• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 12: Luna focus

Solar took a deep breath as he stood before the dominating doors of the Throne Room.

He presumed that they were achieving their intended purpose well. The sheer size of them was enough to ensure he felt insignificant. They had surely been constructed in an age in which foreign dignitaries and Equestrian subjects were made to feel below the Princesses, so that their power may be respected.

Of course that wasn’t the intention nowadays. Ponies were encouraged to feel comfortable with their monarchy, yet Solar couldn’t help but wonder if these great doors may play a part at least into why the Night Court was often barren.

It was a suspicion proved, like countless other times, all too right when those great doors were thrown open.

The elegant chamber was bathed in pure light of the moon, piecing through the stained glass windows in turn creating a room even Solar couldn’t deny had a certain beauty.

It was not this reason why he tried heroically to supress his smile.

Yes, the Night Court was empty again. Such a thing remained a sad fact of current life, but the half smile now on Solar’s face belong to another reason, that Luna sat there, alone, on her throne.

At first such a smile only existed because she was in fact, here. Solar had hardly expected her to even turn up. She hadn’t done so for apparently some time and even when he was in Canterlot permanently, as a Guard, she was neglecting her duties then. So, Solar’s surprise was double when his eyes witnessed the Princess of the Night sitting right where she should be.

However, as it became evident to him, his smile was present for another reason. He was actually happy to see her. He had been looking for her for days by now, and his revelation just earlier, combined with the meeting he had just had with Commander Starvation, had created a far more positive outlook of his life, and finally finding Luna, who had been reclusively absent for the past few days, was the last piece he needed to actually form a smile.

Solar’s spirits were then raised further when, upon opening the great doors, the heavy metal audibly creaking throughout the empty room, Luna’s ears peaked, her slumped head shooting up to meet the visitor. For a split second Solar was confident in what he saw.

Genuine hope and happiness.

Obviously a shock for her, the Princess seemed actually happy and relieved. Her own spirits being picked up now her Night Court had an attendee.

It was a sight that, as much as it surprised him, warmed his heart. From every encounter he had with the Princess, anypony would be forgiven for forgiving she was a cold hearted recluse. This was a sight that put countless holes in that theory. For once, Princess Luna seemed kind, approachable most importantly, happy.

That was until she realised which pony had entered her throne room.

“Princess” Solar acknowledged, having to raise his voice, being on the other side of the room as she was. He sensed immediate awkwardness and silence following Luna’s realisation of who he was, and not wishing to make the walk up to her in such a situation, he chose to speak immediately.

His words had little attention paid to them. Luna looked as if she was cheated, tricked almost , and Solar could honestly understand why.

It was no secret to him Luna wasn’t too fond of him, and for the one time she believed her Night Court had an attendee, only to discover it was the pony she hated, that was indeed a cruel joke.

This was further confirmed as he made his way to the Princess, her face now practically hidden, facing the ground in an attempt to possibly hide from Solar, or just to try and ignore him.

Now, as Solar stopped respectfully before the Princess and the Throne, Solar couldn’t help but feel a little pity for Luna, and a little shame on his own part. It was if a foal had been promised the vacation of a lifetime, only for it to be cancelled on the day of departure, and such a comparison inspired both feelings in Solar, the latter because this sorry show was all on him.

He spoke not however. In his head he didn’t dare interrupt Luna now, less he face her eternal wrath. The silence proved to be agonising as he suspected.

The worst thing was that it didn’t seem to have an ending. Luna seemed, as much as she could be, content in this awkward silence, as long as she could shut herself from the world and continue to ignore Solar.

Is this the same attitude she was towards her duties?

Eventually the silence had reigned for far too long for Solar.

“Ahem” he coughed, feeling quite the revolutionary as he toppled the Princesses ruling silence.

“WHAT?!” suddenly cried out Luna, not seeming the Princess at all now, but a distraught pony instead.

The booming Canterlot voice shocked Solar who had expected to be further ignored.

“Princess I- “Solar began, but to no avail.

“Thou dare interrupt thy Royal Princess? In this sacred time?” Luna cut off, distain and unhappiness clear in her voice.

Solar paused before he spoke, wanting to say the right thing, the right way.

“Forgive me Princess…” he began, not wanting to rush his desire to make amends. “…but isn’t this the Night Court? Do I not have the right to visit?”

How diplomatic Solar.

It was, much to Luna’s great dislike, a solid genuine fact which she could not argue against, less she seem somewhat hypocritical with her disappointment that Solar wasn’t a real Night Court attendee.

Almost huffing like a foal, her eyes began to look at anything that wasn’t Solar.

“What is it that you want, Solar Virtue?” Luna eventually asked through gritted teeth, notably reverting to a more modern tone of speaking, as if to ensure the question was clear and precise to Solar.

“I um…came to meet you”

Luna raised her head, her eyes still full of irritation, yet blinking in surprise at Solar’s answer.

“Me?” she questioned.

Solar took this opportunity. Almost in a scavenger like manner, exploiting Luna’s small yet significant genuine as a window, he took a few gingerly steps towards her.

“Yeah. I was thinking…”

Solar began to struggle to voice his reasons, leaving Princess Luna to escape her momentarily genuineness and reclaiming her serious and aggravated appearance.

“Speak thy words or be gone!” spat out Luna, now annoyed by the smallest of things.

“I want to put all the bad stuff behind us, Princess!” Solar was forced to shout out. “I know I haven’t been a model citizen, but I realised I was willing to leave that all in the past, become a new me, an commit to my life as it is now”

Luna seemed to not be convinced. She looked down upon Solar as if he was truly worthless, as if he was nothing compared to her which, in many ways, was true. She was the Princess of the Moon after all.

“You ‘realised’? oh how I do thank thee for thine ability to comprehend thy own situation.”

Solae had his cringe. Sarcasm was a thing he had heard very little from Luna, it seemed a motion below her. Yet now hearing it, it created a persona that truly didn’t fit her. One of immaturity, annoyance and bitterness. Within his mind, Solar concluded he couldn’t allow Luna to carry any grudge she carried for him for any extended time.

“I know, it sounds stupid but I honestly bel- “Solar tried desperately to voice his case, but Luna had none of it.

“You ‘honestly’. Oh please, I am confident such an admirable quality has never graced you once in your life, Solar Virtue” The emphasis Luna placed in saying Solar’s name made him feel truly uncomfortable. Luna, being almost god like, wasn’t a pony usually expected to focus too directly on any other pony, for if she was, than that poor pony would feel Luna’s full godlike power. Now Solar here stood, Luna’s attention fully on him, as was her anger.

It was also an accusation Solar could not argue against. She was right, and it was ridiculous to defend his fabricated honesty.

“Leave” Luna eventually said, far more bitterly than Solae had yet heard.

But Solar did not.

“I said LEAVE!” she roared, flaring her great dark wings out.

It was honestly an intimidating sight, knowing one of the most powerful being sine existence was on the verge of threatening him, yet Solar stood his ground and he did not leave the Princesses side.


Solar still remained, dug into his spot as much as he could.


Solar felt her words. Physically.

The force and volume of her voice vibrated through his body. An uncomfortable force that Solar tried as hard as he could to endure.

By now Luna had grown from annoyed, to angry and absolutely livid. Being royalty and all, she was not used to being declined, and when it was a pony whom she hated doing so, that was an act bordering on treason.

Stomping forward aggressively, Luna towered over Solar, her eyes stabbing dozens of daggers worth of force into his body. She then breathed in, before unleashing her fury.


Her horn began to glow an ominous blue, and for the first time Solar feared for his condition. Any pony could be forced to do regrettable actions if they were pushed enough, but if a troubled Princess, with the power of a god, were to be pushed so, how deadly would an action be. His eyes darted around the room in desperation, noticing present and thus, no Guards willing to step in a help defuse this situation.

Yet Solar remained still.

Foalish as it was, and possibly being the last thing, he ever did, he committed to his position. He did not give up.

Luna’s horn kept glowing, but now the room began to shake a little. Then more. And more.

The entire Throne room shook violently as if an Earthquake had just hit, and the ambient lighting of the room began to artificially darkening, as if all light fell down and died.

It was a terrifying experience and one Solar began to truly fear.

But not for himself.

Luna herself almost seem to darken. Her coat losing its enchanting blue to an endless black void. Her regal appearance became lost to such a darkness, and in its place slowly began to emerge a horrifying change. A deathly and evil mockery of Luna was emerging.

Solar felt something inside him ache, but not from a direct action from Luna, be it physical or magical. It was if his own insides were breaking. As if his heart began to crack.

“WHY DOES THOU PERSIST IN TORMENTING ME SO?!” Luna’s voice matched her demonic appearance, a devilry booming voice now shouting down at him.


Her true form was just as lost as it had been a moment ago, even more so perhaps, just these words, one in which Solar noticed the continued use of ‘you’ and not anything from the old Pony days, there sounded as if something was hidden among the demonic and evil tones in her voice.


Solar focused on nothing but her words. It was not what they said however in which he found fascinating, but who was saying them.

