• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Commando: Siberius

During the flight to their next destination, a planet with cold winds and frozen ground that reminded the group of Hoven, the four of them were silent as they prepared for what they might find in their way. Considering that they were right on the Thief's tail, and were closing in fast, they knew that they were going to have to fight their way through a massive group of enemies to reach their target. Starlight was preparing her weapons, making some tweaks here and there to make sure that they were all ready for the fight ahead of them, all while creating a few holoplans that she might send to Gadgetron when they returned to the Solana Galaxy. Clank was focused on getting the scans of the planet, so he could determine where they needed to land so they could find the Thief and retrieve the experiment with the greatest of ease.

Sunset, on the other hand, was flipping through her notes on the various powers that the people of Old Earth discovered before the end of their civilization. One story happened to contain a man that held a similar power to the one she used back on Gaspar, something she hadn't tried to use ever since it accidentally appeared in her hand. With some extra research into the story, as she didn't have anything else to occupy her mind other than prepare for the confrontation with the Thief, she discovered that the name for the attack she used, according to the people of Old Earth, was Gekishin. Upon further research she discovered that the name meant 'severe earthquake', which she felt was appropriate considering what had happened when she used it the first time.

Once she had discovered this piece of information, and kept it to herself for the moment, she looked down at her bracelet and wondered what would happen if she used the attack again; would she ruin another world, like she had done to Gaspar, or would she be able to control the power inside of her and prevent another disaster from happening.

"You thinking about Searing again?" Starlight asked, seeing her sister stare at her bracelet once more, for what seemed like the tenth time since they left Notak behind.

"Excuse me?" Sunset replied, snapping herself out of her concentration and turning to her sister, "What do you mean by 'Searing'?"

"We have to call your hollow something besides, well, 'hollow' all the time," Starlight explained, as she had personally grown tired of referring to her sister's inner creature as a hollow all the time, despite the fact that it resembled the creatures from another of Old Earth's stories, "and Searing just seemed like an appropriate name, seeing how you like to use fire magic most of the time."

"That was true when we were in the Solana Galaxy," Sunset countered, knowing that she had focused on fire magic when she had first discovered that she was a capable of using and controlling magic, "and its been half a year since I discovered the other elements that I could use in addition to fire. To call my inner creature 'Searing' would be like saying that I favored fire magic over the other different types of magic... regardless of what I did in the past."

"Then why not settle on a different name?" Clank suggested, overhearing the conversation and, after a brief moment of internal debate, decided to throw in his opinion on the matter, "Maybe something like Darkstar? Or possibly the Nightmare?"

"Oh come on, we're not going to call the creature inside of me either of those names," Sunset replied, not believing that this was even happening at the moment, "I mean, the hollow is a manifestation of my anger and my inner darkness... we don't need to give her a name that makes it sound like she's a villain or something."

"Well, she did go on a rampage and kill Chairman Drek," Starlight commented, remembering the event with ease, considering she had witnessed something terrible that might have changed how their family worked, "If we hadn't stopped her from continuing her rampage I'm sure that she would have ruined most of Veldin in a fit of rage... not to mention the planet that had been brought into orbit above it. That's not accounting for the people and the native creatures that also called the planet home at the time... I'm pretty sure she would have slaughtered many of them if she hadn't been stopped."

"How about Pride?" Ratchet suggested, though after a few seconds of silence he looked back and found that none of them thought that the name was very funny, "What?"

"That... that was just plain stupid." Starlight said, bringing her hoof to her face for a moment, "Anything would have been better than calling our sister's inner creature 'Pride'... I mean, we could have called it Ira, meaning anger, and it would have been a thousand times better than what you suggested."

"Okay then, we'll call the hollow 'Searing' and never speak of this again," Sunset finally said, sighing as she tried to wrap around the fact that her family wanted to nickname the creature she had become during their fight with Drek, "and no, we wont have a discussion about changing the name in the future. We're leaving it where it is and we're throwing away the key. Let's focus on locating the Thief and then bring this quest to a close so we can go home."

"Searing it is then," Starlight happily said, making a note of the change in her tablet before returning to what she was doing before she had noticed her sister staring at her bracelet.

Sunset moaned, because despite the fact that she had brought the argument to a close she still felt like Starlight had won the war, as it was her suggested name that had been picked. At least she knew that when they found the Thief they would forget about the creature inside of her and focus on recovering that Mr. Fizzwidget had hired them to recover.

When they reached Siberius Ratchet moved the ship around the compound where the Thief was supposed to be located, taking stock of what might be waiting for them so they could accurately plan out their attack. From what they could see from the air it appeared as if the only enemies that they would have to fight before they reached the Thief was more of the spider bots that they had fought on the ship they had been lured to. One thing that the four of them could agree on was that there had to be more enemies than what they were currently seeing, because this was the place where the Thief planed on using the chemicals she purchased from the factory on Notak to blow the experiment to pieces.

Once they landed their ship they approached the vendor and restocked their ammo, where they fond that there were no new weapons to be added to their already considerably large arsenal that they were carrying around. Ratchet had to wonder if they actually needed more weapons, considering that they had the RYNO II to fall back on if they actually needed some serious firepower, but decided not to question it at this point. He guessed that Starlight liked to see what weapons Megacorp could produce, so that she could make her own weapon holoplans that would later be handed off to Gadgetron when they returned to the Solana Galaxy.

After a few minutes of making sure that their weapons were at the ready, and double checking the machine to make sure that they hadn't missed anything, the group moved forward and immediately spotted circular dispensers in the ground ahead of them. The instant one of them stepped into the proximity of the dispensers they opened up and started spawning large spheres that had four blades sticking out of their midsection. Starlight and Ratchet were quick to react to the appearance of the spheres, because their Lancers were out within seconds and they immediately opened fire on them before they got any closer than they already were.

One of the spheres managed to get around the two of them and approached the group from the back, but Sunset was on top of it as she shoved her sword into its chest and destroyed whatever allowed it to move.

Each of the dispensers happened to have ten spheres a piece, so once they were depleted they powered down and allowed the group to move on once more, before a small building in front of them opened and five spider bots walked out to fight them. Ratchet cycled back to the Gravity Bomb and loosed one of the charges, blowing two of them to pieces and wounding the other three lightly, forcing Starlight to pick up the slack as she tore them apart with a second charge. The instant the group of robots was dealt with they turned to the bridge beside them and took one step on it, to which they discovered at least five green spider bots were slowly making their way towards the three of them... with another fire red colored ones providing cover fire from a platform above them.

Starlight snapped a shield into existence to prevent the red robots from hitting them, allowing Ratchet to cycle back to his rifle and pick them off one at a time, though she knew that someone needed to deal with the green robots advancing towards them. Sunset walked through the shield and beckoned the robots to come at her, to which she spun the moment one was near her and cut the robot in two, going from the base to the head. As the two halves fell into the freezing water below them she raised her sword to parry one of the arm blades that the other spiders had, before twisting the sword around and driving it into the robot's power core. She didn't have an opportunity to pull back her sword and throw the body off the bridge, so instead she swung her arm and cut the robot she was attached to in two pieces, all while cutting into the robot that was standing behind it.

The other two decided to come at her at the exact same time, so this time Sunset called forth a little wind magic into her blade and swung it a bit, using the force of her swing to knock the two robots into the water below them.

"She's definitely got this place well armed in case of someone coming for the experiment," Starlight commented, lowering the shield as Ratchet finished off the last of the red robots, "it makes me wonder what we'll find when we get closer to our destination. Or what will happen when we actually fight the Thief."

"I'm sure that, by the end of this trek, she'll be begging for her life." Ratchet replied, switching to the Chopper for a moment as he spotted more robots on the next platform, "Until that time comes we should focus on reaching our target... which means that we'll have to eliminate anything and everything that she can throw in our path."

Ratchet swung his arm and loosed the stars he had pulled out, sending them through the air and hitting the robots that happened to be waiting for them to arrive, cutting at least one of them down and wounding the other three. Starlight leapt up onto the platform and swung her staff at one of the survivors, smashing the casing that protected its power core and ripping the core out with her magic. As that happened Sunset appeared behind the other two robots, swinging her sword around and cutting the head off of one of the robots, before removing the legs of the second one and shoving it into the water below them. Another robot happened to be waiting to the right of where they were standing, but Ratchet intercepted it with his Blitz Gun and shot the robot until it was a pile of spare parts.

"And we had best be careful," Clank commented, knowing that his scans indicated that they were approaching an area that had more robots waiting for them.

The group road the elevator they found to the bottom, where they leapt onto a small pillar that had another two sphere dispensers waiting for them to trigger them. It was a simple matter to get rid of them, as Ratchet and Starlight used the Lancers to remove those in front of them while Sunset took care of the ones that tried to flee with her sword. As her siblings prepared to move forward Sunset turned around and extended the sword into its whip mode, cutting into two red spider bots that they had ignored when they crossed over to the pillar, so that way they weren't attacked from behind.

Once the rear had been taken care of they crossed onto the major platform, where they immediately found a force of at least ten more spider bots patrolling the area, which immediately turned towards them the moment they touched the ground. As they readied their weapons they all noticed that a ship had also moved into the area, though they discovered its function as Sunset cut one robot in half and another descended from the ship to do battle with them. Ratchet pulled out more of the Chopper stars and threw them around the area at the same time that Starlight used her Blitz Gun to shoot the ones on the right, though for every robot they broke into pieces two more took their place.

At one point there appeared to be more enemies than what they were cutting down, to which Sunset sighed and knew that they had to do something before they were overrun.

"Enough of this madness," Sunset said, teleporting through the air and appearing on top of the ship, to which she spun her sword until the tip faced the top of the ship, "I'm ending this here and now."

Magical energy pulsed around the sword for a moment, though none of the robots seemed to notice that their carrier was under attack from one of their enemies. Sunset then lowered the sword into the top of the ship, cutting into the metal as if it was made of butter, but after a few seconds the ship shook under the pressure and a hole was blown into the top of it. Then, to be absolutely sure that it didn't generate anymore enemies, she swung the blade and released the energy, cutting the entire ship in half. Once the deed was done she let the pieces of the ship rain down on their enemies, flattening many of them as her siblings finished off those that remained.

As the smoke cleared Starlight and Ratchet found their sister standing among the wreckage of the ship, having used her magic to protect herself from any damage she might have taken.

"What was that about not using the Getsuga Tenshou?" Starlight said, knowing that at one point in the past she and Sunset had discussed the possibility of Sunset using her sword to channel her magic and perform what she had just done, to which she had been told that she was never going to do that.

"I might reconsider that at this point," Sunset replied, sheathing her sword as the three of them approached the next weapon vendor, "but we had best not dwell on that at the moment. If the Thief is watching our movements, which I'm fairly certain that she is, this attack might have scared her enough to make her reconsider staying here... but if she hasn't fled yet, if she's not watching us that is, then we have the chance to take her out before she has a chance to actually run."

Starlight and Ratchet knew that the effect of Sunset's power might alert their enemy to how much power they actually had, but there was no changing the fact that Sunset had done what she did. The three of them quickly restocked all of their weapons, making sure that everything they had on them was prepared for what was coming their way next. The moment they were ready Starlight teleported them onto the back of the massive trucks that happened to be sitting next to them, knowing that it was the only way to reach their target. The instant they were on board the door closed behind them and they felt the floor shift, indicating that they on their way to wherever the Thief had the experiment.

The door in front of them opened and a large group of spider bots marches towards them, but Starlight was expecting that as she loosed two charges of her Gravity Bomb at the same time, blowing the spiders to pieces and clearing the way for them to move on. The instant the spiders were taken care of the front of the cargo truck they were on opened up, revealing that they'd have to swing to the next ship in line. It wasn't hard to do that, not when they all had their Swingshots from their first adventure at this point, though when they walked to the top of the truck the Thief flew in on what appeared to be a hoverboard of some kind and started firing at them.

As Ratchet and Starlight returned fire, and dodged the Thief's attacks, Sunset noticed that the Thief wasn't even trying to hit Ratchet, as if she was still trying to scare them into fleeing the galaxy and leave her to her own devices. Sunset had to wonder if there was another motive behind the Thief missing Ratchet all the time, because she didn't seem to have that same problem when it came to Starlight or Sunset.

Once the Thief retreated for the moment the next truck opened for them to move on, though when they landed on the floor of its back they were assaulted by more of the spider bots. That was also when they found that there was two more sphere dispensers in the same room, so they switched to the heavier weapons and mowed their way through the enemies that were standing in their way. Even without using the RYNO II they had to make sure that they were careful, as the room they were in was small and they didn't want to hurt each other in the process of clearing out their enemies. Once they had cleared out the third truck, and the door had opened for them to move forward, they used their Swingshots again to reach the next truck in line.

Sunset wasn't surprised to see that the Thief had returned to attack them again, but once again she noticed that their enemy went to great effort to not hit Ratchet, confirming that there was something going on that she didn't understand. This time when the Thief decided to fly away she shot at the tires of the truck they were on and tried to get ride of them that way, as the truck tipped over as they neared their final destination. Starlight summoned a sphere around them as they were thrown from the ship, which allowed them to land on the platform that the Thief had been heading towards.

"Okay, let's put an end to this," Ratchet said as the shield fell apart, to which he climbed onto the structure and climbed the ladder to the top of the next platform.

Sunset noticed that where they had ended up happened to be a platform that was designed to launch missiles, which was what she assumed the Thief had been planning on doing with the chemicals she had purchased. As her siblings once again restocked their weapons, which she didn't do considering she didn't use any of her weapons during their trek, Sunset walked onto the platform and watched the Thief the entire time. She took note of the fact that the experiment was tied to the missile in front of them, which meant that the Thief might be planning on blowing it to pieces as she suspected.

