• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 1,337 Views, 183 Comments

To Fear A Predator - Evowizard25

Ponies are going missing and it seems like the newly arrived griffin is to blame. Is he really and will Inquisitor Trixie's meddling make things worse?

  • ...

The One Who Holds Power Now

Night Watch was seething as he walked through the market. Everything was falling apart. His officers weren’t turning up anything new about this perp. Half of them were in the hospital after their last attempt last night. That really left him in a bad mood, but he wasn’t going to bad mouth Time Turner about that. No, he saved that for Thunderlane and his militia for leaving his ponies alone. If he had been there instead of staying with his granddaughter, he’d have set things right.

So now he was stomping his way through the market to make it to the town hall. Mayor Mare had called him there to sort things out. He’d be gladly giving Thunderlane an earful and maybe, just maybe, Inquisitor Time Turner would finally listen and kick that pony out of time. ‘One can only hope.’

As he looked about, he noticed something. Officer Pokey Pierce was chatting it up with a few stand owners, the three well known flower ‘sisters’. Not really sisters, but the earth pony mares acted close enough to be considered family to each other. They seemed to be shaking slightly, scared of something. He marched on over.

“What seems to be the matter?”

Pokey Pierce jumped slightly off the ground in fright. He quickly turned around, sweating slightly. “Oh, nothing Chief.”

“He was just talking with us,” a red maned earth pony named Roseluck spoke up. Her two friends nodded.

“Yes,” Daisy spoke. “He was just trying to calm our nerves. There’s been rumors floating around town and it’s frightened us like nothing else.”

Night Watch quirked an eyebrow, “And those rumors are…?”

“A griffon,” Lily shivered. “A horrible griffon is attacking Ponyville.”

Night Watch turned his head to Pokey Pierce. The young officer caught the unspoken accusation and his eyes widened. Pokey shook his head, “No sir, I didn’t say anything about this to anypony. Maybe it was the milita.”

That immediately turned his attention from Pokey to Thunderlane in his mind. He scowled, “That bird brain.” Thankfully, there weren’t any pegasi around to hear that. “I’ll strangle him the next time I see him.” He marched off, “Come with me, Pierce. We’re going to the town hall.”

“Why me, sir?” Pokey trotted up next to him.

“Because I need somepony to hold me back when I try to strangle that bird brain,” Night Watch growled.


Sunset Shimmer paced back and forth inside the town hall. She was alone for the moment. Everyone else was in the much larger meeting room. She felt an emotion she didn’t feel often: nervousness. This annoyed her greatly. ‘I’m a Princess of Equestria. Making important decisions is what I do.’ However, this wasn’t a normal meeting.

Sunset knew someone was going around and attacking Ponyville. No one was killed, thankfully, but it was still worrying. All Sunset wanted to do was stay at home and read in peace. She knew that wasn’t possible. Ponyville was bound to have something happen given its luck so far. She sighed, ‘I guess that’s partially my fault.’ She mused to herself.

Now things had gone out of hoof. Several officers were in the hospital after last night’s failure. Inquisitor Time Turner was one of the wounded. It seemed the dart carried a nasty drug that played havoc with his peculiar biology. Nothing fatal, but he wouldn’t be walking around for a few days. Sunset hadn’t really gotten to know Time much, but he seemed like an ok stallion so she was thankful he was alright.

None of them knew who was doing this. It was a mystery to everyone. Time Turner had thought it was Nightmare cultists, but his measures proved to be ineffective. All they knew was that it wasn’t a pony.

It was a griffon.

Sunset chewed her lip. She already had a suspect and she knew he probably did do it. It still didn’t sit well with her. A life was going to be placed in her hooves. Oh yes, she had killed a warlock before and a few mindless cultists and whatnot. Those were different. That was during combat. She had to do it in order to survive. Now, she didn’t but she knew what would happen to the griffon if he was found guilty. Given that she was a princess, she knew it was going to come that eventually.

She gulped, ‘Maybe being a Princess isn’t always great.’

It was at that moment that Lady Justice, Mayor Mare’s daughter and right hoof mare, walked into the room. “Are you alright, Princess Shimmer?”

Sunset gave her a nervous smile, “Of course I’m alright. Why wouldn’t I be? I’m totally alright.”

‘I’m not buying it’ was written clearly on Lady Justice’s expression, “You’re nervous.”

