• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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R/C: Kerwan

Once Sunset had dried off from her ride down the pipes in the waterworks, which neither Ratchet nor Starlight would forget about, she joined her family in their new ship, to which Ratchet started the sequence to launch the ship. The moment they were in the air Clank set the coordinates for Planet Kerwan, where they would land somewhere in Metropolis and begin their search for Captain Qwark. While they were flying through space Starlight and Sunset compared their notes on the enemies they had fought, to which Starlight pulled out her tablet and started sketching out weapons that she might submit to Gadgetron later on.

During the time that Starlight worked on the holo-plans for the various weapons she came up with after fighting certain enemies, such as the fly type robots, and Sunset offered her opinion on them, either improving an existing weapon design or remaking an incomplete one into a better weapon. Ratchet, not really into making his own weapons like his sisters, decided to leave the two of them to their business, all while wondering what Gadgetron would do with that nine barreled rocket launcher Starlight told him about. Clank also remained silent, mostly because he wanted to hear what the two sisters were talking about and what weapon ideas came to each of them.

Eventually the ship reached Kerwan, to which the new automated landing system engaged and allowed them to make a much smoother landing in Metropolis. Once the ship was on the landing pad, and had settled down, Ratchet powered the ship down and opened the hatch, allowing the four of them to climb out and stretch their legs.

"I hope Mr. Gadget likes these plans we created," Starlight commented, finishing up the bundle of holo-plans she and Sunset had created, as she was going to be sending a trio of weapon's to Gadgetron before starting their venture into Metropolis, "I'm personally found of the single rocket launcher, but we'll see what he says."

"Mr. Gadget?" Ratchet asked, knowing that he should know the name already, but in the heat of the adventure he had no idea who his sister was talking about.

"Seriously? Your actually asking me this?" Starlight asked, staring at her brother with amazement on her face, as if she was surprised by the fact that the question had been asked, "Elcon Copernicus Gadget, the founder of Gadgetron... does the mane ring any bells now?"

"Oh, you mean Mr. Gadgetron," Ratchet replied, scratching the back of his head as they walked down the nearby ramp and approached a vendor, to which he discovered that they had two paths to choose from.

"Close enough I guess," Starlight sighed, knowing about the name that the public associated with the founder of Gadgetron, though she and Sunset, both employees for the corporation, tended to call him by his actual name, "Anyway, I sent him some of the holo-plans that Sunset and I created on our way here, which was why I said that I hoped he liked them. We won't know for some time, so we had better resume our search for Captain Qwark."

"Well, we have two choices," Sunset commented, turning to look at what was on their left for a moment, before turning to see what was on their right, "On our left we have what appears to be an obstacle course, while on our right we have a path that should, theoretically, lead us to Al's Robo Shack..."

Clank, instead of waiting for them to come to a decision, detached from Ratchet's back and made his way towards the obstacle course, as he had spotted the person they had been looking for. He briefly heard a collection of sighs as his companions slowly followed after him, no doubt annoyed by the fact that he had ignored their conversation, before the four of them were standing before Captain Qwark.

"Welcome to the Captain Qwark Fitness Course!" the green clad robotic lookalike proclaimed the moment they arrived, waving its arms as it bobbled back and forth on its spring, "If you're strong enough, fast enough, and clever enough to beat my fitness course, you will receive a reward from my head trainer. Simply make your way to the third island to complete the course. Good luck! Qwark Enterprises is not responsible for sprains, broken bones, snapped tendons, bruised egos or accidental death incurred while taking the challenge."

"Excuse me Captain, but we have more pressing issues," Clank said, staring up at the wobbling robot while he spoke, "We urgently need your assistance!"

"Clank, that's not the real Captain Qwark," Sunset sighed, tapping the spring that the lookalike bobbled on, "Some time ago Captain Qwark commissioned Gadgetron to make this for his 'Fitness Course', so that way he didn't have to stand by the entrance and greet everyone that came to run it. I, personally, didn't work on the design for this, but I heard about it from the team that made the plans... I just never thought that I'd actually see it one day."

"Oh, I see," Clank said, though he definitely sounded sad by the fact that this wasn't the real Captain Qwark, "Well then, I doubt we need whatever prize his head trainer could offer us."

"I don't know Clank," Ratchet replied, his eyes lingering on the course for a moment, "I'm willing to bet that his head trainer has a gadget that we might need later on in our adventure, so wouldn't it be in our best interests to recover the gadget now and not have to come back for it later?"

