• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Commando: Damosel

During the flight to Planet Damosel, where the group knew the Protopets would be unleashed upon the people that called the planet home, Sunset was busy reviewing the video that Starlight had taken of her fight with the Thugs-4-Less Leader, trying to figure out what had happened to her. She wasn't surprised to find that when her power melded with Searing's during the fight that they had devastated the surrounding area with a powerful earthquake, though she was surprised to find that half of a mask had appeared on her face during the fight. That told her that Searing had much more influence over her than she originally thought, which meant that if she gave into her anger again she was likely to relapse and allow her inner demon yet another chance to damage another world.

She sighed as she looked at the destruction of the Thugs complex, hating herself just a bit for feeling no sympathy for the Thugs as she wondered if there as a way to use Searing's power without causing so much devastation. She knew from her past experiences that Starlight was strong in magic as well, and she had been jealous of that fact up until the moment that she had developed her own powers, but she also knew that her sister didn't have any experience in what was happening to her. She knew that there had to be some way for her to overcome her inner demon and gain control of her powers, but for the moment she had no idea what that something had to be.

As Sunset studied her fight with the Thug Leader, and taking note of what she and Searing had done, Starlight looked back at her tablet and continued making modifications to the weapons that she had been designing the entire time she and her family were in the Bogon Galaxy. She was designing a new arsenal for Gadgetron, which would actually incorporate the nanotech absorption technology that Megacorp had built into their weapons, though she had yet to see any of their weapons evolve into their secondary form and become more useful in combat. What she was also doing was avoiding a conversation with Sunset, because she didn't want to get into a discussion about the dangers of magic with her sister for what seemed like the hundredth time since they discovered that Sunset could use magic.

Starlight also noticed that Angela, Ratchet, and Clank, for the most part, remained silent during the journey, which told her that something must have happened between her brother and Angela while they were alone. Or maybe she was overthinking the fact that Angela and Ratchet would make a good couple... which made her shiver for a moment before she turned back to her work.

When they finally arrived at Planet Damosel they found that there really wasn't too much destroyed at the moment, though all they would really see as they flew in were the Protopets generating themselves from dispensers while some security robots tried to remove them. The weapon vendor provided them with another opportunity to restock their weapons, as they didn't before their rapid departure from Smolg, but as they started to move forward Ratchet noticed that there were two other paths for them to take. One appeared to lead to a pad that resembled the one Clank used to enlarge himself so long ago, while the other appeared to be a rail that eventually stopped at a platform some distance away from where they were standing.

"Think there might be anything useful along either path?" Ratchet asked, wondering if any of his companions had any opinions on what they should do about the rail or the enlargement pad, "Like another piece of that device we found on Smolg perhaps?"

"There might be something at the end of the rail system," Angela commented, reaching down to her boots and pressing a button that was cleverly hidden on the side near her leg, "Give me a few minutes... and then we'll start purging the Protopets from this world."

As Angela approached the start of the rail she put away the gun she had been holding, the Plasma Coil, and pulled out the piece of metal she carried that extended into its pole form. She took a breath for a moment before she hopped onto the rail, allowing herself to start the journey to the platform and whatever item it might have for them to use in the last bit of their adventure. As she approached what she knew had to be the first of many gaps in the rail system a train car happened to appear next to her, so she switched onto the rail that the train used to ride the system before switching to the other side of the gap. She then moved back and forth for a few seconds, making sure to avoid slamming into the pillars that were in her path, before she came to a section that was taking her around and back the way she came.

She also made sure to smack each and every Protopet that happened to be sitting on the rail, allowing her frustration towards Mr. Fizzwidget to be expanded every time she hit one of the little blue monsters. She also made sure to avoid the explosive rings that were in her way, which she knew would do some damage to her if she accidentally touched one of them. Eventually she came to a rail section that had multiple lines, which meant multiple trains would be coming in, so she reached for her head piece and activated a function that would allow her to see behind her. She then used that function to avoid the trains as they came her way, allowing her to weave through the traffic until she descended towards a circular tower that was near where the rail started.

Angela rode around the tower, smashing the Protopets that got in her way and dodging any of the explosive rings that had been left there as well, before she reached a part where she had to use four trains to get across the final gap of the rail system. When she touched down on the platform she noticed something sitting on the ground nearby, so she walked over and picked up something that resembled the gadget piece she and Ratchet had found on Smolg. With the fragment in hand she turned to the teleport pad that was sitting nearby and stepped into it, allowing it to move her back to the beginning of the rail system, where her friends were still waiting for her.

"So, what did you find out there?" Ratchet asked, because he could tell that she was okay from riding on the rail and didn't need to ask such a silly question at the moment.

"Another piece of that gadget we found the first piece for," Angela replied, handing over the piece she had discovered before switching back to her Plasma Coil, "Now then, shall we clear the streets of this menace and save the fair people of Damosel?"

Ratchet and Starlight smiled as they also pulled out one of their weapons, though Angela knew that Sunset wouldn't be pulling out one of her own, considering that she was mainly focusing on magic at the moment. The three of them pointed their Plasma Coils at the swarm of Protopets that were running around the street in front of them, allowing the three charges to smash through their numbers almost instantly. That was before the security robots turned on them and started attacking them as well, as if the four of them were actually part of the problem and weren't trying to save the planet from the little blue monsters.

While her family took care of the enemies in front of them, be they Protopet or security robot, Sunset spotted a dispenser sitting by the ladder they needed to climb, so she summoned a small fireball and sent it flying towards the machine, destroying it and robbing the Protopets of any additional allies they could have made.

The moment the first group of enemies had been dealt with, rather slowly considering that it was mainly three to two, as Sunset didn't fight the security robots yet, but they eventually won and moved up the ladder. The instant they were on top of the platform another group of security robots engaged them, this time there were four of them, so Sunset sighed as she used her sword to push her target back. It was much easier with Sunset aiding them, though she restricted herself to her sword and her weaker spells at the moment, but eventually the four robots had been taken care of and they were allowed to move on once more. Before they moved on through the Swingshot targets, and descended into the next part of the city, Sunset held her hand up as she summoned four small fireballs.

"Four dispensers rest in the area in front of us," Sunset commented, pointing out the machines in question as she made sure that each of her fireballs would target only one of the machines, "Allow me to take them out before we head there... no reason to allow ourselves to be swarmed by enemies when we can cut their numbers down."

It wasn't hard for Sunset to tear the four machines to pieces and cut off any chance of the Protopets from using them to increase their numbers, so once the deed was done the four of them moved into the open area. As they touched down and started firing at the blue monsters they noticed that more security bots had touched down as well, forcing Angela and Ratchet to turn their attention to them while Starlight and Sunset focused on burning down the other creatures. Once all of their enemies had been taken care of, for the moment anyway, the gate in front of them opened and they progressed into an area that looked like a garden of some kind.

They didn't get very far as another group of security robots dropped into the area they were standing in, so the four of them used their guns and handheld weapons to get rid of everything standing in their way so the door in front of them would lower and allow them to move on once more. On the other side of the door stood another robot that wanted to get rid of them, but Sunset merely extended her hand, wrapped her magic around the robot, and crushed it into a pile of scrap metal. They then progressed into another area of the city that was under attack by both robots and Protopets, to which Angela and Ratchet charged forward to engage their enemies as Starlight stayed back with Sunset.

Though as Angela and Ratchet tore into the enemies that were around them Sunset watched as her sister lifted the blockade that was resting in front of them, a turned over car of some kind, and crushed the enemies that had been using it as a shield, before blowing it to pieces seconds later. Once they were finished with their enemies, and Angela and Ratchet were finished as well, the four of them moved through what appeared to be a small market area of some kind, before they took the taxi that was resting at the edge of the store to the next section of the city.

The next area appeared to be a bank of some kind, so three of them took the moment to restock their weapons while Sunset stood guard and looked out for any enemies that might attack them at a moment where they might not be paying attention.

"So Sunset," Angela asked, as she had finished with her weapons first and wanted to ask something that had just come to her mind, "why are you mainly focusing on using small fireballs to hurt our enemies?"

"Searing..." Sunset replied, letting out a sigh as flames gathered around her right hand, "after awakening from sitting a planet out, thanks to expanding too much of my magical energies, its better to start off small and not go overboard. If I were to go overboard, hypothetically I mean, then Starlight and I are pretty sure that I would relapse and awaken the demon inside of me once more. The more times that Searing takes over, even if its for a little bit, the more I feel like I'm starting to lose myself to her power... as you no doubt noticed back on the Thugs world."

Angela nodded her understanding, mainly because she had no idea what to say whenever Sunset or Starlight mentioned magic or the demon that apparently rested inside Sunset. She would have found it odd that someone could have such a creature inside of them, but the more time she spent around the two of them the more she was beginning to think that this might be a normal occurrence on whatever world they actually came from. Veldin, from what little she knew about the planet, didn't have unicorns that called it home, though cazars, on the other hand, were reported to have been there once or twice. There was so much she didn't know about Ratchet's sisters, though she was beginning to wonder if it was worth learning everything that she could about them.

Once all of their weapons were restocked they jumped up the wall in front of them, or levitated in Starlight's case, before they opened fire on the security robots that were standing guard. The pair that had been standing at the entrance of the bank went down quite easily, as they hadn't been expecting some enemies to appear behind them, before the group fired at the Protopets that were running around the place. Starlight spotted four more security robots moving into the area above them, so she grinned as she engaged her magic and pulled them from the ledge they were standing on, giving the group the opportunity to blow the four of them to pieces and open the way for them to move on yet again.

The next area they came to had a group of mini robots that were spinning around, though it took the group a few seconds to get rid of them before they came to the next area, where they spotted a massive swarm of Protopets that were attacking two security robots. Starlight grinned once more as she spotted some enemies above the door they needed to pass through, so she pulled out her Pulse Rifle and took one of them out with a well place shot to the head. Before she could take the other one out, however, Sunset extended her magic and crushed it, dropping the bits of scrap to the ground in front of them, to which Ratchet and Angela used their Plasma Coils to clear out the swarm of Protopets.

The moment the area was clear the door in front of them opened, to which they used some of their Minirocket's to tear into the remaining security bots that had dropped into the larger market while their comrades had been fighting earlier. They then took an elevator up to another garden that was overrun by the Protopets, to which the group used some of their Chopper stars to get rid of them as Sunset removed the next security bot that was blocking their path. When Ratchet was sure that the area had been completely clear of enemies he nodded and Starlight walked up to the water in front of them, using a spell that mimicked the Thermanator and froze the water in front of them.

They walked through the next door and found someone that was clearly wearing a sock over his left hand, though for some reason it appeared that he was trying to use the sock puppet to hypnotize himself.

"Ah, a group of customers," the puppet said, revealing that the man must also be a ventriloquist, because his mouth didn't move while the puppet 'spoke' to them, "You look like you could use a Hypnomatic. Just bring us the pieces and we'll make it for you... for a small fee of course."

Unfortunately the group lacked the final piece of the gadget, so they were unable to purchase the completed gadget at the moment and were forced to leave the man alone with his sock puppet. With nothing else to do the group hopped into the taxi that was resting near the man and left the area he was standing in, heading back to where they had landed their ship.

"The good news is that we managed to save the city from whatever destruction that Megacorp was planning," Angela commented as they climbed out of the taxi, shaking her head for a moment before turning to the rest of the group, "the bad news is that I'm positive that we'll be needing the Hypnomatic to get into Megacorp Headquarters. We're going to have to head to my home world of Grelbin, where we can pick up the Helix-o-Morph and, hopefully, acquire the missing fragment of the gadget that we couldn't get just yet."

"I'm sure that the last piece of the gadget is somewhere on Grelbin," Starlight replied, grinning for a brief moment as the four of them moved back into the ship, "the problem is finding it. So let's get moving and see if we can't bring this adventure to a close."

Sunset had to agree that she was eager to bring this adventure to a close, considering all of the headaches that she and her family had been through since they had arrived in this galaxy. She only hoped that when they reached the main Protopet they resolved the conflict quickly, so that they could go home and resume what they had been doing before they had been taken from Veldin. She just couldn't shake the feeling that they were missing something important... something that could very well tell them what Megacorp was planning.

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