• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Size: Ryllus

As Ratchet set the Hyperion's course for their next destination, the planet known as Ryllus, Qwark settled into one of the chairs in the lounge area and asked what sort of adventure the family was going on this time, indicating that he believed that they were setting out to stop another villain from taking over the known universe. That didn't stop Starlight from telling him that they weren't hunting down someone like Chairman Drek, rather they were trying to locate something that would tell them about their enemy while figuring out where they had taken the little girl. Qwark nodded his head several times during her explanation, as if he actually understood what they were trying to do, but Starlight figured that he was playing them so they wouldn't throw him off the ship.

"Okay, but why didn't Sunset just blow up the enemy's ships the moment they arrived?" Qwark asked, though he had waited until they were done explaining the situation before raising his comment, "I mean, she can easily blow up a space station and a planet, so why didn't she just erase your new enemy the moment he showed himself at the resort?"

"Have you forgotten what happened a little over a week ago?" Starlight asked, somewhat thankful that Sunset had retired to the Core Room so she could be away from Qwark, "Sunset has barely had enough time to come to terms with her new powers, which means she could have easily damaged the entire resort, create a cataclysm on accident, or blown us and our enemy to pieces. Not to mention that by the time she could have decided to use her magic on our enemy the little girl had already been kidnapped, so attacking the ship would have killed her as well... which isn't something she needs at the moment."

"So, we can't use her power anymore." Qwark commented, appearing to be sad by the fact that they couldn't just use Sunset's new power to obliterate whatever new villain they had uncovered.

"Not unless you want to die a painful death," Angela said, letting out a sigh as she leaned back in her chair, though she seemed to think about something that hadn't been answered yet, "Qwark, why did you follow us to Pokitaru in the first place?"

"I was... hoping that one of you could help me with something," Qwark admitted, rubbing the back of his head for a moment, indicating that he might not have thought this through considering everything he had done to them since they had met, "I've seen how you all interact and that reminded me that I don't have a family to call my own... so I was hoping that you guys would help me find out what happened to them and if they're still alive somewhere."

Angela stared at Qwark for a moment, somewhat shocked that the man had no idea who his parents were and that he had no idea if they were even alive at the moment. She also had no idea why he had bothered to come to them with the request, seeing how it would have been much easier for him to get a check done somewhere else. She guessed that the former hero didn't want people to know that he was searching for some lost relatives, because he preferred to uphold his image at all costs. She wondered why he didn't stay back with the rest of the heroes and join their association, because it would have given him a new family to replace the one he had lost, but in the end she merely let out a sigh.

"Fine, I'll lend you some aid," Angela replied, shaking her head for a moment, "but that doesn't mean that you will be given control of the Hyperion. When we land at our destination you will remain here with the AI, who will help you search for your family while me and my family see what's waiting for us on the planet's surface."

Qwark seemed pleased with the idea of them actually helping them, but Angela knew that he would have only continued to bother them until one of them agreed... or blown him to pieces in Sunset's case. It was better to get him out of their hair, though she had the feeling that Qwark's family would be a recurring theme for some unknown length of time.

When the Hyperion finally reached Planet Ryllus the first thing that crossed through Ratchet's mind was that the place they were looking for was likely a ruin located in the middle of a forest or something. He was somewhat correct in that regard, as he happened to locate the facility that they were being drawn towards and stopped the Hyperion a good distance away from where they needed to be. This would allow them to take their smaller ship to the area surrounding their destination without risking the starship, because he knew if it got damaged they would be stuck on this planet for an unknown length of time. Once he and his family were ready to leave the ship, including Sunset thanks to the fact that Qwark would be on board the Hyperion, they used the smaller ship to leave the Hyperion and moved into the area that they needed to be in.

"The Technomites appear to have abandoned this area," Clank commented, just as he hopped out of the smaller ship and looked at the overgrown area that surrounded them.

"They sure did," Ratchet said, though the only reason he wasn't arguing with Clank over the existence of the Technomites was because Sunset was a walking God of Destruction and Starlight could use some pretty impressive magic, "So, where do you think this thing goes?"

"I would suggest searching the biggest building in the area," Sunset replied, pointing at the largest structure that they could see at the moment, "At least that is where I would put something important."

Ratchet knew that the largest structure had to be the most logical location, as that was where all the previous villains had stored anything of significance or value, and it appeared that Starlight, Angela, and Clank all agreed with Sunset's assessment. He had only asked in the off chance that someone said something different than what he was expecting, but seeing how he got the answer he wanted he guessed it was time that they stopped standing around and began their search for anything important. They stopped at the vendor to pick up the newest weapon, the Concussion Cannon that they hadn't bothered to buy back on Pokitaru, and then climbed down the ruined stairs that they happened to land near. As they climbed down into the next area Ratchet spotted several cameras flying around the area, telling him that there were left over from whoever owned the place or that someone else was spying on them.

