• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 637 Views, 15 Comments

Gathering Pieces - Random_User

Teams across Equestria begin the search for the framents of Princess Amore in hopes that she can be restored. One group of adventures finds more than what they were searching for, when they discover a fragment hidden within the Everfree Forest.

  • ...


“I believe we are being followed,” Fierce whispered to Bonsmara.

“I know. I think we should ask them why they find us so fascinating.”

“Would you like me to start the conversation or would you like to?”

“I believe I would.”

“Ready when you are.”

Bonsmara stopped and snap turned so she faced back up the path. Beyond a bush that had a slight shake to its foliage, there was nothing to see but an empty path and peaceful scenery. She waited two seconds then addressed their followers, “Well done, but we know you are there and that there are three of you.”

A young, orange coated pegasus poked her head out of the bush. “Wow, you’re good.”

“Scootaloo, you’re givin’ away our position!” a filly with a country accent scolded.

“We’re already caught anyway,” a softer voice said.

The three fillies came out of the bush and approached Bonsmara. “Why were you girls following us?” she asked.

“We don’t get to see minotaurs or diamond dogs that often,” Scootaloo said. “We wanted to know where you were going.”

Bonsmara knelt down. “You could have come and talked to us.”

“We would have, but Scoots thought we should be sneaky about it,” Apple Bloom said.

“Thanks, Bloom,” Scootaloo said, with ample sarcasm.

“You’re heading to my sister’s, if I had to bet.” The third filly stepped forward. “My name’s Sweetie Belle. These are my friends Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. You must be Bonsmara and Fierce. Rarity said there would be a special couple coming in to pick up an order this morning.”

Fierce’s ears pricked up. “What is this about an order?”

Sweetie covered her mouth with her hooves and looked towards Bonsmara. “I’m sorry! I didn’t know it was a surprise!”

Bonsmara waved her words away. “Do not worry. Him knowing such a tidbit will build his anticipation.”

Apple Bloom tilted her head. “You two are together, together?”

“We are,” Fierce said. “Is that so surprising?”

“How does that even work?”

“Much the same as with a mare and a stallion, I would surmise. I adore her, and she tolerates me and my fawning over her well enough for me to remain in her presence.”

“Rarity was right; you sound like a gentlecolt.” Sweetie Belle said.

Fierce bowed his head to her. “You are too kind.”

Bonsmara stood up. “It was nice to meet you three. I wish we had more time to chat, but we must be going. We should not keep Rarity waiting.”

“Could we come along?” Apple Bloom asked. “I’m kinda curious to see what she ordered now.”

“Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo shouldered into her. “It’s rude to invite yourself in on something like that! Besides, it’s probably some frou-frou fashion thing anyway.”

“I doubt my lady would ever order something of that sort.” Fierce looked to Sweetie Belle as if expecting her to answer an unvoiced question.

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “I don’t know what it was.”

“Would you know what materials she used?”

Using a finger, Bonsmara tapped Fierce on the muzzle. “No asking for hints.” She looked to the fillies. “If you want to see what Rarity has created for us, you are welcome to come along.”

Fierce took Bonsmara’s arm in his, as they walked, the fillies leading the way. “Did I hear a slight slip there, my dear?”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “Slip?”

“You said, ‘created for us,’ which makes things all the more interesting.”

“You are as sharp as ever. You will not get any more hints from me, I assure you.”

“Then I can imagine you dressed in all kinds of things.” In a softer voice, he added, “Or in nothing at all.”

Bonsmara gave Fierce’s backside a light lash with her tail. “Behave, you hound. There are fillies present.”

“I thought my parents were bad,” Sweetie said, so only Apple Bloom and Scootaloo could hear.

“They remind me of Big McIntosh and Sugar Belle,” said Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo glanced back at the couple. “They are older, though. You would think they would be over acting like that.”

“It seems sweet,” Sweetie Belle said. “I hope I find a coltfriend that would treat me like that.” Her focus drifted. “Somepony I could tease, be friends with, and love like I was young forever.”

Apple Bloom snorted. “What do ya mean, ‘like I was young’? You’re still a filly, silly.”

