• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 1,338 Views, 183 Comments

To Fear A Predator - Evowizard25

Ponies are going missing and it seems like the newly arrived griffin is to blame. Is he really and will Inquisitor Trixie's meddling make things worse?

  • ...

Out of Your Hands

His Master/Mother had always explained to him that a good Inquisitor always had to be on the case. No matter what, they couldn’t abandon their quarry. Acolyte Cato Schmendrick took that to heart. That’s why he had to pursue this griffon. Trixie had told him not to, but he thought he could circumvent this problem. He wasn’t that big and the griffon wouldn’t think much of a human boy. He couldn’t help but smirk as he sat inside a bush. His binoculars were up to his face as he peered through the lens, watching the griffon walk into the Everfree Forest.

‘What are you up to?’ He couldn’t help but ponder to himself.

“So what’s he doin’?” Apple Bloom asked beside him.

“Shhh,” Diamond Tiara put a hoof over Apple Bloom’s mouth as she whispered, “Be quiet. He could hear us.”

Cato sighed. He would get this done no matter what. Even if that included taking along his new ‘friends’, or whatever he called them. They hadn’t been that bothersome so far, so he didn’t make a comment. He also took to heart the other saying his mother had told him.

‘If you can bring others with you, do so. They can help you perform your mission and/or serve as fodder and distractions for escapes.’

“So what are we going to do?” Rumble asked. “We can’t just go into the Everfree Forest.”

“You’re going to cover me,” Cato looked over his pistol. It was an older type and took longer to reload. Trixie had been hesitant to give him the newer Colt’s, as they were called, since she had some fear that he’d get too trigger happy since they were faster and more powerful. If he pulled this off, he might be able to talk her into giving him some new pistols for his birthday. “I’m going to take him in.”

“Wait, by yourself?” Diamond Tiara spoke up. When he nodded, she gasped. “You’re insane.”

Cato smirked, “That’s what I want him to think.” As the griffon was out of sight, he quickly moved out from the bush. He frowned and turned around to see them stepping out of the bush too, “I said, stay here.”

“No,” they all said.




“I can use my powers to make you think we were still here,” Hikaru spoke up.

Cato paused and just blinked a few times and then sighed. His shoulders slumped, ‘He’s got a point. Accursed Kitsune powers.’ “Fine, just stay quiet.” They all nodded, ‘This mission was doomed before it started.’ With that thought in mind, he and his ‘friends’ made their way into the forest. His hand glowed slightly as he used a tracking spell to keep after the griffon.

“So,” Diamond Tiara spoke up. “Do you often wander around creepy forests by yourself?”

“No,” Cato grumbled. ‘Why does she have to talk to me?’ “I’m usually with my Master.”

“Sounds like you have a dangerous life,” she said.


There was a silence between them.

“So can I get a suit like that?” Diamond broke the silence, much to Cato’s frustration.


“Why not?”

“Just no.”

“That doesn’t explain why I can’t have it. I’ll have you know my daddy is very rich and-”

Cato stopped to glare at her, “You can’t just buy an Inquisitor’s outfit. It’s just… wrong.”

“Can I get someone to make it from scratch?”

“No!” Cato threw up his arms in exhasperation. “It’s part of what makes an Inquisitor… an Inquisitor?”

“Includin’ the silly cape?” Apple Bloom spoke up.

“It’s not silly!” Cato growled, brandishing his cape around himself. “It’s stylish and makes me look fearsome.”

“Makes ya look silly to me,” Apple Bloom smiled.

Cato facepalmed, ‘If this is what friends do, then I can’t wait to be rid of them.’ “Just shut up and follow me.”

“I was just asking,” Diamond sent Apple Bloom a small glare. “And I think the cape is awesome.”

“You would,” Apple Bloom chuckled and nudged her shoulder. Diamond Tiara huffed and nudged her back.

Cato couldn’t help but notice a small smile on Diamond Tiara’s face when she looked away. ‘I guess teasing is a part of friendship.’ Before he could ponder it further, he heard something rustling in the forest nearby. It wasn’t anything major, but it made the back of his hair stick up. ‘It was probably a rabbit or something.’ The rustling stopped and he let out a little sigh of relief, ‘See? Nothing to worry about.’

The Everfree Forest apparently was delighted to prove him wrong.

That moment, a creature burst out of the bushes. Cato barely had any time to do anything except a simple shield spell that shielded the front half of himself. The creature smashed into it. Cato cried out as his shield was shattered and he fell back. Thankfully, the shield held on long enough to throw the creature back. It quickly stood up and snarled at them. The others let out screams of alarm from the sudden attack.

It was a medium sized theropod, the forest’s local Herrerasaurus. The beast’s poisonous saliva dripped down from its fangs as it greedily eyed up its prey. It stared at them for a moment. Cato quickly stood up and tried to form another shield spell. It was that large, about twice his width as he exerted himself, and still only covered one side of them, but it was the side facing the beast. The Herrerasaurus looked at the shield and snorted, going back into the underbrush.

Cato kept up his shield for a moment before dropping it. He sighed in relief, “It’s gone.”

“What was that?” Rumble shivered.

“It’s a dinosaur and it’s gone,” Cato answered quickly and took a step away. He heard the rustling again. “Hikaru, can you make it appear that we’re not here?”

Hikaru nodded and closed his eyes. He opened them and smiled, “There, all done.”

Cato smiled and waved for them to follow, “Alright everyone, let’s go catch a griffon.” They marched on and he was confident that they were safe. Then he frowned and sniffed himself. The Herrerasaurus couldn’t see them.

But could he smell them?

It burst out again, too close to Apple Bloom for him to do anything. The moment he turned around, the beast’s jaws were too close. It was too late…

Until the beast was drop kicked by their original target. The dinosaur tumbled for a moment, before righting itself. It shakily stood on its legs, shaking its head before glaring at the griffon.

The griffon brandished a long, jagged sword. “Do you want to try me?”

The Herrerasaurus was hungry. They were supposed to be prey but they had the see through walls of pain and now another predator was asking for a challenge. He growled. He could find easier prey somewhere else or attack the group when the see through wall maker and the predator was gone. So the beast walked away, keeping his eyes locked on the griffon. He would not run away and expose his back to him. He was not prey.

The griffon watched the dinosaur leave intently before turned to look at them, “What are you doing here?”

“Followin’ ya,” Apple Bloom said before Cato glared at her. “What? I can’t think of anythin’.”

“Me either,” Rumble shrugged. Hikaru did as well.

“I mean,” Diamond Tiara spoke up. “Pretty much any other explanation would be stupid. This is a forest of death, after all.”

Cato opened his mouth before he shut it. He literally had no excuses himself and he slumped down, “Yeah.”

The griffon snorted, “I figured as much. Your clothes give it away.”

Cato facepalmed, “Damn it.” He muttered to himself.

“And I knew you were following me the moment you stepped into the forest,” the griffon put his sword away. “When you take up my occupation, you learn to notice these sorts of things.” He took off his hat and bowed, “Crowland Tempo, at your service.” He straightened himself up and his hat. “Now follow me. I’ll get you out of this bloody Tartarus-hole.” He turned and started to walk.

“So…” Diamond Tiara trotted in place. “Are we following him?”

Cato sighed, “We’ve got no choice.” ‘I still want to know what he was doing in the Everfree Forest. Probably nothing good.’


Thankfully for all of them, it didn’t take them long to get out of the forest. He brought them to a road and they could see Ponyville in the distance from here. Crowland turned to the children, “Alright, this is where we part ways.”

Cato glared up at him, “I don’t think so. You’re coming with me.”

“... Why?”

Cato held up a finger and opened his mouth and shut it, “Well, there’s a griffon who struck last night and you’re a griffon so…”

Crowland gave him a deadpan stare, “Remarkable deduction, sonny boy. I bloody well never thought of that.”

“Ah-ha,” Cato smiled. “You did do it.” He pulled out his pistol, “I place you-” He found a crossbow staring in his face.

“Too slow, kid.” Crowland said with an even tone. “Put down the pistol before you hurt yourself.” Cato quivered and nodded, putting the pistol back in place. Crowland sighed and put his crossbow to his side, “Didn’t mean to scare you, but you should only pull out a weapon if you intend to use it.” He looked into Cato’s eyes, “You don’t seem like the killing type to me. Piece of advice, kid. Never draw when your opponent is ready and staring right at you. Wait until they are off guard and aren’t paying you any attention.”

“Halt!” Three voices cried out from above. They all looked up to see three Militia pegasi, holding up muskets as they kept them on Crowland. The sounds of hooves stampeding their way spoke of more milita and a few guardsponies who came to a stop and pointed their spears and muskets at the elderly griffon.

“Inquisitor Trixie wishes to see you,” one of the guardsponies said. “Come with us peacefully and you won’t be harmed.”

Crowland eyed up the ponies and sighed, “Well, seems the jig is up.” He put up his weapons, “Take me to your leader then.”


The hospital was as busy as ever. Nurses and doctors busied about, helping the injured. Thankfully, no one had died recently. That was a relief. Well, to most. Sitting beside a still unconscious Time Turner, Lyra frowned and looked down at her master. He had always been so strong. Nothing could take him down and now… he wouldn’t wake up. The doctor’s told her that she just needed to give him a day or two for the potent sleep potion to work its way through his system. That didn’t make her feel better at all.

‘I should have been there,’ Lyra growled to herself. She should have, but she had been with Bon Bon last night, making sure she was safe. She had thought that the saboteur might attack her, given that she posed a threat to any Nightmare cultists around. Nothing, and now her master was out for the count. It made her blood boil. ‘You stupid pony. Bon Bon can take care of herself. Your master needed you and you weren’t there for him.’

Time Turner had always been there for her. Ever since he took her under his wing, he’d done everything in his power to make her a real pony and have a nice life. He’d help her parents and educate her. He was basically a part of the family and now this happened…

A sudden ‘poof’ noise beside her clued her in that Twilight was in the room. She turned her head to look at her, “Hey.”

The chaotic mare, having conjured up a one legged polka dotted chair, couldn’t help but tilt her head. “You don’t sound bubbly today, Lyra.”

Lyra sighed. She and Twilight were basically friends now, so there was no point in lying. “I’m just upset with myself.” She nodded towards Time, “He’s my Master. Taught me everything I knew and was always there for me. Now he’s unconscious and this villain got away. I just feel so useless. Like I should have been there and if I was, he wouldn’t be like this.”

“Oh pish posh,” Twilight was now floating in front of her upside down. Their noses touched and she smiled, “You were protecting your friend. No one would get on to you for doing that.”

Lyra blinked in confusion, “You were there?”

Twilight giggled, rolling in the air before falling onto her hooves on the ground. “Yep, I was the lamppost.” She grinned slyly, “I love how you use those chew toys of yours~ Could I help?”

Lyra blushed before she growled, taking an aggressive stance. “You… I’ll bash ya skull in.”

Twilight teleported to her side again before nuzzling her, “Your secret is safe with me.” She hugged her, “Now stop moping. He’s gonna be fine and we’re going to catch this guy or gal. Trust me, I know how these things play out.”

Lyra sighed, “I hate it when I can’t solve something by breaking it.”

“Oh I’m sure you can break the next problem,” Twilight giggled. “You did everything you could, Lyra. You’re a good pony.” Lyra quirked an eyebrow, “Well, maybe not a ‘good’ pony but… wanna fight a giant book monster?”

Lyra’s grin almost broke her face, “Would I?!!!”