• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Arsenal: Koros

Sasha had been expecting Nefarious to figure out where the Phoenix was located and attack it at some point in their battle against him, because all the stories she had read said that the villain would usually attack the heroes base of operations at least one time before the end of their conflict. To prepare for that day she had allowed Sunset to empower some of her Rangers, who in turn helped the rest of her Rangers prepare for the inevitable assault, and she made sure that they were well stocked on ammunition. They had gone over battle strategies and run simulations of an attack on the Phoenix, giving them an idea on what they needed to do should the ship come under fire one day. It had been easy to do, thanks to Al's ability with computers and Helga's insight on battle strategies, so they knew that they had been prepared for whatever Nefarious would throw at them.

What she hadn't been expecting, however, was for Nefarious to loose an EMP at the Hyperion, send a small team of assassins into the defenseless ship, and try and assassinate Searing while she was in her cell. She knew that such a venture would end in failure, because Searing was not the type of person to be caught off guard, even if she was trapped in her cell. She did, however, gulp as she watched the demon teleported over to the Phoenix, with the ever mysterious Maul behind her, and approached the remaining soldiers that were following Nefarious' orders. Searing slaughtered them without a second thought, cutting their arms and legs off with her hands and crushing several of their joints with her feet, but she never once used her magic.

Sasha assumed that Searing was keeping the Phoenix intact so she could know where the soldiers had come from, though she wondered if it was a good idea to tell the demon anything about Nefarious' forces.

"It feels good to fight again," Searing commented, walking up to where Sasha was standing and passed by her, "Come to the bridge with me, Sasha, and tell me where these soldiers came from."

"Why? So you can create another cataclysm on that planet?" Sasha dared to ask, though despite the fact that she had put on her best brave face she was actually stricken with fear.

"It all depends on what I find on that planet," Searing replied, turning to face Sasha for a moment, where a grin appeared on her face, "For example, if I find Nefarious... then its game over for him. Come along now, I don't have time for games."

Sasha looked at the demon for a moment, trying to figure out what Searing was planning, before letting out a sigh and ran after her, if only to make sure that Al and the others were okay. She didn't say anything to Searing as they traveled to the bridge, because she knew that all the demon cared for was causing destruction, though it seemed like the demon didn't mind the brief moment of silence. When they reached the bridge they found Al and Helga standing near each other, though it was clear that Al was hard at work trying to decipher the rest of the data disk.

"So, does anyone know where those soldiers came from?" Searing asked, causing everyone in the bridge to turn their attention on her the moment she spoke, "Or am I going to have to 'persuade' one of you to tell me the answer?"

Sasha didn't even want to know what the demon meant when she mentioned persuasion, because based on everything she had seen so far she knew that Searing would like torture whoever she thought had the information she required. She could see that Al and Helga were glancing between each other, because they already knew where the soldiers had come from, but they were unsure of whether they should tell the demon anything. Sasha didn't want to tell the demon anything either, but she considered the fact that Searing might end up blowing something up in rage if they didn't tell her something.

"Koros..." Al said, letting out a sigh as he turned away from the demon, as he didn't want to see what expression appeared on Searing's face now that she had what she wanted, "They came from Planet Koros."

"Ah, thank you Al," Searing replied, magic swirling around her hands for a few seconds as she turned to the area to her left, to which she tore open a vortex in the air before her, "Now it is time that I showed Nefarious what happens when you break a deal with me... and I am going to enjoy every moment of this."

Sasha looked through the vortex that Searing had summoned and nearly gasped when she noticed what was on the other side, because the vortex was actually a portal to Koros. She had known that Searing had an incredible amount of power, based on the destruction she had caused in the past, but she had no idea that the demon would do something like this. She wondered if Starlight was able to summon portals as well, but she had the feeling that the unicorn didn't have that ability and would likely try to figure out how to do it in the future. Sasha also noted that Searing looked pleased with herself, though whether it was because she could now destroy Nefarious' forces or her newfound freedom she had no idea.

