• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Commando: Joba

When Sunset and Starlight returned to the area in which they had left the Mathematician, once again by Starlight's magic, the man informed them that they were welcome to head to Planet Joba and compete in the Megacorp Games. Neither one actually cared for fighting in a gladiator arena, or another in Sunset's case, but they accepted the coordinates and jumped into the taxi vehicle that was waiting nearby. They then took the scenic route through the facility, giving them a view of every building that they had walked through to reach their destination, before they returned to where their ship was located.

Ratchet and Angela appeared in the teleportation pad not a few seconds after Sunset and Starlight arrived in their taxi, though Angela was looking a little scared for a couple of seconds. When Starlight asked her what was bugging her, however, she quickly realized that their newest companion had no idea what power Sunset could command at the moment.

"I'm officially scared of your power," Angela said, pulling up her tablet and picking a picture of the moon that they had just left, "all that destruction, all from you releasing such a powerful spell... I'm very lucky that Ivan called me when he did."

"The Thugs-4-Less Leader managed to get away," Sunset replied, not even wanting to discuss the fact that she had blown up and could have very well broken the entire moon, "so we'll have to be more careful in the future. He's bound to have some nasty surprises for us now that he knows exactly what he's fighting against... though if he's anything like Chairman Drek he'll do something stupid and end up providing us with the perfect way to get rid of him."

Ratchet didn't want to bring up the fact that, when they fought against Chairman Drek, that Sunset had actually been killed before the fight had begun, though that had been followed by Searing appearing in full force. He knew that his sister was referring to something else, which was why he didn't say anything about the creature that apparently shared Sunset's body. Considering what he had seen of the Thug Leader, and some of the stupid decisions he's already made, he knew that their enemy was going to do something stupid that would allow them to get rid of him swiftly.

"We also managed to get the coordinates for Planet Joba," Starlight said, getting them back on track, as she preferred to leave that event in the past, "where there is supposed to be another arena of some kind. If its anything like the one at the Maktar Resort, and I do believe that it is, then we should enter it and get whatever gadgets they're offering to the winners."

"Well then, I had better get back to working on the Helix-o-Morph," Angela commented, pressing a button on her wrist, which the others all assumed would call in her ship, "We're going to need it to deal with the experiment when we launch our assault on Megacorp... when we finally reach that point in time."

Ratchet could tell that Angela was reconsidering all of her plans because of what Sunset did, but he also knew that she wasn't planning on using those powers to her advantage. Sunset's powers were often unstable, thanks to Searing, so there was no telling if she would cause a little damage or if she would cause complete devastation... which was why his sister always seemed to use the weaker spells so she could keep herself in control.

"We'll be heading to Joba first," Ratchet said, popping the lid of their ship so his sisters could climb inside first, as they sat in the back all the time, "then we'll see if we can convince Mr. Fizzwidget to meet us somewhere and dispose of the experiment."

"Good luck with that." Angela replied, barely turning around as her ship came to a stop in the water behind her, "Oh, and Ratchet?"

"Yes Angela?" Ratchet said, turning around to face her for a moment, to which she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"Please be safe." Angela told him, before hopping into her ship, closing the hatch, and taking off for wherever her residence was, all without giving him time to say anything.

Unfortunately for Ratchet there was someone else that was willing to say something, which only made him sigh as he set their course for Planet Joba.

"Ratchet and Angela sitting in a tree," Starlight teased, a smile appearing on her face, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

On their way to Joba Ratchet commented that he wanted to visit the ship shack after they contacted Mr. Fizzwidget, because he had the feeling that they might be attacked on their way to wherever they were going to meet their employer. Sunset and Starlight agreed with that, mostly because they were sure that Sunset's magic might give out at the wrong moment and they didn't want that to happen in a space battle. It also allowed Ratchet to get Starlight to stop with the whole him and Angela getting together and starting a family, which made him moan because Angela was definitely a few years older than him and likely had her eye on someone else.

When they finally arrived at their destination they found that there was a group of enemies not far from where they landed, though they didn't seem to concerned that a ship was landing near them. They also found two new weapons available for purchase; the Plasma Coil, which reminded them of the Tesla Claw, and the Spiderbot Glove, which apparently used remote controlled spiders to hurt their enemies from afar. Ratchet wasn't sure that they even needed the additional firepower, considering that if they really needed some serious power either Starlight or Sunset would use their magic to clear the way. In the end he collected both weapons for himself, though he was correct in his assumption that neither of his sisters bothered to get either one of the weapons.

"Well then, let's see how useful this weapon actually is," Ratchet said, walking up the ramp and pointing the Plasma Coil at the warriors that were standing in their way, to which he released a charge and knocked several of them down in an instant, "Its definitely a powered up version of the Tesla Claw, only it uses a charged sphere instead of a bolt of lightning."

The warriors that survived the attack charged at where Ratchet was standing, but they didn't expect Sunset to be there as the whip function of her sword caught several of their blades before they could even touch her brother. She pulled their weapons out of their hands and left her siblings tear into them with whatever weapon they desired, because in a matter of minutes the way was clear for them to move forward once more. Once the area was clear of enemies they walked into a tunnel like area that was apparently sealed off on the other side, but Ratchet spotted a Dynamo activator and instantly activated it, which allowed the door on the other end to open and created a walkway for them to walk on.

Starlight, having cycled to her Pulse Rifle as they entered the tunnel, took out the purple dino creature that happened to be walking their way, allowing Ratchet and Sunset to fight off the enemies that were coming their way. Several of their enemies stayed at the back of the pack and tried to shoot them down, to which Starlight returned the favor and hit them with her rifle or her lancer. The moment the enemies were taken care of they reactivated the walkway and raced across it, though when they arrived on the other side they climbed up the ladder that was waiting there, or teleported in Starlight's case, so they could see what was waiting for them.

There were another force of enemies waiting for them, including a turret that would prove to be a challenge if one of the warriors used it against them, but Sunset seemed to have a solution to the problem. She expanded her magic and seized the turret for a moment, though that was followed by a cracking sound as she tore it out of its foundations and tossed it off the cliff... with the warrior that had been working on it.

"Not what I was thinking of, but that works," Ratchet said, pointing his Plasma Coil at the confused warriors as they tried to understand what had happened before their eyes, "Now, let's get to that arena."

The coil he released tore through the enemies that were standing there, though those that survived the attack soon met their end by either Starlight's weapons or Sunset's blade. They opened the door that was blocking their path and noticed two more warriors standing in their way, with another dino behind them, but this time Starlight used Sunset's method and threw the dino off the cliff. The two warriors stared at her in shock, as if they couldn't believe that she had done that, so Sunset cut them down before they could regain their senses.

"That was fun, tossing the creature off the cliff," Starlight commented, a grin appearing on her face as the three of them climbed up another ladder, where they could see what their next challenge was.

What they found was another force of warriors standing around a vacant turret, though it was being patrolled by another one of the dinos that had a warrior riding it. Sunset and Starlight both grinned as they activated their magic, which was followed by Sunset tearing the turret out of the ground and throwing it into the door on the left, while Starlight threw the dino off the cliff. Once his sisters had completed their individual tasks Ratchet charged forward and loosed a Plasma charge, tearing into the warriors as they stood dumbfounded by what his sisters had done to their forces.

The enemies that weren't cut down by the Plasma Coil charged at Ratchet, to which he cycled to his Gravity Bomb and removed the last of them that he could see. That was before he pressed a button and the door on his right opened, where three more warriors came out and swung their weapons at him, forcing him to back up a bit. He decided to use his wrench this time, blocking his enemy's attacks and smashing the head of his weapon into their knees, before he used their own weapons to end them. When he was done with them, and he was sure that the area was completely clear this time, he beckoned for his sisters to come forward as he looked for where they were supposed to go next.

He then spotted a dynamo activator and charged it, to which the wall in front of him lit up as a platform appeared in front of him and started moving, though before it got very far he leapt onto it and rode it to the top. Ratchet had to jump over several of the sections that came out of the wall, even going over a few that had multiple jumping pieces, before he eventually reached the top of the wall. Once he reached his destination he turned around to toss the Dynamo down to his sisters, but then he noticed them standing beside him before he tossed the gadget to them. He always failed to account for their magic, something that kind of made the entire adventure unfair to him, but at the moment he decided not to dwell on the fact.

"So, two more turrets for us to handle," Starlight commented, staring at the enemies that were standing before them, wondering what they were going to do about them this time, "So, are we going to throw them outside or just fight our way through the horde of enemies that are waiting for us?"

That was followed by a surge of plasma coils, which slammed into several of the warriors and blew them into the walls, leaving the remainder of their enemies to get into the turrets. Starlight summoned a small shield around them as Sunset grabbed both of the turrets with her magic and started to pull them from where they were resting. The strain was clearly more than she was expecting, but she sighed and tore them out of the floor, throwing one into the wall to the right of where it had been resting while she dragged the other one into the abyss behind them.

Two more of the dino creatures charged out of their pins and came at them, to which the three of them merely moved to the side and let them pass, though that was followed by Starlight shoving them off the cliff they were standing on. They then made sure that the rest of their enemies had been taken care of, before they moved through the open door that the turrets had been protecting and riding down the rail that they found on the other side. When they reached the end of the rail they found someone that the three of them never expected that they would see again... the Shady Salesman from Rilgar.

