post office would get the idea.”

“Don’t tell him that,” Care mock scolded. “If a letter is going to the castle, and to a princess, it should be properly addressed.” Care shook her hoof at Windless. “Doubly so since it’s coming from the house of two foreign dignitaries.”

Bonsmara nodded. “She is right, one must follow proper form for such things.”

Cobalt suggested, “I bet Spike or Twilight would be happy to give her address to you.”

“We can visit them tomorrow and find out,” Fierce said. “Tonight, we need to get the little ones home and to bed.”

Labra sniffed and buried her face in Windless’ coat. “I won’t be able to see you in the morning, so travel safe.”

“I’ll write to you two as soon as I get situated up there and know what dorm room I’m in so you can write back,” Windless told her and put his cheek on top of her head.

Pyrite leaned so that he could look around Windless. “Mister and Miss Bat, can we borrow Windless and Care tonight?”

Starless grinned. “I can’t see why not, if your parents agree and they want to go.”

“Sounds good to me,” Freight said.

Pyrite stood on the tips of toes, while Windless ducked down for him, looked over Windless’ shoulder and asked,“Uncle Field, Aunt Mosaic, can we borrow Cobalt for tonight?”

Field nodded. “You can borrow Cobalt.”

“Don’t forget that the train leaves pretty early, so you have to let them come back about the time that you two are heading off to school,” Mosaic said.

“We will,” Pyrite promised.

Labra and Pyrite both looked at Bonsmara with pleading eyes.

Bonsmara chuckled. “It would be fine with me, so long as you to get to bed on time.” She looked to Fierce. “What do you think?”

“Since they were so good about going to school after having a sleep over last night, I cannot see why not.” Fierce raised an eyebrow and gave the pups a look. “You two have to be just as good about going to school tomorrow, or you will not have anyone over or go anywhere for the night for a while.”

“We will,” Labra promised.

Windless lowered himself to the floor. “Want me to carry you?”

“I get a puppy,” Care insisted. She pointed a hoof at Pyrite. “I want that one.”

Pyrite’s tail wagged. “I can get a ride too?”

“Of course you can.” Care joined Windless on the floor.

“I’ll hold Scootaloo for you,” Cobalt offered.

Pyrite nuzzled the plushie and then held it out to Cobalt. “Be careful with her.”

“I will,” Cobalt vowed. He put the plushie on his back. “Want me to take Windless for you?” He asked Labra.

Labra nodded. “Please.”

“Looks like he’s carrying some very special cargo again,” Windless said. He looked to Care and asked, “Think he’ll need escorting this time?”

Care giggled, as Pyrite’s tail ran across her back as it wagged. “He might.”

“I will take point,” Fierce said, “and guide the way.”

“I will be right behind you,” Bonsmara told them, as Fierce lead the trio of ponies out of the den. She turned to Mosaic and Field. “Thank you for having us tonight and for taking care of our little ones.”

“You are welcome,” Mosaic said. “It is always wonderful, having you and the pups over.”

Bonsmara looked to Freight and Starless. “I hope that your trip goes well. We will be looking forward to your next visit.”

“We’ll be back soon, we have to get Care situated,” Starless said.

Bonsmara smiled. “Thank all of you for letting the pups borrow your children tonight. We will try to return them in the state in which they came.”

“They can handle themselves,” Mosaic said. “I’m more worried about them keeping the little ones up too long.”

“I would not worry about that. Pyrite got a bit of a boost from the excitement of being able to have them over and being able to fly again, but he and Labra both will be asleep in no time once Labra gets them all into a pony pile.”

Stone left his spot and gave Bonsmara a hug. “Be careful going home.”

Bonsmara hugged Stone and nuzzled the top of his head. “I will. You take care of our mother to be for us.”

“I will, I promise.”

Bonmara let Stone go, bid everyone good night, and then left the den with Stone following close behind her.

At the sound of the door closing, Freight drew Puca closer with her wing.

Starless extended a wing so it stretched over Freight’s and Puca’s shoulders. He snuggled closer to Freight and kissed her temple. “Is there something that I can do to help?”

Freight sniffed, shook her head, and leaned against Starless. “I knew they would grow up and leave us one day. It’s what’s supposed to happen.”

Puca leaned against Freight and gave her a comforting nuzzle. “Knowing that doesn’t make it easy.”

“Them leaving made me think of them leaving, and it stung.” Freight closed her eyes and sniffed. “Forgive me. I’m being foalish. I’ll be alright in a minute.”

Stone walked into the den, saw Freight’s condition, and his ears fell. After a moment, a small smile came to his face. “Are the quilts still in the front closest?” he asked Mosaic.

Mosaic gave him a knowing smile and a nod.

“Bring at least three,” Field said, as Stone trotted further down the hallway.

Freight rose up from leaning against Starless. “Belay that!”

“Sorry, Captain, Mom and Dad run this ship,” Stone replied, in a tone that made it clear he was not sorry in the least. “I’m just a sailor that has to follow orders or be keelhauled for mutiny.”

Field got off the couch and offered his hoof to Mosaic. “I believe your arranging talents are called for.”

“Thank you,” Mosaic said, as she took Field’s hoof. She looked at the trio on the floor and tilted her head. “This could be a bit difficult as there are five of us sharing one Freight.”

“I’ve got the quilts,” Stone said, walking back into the den. “Where should I put them?”

“Put one at the front of her.” Mosiac tapped a hoof against her chin and narrowed her eyes. “The irregularity of the shapes involved is making this an interesting puzzle.”

Stone put a quilt down in front of Freight. “Give her just a second, and she’ll have this figured out.”

“I’ve got it,” Mosaic announced.

“Told you,” Stone said.

“Stone, you’re curling around Puca with your hip touching Frieght’s,” Mosaic said. “Move the quilt you just put down a bit to her left a bit, put one right next to it then use the last for yourself.”

Stone arranged the quilts and then settled himself as instructed. He gave Puca a kiss on the cheek. “Comfy?”

“Very,” Puca said.

Mosaic patted Field on the shoulder and pointed a hoof at Puca. “You’re curling around Puca too, towards her front. Make a little contact with Freight, if you can.”

“Yes ma’am.” Field kissed Mosaic’s ear tip, causing her ear to twitch out of the way and her to blush.

As Field joined the group on the floor, Freight looked to the unoccupied quilt and then to Mosaic. “Wait a minute.”

“You got it. I’m your and Starless’ pillow. Do you want to rest your head on my shoulder or my hip?”

“What a conundrum to have,” Starless joked.

“Hush you,” Freight chided.

“You must be the one that taught Labra her pony arranging skills,” Starless said to Mosaic.

“I am,” Mosaic said with pride. “She and I do lots of puzzles and arts and crafts. Arranging ponies in a good pile is just another puzzle.”

“I’ll take your hip, please,” Freight said.

Mosaic lay down on the quilt in front of Field. She put her head down and leaned against Starless.

Field put his head down on the side of Mosaic’s outward hip and leaned his head against her side.

Freight put her head on Mosaic’s back.

“Your husband’s being difficult,” Mosaic said.

“I don’t know why, but this feels awkward,” Starless confessed.

Mosaic picked her head up and looked at Starless. “You gave me a full wing hug earlier and you were cracking jokes about Freight making her choice about which way I was going to be turned just a minute ago.”

“Putting my head on you is a bit different on both counts.”

“Put your head down,” Freight said. “She held me the other night. You can put your head on her. You don’t want to hurt her feelings.”

With a tentative expression, Starless rested his head on Mosaic’s shoulder.

“There we go.” Mosaic put her head back down and leaned it against Starless. “We’re friends. There is no reason to be worried about a little physical contact.”

Freight giggled. “She might think otherwise if you drool on her in your sleep, though.”

Starless snorted. “I’ll do my best not to follow the example of my son.”

Puca cozied up against Freight a little more and gave a soft hum. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“I would be hard pressed not to, with all of you taking care of me.”

“We will always be glad to help,” Field said. “You and your family are welcome whenever you like.”

“Don’t say that, I might end up on your doorstep one night, when Starless has to be away for a bit.”

“You can come see us too, if you need,” Stone offered.

There was a pause before Freight responded in a shaky voice, “Thank you.”

Stone lifted his head. “What did I say wrong?”

“Not a thing,” Freight told him.

“I hurt you, I can tell. Please, tell me what I did wrong.”

Freight raised her head, leaned over Puca, and kissed Stone on his forehead. “You didn’t do a thing wrong. Now hush, please. I don’t want to have emotions that would bother Puca. We’ve put her through enough the last few days

“I’m fine,” Puca assured. “I won’t be if you don’t tell us what is bothering you. Freight, we love you, please let us help.”

Freight put her head back on Mosaic’s hip. “Don’t worry about it. It’s silly. I’m having a bit of trouble with the idea that our home is going to be quiet again is all.”

“Love, don’t play it down, when the house gets quiet you look like you’re about ready to cry.” Starless gave her a tender kiss. “It hurts me to see the mare I love look so heartbroken.”

“I’ll just renew my tour with the Guard and keep busy. My current tour is about to be done in four months away.”

“May I suggest something along the same lines, but with a slight change in attack angle?” Starless asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I was asked to keep this hush-hush by Princess Twilight, but considering the circumstances, and whom I'm sharing it with I think she would understand. I’ve been offered a transfer for a new post.”

“You’re kidding.”

“I’m not. With the University about to fully start up, the population rise in Ponyville, and Ponyville’s penchant for having all kinds of trouble, the Celestial Sisters are planning to station Royal and Lunar Guards here in Ponyville. They are working things out with Mayor Mare about the details on how it will all play out, but the plans are underway. They wanted me to head the Lunar Guard forces here.”

Field chuckled. “If I had to bet, the contracts we are about to bid on are a part of that plan.”

“That would make sense,” Mosaic said. “The sites are close to the castle and don’t seem to be the typical design requests that we get for buildings around here.

“I had heard a couple of rumors that there were going to be new supply routes, but I didn’t even think about Ponyville needing guards now that it’s gotten as big as it has,” Freight said. “I was keeping an ear out for anything official so I could help Star Chart get a route as a full captain of a ship, not focusing on where the routes were going.”

Puca rolled on her side and hugged Mosaic. “You’re always looking out for and caring for others, just like Mosaic and Field.”

“Them being similar souls is one of the many reasons we are such good friends,” Field said.

“I think we’re all close friends,” Starless said. “I can’t think of anypony else we get into pony piles with.”

“You’re doing better, but there’s something else on your mind,” Puca said to Freight.

“I don’t want an empty house,” Freight told her. “Quiet is good, silence for long stretches is a bit too much for me now.”

“Having our foals gone is going to change our lives,” Starless said and nuzzled Mosaic. “We loved raising Care and Windless. Neither of us likes the idea of not having somepony with us, but she’s having a harder time with the thought.”

“Take the transfer, and move here,” Field said. “I know helping with the pups has helped Bonsmara, Fierce, and us in various ways. They adore you two and I’m sure they would love for you to live closer.”

“We’re about to have our new addition too,” Stone said. “As new parents, could use all the help we can get.”

“The nice thing about helping with other ponies’ foals is that you can have fun with them, spoil them a little, and then send them home when you need time to yourself,” Mosaic said.

“He may have been invited, but I don’t know if I can get a transfer here,” Mosaic said. “I’m sure the competition to come here is going to be fierce, and I’m not as young as I used to be. While I love the thought, I don’t want to leave my crew just yet.” She nuzzled the top of Puca’s head. “You can quit squeezing me; I’ll see what I can do. I might have to suffer a quiet house, but I’m not going to leave my ship and crew in the hooves of some stranger.”

Starless chuckled and kissed the back of Freight’s head. “What if you brought them with you or, as an alternative, left them in the hooves of Star Chart?”

“We’ll see.”


“I can’t believe how sweet Pyrite was.” Care put a hoof to her cheek. “I expected him to ask for a hug, but the smooch on the cheek surprised me.”

I can’t believe that little bundle of trouble of a practice special somedoggy of mine,” Windless grumbled.

“She was precious!” Care moved to alongside Windless and put her wing over his back. “I’ll never forget the look on your face. I didn’t know your ears could go that high.”

“The blush was great too,” Cobalt

“I wasn’t expecting it!” Windless protested.

“She set you up so well,” Care teased. “Asking you to get on the ground so she could hug you was perfect.”

“In her defense, she did hug him,” Cobalt pointed out.

Windless huffed in mock annoyance. “She didn’t mention she was planning on grabbing me by the cheeks and kissing my nose!”

Care released Windless from her wing. “I hope Bonsmara and Fierce don’t scold her too badly.”

“They won’t,” Cobalt assured. “They can’t, really, since they were laughing so much.”

“At least neither of the pups cried,” Windless said. His ears fell, as he said, “I don’t think I could have taken that. I would have cried to.”

“You softie, I’m right there with you.” Care nuzzled Windless. “It’s amazing how much they mean to us. We’ve only known them a few days.”

“I not surprised. Look what happened to Puca and Stone,” Cobalt said. “They knew each other less than a week and they fell in love.”

“Just as a reminder, we’re trying to avoid that with me and Labra,” Windless said.

“I know,” Cobalt said. “Don’t worry, I think there’s a colt here that has likes her and she likes too. He just hasn’t quite gotten over the ‘fillies are icky’ stage yet.”

“Bass Clef,” Care named.

Cobalt titled his head at her. “How could you tell?”

“The way they talked to each other when we visited the school. Fillies don’t argue with and boss colts around that they don’t like.”

“How did you know he liked her?” Windless asked Cobalt.

“Bonsmara picked up on it first and told us about it and how cute she thought it was. Clef has come by the house a couple of times looking for Labra and Pryite, when they weren’t’ at their place too. Sometimes he comes by with friends to invite her to join them, but he’s been by on his own several times.”

“If I had to bet, if she and Pyrite were at your house, he got to come in and join them,” Care said.

“Of course,” Cobalt said. “He’s rambunctious and gets into things, but he’s a good colt.” Cobalt led them to the front door. When it tried to open it, it remained closed. “That’s weird. The door’s still locked.”

“Do you have a key?” Windless asked.

“There’s one hidden in the basement. I’ll be right back.”

Windless chuckled. “Sis, it’s not nice to look at him like that when he’s walking away.”

“He looked at my tail as I was going up the stairs; I get to admire the view too.”

“I’m not going to have to worry about becoming an uncle while I’m in the Empire am I?”


“You’re not going to sneak off to Mayor Mare either, right?”

“I take it Mom told you about that.”

“You’re dodging the question.”

“No, silly pony, we’re not going to elope.”

“If you change your minds, you better let me in on it.”

“We will.”

Windless gave his sister a look, just as Cobalt rounded the corner of the house.

“I’m going to ask for a favor,” Cobalt said, forming his words around the key in his mouth. “Could you two help me harvest gems before you go?”

“Sure,” Windless said. “That shouldn’t take too long.”

“This time it’s going to. The dose of magic that we gave the rockmoss was a lot more than what I thought.” Cobalt took the key from his mouth and unlocked the front door with careful, quiet motions. “Let’s be quiet, they may still be asleep.”

“That will be the day,” Windless said. “If your parents are like mine, they are up at the crack of dawn.”

Careful not to make noise, the trio made their way into the house. Care smothered a gleeful sound with her a hoof, when she looked in the den.

“Look!” Care whispered, prancing in place.

“Please tell me you have a camera somewhere close,” Windless said to Cobalt.

“Better, I have a couple of memory stones in my room. I’ll be right back.”

“Come here.” Care hugged Windless and nuzzled his mane. “It’s too precious!”

“I have them,” Cobalt whispered, as he returned.

“You two do the honors,” Windless said. “I want one of the stones to take with me, though.”

“Thinking about doing another drawing?” Care asked, as she took a memory stone from Cobalt.

Windless grinned. “The thought crossed my mind.”


“You take care of yourself,” Freight told Cobalt, as she gave him a hug. “We’ll be back before too long.”

“Most of you will,” Mosaic said, as she hugged Windless. “I know you’re going to do great at the academy.”

Windless returned Mosaic’s hug. “Look out for Care for me.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Field said and patted Windless on the shoulder. “Don’t get into any trouble up there you can’t get out of.”

“I’ll do my best.” Windless blushed as Mosaic gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Care gave Field, Mosaic, Puca, and Stone hugs. “I know I’m going to be back soon, but I’m going to miss you guys.”

Windless hugged Cobalt. “Thanks for the gems.”
“You don’t have to thank me for anything. Without you, there wouldn’t be any gems. After all you spent on Care, me, and the apples, I’m sure they’ll be of use.” Cobalt patted Windless’ back. “You’re going to need lots of stamps and writing supplies too.”

“Look out for my practice special somedoggy for me too,” Windless said and chuckled. “I would never have guessed in a thousand years that was a request that I would ever have to make.” He let go of Cobalt and turned to Care. “Quit giving me that look, he’s all yours now.”

“Thank you.” Care hugged Cobalt and put her head on his shoulder. “Take care of yourself. No wild adventures till I get back and can help. You promise?”

“I promise I will do my best to avoid anything of the sort, to the best of my ablities.” Cobalt hugged Care and gave her a nuzzle. “Travel safe.” He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Care whispered back. She gave him a sultry smile, raised her wings to shield them from sight, and gave him a fiery kiss.

“Whoa,” Puca said, grinning. “That was impressive and tasty.”

Care dropped her wings and smiled at Puca. “I’m glad you enjoyed it too.”

“He certainly did,” Starless said. “Good technique with the wings, by the way.”

Care grinned at her father. “I learned from the best.”

“The train will be leaving in one minute!” the conductor shouted.

“We’ve got to go,” Starless said, and waved them towards the train with a wing.

“One second,” Puca said. “Come here, Windless.” When Windless approached her, she gave him a hug. “Here is an old Changeling blessing for you: May your hunt for love be bountiful, enjoyable, and filling.” She kissed Windless’ cheek. “Good luck in all you set out to do up there.”

“Thank you.” He gave her a hug back. “I hope everything with you and the egg goes well.”

“We’ll write you when it comes, I promise,” Puca said and let him go. “Hurry now or you’ll end up flying home.”

Mosaic hugged Field. “I’m going to miss them,” she said, waving towards the train.

Field chuckled and kissed her head. “We need to get working on those bids.”

“Yes we do.”

“All aboard!” the conductor shouted.

Puca rubbed Cobalt’s shoulder. “She’ll be back.”

“I know.” He put a hoof over his necklace. “I’ll dig more into my studies and training so I don’t miss her too much.” He waved at his friends, who were waving at them from the rail car’s window, as the train rolled away from the station.

Stone stopped waving at the train and bumped shoulders with Cobalt. “Speaking of that, if we don’t hoof it we’re going to be late. I don’t relish the idea of extra pushups.”

“Give me your necklace, Cobalt,” Mosaic said. “I would hate for anything to happen to it.”

Cobalt took off his necklace and gave it to Mosaic. “Thanks Mom.”

“You two better catch up!” Puca said and bolted towards town. “I’m not going to be doing any extra pushups.”

“That’s cheating!” Cobalt cried and raced after her.

Stone shook his head. “She keeps assuring me that she and the egg are fine, but I still worry that she might be doing too much.”

“You remember your mother when she was having Cobalt,” Field said. “She didn’t slow down till right near the time he came and they both turned out fine.”

“It’s a bit different when it’s your own, isn’t it sweetie?” Mosaic said.

“It is.” Stone gave Mosaic a hug. “I’ll see you at work.”

Field mussed Stone’s mane. “You better get going, or you will be doing extra pushups.”

Stone gave Field a quick hug and then ran after Cobalt and Puca. “I just gave them a bit of a head start,” he called over his shoulder.

“Crazy colt, he thinks he’s all grown up.” Field looked to Mosaic, who was studying Cobalt’s necklace. “Love, are you okay?”

“I was just thinking they are grown up.” Mosaic sighed. “Cobalt will be leaving us before too long.”

“We’re going to have a grand changeling to fuss over. That will help.” Field kissed Mosaic’s nose. “I’ve got a feeling we’re going to get a least one more grandchangeling or grandfoal from them before it’s all over too.”

“We may be getting one from Care and Cobalt before Puca and Stone’s second one, if they aren’t careful,” Mosaic said, putting Cobalt’s necklace around her neck.

“That wouldn’t be too awful. Except for we might have to wrestle with Freight to get to see the tyke, if she decides to follow through on her promise.”

Mosaic grinned and whispered, “If they’re here, it wouldn’t matter so much.” She kissed him and took his hoof with hers. “Let’s go and do our best to make sure that happens.”