She opened her mouth to say something, anything that could keep the demon aboard the Phoenix until Ratchet and the others returned from the Thran Asteroid Belt, but before she could actually say anything Searing stepped through the portal and disappeared from the bridge completely. Not a second later the door behind her opened, to which she turned around and found that Ratchet and Starlight were behind her, though they were accompanied by the last person she expected to see; Qwark.

"We're too late." Starlight said, watching the vortex of energy break apart until there was nothing left, before turning to Sasha, "Where did Searing go?"

"Planet Koros," Sasha replied, tapping her bracelet for a moment as she searched for something, though when she found what she was searching for she sent it over to Starlight, "I just sent you the coordinates... I only hope you can get there and stop the demon before she wrecks the planet."

"Well, we've got the gravimetric warp drive at our disposal," Ratchet said, turning around so he and the others could get back to their ship, "so we should be able to make up for the time we wasted helping Qwark get prepared for battle again."

Sasha watched them head back to where they had docked their ship, knowing that Angela would be waiting for them on the Hyperion and that the other starship was likely fully functional again. She only hoped that they could stop Searing before another cataclysm occurred on Koros... or worse, the complete destruction of the entire planet.

"Sir, I have news about your attack on the Starship Phoenix and the Starship Hyperion."

Nefarious had been waiting for news from his soldiers that were attacking the two starships, mainly because he was eager to hear that they had completed their mission. It was almost sad that he had to resort to using his best robotic assassins to deal with Searing, but if they were able to remove the demon then he would be able to sleep easier at night. His chest, which had been patched up with the same metal his robotic body had been made out of, still hurt whenever he thought about the demon and he could almost feel her claws digging into him as she reached for his heart. A wound like that was likely never going to heal, not even for a robot like him, but he would have to suffer through the phantom pain that he felt every now and then and get back to his quest he was on.

He smiled as he turned his chair towards the entrance of the room that he was in, where Lawrence was standing there, waiting to give him the news that he had been waiting for.

"Excellent timing." Nefarious said, resisting the urge to chuckle as he realized that Searing had to be dead at the moment, which meant that he was safe from her wrath, "So does this mean that the assassins were successful in their mission?"

"No sir... they were destroyed before they could complete their mission." Lawrence replied, his expression remaining neutral while a look of confusion crossed Nefarious' face.

"Impossible! Those were my best assassins!" Nefarious declared, not understanding what could have gone wrong, not when he had ordered them to activate the EMP he had given them, infiltrate the Hyperion, and assassinate Searing while she was in her cell.

"The recording indicated that there was another guardian aboard the ship," Lawrence said, turning the screen on to reveal the person he was speaking about, the man known as Maul, "He cut four of your assassins down and pushed the fifth one into the cell that Searing was kept in... where the demon killed the assassin before he even knew what hit him."

"Well, we'll just have to try again in the future..." Nefarious started, but then noticed that his butler was giving him a certain look that meant that there was more bad news, "...there's something else you haven't told me yet..."

"Our soldiers on Koros are reporting that Searing has landed on the planet," Lawrence said, pulling up another image and showing Nefarious that the demon was currently walking around the entrance of a city... where his weapon was floating nearby.

Nefarious stared at the image for a few seconds, wondering if his secret project would even be able to stall Searing while he pulled his weapon off of the planet. It was a gamble and he knew it, because Number 19 was designed to absorb energy and fire it back at whoever she was fighting, but she was also programed to mimic Searing's fighting style. It wasn't easy gathering all the data he needed to make 19, considering that the other eighteen attempts had all been destroyed during their testing stages, but 19 was the only one left. She was, literally, the only thing that could potentially stall Searing, but he was silently hoping that she would be able to stop the demon and, hopefully, destroy her.

