• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Interlude: The Obsidian Eye

"Oh my aching head," Starlight moaned, carefully levitating an ice pack to her head, in an attempt to get rid of the hangover she had, while at the same time vowing never to do something like that again, "next time we celebrate something, don't bother bringing any alcohol."

While most of the group had only had two or three alcoholic drinks the previous evening, and hadn't gotten drunk in the process, Starlight was the only one who had gone overboard. Her mind was stressed out thanks to everything they had seen thanks to the Dimensionator, which was still sitting where they had left it upon their return to the Apogee Space Station. The only ones who didn't partake in the alcoholic drinks were Red, as he had business he needed to take care of so they could figure out where Clank was taken, and, strangely enough, both Searing and Sunset.

When Ratchet asked the two ponies why they only drank juice or water, and not what most of the others were having, the two mares said that they didn't much care for the alcohol and left it at that.

"I'll make a mental note of it the next time we party," Ratchet said, shaking his head for a moment as he turned to Angela, "I guess the next time we see Ace and Sasha will be after we rescue Clank?"

Once morning had arrived Sasha and Ace had taken the ship that Sasha had used to board the Hyperion and departed from the space station, where they entered the warp system and disappeared. The two of them knew that Ratchet and the others would be searching for Clank, so they needed to tell the leader of the Jedi Order that Angela was going to be away for a little longer than what she said she would, but they knew that the Mystic was a reasonable person and knew that he couldn't stop her even if he tried. Qwark had stayed with the group, to help them save Clank, though Talwyn was more than happy to join them, especially when they could learn more about the Zoni along the way.

Of course Red and his parrot had disappeared the moment he finished his first drink, though that had been okay with everyone else, as he was the only one who could get them the information they needed on Clank's whereabouts.

"That's the plan at the moment," Angela replied, a smile appearing on her face, because now that Tachyon had been dealt with, and the Dimensionator was no longer a threat, she and Ratchet could finally start building their own family... just as soon as they recovered Clank, "All we're waiting on is for Red to tell us where Clank is... or for some way to figure that out for ourselves."

"Hey Searing, take a look at the message that Red just sent us," Sunset said, to which the two mares pulled out their tablets and opened the message that had apparently arrived for them, "Sweet, he found another target for us to take out."

"Apparently Red asked the citizens of a city on Rykan VII about the creatures that took Clank," Searing stated, speaking up so Starlight and the others could hear what Red had sent them, as if she wanted them to know what they were up against, "instead of answering his inquiries they told him that they were under attack by some sort of, and I'm quoting Red here, 'elemental creature'. Red describes the creature as a large fire elemental whose purpose, according to what he heard the creature shout, was to purge the world in a sea of fire."

"Huh, I had no idea there was a Rykan VII," Ratchet commented, to which he turned and faced Talwyn for a moment, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about this planet, would you?"

"All I know is that Rykan VII is the last planet with the Rykan name," Talwyn replied, tapping her bracelet for a moment before calling up an image of the planet, which appeared to look like Rykan V, only with more of the planet looking like it was alive and not covered in lava, "its also the furthest from the sun, as the other six are much closer than it is, so there is more livable space for people to use. From what my father was able to find on that planet there's actually an ice cave somewhere on the planet, one that's supposed to house an ancient secret that only the 'Chosen One' can unlock."

"An ice cave, on a planet with lava refineries, that can only be opened by a creature from a legend," Starlight said, tossing the ice pack to the side, all while looking at the planet and trying to figure out where the cave could be located, "Maybe I can put one of my experimental weapons to use against such a creature... some field testing would do it some good, as I don't think those copies I made of me managed to finish perfecting it before I sent them away."

"Wait... you can clone yourself?" Sunset said, turning to look at Starlight for a moment, though it was clear that she liked the idea, "that is so awesome! A shame all you've used it for is busy work."

Starlight was tempted to just tell the pegasus that she had used it for more than catching up on her work, especially when the clones had been used to great effect in their fight against Ysmir, but she decided not to say anything. She was still thinking about the creature that Red had told them about, this fire elemental that was apparently causing havoc on a world for some odd reason. It was possible that more monsters had passed through the rifts that the Dimensionator had created, but she would have thought that all of them would have been sent home if that was the case... which meant that this particular monster was native to this dimension. Such a thing seemed silly to even think about, but when she considered what she was, and the fact that two more of her kind had been found and introduced to her, she knew that she shouldn't make this seem smaller than it really was.

The fact of the matter was that there was a fire elemental currently harassing a city on Rykan VII and Red had called for Searing and Sunset to come to their aid, though she suspected that he was also banking on all of them coming as well.

"Tell Red that all of us will head to Rykan VII and deal with this creature," Angela spoke up, causing Starlight to look over at her for a moment, surprised that she had been beat to the punch this time, "Starlight, we should check those weapons and see if there's anything else that we need to do to make them more effective... or see if you've got any ice magic in you."

"Come on, its just a fire elemental," Ratchet said, shrugging as everyone made their way to the Hyperion, though at the same time he was thankful that he had his hoverboard in case he needed to fly around something, "we'll be done with it in no time."

It didn't take them long to reach Rykan VII, especially when they were close to the planet to begin with, but as they flew their ships down to the planet's surface they spotted the creature they were after within a matter of minutes. It turned out that the elemental in question was at least as tall as the fifteen foot tall wall that surrounded the city that the creature was attacking, though the creature appeared to be a little taller than that. As the ships drew closer to the ground they all noticed that the elemental was made up of fire, lava, and molten rock, though its general shape appeared to be female in nature and the area its feet were supposed to be in was surrounded by a vortex of moving flames.

The rather large elemental was also carrying what appeared to be a sword of some kind, though it was proving to be a terrible weapon as the creature could only slash through things instead of smashing them, like one would do with a hammer... but the group let out a sigh of relief as they realized that the elemental had yet to actually breach the city's defenses.

"You know, when I sent Searing and Sunset the message about this creature I didn't think I'd be calling in the cavalry," Red said over the communicator, though his tone indicated that he was happy to see everyone again, "but considering what you guys have gone up against in the past, especially to take down Tachyon and secure the Dimensionator, I'm glad to see that you guys came as well. Now we just have to stop that creature before she breaks the shield wall and burns the city to the ground."

That was roughly followed by the creature pointing its left hand at the city and loosed a large fireball at whatever it was targeting, which was destroyed by a glimmering shield that sprung up to defend the city... though Starlight could tell that it was going to break if they didn't do something soon.

"As soon as I smash through your pathetic shield I shall purge your city from existence," the fire elemental shouted, flames dancing around her blade as she slammed it into the barrier, this time causing cracks to appear in it, "and then I shall burn your world to cinders! Then, once I am finished with this world, I shall burn the whole galaxy to ash!"

"She's insane, just like Fear and War," Ratchet commented, bringing up the warmonger that Searing and Sunset had fought, because by the sounds of it she was also insane to some degree, "So guys, how are we going to take this thing out?"

"I've got an idea," Starlight said, to which she directed the next sentence to the other ship that was in the air, "Hey Red, do you have the parts necessary to build a modified RYNO IV?"

"A... modified RYNO IV?" Red asked, though the uncertainty in his voice indicated that he was slightly afraid of the weapon, which was strange to Ratchet because the weapon hadn't been made at all, "What sort of modification are we talking about?"

"I'll send over the holo-plans for a moment and you can tell me if you've got the parts," Starlight replied, quickly sending over the plans in question, though at the same time the ships they were flying landed on a nearby plateau so they could see if Red had the pieces to built a weapon that could potentially rival Sunset Shimmer's destructive powers.

"A weapon that's designed to switch between firing the normal missiles and a new blend of missiles," Red commented, landing nearby with the sound of some tinkering coming from his ship, "specifically missile that contain liquid nitrogen. Where do you come up with these types of weapons?"

"I took the upgrade of the old Lava Gun, which was a Liquid Nitrogen Gun, and added it here," Starlight answered, rubbing the back of her head for a moment, though that was followed by Red opening the door of his ship and stepping out with the weapon in question, "though I think Ratchet should be using this weapon, as Searing and I can use ice magic on the creature and I'm sure that we have some liquid nitrogen bombs for Sunset to use."

Ratchet was, once again, blown away by the fact that his sister could have come up with a modification for the deadly RYNO IV weapon, in such a short amount of time no less, and also create one that could actually work with the weapon's existing design. He looked at the small weapon, which had some parts colored green and others colored dark green, and knew that while it was small it would pack the punch they needed to stop the creature that was attacking the barrier. With the weapon in hand, and his hoverboard was ready for use, Ratchet readied himself as he shot into the air, while Starlight and Searing followed him with their magical steps. Sunset, of course, took to the skies after grabbing some bombs from Red's ship, leaving everyone else to take to the skies with their ships, where they intended on using the missiles they had to do damage.

"Ah, more lambs have arrived for me to burn to cinders," the elemental shouted, turning towards the ships as they flew around her, but the look that appeared on her face told Starlight that the creature was pissed off that they were even there, "I am Ragenarosa, though you can either call me the Firelord or the Mistress of Flame."

Ragenarosa summoned her flames into her spare hand and targeted Aphelion, though as it loosed a fireball at her and Ratchet, with the intent to kill them, but before the attack could reach its target Searing appeared between them and used her magic to force the attack to explode in midair. The elemental screamed in rage the moment it noticed that its attack had been stopped, or to Starlight the Firelord was screaming the instant she noticed who had stopped her attack, before it loosed several more attacks that were directed at Searing. Starlight used her magic to summon several of her copies and sent them around the large elemental, while she used some of her magic to shoot large chunks of ice at several of the orbs of fire.

At the same time Sunset flew above the elemental and dropped a bomb on her shoulder, to which some of the flames turned to pure ice upon impact, though the ice shattered as Sunset joined Searing and Starlight.

"Wait... you look familiar," Ragenarosa said, her voice being amplified so everyone could hear her, though Starlight assumed it was because someone had been speaking about her and her family while near the creature.

"Trust me on this lady, we've never met before," Sunset shouted in return, to which Searing and Starlight nodded their heads in agreement, though all three of them prepared themselves for what was coming next, "I think I would have remembered meeting someone as large, and as angry, as you."

Starlight stared at the elemental for a moment, wondering if there was something behind what the creature had said, but at the moment she focused on thinking of a way to bring the large creature down... before it grew bored of them and shattered the protective barrier that was around the city.

"Ah, I can see now..." Ragenarosa declared, staring at Sunset for a few seconds, as if she was going to be the focus of her attacks and no one else, before pulling back and lifting her blade into the air, "You are correct, little pegasus, it appears that this is the first time we have met... and it shall be the last time as well."

Ragenarosa swung her blade at Sunset, causing the three mares that were standing near each other to separate from each other as the large blade passed through the air, missing all of them and allowing them to launch their counter attack. Sunset launched a trio of liquid nitrogen bombs into the air above the elemental's head, though before doing so she made sure to activate the feature that allowed them to float wherever she threw them. As she flew through the air she heard Red explain that the bombs were designed to hover in one place and absorb the ice that was in the air, though they were experimental bombs that may or may not work the way they were designed to.

Starlight and Searing flew around the large elemental, with their magic levitating them, as it followed the ships that were drawing it away from the city, where Aphelion and Angela loosed a barrage of small shots into the elemental to annoy it. From what Starlight could tell, based on what they've seen, Ragenarosa was an easy creature to piss off, as every time a missile or bullet entered its body it just got even angrier at all of them. The elemental also had a fascination with burning everything, because every now and then it would shout something at them as it slowly followed them towards a vacant area.

"Stand still so I can purge you from existence!" Ragenarosa shouted, flames dancing through the air towards the trio of mares, though Searing and Starlight were enough to freeze the flames that came near all of them, especially since Starlight's clones were helping them out.

Ratchet joined them as he flew in on his hoverboard, loosing a volley from the RYNO IV into the creature, to which the force of the explosion knocked the elemental backwards for a few seconds, though that only seemed to make it even angrier as it charred the landscape around the area that was its feet. As he distracted the creature Searing and Starlight loosed more frost magic at their target, freezing small sections of its arms and chest until the heat shattered the ice and it came at them again. Occasionally Sunset would fly near them and mention that the devices were definitely charging, to which she asked what they were planning on using them for once it was ready.

Starlight noticed that the trio of ice bombs had already fused together above the elemental's head, somehow not melting under the intensity of the flames that were coming off of the creature, but she had the feeling that she knew exactly what they were going to do with them once it was ready.

Ragenarosa used literally every tactic in her reserve to damage them, using her sword to carve up the landscape and burn everything around her, while at the same time summoning more fireballs to throw at them. Angela commented over the communication line that the creature was like a one trick pony, while trying not to offend the three mares that were attacking the elemental, and that the fight was much easier than what she had expected. The fight was still a stalemate between the two forces, mainly because they couldn't reach the elemental's core and deal a devastating blow to their opponent, but Angela was sure that Starlight had an idea... she always had an idea on how to overcome a problem like this.

Eventually the answer came when both Starlight and Searing stopped where they were floating and let the creature reach for them, though seconds before her hand could crush them she stopped in mind motion, which was followed by her hand reaching for her chest and allowing everyone to see some sort of blue colored material forming inside her core.

"What... have you... done to... me?" Ragenarosa shouted, her voice still brimming with anger towards them all, though at the same time the ice that was clearly forming inside her continued to spread and started to slow her down.

"We activated a magically charged trio of liquid nitrogen bombs next to your core," Starlight replied, watching the ice spread over the elemental's chest and creep into her hands, while at the same time they allowed the creature to see that both her horn and Searing's horn were glowing at the moment, "Searing opened a small hole inside your back while you were distracted by Aphelion and the others, where she created a specially crafted passage I could use to deposit the bombs inside. Once the charges were ready I slipped the charge into your chest, or more specifically your core, and detonated it with enough force to create what your feeling now."

"Soon your chest will be completely covered in magically infused ice," Searing added, just as the ice surrounded Ragenarosa's sword hand and froze it solid, which was followed by the hand snapping off and the pieces falling to the ground, "I do believe that this was the sign that we were waiting for."

"Open fire!" Sunset shouted, to which she, Angela, Aphelion, Red, and everyone else used their most power weapons to blow open the creature's chest, leaving a massive hole that caused the creature to collapse on the ground in a pile of pieces.

"Now that we have taken care of the elemental the people of the city should be willing to help you out," Red told everyone else, while the rest of the elemental cracked under the intensity of the bombs that had struck its core, "they have agreed to allow you to use their Obsidian Eye to see if you can figure out where the Zoni took Clank."

Starlight was pleased with the news, though while she and everyone else made their way towards the city she looked back and noticed that the elemental's core had turned into a crystal... one that was grabbed by a lone Zoni that appeared for a few seconds before disappearing, leaving her to wonder what was so special about the strange crystals that the strange creature dropped.

After they landed Red lead them to the tower that the Obsidian Eye, the telescope that would allow them to find Clank, was located in, though at the same time he told them that he speculated that the creature might have come here to destroy the eye, and the city that was surrounding it. The Obsidian Eye was a large crystal of sorts that was powered by something called a Fulcrum Star, though when they finally arrived at the device Red tapped some buttons and beckoned Starlight forward. What she found was Clank hovering in a stasis field with a few Zoni floating around him, apparently chattering about him being someone of importance while a 'Doctor' was being called in to help repair him.

She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw that the doctor was actually Dr. Nefarious, though before they could do anything the Obsidian Eye powered down... to which Red apologized and stated that the assault had drained the reserves the city had, which meant that this was as far as they were getting at the moment. Starlight didn't mind it too much, because they had acquired the coordinates for the Breegus Nebula, where they could begin their search for Clank the moment they entered the system.

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