“You’ve been reading your sister’s romance novels again, haven’t you?” Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie Belle put her nose in the air. “I don’t have to answer that.”

“I think ya just did,” Apple Bloom teased.

Ignoring more verbal jabs from her friends, Sweetie Belle led them into Rarity’s boutique. “Rarity!” she called over the shop’s bell, “You’ve got customers!”

“Be there in a moment, dear,” Rarity responded, from the back of the shop. “I’m just putting some things away.” After a short pause, Rarity joined them in the show room. “Good morning!”

“Good morning to you too,” Bonsmara said.

“I see you gained some attention. I hope they were not too much trouble.”

“None at all,” Fierce told her.

“Would you like them to go?”

“They are fine,” said Bonsmara. “It would be cruel to ask them to leave after fanning their curiosity and allowing them to accompany us.”

“We’ll have an audience for the reveal then.” Rarity’s horn lit. “I have been looking forward to this.” Held in Rarity’s magic, a shirt box floated from the back of the store. “I can’t wait till you see it.”

“I feel a bit odd,” Fierce said taking the box from Rarity’s magic. “The lady should always be first.”

“Not this time,” Bonsmara insisted. “Go ahead.”

Fierce opened his box and drew from it a royal purple vest with fine stitched silver accents and buttons. “It is lovely, thank you. I have been feeling rather exposed without something on.” He ran a paw over the fabric. “This is fantastic.”

“Put it on,” Rarity said. “Let me see if I need to make any adjustments.”

As Fierce put on the vest, Bonsmara smiled and nodded. “You were right; the color is perfect for his fur and his personality.” She kissed Fierce on the nose, when he looked at her. “It is regal and refined.”

“You are too kind.” Fierce said, blushing.

“They’re getting mushy again,” Scootaloo complained.

“Hush,” Sweetie Belle told her. “He looks handsome in it.”

Rarity walked a circle around Fierce, looking the vest over. “Anything you would like me to adjust, good sir? Make sure you can move without it hindering you.”

Fierce drew his sword and went through a quick practice drill. Sheathing his blade, he told Rarity, “It is perfect as it is.”

“Wonderful.” Rarity turned to Bonsmara. “Your order is in the first fitting room on left, just through that door.” She gave Bonsmara a knowing look. “A lady should have privacy for these kinds of things.”

“Thank you.” Bonsmara said. “I will be back,” she told Fierce, giving one of his ears a scratch.

“I will await your return with bated breath.” After Bonsmara left the room, Fierce said to Rarity, “I sense there is something a bit more going on.”

“I am not at liberty to say anything.” A muffled noise came from the direction of Rarity’s guest bedroom. Rarity tittered nervously and waved her hoof. “Opal must be up to something. Whatever that was, please ignore it. I’ll check on her in a few minutes.”

Fierce smiled at her. “There is no need to hide it. I know there are other ponies here.”

Rarity tried to appear ignorant. “I have no idea what you could mean by ‘other ponies’.”

Fierce closed his eyes and drew a breath in through his nose. “There is one princess, one empress, and her consort. I could name them, if you would like.”

“Please don’t mention this to anypony. Cadance and Shining needed a quiet place for Flurry to take a nap that would not draw attention. The castle was too noisy, with all the guards and ponies coming in and out with set up going on. I happened to be there, helping with the decorations, and overheard them. Since I was coming back to the shop, I invited them to come along with me. All three of them got comfortable on the guest bed and ended up taking a nap together.”

“I will not tell a soul.”

“You can tell who somepony is just by their smell?” Scootaloo asked.

Fierce nodded and tapped the side of his nose with a finger. “This is a fine tuned apparatus that has helped me avoid scrapes more than once.”

“How good is it?”

Fierce leaned towards Scootaloo and took a sniff. “You had orange juice and toast with apple butter made by the Apples for breakfast this morning.”

Scootaloo smiled. “Cool.”

“How did ya know the apple butter was from our farm?” Apple Bloom asked.

“You have hints of the same apple butter about you. Due to your name, and knowing a little bit about the Apple farm, I made the connection.” Fierce leaned towards her and took a sniff. “You had fresh apple juice with your toast and eggs instead of orange juice, though.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “You’re right!” She pointed a hoof at Sweetie Belle. “What about her?”

After a quick sniff in Sweetie Belle’s direction, Fierce said, “I cannot say.”

“Is it somethin’ you can’t figure out?”

Fierce shook his head. “I cannot say what she had because she didn’t have breakfast. She brushed her teeth with a cinnamon flavored paste, though.”

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity rounded on her sister. “Breakfast is a very important meal. You should not skip it.”

“I was busy this morning getting ready for our crusading and forgot about it,” Sweetie explained. “I don’t do it all the time.”

Rarity tapped the floor with a hoof. “No excuses. A filly your age needs breakfast and should know how to take care of herself.”

Sweetie’s ears folded back, and she looked to the floor. “Yes, Rarity.”

Fierce gave a polite cough. “Please, do not be too harsh on her. I cannot tell them what you had for breakfast either.”

Rarity gave him a reproaching look. “Perhaps you can’t smell it due to my perfume. I might have put on a smidgen too much this morning.” Fierce held up a finger and opened his mouth, but Rarity did not let him speak. “Let’s change the subject, shall we?” she said, with firm politeness.

“I make it a habit not to argue with a lady.” Fierce gave her a timid smile. “It is a rather nice scent you are wearing.”

Rarity returned Fierce’s smile with one that appeared well practiced. “Why, thank you good sir.”

“Your sister’s kinda scary sometimes,” Apple Bloom said to Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle nodded.

Bonsmara returned to the show room, carrying with her a small box.

Fierce tilted his head. “Is something wrong? I thought you were going to change.”

“That was an act of subterfuge.” Bonsmara opened the box and took out a pair of rings made from woven strands of silver. She held them out to him. “What do you think of them?”

“They are beautiful.” He looked up toward her horns. “Judging by their size, they must be horn rings.”

"One of them will be.” She slid one ring onto her left horn. She reached back into the box and drew out a silver chain. After undoing the clasp, she strung the second ring on the chain. “Come here.”

Fierce took a step towards Bonsara.

She put the chain around his neck. Its length put the ring in the center of his chest. “Diamond dog tradition says I should present you with a collar to show you are mine, but nothing about our relationship has been traditional.” She touched the ring on his chest with one hand, while touching the ring on her horn with the other. “I want the world to know I am yours as much as I you are mine.”

Fierce covered her hand on his chest with one paw and caressed her cheek with the other. “My beautiful, perfect lady, thank you.” He leaned up and kissed her. “I am proud to let all know my heart belongs to you, and that I treasure you above all other things.”

Rarity gave a delighted squeal. “Aren’t they so romantic?!”

“That’s one word for it,” Scootaloo said.

Rarity looked to the fillies. “Before too long, you three will be looking for a special somepony yourselves. You would do well to find one like Mr. Fierce.”

“Or a somedragon,”Apple Bloom said, while looking at Sweetie Belle.

“I’m afraid I don’t follow.”

“There have been rumors going around about how well Sweetie and Spike danced together at Starlight’s graduation party.”

One of Rarity’s eyebrows arched. “Really now?”

“They danced close for a couple of songs too.”

Sweetie Belle blush deepened. “Apple Bloom!”

“It’s true!”

“What about you and Tender Taps then? You two have done a lot more dancing than me and Spike.”

“Leave Taps out of this!” Apple Bloom protested. “He’s a nice colt who likes to dance with me every now and then.”

“Then you wouldn’t mind me asking to dance with him next time I see him.”

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t.”

“I might.”

“What about Spike?”

“What do you mean?”

“He could get jealous.”

“I doubt it; we danced at the graduation and that's been it.” Sweetie Belle acted as if she were thinking about something and then shrugged. “If he wants, since he seems to like dancing, I could ask if Taps could give him lessons too.”

“That’s not what ah meant! You can’t dance with Taps!”

“So he is your special somepony.”

