• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 1,336 Views, 183 Comments

To Fear A Predator - Evowizard25

Ponies are going missing and it seems like the newly arrived griffin is to blame. Is he really and will Inquisitor Trixie's meddling make things worse?

  • ...

Nightly Rescue

It was nightfall in Equestria. Everyone was inside of course. Not many did business during the dark. It evoked too much terror within the Equestrians. This is the exact reason Suri and Lightning were about so late. The pair of them sneaked about as several guards patrolled the streets. The guard had made sure everyone had gone to bed at a ‘reasonable hour’ as Trixie had put it. The guardsponies were ready for anything, but if Suri had it her way, they wouldn’t know they were there.

“I still don’t know why we don’t just storm the place,” Lightning whispered. “We can so take them.”

Suri sighed, “I know sneaking around isn’t your style, Lightning. But this is the best option. Besides, I thought you liked Daring Do? She does this sort of thing all the time.”

Lightning huffed, which made Suri want to hug her. “Alright, you’ve got me there. I’ll follow you on.”

Suri smiled and simply said, “Good.” She was going to do her damnedest to get her master back. Although, she also wanted to prove herself to Lightning. ‘Maybe after this, she’ll notice me ‘that’ way.’ She idly thought to herself. The guards weren’t something to be trifled with. These weren’t just standard militia. That she could handle just well enough. No, these were actually Infantry. They were better trained and while she was still sure that she could take on a few, they could prove to be more trouble than it was worth.

Still, she had gotten to know a thing or two about Ponyville in the short time she was there. She was confident that they’d pull this off well enough. It didn’t take them too long to find their way to the local jail. Coming up from behind, the duo spied a single guardspony defending the back entrance. Suri quirked an eyebrow at that, but she assumed that Trixie was a little too confident in her own capabilities and hadn’t put much in defense of the jail. This would cost the Inquisitor.

Suri pulled out a dart and threw it. Without a sound it hit the guard in the neck and within a second, they fell down. “Clear.”

“Did you-”

“They’ll wake up in a few hours,” Suri frowned. “You didn’t think I’d just kill somepony like that, right?”

Lightning snorted, “No, just asking is all.”

“Alright,” with that said, they continued on. Suri quickly picked the lock on the back door and quietly walked inside. She came to a stop before a corner. Her ears perked and she heard a couple of ponies shuffling about. She readied two more darts. Without another thought, she rolled over and threw them all within a couple of seconds. Too quick for the two guards to notice before they were on the floor, unconscious. The two rounded the corner, careful not to step on the guards. Suri took the keys and looked over to her master.

To which she almost dropped them… and slit the guards throats. Even in the low light, she could easily spot the numerous bruises criss crossing his body. His ankles and wrists were bound in chains connected to the back wall. It made her blood boil.

“Easy now,” Crowland Tempo spoke, opening up an eye. “Don’t go blowing this breakout with your temper.”

“Master,” Suri seethed. “Tell me the individuals who harmed you and I shall end them.”

Crowland sighed and shook his head, “I’ve had worse. These,” he held up his bruised arms and chuckled. “Are nothing. Try being in an actual griffon prison those damned Khorne loving bastards own. Now that’s a horrendous experience. Now quickly, unlock these blasted things.”

Suri didn’t waste any time to do just that and quickly escorted him out of the building, “We’ll get you out of here.”

Crowland quirked an eyebrow at Lightning, “Friend of yours?”

Lighting grinned, “Yeah, the Lightning Dust. Element of Loyalty and future Wonderbolt, glad to meet you.”

“Glad to meet you too,” Crowland smiled. “Suri can’t stop talking about you. Just as cute as she told me.” He chuckled at Suri’s blush.

“M-Master,” Suri sputtered, doing her best not to look at Lightning. Said pegasus wasn’t paying much attention to them. She was looking out for any guards. Thankfully, they weren’t any around. They might just make it-


Suri sighed, ‘Dammit, shouldn’t have been too quick to think that. Guess we’ll go out the hard way.’ Suri steeled herself as she moved. Her Master was leaning against as they walked.


Trixie curled herself around her little human, using herself as a pillow for him to rest his head on. A book was in her magic as she flipped a page, “And that’s when the brave Inquisitor lifted his sword and said-”

“I will not fear you, monster.” Little Cato finished with a smile. “As long as Celestia is in my heart, I shall know no fear.”

“Very good,” Trixie smiled and kissed his head. “You seem to have memorized this book well enough on your own. Maybe I should choose a different one.”

“No,” Cato quickly said. “I like this book.”

Trixie chuckled and nuzzled him, “Very well, but no interruptions, young colt.” It was times like this that Trixie cherished the most. Her little one nestled safely against her as she watched him drearily yawn. Years before, she never would have imagined herself a mother, especially not to a human. Now though… she wouldn’t dream of anything else. ‘I will keep you safe, my little Cato. That I promise you.’

Suddenly, the door was forced open by a guardspony. “Inquisitor, the prisoner has escaped!”

Trixie just stared at him for a moment. Her mind was processing exactly what he said, before her face bore a scowl. “Stay here, Cato. Master has a few things to set right.”


Suri heard the guards getting closer. With just her and Lightning, she was sure they’d escape without anyone seeing them. Unfortunately, her master was in no condition to be going anywhere that fast or swiftly. Somepony would find them. Soon. She needed to buy them time.

“I see them!” She heard a voice call out.

Now was that time. She pushed her Master onto Lightning Dust, “Get him out of here. I’ll distract them long enough for you to escape.”

“What are you talking about?” Lightning glared at her. “I’m not leaving you. We can make it out of this. Hay, I’ll fly us out of here if I really need to. I’m not a slouch.”

“You can’t carry both of us,” Suri stated. “At the very least, not without slowing us down even if you could. The guardsponies would catch up and shoot you down. No, I’ll stay and buy you some time.” She gave her a reassuring smile, “But don’t worry. I don’t plan on getting caught. I’ll meet with you late on.”

“You better,” Lightning snorted.

Her Master weakly ruffled her mane, “Just remember what I taught you. Don’t overextend yourself.”

Suri smiled, “I won’t, Master. Now get going.” When the two started on without her, Suri turned back to the stampeding guards. She knew most of the guards were on that side of the town, having scoped it out herself. Lightning and her Master could evade the very few their way. She’d deal with most of them.

One of them came into view. The guard turned her head to yell back, “I see somepony!” A dart to the neck made her stumble and fall to the ground just as soon as she shouted.

Suri would fight them off, but she’d avoid killing them. They were in enough trouble as is and trying to prove her Master’s innocence would prove tricky if she just up and killed a bunch of ponies. Even if that was in self defense, but she knew the courts wouldn’t see it that way.

Suri’s ears perked. She nimbly leapt out of the way of a earth pony guard who had jumped down from atop a building, trying to skewer her on a spear. She idly remembered that a few guards, both unicorns and Earths were patrolling the rooftops. The buildings were all similar in height, apart from a few, and so close together that it made this easy enough. She’d have to watch the rest of them more carefully on her way out of town.

The guard pulled his spear out from the ground and glared at her. She gave him a clear ‘come get me’ quirk of her head and he was already charging straight at her. Pulling out a little electric rod from her belt, she spun around him as she raised herself on two legs. Her hoof drove the rod right behind his head, the electric charge was strong enough to send him reeling to the ground, clearly out of the fight for a while. She put the rod back onto her belt after deactivating it, only to duck from an arrow. She pulled out her retractable spear from her back, spinning and blocking two more bolts.

She quickly identified two pegasi archers flying over head. She swiftly blocked two more bolts with her spear before ducking one hoof into her dart pouch. The two pegasi fired again and she knocked them both aside before throwing the darts with her hoof. She was very much thankful for her Master’s training or she’d never have been able to do this much while on her back legs. It helped that her mother was a unicorn so her body was nice and lithe, allowing her to dodge a bit more easily.

The two pegasi fell out of the sky as the darts took effect. Suri used this opportunity to run. She wasn’t foolish enough to fight off all of them and hopefully, seeing four of their comrades out of the fight would make them hesitate. She’d be able to escape then.

She was knocked off her hooves when something smashed into her. She looked up to see a unicorn guard snarling down at her. He raised his hoof to smash against her face. She blocked it and squeezed his hoof. She might have been half unicorn but she was still an earth pony. The unicorn winced at her squeezing and she used the opportunity to roll them both so now she was on top. One swift and heavy punch and he was out like a light.

Two other guards charged with their spears pointed straight at her. She backflapped out of the way and ducked when one of them tried to stab her skull. She punched the guard, which made him stumble, and jumped back when the second guard made to stab her. Suri gave him a roundhouse kick to the face, which sent him flying.

The other guard rushed her. She turned and pushed the spear out of the way to punch the guard in the face. The guard dropped her spear and tried to headbutt her. Suri twisted around her to grab her midsection and throw her right into the charging guard she had kicked earlier. Swiftly, she grabbed her spear and activated it. The spear jutted out and the flat end smacked right into a guard that had been trying to sneak on her. She turned and smacked her spear a few times on the guard, before nailing him in the forehead hard enough to knock him out for a while.

Suri took this opportunity to run again. She made sure to keep her ears perked as to not be surprised again. Unfortunately for her, she wouldn’t be getting far. Up ahead, Inquisitor Trixie came walking out of another alley. Even with the low light, she could tell the Inquisitor wasn’t happy. She stopped a ways from her, “Inquisitor Trixie…”

“Suri Polomare,” the Inquisitor seethed. “I’ve been reading up on you, mercenary. You have quite the list of… achievements. I’m almost impressed.”

“What can I say?” Suri’s body tensed as she readied herself to get moving. “A mare’s got to make a living for herself.”

“Indeed,” Trixie readied her two pistols in her magic. “Though I’m afraid this is where your adventure ends.”

“My Master is innocent!”

Trixie smirked, “I have sufficient evidence to say otherwise.”

“Oh buck that,” Suri snarled. “You’re just forcing it without trial. You were even going to execute him tomorrow. Why? He deserved to be given a chance to voice his innocence.”

“Because I knew-”

“You knew nothing!” Suri glared at the Inquisitor before her eyes widened. “You didn’t care. You didn’t care if he was innocent or not. You just wanted to use him.”

Trixie chuckled, “Very astute. Yes, a troubling mercenary with a blood soaked past. Add in the fact that he’s a griffon and no one will blame me for killing him.”

“Except your conscious.”

“Oh please,” Trixie rolled her eyes. “He’s a griffon. Whether he’s guilty or not doesn’t matter. If he isn’t guilty, then I shall find who is post haste with nary any detrimental effects to my image.”

“But what if I could prove that he’s innocent?”

“You won’t have the chance, I’m afraid.” Trixie readied her aim. “The execution is already scheduled. You can join him if you love your Master so much. Save me a bit of trouble, or how about I just kill you right now?” With that said, she fired.

Suri jumped to the side to avoid the first bullets. She pulled out her spear and ran towards Trixie. Her spear blocked the bullets with each swing, something her Master had taught her. Bullets were harder to see and thus block then arrows, but she was confident she’d be to pull it off. She jumped onto the side of the building, and using just an ounce of magic thanks to her unicorn heritage, used it to allow her to run along the side of the building on her hindlegs. Trixie was slightly surprised, but caught herself just as Suri jumped and tried to smack her with her spear.

Trixie raised her sword to block it, forcing Suri to jump back and land in an offensive stance. “I’m impressed. Actually impressed. That doesn’t happen often.”

“I’m glad,” Suri gripped her spear tighter. She knew she hadn’t seen much of the Inquisitor’s battle technique. Inquisitors weren’t pushovers. She had to fight one in the past and that was certainly a challenge. “Now let me go in peace and I won’t have to impress you with my spear again.”

Trixie laughed, “I don’t think so.” She charged with her sword raised. Suri parried and parried again. Fighting a magic user was always a bit tricky. Since the sword was being held by magic, it was a tad harder to predict exactly where it would land. Still, she did her best to keep the Inquisitor at bay.

Trixie pressed herself up close to her, “Ready to give up?”

Suri pushed herself closer, almost nose to nose with the Inquisitor. “Never.”

That’s when she felt two pistols, each on one side of her head. Trixie chuckled, “I think you better give up now or I’ll be forced to execute you. How about ten seconds to think it over, hmm?”

Suri’s eyes widened and as she watched Trixie silently mouthing the numbers, she slowly reached down for her electric rod.

Trixie was focused solely on Suri’s face that she didn’t notice it, “Zero. Ah, so sa-” Trixie’s body shook as electricity sparked about it. Suri had his her chest with the prod, causing Trixie’s magic to turn off. The guns and sword fell to the ground, allowing Suri to smash her spear against the side of Trixie’s face. Using her spear, she planted it on the ground and jumped, kicking Trixie’s face again, sending her a few feet into the air before landing on her side.

Suri smiled and bowed her head, “Impressive, but not good enough.” She made to turn when she saw the Inquisitor in front of her, with her sword at the ready. She moved her head to see another Trixie. Then another. Then another. Her eyes widened when she saw seven of them surrounding her.

“Impressive,” all of the Trixie’s spoke. “But you forgot about one little thing. All Inquisitors have a trick up their sleeves and mine just so happens to be duplication magic. Now prepare to die!” The clones then charged.

Suri had to duck and weave to avoid the swords. At first, she just thought they’d be illusions but one of them nicked her cheek when they tried to make a lunge. It was known that some illusionists were powerful enough to make their projections actually feel real but this was her first taste of it. She didn’t like it. She thrusted her spear and stabbed one of them in the chest. The Trixie clone looked at her in shock and then disappeared in a magical dissolve. Suri quickly had to use her spear to block another sword, push it away and then roll out of two more swings. She had her work cut out for her.

The Trixie’s laughed, “Tired yet?”

“I’m just getting started,” Suri snarled. She pulled out a small dagger and threw it, hitting one of the clones in the head, destroying it. The other five charged and she was back on the defensive. She blocked two blows from her assailants before, stabbing one of them in the chest. Another clone down.

“Three down,” Trixie seemed amused. “Four to go.” Suri let out a small hiss of pain when one sword cut into her foreleg. It wasn’t too deep, but it was a long cut. “But can you take out the last four without dying?”

The four Trixie clones had surrounded her and this time, they had closed in closer. One of them even nicked her in the side of her chest. Again, nothing too deep but Suri felt like her luck was running out. The clones wouldn’t tire out. She could. Suri needed to do something quick to turn the tide. She ducked when the four all tried to stab her at once and thrusted the butt of her spear down. She then jumped and used the spear to thrust her back hooves straight into the face of one clone. She rolled and stabbed on clone, before quickly pulling back and stabbing the down clone while she was at it. She jumped back when the other two clones made to stab her, only missing her by inches.

She huffed. The cuts covering her body were starting to sting, but it was nothing to her. She’d had worse. She moved her hoof and gave a ‘come here’ gesture. The two two clones charged and she charged with them. At the last second, she dived in between them. She rolled and then turned back to stab one of them in the haunches. The clone didn’t feel back but it stumbled and fell. The other turned to face her, swifter than a normal unicorn would. Suri fought this one head to head, before smirking. She let the clone pushed against her spear, before using the electric rod for the same trick that had befallen the real Trixie beforehoof. It worked and the electricity destroyed the clone. The last one tried to make its last stand, but Suri finished it with a thrown dagger.

Suri was confident that it was over. That is until she felt a gun right against her forehead.

“You really did live up to the reports,” Trixie smugly spoke. “Of course, you still don’t hold a candle to my own abilities. Goodbye, Suri Polomare. I’ll make sure to deal with your Master soon enough. Just take heart that you die by the hoof of the grandiose Inquisitor Trixie, soon to be High Inquisitor of Equestria.”

Suri closed her eyes and prepared for the end, ‘Master, I hope you forgive me for my loss. Lightning… there was so much I wanted to say to you that… I hate myself more than ever for not saying it before the end. I hope you find someone who’s really good for you.’

The end never came. She heard Trixie let out a small pained cry and then someone smashing into a building. Suri opened her eyes to see a pony she wasn’t expecting, “Lightning? What are you doing here?!!”

“Came to save your sorry butt, that’s what.” Lightning snorted. “Don’t worry. I got Crowland far enough from here to be safe. Now come on,” she leaned down so that Suri could climb on. She didn’t see Suri’s blush at the close contact. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

“NOOOO!” Trixie screamed. She stood up, bruised and dishelved. She raised her gun and fired three times, all of them narrowly missed the pegasus. “Lightning Dust, Element of Loyalty. You betray your Element!”

“I’m loyal to my friends,” Lightning snarled. “And you aren’t one of them.”

Trixie leveled her guns, “Don’t make me kill you.”

“Try it,” without another word, Lightning zoomed off.

Trixie just stared at where they were before quivering.

Dot came running over, “Trixie!” He rushed to her side, “Are you alright?”

“They… escaped.” Trixie’s voice was hollow as if she didn’t believe what happened really just happened.

“The prisoner?” Dot asked, to which Trixie shakily nodded. “We’ll get them all back.” When Trixie didn’t talk, he nuzzled her. “Come on, where’s that overconfident mare I know and love, huh?”

Trixie looked at him which made him flinch. The overwhelming hatred both in her emotions and her eyes were immense, “I want them now! Do you hear me, now! I am so close… So close. They will not ruin my chance.” She looked over at the guards starting to amass about her. “FIND THEM! FIND THEM NOW, YOU INCOMPETENT IDIOTS!” The guards whimpered and ran off to try and track the speeding pegasus. “I will not lose them.” Trixie moved forward, stomping the ground as she did so.

Dot gulped, “I’ve got my worked cut out for me.” He sighed. He’d have to keep a close eye on Trixie to make sure she didn’t overextend herself… again.

Author's Note:

This took longer to get out then I had really hoped. I am sorry to everyone for how long this story is taking. I had really planned to be done with this story this year but life got in the way and writer's block came up. I really hope to finish this story early next year so I can finally move on to another Shimmerverse story.

That being said, I hope you all are doing fantastic and please leave a comment. They are very much appreciated.

Good day to you all. :twilightsmile: