• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 1,337 Views, 183 Comments

To Fear A Predator - Evowizard25

Ponies are going missing and it seems like the newly arrived griffin is to blame. Is he really and will Inquisitor Trixie's meddling make things worse?

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Changing Perspective

Night Watch rubbed his head in frustration as he sat behind his desk. He was thankful that he had his own little office in times like these. It gave him somewhere to vent alone and reflect on everything without having to bottle it all up till he got home. Right now, he didn’t think he could keep it in that long anyways. He scowled as he looked over the reports coming in. Some of them by his own cops, but others were from the new Inquisitor and the soldiers she had brought in town not long ago.

“Damnable Inquisitor,” Night Watch muttered to himself. He was also thankful he could say things that would normally have him killed when in public. ‘She should just let me do my damn job. She has no right to question me or make my cops pay for someone else's mistakes.’ A part of Night still believed that the militia, more specifically Thunderlane, was at fault for the night disaster.

Night thought about sending another patrol into Whitetail Woods. There had been reports of some strange occurrences there, but nothing substantial. ‘Perhaps this could get Inquisitor Trixie off my tail.’ His thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door, “Come in.”

In walked none other then Officer Pokey Pierce. Night couldn’t help but smile. He had been assigned to the new Inquisitor and from the sound of things, she greatly appreciated his help. ‘My ticket into her good graces.’ “Ah, just the pony I wanted to see. I was thinking of sending another patrol to Whitetail Woods and I wanted-”

“I am taking over as Chief of Police.”

Night Watch blinked in surprise. He rubbed his ears for a second, “I’m sorry, boy. I don’t think I heard you correctly. Could you repeat that?”

Pokey nodded, “I am taking over your position.”

Night just stared at him for a moment before he broke out into laughter. He slapped the desk in his laughing fit, “Oh now that’s a good one. No seriously, we have more important-”

Pokey flashed a scroll in his face and unraveled it, all with his magic. “Inquisitor Trixie has given the order, former Chief of Police. You are relieved of duty.”

Night Watch scowled, “Now see here. I’ve served as a police officer for most of my life and I will not have some young Inquisitor oust me from my position. Now go tell Inquisitor Trixie that I will hear no more of this nonsense.” He snorted and looked back at his plans.

“Are you disregarding the intentions of an Inquisitor?” Pokey spoke up, causing Night to tense. “You know that is testimony to heresy.”

Night Watch gritted his teeth. Pokey had a point there. He couldn’t very well do anything in this situation. Trixie had all the power and without Time Turner around, he had no one but Princess Sunset Shimmer to turn to. ‘I can’t believe I’m thinking this, but I miss Turner.’

Night tried and failed several times to think of something. Anything. He couldn’t help but gaze around his office. The same one he’d been in for over twenty years. ‘I can’t get out of this one. Looks like it’s the end of the road for me.’ he admitted to himself. He’d keep his mouth shut though. He would never give anyone the satisfaction of seeing him in defeat. So without further ado, he calmly stood up from his chair and made for the door. Just as he was opening it, Pokey spoke up.

“Your badge, Night Watch.”

Night Watch’s eyes widened for a second before narrowing. ‘Pokey never dared take that tone with me before.’ He snarled, ‘Already letting the power get to him, the damned ingrate.’ He took the badged off of himself and hurled it at Pokey. Pokey caught it with his magic, infuriating Night even more. “I hope this backfires on you.” With that, he shut the door.

What Night didn’t see was Pokey smirking and throwing the badge up in the air repeatedly, “Doubt it.”


Thunderlane yawned as he made his way to the front door. The incessant knocking had been going on for a few moments, but he had been content with his sleeping arrangement. Now he couldn’t ignore it. ‘I bet it’s something dangerous. Damn, and I was going to enjoy my day off.’ He opened the door to see Inquisitor Trixie, Dot, and several Royal Guard outside. “What can I do for you, Inquisitor?”

Trixie couldn’t help but glare at him, “I would think you would show a little more respect to your betters.”

“I normally would, but this is my day off.” Thunderlane put a hoof over his mouth. “Besides, I’m a bit too tired to think properly. Can’t it wait till later?”

Trixie smirked, “No, Trixie thinks not.” Dot nudged her, causing her to roll her eyes. “I think not. For you see, Thunderlane. I have no more use of you and your militia. Ponyville needs a strong and firm hoof to guard it. I would think of none better then the actual Royal Guard.”

Thunderlane’s jaw dropped, “You… you can’t do that!”

Trixie chuckled, “Of course I can. Besides, Princess Sunset Shimmer lives in this very town. Do you think your measly militia can do anything to protect her.” She raised a hoof to stop his answer, “No, no you can’t offer the protection she needs. I can.” She gestured to the soldiers behind her. “And so can these brave guardsponies. So continue to relax and enjoy your day off. You can think about your next career choice in the meantime. Perhaps being a weather pony might suit you.”