"So, how does it feel to have everything you worked for broken by a lombax, a unicorn, and a cazar that can use magic?" Sunset shouted, pulling the Thief's attention to her for a moment, "Do you feel ashamed? Do you feel pissed off? Do you feel annoyed that everything you've worked for has been broken?"

"So you can perform telekinesis," the Thief replied, though despite the fact that her voice was altered by some device Sunset could hear a hint of annoyance in her voice, "am I supposed to be impressed? Magic, as you call it, does not exist... despite the fact that you and the pony behind you were born with the ability to use telekinesis."

"So you haven't been keeping track of what we're able to accomplish with a little bit of magic," Sunset commented, a smile appearing on her face as she considered how to end this entire fight in one go, "Well then, we had best fix that point of view you have."

Sunset's magic flared and she snatched the Thief right out of the air, dragging her to the middle of the platform and using some extra magic to lock her arms against the side of her body. Once she was satisfied with what she had done, and made sure that the Thief couldn't move, a sphere of blue energy wrapped around her right hand as she approached the Thief. It had been six months since she last used this power, though she felt it was appropriate that she brake the Thief right here with the very power that frightened Chairman Drek. She knew that the surrounding area would suffer a small tremor and a few cracks in the ground, but they would stop the Thief in her tracks and finish off the mission they had been hired to complete.

She grinned as she stopped before the Thief, knowing that the game of cat and mouse was finally over at long last and that the Thief would go to prison for what she had done.

"Any last words before I end this game of ours?" Sunset asked, though she expected the Thief to beg for mercy before she slammed her fist into her stomach and released the energy she had summoned.

"I'm not a fan of puppeteers but I've a nagging fear," something started to say, though Sunset suspected that it had to be a ringtone of some kind, "someone else is pulling at the strings..."

"Do you mind if I take this call?" the Thief asked, surprising Sunset by the request for a moment, "It could very well change the tides of this entire fight."

Sunset growled and pulled her arm back as the song played, snapping her fingers for a moment and unbinding the Thief, who merely pressed something on the side of her helmet and the music stopped.

"What is it Ivan? I'm preparing to do battle with some of Megacorp's latest lackeys." the Thief said, turning around and facing the missile for a moment, though it gave Starlight and Ratchet time to get behind Sunset, "What do you mean I stole the wrong experiment? I know that they were planning on cloning the creature, but the machine hadn't been used when I stole the experiment and escaped with it. What do you mean that the logs of the cloning machine might have been altered? Only three people have the access codes to alter any part of that machine; you, Mr. Fizzwidget, and myself, and I know that neither of us would jeopardize our mission like this. Hold on a moment, its hard to yell with this blasted device altering my voice."

The three of them watched as the Thief removed the mask that she was wearing, which apparently was the device that altered her voice because her voice sounded normal when she resumed speaking to whoever was on the line.

"Okay, that's much better. Now run that by me again," the Thief continued, annoyance appearing in her voice once again, "What do you mean that Mr. Fizzwidget logged into the machine, cloned the experiment, and left the clone for me to steal a few days later?! I'm the lead scientist on the project and I would have noticed whether the creature I was stealing was actually a clone or the real deal... what do you mean there was an addition to tell the clone from the real deal? A small white circle on the back of its head... yeah, I'll take a look at it before I get these 'heroes' even more pissed off at me."

Sunset turned to Starlight and nodded her head once, to which her sister pulled the experiment free from the bindings that kept it trapped to the missile and brought it down to the Thief.

"Yeah, I'm looking at it now..." the Thief said, though her voice faltered as Starlight spun the creature around, as all of them noticed the circle that she had been told about, "(Auto-censored word here)! I can't believe that he actually played me like this! All my weeks of planning to steal the experiment and go into hiding until I could destroy it... all ruined because our employer happened to have a good idea and clone the original creature. Look, I need to set some things straight with these 'heroes' before I can determine what our next move is... I'll contact you in a few days and then we'll go from there. Hopefully we can still stop Megacorp in time... okay, I'll take to you later."

The Thief hung up on her partner in crime and turned to face them, though Sunset was surprised to find a cat like creature that looked a lot like Ratchet, though she also noticed that there was a missing element; namely the tail. The Thief sighed and pushed her hair backwards, clearly annoyed by the most recent turn of events that had befallen her seemingly perfect master plan.

"First off, my name is Angela Cross," the Thief told them, "so no more Thief this or Thief that. Second... it appears that I have some serious explaining to do..."

Sunset sighed and drew the magic of her attack into her bracelet, knowing that they were going to be here for a while so they could hear everything that Angela wanted them to know. Somehow she knew that their adventure in the Bogon Galaxy was far from over... and that things were only starting to heat up.

Author's Note:

For those who haven't played Going Commando, the Thief is the only one to utter a censored word in the entirety of the game series. I only thought it was appropriate to do the same here.

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