“That’s not what I’m sayin’!”

“He’s just your exclusive, special dancepony then?”

“That’s not it either!”

Scootaloo shook her head. “If this is the stuff having a special somepony starts, count me out.”


Puca paused at the castle’s door. When Stone stopped beside her, she bumped into him. “You ready?”

“I’m not sure. It’s weird, I’m more nervous now than when I first met any of the princesses.”

“Being summoned by them for an official meeting has something to do with it, I’m sure.” She swallowed. Her voice was unsteady as she told Stone, “I know it’s different for me, and I’ve met with Celestia several times.”

One of the castle’s doors opened. Spike stepped out and greeted the pair, “Twilight was right, you would be here fifteen minutes early.”

Stone told him, “Part of the Guard’s training is that if you are fifteen minutes early you are just in time.”

“Come on in.” Spike waved them inside. “Bonsmara, Fierce, and Rarity are here. Follow me, I’ll show you where they are.” Spike guided them to a sitting room, where Bonsmara, Fierce, and Rarity sat at a table talking.

Puca’s ears perked, as she looked at Bonsmara and Fierce. “You’re wearing rings?”

Bonsmara smiled. “We are making our marriage known without either of us wearing a collar.”

“I’m glad you two came to a compromise.”

“I cannot take any credit.” Fierce put a paw to the ring resting on his chest. “I merely accepted this wonderful gift.”

“Rarity’s design was inspired.” Bonsmara slid the ring from her horn and held it in her hand. “That she came up with something like this with as little as I gave her to with is astounding.”

“That is her special talent, taking raw ideas and making them into masterpieces,” Spike said.

“Thank you for such a wonderful compliment,” Rarity said to him.

Fierce gestured for Puca and Stone to join them. “How have you two been?”

“Busy,” Stone said. He pulled out a chair for Puca, waited for her to sit, and then took a seat beside her. “We’ve been running errands for the princesses and trying to catch back up from being gone.”

Puca giggled. “Davenport hugged me, he was so happy to see me back. He’s been having a busy time at the store and needed help.”

Bonsmara looked disappointed. “Where is Cobalt?”

“He’s with Mom and Dad. Their meeting was scheduled for later.”

“Speaking of that,” Spike said. “I’ve got things I need to do before I have to greet them. If you guys need anything, Rarity can send me a note, and I’ll do what I can to help.”

“We’ll be just fine,” Rarity assured Spike. She gave him a quick hug, before he left her side and exited the room.

Fierce tilted his head as he looked at Puca. He leaned towards her and took a light sniff.

“Is something the matter?” Rarity asked.

Fierce chuckled, and his tail wagged. “Nothing is wrong. I found out something interesting.”

Puca pointed a hoof at Fierce. “Bad diamond dog! No using your nose like that!”

Stone looked to Puca. “What’s going on?”

“Do you remember how sensitive Fierce’s nose was when we were in the Castle of the Sisters?”

“I do. It was a neat trick, leading us where we needed to go the way he did just by smell.”

“He just used his nose on me.”

Fierce took a sniff in Stone’s direction. “No doubt about it now.”

Stone looked as if he was caught in the middle of a spotlight.

“Darling, you must share,” Rarity told Fierce. “The suspense is getting to me.”

“They had breakfast together this morning. Stone was the one that cooked and cleaned the dishes. The smell of the kitchen is stronger on him and he is the only one that has the smell of dish cleaner.”

“Is that all? Surely you picked up on something else.”

“They also used the same bath soap this morning, a different brand than any at Cranky and Matilda’s.”

Rarity waved his words away. “While that might hint at the possibility of interesting events, Puca might have procured her own brand of soap. My sister and I use different soaps, even when she comes to visit.”

Fierce leaned forward, as if he was going to sniff again.

Bonsmara covered Fierce’s nose with her hand. “Put that away.”

“What has he done this time?” Grayson asked, as he let Zecora past him and into the room.

“Fierce was using his nose on Puca and Stone,” Rarity answered. “Bonsmara was warning him he might be misinterpreting things.”

“I doubt it,” Grayson said, as he sat down beside Zecora. “What does the nose know?” he asked Fierce.

“These two have been spending a good bit of time together the last couple of days,” Fierce said, his voice still muffled by Bonsmara’s hand, “at his home.”

“I take it you two are official now,” Cadance said, as she came to stand in the doorway.

“We are,” Stone affirmed.

“Going on adventures together seems to do that.” Cadance looked towards Grayson and Zecora. “I hope you talked to her like you promised Puca you would.”

“I did,” Grayson said.

“Are you feeling better now?”

“I am.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Cadance met eyes with Zecora. “I’m sure you have to feel better too, knowing he will be home more often. I worry about Shining, when he’s gone, even if it’s only on training exercises.”

Zecora leaned against Grayson. “I worry, but I will not keep him bound. It makes it all the more wonderful, when he is around.”

Grayson put his wing across Zecora’s back and hugged her against his side. “I will be home a lot more now. I promise.”

Stone’s mouth fell open.

Taking his wing from around Zecora, Grayson leaned across the table and thumped Stone on the nose. “It’s not polite to stare.”

Stone rubbed his nose with a hoof. “You two are special someponies?”

Zecora laughed. “I see you had no clue. He said nothing to you?”

“He didn’t say a thing. I got the impression he had lost a love, after we talked one time.”

“I guess I could have been clearer, but you know I’m not into being sappy,” Grayson told Stone. “I didn’t lose her so much as I’ve regretted the lost time with her.”

“How long have you two been together?”

“It’s been several years now. I knew I loved her when she was taking care of me, but I thought she would think it was just a patient having a crush on his nurse, so I put off telling her till after I had become self-sufficient again.”

Stone asked Zecora, “You knew though, didn’t you?”

“He did his best to hide it well, but I could tell. Without speaking his intent, his acts told of his endearment.”

“What did he do that gave him away?”

“He learned of my arts and what ingredients I would need. He pushed himself too hard. My words of caution he would not heed. Though he could still not fly, he would wander into the forest to add to my herb supply.”

Grayson acted as if he had been besmirched. “I was making sure I was getting back in fighting shape and not going soft while learning a useful skill set and paying off my debt to you.”

Zecora gave him a look. “You often returned with flowers and wild fruit. Though of your feelings you remained mute, I thought it rather cute.”

“We had to make sure we had enough food. Living in the wild means you harvest what you can when it’s available.”

“So, after you recovered, you confessed,” Stone said.

“No. I didn’t.” Grayson held up a talon as if examining it. “I thought we were too different.” He tapped his beak. “I could never kiss her like a zebra. I would never understand what it was like to have hooves rather than talons and paws. There were so many differences culturally and physically, I convinced myself she would never be interested.” He looked at Zecora as if looking for something in her expression. “I was content she tolerated me being around. I would take on dangerous or tough jobs to fund my search and to help pay her back, get roughed up again, and go to her for help.”

“I told him there was no debt to pay. He would not listen to anything I would say.” Zecora said. “After he came for aid a time or two, I knew his love for me was true.”

“Before we... bonded, I told her there was something I had to do before I could settle in with her.”

“Your quest,” Stone supplied. “You said you were looking for something. What was it?”

“I never knew. Don’t give me that look, let me explain. Griffinstone has been in shambles since our kingdom was attacked by an arimaspi and lost the Idol of Boreas. I was young, brash, and impetuous and thought I could find another magical artifact that could replace the Idol. So I set out to find something that would inspire and rally us griffins back to greatness.” He sighed and rubbed his beak with a talon. “Or, at least, to get everybirdy motivated to repair the buildings and homes that are collapsing from neglect.”

“I’d heard Griffinstone was in rough shape. I didn’t realize things had gotten that bad.”

“While I was on the mend from one of my little adventures, Cranky came to visit Zecora. She introduced us to each other, and he and I struck a deal. We would wander together, him looking for his lost love and me looking for something with enough power to get the griffins to listen to reason. Later, he and I became friends with Bonsmara and Fierce.”

“You never found what you were looking for.”

