• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 1,338 Views, 183 Comments

To Fear A Predator - Evowizard25

Ponies are going missing and it seems like the newly arrived griffin is to blame. Is he really and will Inquisitor Trixie's meddling make things worse?

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You Gotta Show Some Care

“So,” Inquisitor Trixie sat on the other side of the dining table from Pokey. The officer was eating normally, as though an Inquisitor wasn’t talking to him. The three of them, including Dot, were gathered inside a little restaurant. Trixie wanted answers and she felt this stallion could give them to her. “How long have you been on the force?”

“I’ve served three years in the local police force,” Pokey answered, taking a sip of his drink.

“And why did you join?” Trixie, out of the corner of her eye, glanced over at Dot. The changeling was keeping an eye on the subject. Unlike many other creatures, changelings had a perfect memory. So she didn’t have to worry about notes and such with this investigation. That and she had requested beforehoof that the establishment keep their area clear of pedestrians as she worked.

“To protect the good ponies of Ponyville,” Pokey Pierce stated. “I grew up in this area and I wanted to make sure that my friends here would be safe.”

“And what about your family?” Trixie quirked an eyebrow.

Pokey’s eyes looked downcast, “Dead. Killed by a manticore. I was happy to hear something killed it.”

Trixie nodded, “Very well. You are very noble to offer your services to the town. I’m sure your superior officers appreciate a good cop such as yourself.”

Pokey snorted, “If they didn’t stop arguing with each other.”

“Oh?” ‘Now this is interesting,’ Trixie thought to herself.

“The Chief, the Inquisitor, the priestess, and the local guard all quarrel with each other all the time.” Pokey said. “They focus on their own agendas and rarely ever come together. It’s frustrating and they don’t think to give out credit to their own. The Chief thinks of himself before the rest of us. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been passed on a promotion because he credits himself or somepony less deserving.”

“Hmmm,” Trixie digested this information, glancing at Dot to make sure he got all that. At his slight nod, she looked back at him. “This seems typical of less advanced towns. So you admit that the ponies in charge here, including Inquisitor Time Turner is unfit for their jobs?”

Pokey paused before nodding, “Yes, Inquisitor. I do.”

Trixie let a small smile grace her features, ‘I wonder how the other ponies in town feel about them.’ “Thank you for talking with us. I know it must be hard telling anyone of this.”

Pokey nodded once more, “I don’t want to lose my job. I love helping other ponies.”

“You have nothing to fear,” Trixie said. “I shall make sure none learn of this and if they try something, they will have to get through me.” ‘Which will endear the citizens of this town to me. The Inquisitors back in Canterlot will see how good I am and soon I shall be a Grand Inquisitor. Oh father and mother will be so proud.’ “Is there anything else you would like to talk about?”

“Well there is this griffon that-”

Trixie stood up immediately, “Griffon, you say?”

“He just came into town and some strange stuff has been happening about the same time,” Pokey stated, caught off guard by her rapid movements.

“Well I shall look into this then,” Trixie internally squealed. ‘YES! This is my ticket. Oh Trixie, you are on your way to the top for sure and this griffon is the key to doing just that.’


Pizzelle hummed as she strolled along an older path. She was thankful she had bumped into somepony who knew where the griffon and his apprentice lived, or it would have taken her a while to find the place. Her basket of treats was well wrapped up so even if it did take a while, they wouldn’t have gone stale. ‘Hopefully they’ll enjoy them. I know they will, but I can’t be too sure with griffons and their diet.’

The path eventually came to a crossroad. Pizzelle was surprised to see who it was. Rarity smiled over and waved at her, “Good day, Pizzelle. What brings you here?”

“Oh I’m just going over to give the newcomers a welcome to Ponyville gift,” Pizzelle nodded towards the basket to her side. “Somepony has to do it, don’t you know? I don’t think a single pony has as much as wished them a good day. Sad that is.”

“Oh I’m sure the rest of the town will come along,” Rarity added. “I’m heading there myself so I might as well tag along.”

Pizzelle smiled. The two of them were the center of pretty much all the gossip in town. They often got together just to discuss what was going on, when Rarity wasn’t busy of course. “So what brings you to their abode?”

“Oh the mare of the two came by my boutique yesterday,” Rarity explained. “She wanted me to fix up some of their outfits, but the dearie was too shy to come inside. It might have been the diamond dogs. I just thought I’d pop in and see if I could if I could help them there as well as ask her if she could stop by. Her physique is perfect for my upcoming line.”

“Going for the athletic build this summer?”

Rarity nodded, “Indeed. I don’t see nearly enough outfits in the market that can be both elegant and useful in combat. I mean, if you’re going to risk your life, you might as well do it fashionably.”

“I’m not so sure about the risking your life part,” Pizzelle spoke. “But I’m an Element of Harmony now, so it’s more likely to happen then I want it to.”


“Make it purple,” Pizzelle’s favorite color. ‘Hopefully, she won’t go too overboard.’

“You shan't be disappointed,” Rarity beamed. Not long after that, they finally reached the abode. Rarity scrunched her muzzle. “That house needs a serious make-over.”

“They just moved in, Rarity.” Pizzelle said. “I don’t think they’ve had the time to do anything with it.”

“Oh I’m not begrudging them,” Rarity said. “But the place just screams ‘dead inside’. Perhaps I can help them out with redecorating.” The two of them approached the door.

“I’m surprised you aren’t scared of meeting a griffon,” Pizzelle spoke up. “Most of the ponies in town are scared stiff of him. I barely managed to stop them from forming an angry mob not long ago.”

Rarity scoffed, “Darling, I’m the Alpha of an entire Diamond Dog pack and have stared down the likes of angry nobles and even an inquisitor. One griffon isn’t going to scare me after everything I’ve been through. “

Just before the two of them could knock however, the door was opened by none other than the griffon: Crowland Tempo. He peered down at the ponies. He was currently wearing his usual combat gear and idly had his crossbow held in one hand. Crowland blinked in surprised, “I wasn’t expecting visitors.”

“Oh we just wanted to pay a visit and welcome you to Ponyville proper,” Pizzelle used her wing to hold out the basket to him. He gingerly took it and placed it inside. “That and we wanted to apologize for what the ponies did in town.”

“Yes, that was most uncouth of them.” Rarity snorted and shook her head.

Crowland shrugged, “I’m used to it. It doesn’t bother me any, since I know first hand why you lot don’t very much care for us.”

“Well you won’t face any of that nonsense with us around,” Pizzelle spoke. “May we come in?”

“Sorry,” Crowland shook his head and stepped outside. He quickly closed the door behind him, “I’ve got a few things to take care of. Perhaps another time.”

Rarity furrowed her brow, “What about the mare with you? Is she inside?”

“She’s in town,” Crowland started to walk off. “She doesn’t often get the chance to interact with ponies, so I let her have some fun.”

“And pray tell,” Rarity called out to him. “What are you doing with all that gear?”

“Oh just a little scouting,” he waved them off and kept going.

Rarity huffed, “So I came all this way for nothing.” She tapped her chin, “Maybe I can find that mare of his and discuss it with her.”

Pizzelle giggled, “That poor mare.”

Rarity lightly shoved her away, rolling her eyes. She turned her attention to the departing griffon, “Don’t you think it’s a bit odd. All those weapons and armor that he’s wearing?”

“Well the town has been attacked a few times recently,” Pizzelle pointed out. “I’ve seen enough in my time to know that it’s better to be over prepared than underprepared. My grandfather used to tell me that all the time. He served in the Foreign Legion for a time, you know-”

Rarity closed her eyes. She could gossip and go on and on. She was guilty of doing that on occasion, but Pizzelle was something else. She’d ponder on the strange newcomers later. Right now she was going to listen to her friend’s long winded story.


‘Next time, I’m going to find a way to teleport all the way back to Canterlot.’ Sunset groaned as she stared at the two unicorns now trapped in a bubble. Thankfully, they had gotten them out of the bar before anything bad happened. She hadn’t been in town long, but she knew well enough not to upset Berry Punch. Many an unfortunate pony or other such creature have learned that the hard way.

That didn’t save the local fountain though. It was trashed thanks to the two unicorns doing… something for fun. Sunset didn’t want to think about it or the silly dances they made the statue do before the brawl started. So she had put the two into separate magical bubbles.

“Awwww,” Twilight pouted and crossed her forelegs. “Why’d you have to glue the bubbles to the ground?”

“Because if I didn’t, you’d turn this place into a giant version of a pinball machine.” Sunset glared at her. She turned to what was left of the statue. It was just rubble… except for the one leg that was still hopping, singing heavy metal. Twilight had obviously cast some strange spells on it, since it was resistant to both Bon Bon and Sunset’s attempts to destroy it. ‘The magic will fade away soon anyways.’

“That would be awesome!” Lyra shouted in glee.

Bon Bon smacked the bubble with her staff, “No it wouldn’t.” She turned to Sunset, “Princess Shimmer, how do you want me to deal with these two?”

“Just keep them in those bubbles for a couple of hours,” Sunset sighed and headed back home. ‘She’ll probably break out before then, but eh. I don’t care at this point. Chaos is inevitable. I really hope Trixie leaves soon and takes her with her.’ As she walked on, she noticed Suri walking the opposite way not far ahead. “Hey.”

“Hey,” Suri nodded as she and Sunset came to stop, face to face.

“So how’re you doing?” Sunset asked. She was pretty sure you were supposed to ask something like that now and again to others. Their feelings and stuff were important, or whatever.

“Doing fine,” Suri answered. “I was hoping to relax in town and have some fun. I don’t get to stay near pony villages that often so I thought I’d make the most of it.”

Sunset quirked an eyebrow, “You’re not staying?”

“Might,” Suri shrugged. “Might not. Mostly came here for the job.”


Suri blinked in confusion before her eyes widened, “Ummm… just the job of hunting birds, mmmkay. Some birds can… offer large prices in the market.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. That sounded like a lie. A part of her wanted to try and pry the information out of her. Another part of her declined, ‘It’s none of your business. You already performed one friendship problem with her and that’s it. You just have to worry about Quickfix blowing up the town next Tuesday or something and write up a report on that.’ “Alright, if that’s what you say.”

“Hey Sunset,” Lighting suddenly landed beside her. “I was wondering if you could check out some of my newest moves. You know, that I’ll be impressing the Wonderbolts with in the upcoming Young Fliers Competition.”

Sunset groaned. She never liked watching sports and flying maneuvers didn’t exactly do it for her. She always fell asleep during Wonderbolt shows. “About that…”

“L-lightning?” Suri stuttered. Her face took a hue of red to it.

Lightning Dust looked at Suri as she finally noticed the mare. Her eyes widened, “Suri? Suri Polomare?” Suri nodded, to which Lightning laughed. “Oh it’s been so long. How’ve you been? No wait, you finally became a famous fashionista like you wanted. Interesting choice of clothes. YOu used to like frilly stuff. This new look is actually pretty awesome.”

Suri’s blush got worse, “N-n-no, I… hunt things.”

Lightning quirked her head to the side in question, “Hunt things?”

Suri nodded, “Y-y-yes, for bits.”

“Doesn’t sound like something you would enjoy,” Lightning scratched her head in unison.

“You two actually know each other?” Sunset asked.

“Of course we do,” Lightning walked over and turned to Sunset. She put a hoof around Suri and pulled her close to her. Suri ‘eeped’ in surprise. “We were best friends growing up.”

Suri nodded, “Yeah, best friends.” She seemed to be a bit down about the ‘friends’ part.

‘Must be a friendship thing,’ Sunset thought.

“We’ve got to catch up,” Lightning smiled. “How about you come watch me perform some tricks? Like how we used to, but I have to warn you. I’ve become pretty epic over the years. I might blind you with my awesomeness.”

“I’m sure I can handle it,” Suri smiled.

“How about you, Sunset?” Lightning asked. “You coming?”


“I’d really appreciate the support,” Lightning said.

Sunset grit her teeth. She wanted to say no, but this friendship stuff was important now. ‘Curse you friendship. You make me actually care about other people.’ “Fine.”

Lightning hoof pumped, “Oh yeah. Don’t you worry. You won’t regret it.”

Author's Note:

Apologies for the long wait. College is a handful. :ajsleepy:I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They are very much appreciated. :twilightsmile: