• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 1,337 Views, 183 Comments

To Fear A Predator - Evowizard25

Ponies are going missing and it seems like the newly arrived griffin is to blame. Is he really and will Inquisitor Trixie's meddling make things worse?

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Inquisitor Time Turner adjusted his hat. He couldn’t help but have a smile upon his face as he did so. It had not been but a few moments before he got a letter from the Inquisition stating his reinstatement. It was short and to the point, something he wasn’t really surprised about. The Inquisition did pretty much want him kicked out for one reason or another. A bunch of blowhards, he thought they were. Still they were better than the lot he had to deal with centuries ago. It helped that he was close with Celestia too, but even that wouldn’t save him if he really ticked them off the next time.

Which meant he’d stay in Ponyville for the time being. Now that really made his smile grow. The little town was basically paradise for him. He wouldn’t trade his new friends and acolyte for anything. The loud crash in his house though made him grumble about that fact. He moved over to find Lyra and Twilight playing with pies. Which basically had them flying around, sometimes literally on their own power, at each other.

He honestly didn’t know when he found himself with Twilight under his care. He had been released from the hospital and as it turned out, Twilight was basically to be looked after at all times. This applied to now more so given that Trixie wasn’t in town and didn’t want to bring along her chaos sorcerer. He didn’t know why she would do that at the time. Now he knew. Twilight was a headache to keep on target and it would take away from her investigation. This all lead to now where he had to deal with two rather messed up ponies.

“Attention!” He cried out. Several pies hit the floor as the two ponies stood in front of him. Lyra gave him a salute with her forehoof and panted like a dog with her tongue lolling out. Twilight just grew out her tail and morphed the hairs into a hand to do the same thing. The tongue thing included. He sighed, “What are you two doing?” ‘I already know the answer, but the best thing is to keep them talking so they don’t get right back to it.’

“Just playing, sir.” Lyra dutifully answered. He could at least count on her to be honest with him. “Since Twilight is to be under our command for the time being, I thought it would be good to unwind.”

“Just make sure it doesn’t go like your last attempt,” Time Turner narrowed his eyes when they nervously chuckled. “You’re still on lockdown because of it. If you hadn’t, maybe Trixie would have brought you on her mission.”

Twilight pouted and crossed her forelegs, “It’s not my fault I get bored easily. She’s just so… orderly sometimes.” She stuck out her tongue in disgust at saying that word. Then her smile broke out into a grin as it morphed into Trixie’s, “But the look on her face when I surprise her is priceless.” She made an angry face with it, which Turner wondered if that was Trixie’s regular expression.

“Nonetheless,” Turner started as Twilight morphed her head back to normal. “Trixie should be coming back any moment soon. We’ve just got a message back that she’s safe and sound and being transported-” Twilight then vanished piece by piece as if being popped like a bubble. He sighed, “And now we have to catch her before she causes more damage. Wonderful.”

He honestly wouldn’t trade this headache for anything.


“So everyone,” Sunset said as she stood upon a platform overlooking the citizens of Equestria. Standing behind the podium, she stared down at them as she kept talking. Beside and behind her were several of the more important creatures involved in the recent battle, including her friends. Of course, her voice was amplified with the Royal Canterlot voice so there was no way anyone could not understand her. “What have we learned?”

“Not to judge someone based on their species,” the ponies grumbled.


“Not to rush into things and misuse your power for your own gains.”

Sunset smiled and looked back at Trixie. She was currently cuddling Cato to her chest as she talked with Pizzelle who was doing likewise with Hikaru. Dot was nestled beside her. Sunset cleared her throat, gaining Trixie’s attention. “Did you get that as well?”

Trixie huffed. Everyone had basically been chewing her out for everything that had been happening as of late. Usually she would take offense to this. She would come up with some excuse for her actions, but right now she wasn’t feeling like it. She simply nodded, “Yes, I heard every word of it.”

“So take that to heart then,” she heard Blueberry comment beside her. Sunset had to hand it to her, Blueberry seemed like an awesome soldier. Even more so now that she knew she was staying in town to bolster the local militia. Thankfully they were sending a few more troops, and magic users, to replace her loses.

“I will, Blueberry.” Trixie frowned and looked away.

Suddenly, Lightning Dust landed right beside Sunset. Sunset gave a little yelp and her horn lit up with a fireball before she cancelled it out and instead just glared at the pegasus. “And let’s not forget the most important lesson!”

Sunset groaned, “To trust your friends word.” ‘I swear, if she wasn’t my friend and a fellow element bearer, I would burn her to a crip and laugh as I used her ashes as pillow stuffing.’

Lightning smirked, “Not so bad, is it Sunset?”

“Oh can it before I actually incinerate you.” Sunset huffed which only caused Lightning to laugh at it. Seemed things were going back to how it was, which caused Sunset to let out a little smile. She turned back to the crowd. “So what do we say to the nice old griffon?” She gestured to Crowland.

“We’re sorry,” the townsfolk relented, although some just grumbled or mouthed the words. Saying sorry to a griffon didn’t come natural to many and some would never do it. This was the best they could get.

“Apology accepted, mates.” Crowland tipped his hat to them.

Suri let out a breath of relief, “Glad that’s out of the way.”

“Yeah,” Lightning idly put a hoof over her shoulder and pulled her close as she gave her a cocky grin. “I wouldn’t leave a friend hanging if I can help it.” Suri just blushed in response, unsure of what to say to her secret crush.

“Now that’s out of the way,” Trixie huffed and moved forward. “You are all free to leave.” To which the townsfolk were more than happy to comply. She turned back to Sunset Shimmer and bowed, “I’m sorry for my actions, princess. I have shamed this fair country of ours.”

“Oh don’t be so dramatic,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “I’ll put in a good word for you and hopefully you’ll end up on the southern front dealing with the ‘griffon menace’.” Sunset’s wicked grin unnerved the others. “It’s the least I can do after you tried to kill my friend.”

Trixie gulped and shivered, “Y-You are most kind, my princess.”

“I don’t think that’s necessary, Princess Shimmer!” They all turned to see it was Inquisitor Time Turner shouting out to them. Inquisitor Acolyte Lyra Heartstrings was trailing close behind. They both stepped onto the stage and walked up to her, giving a small bow of their heads. “I have received news from Canterlot about the situation.”

“That was quick,” Sunset quirked an eyebrow at that.

Time Turner simply grinned at that, “With the right spells and tech, the Inquisition does its job well.” He paused as he looked over Trixie and then back to Sunset, “So I’ve been reinstated and have been given the status for Trixie. Effective immediately Inquisitor Trixie de Lis is to be stationed in Ponyville and to hold equal power to my own.”

“What?!!” Pretty much everyone else shouted in confusion.

Time Turner nodded, “Yes, that is their orders. It seems some of the Inquisition don’t want you back or the others want you to learn a few things from me. Either way, Trixie is here to stay.”

Trixie gritted her teeth, “Great. As if this day couldn’t possibly get any worse.”

“Trixie~!” With that being said, Trixie was glomped by a flying purple blur. Trixie looked up only to have said blur, which was Twilight Sparkle by the way, to kiss her on the lips. Trixie’s eyes widened as she struggled in her hold before Twilight pulled up. “I was so worried about you. I would have come but I was on lockdown which I’m not anymore so yay~” Twilight teleported away when a sword slashed where her neck used to be.

Trixie quickly got up on her hooves and snarled, “Te crétin sale!” (You dirty moron) She rushed the teleporting and giggling maniac, trying in vain to slash her down. All she got out of her efforts was frustration and slicing air.

Sunset rubbed her forehead. ‘This is going to add so many headaches to my day. I mean, why did I have to end up with Twilight in the same area again? The gods hate me.’


Selfias wasn’t like most chaos sorcerers. They would usually break down in a tirade about their loss and their hatred of the ‘heroes’. They would scream, shout, and probably kill some of their subordinates just to make themselves feel better. He wasn’t like that. Partially because he needed as many resources as he could get given their recent failures had drained him of some much needed cannon fodder. That and he was more level headed.

Chaos was random, but sometimes it had a purpose. Selfias knew that purpose and he was guide it on its way to victory. This was the long game and he had all the pieces he needed to play his hand. The loss of his trained apprentice was agitating though. It would take a while to find someone of his caliber again. One that could at least stay sane with all that chaotic power but for now, that wasn’t as much of a concern as the thing before him. He looked down at the jewel which pulsated with life inside of it. He gently touched it.

“Soon you will be reborn and with you by my side, we will bring back our god.” He grinned as a small chuckle bubbled its way to his lips. More plans came to mind that would have to proceed that, but for now he could at least allow himself to get lost in the certain future. “That much I promise you.”

Author's Note:

And finally, FINALLY, I can call this story finished. I'm not as pleased as I thought I would be with this story but I think that's more of myself doubting a few things. I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter and the story at large. I'm hoping to get something out soon for another Shimmerverse story. Something small so it shouldn't take too much time for me to complete. Until then, I hope you all do well. Can't wait to read all of your comments.

See you in the next story.

Comments ( 8 )

That was a great story. Good work.

A solid wrap-up. Nice to hear Cato and Trixie will be sticking around town.

I'm intrigued by Selfias. You've done several "evil wizard" types before, but he seems smarter and more pragmatic than most of them. I think he'll make a decent recurring villain.

Huzzah! I liked this. And I feel as though Twilight's attitude may have been.... influenced a little by me and our combined antics~

Aus, you will find out you are an influence on some things in the Shimmerverse. (Partially because you're my friend and paritally because you're one of the few writers for the SHimmerverse.)

He looked down at the jewel which pulsated with life inside of it. He gently touched it.

“Soon you will be reborn and with you by my side, we will bring back our god.”

I will be greatly amused if it turns out to be Screwball and not some all-powerful chaos daemon.

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