• Published 7th May 2016
  • 4,741 Views, 1,953 Comments

Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Epilogue: Dawn of a New Day

Six months had passed since the Grand Priest visited Equus, spoke with Sunset Shimmer about who the Supreme Kai and Angel of her universe was, and settled into a routine to allow Celestia and Twilight to understand what their new responsibilities were. Such a routine meant that the they joined Sunset and Starlight as they traveled throughout the three known galaxies, allowing them to see what the universe had to offer while trying to see if they had retained what they were learning from their reading sessions. Sunset discovered that Celestia, being who she was, was able to remember everything she had read, while at the same time Twilight was able to remember bits and pieces, though she was able to focus after some prompts from Celestia.

Fortunately Sunset discovered that none of the other villains that roamed the galaxies wanted to mess with her, which meant that she didn't need to destroy or kill anyone, though that was something that actually made her smile, as it meant that she could relax from time to time.

Part of their routine also consisted of Celestia and Sunset actually training with each other, which allowed Celestia to experience the destructive power that her former student possessed, while at the same time allowing Sunset to see the power that her teacher now possessed. Occasionally Luna would come with them and watch the high powered matches between the two of them, though Celestia and Sunset were able to keep the destruction to the minimum, since there was no reason to destroy any planets at the moment. At the same time Starlight reflected that they needed to find some sort of location where they didn't have to worry about destroying anything, but she kept her mouth shut and decided to watch the matches whenever they happened.

There were several instances while they trained where Sunset and Celestia used the higher ranking spells that had been locked away in the library that was inside Canterlot's castle, though if Celestia was annoyed that Sunset had stolen that information, back when she was younger and immature, she wasn't showing it. Sunset also confessed to it multiple times, as some of the spells were too dangerous and had been locked away from a good reason, though at the same time both Celestia and Luna commented on how skilled Sunset was at using the more powerful arts. When it was Celestia's turn to use the more dangerous spells, however, Sunset surprised everyone by using the barrier that used four Dragon Gates, which she had used to fool one of her aspects so long ago.

"I am surprised that she managed to pull that off," Luna commented, while at the same time finding it odd that her sister hadn't stopped the attack in its tracks, because she knew that Celestia could have destroyed the seal before it had been completed, though she assumed that it was because she hadn't seen it in action for a really long time, "or half of the old spells that she's managed to show off so far."

"Don't forget all of the powerful attack's she has shown off so far," Twilight added, remembering what happened when Sunset pulled out the condensed wave of magical energy, which she apparently called the 'Getsuga Tenshou', and the damage that had happened to the planet, "Sunset has learned much during her second life in the Solana Galaxy, so much so that its interesting to see what types of magic she's discovered... or rediscovered, as the case appears to be in some cases."

"I concede that fact," Luna replied, surprised that Twilight had overcome her shock over the destruction that her friend could cause, because now it appeared that she was solely interested in the magic that was used, as if she was trying to determine how powerful her powers were without actually getting into a fight, "Still, it has been some time since my sister or I have been in a fight that's this good... it makes me wish I had a form like my sister's so I could jump into the fray and test my power against the God of Destruction."

"Well, I might, and I mean might, have a solution to that," Twilight said, to which she levitated a silver ring, with the symbol of a crescent moon on it, over to the Lunar Princess, "I was studying the magic, or rather energy, that was used to transform both myself and Celestia into our new forms, which I have to tell you is fascinating and could keep me occupied for months, if not a few years, before I understand even a fraction of the Grand Priest's powers."

"Twilight, while I love it when you delve into the heart of a new field of magic, I would like it if you could focus on the ring," Luna commented, though at the same time she found it amusing that the younger alicorn had overcome all the years of calling Celestia by her title in a manner of weeks, "What does it do?"

"It does exactly what you think it does." Twilight said, to which she tapped the bracelet she was wearing, as she refused to remove it in the off chance that removing it from her arm reverted her back into her pony state, "I have basically copied the basic spell structure that the Grand Priest used to change both myself and Celestia into our current states, which should allow you to take on our form as well. Worst case scenario, nothing happens and I go back to the drawing board to see what went wrong... but I think that I managed to replicate the spell perfectly."

Luna stared at the ring that Twilight was offering her, because while she trusted her sister's newest student, and the more successful one she mentally reflected, she didn't think that Twilight had enough time to actually replicate the spell that the Grand Priest had used. She knew that the young mare, or rather young girl if what Starlight and her new friends had said was true, was skilled in terms of both studying and understanding magic, as well as using it when the need arose. Of course Twilight preferred not to fight anyone, especially after her duel with Tirek some time ago that had reshaped the landscape around them, but Luna knew that the decision had been further aided by Sunset's new powers.

After some moments of debate Luna sighed and grabbed the ring with her magic, though at the same time she didn't see a way for her to put it on, because it wasn't like Twilight's bracelet or the staff that had been given to Celestia, which was currently floating by them at the moment.

"So, if I can be permitted to ask a stupid question," Luna said, turning the silver ring over a few times, while at the same time trying to determine how she could use the object, "how do I use this?"

"Oh, just focus your magic into the middle of the ring," Twilight explained, taking a moment to point at the area in question, "you'll be engulfed in a blinding light for a few seconds, which is completely natural, and when the light fades you should have a form that's similar to mine and Celestia's... though if it doesn't work then I'll have to take the ring back to my workshop and see what went wrong."

Luna briefly nodded her head towards Twilight, knowing that the young Supreme Kai was trying her hardest to learn everything she needed to if she was to fulfill the responsibilities of her new office, before preparing herself. She allowed her magic to slip into the middle of the ring and let a gasp escape from her lips as she felt the spell slam into her body, where she felt herself shifting as the light enveloped her. A few seconds later the light faded and Luna looked down at herself, finding that the spell had worked, because now she was sporting the same form that the other three had, though she would definitely miss her wings while she was in this state. She also discovered that her clothing was basically the same as Twilight's, though she guessed that she could pass it off as trying to learn about Twilight's position as if she was an apprentice... or something like that.

Luna flexed her new arms for a few seconds, and made sure to walk around so she could get used to the new feelings and sensations she was feeling, before grinning as she looked up into the sky, noticing that both Sunset and Celestia were staring at her with smiles on their faces... to which she levitated herself up to where they were floating.

"I see Twilight perfected the spell she has been working on," Celestia commented, though she sounded pleased that her last student had been able to replicate a new spell in such a short amount of time, after spending four to five months studying the energy the Grand Priest had used anyway, "So Sunset, shall we see how well you can fare in a battle against both of us, the alicorns that originally beat Discord and so many other evils?"

"I would enjoy that," Sunset said, to which she held her hands out and beckoned the sisters to come at her with everything they could muster, "though I'll start at fifty percent, just to see how much pressure you can take before we actually step things up a notch."

Celestia and Luna smiled as they flew through the air and raced towards where Sunset was floating, knowing that all three of them were going to enjoy this battle until one of them decided to retire or surrender.

By the time the fight between the three of them had been finished, which had left Sunset shocked when she had won due to Celestia pulling back once Luna had been beaten, it was nearing the time for them to return to Equus and allow the sisters to move the celestial orbs in the sky once more. Celestia insisted on continuing her part of the routine, especially when she and Sunset remained on their home world, though there were times where Luna would have to move both the sun and the moon on her own. Luna was actually grateful for the opportunity to touch, let alone move, the celestial body that her sister moved all the time, while also being surprised that it responded so well to her commands.

When they returned to their home planet Sunset let the sisters do their work, to which she watched as the sun rose into the sky while the moon lowered until it was out of sight, indicating that a new day was beginning for the world... though once that was done Luna removed the ring she was wearing and reverted back to her alicorn form, to which she slipped the ring into a pouch Twilight offered her and tied the pouch around her neck.

"We need to do that again some time," Luna commented, though at the same time she stared at Canterlot, knowing that she was going to have to go back there alone, as Celestia had basically retired from the courts and left it to her, but also gave her a communication stone in case she needed advice on a matter, though it appeared that the nobles insisted she use it all the time, "it was much more fun than sitting in court all day long, listening to all the annoying nobles and the various problems that they bring before me. At least we closed the Night Court and incorporated it into the Day Court, which must have been confusing to everyone in the city, but they don't need to know about everything else we have learned about... in regards to the other universes and beings that are more powerful than us and Discord."

"I find it a little sad that you think so lowly of me," a voice said, to which Discord appeared in front of the four ponies, or rather three hybrids and Luna, "but then again I shouldn't really put myself above others anymore, especially when Sunset here is the God of Destruction and could easily end me with a single word."

"Quite true," Sunset replied, to which she stared at the Spirit of Disharmony, while at the same time wondering if he had found anything useful in regards to the other displaced ponies, the ones that she had told him to find and attempt to bring back once they were whole again, "so, what news do you have for us?"

"It appears that a certain duo will be returning to our world in a few minutes," Discord said, to which he beckoned to the sky, where Sunset, Celestia, and Twilight detected a cluster of powerful beings coming towards their planet.

Sunset smiled as she turned towards the direction that the powerful energies were coming from, knowing that one of them was a God of Destruction, which allowed her to determine that, by Discord's choice of words, this had to be Beerus the Destroyer, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. She was glad that they were returning home at long last, though in her heart she knew that they would soon be followed by everyone else that had gone through the mirror portal... and knew that their return meant that things were going to change for her and the others, or at least more than the changes they had already endured.

Sunset didn't mind facing the future at this point, because she knew that she and the others could hold their own against whatever the universe threw at them... and she was excited to meet the God of Destruction that trained two of the ponies that once called Equus home.

Author's Note:

And so ends the tale of Starlight and Sunset... but don't worry, you'll be seeing them again soon enough.

Comments ( 21 )

EEEEEH! I want to see that fight SO BADLY! Guess it is gonna happen in Daughters of Destruction! Oh, I am so excited! I can't wait! Too bad there is so long to go before Battle of Gods!

8274467 Yeah, the brawl everyone was expecting I had planned on revealing in the Dragonball story. And we'll be getting to it soon enough, because we're roughly a third of the way through the Android Saga.

Well hey, with this story done, it should, in theory, be easier to focus on the other stories!

8274615 Aye, and I still need to wrap up the other two crossover stories that are going alongside Rainbow and Applejack's story... before I can start on the other displaced ponies I mentioned.

Which do you see getting finished last of the ones you are currently working on?

8274626 Of the three I am currently working on... its hard to say between the Dragonball and the WoW one. Pinkie's story will likely be the first of the trio I finish.

This tale comes to a close... now it's time to move into another...

Who the Supreme Kai and Angela of her universe was

Pretty sure everyone knows Angela at this point.:trollestia:

Well, a great adventure comes to a close. Though, I kinda hope Luna gets something to make up for her having all those spoiled brats nobles pushed off on her.

8275054 Well, you'll see Sunset again in the future. :trixieshiftleft:

8305767 Yes, the stories are connected together and will, eventually, build up to something. Not immediately, as I still need to finish some stories and start ones for the other lost characters I mentioned, but it will build up to something.

And I am always happy to see people who enjoy my stories. :pinkiehappy:

Dude at this point I cannot wait until the tournament of power happens after all of this.

Someone already beat you to answering my comment.

yeah, I never keep up with voice actors, so this was a big surprise to me.

Quick question. Is the Hyperion based on the Phoenix.

9020723 In Going Commando Angela had a research ship that was taken by the Thugs, though when that arc of the story ended she went back to Planet Aranos and spent some time modifying the insides of the ship. The Hyperion and the Phoenix are two different ships and the one the group uses wasn't actually based on any of the other ships in the series.

it was much funner

Much more fun.

I'm surprised their aren't more ratchet & clank crossovers with mlp

11326345 As far as I'm aware, there are only three: my two (with the second covering all games, including Rift Apart) and Tatsurou's.

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