“I didn’t. To add insult to injury, it turns out I never need to. I visited Griffinholm right before taking this latest job and found that two griffins, who both learned lessons in friendship from the ponies of this town, are leading and teaching the griffins of Griffinstone about being a community. While there’s a lot of work to be done, it’s looking like civilized creatures live there again.” He looked to Zecora as if seeking her forgiveness. “I’ve wasted so much time.”

Zecora put a hoof to Grayson’s cheek. “Do not judge things with haste. Your time searching was not a waste. You have helped many far and wide. You could not have done that at my side.”

“I doubt my wandering will stop altogether, but knowing Griffinstone is recovering has eased my mind,” Grayson touched his beak to her nose. “My searching for treasure is through. Now I can devote more time to you.” Seeming to realize what he had done, Grayson blushed and glanced around at the others. “You did not hear or see that.”

“That was sweet,” Bonsmara said. “You shouldn’t be ashamed.”

“Our friend is a poet,” Fierce said, earning him an irritated look from Grayson. “Who would have thought it?”

“I make one slip and my dignity is shredded,” Grayson said, covering his face with a talon.

“Showing affection in public is not a bad thing,” Puca said. She glanced at Fierce and added, “So long as you don’t go overboard with it.”

“I would never do such a thing,” Fierce said, putting a paw to his chest.

Bonsmara snorted.

“Let us get the opinion of the new couple.” Fierce grinned at Stone and Puca. “Now I that I think about it, I do not believe I have ever heard either of them give terms of affection to the other.”

“Which means they’re on my side,” Grayson said. “Affection should be shown through helpful actions and giving support, not acting like a mooncalf.”

“I’m sure they say nice things to each other, when there are no other ears around.” Rarity smirked. “I would bet one of my dresses they have pet names for one another by now.”

Puca and Stone both blushed.

Grayson looked relieved. “At least I won’t be the only one embarrassed now.”

Cadance moved to stand behind the pair. “You might as well tell us.”

“I don’t have one for him, yet, but he has a nickname for me,” Puca said.

Rarity leaned towards Puca. “Don’t keep us in suspense. What is it?”

“He calls me a living jewel.”

Cadence looked at Stone. “What inspired that name for her?”

Stone fidgeted and looked towards Puca. “I don’t know if I should say.”

Puca’s blush deepened and she gave a slight shake of her head as if asking the princess to not ask another question.

“Go on,” Rarity prodded. “One of you has to tell us.”

“I agree.” Cadance gave them a playful look. “You know, I can have guards posted to keep you in here until one of you tells us.”

“When she’s getting out of the shower, the water drops may her carapace and wings shine,” Stone said, looking as if had been caught doing something scandalous. “She looks like an opal when she’s wet.”

Rarity gave Stone a disapproving glance. “A lady should have her privacy for such activities.”

“It’s not what you think,” Puca said. “He was in the shower with me.”

“Looks like you were right about the soap,” Grayson told Fierce.

Rarity’s eyebrows rose, as she looked at Stone. “Conserving water, are we?”

Stone gave her a guilty smile. “I guess you could call it that.”

Cadance patted Stone on the back. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Shining and I share a shower almost every morning.” She looked to Puca. “It’s nice having somepony help with those hard to reach spots isn’t it?”

“He has the most attentive, caring hooves you can ask for,” Puca told Cadance. “He helped me towel off afterward too.”

Stone put his head on the table and covered his face with his forelegs. “They didn’t need to know that much.”

“You have gathered here I see.” Luna strode into the room, followed by Starless Night and Cold Mercy. “We may want for space, but this room will serve.” She looked to Stone. “Is he of poor health?”

“No, Princess, he is being shy about discussing his activities with the lady of his affections,” Fierce said.

Luna’s ears perked up. “You announced your courtship to Puca then, I would assume.”

“That’s one way to put it,” Grayson said, with a laugh.

Fierce’s ears turned toward the door. “We have incoming foals running this way.”

Starless winced and asked, “Two of them?”

“There are two of them,” Puca confirmed, “and they are very excited.”

Starless bowed to Princess Luna. “My Princess, I beg a moment to intercept them and find them a more suitable-”

“Your request is denied, Captain.” Luna grinned. “Let them come.”

The sounds of two sets of young hooves approached the room from down the hall.

“I think it’s this one!” a bat pony colt stuck his head into the doorway. His eyes widened, as he looked at the individuals gathered in the room. “Whoa.”

“Hello, little one,” Luna greeted the colt.

The colt drew himself up and stepped into the room. He bowed to Luna. “I am sorry to interrupt, Princess. I did not know you were here.”

“He is, and you did not interrupt.”

“Windless, what-” A filly stepped in the room and looked around. For a moment, she seemed unsure whether to bolt from the room or not.

“There is no need to be scared,” Puca said.

The filly’s ears pinned back. She looked to Starless. “Mom said it was okay for us to find you. Should we be here?”

“Princess Luna said you were welcome,” Starless told her.

The filly bowed to Luna, “Thank you, Princess.”

“Everyone, these are my children, Windless Night and Care Package,” Starless told them. As Freight entered the room, he added, “And this is my wife, Air Freight, though most of you know her already.”

Freight bowed to Princess Luna. “Sorry about letting my foals run ahead. I had no idea you were meeting with everyone right now.”

“Since all were gathered here, and what I would discuss with them is much in line with what Cadance intends to say, I decided I would join in and shorten the duration of the meetings.”

“Are these the adventurers that helped you, Mom?”

“They are, except for the lady there,” Freight said, nodding to Zecora. “I have not met her before.”

“This is Zecora,” Grayson said. “She’s my bond mate.”

Zecora smiled at Freight. “Grayson has told me about you. He says you take care of your cargo and your crew.”

“You’re the Zebra that helped Cobalt find Amore,” Freight said.

“What I did was not much. He only needed a guiding touch.”

Windless watched Puca as if expecting her to do something.

Freight nudged Windless. “She’s spoken for, you’re too young, and you shouldn’t stare.”

Windless groaned. “That’s not why I’m looking at her. She’s the changeling, isn’t she?”

“How could you tell?” Puca asked.

“Mom told me about all the adventurers that fought with her. She didn’t say anything about a pegasus.”

“Clever colt,” Grayson said.

“Can I see what you look like for real?” Windless asked. “Mom said you’re cool looking.”

“Since you asked so kindly, I’ll change for you.” Puca shifted to her natural form.

Windless smiled. “That’s wicked.” He tilted his head, as he looked at her legs. “Why do you have holes?”

“Windless!” Freight said, sounding aghast.

“It’s to help us conserve energy when we transform,” Puca explained. “The less of us there is that has to stretch or shrink, the less magic we have to use to keep up the transformation.”

“So, from what Mom said, if Stone’s around you, you should be able to pull all the energy you need and keep up whatever disguise you want, right?”

“That’s enough out of you.” Freight scooped Windless to her side with a wing, all but enveloping him. “I better take these two somewhere where they won’t be any more of a distraction that what they already have been.”

“May I make a suggestion?” Rarity said. “Spike and Amore will be heading with Cobalt to Sugar Cube Corner about now. You could join them. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.”

“Did she say Spike?” Windless wriggled his head out from under Freight’s wing. “Isn’t he the dragon that saved the Crystal Empire?”

“That would be him.”

Wingless looked up at Freight. “Can we go, please?”

“Cobalt will be there?” Care asked Rarity, with notable enthusiasm.

“That was the plan, last I knew." Rarity smiled at her. "You seem like you have something on your mind.”

Care looked a little bashful as she looked around the room. “I’ve wanted to thank all of you for helping Mom.” She bowed to them. “Thank you.”

“You don't have to thank us,” Fierce said. “Your mother helped us as much, if not more, than we helped her. If it had not been for her timely arrival and piloting skill, we might not have reached the Nightmares before they unsealed the portal.”

“Your Mom and her crew are good at beating the icicles out of Windigos too,” Grayson said.

Windless freed himself from Freight’s wing. “Yeah, Mom’s cool all the way around. We still owe you guys, though.” He bowed to them. “Thank you for helping Mom.”