When they entered the area in front of their ship they were attacked by a group of small sickly green creatures that were carrying swords, though they rolled when they needed to move and swung at them when they got close. Ratchet and Angela simply rounded them up and let Starlight get rid of them with one of her acid bombs, repeating the process with the second group that showed itself. Once they had cleared out their enemies the door in front of them opened and four more of the rollers moved into the area, only to be removed by yet another acid bomb while Starlight complained that the enemies shouldn't be that weak against a weapon she had only created a week ago.

As they passed through the now open doorway, and moved further away from their ship, they encountered a feral blue skinned cat creature that growled at them, as if it thought they were prey for it to devour, but the moment its eyes locked onto Sunset's eyes it suddenly lost its desire to fight and ran off with a whine.

"I was not expecting that," Angela commented, a small grin appearing on her face, "though I guess that this works in our favor, as at least the native animals have some sense to leave us alone."

Ratchet had to wonder if the poor animal even knew what it had been staring at before it suddenly turned tail and ran for its life, but decided that now wasn't the time to be thinking about it and returned to what was ahead of them.

They rounded a corner and found a savage looking plant that was spitting some sort of poison at the rock wall to its left, though it stopped the moment they walked into its area. As it prepared to fight them, in its own matter, the cat creature from earlier jumped out of the nearby ruins with three more of its kind, to which the four of them tore the unfortunate plant apart in a matter of seconds. Once the plant was dead the cats turned towards the group for a moment, likely to keep tabs on Sunset, before disappearing as quickly as they had appeared, allowing them to move forward once more. With the cats gone Ratchet accessed the bolt crank in front of them and opened the door that was blocking their way, though they had to deal with more of the rolling enemies once the way was open.

The moment the enemies were taken care of the group noticed that there was a scientist, who happened to have a flower on his head, working with some sort of gadget, one he told them could use plants to do a number of things, such as create platforms or transform into some sort of creature. He also gave it to them without charging them, leading Ratchet to wonder what was up with this planet because the cats didn't want to mess with them and a scientist didn't want any bolts for his gadget. With the new gadget in hand Ratchet watered the plant that was in front of them and watched as it pulled itself out of the ground and started to follow him around, before he moved to the soil at the dead end and had it plant itself there.

The plant created some sort of bulb that hung in front of them, to which Ratchet gave it a smack with his wrench and watched as it flew into the wall in front of them, exploding on impact and leaving a small hole for them to use. He guessed that using the plants would allow them to not constantly ask Sunset or Starlight to blow a hole in their path so they could move forward, which made him like the gadget a tiny bit. Once they hopped through the hole in the wall they encountered two more of the plants that spat poison at them, though two acid bombs were enough to take them out. Ratchet then spotted another mimic plant to the left of where they entered the small area, so he woke it up with some water and planted in inside the soil that was in front of them, to which it created a ladder made out of vines for them to climb up.

Once they climbed up the ladder, and jumped down into the area in front of them, they encountered a walkway that was crowded with the small roller enemies and two more of the poison plants at the end, but before anyone moved forward Sunset had them stop and wait for a few seconds. Just as Ratchet was about to ask why they had stopped he spotted the reason why, as the four cats from earlier jumped into the area and tore into the rollers that had been standing around, catching them completely off guard. The group watched as the cats moved around the area and ripped their targets to pieces, either hurting the rollers or tearing the plants apart with their jaws. It was then that the group discovered that the spines on the backs of the cats weren't just for show, as one of them launched them at one of the rollers and slew it where it stood, though more returned as the cat continued its hunt.

In a matter of minutes the cats had dominated the area and had cleared out the enemies, though one of them had been wounded during the skirmish, on its front right leg, and sat down to lick its wounds while the others moved out to find more enemies to hunt. Sunset gathered her magic into her right hand and approached the wounded cat, who whined as she stopped in front of it, but all she did was find where the cat was wounded and pressed her hand close to the damage. She then used the healing spell that she had been powering up, allowing the wound to close and restore the cat's energy, to which it meowed happily and licked her hand in a sign of gratitude, before running off to join the rest of its pack.

"That was nice," Starlight commented, watching the cat disappear like the rest of its kind, though at the same time Ratchet was watering the plant behind them so they could move forward.

"They've done nothing but help us since we arrived," Sunset replied, a small smile appearing on her face as she turned towards the temple, "it would have been rude not to heal the creature, especially when they have been leaving us alone and helping us clear out our enemies... though I never thought that my position as the God of Destruction would come into play so soon."

Starlight nodded and watched as Ratchet brought the plant into the area that had the soil, to which it mutated into a plant that had two mouth like openings. Ratchet, not knowing what else to do, tapped the new plant with his wrench, though that was swiftly followed by it grabbing him with its mouth like openings and chucking him to the platform that rested in front of the building they had been heading towards. Angela turned to Starlight for a moment, who made a magical bridge for them to use to cross the gap, leaving Ratchet to frown when they were all together again.

Once they had restocked their ammunition they used the swingshot to access the platform in front of them, to which they were attacked by more of the spitting plants and the roller enemies. The acid bombs, once again, proved to be the downfall of literally everything that wanted to fight them, again to Starlight's annoyance due to the fact that her new weapon wasn't supposed to be powerful enough to kill something in one shot. She hated how the evidence was stacked against her at the moment, because it was killing everything faster than what she designed it to, though she also knew that Ratchet liked the efficiency of the weapon.

The moment the coast was clear of enemies, and they were sure of it, Ratchet looked at the two mimic plants that happened to be in the surrounding area, one of which had a green head while the other had a red head, and realized what to do next. He woke up the green plant and dragged it over to the soil that the others were standing around, to which it developed into the bomb carrying plant and allowed him to blow a hole in the wall in front of them. With that done he moved to where the red plant was located and woke it up as well, though when he watered the soil again the plant that was occupying it disappeared as the new one took its place, creating the plant that had launched him a few minutes ago.

After a few seconds of internal debate he decided not to use the plant at all and allowed Starlight to levitate everyone, excluding Sunset, into the air, before they moved through the hole in the wall and were safely placed on the ground on the other side. Once they were all together again they approached the main door of the building that stood in front of them, to which they discovered the head piece of the Wildfire set just sitting on the ground. With the armor piece in hand the group approached the door and studied it, though during that time Ratchet decided to try and open it without doing anything special.

"Well, its locked," Ratchet said after a few minutes, before he turned to the rest of the group, "So, does anyone else have any ideas on how to open this door?"

"Actually, I do," Angela replied, pulling out her lightsaber and extending only one blade, "We cut through the door and find out what is so special about that artifact that Luna was carrying."

Angela moved to the middle of the door and pressed the tip of her weapon against it, allowing the beam to cut into the door like it was made of butter, before she started moving it around. It took her a few minutes to carve a hole wide enough for Clank to fit through, because she had the feeling that there was a button on the other side, but the moment the hole was the perfect size she sheathed her blade and gently helped Clank through the hole. A few seconds later and the door moved out of the way, allowing them to access whatever was inside the building as Clank stood there with a look of triumph on his face.

Clank pulled out the artifact that Luna had dropped while the others took in the console that rested before them, at it appeared to be similar to the ones on Planet Daxx, though once they were finished staring he plugged the artifact into the middle of the machine and let it spring to life. They all watched as four of the five walls moved apart to reveal a large number of gears moving around, though that was followed by a number of planets phasing into existence all around them. They realized that this was a map room, where the Technomites must have kept track of every planet they had colonized, complete with the exact coordinates for every single one of them... including the one that the robots had taken Luna to; Planet Kalidon.

They were all eager to track down the girl and save her from whatever fate the robots had in store for her, though before they left the map room Starlight copied all of the unknown coordinates down onto her tablet before allowing Clank to gently remove the artifact. In the off chance that someone was following close behind them they didn't want to give them any ideas as to where they were going next, which was why Clank asked Sunset to take the artifact and lock it in the room with the Cores. Once they were finished with the building they accessed the teleport pad that happened to be sitting nearby and returned to their small ship, though they found the pack of cats waiting for them once more.

Three of the cats stared at Sunset for a moment, as if studying her, before they did a motion that looked like someone bowing their head to a leader or a ruler, though they followed that up by disappearing into the wilds once more. Only one of the cats remained behind with the group, though one look in its eyes told Sunset that this was the one that she had healed before her family had arrived at their destination. She also noticed that this cat had small spikes on its back, roughly the size of her hand, while also remembering that the other cats had large spikes on their backs. The cat looked at her for a moment before walking forward and pressed its head against her leg, though she had the feeling she knew what was happening.

"Well, it looks like you made a new friend," Angela said, a smile appearing on her face, "Come on, let's get back to the Hyperion and get underway... we'll have plenty of time to put together a sleeping area for your friend while we figure out his diet and everything."

Sunset truly had no idea why the cat suddenly wanted to leave its home planet, and its pack, behind so it could join her and he family, but she decided that it wasn't worth worrying about and simply accepted it. Besides, the cat appeared to be happy in the presence of Sunset and her family, so she smiled as the group returned to the Hyperion... though that smile turned into a grin when she realized what Qwark was going to freak when he first encountered the cat.

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