“Pfft, says you.” Sunset scoffed. “I’m never nervous. I’m a Princess. I can’t afford to be.”

Lady Justice rolled her eyes, “Princess, it’s alright to be nervous.”

“Oh don’t take that tone with me,” Sunset glared at her. “I know what we’re going to talk about. It’s the griffon. I’ve heard the rumors. I talked with a couple of militia on the way here. So what do you know, his fate will come straight to my hooves.”

“Well the others could deal with it.”

“I’m a princess,” Sunset scoffed. “Of course they’re going to have my word as the final say. Yes, let’s trust the word of the pony who routinely burns others and damaged her own friend’s farm. Let’s throw the life of someone at her hooves. I’m sure she’ll be fair. No, I don't want it. I threaten others. I’ve burned others, but given everything I know, it’ll be him and he will die when I say that.”

“Didn’t you kill a few nightmare ponies before?” Lady Justice quirked an eyebrow.

“They were monsters out of their mind,” Sunset said. “I talked to Crowland. Hay, my friends have routinely talked to him. He doesn’t come off like that, though he’s pretty suspicious.”

“Sunset,” Lady smiled. “I’ve felt the same way when I got into law. I’ve had to convict a pony or two and live with what I did. I don’t let it bother me because I made the best decision I could and believed they deserved it.”

Sunset sighed, “I know… I just wanted to relax and read something. Is that too much to ask, or is this place just a danger magnet?”

Lady Justice chuckled, “A little.”

“...And how did you feel when you had to make that decision?” Sunset asked. “Like, before and after.”

Lady sighed, “Like the weight of the world was on my shoulders and I didn’t know if I wanted that responsibility. No, I didn’t want that sort of responsibility but I did it anyways because it was my duty. Somepony has to step up when danger lurks its head. I’m sure you know that.”

Sunset snorted and gave a weak smile, “Yeah, I pretty much am the expert on ‘world on the shoulder’ feelings, if that’s a thing.”

Lady smiled, “Exactly, now let’s go and see the others. Inquisitor Trixie is getting antsy and I don’t like how she’s fiddling with her pistol.”

“I’ll keep an eye on her,” Sunset trotted out with the mare.

The Meeting Room was large and spacious, housing a long table that could sit a couple dozen ponies. Right now it was just her, Lady Justice, High Priestess Bon Bon, Dot, Inquisitor Trixie, Mayor Mare, Chief Night Watch, and Captain Thunderlane. Oh and Pokey Pierce was standing off in a corner. Sunset found it a bit odd that he was here too, but said nothing of it as she took her own seat.

“Now,” Mayor Mare spoke. “You all know why we are here, correct?”

“Of course we do,” Night Watch scoffed. He stabbed his hoof out at Thunderlane. “We’re here to talk about how he fucked up.”

Thunderlane growled, “I was just following orders. Maybe if your officers were better trained they wouldn’t have gone down so easily.”

“Why you-”

“Gentlestallions,” Mayor piped up. “Cease this hoof pointing at once. What’s done is done.”

Trixie nodded, “Yes, quite.” She smiled, which unnerved everyone especially the ‘gleeful’ tint in her eyes. “We’re here to talk about what’s going to happen now.”

“Shouldn’t we wait for Inquisitor Time Turner?” Thunderlane asked.

Trixie chuckled and shook her head, “No, I recieved a message from the Council of Inquisitors. He’s relieved of duty until they seem fit to restore his station. I am in command of Ponyville now.”

“Don’t you mean, you’re just filling in for him?” Mayor Mare pointed out.

“No,” Trixie snorted. “I am an Inquisitor. I outrank all but Princess Sunset and High Priestess Bon Bon. However, due to the pressing circumstances, I am forced to use my powers to usurp those positions until the danger is dealt with.”

Bon Bon scowled, “So what are you saying? That I should just bend over backwards because a bunch of inquisitors sitting on their asses in the safety of the capital told you, you could?”

Trixie smirked, “Said inquisitors have a lot of power, High Priestess. Don’t fret. I shall do my duty and save you all, for I, Inquisitor Trixie, shall come out on top. Now that’s settled, I do believe we have a culprit to catch.”

Night Watch scowled and held out his hoof to Pokey Pierce. The young officer levitated a file over into his hooves and he put it down on the table, “The report is basic.” He opened it and gave it another look through. “Several officers beaten. Munitions up in flames and a shadowy form that was described to be like a griffon.” He snorted, “Seems pretty clear who did it to me.”

“I can’t argue with that,” Thunderlane grumbled, clearly not liking the fact that he agreed with Night Watch on anything.

Bon Bon nodded, “And he was also able to get past the shadow defenses. That means that we’re not dealing with Nightmare cultists.” Everyone let out a sigh of relief. “That still means we’re dealing with a rogue griffon.”

“Could be the start of an invasion,” Thunderlane said. “Damage the infrastructure of your enemy. Destroy the means of fighting back.”

Bon Bon shook her head, “We’re too far from the border to strike and we would have heard something about this if the griffons tried something with other towns. Besides, they aren’t that discreet as a species.”

“Or maybe it’s after the Element bearers,” Trixie mused. “If they can sneak one griffon into Equestria, who knows what they have hiding nearby.”

“I sincerely doubt that they could get any significant number of griffons into Equestria,” Thunderlane shook his head.

“Whether or not it’s true,” Trixie spoke. “This griffon, Crowland I believe, should be brought in at once and questioned.”

Bon Bon moved her head to look at Sunset, “Princess, are you alright? You haven’t said a thing since you got here.”

Sunset Shimmer was sitting quietly with her head held low as she was lost in her thoughts. ‘Damn it, I knew they were going to bring it back to me.’ She inwardly groaned. “I’m fine, High Priestess.”

“So shall I go and collect him now?” Trixie asked.

“We don’t have the evidence he did it,” Bon Bon shot back.

“We saw a griffon,” Night Watch scoffed. “He’s a griffon. The only one in town, I add. He’s also been up to some suspicious things these past few days. Won’t talk about his past or anything of the sort. He’s obviously guilty.”

“We shouldn’t just grab him without knowing for sure,” Bon Bon spoke.

“And let this happen again?” Night Watch growled.

“Enough!” A little of the Royal Canterlot Voice tinted Sunset’s own. All eyes were on her now, “I’ve made my decision…” She sighed and stood up. “Bring him in and question him on what he knows.” She cast a glare towards Trixie, “Unharmed.”

“Of course,” Trixie nodded. “So you give me your blessing to do as I wish?”

“Sure, whatever.” Sunset pushed herself away from the table. She had done her part. She didn’t want to have anything else to do with this. ‘I just want to read my books.’ “Just don’t make a mess of things.”

“As you wish, my princess.” Trixie called over to her.


As Sunset closed the door behind her, Mayor Mare cleared her throat. “Now that’s out of the way, let us discuss how-”

“I’ll take care of it,” Trixie cut her off.

Mayor Mare blinked in confusion, “Pardon? I believe we should do this together so that-”

“I’ll take care of it,” Trixie said again. “Did you not hear me the first time, or are you too incompetent to understand me?”

“Watch your tone,” Thunderlane growled. He found a sword tip pointed at his muzzle.

“Do not test me, Captain.” Trixie smiled a bloodthirsty smile. “I am no longer constrained by Time Turner. I have full authority here, blessed by the Princess herself. That means I come up with the plans and you carry them out.” She stood up.

“You can’t do this,” Night Watch stood up and made to move around the table.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Dot spoke up.

“Shut up, bug.” Night Watch scoffed, earning a death glare from Dot. Only his training kept him from attacking. Referring to a changeling as anything insectoid was a major offense to them. “I ought to have a say in what my ponies do and I will not have some upstart-”

A sword pummel met his cheek, pushing him to the ground. The stallion groaned in pain. Bon Bon was at his side in an instant.

“Again,” Trixie chuckled. “I am in control and I don’t appreciate your attitude.”

“Inquisitor Trixie,” Mayor Mare slammed her hoof down on the table. Bon Bon was using her solar magic to heal the bruise on Night Watch as she talked. “You can’t treat us like this. The Council will find out about your actions.”

“And they will applaud me when I sort this mess out,” Trixie scoffed. “A mess, I might remind you, none of you can sort out. Therefore I shall do this myself and you will follow orders.” She glared at Night Watch, “Besides, I didn’t hit him because of his outburst. It was the ‘bug’ comment.” She huffed and trotted out.

“Told you,” Dot spoke as he travelled after her.

Author's Note:

I should have finished this last week, but personal life worries and college caught me off guard. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. The next chapter shouldn't take that long to complete since I already have the rest of this story pretty much planned out.