“I have served in Celestia’s name for years,” Thunderlane growled. “I have fought back a number of her foes. I deserve this position.”

“You deserve a long vacation,” Trixie chuckled. “And now you have it. Take care no.” With that said, she pushed him back with her magic and closed the door.

Thunderlane couldn’t help but stand there, staring at the door. ‘She… she can’t do that… She can.’ He growled, ‘She can and she did, that damnable mare.’ Thunderlane would need to think of something to get around this. Perhaps he’d try and find something with Time Turner or Rarity.

Trixie couldn’t help but have her spirit soar. Everything was going as planned. Even better in some cases. Soon, she would have everything in order. Then she could climb the social ladder and take her spot on the council. ‘Then I shall have the honor of sitting by Princess Celestia’s very side.’ However, she couldn’t help but notice Dot’s agitated expression. “What are you so agitated about, Dot?”

“I still think disbanding the local militia is a mistake,” Dot grumbled.

Trixie snorted and rolled her eyes, “I have told you already. I have no need for them. They had too much influence on the town and were loyal to Time Turner. Besides, the royal guard are better armored and have the finest training that Equestria has to offer. Ponyville loses nothing with this exchange.”

“The militia have fought well in the past,” Dot countered. “And they know the area better than anyone. If we could use them-”

“We. Have. No. Need.” Trixie emphasized each word. She smirked as they walked by one of the new munitions depots. Militia were lining up to relinquish their weapons and outfits. More often done reluctantly. They were shoved aside by the guard when that happened. She gestured to them, “This is the future of Ponyville, Dot. At least, the start.”

“I don’t doubt that you have the town’s best in mind,” Dot mumbled. “But perhaps you shouldn’t rush into this.”

“I have to capitalize on this recent success,” Trixie hummed to herself. “Which is why I have chosen the date for the griffon’s execution.”

“He hasn’t had his trial.”

Trixie waved him off, “Nopony cares. He’s a griffon. He’ll die tomorrow by beheading. Everypony will cheer my name for this act and you know it, Dot.”

Dot nodded, “Yeah, I know it. I just think you might be a bit too hasty with this.”

“And I think you’re being too cautious,” Trixie snorted. “Now let us continue onwards. I’m sure Mayor Mare will want to hear my decision posthaste.”


Unbeknownst to them, somepony was listening in on their conversation. Said pony was none other than the most wanted pony in Ponyville: Suri Polomare. Said mare needed to do everything in her power to stay hidden and try to clear up this mess. Yet she was so tempted to fling herself from her hiding place in an alleyway and sever Trixie’s head from her shoulders. It would be easy too. She didn’t doubt Trixie was skilled, but Suri was close enough that Trixie wouldn’t be able to summon or do pretty much anything before she was dead.

‘The changeling could be a problem,’ she kept going with this train of thought. She idly rubbed her hidden and compacted spear. ‘And there are a number of guards around. I might be able to slice her head off an escape. ‘Might’ being the crucial word here.’

However that train of thought was interrupted when something crashed down behind her, “There you are.”

Without a second thought, she spun around and activated her spear which jutted out until it was an inch from the other mare’s neck. All in the blink of an eye. Thankfully, she noticed who she was pointing her weapon at before anything more could happen. “Lightning?” She quickly put away her weapon.

“A bit jumpy, aren’t you?” Lightning Dust couldn’t help but idly rub her neck where the blade almost punctured.

“I’m a wanted mare,” Suri responded. ‘Oh if only you wanted me, Lightning…’ “So could you not try and make my life a bit harder.”

Lightning nodded and whispered, “Right. You’re hiding. My bad.”

Suri nodded back, “Yeah, so I would appreciate a little quiet. Thank you.”

Lightning grinned, “Gotcha, so what’re doing out here anyways? Why didn’t you stay back at the tree house? Sunset could have kept you safe there.”

Suri gritted her teeth, “I… I just wanted to get out for a bit. Stretch my legs, you know?”

Lightning’s stare told her she didn’t believe that, “You’re going to try and break him out, aren’t you?”

Suri’s eyes widened, “N-no. I wanted to-”

“You should have just asked me if you wanted help with that,” Lightning smirked.

Suri blinked in confusion, “You’d… help me?”

“Of course I would,” Lightning’s grin grew, “Why wouldn’t I help a friend? Also, it’s a bit personal.” She narrowed her eyes as the memory came back to her.


“You should get a haircut,” Trixie offered, eyeing up Lightning’s mane. “Honestly, that look doesn’t suit you and is rather an eyesore.”


Lightning snarled, “No one calls out my mane like that. I spend hours on this thing to make it perfect. Hours!”

“And it pays off,” Suri whistled with a smile. She wanted to stroke that mane and snuggle that mare, but she had to resist. A light blush was on her face. She had more important things to worry about. “So you’re going to help me break him out? You aren’t going to stop me or tell Princess Shimmer?”

“Sunset,” Lightning rolled her eyes. “Princess Shimmer just sounds weird to me and yeah. I’m going to help you. If you say he’s innocent, he’s innocent.”

Suri chuckled, “Thank you.” She pulled Lightning into a hug. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Lightning returned it, “What are friends for? Anyways, what’s the plan?”


Rarity had seen and done a lot of things. Many of which had never been done before. That went without saying since she was Equestria’s first pony to be in charge of a diamond dog clan. That was stressful enough in its own way, without adding into her already booming fashion business. She was planning on opening up a few new stores soon so she had hoped for some peace and quiet.

This was Ponyville after all, so she never got that. It had thrown everything at her and the town. Now she had to deal with this on her own.

A crying princess laying on her couch eating up her third tub of ice cream.

“And… and we yelled at each other,” Sunset blithered as she took in another bite. Rarity was thankful she had a ton of ice cream on hoof. It was her comfort food afterall. “And then she stormed off. Now… now she might not be my friend anymore!”

“Now Sunset-”


Rarity’s ears splayed back as she tried to block out the crying, “Princess Sunset Shimmer!” Sunset stopped crying and looked at her. Well, at least she wasn’t shouting or anything. She was still tearing up with her tear stained cheeks puffing out from frustration and ice cream. “She’s still your friend.”

“But we had a fight,” Sunset sniffled. “And she got angry with me and now she won’t want to see me anymore.”

“Friends fight all the time,” Rarity shook her head and took a seat beside her on the couch. “We can’t always get along. I mean, you get into fights with your brother.”

Sunset sniffled some more, “But he asks for it.”

Rarity chuckled, “Well so does mine and vice-versa. Siblings are like friends except blood related.”

Sunset ‘ooohed’, “I didn’t know that… I’m still new to this friendship thing so I still have a lot to learn. Still… she didn’t seem to want to talk to me anymore.”

Rarity pulled Sunset into a hug, “Give her time. She’ll come around. In the meantime you just have to work up the nerve to apologize.”

“...But I just wanted to keep her safe,” Sunset said quietly. So quietly Rarity almost didn’t hear her. “If we got involved…”

“I understand that you want to keep them safe,” Rarity spoke up. “But sometimes the best option isn’t always the safest one. Also, you’re a princess. Trixie will listen to you and if she doesn’t, call your mom.”

Sunset pouted, “I don’t have to call mom to solve all my problems. I’ll deal with this myself…” She looked down at her ice cream tub. “After I have some more ice cream.”

Rarity chuckled, “A good cry and some ice cream always makes everything better. Gets your frustrations off your chest.”

“The diamond dogs told me that fighting did that for you,” Sunset piped up.

Rarity groaned, “...A little, but never mention that to anyone. It is uncouth for a lady to partake in such activities just to satisfy her own aggravations.”

Sunset smiled, “I’ll keep it to myself.” ‘Hey look, talking with others does make me feel better.’ Sunset thought to herself. She had been too hesitant to talk to her friends about this, but Coco had done her best to get Rarity in on the problem to sort it out. An outsider's perspective is all. Maybe everything would be alright.

A knock on the door told her that her other friends had come, “Sunset?” Pizzelle called inside. “Are you alright, dearie?”

“I’m alright,” Sunset called out. Her friends soon trotted inside. The moment they saw her, Sunset’s eyes widened. “NO!” They rushed her and pulled her into a group hug. “Group hugs! Why do you do this to me?”

“Because we’re your friends,” Fiddlesticks grinned.

“So we like to see you suffer,” Quickfix also grinned. “Also, I fixed your alarm clock.”

“...Will it kill me?” Sunset asked.

“Only if you push the red button” Quickfix answered. “Never hurts to have your clock act as a secret bomb.”

“Oh that reminds me of the time I had to use a clock to escape a Baryonyx,” Pizzelle quipped. “Oddly, it sort of exploded too. I think that’s because…”

Sunset groaned. These were her friends. This was what real friendship was. All the heartache and headaches were included. Now she just had to get Lightning back on her side. ‘Because at this point, I know that idiot has gone and gotten herself into trouble. Might as well rush in and save her. Maybe next time she’ll listen. Doubt it.’

Author's Note:

And done. Took longer then expected, but college is the great fanfic killer. I've gotten to know that first hand, but it won't stop me. Still, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'll try and get the next one out soon but I won't make promises. Finals might eat into my time, but I hope to finish something by the end of it.

Till next time, I hope you all do well and comments are always appreciated. :twilightsmile: