• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 1,337 Views, 183 Comments

To Fear A Predator - Evowizard25

Ponies are going missing and it seems like the newly arrived griffin is to blame. Is he really and will Inquisitor Trixie's meddling make things worse?

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Inquisitor Trixie arrives

Mayor Mare’s frustration was building. Normally she did a good job at keeping it at bay. Aside from some monster disturbances, Ponyville didn’t regularly have to deal with anything frustratingly important. Well aside from numerous holidays and celebrations the town held each year. Those earned a special ire within her, no matter how fun they were in the end.

No, this time was different. It was all different. Nothing had been normal after Nightmare Moon came to Ponyville. If it wasn’t dealing with a sizable loss of the town population, through death or simply leaving, it was dealing with reports from Canterlot itself. Housing the Elements of Harmony and the princess’s own daughter could very well put her in an early grave with all the stress that came with it.

Still, she had just finished up dealing with the construction crews. Just when she thought she had everything in order, a dragon attacks. They were finally getting somewhere with the town so it wasn’t a total loss. Thankfully the funds were being supplied straight from Canterlot. They didn’t have to worry about going bankrupt. ‘There’s always a silver lining.’ It didn't help that with all the crazy things happening in Ponyville, ponies were going missing on top of it. It hadn't happened that long ago, but they were just vanishing. She didn't have a clue what to do. Nopony did. There were no leads.

Her paperwork was done. She’d get more tomorrow but for now she could relax. She sat back in her chair and closed her eyes. She let out a sigh of relief, ‘It’s good to have a moment of silence from time to time.’

The door was slammed open, “MAYOR MARE!” Time Turner shouted in anger.

Mayor Mare sighed and straightened herself in her chair, “What is it, Inquisitor?”

Time Turner slammed down a few documents on her desk, “What is the meaning of this?”

The Mayor frowned and picked up the documents. Before she could open them, her daughter ran into the room.

Lady Justice came trotting up to the desk, “I’m sorry, mom. I tried to stop him.”

She held up a hoof to stop her daughter from speaking, “It’s no problem at all. Our fair Inquisitor is a rather understanding stallion.” She glared over at him, “Which is why I ponder the reason for all of this. Turner, you’re not usually like this. What’s in these documents that have you so flustered?”

Time Turner sighed and rubbed the bridge of his muzzle, “It’s… just read them.”

The Mayor’s eyebrows furrowed, ‘He’s usually a very collected fellow. What could have put him in such a state?’ So she opened one of the documents. A few photos of random, to her, ponies came out as well as a stack of paper. A single envelope was inside. Opening that as well, she took a look.

Dear Mayor Mare,

If you are reading this, then the letter Inquisitor Time Turner received arrived on time. If you are not the Mayor, then you will be executed for treason. It shall not be a swift execution for I, Inquisitor Trixie De Lis, spare not one ounce of sympathy for those who would so boldly read the words that come from one blessed by the sun goddess herself without her permission.

If you truly are the Mayor, then I shall let you know of my arrival. I am to be taking the place of your local Inquisitor until Ponyville is deemed safe. It is apparent that he and many others in the town you oversee are not doing a good job at keeping Celestia’s hard won peace. If I were you, I would do my best to bring back order. Fear not for I, Inquisitor Trixie De Lis, shall aid you in this endeavor. I will make Ponyville great again!

Or burn it to the ground. Until we meet~

Inquisitor Trixie De Lis*

The Mayor simply stared at the letter. Thoughts raced in her mind faster then she could process them. She could feel sweat trailing down her fur as she tried to think over the possibilities. ‘A new Inquisitor taking over? It almost sounds like she suspects me of heresy. What if she does? I haven’t done anything wrong, but she could charge me anyway. She could make everyone miserable and…’ She glanced over at her daughter and froze. ‘Please, not her….’

Lady quickly took her mother into a hug, “It’s fine. Everything is going to work out just fine. Isn’t that right Inquisitor?”

“It should be,” Time Turner shook his head and started to walk back in forth. His head was lowered as he pondered aloud, “How could this have happened? I’ve always done the empire proud. I’ve kept up to date checks and searches. I’ve done everything in my power to prove my loyalty and effectiveness. How was I supposed to know that Nightmare Moon was going to attack, or a dragon, or whatever?!!”

“Calm down!” Lady Justice raised her voice. “Both of you. Please, we need to keep our heads if we’re to assuage this new Inquisitor.”

Time Turner nodded, “You’re right. When is she going to arrive?”

“Today…” Mayor spoke up. “Any hour now.”

“....Oh bollocks.” Time frowned.

At the train station, Inquisitor Time Turner was internally seething. You could see some of it on his outward appearance. However he was a Time Charger. That meant his emotions ran deeper then most beings, so his fury was more akin to a volcano. This paled in comparison to other times he’d gotten furious, but this was still quite the achievement. ‘I gave this nation so many years and they still think I could turn traitor? The sheer stupidity!’

A hoof firmly placed itself on his shoulder, “Inquisitor Turner, calm yourself.” Lady Justice got his attention. “I’m sure this will be worked out shortly.”

Time Turner sighed, “I know, but… this? I’ve been serving Celestia for centuries. I’ve done more than a pony should in the service of her Majesty. I’ve lost so much… and now some upstart Inquisitor who probably just got off the tit is taking my place?!!” He was usually a collected fellow, but he growled in rage.