He could hear the voice hidden among the demonic sounds. It was the true Luna, but in a form, that bled vulnerability and innocence. Her demands for Solar to leave as pure as a foal wanting to be alone. Not a shred of anything malicious or secretive in that voice, just a vulnerable and troubled Princess, begging for her peace.

So, Solar committed to his statue like posture, very akin to a Guard standing at attention. In his head, Solar was doing as such. As the Guards served their Princesses with loyalty and professionality, so did he.

“Please…..go….” Gone was the booming, hurricane like voice. Now only the meek and vulnerable Luna remained, her coat returning to normal and the Luna Solar knew fully returned, the Princess now standing there, her head almost timidly hanging, in a sad, tragic triumph over her previous aggressive form.

“Princess…” Solar said, as gently as he could. Slowly and calmly approaching her. He raised a hoof, delicately placing it on Luna’s shoulder. The Princess sharply recoiled, retreating to her throne.

“What is it that you want, Solar Virtue? Why are you- What is the reason you do not run from me?”

Solar was far from a sappy pony. Never the one to comfort any pony, nor to even care about it. Yet Something about seeing Luna beat herself in this form of trying to scare him away, it stirred something inside him.

“Because Princess, we, as different as we may be, are on the same side”

“And what side is that?” Luan suddenly shot back, her eyes showing a possible shine due the moisture developing in them.

“Equestria’s” Solar replied confidently and strongly. “Believe it or not, I may be a dishonest and horrible Pony, but I do what is necessarily for the greater good”

Solar studied Luna’s reaction intently. She clearly wasn’t ignoring him, instead listening to his words with great interest, despite her visibly vulnerable stature.

“So be it, but I care not. I just wish to be happy. So leave”

Solar acknowledged Luna’s continued wish for him to leave, a wish that was obviously almost crushing her mentally, but there was on point he picked up on. That she wanted to be happy.

Of course she may have just meant this in the way of she was unable to be so while a pony she disliked remained here, but Solar was a judge of character that any pony would value, and he did not see this as the case.

It was known to him that Luna was troubled. Rumours confirmed something was also occurring within her personal life, and now this proclamation of desiring to be happy only served to further add fuel to Solar’s theory the Luna wasn’t unhappy because of him and other ponies, but because of her life.

He suspected that Luna was unsatisfied with the Princess life, and for whatever reason, it was a feeling hat was only now getting worse.

Solar wished somehow, he could inquire more, but it was not hesitation for his wellbeing that he did not do so.

Like Luna must have been earlier, and again now in fact, the pair were bombarded with surprise and shock when the unmistakable sound of the Throne Room doors were thrown open.

The opener would not be a Guard. Shifts did not change yet.

It was, unlike the with the case of Solar coming through them, a true and genuine attendee of the Night Court.

Perhaps Luna would have beamed a smile at this, even if her mood was as down as it was now, but that never came, and with good reason.

Yes, it was an induvial, two in fact, attending the Night Court, but they were not a pony usually expected to do so.

Nor were they ponies at all.

Two armour glad Humans, one helmeted, stood at the door, their posture and mannerisms unsure and screaming of nervousness.

For a little while they seemed to debate among themselves of what to do, maybe who to go first, they were in the presence of a near god after all.

It was time in which both Solar and Luna glanced at each other. All previous feelings now replaced with confusion and disbelief.

Who were these Humans? What did they want? Even Luna didn’t seem to know.

The Human bearing no Helmet, a possible young, short haired one, then approached, if a little carefully., all the while as both Solar and Luna watched him take every step, both sets of eyes unable to look anywhere else.

So now a Human stood just a few feet away from Solar and by extension, Luna.

A bow then followed, a nervous one at that, but a bow none the less. It was an act of little note when in presence of Luna, but it was the fact the Human also offered a bow to Solar also that made this encounter crazy already.

Ha! If only I deserved that

“Your Highness.” The Human said to Luna, before turning to Solar. “My Lord”

“I---uh---um….” Solar fell completely over his words. He had been called many things before, but Lord was never among them.

“Solar Virtue is no Lord” Luna cried out, regaining some degree of regality in a total control to just a few moments ago. “Nor does he have any rank of worth”

These final words needn’t have been said, or so Solar had convinced himself. Luna had literally said them facing him, an almost of spite Solar had rarely seen from her.


The Human however seemed to care little for any drama between the two ponies. Nervously sweeping the whole issue aside, he instead focused on his own issue.

“Uh huh…well…. I hope I’m in the right place firstly” The young Human was clearly somewhat intimidated by Luna, or in awe, Solar couldn’t tell with these Humans just yet.

This was obviously so much the case that the Human had so much difficulty conveying his meaning that Luna had to intervene herself.

“Pray tell, what does tho--- what do you mean by ‘the right place’? You are aware you are now in the presence of a Princess?”

Solar watched and admired. Luna had shown the cutesy and foresight to the Human in removing all of her old wordings, yet shown enough seriousness and blunt inquisition to not seem weak or overly welcoming, such a thing could be taken advantage of.

It was lucky for Luna that the Human understood this, respectfully pausing so that he may recover his words and restart, albeit far more composed and direct.

“Yes, your Highness, that um, is the reason I’m here. To see you”

Luna seemed taken back at first, cocking her head in confusion.

“Excuse me?”

The confusion didn’t seem to help the Human either, who seemed desperate and even panicked to confirm what he meant.

“Y-yes yes!” He quickly retorted not wanting to get on the Princesses bad side. “I mean I was told to come here. N-not because of any punishment or anything! Ugh I hope not anyway”

A laugh, one surely met with further anger, was successfully held back by Solar as he theorised that these Humans had heard Luna’s cries and outbursts. He bore them no ill will that he would find pleasure in their fear, but it still served as an amusing reminder to them that some ponies around here wouldn’t be pushovers.

Luna however, didn’t see this as amusing in the slightest, clearly growing impatient with the Humans’ inability to get to the point.

“All I mean is this I was just hearing I should come here, you know, from Ponies while I was on patrol”

Luna’s impatience then turned to sick realisation, swiftly morphing into anger. The Human, despite fully armoured, looked as vulnerable as an ant underneath a hoof.

“Patrol? In MY Night Garden?!” Solar instantly understood her feelings. Luna had objected to the Humans occupying any part of those precious areas, even if their residence was close by. Yet as Solar had found out, Celestia had obviously approved such a venture, regardless of her claim she would consider Luna’s opinion.

It was further evidence of a growing rift between the Princesses. Old Celestia would never do such a thing that would upset her deer sister.

“I-I-I” The Human stuttered, probably fearing for his life more than Solar had just, and this Human wasn’t even subject to the terrifying part transformation Solar had witnessed.

Pfff, is he meant to be a warrior?

Yet Solar did feel for this Human. Night Garden or not, no doubt he was only following orders. Though as usual, sympathy and pity were in short supply in Solar, so any of such was merely a token, nothing more.

“YOU DARE VENTURE ON SUCH PERSONAL GROUND?!” Luna was yelling, appearing as regally threatening as she could, as any leader deserving of respect would act, but Solar could tell, despite her legitimate grievances of the Garden, any anger reserved personally for the Human was limited. She was mostly just making a point, to show that place was precious to her and the Human should know it. Yet there was anger still in her voice, but it wasn’t for the Human, leaving one of two possibilities.

That she was angry Commander Starvation had suggested it, or, as Solar guessed was the real reason, it was anger Celestia had allowed the Human in the Garden in the first place.

“N-No I wouldn’t! I didn’t!” defended the Human, as his comrade shifted uncomfortably at the back of the room. “I’ve never been there! My patrols and shifts don’t have me there, I swear your Highness”

Luna’s head shot back at this news. There was no real reason to doubt this Human, meaning she had thrown anger at him for also no real reason. Yet Solar knew Luna would be satisfied in this Human fearing to go to the Night Garden now.

“I just heard from ponies that this is the Night Court”

Luna’s reaction was just as Solar was expecting, but with so much more meaning to it. It took a few seconds for this news to sink in. It was clear what the Human was asking, why he was wondering if he was at the Night Courts location, and it was something both Solar and Luna had no answer to.

“The…Night Court?” was all Luna could manage.

“I mean if this isn’t the place that’s cool. It’s just what I heard and I was curious is all” The Human said quickly, defensively.

Solar could only watch Luna. If this was true, this meant the Humans were here as real and legitimate attendees, a rare enough occurrence for Ponies, let alone Humans. It was neither expected nor thought of, and Solar knew Luna would be in a spout of pure shock right now.

Her face confirmed this. Mouth agape, eyes wide with pure disbelief and an expression as shocked as the weather Pegasus when they got too close to storm clouds.

“I…….” Luna tried, shock claiming her. “You’re here…. for it?”

The Humans, ignorant to the significance of it all, seemed confused at Luna’s reaction, possibly believing themselves to be at fault.

