• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Size: Challax

Sunset sat at the table that she and her family used whenever they were on a mission to save the galaxy and they happened to be using the Hyperion for traveling, though she was listening to what her brother and sister had to say while one of her hands was rubbing her cat's head. Apparently Luna was smarter than any of them had given her credit, because on the way to the facility she had done some scans and tests on Ratchet, which meant that she had some portion of his genetic makeup along with all the fighting skills she had caught on camera. That told them that their enemy, who Luna worked for, was going to try and build an army of Ratchet clones, which would definitely take the galaxy by surprise if they didn't do anything about it.

Starlight, on the other hand, said that nothing had happened to her while she was unconscious, which meant that either Luna didn't have the time to run any scans on her or some were run, only for them to conclude that it would be impossible to repeat her unique genetic makeup, which was actually safer in the long run. Sunset wondered what an army of Starlight clones could do, though she imagined the complete and utter destruction of everyone that opposed whoever their enemy was.

The main reason they had remained in the Hyperion was because Ratchet and Starlight wanted to scout out whatever was left of the facility once the smoke had cleared, because there might actually be something left behind that they could use. It was moments like this that Sunset was glad that she didn't go full Searing against her enemies and just obliterate everything that stood in her way, otherwise there would have been nothing left of the facility for her siblings to check out. Once everyone had caught up on what was happening, and started to relax, Starlight shifted her gaze to Sunset and looked down at the cat, who happened to be purring due to the attention her sister was giving it.

"So, what's the little guy's name?" Starlight asked, knowing that Sunset would have given her cat a name at this point, considering the fact that it was at least two days after it had joined their family.

"I was thinking of calling him Razor, on account of his spikes," Sunset replied, noting that the cat didn't make any sounds that indicated that it was annoyed with the name.

"Really?" Starlight said, trying in vain to mask her surprise, thought that was followed by her pulling out her tablet and making a note of the name for the future, "I could have sworn that you would have named him after the Destroyer God whose clothing your wearing."

"Oh, you mean Lord Beerus," Sunset said, looking down at the clothing she was wearing, though for some odd reason she couldn't find an answer as to why she hadn't switched to something else to wear, "Well, I had originally thought about calling him by that name, due to how he fought and how eager he was to enter battle, but then I had a thought before I could give him a new name. I thought about the possibility of Lord Beerus existing out there, in the sea of stars that we have yet to explore, and decided that it might not be the best idea to name Razor after him."

"I... guess that your explanation makes sense," Starlight replied, not really understanding why Sunset actually settled on 'Razor' instead of 'Beerus', but she decided not to make a big deal out of it.

They waited for an hour and a half before they were able to return to what remained of the facility, to which they got in the smaller ship and flew down to the wreckage to see what managed to survive the explosion. To their surprise the room where both Ratchet an Starlight had been imprisoned in, with the purpose of being experimented on while their genetic makeup was copied, was somehow still sitting there, though it was missing the ceiling and most of it walls. On the opposite side off where the room was sitting was the hoverboarder that they had seen on the previous planet, though how he managed to track them down to this place, without being seen on the Hyperion's radar, was a question that would have to be asked once they had landed.

The instant they landed, and climbed out of their ship, they were approached by the rider, who seemed like he wanted to settle something with Ratchet, as he had two boards instead of one.

"Okay, here's the deal." the rider said, tossing Ratchet the spare board, which he caught without too much trouble, "I've got these two identical boards, made exactly the same and haven't been tampered with yet, for us to use in a race to see who is truly the best."

Clank spotted what looked like a Polarizer under the rider's board, attached to the dark matter acceleration module, though that either meant that he was intentionally cheating, or someone attached it to his board when he wasn't looking. Ratchet, on the other hand, agreed to the rematch as the rest of his family looked around the area, just in case there was anything that they could have missed when they flew over the ruined area. In the end Starlight and the others merely watched Ratchet race the rider and his friends around the ruined facility and the surrounding asteroids, though at the end of it all the rider lost the race and tossed Ratchet the item that had been attached to his board, declaring that it never worked anyway before riding off into space.

As the group climbed back into the smaller ship Clank explained that the gadget was supposed to change the polarity of a magnet so you could either pull it closer to you or push it away from where you were standing. Once they were back on the Hyperion they set a course for Challax, where they could get some answers to the questions that they had... and hopefully caught up with the little girl that was working for the enemy.

When the Hyperion neared their destination, the planet known as Challax, the scanners indicated that there was some sort of defense facility put in place by the Technomites and that the Hyperion had been locked onto by whatever their enemy had left behind. The scanners also indicated that there was a large amount of ships getting ready to leave the defense facility, which meant that they would soon be under attack by whatever was inside the facility. Sunset, deciding that she needed some more exercise, declared that she would deal with the facility that would otherwise prevent them from reaching their destination. She also had Starlight summon a protective shield around the Hyperion, just in case some of the ships decided to attack them while she was busy wrecking the facility.

