• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 1,336 Views, 183 Comments

To Fear A Predator - Evowizard25

Ponies are going missing and it seems like the newly arrived griffin is to blame. Is he really and will Inquisitor Trixie's meddling make things worse?

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Things May Have a Chance of Working Out {Kinda}

Inquisitor Time Turner was having another terrible morning. Again, someone had struck Ponyville. This time the damage wasn’t so severe. A few explosive bolts had struck the barracks. Again, no one was seriously harmed by it. The damage could be quickly patched up in a day or two. It was just that this being was able to do so and get away with it. Thankfully, the wards preventing shadow forces from getting in was working as intended. The being hadn’t tried to go inside the circle at all, opting for a ranged attack. That didn’t fit with the other two, so Time Turner believed he was onto something.

That didn’t lift his mood however. None of it did. While he typically would more at ease with this information, another failure would have Trixie biting at his heels. Three in a row would not look favorable to the council of Inquisitors. The only thing that gave him hope was that this seemed more like a small incursion then anything. The damages were small and could easily be redone. Nopony had died either. He could still make his case to the council.

Turner knew, however, that Trixie would still do her best to blow this out of proportion somehow. She was rich. She had influence. On top of that, the council was more than half likely to side with her. He needed to play this smart. He couldn’t afford something jeopardizing his reputation now. Thankfully, Trixie was dealing with her child and school. His condolences went out to Cheerilee, but this bought him some time to organize and prepare for her arrival.

“Sir,” Thunderlane walked in. “There’s something I think you’ll want to see.”

Turner turned his head towards the soldier, “Well? What is it?”

Thunderlane walked over and placed a few feather down onto the table Time Turner was sitting at, “We were able to find this in an abandoned building. Given the trajectory of the marks, it’s the best place we could hope to look for. Perfect view of the barracks from the room we found them in.”

Time Turner glared down at the feathers, “White feathers? Could be anything, even a large bird.”

Thunderlane nodded, “Yes, or it could be the suspect’s.”

“We can’t jump to conclusions,” Time Turner stated. He pushed them towards Thunderlane. “Take them to Redheart. She and the hospital staff might be able to gleam some information out of them.”

Thunderlane nodded and took the feathers into his own, “Yes, sir.”

“Be sure to not mention this to Trixie, will you?” Time Turner spoke up. “This find isn’t anything substantial, but she might try to force something out of this before we know for sure.”

Thunderlane scoffed, “I honestly can’t stand that mare. I’m just grateful she’s dealing with the police and not the militia on this, otherwise I might end up clubbing her.”

“Do that and you’ll be shot,” Time Turner smirked, inwardly chuckling at the thought of Thunderlane knocking Trixie out with the butt of his musket.

Thunderlane gave him a grin, “Worth it.” The two shared a small laugh at that. Once they were finished, he spoke his mind. “Do you think it’s the griffon?”

Time Turner frowned, “Why would he do this?”

Thunderlane shrugged, “Well, he is a griffon. They are kinda violent.”

Time Turner rolled his eyes, “Old grudges never die, it seem.”

Thunderlane’s grin grew, “Can’t help my genetics, sir. I’ve been itching to fight him ever since I saw him. If it’s him, I can’t wait to kill him. If it’s not, a little sparring session is in order.”

“Just don’t try to kill him if he’s innocent,” Tim Turner shook his head with a mirthful smile.

Thunderlane gave him a teasing smile, “I’ll try, but I promise nothing.” With that, he started out the door from whence he came.

Time Turner’s smile left him the moment Thunderlane closed the door. He looked to where the feathers once sat and thought for a moment, ‘Crowland, you aren’t guilty. I know it. That young griffon I knew all those years ago wouldn’t stoop so low as to do what this bandit is doing. Not without a reason.’


Pizzelle tapped her hoof as she waited for her son to pack up his bag and come downstairs, “Hikaru? Are ready yet? You’re going to be late for school if you keep this up.”

“I’m coming, Miss Pizzelle.” Aki Hikaru called down to her.

Pizzelle couldn’t help but sigh, ‘He still doesn’t feel comfortable enough to call me mom, or mommy, or mother. Just a little something like that would be nice.’ Still, she wouldn’t let that bother her. He was her son no matter what and he’d eventually come around. She wouldn’t force him to call her anything.

The little golden kitsune ran downstairs with a gleeful smile on his face, wearing his backpack now. “I’m ready!” His little tail wagged behind him.

Pizzelle couldn’t help but giggle at how cute he looked. She gave him a little nuzzle, which he returned. “Good, now let’s hurry. You’re not going to be late on my watch.” With that, they trotted outside.

*A Few Moments Later*

Pizzelle hummed a peaceful little tune as she trotted alongside her son. She kept close to him as she was a bit afraid he’d fall back on his mischievous ways and try something. That and she was afraid something might try and get him. Usually, fillies and colts were safe enough in Ponyville that they could walk on their own. The monsters in the Everfree never got anywhere close to the school. With everything going on, she wouldn’t take any chances. Still, everything seemed to point to a very pleasant day.

That is until she saw who was standing in front of the school.

“And pray tell,” Trixie snarled down at Cheerilee. Seeing them so close together really emphasized how big Trixie was. Dot was idly standing beside her, while Cato was nervously fidgeting with his feet behind. “Why did you think that removing his gun from his person was a good idea? Don’t you know that an Inquisitor is supposed to remain armed at all times?”

“He threatened my students,” Cheerilee retorted. “What was I supposed to do? Wait for him to actually fire the third time? Maybe if you taught him to restrain himself-”

“Are you implying that Trixie didn’t raise him right?” Trixie glowered down at the teacher, causing Cheerilee to flinch but keep her stance.

“I was entrusted with the safety of my students when I took this position,” Cheerilee stomped her hoof, shaking the ground slightly from her strength. “I will not allow him to enter my school with firearms, especially after his behavior yesterday.”

Trixie narrowed her eyes, “Your actions could be considered treason.” Her magic lingered on her on her sword handle.

Pizzelle knew this was about to get ugly. ‘Oh dear. Oh my. I have to do something!’ She turned to Hikaru and nuzzled him, “Stay here, sweetie. Mommy will be right back.”

Hikaru nodded and sat down, “Okay, Miss Pizzelle.”

With that done, Pizzelle chipperly trotted over to the pair. ‘I’m confident I can make this work and nopony will get hurt. I’ve dealt with enough cranky Inquisitors to know a few things.’ She cleared her throat, gaining their attention. “Hello there. Isn’t it a lovely day we’re having? Why, I don’t think we’ve had a day as lovely as this all spring. It reminds me-”

“You are Pizzelle, the Element of Truth are you not?” Trixie interrupted her.

Pizzelle paused for a moment before nodding, “Yes, that’s me. I still can’t believe that actually happened though. To think, a small town baker becoming a national hero.” She chuckled, “But even so, it’s nice to meet you. You must be Inquisitor Trixie.”

Trixie nodded, “That is who I am. I am pleased to meet one of the holy bearers of the Elements of Harmony.” She gave a short bow, before righting herself. “I am sorry, but I am in the middle of something at the moment.”

“I can see that,” Pizzelle put herself between the two. “That’s why I’m getting involved. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation and before you both say something, I have plenty of experience mediating between two parties. I didn’t travel with Presto himself for nothing after all.” She gave a delighted sigh, “Oh, those were the days. Why, I recall this one time I had to stop a Tatzlpony and griffon from fighting over-”

“Pizzelle,” Cheerilee interrupted her. “I hate to interrupt, but this isn’t exactly the time for one of your stories.”

Pizzelle nodded, “Too true, Cheerilee. Too true, but it is a good one. I’ll make sure to tell you it later.” She cleared her throat, “As I was saying, I have plenty of experience with things like this.”

“And pray tell,” Trixie spoke up. “What are you suggesting?”

“Well, Cheerilee is in the right for doing what she did.” Pizzelle smiled, not really noticing Trixie’s slight twitch at being called ‘wrong’ on something. “Imposing a weapon onto a child and then letting said child attend school is asking for trouble. I mean, the only reason she didn’t take it away is because of that little law, but I think we can all look past that when children are involved.”

“Why?” Trixie narrowed her eyes. “My acolyte must be armed at all times, no matter his age. If he is to be safe-”

“He is safe,” Cheerilee cut her off, earning a scowl from Trixie. “I have made sure that every filly and colt is safe within these walls and not once has anything happened to them, Nightmare forces or not.”

Pizzelle nodded, “Very true, she did break a number of limbs when some of the Nightmare cultists tried to go at the ponies hiding in the school.”

“And for that,” Trixie spoke. “I thank you for doing your duty to Equestria. That does not mean she can impose her will onto an Inquisitor. That is our job!”

“But isn’t it a law that no harm shall come onto children?” Pizzelle pointed out. “And that a teacher has every right to ensure their students safety and are expected to do so.”

“Exactly,” Cheerilee nodded.

“But-” Trixie started.

“And aren’t the laws of Equestria approved by Celestia herself?” Pizzelle quirked an eyebrow.

Trixie gritted her teeth, “Yes, they are.”

“So that gives Cheerilee the right to disarm her student,” Pizzelle finished. “Although, I could go get Princess Sunset Shimmer. She could write to her mother-”

“That is enough,” Trixie groaned. “Fine, she can have it her way but if Cato gets hurt-”

“He won’t,” Cheerilee said. Trixie didn’t say anything, just glaring at her before leaving.

“Sorry about that,” Dot whispered to the two. “She’s just a bit cranky is all. Good job there, Pizzelle. I honestly thought I would have had to step in.”

“Thank you,” Cheerilee smiled. “I really appreciate it.”

Dot grinned, “Don’t mention it.”

“I was talking to Pizzelle.”

Dot pouted, “Well I best be going. Don’t worry about her hurting your or doing anything to the school. She’s more bark than bite, trust me.” With that, he started off.

With Trixie and Dot gone, Pizzelle turned to Cato. ‘The poor thing looks so confused. I’m sure all he needs is a friend… lightbulb!’ She smiled over towards her son, beckoning him forward. “Hikaru, you can come over!”

“Yes, Miss Pizzelle.” Hikaru rushed over.

Pizzelle hugged him, “I want you to keep Cato here company. I’m sure you two have a few things in common as he’s not a pony either.”

Hikaru smiled. While he hadn’t complained about being the only non-pony in the class, it would be a bit of a relief to have someone else different even if he already had two best friends. Rumble might be his third, though, since his other two friends were bringing him along. Maybe Cato would be too, “Okay.” He rushed over and tried to push Cato forward, to no avail. “Come on. We’re gonna be late.”

Cato frowned, “Okay…” He made for the door, before looking over at Cheerilee. He walked over and kneeled before her. “I’m really sorry, Miss Cheerilee. I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.”

Both Pizzelle and Cheerilee frowned at that.

Cheerilee sighed, “You should never harm someone unless you absolutely have to and even then, you must think things through. You might end up doing something you regret.”

Cato nodded, “I’ll remember that, Miss Cheerilee.” He stood up and walked into the school.

Pizzelle made a mental note to try and talk to Trixie about how she was raising Cato. ‘I’m sure she loves that boy, but still.’


Princess Sunset Shimmer didn’t want to be out in the middle of a field. She wanted to be inside, reading her books. IN HER LIVING TREEHOUSE! Something she was still ecstatic about and swore to destroy anything that dared place harm upon it. No, she wasn’t inside her awesome house. She was outside, watching her friend perform some tricks.

She had to admit though, they were pretty cool to look at. ‘Still doesn’t mean I have to like doing this. Stupid friendship.’ She slightly pouted, keeping her eyes on Lightning. As was Suri Polomare beside her. Sunset noted that Suri seemed to have that stupid grin on her face that she saw all too often on mares that were with Spike. ‘Pfft, as if I care. No one’s ever going to see that grin on my face.’

“Isn’t she amazing~?” Suri asked.

“Yeah, sure…” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Could you not ogly my friend while she’s performing? It’s kinda creepy.”

Suri blushed in embarrassment, “Sorry, it’s just… it’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other and I almost forgot how great she is in person, mkay. I think she’s even found a way to be even better.”

“Well she is pretty impressive, I’ll give you that.” Sunset remarked truthfully. “So you have a thing for her?”

Suri blushed, “Wh-what? No! No I don’t.”

Sunset shrugged, “Just asking. You had that stupid grin on your face that mares give my brother.”

Suri was silent for a moment, “... A little, mkay? Just not sure if I should do something.”

“Don’t ask me,” Sunset snorted. “I’m not good with these kinds of things. Just don’t buck with her, okay?” Suri nodded and opened her mouth, “And no, I won’t tell her. I don’t want to get involved in this stupid love thing you have going on.”

Suri frowned, “You don’t have to call it stupid.”

“Well,” Sunset paused. ‘Damn it. I’m the Element of Magic and friendship and stuff. I’ve got to be a bit nicer about these things. Quick, say something nice to make up for it.’ “Well I’m not a love expert, so I wouldn’t know. So…” She growled as this was hard for her to do. “Oh just shut up and watch the show.”

Suri rolled her eyes, “Fine. I will.”

“SURI!” Crowland’s voice called out to her. The two mare’s turned their heads to see an obviously frustrated griffon walk up to them. His feathers looked ruffled and a few singed. “What’re you doing here?”

Suri stood up, “Just watching a friend perform.”

“Well we’ve got to prepare for our next hunt,” Crowland grumbled. “The last one didn’t work out so well.”

Suri frowned and looked back at Lightning. She sighed and went to her Mentor’s side, “Gotcha. I’ll see what I can do to help. Maybe I can finish it this time.”

Crowland chuckled and ruffled her mane with his clawed hand, “Don’t get full of yourself. That never works out for any good hunter.” Sunset spotted a few bear patches on that arm.

As the two departed, Sunset stared at them with particular interest. ‘What are they really hunting?’ She thought to herself. Suri had obviously lied to her yesterday and this griffon was strange in his own ways. Of course, she didn’t have a high opinion of griffons. Not a lot of ponies did. Add that to the fact that he showed up around the time that the strange attacks were going on and her suspicions only grew. She’d have to keep an eye on him, or at least Suri.

Lightning landed beside Sunset, “Wasn’t that awesome?” She grinned in triumph, before she looked around in confusion. “Hey, where’s Suri.”

“Left with her mentor,” Sunset spoke.

“Darn,” Lightning scuffed the ground. “Oh well, I’ll see her later.”

“Yeah,” Sunset nodded. ‘I’ll definitely see her later.’

Author's Note:

Very sorry for the late posting. Meant to post this chapter last week but was delayed by a very hard few days of work. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please don't forget to leave a comment. They are very much appreciated.