"Oh no, not you three again," the Salesman said, taking a step back the moment the three of them approached him, "the last time I saw the three of you I ended up in prison..."

"Where you should still be at the moment," Starlight growled, her RYNO II appearing in her magic for a moment, "You like this weapon? Its the successor to the RYNO that you stole from the Blarg, the RYNO II. Tell you what, you give us whatever you were going to sell us, for free I might add, and I won't call the cops on you or use some of the missiles to blow you up."

The Salesman looked at them for a moment, clearly weighing his options on the matter, before he let out a sigh and pulled out a set of metallic wings, which looked like they would fit into Clank's body. Ratchet took the device from the man and started reading the instructions, though Starlight gave the criminal a look over, searching for anything else that he might be trying to hide from them, before nodding her head and sending him on his way. Before the man could disappear, however, she attached a small homing device, homemade before she was snatched from Solana, to his headset as he walked away, unaware that she could now bring him in whenever she wanted.

Once Ratchet had installed the flying device into Clank's systems the three of them took off, making their way to the arena that they needed to visit. Sunset and Starlight merely used the magical stairs that Starlight was fond of creating to get them to their destination, though when they landed in front of the arena door Sunset kept her eyes open for any enemies.

"Hello, we're here to fight in the arena," Ratchet said, knocking on the door as he spoke, though after a few seconds he noticed a mechanical eye, identical to the one outside the other arena, open and stare at them.

"Oh, its you again," the mechanical voice replied, staring at the group for a moment, "Sorry kid, but the people don't want to see you at the moment... they want the Angel of Death."

"Excuse me sir," Clank said, after disengaging from Ratchet's back and approaching the door, "but what exactly do you mean by 'Angel of Death'?"

"Its the nickname the cazar here earned after her first arena battle," the eye replied, "She killed every enemy that came at her and survived till the end of the onslaught, all without taking a single hit to herself in what was supposed to be a fight to the death for anyone that entered the arena. Fans have been demanding that she make an appearance in the Megacorp Games, so they;ll be excited to hear that she's come here for some gadgets to help you in whatever you are actually doing."

"So I have to enter the arena and risk my life... for some gadgets?" Sunset stated, sighing as she drew her sword out of her sheath, "Fine, I'd rather not fight at all, but if it will get us closer to our goal then I guess I have no choice."

When Sunset stepped into the arena she heard the announcer declare her by the stupid name that her 'fans' had given her based on the one battle she had been through, but her eyes rested on the board as she realized that she would need to go through two battles to get the gadgets they would need. She sighed as she doors opened and the enemies, be they the warriors from earlier or the dinos that they rode, charged out of their containers to fight her. She cut the warriors down before they could reach her, made sure to dodge the dinos before pushing them into the lava around them, and sliced through the robotic spiderbots that were coming her way. There were even smaller spiderbots, that looked similar to the one that the Spiderbot Glove used, but she got rid of them with the whip effect of her sword.

During the fight she felt something awaken inside of her, but she ignored it as she cut down every enemy that came at her until they declared that she won the fight and rewarded her with the first of the two prizes; a pair of boots that were called the Gravity Boots. That was when she discovered that the second match was a cage match, where she was launched into the air and landed on the wall above the arena. It was designed to make her fight against her enemies while avoiding the hazards that erupted out of the lava below her, which was actually much easier than she was expecting.

The second match proved to be a breeze for Sunset, because she merely allowed the hazards to smash into her enemies and finished off the ones that were too smart to fall for the same trick that took out their comrades. Once she had finished off the last of her enemies, and was allowed to return to the arena floor below her, she was rewarded with another gadget that preformed the same function as the Trespasser, though this one was called the Infiltrator. With the new gadget in hand she declined any more challenges and teleported out of the arena, where she met her family by a terminal that required the use of the new gadget. She sighed and handed the device to Ratchet, who activated the terminal and, not a few seconds later, had the gate open so they could return to their ship.

On the way back to their ship Ratchet contacted Mr. Fizzwidget, who completely ignored every warning he was trying to tell him until the mention of his Deep Space Disposal Facility. They were even given the password that would deactivate the defenses so they could meet later on, though Sunset rolled her eyes when she heard that the password was 'Qwarktastic'. When the call ended, and they were back at their ship, Ratchet punched in the coordinates for the Ship Shack, because he wanted to be prepared for anything that might happen between now and their arrival at the facility.

Sunset silently agreed with her brother as she climbed into the ship... she had the feeling that something terrible was going to happen when they reached the facility.

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