"Lawrence... activate Android 19," Nefarious finally said, letting out a sigh as he leaned back in his chair and stared at the screen, "Tell her that she is to fight Searing... and that she won't be punished if she kills anyone else in the process."

He couldn't believe that he was actually having to resort to using 19, but the situation called for him to make such a decision and he had no choice in the matter... though he could only hope for the best.

Searing smiled as she stepped out of the portal she had opened and gazed upon the city that laid in front of her, while also spotting the facility where Nefarious kept his Biobliterator when it wasn't in use. It would be such a simple matter for her to fly up to the metallic sphere and destroy it, but at the moment she decided to see if there were any interesting enemies she could fight. Not that she expected to find anyone that would give her some exercise before she completely destroyed the planet, but it never hurt to look around anyway. She then turned her gaze to the atmosphere for a moment and watched a ship pop into existence in the middle of space, one that looked exactly like the Hyperion.

"Ah, Ratchet and Starlight have come to watch me end this pitiful world," Searing commented, turning her eyes back to the walkway in front of her, "Good, I always enjoyed having an audience when I destroy something."

Searing walked towards the city's entrance and nearly laughed when she spotted a group of small robots coming her way, all of them armed with weapons that were aimed right at her. She merely summoned a gust of wind around her and let the robots be sliced to pieces without even looking at them or raising her hands to direct her magic at them, as they weren't even worth the effort to destroy herself. As she walked through the gate she spotted a rather large robot that had its cannons aimed right at her, though she did summon a shield in front of her to block its attacks for a few seconds. She took a deep breath as the robot fired at her, but the moment the robot was out of ammunition she lowered the shield and loosed her own attack at it.

She simply used the wind around her and blew a hole through the robot's chest, sending it into the building directly behind it, where it collapsed in a heap as she moved further into the city.

That was when she spotted a rather large group of small robots that were converging on her location, but as they drew closer to where she was standing they were fired upon from above. Searing turned her eyes to the newcomer that was ruining her fun, despite the fact that she actually wasn't having any fun to begin with, though instead of finding Starlight or Ratchet approaching her she found someone new. The newcomer was definitely a robot, or maybe a mix of organic mater and robotic material, though the way it walked reminded her of Courtney Gears, who she knew about thanks to Sunset's memories. As the newcomer drew closer Searing raised an eyebrow in surprise, because the robot in question looked a lot like the human version of Sunset that her family had developed for the show that they were apart of... and was even wearing some sort of suit that was designed for battle.

"Either you are another one of Starlight's creations, or one of Nefarious' experiments," Searing commented, watching the newcomer decimate the other robots, leading her to believe that it was one of Starlight's hidden projects that Sunset didn't know about, "State your intentions or I will destroy you where you stand."

"Oh Searing, there is no need to be so hostile," the robot replied, sounding exactly like Sunset did, which actually pissed Searing off more than she was willing to admit, "No, I am not one of Starlight's creations. I am Android 19, built by Dr. Nefarious as a last line of defense between you and him. I know all of your fighting moves and tricks, as well as every spell that you know, so don't think that you can simply overpower me and be done with the fight in a few seconds."

"You say that you know all of my moves, but you and Nefarious haven't seen everything I can do," Searing said, staring at the android for a few seconds, "Let's see if there's anything special about you... or whether your just another robot that thinks they are better than everyone else."

That seemed to annoy Android 19, because she growled and charged at Searing, using her boosters to soar through the air and cross the distance between the two of them. Once she was close enough 19 swung her fist at Searing, but all the demon did was merely dodge the attack and dance around the various punches that were coming her way. Occasionally one of the smaller robots would accidentally get close to them while they were fighting, though 19 didn't show any concern for destroying what were essentially her own teammates. For the first few minutes Searing remained on the defense, studying how the android moved and how she swung her arms and legs every time she attacked, though it reminded her of how she and Sunset fought when they didn't use magic or weapons.