“Um, if that’s alright? We Don’t want to be a bother”

Luna had no words to this. Solar knew her not to be shocked in any negative way, and she wasn’t about to pass out from this surprise, but with Solar so cruelly teasing her with what was happening right now, it was a moment so lucky and so unbelievable that it seemed all too false.

“‘If that’s alright?’ “Repeated Luna, her voice so monotonous due to the shock in only served to further worry the Human.

“Oh crap, I apologise your Highness! I shouldn’t have said anything. I’ll leave your sight right now!” The Human, in a worried panic, began to try and withdraw from Luna’s presence. It allowed Luna to snap back to reality, and address this development correctly.

“Yes. Yes that’s alright. You are indeed in the correct location for the Night Court”

Luna stayed Regal and proper, experience shining through. Yet Solar saw through this, and he bore witness to a Luna momentarily free from all her problems, from all her duties. Right now, and maybe only for a short time, she was happy.

“A I correctly when I assume you have an issue you wish to address? Advice to seek perhaps?”

These were the words that so nearly formed a smile on her lips, and Solar wanted to smile himself knowing that was the closest he had even seen her nearly smile throughout his entire life.

The Human, turning back around, suddenly became far more relaxed in knowing his efforts had succeeded.

“Y-Yes yes!” he proclaimed, probably breathing the biggest breath of relief mentally.

“Well then, if you are so sure you want my advice, then by all means, tell us of your matters”

Solar couldn’t read minds, but right now he knew what Luna was thinking.

‘I finally am able to utter those words. I’m finally useful here!’

“Ok well, it’s nothing too massive your Highness, I’d hate to pressure you with all these Human problems.”

Luna gently and regally, though with a hint of kindness, nodded and insisted the Human continue, putting the Human further at ease.

“Wow ok. It’s just an issue back home. You see, I have a family and back there, well, it aint so great”

The Human suddenly seemed to have difficulty speaking his words. Not for the same reason as earlier, but because it was a difficulty topic for him to speak of. Solar, in his dishonest life, had found himself with the misfortune in acquiring information from ponies using topics that weren’t comfortable one for them, and this was the exact same.

The Commander had stated the Human world wasn’t pleasant, that fighting was rife, and this shed further light on the matter. That without the protection of those who could fight, danger may be everywhere.

“Does th- do you refer to a fear you have for your family….my apologies, but I did not hear of your name, Sir…?

The Human smiled at this title, knowing full well it was used only for politeness, but appreciating it none the less.

“I’m no Sir your Highness. Just another guy conscripted into the Militia. Doing what he can to keep his family from being in the wastes. And the names Dig, cos I helped dig trenches for the Militia.”

Solar’s ears picked up at this new knowledge, luckily for him. Though his job was to acquire information for Luna, and fortunately she was here anyway.

“Militia? Forgive me, but aren’t you part of this diplomatic mission?” Luna questioned.

“I am yeah, but Lord Vanq organised this entire thing, and the Militia is his. So he assigned some Militia guys to be part of the mission”

Luna nodded at the knowledge.

“Lord Vanq? Lord Vanquisher, dare I presume?” Luna asked.

“That’s the one your Highness. He’s been passing so many reforms to make the military of Salutis great, but still, however strong we may be, I still worry for my kids back home. For my wife” With this, the Human now known as Dig entered a brave yet failed attempt at hiding his sombre feelings. It was clear, no matter how much he attempted to hide it, that is family was important to him, and all he could do right now was worry for them.

Solar spotted a degree of pity from Luna, who allowed herself his slight degree of genuineness that came with being a leader, but for whatever reason, she kept this pity on a tight lead.

“An understandable concern of course, family will always be deer to us” started Luna, fairly professionally, drawing Dig’s attention. “Yet I am obliged to tell you, you need not be”

It was advice that both Solar and Dig were surprised to here. Solar knew not to be as outwardly friendly as her Sister, but still, she was a Princess, and one never known to be so blunt or even uncaring.

“You are here, and they are there. Do you believe, in worrying so, it will somehow spare them of any terrible fate?”

Solar was very surprised at this. Her tone was not yet annoyed, but still bluntly cold, like she was fed up of similar questions. Dig of course, he was a little taken back. Clearly this was not his expected answer.

“Well, no your Highness, but- “he protested.

“But what, pray tell? You have no power to influence your family’s welfare? Especially considering, as I am reliably informed, your party came here through a portal. For a non-magical being, I see this only as further evidence that any misplaced worry is unwarranted.”

Dig suddenly looked to be on the spot, as if he was being forced to explain an injustice. Whatever Luna was attempting here, it didn’t seem to be working.

“Sir Dig…” Luna continued, a small sigh preceding her words, and the slightest change in tone to a more understanding one. Dig again seemed to appreciate the title, if only for a moment. “I cannot give you a perfect answer, for I could never be in similar situation….”

Solar listened carefully. Either Luna meant this in the way that any of her family would never be in the exact situation as Digs, as in alone in another world, or, and which Solar used as further evidence for his theories, Luna had meant this because she had no loved one to be in a dangerous situation, meaning something defiantly could be occurring between she and Celestia.

“…but answer truthfully now. You are part of a prestigious and historical event. The first Humans to meet the Pony race. You hath found yourself in a momentously important endeavour, and I suspect your family would not wish for you to jeopardise all this because you are worrying on scenarios that do not yet, or may never, exist.”

Again, Solar and Dig’s reactions occurred simultaneously. Dig was beginning to see Luna’s point, that much was clear, and while Solar was top, he on the over hoof, didn’t just begin to understand, but he also encouraged such an answer.

It was foalish indeed to worry over something in which you had no power over, but it was also an answer that fit very well into his life ethos. That a pony should always focus on what’s in front of you, not to be dragged down by the past or by pointless relationships.

Solar knew Dig wouldn’t live by this code if he already had a family, but it was still good advice.

“Do not ruin this opportunity you find yourself in, Sir Dig. IF your world is as dangerous as I have heard, then I suspect your family will want to be focused on themselves and keeping each other safe, and I also believe they wouldn’t want you worrying and putting yourself at risk. Am I correct?”

At first, the Human seemed pained to try and agree, as if he wanted to do so but couldn’t.

“I…I guess so your Highness, but it just hard you know, I love them so much” it was a sincere and heartfelt admition, especially to a Princess of a species not their own, and Luna did seem to appreciate it at least.

“Your loyalty to those deer to you is admirable, Sir Dig. Just remember to keep yourself safe however, so that you may return to the loving embrace of your family”

This was the most sincere and dare he say, kindest, Solar had ever seen Luna. What was emerging now was the real, caring leader Princess she should be, ensuring her subjects were content and safe, even though she had no Human subjects.

The Human in question never less didn’t care for this fact. Thinking silently for a few seconds to ponder Luna’s advice, he looked upon the Princess, a half smile plastered to his face.

“I think I understand, your Highness. I won’t stop thinking about them, maybe won’t stop worrying about them completely, but it’s not my place to focus on them completely right now. My duty calls…right?”

Now it was Luna’s turn to smile, albeit it rather small.

“Very good. I have total confidence in your ability to do what is needed to be done”

Exactly what I’m always trying to do, Luna.

Dig was practically beaming at this point, apparently satisfied with the advice he had been given.

“Thank you, your Highness. Thank you so much” he praised, as genuine as any individual could possibly be. “Hey” he said, turning to the other Human. “I knew it was a good idea to come here”

Luna blinked in surprise at this, seemingly in a state of somewhat disbelief upon hearing the Humans words.

“Thanks again, your Highness. I bet it’s still a bit weird with us Humans walking around, so thanks for letting me come to this Night Court thing. It’s been a great help”

With that, Dig stood at attention and slammed his hand on his armoured chest, probably as a sort of respectful salute. It was a soldier like attitude Luna was used to, even comfortable I’m, owing to the relative simpleness and obedient restraint that came from being in the Military. Such ponies, and humans apparently, were often the only ones Luna could stomach being around.

She just likes the fact they don’t speak unless spoken to.

To the Human’s actions, Luna responded accordingly. With a simple nod of the head, permitting Dig and his friend to turn and leave.

It was a silent walk that the Humans took as they left the Throne Room. In this silence Solar was only focused on Luna, who looked to have seen a ghost.

“Um, Princess?” he asked once the Humans had left.

“Hm? What?” spurted out Luna suddenly, coming back to reality with a quick shake of her head.

“I’m guessing you enjoyed that huh?” Solar replied, smiling a little.

“Enjoyed? Why ever would I feel such a thing? Business is business”

Solar raised an eyebrow, a small smile still remaining.

“The same reason you’re not going crazy at me for talking so casually to you. Somepon---some Human actually came to the Night Court for a legitimate reason”

Solar timed the next few seconds, for they were the seconds in which this fact took to sink in, for Luna to fully realise what had just occurred.

And true to his guess, Luna realised.

Her eyes widening, her face turning to one of pure realising shock and a mouth slightly ajar, it was a sight that Solar had to admit, was somewhat cute.

“My Night Court…..they….actually….came?”

“indeed, they did, and may I say, a solid piece of advice you have them, Princess”

Whether or not this compliment was appreciated was never conveyed to Solar, nor was any acknowledgment of it in fact. Instead, and quite understandingly to Solar, Luna was to wrapped up in her experience.

“Oh my…such a thing has not occurred in…well, some time.” Luna proclaimed.

Solar chose not to respond. He didn’t need to confirm this fact. Luna knew how much this moment now meant to her, and any interruption may risk ruining it.

The decision then bore fruit.

Never seen before, not just to Solar, but as he guessed, to nearly anypony, the remarkable occurred.

In the corner of her right eye, clear as Celestia’s day, a tear formed, one of pure joy.

A heart-warming moment then followed, even for Solar. As the tear rolled down her cheek, and as Luna simply stared into the distance, Solar watched as Luna, even in pure silence, felt a moment that made this entire wait worth it, that made this week, no matter how hard it may have been, all worth it. It was a simple meeting with these Humans, but it was one that made Luna feel worth, and that was something that, quite tragically, had become quite foreign to her.

It was a heartfelt moment, one Solar, with his years of seeing the stern Luna, actually wished he could witness all day long. Alas, he almost felt that a betrayal of his personality, despite something strange inside telling him to just enjoy the moment. Additionally, Solar was never a pony to receive the best of luck.

Luna, with speed that could match the Wonderbolts, shot her head to Solar, wiping her tear away also.

“Why are you still here?” Luna said dryly, her mood changing back to the misery that occurred earlier.

Oh no you don’t

Solar saw the change coming, and in an act of both selfish desire not to be on the receiving end of her bitterness again, but also in the spirit of cooperation between the two that he felt earlier, the plucky young Pony intervened and did something he guessed very few Ponies would dare.

He silenced the Princess.

“Listen here Princess!” Solar cried out, literally shocking Luna into silence. “I’m truly happy for you for what just happened, but look at it more deeply- “

“Thou dare silence thy Prin- “Luna cut off, to which Solar returned the favour.

“Yes, I do dare. We cannot waste this opportunity”

Luna’s anger was obviously rising, yet the mention of opportunity may have just saved Solar, if only for a moment. He didn’t waste this chance.

“That Human seemed to actually trust you and your advice, and if there’s a common trait among them, we cannot ignore that. I’ve been around enough to know things aren’t so great. Tensions with the Griffins, a Changeling attack possible at any moment just to mention a few. Now with these Humans taking more focus from other matters, Equestria will be in great peril if we neglect strategy of intrigue any longer”

Solar ensured he sounded passionate, not only because he wanted to convince Luna. He may be a selfish pony somewhat, not caring for individuals, but he cared for the nation itself. That was the bigger picture here.

“You ordered me to acquire information, as I’m sure you had a feeling I was comfortable and experienced with such a strategy, and I consider it my duty now to tell my Princess of the danger we face.”

Luna studied Solar with cross eyes, but she listened none the less. More importantly, Solar had yet to be blasted with Magic, something he considered likely until just recently, so maybe he was indeed making progress.

“Very Well, Solar Virtue. Tell me of the danger we face. “She let Solar continue, but that didn’t remove the bitterness that covered her words.

“Like I said, Equestria is threatened. It has been in the past, but now I feel the threats we face aren’t ones that can be beaten by some friendship lazer or whatever. Armies and nations can’t be defeated like that. So what I propose is this. We need these Humans on our side, we need to ensure the void that is the world of intrigue and all the dirty crap that power mad ponies inhabit isn’t ignored by the Crown. These Humans could be invaluable, and I know there’s something they aren’t telling us, something we need to know, and we aren’t going to find out what that is nor are we going to get them by our side by smiling and just letting them arrive here freely”

In his last point, Solar had been referring to somepony who was doing that exact thing.


Solar saw that Luna caught on to this fact. It was something he had been worried in saying. They were sister after all, yet no punishment came, Luna simply stood there.

Because she agreed.

“Power actually matters, and as much as I hate to say it, that dirty politically cess pit that you hated me for being in, that’ll actually matter, because we will need every advantage we can get. Just as an Army will field various weapons, so will we, but this is a weapon that bears no blade, just words and secrecy.”

For the second time today, Luna was apparently stunned with surprise, and Solar capitalised on that.

“I know you care Princess. About Equestria and all its ponies, your ponies.” Solar said sincerely, to which Luna momentarily shut her eyes as if to hide this fact. “Princess, they will all be dead if we don’t do the greater good and engage in less than desirable activities”

Solar paused, and then went in for the kill.

“Princess, the advice you gave to the Human, what you were telling him to do was to focus on the bigger picture essentially, was it not? So why shouldn’t we? Or should we follow Princess Celestia’s example and frolic in hiding state secrets from those who need them”

Luna’s head shot up at the mention of her sister, and Solar awaited to he shot against the wall.

That never came. Just a pause, and a stare from Luna, but one unlike any other.

She stared at him not in anger, not the look she had constantly given him at every other moment, one that made him feel like scum to her.

It was a look of equals.

“You…..you…..” Luna began, and then it came. “You are right, Solar Virtue. Indeed, me and sweet Celestia have been experiencing…. obstacles in our life, and I believe it does not benefit our ponies in the slightest.”

Solar remained silent, for he knew what was coming.

“Its…. it’s just she’s so short sighted, caring more for happiness and entertaining dignitaries than the Kingdom itself!”

Ah yes, the rant

“Not to mention she refuses to share knowledge with me, just as you say, Solar Virtue.” Luna began to pace around stressfully, not caring that Solar was present. “Why would she not tell me of these Humans? She has never done something of that like before?”

It was a real question to Solar. He took this as a question that the Princess would ask her loyal servant.

“I’m not sure Princess, but know this, I’ve considered my position here, how I’ve been, and I’ve honestly concluded that my foalish attitude doesn’t matter, and I hope you can believe me when I say I care about Equestria, and I want to help you protect it, by any means necessary.”

He was being genuine of course. His opinion of Luna had softened, and he accepted that. Now all that mattered was the same to happen, just for Luna. He needed her trust.

Luna stopped pacing to look at Solar, almost study him, to measure the integrity of his words.

“You performed your task in investigating the Humans admirably…” Luna began, to which Solar smiled proudly. “But you’d be a foal to believe such a success erases your dishonest past. I know what you ask, that you wish to play a part by my side while you attempt to turn your words into action.”

“I hope I can— “Solar began, before being swiftly shut up.

“Let it be known to you but I will consider your proposal to as you put it ‘focus on the bigger picture’. Regardless of my inner thoughts, what remains is the deceptive, boorish and illicit pony that you are, and I would bring great dishonesty to my Kingdom if I were to so easily let a pony of that kind into the ranks of the Night.”

It was all true, and Solar felt to need to pointlessly argue against it, or risk this whole venture collapsing, as it seemed potentially happening.

“Do not misinterpret my words. I know fully well, and with great humility, that a Pony is not perfect, but who stands before you in not Nightmare Moon, but Princess Luna. So here carefully, Solar Virtue, I will not permit the Pony you have become to remain.”

Solar had expected Luna to finish her sentence by saying that he should leave, such was the pony he was. But she didn’t, and Solar took this in only one way.

Luna hated who he was, but this was his one, and only one, opportunity to rectify his many faults. It would be the only way for him to get this opportunity granted,

Solar nodded, believing words would seem desperate.

“Now, hopefully to be said for the last time, leave” Luna commanded, and Solar, after so much defying of that command, finally did so.

Still, before he turned and left, one last look was shared between the two ponies. Solar had witnessed such much emotion from Luna today. From the anger she bore for him, to the innocence and vulnerability she had let out at Solar’s defiance and finally to the pure joy that came with her worth being put on show.

The look the two now looked upon each other in a look Solar couldn’t pin down or explain. It wasn’t anger or the like for sure. It bore resemblance to the look of quality the two shared, yet with something…. more, perhaps?

Luna had, as Solar presumed she regretted, opened up, be it in the form of emotional discharge, or admition about her issues with Celestia. He hadn’t been sent away permanently, not had his role been removed. For somepony like Luna to open up to him, and then still consider his wishes, what could that mean?

Solar considered the meaning as he left the room in silence, back to him chambers.

Officially, he was awaiting orders. Unofficially, he was considering his immediate future. Progress with Luna had been made, but the pony Luna wanted gone so desperately again made its presence known.

With Luna possibly on his side, he could achieve Celestia knows what. His power would be felt all across Equestria, even the ponies in the land didn’t know it.

Perhaps he should show some more genuineness like the Human Dig showed. To be an actually good pony for once.

Maybe one day. Perhaps.

Author's Note:

So this chapter was longer than i expected.
Though i think im starting to like the lengths are these chapter, around 7k. For this arc, i think it suits it well. Enough words to have enough substance while still closing it off, if i need to.
Anyway sorry for the wait, guys. the Pony movie distracted me, which i need to say, you should all watch. its very fun and i enjoyed every moment of it, so if you get the chance, go a watch it. you wont regret it.
Till next time people, and thanks again for reading

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