The moment Sunset exited the Hyperion she flew over to where the facility was and started blowing the ships to pieces, either by using her own magic or picking up the space debris and using it as her weapon. She also marveled at the amount of asteroids that happened to be hanging above the planet's atmosphere, to which she used many of them to break through the ships that were attacking her and smash pieces of the facility.

At one point she entered the facility she had been fighting around and made her way to the core of the station, to which she found the fleet's best ship, a dreadnaught, waiting for her. She danced around its missiles and various attacks, knowing that the only way it could hit her is if she actually allowed herself to be hit, though she also put some smalls holes in it while it attacked her. She would have likely taken her time with the large ship, just to test some of her more lethal abilities she had picked up, but they were on a strict time schedule and, after five minutes of playing with the ship, she blew a large hole it in that eventually led to its destruction. Before she blew the entire place to pieces she spotted a piece of armor that resembled what Ratchet was already wearing, though the coloration told her it was a different set.

Sunset grabbed the armor with her magic and teleported it back to the ship, though that was swiftly followed by her throwing a sphere of destruction at the core and disappearing herself. She reappeared on the bridge and watched as the facility tore itself to pieces, though once her job was done they were able to maneuver the Hyperion into position, allowing Ratchet and the others to descend to the planet's surface. Sunset, however, opted to stay behind again, though this time she picked up the armor she had acquired and declared that she would have a new set waiting for their return.

With the decision made Ratchet, Starlight, Clank, and Angela made their way to the coordinates that they had found at the previous station, hoping to catch the person they were after.

"Well, this doesn't look too hospitable," Ratchet stated, just after climbing out of the smaller ship and looking out at the vast desert that happened to surround the landing pad they had used, "Is it possible that Luna and her boss used fake coordinates to throw us off of their trail?"

"Normally, I would say yes," Starlight stated, though that was before she levitated what appeared to be a miniature hovercar into their sight for a moment, "but I think the only way forward is to shrink ourselves and see what this thing has to show us."

"Well then, let's fire up the Shrink Ray and see where this takes us," Angela said, though her tone told them that she was excited for a new planet to explore, considering the fact that she sat out when Sunset attacked the facility.

Ratchet nodded and pulled out the gadget that they needed at the moment, to which they all placed their hands or hooves on someone else as he engaged the device, though that resulted in all of them shrinking down to the size they needed. With the task complete they climbed into the small hovercar that was waiting for them and set off on their adventure, to which they ended up flying through some cracks in between several rocks before they came upon a hidden city. They immediately knew that this was what they had been searching for, because there was no way they could have been able to find this place without the Shrink Ray. Once they came to a stop they climbed out of the hovercar and approached the building that was in front of them, though they stopped to purchase any ammunition that they needed, as well as acquire the Sniper Mine weapon for their arsenal.

They then approached the door that was blocking their path, to which Ratchet shrunk himself once more so he could override the lock from the inside, though that was followed by him emerging victorious a few seconds later. With the way open they rode the elevator down to the next floor, where they discovered a perfect location to test out the Polarizer that they had recently acquired. Angela, who had been holding the gadget at the time, turned it on the magnet that was sitting near them, to which they watched as the luggage went flying into the other side of the room and slammed into the robot guard that was stationed on the other side of the electric fence that was blocking their way. The robot ended up colliding with the terminal that controlled the fence, which allowed them to move forward without having to actually stop and figure something out.

With the way clear the group progressed into the next room, where they found another terminal they could destroy with a magnet and the electric fence that it powered, along with the group of robotic guards that were waiting on the other side. Angela smiled as Ratchet and Starlight prepared their weapons, because the moment she activated the magnet, and destroyed the terminal, they opened fire on the guards before they could even move. Once the guards were gone they followed the path until they walked outside, to which they were assaulted by a large number of enemies that included several of the smaller guards and at least two larger ones that carried staffs that allowed them to send out electric blasts when they touched the ground.

Angela smiled as she pulled her lightsaber out, extended both sides of the weapon, and charged at the two staff carrying enemies, to which she slammed her weapon against theirs and forced them back for a moment, before she followed after them. It was pretty clear that someone had been expecting them to assault this city at some point, as the guards with the staffs were actually programed to fight like she did, meaning that it was almost like Angela was fighting two copies of herself, making her remember when she and Maul ha fought in the past. The only difference was that Maul never tried to kill her, he was just a swordsman that wanted to prove that he was the strongest in this new breed of weapon that she carried, where these guys were programed to kill her for trespassing in their city.

Eventually Angela gained the upper hand and broke the two guards, to which she rejoined Ratchet and Starlight as more enemies moved into the area to deal with them. Once the enemies had fully taken care of Ratchet approached the bolt crank in front of them and turned it, to which the magnet ahead of them turned until it faced the wall that was blocking their way. That was when Angela turned the magnet on with the new gadget and sent the hovercar that was in front of them right into the wall, opening the way forward. The moment the wall was down they entered what appeared to be some sort of garden like area, with ten more of the smaller guards waiting for them, though that was when they spotted a statue of who they guessed was the leader of the Technomites.

Once they had dealt with the first group of guards Ratchet spotted one of the mimic plants that he could water, to which he used the appropriate gadget on the plant and let it spring to life. Angela and Starlight kept the next group off guards off of him and the plant as he had it follow him to the other side of the courtyard they were in, before planting it in some soil and creating a ladder he could climb. While the guards were distracted he climbed to the top of the ladder and spotted another mimic plant that he could use, to which he planted it in the soil he had walked over and created one of the bomb throwing plants. Before he hit the plant he called out to Starlight, who threw up a shield around her and Angela, though that was quickly followed by Ratchet hitting the bomb into the statue and causing it to fall over, creating a ramp they could use to access the door they needed to pass through.

When the three of them climbed up to the door they found that it was locked as well, to which Ratchet shrunk down once more and made his way though the lock. The moment the way forward was open they found that there was a waiting room sitting in front of them, though behind it was the elevator that would take them to their next destination. As they rode the elevator to the top of the building they were attacked by several of the smaller guards and two of the larger ones, though the group took their time in dealing with them. The moment the elevator stopped moving, at the top of the building, Ratchet and his family got serious and tore into the guards they had been playing around with, along with walking through the elevator's open doors and attacking the guards that were waiting for them.

"Either these guys are actually protecting something important, or there's nothing here," Angela commented, just as she cut down the last large guard and turned to face Ratchet and Starlight, who were finishing off the last of the smaller guards, "Well then, let's ride this rail and see where it takes us."

The three of them rode down the rail and dropped down onto the pipe that happened to be sitting at the end of it, to which they started climbing up the other pipes until a ship came into the area and started firing at them. They had no choice but to move forward, considering the fact that the ship destroyed the pipes they had used to get to where they were now, to which they ran over leaves, three leaf clovers, and even crossed over a spider's web until they reached a platform that happened to have a weapon vendor on it. They took a moment to restock all of their weapons, just in case they had to deal with the ship again, before riding the nearby rail down to the building that was ahead of them.

The moment their feet and hooves touched the platform in front of the building they spotted the ship flying into the area, to which it continued to fire missiles at them as they separated from each other. Ratchet focused on bringing down the ship, allowing Starlight and Angela to take care of any enemies that ended up joining the fight while also firing a few blasts at the ship as well. Occasionally the ship would move from side to side, firing a laser at Ratchet in addition to its missiles, though in the end the enemy ship couldn't keep up with the damage that the three of them were putting on it. The moment the ship exploded into a thousand pieces a bridge rose into position, allowing them to walk up to the building and see if there was actually any clues as to where their target could have gone... along with the helmet for the Electroshock armor set.

When they entered the building they had been heading towards they discovered a massive Luna, roughly the same size as when they were their normal size, standing in the middle of the room with a large door in the back of her head. It was painfully clear that the Technomites had out played them, as the entire adventure had been one giant set up by their leader, though before they could do anything the robotic Luna took off. Now that they had to track her down once more they left the building they had fought their way towards and hopped into the hovercar that happened to be sitting nearby, to which they returned to their smaller ship and enlarged themselves back to their original height... and then noticed Qwark standing near their ship.

"You guys will never guess what I just did!" Qwark declared, though his expression told them that the man was definitely excited over something, "I found my 'father'! It turns out that he is the leader of the Technomites!"

"Well that doesn't seem right at all," Angela commented, though judging from the way Qwark was speaking he had something else that he was excited over.

"Of course it isn't, I am well aware that he cannot be my actual father," Qwark replied, though that was followed by him looking into their eyes for a moment, "I figured that the Technomites are your enemy, so I didn't go running off to meet their leader before coming to see all of you... I want in on bringing this guy to justice."

Ratchet had to wonder what game the leader of the Technomites was playing, if he was trying to con Qwark into believing that he was his son, but he smiled as something occurred to him; they could use Qwark to track down the enemy's leader and get him to lower his guard at the right moment. They were still going to follow the robotic Luna and see if it knew anything else that they might not already know, but that would give Qwark the time he needed to get into position for when they brought the enemy's leader down. Ratchet knew that Sunset wasn't going to like working with Qwark again, bu he already knew that she would see why using him was a benefit to their current mission and would go along with whatever they planned.

Time was running out for the leader of the Technomites and soon the universe would be a much safer place... just as soon as they figured out where their enemy was hiding and brought him to justice.

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