The android was a basic ripoff of Sunset, Searing finally decided, though the knowledge of her discovery did nothing to lessen the anger that was coursing through her body at the moment.

"I've had enough of this game." Searing finally declared, a sphere of magic gathering above her right hand, which she pressed into the android's chest and sent her flying into one of the buildings across the street, "Pathetic... I expected more from one of Nefarious' creations."

Searing turned her back on the ruined building and looked up at the Biobliterator, which was still sitting in the middle of the air, almost as if Nefarious hadn't issued the call to have it removed from the planet yet. That meant that he either didn't care about it anymore, considering that she was on the planet now, or he had a second one hidden somewhere else and didn't care if she destroyed this one. Before she could decide whether to blow the metallic sphere out of the air or just leave it there, as it would be destroyed regardless of which choice she made, she felt the air behind her shift for a second. That was seconds before something barreled into her back and threw her into the building she was standing in front of, causing the entire thing to explode upon impact.

"Don't underestimate me," 19 replied, smoke rolling off of her hands for a moment, giving her plenty of time to pick herself up as she waited for Searing to show herself again, "Dr. Nefarious has given me the ability to absorb your magical energy and fire it back at you, effectively making every move you make completely worthless! Now there's someone in the universe that can actually defeat you, so you had best leave this planet before I'm forced to destroy you... not that I wouldn't mind killing the 'Goddess of Destruction'."

"What a shame," Searing said, pulling herself from the rubble of the building she had been smashed into, to which she dusted herself off before turning back to the android, "Looks like you initiated your self destruct sequence. Let me give you a countdown... FIVE!"

That was swiftly followed by Searing appearing in front of 19 and slamming her right foot into her chest so hard that she lifted the android off of the ground. The attack had enough force behind it that Searing sent 19 flying back into the building that she had been thrown into before, but now there was a mark on her chest where Searing's foot had been. The ground around them shook for a moment, in response to the power that Searing had put into the attack, but then it settled down as she approached the downed robot. Searing was pissed that Nefarious had a robot that looked and spoke like Sunset, but she still wanted to toy around with before she completely erased it from the universe.

"Well well, it looks like I'm a size nineteen," Searing commented, standing over the android, though she was prepared for whatever was coming her way.

19 snapped her eyes open, flipped up to a standing position, and lunged at Searing, to which the demon smiled as she flipped backwards and slammed her feet into 19's chest again, sending her into the air.

"FOUR!" Searing continued, following the android into the air and taunting her to attack again, to which she dodged an eye beam attack that was directed at her.

'THREE' however, was followed by Searing flipping around in the air and slamming the tip of her left foot into 19's head, sending her down to the ground with enough force to create a small crater around where she landed. Searing grinned as she flew down to where the android was laying, glad that she was actually able to show someone just how powerful she was, because she was sure that Nefarious was watching the entire battle.

"You know, I'm sure that Nefarious thought there would be an advantage to building a robot that looked like Sunset in her human state," Searing commented, landing beside the android and staring at the still body, knowing that she hadn't broken it yet and that something else was coming, "but here's the thing, choosing Sunset's human form only makes me more pissed off. Whatever advantage he was banking on is really a disadvantage for you, Android 19, because that means our game will be over that much quicker."

That was followed by 19 getting into a sitting position and locking her hands on Searing's wrists, tight enough to dissuade normal people from trying to break away. Searing, on the other hand, was not a normal person and decided to see what the android wanted from her, or wait for her to finish gloating again.

"I'm going to drain you of all your magical energy and reduce you to a shriveled prune!" 19 declared, powering up her inner systems so she could get the job done, "Then, once your nothing but a shriveled pile of skin and bones, I'll use your power to destroy the rest of Nefarious' enemies... and then we'll conquer the universe."

"You want my energy?" Searing asked, lifting her legs into the air and pressed her feet against 19's chest, to which she pulled herself back and extended both of the android's arms to the max, "Tell you want, take as much as you want. In exchange I'll TAKE YOUR HANDS! TWO!"

Searing grinned as she pulled back and literally tore both of Android 19's hands off, to which she flipped around and landed with her feet on the ground. 19, on the other hand, fell backwards and stared at the stumps where her hands hand been, though she was definitely surprised by the damage she had suffered as Searing crushed both of her hands. Searing had to admit it to herself, smashing Nefarious' toys was always fun, because they were all uniquely interesting and provided her with some fun before she blew them to pieces.

"So android," Searing said, taking a step towards the robot, who backed up just a bit, "do you feel fear?"

In response to the question Android 19 turned around and ran in the direction that was opposite of where Searing was, intending to get as much distance between her and the demon as she could. Searing had to resist the urge to laugh as she pulled herself into the air, though at the same time she gathered her energy into a sphere that would completely destroy the android. As she prepared herself she let the android get a little further away from the crater she had created, though once she was far enough Searing shouted the word 'ONE' and let loose the energy she had been gathering. The sphere of energy soared through the air, zeroing in on where Android 19 was, before finally coming into contact with the robot and detonating upon impact.

The resulting explosion tore a massive hole in the ground and kicked up a large amount of dust, but when it cleared Searing grinned as she noticed that there was no trace of the android to be seen, exactly like she had intended.

Searing smiled and turned back to where the Biobliterator was floating, extending her right palm towards the metallic sphere as she gathered more energy. Even now she could tell that Nefarious had finally given the order to pull back the weapon, though he was a little too late in giving the order, because now he could watch as the weapon was destroyed. Searing aimed at the heart of the weapon, the large glowing circle that rested in the middle of it, and loosed the energy she had been gathering, releasing a beam of red energy that soared through the air. The moment it collided with the center of the Biobliterator the weapon exploded, as her energy came into contact with whatever powered it and tore the entire thing to pieces.

Searing started to laugh the moment she noticed pieces of the weapon fall to the ground, all of which were covered in flames thanks to the explosion... but she was far from finished. There was still one more thing that she needed to do before she could leave this world behind and head to where Nefarious was actually hiding, something that she had promised Sasha back on the Phoenix.

"Nefarious! I know your watching me at the moment!" Searing called out, knowing that he had likely seen her fight with the android and was likely still watching her, "Allow me to show you what happens when you break a deal with the Goddess of Destruction!"

Magical energy swirled around her right hand, more than she had gathered in the entire time she had been in control of Sunset's body, before she slammed her hand against the ground and watched as the area around her began to crack. The spell had been simple; she was using her magical power to shatter the world completely, which meant that Koros would soon be destroyed in a fiery explosion. Searing flapped her wings and took to the sky, angling herself so she could get to the atmosphere and teleport to the Hyperion before the planet's destruction occurred.

As she flew through the destruction she watched as buildings collapsed as the ground beneath them broke apart, watched as flames erupted from the cracks and spread the destruction, and grinned as the world faced the terrifying might that was her full power. People were no doubt running for their lives and trying to flee what was happening to their planet, which only made her chuckle as the ground erupted and was replaced by lava. Even Nefarious' facility shattered under her power, the pieces falling into the lava beneath them before the entire world was ended in a fiery explosion.

Once she was far enough Searing used her magic and teleported into the Phoenix, where she turned to face the planet that was about to end and threw a shield around the entire ship. She paid no attention to who was aboard the ship, because she knew that it was her family that was with her, and mainly watched the end of Koros with a look of joy in her eyes. Eventually the planet couldn't take much more of her spell, because it finally exploded and sent out a small wave of energy into the surrounding area, which did nothing to the shield she had summoned ahead of time.

Searing allowed a wide grin to appear on her face, because now that Koros had been taken care of it was Nefarious' turn to suffer for breaking his end of the deal... and she was going to enjoy tearing him apart.

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