“It was our pleasure,” Bonsmara said.

“Why the interest in whether Cobalt would be there?” Rarity asked Care.

“I wanted to thank him too,” Care answered, with a slight blush.

“I’m sure he would appreciate getting a thank you from a lovely filly like you. Do you know where Sugar Cube Corner is?”

“No ma’am. I’ve never been to Ponyville before.”

“Is that the place that looks like a gingerbread house?” Freight asked.

“That’s the one. I didn’t think you had been in Ponyville long enough to find it.”

“I’ve seen it from the air. It’s hard to miss, with its design and as pink as it is.” She prodded Windless towards the door. “We can go, if you behave yourself.”

“Yes!" Windless did a hoof pump and sprinted out the door. “Come on, they’ve got a head start on us!”

Freight looked to Starless. “He’s your son.”

“He is,” Starless said, with a proud smile. He nuzzled Freight for a second. “Though, I’ve always thought that his rushing into things came from you.”

“If only your troops could see you now,” Mercy teased.

“They’d be jealous he has such a beautiful wife,” Freight said, without missing a beat. “Come on, Care. If you want to thank Cobalt, this is your chance.”

Care waved a wing back at the group in the room, as she followed Freight out the door. “Thank you again!”

“You are welcome,” Puca said.

“You did very well, Dear,” Fierce congratulated Bonsmara, as soon as Care was out of sight. “You managed not to grab either of them.”

“It took all my willpower not to,” Bonsmara confessed.

Cadance asked Rarity, “Spike said you can send messages to him, right?”

“I can, if the occasion calls for it. It’s not something I do often. I don’t want to bother him while he’s in the middle of something important.”

“Amore and Spike need to know they have two more they need to help distract, and Cobalt needs to be warned about what could be heading his way.”

“You caught that from her too,” Puca said, sharing a grin with Cadence.

“What’s wrong?” Stone asked, sounding concerned.

“Bat ponies still adhere to the old ways of thinking about a pony's worth more than other ponies do,” Cadence told him.

“What does that have to do with having to warn Cobalt about something?”

“I think I have picked up on what they’re hinting at,” Rarity said, with a knowing smile. “If your brother puts on the charm, like he did for me, he may get more attention from a certain filly than he expected.”

“Cobalt’s cute and acts the gentlecolt, when he wants to, but I doubt we have to warn him about anything.”

“Your brother went an epic quest, helped her mother in a time of need, played a part in a battle that may have saved the world, and saved a princess.” Rarity giggled. “If I were a filly Care’s age, it would be hard not to have a certain amount of interest in a colt like Cobalt, particularity if he greeted me in the manner he did the other night.”

Stone’s eyes widened. “I didn’t think of it that way, and that’s what he’s likely to do when he meets her.” He looked to Starless. “He means nothing by it, if he does.”

Starless shrugged. “Things will play out as they will. Care will meet Cobalt and she will get over her crush, or she will be pursuing a colt of good character.” He chuckled. “Freight being there could make things interesting. She thinks the world of both of you and might encourage things.”

“Care could wrap him around a hoof by herself, if she wants to. Cobalt’s just getting interested in fillies, but we can already tell that he takes after Grandfather and is a hopeless romantic. That Care is the filly of someone he helped during an adventure would make it seem to him it was destined for them to be together.”

Puca leaned against Stone. “Like he thought you and I should be together?”

“Exactly! If Freight gets involved, he doesn’t have a chance.”

“Would that be so bad?” Cadence asked.

Luna’s horn lit, and a quill, inkwell, and a piece of paper appeared before Stone. “Write with all due speed. Keep the message to Amore and Spike short, and the warning to Cobalt, if you include one, mild. I would like to see how things play out without undue influence on any pony’s part.”

Grayson glanced at Luna. “You’re enjoying this more than I thought you would.”

“There are reasons falling in love was known as ‘being moon struck.’ I have helped ponies find the partner of their dreams on occasion.”

Cadance told Luna, “You and I need to talk.”