Clank stared at Ratchet for a moment, as if trying to determine if he was actually wanting to run for the prize or if he wanted to impress the Captain, before he admitted defeat. He could not fault Ratchet's logic in acquiring the gadget at this point in time, instead of having to come back to Kerwan at a later date to acquire it. Once they had determined that they were going through with the course Clank attached to Ratchet's back, allowing the group to get started with the first island. As Ratchet and Sunset leapt up to the first platform they noticed that Starlight stayed back for a moment, studying the layout of the jumps she would need to do.

It was at that moment that Sunset came up with an idea to help her sister keep up with her and Ratchet, something that she knew could help Starlight out.

"Hey, Starlight," Sunset said, turning to face her sister as Ratchet jumped between two walls behind her, "Do you think you could apply a jump boost to yourself? Kind of like your giving yourself a higher jump."

"Its theoretically possible," Starlight commented, her eyes lighting up as she thought about it, "I should be able to augment my natural jumping abilities with a small boost, but I should consider creating a pair of boots that will allow me to do the same thing without wasting my supply of magic."

"I'll see what I can do about that," Sunset promised, knowing that together they could figure out this problem.

Starlight nodded and her horn lit up, before she leapt at the path Sunset and Ratchet had taken and landed on one of the cliffs, to which she grinned and followed after her siblings. Sunset smiled and turned to where Ratchet and Clank went, to which she used her own cat like reflexes to leap between the two walls, before she turned a corner and repeated the process. Once she was on the top of the first island, to which she discovered that Ratchet was waiting for her, she turned back to watch Starlight riding what she assumed was a magical elevator of some kind. Sunset was impressed by how quickly her sister had figured out the next problem she would be facing and found a way around something that her body hadn't been built for.

Once they were all together again they took their turns riding the zip line down to the next island, where Ratchet used his omniwrentch to get to the second island, followed by Starlight using her staff and Sunset using the handle of her blade weapon.

The second island had a massive tower that rested in the center of it, though within the first few seconds of their arrival they noticed that there were moving sections on all four sides of the tower. Ratchet and Sunset took the lead and leapt onto the beginning of the path they needed to take, while Starlight used her magic to follow them by either boosting her abilities or forming a walkway around some of the obstacles. They passed by a number of moving pieces, both on the actual walkway and the wall that they would need to leap between, before they eventually reached the top of the tower. They took a moment to look out at the city, giving Ratchet and Starlight a chance to catch their breath, before they followed the second zip line down to the third and final island.

There the group found a rather hefty fembot that happened to be dressed up in workout clothes, as she was doing jumping jacks the entire time before they arrived.

"Listen up you lard balls!" she proclaimed the instant they arrived, swinging her arms to point at them, "That was the most pathetic display I have ever seen on that obstacle course."

"Whaddaya mean?" Ratchet demanded, as he had been pleased with the progress he and Starlight had made, considering that they didn't do this sort of workout as often as Sunset did.

"We finished the course," Clank pointed out, before beckoning to the three siblings next to him, "I also doubt that you've seen many thirteen year olds complete the course, much less their twelve year old siblings."

"Oh yah!" the fembot proclaimed, as if she was getting excited about something and was preparing to reveal something to them, "But it was we- wait, did you say thirteen and twelve years old? I was expecting grown ups to be running this course, not children."

"Are we really lard balls?" Starlight asked, staring at the fembot for a moment, wondering if the fact that they were under the expected age of those running the course would be enough to let them have the prize.

"Of course not!" the fembot proclaimed once more, before kneeling before Starlight and rubbing her head for a moment, "That is just Helga's way of encouraging lazy bums who disgrace her obstacle course. I'd point out that your brother over there disgraced the course, but the three of you ran the course better than most grown ups that come here to train. For that I have a special reward for the three of you, something from the Captain himself... give Helga a moment."

Helga turned around and dug into what the group assumed was her pack, though after a few minutes she pulled something out and turned to face them once more. The item in question was what appeared to be a small metal box that had a open cylinder attached to the front of it, with a band of either leather or metal attached to the bottom of it. Sunset's eyes widened as she gazed at the time that Helga was going to give them on Captain Qwark's orders, as she had seen a few reports about the gadget two weeks ago.

"A Swingshot?!" Sunset proclaimed in amazement, accepting the one that was presented to her, while her siblings did the same.

"Ja!" Helga confirmed, a light smile appearing on her face for a moment, "With it you can sway to and fro from those targets up there, but judging by your reaction you knew what it did before I said anything."

"I've read reports on what they do, but never tried them out before," Sunset replied, attaching it to her left arm, as her golden bracelet made it impossible for her to wear anything on top of it, "Thank you Helga."

Helga waved goodbye to them as she boarded what appeared to be a taxi, disappearing into the city in a matter of seconds and leaving them to their own devices. Sunset turned to Starlight and helped her equip the Swingshot to her front right leg, so that she would be able to join her and Ratchet without the fear of being left behind. Once the three of them had their new gadgets on Sunset took aim at the first target and activated the gadget, firing a cable that connected to the target and allowing her to fly to the next stand. As her siblings joined her she took aim at the last one and repeated the process, dropping in front of a third zip line, to which they rode down to the start of the fitness course.

With their new gadgets in hand the group headed towards the path that they believed would take them to Big Al's Roboshack, where they would be able to obtain information on where Captain Qwark went. As they walked down the steps near the vendor they came across an enemy that commanded a pack of robotic dogs, though the moment he spotted them coming he snapped a command to them. Instead of wasting their ammo on the dogs the three of them drew their hand weapons, to which they bashed, smacked, and slashed the small group of robotic dogs to pieces.

They followed their enemy into another group of robotic dogs, but they threw a few bombs when they noted that there was two goons trying to gun them down. They also noticed a bridge just a few feet ahead of them, but when they approached it a chopper appeared in the sky and turned towards them, clearly stating that if they wanted to go further they would have to go through it. As they weighed their options on how to deal with the new enemy, which only stared at them as they debated what to do, Ratchet eyed the light pole near them and started to wonder something.

"Hey Starlight," Ratchet said, causing his sister to turn towards him for a moment, to which he beckoned to the downed pole, "Think you can throw that at the chopper and get ride of it?"

Starlight eyed the pole for a moment, then turned to the chopper as if she was calculating what could happen if she did grab the pole with her magic and throw it like her brother suggested. She was concerned that she could accidentally send the chopper into the bridge and destroy their way forward, but she knew that there was the chance that the pilot could miss the bridge and fall into the abyss. She looked at Sunset for a moment, who shook her head no, but she sighed and grabbed onto the pole, before sending it through the air and smacking into the blades that kept the chopper up.

The chopper drifted over the edge before the engine failed, to which the pilot dropped to his death before the chopper exploded, clearing the way forward.

"That was amazing!" Ratchet exclaimed, impressed that the enemy pilot couldn't avoid the pole before it was too late, while also impressed by his sister's growing control over her magical powers.

"And completely reckless," Sunset added, turning to her siblings for a second, "That could have destroyed the bridge, which would have prevented us from moving forward and visiting Al's Roboshack, thus depriving us of any information on Captain Qwark. I will admit that your abilities are growing and that your control is improving, but I would caution you to really consider the effects of your actions."

"I will!" Starlight replied, pulling out her Blaster and moving forward, to which she started blasting the remaining enemies as her siblings followed after her.

They rode down an escalator for a few seconds before finding another enemy that controlled a pack of dogs, though this time they simply shot their targets to pieces. The three of them took a moment to make sure that there was no one else around them, to verify that there were no more enemies in the area, before they agreed that the coast was clear and entered the Roboshack. Inside the Shack they found a yellow skinned roboticist, who also had a hefty size to his body, standing behind the counter, viewing something on his own tablet.

"Say, you're that robot guy, right?" Ratchet asked, to which the person sighed and turned towards him for a moment.

"No, I build robots," the person replied, to which he closed his tablet and set it on the counter before he looked at his customers, "I, myself, am not a robot guy, per se."

"Nerd," Ratchet told Clank, just after the little robot detached from his back and joined them in the conversation.

"I like him," Clank replied, though it seemed like he was a little annoyed that Ratchet would make that comment, especially when his sister's were employees with Gadgetron.

"So now that we've cleared that up," Big Al continued, eager to get past the awkward absence that followed his failed attempt at humor, "what can I do for you?"

"We saw your broadcast with Captain Qwark." Sunset explained, eager to get to the reason they came to his shack to begin with, "We were hoping you could help us find him."

"Your logic is commendable," Big Al replied, shaking his head for a moment as if he was remembering the commercial, "but I haven't seen Captain Qwark since we shot that commercial... wait a second, you wouldn't happen to be Sunset Shimmer would you?"

"That's me," Sunset confirmed, wondering how the man had known her name without introducing herself.

"Then that makes the unicorn next to you Starlight Glimmer," Big Al commented, a large smile appearing on his face as he stared at the two of them, "which makes the two of you the Shimmer Sisters."

"You've heard of us?!" Starlight exclaimed, surprised that someone that wasn't from Veldin would know them by name, though she had to wonder how that was possible.

"Oh absolutely," Big Al said, picking up his tablet and showing the group a picture of Sunset and Starlight standing side by side, one that they had posed for shortly after they joined the cooperation, "You two are the youngest people to ever join Gadgetron, making both weapons and gadgets that are currently being sold to everyone across Solana. Several of my friends have a few of your items, be it the recently released Blaster or a Swingshot, though I guess I can brag to them that I met you face to face. Would it be appropriate if I asked for both of your autographs?"

Sunset and Starlight glanced at each other for a moment before tuning to Big Al once more, to which Sunset took the offered pen and signed her name on her side of the picture, before Starlight picked it from her hand and did the same on her side. Once the two of them were finished with signing their names Big Al took the tablet back and stared at the picture, before closing it and setting it back on the table.

"So awesome," Big Al said, sounding like a fangirl for a moment, before collecting himself and staring at Clank through his glasses, "Say, do you run on standard XP-18 sisterboards?"

"Version 7.66," Clank confirmed, to which Ratchet looked at the robot in confusion, though his sisters seemed to know what the two of them were talking about.

"Back at ya," Big Al replied eagerly, as if he enjoyed the fact that they had brought Clank with them, "I may be able to help you out after all. How does a Helipack upgrade sound?"

"Upgrade?" Ratchet asked, curious as to what this upgrade was and what it would do to the small robot.

"Natch. Since he's a seven-six-six, I could have the little guy flying in no time," Big Al explained, though he also waved his hand in a dismissing manner, "Considering that I just met two of Gadgetron's rising stars, and they signed one of my pictures, I'm willing to wave the commission fee this one time."

The siblings shared a glance with each other before Ratchet nodded to Big Al, to which he picked Clank up and got to work before their very eyes. It didn't take very long for Big Al to turn back around and present Clank to them once more, allowing them to view his work with looks of approval on their faces.

"There we go," Big Al said as he set Clank down on the counter, the helicopter parts of the upgrade springing from his head and arms. "I added some extra stabilizers and power to the boost jump function, that way he can carry you up a good height."

"Ratchet," Clank asked, sounding proud of the work that Big Al had done to him, "am I cool now?"

"Yeah." Ratchet said, chuckling as he looked at the small robot, "You da man, Clank."

Once that was over they left through the back entrance of the shack, to which Ratchet was able to try out the new helipack function that had been installed. He boosted up to the first ledge of the boxes and grinned for a moment, enjoying the thrill that he experienced, before repeating the process to the top of the second boxes. He waited a second as Starlight used her enhanced abilities to catch up with him, before Sunset followed suit and stood behind him, to which he marveled by how skilled she was in using her natural reflexes. The moment they were together they leapt across the gap and rode the small elevator to the top of the small tower, to which Ratchet glided down to the waiting platform.

Starlight, knowing that Sunset couldn't do what Ratchet did without someone like Clank on her back, stood next to her sister and ignited her magic, teleporting them down to their brother.

They smashed the three enemies that had been waiting on the platform, before moving up another elevator and finding a large group of robotic dogs waiting for them. They let a few Blaster shots fly as they blew the dogs to pieces, before Starlight threw her staff at the retreating enemy and pinned him to the ground, allowing them to catch up and put him out of his misery. The next area had a train waiting in the station, though they had to smash their way through the enemies that were waiting for them before they could board the waiting train.

As the train departed they had to time their jumps from one section to another, to avoid falling to their deaths, so they could attack the brutish enemies that were trying to gun them down. When they arrived at the front of the train it pulled into the next station, allowing the waiting infobot to fly into an area as another bomb enemy prepared to put them down. A few seconds later they were moving on once more, cornering the infobot and forcing it to reveal what information it had to share... to which they discovered another planet that was in the process of being harvested for Chairman Drek's new planet. During that viewing Sunset pulled out the one that the Plumber had given her, to which Ratchet got excited when he found that Skid McMarx was on the ship that was shot down.

They debated where to go next, weighing the disaster that was occurring on Eudora against the presence of a celebrity on Aridia, each of them adding their opinions on where they should go to the overall discussion. Eventually they determined that there might be something useful on Aridia that would make the trip worth it, as Sunset believed that there might be a useful gadget waiting for them. Starlight and Ratchet agreed in the end, because by the state of things of on Eudora it appeared that Drek's troops were only in the beginning stages of their operation. Clank, however, was definitely annoyed that they had overruled him, as he believed that attacking Drek's Lieutenant should be the correct course of action, but decided to go with the group.

They quickly returned to their ship and sat in their seats, to which Ratchet activated the start up sequence and set course for Planet Aridia, where both he and Starlight were eagerly awaiting their meeting with Skid McMarx.

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