“She isn’t going to take your place,” Lady spoke. “They aren’t going to be stupid enough to replace you just like that. Isn’t that right, mom?” She turned to look at her mother, who was nervously biting her hoof as she paced, shaking like a leaf. Lady sighed. “So where’s Lyra?”

“Of to go get Princess Shimmer,” Time explained. For all intents and purposes, Sunset was a leading member of the town given her status. Any change on this scale had to go through her or at the very least, she had to be present. She didn’t need to intervene. ‘I hope she does though.’ The inquisitor thought to himself. He pulled out a watch from his pocket, “She should be back any minute now.”

“Any minute what not?” Lyra’s voice sounded off beside him.

“ANy minute for you to -GAH!” Time Turner jumped when he came nose to nose with his pupil. “Don’t do that.”

“Sorry,” Lyra sheepishly smiled. Time Turner and the others quirked an eyebrow at Sunset who was laying on top of Lyra, idly reading a book.

“Is this going to be quick?” Sunset asked. “I’m in the middle of a study session.”

“I found you cuddling Spike.” Lyra pointed out.

Sunset jumped off and scowled, “We were reading together. It’s easier to read the same book if you’re close. Now shut it and let’s meet this new inquisitor.” She looked around, “Is she here yet?”

“No,” Lady shook her head and looked back to find Time Turner pacing in the opposite direction of her mother. He was grumbling angrily under his breath while she was frantically trying to calm herself down. The young assistant sighed. “And we’re already falling at that seams.”

“Oh I’m sure everything’s going to be fine,” Lyra spoke up.

It was at that moment that the train sped into the station. The loud horn blared as it screeched to a stop. The group waited with baited breath as passengers started to walk out of the train. Finally after what felt like an eternity, three figures stepped onto the platform.

The first was a rather large pony. She was blue with very light blue and curly mane. Her stature had quite a bit of finesse as she was rather slim and long legged. She could easily look Big Macintosh in the eye, if not look down at him. She had cloven hooves and a long lion like tail. She wore the official Inquisitor outfit like Time Turner before her. A waving wand and a strand of magic was her cutie mark symbol.

Beside her was a changeling wearing that of a soldier’s garb. He was eyeing everywhere with a hint of caution. At least that’s what they thought. It was hard to tell what his eyes were doing given how they were just plain blue. A young, olive skinned human boy was the most surprising of the bunch. Wearing an acolyte’s outfit, he stood proudly behind the new Inquisitor. If they had to guess an age, he would be about the recently formed CMC’s age.

The mare inquisitor took a look around the town and sneered, “This is Ponyville? Trixie-" The changeling coughed, earning an annoyed twitch from the tall mare. "-I would have expected better from a town that houses the blessed child of our patron goddess.” She turned to Mayor Mare. “You are the Mayor of this town, correct?”

The Mayor nodded, “Yes I am.” She bowed. “It is an honor to have you, Inquisitor Trixie.”

Trixie harrumphed, “It is not ‘Inquisitor Trixie’.” She brandished her sword and used it to swiftly write something in the air before it. “It is the Great and Powerful Inquisitor Trixie to you.”

The changeling beside her sighed, “Trixie, enough with the dramatics.”

Trixie snorted and put away her sword, “Very well, Dot. Now then,” she turned to Time Turner. “I am your replacement.” He opened his mouth to protest, but stopped when she held up her hoof. “You are not to protest or anything of the sort until I have surveyed this town. If everything is well, then your position remains. If not, then I shall take your place and your rank shall be removed.”

“A Time Charger has never turned their back on Celestia,” Time Turner pointed out.

“Your companion,” Trixie tapped her chin. “What was his name? Ah yes, he liked to refer to him as ‘The Master’.” She pulled out a little scroll, ignoring how Turner tensed up. “A being who had gone mad in your ancient war and aided Nightmare Moon in the destruction of your lunar colony. Of course, you were the one who put the final bullet in his head so you were not his ally.” She glared at him. “Yet you seem to be incompetent as of late.”

“Don’t mind her,” Dot the changeling spoke up again. “She likes to push other ponies buttons.”

“As long as they aren’t mine, I honestly don’t care.” Sunset idly remarked as she sat and continued to read her book.

Trixie gasped and fell into a low bow, “Your Highness, I deeply apologize for not realizing you were amongst us. It is an honor to meet one who Celestia herself considers blood.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Sunset waved her off. “I’m great. Just go check the town or whatever you’re doing and be quick about it.”

“Of course,” Trixie stood up and proudly stepped away. “Come Dot, Cato” she referred to the human boy, “Let us be off.”

“Yes, Master.” Cato said as he stepped off after Trixie.

Dot stayed behind, “She’s honestly nice once you get to know her. I’m just thankful that-” He was cut off when a purple blur ran him over.

“PONYVILLE, OH MY CELESTIA,” a bubbly voice giggled as she hopped around. “A new place to wreak chaos~”

Sunset’s eyes widened, “Oh no, why?!!”

Twilight Sparkle’s grin nearly split her face, “SUNSET!” She glomped Sunset. “It’s so good to see you again.” She sniffed her. “You even smell more friendly than normal and a little more chaotic. Not much, but it’s there.”

“The universe hates me,” Sunset grumbled.

This was going to be a long day for everyone.

Author's Note:

And there we have it. This should have been out sooner, but things have popped up that got in the way. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They really do help. :twilightsmile: