• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 1,337 Views, 183 Comments

To Fear A Predator - Evowizard25

Ponies are going missing and it seems like the newly arrived griffin is to blame. Is he really and will Inquisitor Trixie's meddling make things worse?

  • ...

The Battle In the Camp

In most circumstances, Trixie would be spending her time shouting out obscenities and threats towards the cultists who dared to hold her hostage. She was an Inquisitor in Princess Celestia’s service. There was no reason to treat her in such a manner unless they were nothing but lowly heretics. That’s how she felt anyways. However she couldn’t do that. She had two children with her, one of which was her own apprentice. So she had curled her body around the two shivering boys and tried to keep them calm. It was her duty of course and it hurt her deeply to see Cato so scared. She would make these cultists pay dearly for that.

“I’m sorry, Master.” Cato pushed himself closer to her. “I had the shot but I missed. If I had taken it-”

“Shhhh,” Trixie nuzzled his head. “Don’t talk like that. You did well, Cato. I’m sure you did. He’s an experienced chaos magi. The fact that you were able to do anything is impressive in its own right. I’m proud of you.”

“R-Really?” Cato looked up at her, his eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

Trixie smiled and kissed his forehead, “Of course.” She looked down at Hikaru and nuzzled him as well, “The same goes for you, little kitsune. I thank you for helping out Cato.”

Hikaru nodded, “I did my best. I’m sorry it wasn’t enough.”

“Neither of you should apologize,” Trixie narrowed her eyes as she hugged the two youngsters closer to herself as some of the chaos cultists moved closer to her cage. She would have liked nothing better then to smash their skulls in, but unfortunately, they had put a magic suppressor ring around her horn so she couldn’t get out of this situation. The same went for Cato and Hikaru. Now and again some of the cultists would point and laugh, jeer, or make lewd comments at her. She ignored them and did her best to not let Hikaru and Cato know the meaning behind some of the things they said.

She couldn’t help but gaze over the chaos camp. It was haphazard and there was no order whatsoever to where the tents and equipment were placed. That made sense to her. They were barbarous chaos cultists after all. Even the loyalist chaos cultists were more organized then this group. The other soldiers caught with her were kept in their own cages, with Blueberry right next to them. However none of that really mattered. What mattered were the fleshy columns sprouting out on the large rock pedestal in the middle of the chaos camp. They gave off a vibe that made Trixie want to run away. She suppressed that feeling and did her best to calm the children.

“Now HIkaru was it?” The little kitsune nodded when she asked. She gave him a smile, “Do you have any family to go back to? Parents?”

Hikaru nodded, “Miss Pizzelle is watching over me.”

“Is she your mother?”

Hikaru hung his head down and sniffled, “I don’t know. I want her to be but…”

“You’re afraid something will happen to her?” Trixie asked. HIkaru nodded which caused her to nuzzle him. “You shouldn’t be afraid of such things. Bad things happen, yes. That is the way of the world, but you can’t spend your days worrying about them. You must strive forward and make the world your own, no matter how many things don’t go your way. So cherish her as much as you can, for as long as you can. Don’t let the fear of the past cloud your present.”

Hikaru seemed to be thinking it over, “Maybe…. Maybe you’re right.”

Trixie smirked, “Of course Trixie is.” She said, her pompous attitude returning. “The Great Inquisitor Trixie is always right, don’t you forget it.”

“Umm, master?” Cato spoke up. “You’re talking in third person again.”

Trixie huffed and crossed her forelegs, “Alright, alright. Trixie, I mean, I will cut that out. At least for right now.” She booped Cato’s nose with her hoof, “Don’t be like Dot, Cato.”

Cato nodded, “Yes Master.”

Trixie sighed as he answered and looked over the two boys. Hikaru was still was shaking slightly in fear, curled up into a little ball by her side. Cato was holding on stronger, but it was obvious he was unnerved by the whole situation. She couldn’t blame either of them for feeling like that. It made her feel all the more terrible for inadvertently getting them into this situation. She pondered for a moment before an old memory popped into her head. “Ah yes, do you remember when you were a child, Cato? The old song I used to sing to you.”

“Yes, master.” Cato nodded.

Magnifique,” Trixie smiled, nuzzling him. “How about I sing you again?” Cato’s eyes widened as a small smile started to come to his face.

“Oh please,” Pokey Pierce shook the cage slightly with his magic as he scowled at them. “If I want to hear your insistent screeching, I’d just torture you right now.”

“Oh just let her sing, damn it.” Blueberry Frost scowled from a nearby cage. “It’s not going to kill you, traitor. Even though I really hope it does.”

“Oh like I’m one to give her the pleasure of it,” Pokey sneered, before another cultist ran up to him and whispered into his ear. He sighed and nodded, “Very well. I’ll be taking off. Sing all you bloody well want, you damned loyalist. It’ll be the last thing you ever do.” Then he started off.

Trixie huffed. A small part of her thought about just pushing off the song. It wasn’t important and she had more important things to think about. Yet when she looked into Cato’s face, she couldn’t help herself. So she started to sing. It was an older song that her mother used to sing to her. A Prench song.

“J'en vois des qui se donnent
Donnent des bijoux dans le cou
C'est beau mais quand même
Ce ne sont que des cailloux
Des pierres qui vous roulent
Roulent et qui vous coulent sur les joues
J'aime mieux que tu m'aimes
Sans dépenser des sous

Moi je m'en moque

J'envoie valser

Les trucs en toc

Les cages dorées

Toi quand tu me serres très fort

C'est comme un trésor

Et ça, et ça vaut de l'or

J'en vois des qui se lancent

Des regards et des fleurs

Puis qui se laissent

Quelque part ou ailleurs

Entre les roses et les choux

J'en connais des tas

Qui feraient mieux de s'aimer un peu

Un peu comme nous

Qui nous aimons beaucoup

Et d'envoyer

Ailleurs valser

Les bagues et les cœurs en collier

Car quand on s'aime très fort

C'est comme un trésor

Et ça, et ça vaut de l'or

Moi pour toujours

J'envoie valser

Les preuves d'amour

En or plaqué

Puisque tu me serres très fort

C'est là mon trésor

C'est toi, toi qui vaut de l'or.”

Cato and Hikaru had set themselves against her as she finished. Trixie chuckled and nuzzled him as a few trapped guards gave a few whistles and claps.

“Didn’t know you had it in you,” Blueberry called over. “Maybe you’d have made a better singer then an Inquisitor.”

Trixie scoffed, “You are very much lucky we are trapped at this moment or I would make sure you regretted those words this very instance.”

Before either of them could say anything more, another set of claps drew near. “That was quite a show you put on, Inquisitor Trixie.” A confident male voice rang in their ears. There was something off about it. It just didn’t feel… right. Into their view stepped a chaos robed sorceror, except this wasn’t just any regular one. This was a Blood Magi. His skin was pulled back to the bone so there was no doubt that there was no flesh underneath. HIs eye sockets were empty besides a red glow to them. His cape was covered in red gems, each one filled with warp infused blood that powered his magic. Blood Magi were the strongest chaos sorcerers barring Discord’s chosen. Having one before them was not good news at all.

“I apologize for my disciples treatment of you thus far,” the Blood Magi bowed his head. “That was wrong of him and I intend to correct that mistake.”

“So you’re going to let us go?” Blueberry spoke up sarcastingly.

The Blood Magi laughed, “Oh no. I need you for the upcoming ceremony but I’ll make your last moments on this planet as pleasant as I can.”

“I sincerely doubt that,” Trixie scowled.

“Oh but I must,” the Blood Magi smiled, which was off putting since his skin moved unnaturally when he moved in any which way. “Without your help, I would be dealing with Inquisitor Time Turner by now.”

Trixie furrowed her brow, “So you believe you were using me to your ends? Ha! I am not one to be used, especially by traitorous filth like you.”

The Blood Magi chuckled, “Oh but you were. I needed an influential but thick headed Inquisitor to keep the town running around its own tail. You did that well enough. Oh and I am sorry for not introducing myself. I am Selfias, a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all yours,” Trixie scoffed. “I’ll make sure to kill you when I get out of here.”

“By the time anyone figures out where you are, you’ll be dead.” Selfias quipped.

“You put too much faith in your own abilities,” Trixie scowled. “And not nearly enough into our revered goddess. You will burn before the end of this day for your transgressions, Selfias.”

Selfias laughed, “Defiant until the end. You are indeed humorous.” He turned back to the large pedestal in the middle of the camp. “I’m thankful that my servants were able to bring a few of you here alive. The crystals we gathered in town were a poor substitute even if they allowed us to get as far as we needed.”

Before any of the captives could question him further, the columns started to glow a bloody red color. Several gems came to life within them. The columns seemed to move in place as the flesh that made them moved. The energy seemed to flow around them, unearthly and chaotic in motion. It felt wrong just looking at it. Within the center, a spark seemed to ignite. The jagged magic seemed to be taking a corporal shape akin to something you would see in a children’s version of a star.

“Behold,” Selfias began. “What you are witnessing is the beginning of the end of the age of order. Your sacrifices will be made in order to summon one of Discord’s chosen. A being who will lead us into a new age and one who brings back our beloved god who was unjustly put to stone all those ages ago.”

“Master,” Pokey went to his side. He sneered at Trixie’s cage. “I think we should start with those ones right there. They seem like the most potent. If we need more, the guards can act as a backup plan.”

Selfias looked back at them. The glowing redness in his eyes unnerved Trixie and the way the two boys shook against her, they felt the same way. “Very well. Take one of them and bring them here.”

“With pleasure, master.” Given his tone, Trixie knew Pokey meant every bit of that. He stopped before the cage and smirked, “I’ve been waiting to do this for a long time. That arrogant smirk of yours really pissed me off.”

Trixie spat into his face, “The feeling is mutual.”

Pokey scowled as he wiped away the spit, “You’ll regret that.” His eyes turned to Cato. His smile made Trixie subconsciously coil more so around him. He pointed to the boy, “He’ll do.”

Trixie’s eyes widened, “You are not touching-” She cried out in alarm and then pain when Pokey’s magic slammed her against the back of the cage, away from the boys. With an extra dose of magic, he sent a current of pain through her body. She tried to still her cries of pain, but they still escaped her lips. It infuriated her to hear his chuckles through it all.

“Alright boy,” Pokey dragged Cato out and pushed Hikaru away when he tried to snap at him. He hoofed him to a few other cultists. “You’re going to do us a great service today. You should be proud.”

“You bastards!” Blueberry slammed her body against the bars of her cage. “Let him go.” Several of the other guards tried to do the same, calling out curses and the like.

Pokey just laughed, “Keep it up. It’ll make your sacrifices all the more delightful in the future.”

“Stop taunting them and bring the sacrifice over,” Seflias called to him.

“Master!” Cato cried out as he was dragged away.

“Cato!” Trixie sprang forward but the cage door slammed into her face and locked her back in. ‘I can still remember when he first looked at me. The little babe held in my master’s arms. I was told to take care of him. It was my mission, he said. I didn’t know what he meant.’


Trixie had never been more frightened than at that moment. She usually prided herself in her composure. Well, her version of composure anyways. She got angry often, but never scared. Not once in several years time, yet now she felt fear. Fear like she had never felt before. Hearing Cato’s cries were breaking her heart. “Cato!” She banged herself against the metal bars.

‘He is my responsibility,’ Trixie’s rage grew stronger. ‘I hated him then. I feel disgust at that emotion now. I cannot hate him. I need him. I need to care for him because… because…’

“Master!” She could see the tears streaming down his eyes. How he was holding his hands out to her, wanting nothing more then for her to snatch him up in her arms.

“Cato!” A cold feeling welled up inside of her seeing him like that. A cold but powerful feeling. As though she was being rejuvenated by her own motherly desire. ‘I have to take care of him. I have to save him.’


Trixie’s eyes widened as she looked into his sobbing face. Hearing that made everything stand still for a moment. She wanted nothing more then to hug him right then and there and tell him everything was going to be okay. It should have been. None of this was supposed to happen. He was supposed to be safe. Her baby was supposed to stay back.

“Quiet you!” Pokey snarled and slammed his hoof into Cato’s face, silencing him.

Trixie’s heart stopped at the sight. Her eyes widened as her nostrils flared. Everything was silent to her as her mind focused entirely on the action. On her boy calling out to her and the strike. The building sensations inside of her flared. They turned red hot with her anger as she glared at the chaos sorcerer. The anger. The power. All of it flowed through her body and pulsed right underneath her horn. She screamed and slammed her body against the bars. Again and again she did so, drawing Pokey’s attention.

He just laughed, “Awww, are you angry Inquisitor Trixie? Good. Maybe that anger will help fuel the summoning ritual.” He stood up on his hind hooves and spread out his forelegs dramatically, “Be honored that your child will be the first to go!”

“CATO!!!” The anger burned through her form, threatening to overtake her before she heard something snap. She moved her head back as her horn shined. The ring over it broke in an instant, falling to the side as she shot her head forward. She pointed it right at him. ‘HE IS MY BABY!’

“What?” Pokey’s eyes widened just as a large bolt of magic destroyed the bars in front of her and shot right at him. Just before it hit, he teleported to Selfias’s side. The bolt struck a cultist behind him. The cultist burst like a balloon, showering her compatriots with her remains. They yelped and scooted back.

“Pokey!” Selfias snarled as Trixie took her first steps out of the cage, an inner fire burning behind her eyes. “You didn’t use a strong enough ring.”

“B-But she wasn’t that strong!” Pokey was slapped by his master. His master, even though he was just skin and bones, still had enough strength to split his lip.

“You should have taken into account magical surges!” Selfias snarled.

Trixie’s magic surged as she sent out a little signal. Thankfully she had tied her sword with her own magical insignia so the moment she did, it came soaring from the cultist’s junkpile. Slicing off a cultist’s head as it did so, it made its way to her side. She slashed through two more cultist’s before she stood over Cato’s prone form. “If any of you dare to touch him, I will kill you!”

Selfias sighed and took a step forward. He gestured to the chaotic spark in the middle of the pillars. “You cannot stop the future, Inquisitor. You only delay. Please lay down your arms. This doesn’t need to end violently.”

“Oh your way is plenty violent,” Trixie snarled. “I can’t believe a pony would stoop this low.”

“After my last plan with the Rockadile failed,” Selfias explained, reminding Trixie of that report filed away back. “I had to find another way to gather the necessary flesh and power. The Rockadile was supposed to keep your attention and allow me to gather enough flesh for this but it was found out too early.”

“And now you’ve come to this,” Trixie spat in disgust. “I will cleave your head off that putrid body of yours. Maybe then you will find absolution in Celestia’s light.”

“Celestia will fall,” Selfias scowled and raised a hoof. Several cultists readied their weapons as they surrounded her. “And there is nothing that can change that.”

Before any of the cultist’s could kill them, one of them noticed a sizzling sound and something bumping his leg. He looked down to see a spherical piece of metal with a burning fuse. His opened his mouth to speak as the fuse burnt itself to the core. It exploded, sending the cultists nearby flying. Most of them were injured or dead due to the metal pieces flying right through them. Three more flying pegasi cultists fell to the ground as three arrows were let loose. The cultists screamed and tried to find whoever fired.

“What?” Selfias shouted in surprise before glaring at Pokey Pierce.

Pokey gulped and rapidly shook his head, “I don’t know who that is. I made sure no one was following us.”

Selfias scowled as more cultists fell down to the arrows coming at them from the forest around them. He narrowed his eyes. “There are only two of them. Break up and find them before they whittle you down!” The cultists tried to do just that as two more explosive spheres sent more sprawling.

“I’ll take care of the Inquisitor,” Pokey smirked as he made his way towards her. Two magical spears hovered around him.

Trixie scowled and stood in front of Cato, brandishing her sword. “Do you really believe you can best the great Inquisitor Trixie?”

“I don’t believe I can,” Pokey readied himself. “I know I can!” With that said, he threw both his spears right at her. Trixie slashed them out of the air. “I’m glad I get to kill you. Else this,” he changed his shape into that of a griffon. “Would have been for nothing?”

Trixie’s eyes widened, “You can change?”

“Well I had to leave some clues for you to find, now didn’t I?” Pokey returned to his regular form as he thrust out another spear which Trixie deflected. “And you fell for it, just as you will fall to my spears.”

As that was going on, a mare sprang out from the forest. The Earth pony ran on her hind hooves as she held a spear in her hand. She swiftly sliced off the locks on all of the cages, stopping before Blueberry’s as she finished the last one.

Blueberry smiled, “Mare, am I ever glad to see you. What’s your name?”

“Suri Polomare,” the mare smiled and twirled, stabbing a cultist that had tried to charge at her through her chest. “And I think we have a few problems on ours hooves right now.”

“Name’s Blueberry,” she smiled as she picked up a crooked cultist sword in one hoof. “But I think we might be a bit out numbered here.”

Suri smirked and raised a rocket, “Not for long!” She sparked it and it shot off into the sky. The explosion sparked in the air. It sent out several great sparks flying around and exploding again to send out more sparks to continue the process for another moment.

Selfias scowled, “Damn it.” He turned to look at the portal he was trying to create. That mare obviously was trying to bring reinforcements. He needed to finish the ritual and finish it now. He looked at the large pulsing purple gem holding the spirit of one of Discord’s chosen. He narrowed his eyes as energy flowed into it. It needed more. A larger sacrifice. He looked to the bodies around him. The dead were adding up. He smiled, “That will do.”

Meanwhile Suri and the escaped soldiers were pushing back the haphazard attacks by the cultists. The soldiers thankfully still had their armor, since the cultists were in a rush to get them here, so they were able to stave off some attacks. Although without any weapons, a couple had gone down already. Suri looked up to see some archers taking aim at them. She knocked aside a few bolts with her spear before shooting one through the head with her retractable crossbow.

The other airborne pegasi hurriedly reloaded their bows and prepared to aim. Just as they did, a greenish blur smashing into one of them. The others let out shrieks of surprise and pain as sparks of electricity ran through them, causing them to fall to the ground. Suri turned to see Lightning smirking at her.

“Thought you could have all the fun, eh?”

Suri chuckled in response, “Not a chance.” She readied herself into a battle stance as another wave of cultists charged at them. “Ready?”

“Oh I was born ready!” Lightning grinned as the two let out their battle cries and charged at the oncoming traitors. Several of them were sent flying as Lightning smashed her hooves into them or shocked them with her lightning attacks, or slashed and skewered by Suri’s numerous weapons.

“Oi,” Blueberry called out to her troops that were huddled up into a group. “Do you want to be outdone by a civilian and a mercenary?”

“No!” Was the resounding answer.

“Then let’s show them how the guard does it!” With that the guard charged and struck the chaos line.

Trixie had her own hooves full with just one cultist. She dodged and weaved around Pokey’s spears, slashing them out of the air as he kept throwing them. “Is this all that you possess, heretic?”

“It’ll be enough to kill you,” Pokey summoned ten more and threw them right at her.

Trixie scowled and her horn lit up. Instantly, nine copies of herself appeared and slashed away the spears. They all smirked and charged. Pokey threw his spears but all of the Trixies scattered. Coming at him from all directions they slashed at him. He teleported a few meters in front of him and turned around. He threw his spears and most of the copies blocked them save one that disappeared as it was struck in the chest.

Some of the Trixies then fired bolts of magic while the others charged. Pokey blocked the bolts with his spears before having to contend with three Trixies slashing at him at once. One of them slashed across his right cheek in a lucky blow before he skewered it in the head, causing it to vanish.

“You think your smoke and mirrors will kill me, Inquisitor?” Pokey scowled. “I can do this all day!”

“You will slip up!” The Trixies shouted as they kept up their assault which was pushing Pokey back. “And when you do, I will slice you in half!”

“That’s if I don’t slice you up first!” Pokey shouted as a burst of chaos magic pushed the clones away. He used his magic to hover himself a few meters above them. Several more spears appeared and idly stood by. “You loyalists sicken me. You stand by that decrepit sun goddess who leads you to complacency. To an era of utter order! It’s disgusting. I will enjoy tearing it apart. Discord will reign forever!” With that said, he threw several dozen spears straight down at them.

The Trixies did their best to bat them away with their swords or magic. Three of them weren’t up to snuff as they were slashed out of existence. Trixie gritted her teeth as the onslaught kept going. ‘I have to finish him soon or my luck will run out.’

Pokey laughed as he looked down at her condescendly, “The Great Inquisitor Trixie De Lis. I cannot believe such a name applies to filth like you. You will be wiped away from this earth and I am honored to be the one to do it.”

Trixie snarled up at him as she kept up her assault. She made sure to keep herself over Cato in case Pokey’s attacks were directed at him. ‘I… I can’t lose to a filthy heretic. Not when I have someone to protect!’

Of course, her silent prayers were answered when a green fiery blur smashed into Pokey. Pokey let out a cry of pain and surprise as he was smashed into the ground. Trixie’s eyes widened as she tried to comprehend what just happened.

“Trixie!” Dot shouted as he moved over to hug her.

Trixie was silent as she stared down at him, “You came?”

Dot smiled and gave her a little chuckle, “Of course I did. I would be a pretty lousy-”

He was cut off when Trixie pulled him into a deep kiss. Dot’s tongue was overwhelmed by hers for a moment before she pulled back. A trail of saliva still attached to their lips. She licked hers seductively, “I love you~”

Dot blinked in surprise, blushing slightly. “Well… I’ve got to save you more often then.” To which Trixie just laughed. He looked down and his eyes widened, “Cato!” His magic ran itself over Cato, healing the boy’s light injuries.

Cato stirred and opened his eyes, “Wh-what happened?”

Trixie pulled him into a hug, “You’re alright!”

“You bastards,” Pokey screamed as he interrupted their reunion. His left side was singed and his chaos shroud was laying tattered on the ground. “You think you can stop me? Chaos will always prevail. Hail Discord!” Several more spears appeared before him. “Now die!”

Dot quirked an eyebrow as the group prepared themselves, “This guy is too full of himself.” He helped Cato steady himself and gave the pair their guns back. “Figured you’d need them.” With that said, the group smashed aside the first wave of spears with magic, sword, and bullets.

“Die,” Pokey screamed as he kept it up. “Die. Die. Die!” He suddenly screamed as he felt something bite into his leg. He snarled as he looked back at Hikaru, “You worthless mutt!” He grabbed him in his magic and squeezed him. “Any last words?”

“M-m-m,” Hikaru sniffled and cried out. “Mommy!”

Pokey laughed as he kept up his assault on the others so they couldn’t interrupt, “Like that’s going to work a second time.”

“Coming baby!”

Pokey’s eyes widened as a familiar lightly colored Element Bearer pegasi smashed into him and took Hikaru into her arms.

“Shh,” Pizzelle nuzzled him caringly. “You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

“Mommy,” Hikaru hiccuped and nuzzled into her chest.

“Will you bastards stop doing that?” Pokey stood up and readied another attack. “Just stand still and die already!”

“I think you should bloody well take your own advice,” another voice called out. Pokey turned his head to see the griffon bounty hunter running at blinding speed right at him. He gasped, having only a second to move his spears in that direction and fire. Crowland battered them away as he moved forward, throwing a dart which hit Pokey in the chest.

Suddenly the dart exploded in a shower of electricity, shocking Pokey as he cried out in utter agony. That didn’t stop there as Crowland neared his destination. The blade in his claws glimmered as he slashed through Pokey’s horn, adding to the chaos sorcerer's agony. The spears around him disappeared without a source of magic to draw upon.

“That’s the end of you,” Crowland kicked him to the ground. He looked over at them and gave a wave, “I see you lot are doing well.”

“Thanks in part to you,” Dot smiled and elbowed Trixie. When she sent him a glare, he nodded towards Crowland.

Trixie sighed and walked up to the griffon, “I…” she gritted her teeth. “I apologize for my actions. They were… wrong of me.”

Crowland stared at her for a moment before patting her head which caused her to stiffen, “Don’t worry about it, young one. I’ve had worse. No literally. I doubt you could top the Shadow Deer in the torture department.”

Trixie’s eyes widened, “You were captured by the Shadow Deer?” The Shadow Deer were a splinter group of the Deer. They followed the teachings of Tirek and were incredibly cruel and sadistic.

“Darn right I was,” Crowland shook his head. “But that’s in the past. So I don’t hold anything against you honestly. Just try not to go overboard next time, alright.”

“I’ll make sure she doesn’t,” Dot chuckled, earning a light smack in the back of his head by Trixie for his comment.

“Well I think that’s enough for now,” Selfias’s voice got their attention. Around him streams of blood and flesh flowed into the glowing purple gem drawing everyone’s attention. “Not as much as I would have liked, but perhaps just a little more chaos will do the trick.”

“You have failed, Selfias!” Trixie snarled.

“Failed as a teacher, yes.” With that said, Selfias tapped one of his gems. A droplet of blood pooled out before shooting outward.

“Wh-what?” The droplet pierced Pokey’s head, bursting it like a watermelon struck by a high caliber round. The group gasped and Crowland had to jump slightly back from it.

“I will do better next time,” Selfias said. “This is my time to exit.” He took the gem into his hooves as the glowing stopped. “The rest of the troops should be any time now.” One of his gems shot out from his cloak to protect him from a fireball. “Such as Princess Sunset Shimmer herself. I am honored.”

“Save your breath, heretic.” Sunset snarled. “Today will be your end.”

“No it won’t,” Selfias calmly stated before two more blood gems popped off and swirled around him. Sunset fired another fireball but the gems exploded and with those bursts of blood, Selfias vanished.

Sunset stomped a hoof onto the ground in anger, “Damn it. He got away.” Several armed guardsponies and local milita arrived onto the scene, quickly rounding up the remaining rogue chaos cultists.

“We’ll get him next time,” Lightning landed beside her. “Thanks for coming by the way.”

“No problem,” Sunset let out a small smile.

Trixie sighed and rubbed her forehead, “This is going to take a while to sort through.” She honestly doubted she’d still get to be an Inquisitor after this debacle but looking at Cato, she wasn’t as worried as before.

Author's Note:

I've been working on this chapter for months. I am sorry I didn't get this out sooner but honestly, I don't have a lot of drive to do a lot with this story. Thankfully I have only, what, one or two chapters more and that's basically to wrap everything up. I hope you all enjoyed this and don't mind the long wait. As well, remember to leave a comment since they are very much appreciated and help me improve and know what I do well.

Until next time, hopefully soon, take care.